Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is an IETF standard export protocol for sending Netflow packets. IPFIX is based on Netflow version 9.
The IPFIX feature formats Netflow data and transfers the Netflow information from an exporter to a collector using UDP as transport protocol.
Restrictions for IPFIX
These IPFIX features are not supported:
Variable-length information element in the IPFIX template
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as the transport protocol
Limitations for IPFIX
You cannot modify an exporter version of an exporter map that is already applied to an interface. To modify the exporter version, first remove the exporter configuration applied on the interface, later modify the version and apply the configuration to the interface.
An interface can have three different monitor-maps but all the monitor maps should have the same version for the exporters. There can be different exporters for the three monitor maps but they all need to have the same exporter version either v9 or IPFIX.
You can only have monitor-maps one of each record type attached to an interface, that is one monitor-map for IPv4 record, one monitor-map for IPv6 record and one for MPLS record. There can be different exporter maps for these three monitor-maps but all the exporter maps should have same exporter version configured, either v9 or IPFIX.
Multiple sampler-maps can be configured but only two sampler maps can be appled to an interface across the system.