Manual ZTP Invocation
Manual Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) can be invoked manually via CLI commands. This manual way helps you to provision the router in stages. Ideal for testing out ZTP configuration without a reboot. If you would like to invoke a ZTP on an interfaces(data ports or management port), you don't have to bring up and configure the interface first. You can execute the ztp initiate command, even if the interface is down, ZTP script will bring it up and invoke dhclient. So ZTP could run over all interfaces no matter it is up or down.
Use the ztp initiate , ztp breakout , ztp terminate , ztp enable, ztp disable, and ztp clean commands to force ZTP to run over more interfaces.
ztp initiate — Invokes a new ZTP session. Logs can be found in /var/log/ztp.log.
ztp terminate —Terminates any ZTP session in progress.
ztp enable —Enables the ZTP at boot.
ztp disable —Disables the ZTP at boot.
ztp clean —Removes only the ZTP state files.
From release 6.2.3, the log file ztp.log is saved in /var/log folder, and a copy of log file is available at /disk0:/ztp/ztp.log location using a soft link. However, executing ztp clean clears files saved on disk and not on /var/log folder where current ZTP logs are saved. In order to have a log from current ZTP run, you must manually clear the ZTP log file from /var/log/ folder.
For more information of the commands, see the ZTP command chapter in the .
This task shows the most common use case of manual ZTP invocation: invoke 4x10 breakout discovery and ZTP.
- ztp breakout
- ztp initiate dataport
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 |
ztp breakout Example:
Tries the 4x10 breakout on 100 GE interfaces that supports breakout and are operationally down after no-shut. If the 10x10 breakout configure brings any 10GE interface operationally up, the breakout configuration is retained; if not, the breakout configuration is reverted. |
Step 2 |
ztp initiate dataport Example:
Invokes DHCP sessions on all data ports that are either up or could be brought up. ZTP runs in the background. |