In the event of an FPD incompatibility with your card, you might receive the following error message:
LC/0/0/CPU0:Jul 5 03:00:18.929 UTC: optics_driver[220]: %L2-OPTICS-3-BAD_FPGA_IMAGE : Detected bad MI FPGA image programmed in MI FPGA SPI flash in 0/0/CPU0 location: Failed to validate meta data CRC
LC/0/0/CPU0:Jul 5 03:00:19.019 UTC: optics_driver[220]: %L2-OPTICS-3-BACKUP_FPGA_LOADED : Detected Backup FPGA image running on 0/0/CPU0 - primary image corrupted (@0x8c = 0x44)
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jul 5 03:00:48.987 UTC: fpd-serv[301]: %PKT_INFRA-FM-3-FAULT_MAJOR : ALARM_MAJOR :FPD-NEED-UPGRADE :DECLARE :0/0:
Upgrades to the Cisco IOS XR software might result in an FPD incompatibility. Ensure that you perform the FPD upgrade procedure
and resolve all incompatibilities, for the cards to function properly.
The use of the force option when performing a FPD upgrade is not recommended except under explicit direction from Cisco engineering or TAC for
a one-time purpose only.