Setup Root User Credentials
When the router boots for the first time, the system prompts the user to configure root credentials (username and password). These credentials are configured as the root user on the XR (root-lr) console, the System Admin VM (root-system), and as disaster-recovery credentials.
Step 1 |
Enter root-system username: username Enter the username of the root user. The character limit is 1023. In this example, the name of the root user is "root".
When starting the router for the first time, or after a reimage, the router does not have any user configuration. In such cases, the router prompts you to specify the "root-system username". However, if the router has been configured previously, the router prompts you to enter the "username", as described in Step 4. |
Step 2 |
Enter secret: password Enter the password for the root user. The character range of the password is from 6 through 253 characters. The password that you type is not displayed on the CLI for security reasons. The root username and password must be safeguarded as it has the superuser privileges. It is used to access the complete router configuration. |
Step 3 |
Enter secret again: password Reenter the password for the root user. The password is not accepted if it does not match the password that is entered in the previous step. The password that you type is not displayed on the CLI for security reasons. |
Step 4 |
Username: username Enter the root-system username to login to the XR VM console. |
Step 5 |
Password: password Enter the password of the root user. The correct password displays the router prompt. You are now logged into the XR VM console. |
Step 6 |
(Optional) show run username Displays user details.