Example: Configure Event-driven Telemetry for LLDP

Telemetry supports NETCONF event notifications where the NETCONF client is configured to receive event notifications from a NETCONF server through a subscription. The NETCONF client must subscribe using a create-subscription request. Currently, only the events from Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is supported. These event notifications are sent until either the NETCONF session or the subscription is terminated.


Configuring a sensor group and a subscription is not required for receiving NETCONF notifications. While sensor path and subscription configurations are required for receiving telemetry events, NETCONF create-subscription is required for receiving NETCONF notifications.

To generate NETCONF notifications:
  1. Enable NETCONF agent and SSH sub system.
    ssh server netconf
    netconf-yang agent ssh
  2. Enable model-driven telemetry.
    telemetry model-driven
  3. Enable LLDP.

This example shows event-driven telemetry fo LLDP configuration data.

  1. Create a destination group.
    port 56782
    address-family ipv4
    telemetry model-driven
    destination-group <destination-udp>
      address-family ipv4 <client-ip>1 port <udp port num>
       encoding self-describing-gpb
       protocol udp
    destination-group <destination-tcp>
      address-family ipv4 <client-ip> port <tcp port num>
       encoding gpb
       protocol tcp
    destination-group <destination-grpc>
      address-family ipv4 <grpc client ip>port <grpc port num>
       encoding self-describing-gpb
       protocol grpc no-tls
  2. Create a sensor group.
    sensor-group <sensor-group-name>
      sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-lldp-oper:lldp/global-lldp/lldp-info 
      sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-lldp-oper:lldp/nodes/node/interfaces/interface  
      sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-lldp-oper:lldp/nodes/node/neighbors/details/detail    
  3. Create a subscription.
    subscription udp-out
      sensor-group-id <sensor-group-name> sample-interval 0
      destination-id <destination-udp>
    subscription <subscription-name>
      sensor-group-id <sensor-group-name> sample-interval 0
      destination-id <destination-tcp>
    subscription <subscription-name>
      sensor-group-id <sensor-group-name> sample-interval 0
    netconf-yang agent
  4. Set the notification to stream data when an event occurs.
    Router(config-lldp)#timer 12
    Router(config-lldp)#holdtime 150
    Router (config-lldp)#commit
    Router (config-lldp)#exit
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <notification xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0">
     <lldp xmlns="http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-lldp-oper">
    Ready to send a request.
    Paste your request or enter 'get', 'get-config', 'create-sub', or 'bye' to quit):
  5. Validate response received from NETCONF agent.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <notification xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0">
     <lldp xmlns="http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-lldp-oper">