A de-jitter buffer is a component in a packet-based network that helps mitigate the effects of jitter. Jitter refers to the
variation in the arrival time of packets, which can lead to inconsistent delays and packet loss in real-time applications
like voice or video.
The de-jitter buffer works by temporarily storing incoming packets and then releasing them at a regulated pace. It smooths
out the variations in packet arrival times and ensures a more consistent and reliable stream of packets for playback.
The primary purpose of the de-jitter buffer is to ensure a steady and continuous playback of real-time data, such as voice
packets in a voice-over-IP (VoIP) call. By absorbing and compensating for the variable delay, it helps maintain a stable voice
quality without noticeable gaps or interruptions in the audio stream.
The size of the de-jitter buffer is a critical parameter to consider in network design. It should be large enough to handle
the maximum expected delay variation (jitter) while still providing an acceptable level of delay. However, the buffer cannot
be too large, as excessive buffering can introduce additional delay and affect the real-time nature of the application.
The de-jitter buffer for the TSoP can be configured to the following values:
Example configuration
This example shows how to configure De-jitter buffer.
sh controll cem 0/0/0/10 payload-dejitter-mapping
Thu Jan 19 12:40:16.206 UTC
Client type : STM1
Client rate (in kbps) : 155000
Client default payload (in bytes) : 810
Client default dejitter (in usec) : 1296
Payload (in bytes) Possible dejitter values (in microseconds)
810 2633, 1296, 627, 292
For configuring out of range, we will get the below error:
Int CEM <>
cem payload 810 dejitter 696