Managing Cisco Container Platform Infrastructure Configuration

This chapter contains the following topics:

Managing Users and RBAC

Cisco Container Platform provides Role-based Access Control (RBAC) through built-in static roles, namely the Administrator and User roles. Role-based access allows you to use local accounts and LDAP for authentication and authorization.

Configuring Local Users

Cisco Container Platform allows you to manage local users. An administrator can add a user, and assign an appropriate role and cluster(s) to the user.


Use of local authentication is not recommended and is considered less secure for production data.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured LDAP Server for authentication of Cisco Container Platform users.

For more information, see Configuring AD Servers.


Step 1

In the left pane, click User Management, and then click the Users tab.

The Add User screen appears.
Step 2


Step 3

In the USERNAME field, enter a username.

Step 4

From the ROLE drop-down list, choose one of the following roles:

  • Administrator

  • User

Step 5

If you want to generate a passphrase automatically:


    The User Details screen appears.
  2. Click COPY PASSPHRASE to copy the passphrase to your clipboard.

  3. Click CLOSE.

Step 6

If you want to type a passphrase of your own, enter a passphrase in the PASSPHRASE field.

  1. In the FIRST NAME field, enter the first name of your user.

  2. In the LAST NAME field, enter the last name of your user.

  3. Click ADD.

The new user is displayed on the User Management page.
You can edit or delete a user by using the options available under the ACTIONS column.

Modifying Local Authentication Policy


There will be a temporary downtime for the Cisco Container Platform API during this procedure.

Follow these steps to modify the local authentication policies for the local accounts.


Step 1

SSH to a control plane master node.

Step 2

Edit the API auth configmap kaas-api-auth.

kubectl edit cm kaas-api-auth
Step 3

Modify the local authentication parameters under

For example:

    apiVersion: v1
        data: |-
        kind: ConfigMap
        name: api-auth
        namespace: default
For more information on the local authentication parameters, see Local Authentication Parameters.
Step 4

Delete the pod to restart the API service.

kubectl delete pod -l app=api

Local Authentication Parameters

The following table describes the parameters used for local authentication.


Default Setting




Minimum character length of passphrase.


0 (Forever)

Number of days for which a passphrase is valid before requiring a change



Number of days for which a warning is sent to the user to warn expiry of passphrase



Number of days after a passphrase has expired during which you are allowed to continue to login



Passphrase reuse limitation value



Number of days after which passphrase reuse is allowed


{"cisco123", "ccp123"}

Explicit list of restricted passphrases



Restrict passphrases based on a common dictionary



Enable passphrase complexity requirement



Passphrase complexity requirement (range 0.00..0.99)



Enable rate-limiting on login endpoint



Rate-limiting burst limit for unsuccessful login attempts



Rate-limiting sustained limit for unsuccessful login attempts, for example: '100/day'


Rate limit applies to each worker process of an API service. An API service is backed by 10 worker processes, which serve requests in a round-robin fashion. The overall number of requests before throttle occurs is calculated using the formula: Rate value x 10

For example: The default allowed overall requests for login attempts is calculated as follows: (THROTTLE_ANON_LOGIN_BURST) * 10

= (60) x 10

= 600 requests/mins

Changing Login Passphrase


Step 1

In the left pane, click User Management, and then click the Users tab.

Step 2

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Change passphrase corresponding to your name.

Administrators can change passphrase and role for other users as well.
Step 3

If you want to generate a passphrase automatically:


  2. Click CHANGE.

    The User Details screen appears.
  3. Click COPY PASSPHRASE to copy the passphrase to your clipboard.

  4. Click CLOSE.

Step 4

If you want to use a passphrase of your own:

  1. Enter a passphrase in the PASSPHRASE field.

  2. Click CHANGE.

The passphrase is changed successfully.

Recovering Login Passphrase for Local Admin


Step 1

Perform one of the following steps:

  1. If you have SSH access to the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane nodes, log in to a Cisco Container Platform Control Plane node.

  2. If you have the Kubeconfig file, save it in the $HOME/.kube directory. You can specify other kubeconfig files by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable or by setting the --kubeconfig flag.

Step 2

List the available pods.

kubectl get pods
Step 3

Search for the pod that has the following format:

Step 4

Reset the login passphrase for the admin user.

kubectl exec kaas-corc-7df5d76f87-55n7b ./password_reset
Password reset for 'admin' user : <50-char-long-random-string>
The local admin passphrase is reset to a 50-character random string. You can choose to continue using this passphrase, or reset the passphrase by changing the login passphrase.

Restoring Login Access Using a Breakglass Account

If you are an admin user and you are unable to log in to Cisco Container Platform, you can use a breakglass account to restore your login access.

Follow these steps to restore your login access:


Step 1

SSH in to the Cisco Container Platform control plane master node.

Step 2

Create a breakglass account.

 $ python /opt/ccp/bin/ --enable-user breakglass --password <password> --controlplane https://<CCP_Control_Plane_IP:Port>
An emergency breakglass account is created and the ccp-api pod is restarted.
Step 3

Log in to the Cisco Container Platform web interface using the newly created breakglass account credentials and make the required LDAP configuration changes to restore your login access.

Step 4

Disable the breakglass user account.

 $ python /opt/ccp/bin/ --disable-user breakglass -password <password> --controlplane https://<CCP_Control_Plane_IP:Port>

Configuring AD Servers

LDAP authentication is performed using a service account that can access the LDAP database and query for user accounts. You will need to configure the AD server and service account in Cisco Container Platform.


Step 1

In the left pane, click User Management, click the Active Directory tab, and then click EDIT.

Step 2

In the SERVER IP ADDRESS field, type the IP address of the AD server.

Step 3

In the PORT field, type the port number for the AD server.

Step 4

For improved security, we recommend that you check STARTTLS.

Step 5

In the BASE DN field, type the domain name of the AD server for all the accounts that you have.

For example:


You can use a comma-separated list to enter multiple domain names.
Step 6

2. In the ACCOUNT USERNAME field, enter an LDAP CN.

For example:


Step 7

In the PASSPHRASE field, type the passphrase of the AD account.

Step 8


Troubleshooting AD User Credentials


Step 1

Run the ldapwhoami command-line tool to validate the AD service account credentials.


ldapwhoami -x -W -D <ACCOUNT USERNAME> -H ldap://<SERVER IP ADDRESS>/


ldapwhoami -x -W -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org -H ldap://
Step 2

When prompted, type the passphrase of the AD account.

If the user credential validation fails, an Invalid Credentials message is displayed.

Configuring AD Groups

Cisco Container Platform allows you to manage users using AD groups. An administrator can add users to AD groups, and then assign appropriate roles and clusters to the groups.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured the AD server that you want to use.

For more information on configuring AD servers, see Configuring AD Servers.


Step 1

In the left pane, click User Management, and then click the Groups tab.

Step 2


Step 3

In the ACTIVE DIRECTORY GROUP field, type the list of distinguished names for all the accounts that you have.

For example, type CN=CCP-Cluster1-Admin,CN=Users,DC=aervacan-lab,DC=local, where the distinguished names are entered using a comma-separated list.

Step 4

Specify information such as the name of the AD group and the role you want to assign to the group.

If the AD group is associated with the Administrator role, by default, access is provided to all clusters. But, if the AD group is associated with the User role, you need to assign a cluster.
Step 5

From the CLUSTERS drop-down list, choose the names of the cluster that you want to assign to the AD group.

Step 6


Troubleshooting AD Groups

Consider an AD group with the following parameters:


  • PORT: 389

  • BASE DN: dc=example,dc=org

  • ACCOUNT USERNAME: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org


Step 1

Run the ldapsearch command-line tool to view users who belong to the cn=Admin Users,dc=example,dc=org group.

ldapsearch -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -W -b "dc=example,dc=org" -h \'(&(memberOf=cn=Admin Users,dc=example,dc=org))' 'sAMAccountName'
Step 2

Run the ldapsearch command-line tool to view the list of groups to which the cn=user,dc=example,dc=org user belongs.

ldapsearch -x -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -W -b "cn=user,dc=example,dc=org" -h 'memberOf'
The group information that is configured in the AD service is displayed.

Managing Provider Profile

Cisco Container Platform enables you to define the provider profile on which clusters can be created.

You can configure multiple provider profiles in an instance of Cisco Container Platform and use the same provider profile for multiple clusters.

Adding Provider Profile

After your Cisco Container Platform control plane is available, log in to the Cisco Container Platform web interface, and then add the required provider profiles.

This section contains the following topics:

Adding vSphere Provider Profile

Before you begin

Cisco Container Platform interacts with vSphere through the user that you configure when you add a provider profile. You need to ensure that this user has the necessary privileges. For more information, see Minimum User Privileges on vSphere.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Providers.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click NEW PROVIDER and enter information such as name, description, address, port, username and passphrase of the provider profile.

Step 3

Click ADD.

The vSphere provider profile that you added is displayed on the Infrastructure Providers > vSphere screen.

Adding Amazon Provider Profile

Cisco Container Platform interacts with Amazon through the user that you configure when you add a provider profile. You need to ensure that this user has the necessary privileges. For more information on minimum user privileges on AWS, see Minimum User Privileges on AWS.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for configuring clusters on AWS EKS. For more information, see Prerequisites for Configuring Clusters on AWS EKS.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Provider.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click NEW PROVIDER and specify the following information:

  1. In the PROVIDER NAME field, enter a name for the related Amazon account.

  2. In the ACCESS KEY ID field, enter the access key ID for the related Amazon account.

    For more information on creating an access key ID, see Creating Access Keys.
  3. In the SECRET ACCESS KEY field, enter the access key for the related Amazon account.

    For more information on creating a secret access key, see Creating Access Keys.
  4. Click ADD.

    The access key and secret must not be from your AWS root user account.
The Amazon provider profile that you added is displayed on the Infrastructure Providers > AWS screen.

For more information, see Administering Clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EKS.

Adding OpenStack Provider Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Provider.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click the NEW PROVIDER and enter the following information:

  1. In the PROVIDER NAME field, enter a name for the related OpenStack account.

  2. From the PROTOCOL drop-down list, choose the protocol that you want to use.

  3. In the AUTH URL field, enter the URL that is used to authenticate against an Identity Server.

  4. In the REGION field, enter an appropriate OpenStack region.

  5. In the DOMAIN NAME field, enter the domain name account that is used for accessing the OpenStack server.

  6. In the PROJECT NAME field, enter project name that you want to use.

  7. In the USERNAME field, enter the username for the OpenStack provider profile.

  8. In the PASSPHRASE field, enter a passphrase for the OpenStack provider profile.

  9. In the CA CERTIFICATE field, add a root CA certificate to allow tenant clusters to securely connect to additional services.

  10. Click ADD.

The OpenStack provider profile that you added is displayed on the Infrastructure Providers > Openstack screen. For more information on administering clusters on OpenStack, see Administering Clusters on OpenStack.

Adding Azure Provider Profile

Cisco Container Platform interacts with Azure through the user that you configure when you add a provider profile. You need to ensure that this user has the necessary privileges. For more information on minimum user privileges on Azure see, Minimum User Privileges on AKS.
Before you begin

Ensure that you have created a service principal in your Azure account and noted down the values of the id, appID, password, and tenant parameters. For more information, see Creating Service Principals.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Provider.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click the NEW PROVIDER and specify the following information:

  1. In the NAME field, enter a name for your Azure account.

  2. If you want to use Virtual Kubelet to provision pods on Azure Container Instance in your clusters on AKS, in the APPLICATION NAME field, enter the name of the service principal that you have created for your Azure cluster.

  3. In the CLIENT ID field, enter the value of the appID parameter from Creating Service Principals.

  4. In the CLIENT SECRET field, enter the value of the password parameter from Creating Service Principals.

  5. In the TENANT ID field, enter the value of the tenant parameter from Creating Service Principals.

  6. In the SUBSCRIPTION ID field, enter the value of the id parameter from Creating Service Principals.

  7. Click ADD.

The Azure provider profile is displayed on the Infrastructure Providers > Azure screen.

For more information on administering Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters, see Administering Clusters on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Creating Service Principals

Step 1

Login to the Azure Portal.

Step 2

Install the Azure CLI.

Step 3

Follow these steps to configure the Azure CLI to use the Azure account that you want to use with Cisco Container Platform:

  1. Log in to the Azure CLI.

    az login
    The URL to the device login page and an authentication code is displayed.
  2. Use a browser to access the device login page, enter the code that you have received, and then click Continue.

  3. Choose your Azure account.

Step 4

From the command output on the Azure CLI, note down the value of the id parameter. This value is required while adding an Azure provider profile to Cisco Container Platform.

For example:

     "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
     "id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-1111-cc22-ddddd3333444ddd",
     "isDefault": true,
     "name": "Microsoft Azure Enterprise",
     "state": "Enabled",
     "tenantId": "xxxxx-yyyy-999z-9090-uuuuu999uuuu",
     "user": {
     "name": "",
     "type": "user"
Step 5

Create a service principal using the Azure CLI.

 az ad sp create-for-rbac -n myserviceprincipal

Where, myServicePrincipal is the name of the service principal. You may give any name for your service principal.

Step 6

From the command output on the Azure CLI, note down the values of the appID, password, and tenant parameters. These values are required while adding an Azure provider profile to Cisco Container Platform.

For example:

     "appId": "qqqqqqqq-a1a1-2b2b-9z9z-wwww1111vvvv",
     "displayName": "myserviceprincipal",
     "name": "http://myserviceprincipal",
     "password": "mmmmmm-n0n0-p1p1-q3q3-uuuu0000vvvv",
     "tenant": "xxxxx-yyyy-999z-9090-uuuuu999uuuu"

Adding Google Kubernetes Engine Provider Profile

Before you begin
Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for configuring clusters on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). For more information, see Prerequisites for Configuring Clusters on GKE.

Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Provider.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click NEW PROVIDER and specify the following information:

  1. In the PROVIDER NAME field, enter a name for the related GKE account.

  2. In the CREDENTIALS field, copy and paste the content from the credentials.json file that you created on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

    For more information, see Creating User Credentials on GCP.
  3. From the PROJECT ID drop-down list, choose the project ID in which you want to create the GKE clusters.

Step 3

Click ADD.

For more information on administering clusters on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), see Administering Clusters on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Modifying Provider Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Providers.

The Infrastructure Providers screen appears.
Step 2

Click the vSphere, AWS, OpenStack, Azure, or GKE tab as necessary.

Step 3

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Edit for the provider profile that you want to modify.

Step 4

Change the provider details as necessary and click SUBMIT.

Deleting Provider Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click Infrastructure Providers.

Step 2

Click the vSphere, AWS, OpenStack, Azure, or GKE tab as necessary.

Step 3

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Delete corresponding to the provider profile that you want to delete.

Step 4

Click DELETE in the confirmation dialog box.

Managing ACI Profile

Cisco Container Platform enables you to define ACI profiles using which tenant clusters can be created.

You can define multiple ACI profiles and use the same profile for multiple clusters.

Adding ACI Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click ACI Profiles.

Step 2

Click Add New ACI Profile and perform these steps:

  1. Specify information such as profile name, IP address, username, and passphrase of the ACI instance.

    If there is more than one host, use a comma-separated host list in the APIC IP ADDRESSES field.
  2. In the NAMESERVERS field, enter the IP address of all the DNS servers that the ACI fabric can access.

  3. From the VMM DOMAIN drop-down list, choose the Virtual Machine Manager Domain (VMMD) that you want to use.

  4. In the INFRASTRUCTURE VLAN ID field, enter the VLAN number for layer 2 networking.

  5. From the VRF drop-down list, choose the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) IP address.

  6. From the L3OUT POLICY NAME drop-down list, choose the ACI object for allowing external internet connectivity.

  7. From the L3OUT NETWORK NAME drop-down list, choose the external network that is reachable through the L3OUT object.

  8. From the AAEP NAME drop-down list, choose an Attachable Access Entity Profile (AAEP) name to associate the VMM domain with an AAEP.

  9. In the STARTING SUBNET FOR PODS field, enter the starting IP address of the pod subnet.

    The IP addresses for the pods are allocated from the pod subnet.
  10. In the STARTING SUBNET FOR SERVICE field, enter the starting IP address of the service subnet.

    The IP addresses for services are allocated from the service subnet.
  11. In the CONTROL PLANE CONTRACT NAME field, enter the name of the contract that is provided by the endpoint group of the control plane.

    This setting allows traffic from the control plane cluster to the tenant cluster.
  12. In the NODE VLAN START ID field, enter the starting VLAN ID of the node network.

    The IP addresses for the VLAN are allocated from the node network.
  13. In the NODE VLAN END ID field, enter the ending VLAN ID of the node network.

    Ensure that you configure two VLANs for each cluster.
  14. In the OPFLEX MULTICAST RANGE field, enter a range for the Opflex multicast.

Step 3


Modifying ACI Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click ACI Configuration.

Step 2

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Edit for the ACI profile that you want to modify.

Step 3

Change the ACI profile details as necessary and click SUBMIT.

Deleting ACI Profile


Step 1

In the left pane, click ACI Configuration.

Step 2

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Delete for the ACI profile that you want to delete.

Step 3

Click DELETE in the confirmation dialog box.

Managing Networks


This section applies to a non-ACI environment.

Based on the information that you provided during installation, Cisco Container Platform creates a network, subnet, and an IP pool. Cisco Container Platform requires a minimum of six IP addresses. After installation, you can add or modify the IP pool range, subnet, or network by using the Cisco Container Platform web interface. The IP address pools define the IP address ranges that are managed by Cisco Container Platform.


You must ensure that the range of IP addresses in the VIP pools is outside of the IP addresses that are assigned by DHCP.

The IP addresses that are managed by Cisco Container Platform are used for the following purposes:

  • A VIP for the Cisco Container Platform Kubernetes Master

  • A VIP for the external Ingress access of Cisco Container Platform

  • Static Interface IP addresses for master and worker nodes in each tenant cluster

  • A VIP for the Kubernetes master of each tenant cluster

  • A VIP for the external NGINX Ingress Controller of each tenant cluster

  • VIPs for any LoadBalancer type Kubernetes Service of a tenant cluster

To create tenant clusters, you need to configure a subnet during cluster creation. The total number of free IP addresses across all the pools for that subnet must be at least:

3 + (Number of tenant worker nodes)

Modifying Networks


Step 1

In the left pane, click Networks.

The Networks page displays the default network.
Step 2

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Edit for the network that you want to modify.

Alternatively, click the SUBNETS tab or the POOLS tab, and then click EDIT from the right pane to view the Edit dialog box.
Step 3

Modify the network name as necessary and click SUBMIT.

Adding Subnets

If you want to allocate VIP from a different subnet CIDR you need to add the subnet.


Step 1

In the left pane, click Networks, and then click the network to which you want to add a subnet.

Step 2

From the right pane, click NEW SUBNET.

Step 3

Enter a name and CIDR for the subnet.

Step 4

Enter a gateway IP address that you want to use.

A gateway IP address allows a cluster to acess other networks.
Step 5

Enter the IP address of the necessary DNS nameserver.

You can click +NAMESERVER to enter IP addresses of additional nameservers.
Step 6


Modifying Subnets


Step 1

In the left pane, click Networks, and then click the network that contains the subnet you want to modify.

Step 2

Click the SUBNETS tab.

Step 3

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Edit for the subnet that you want to modify.

Step 4

Modify the subnet name, CIDR, gateway IP or list of nameservers as necessary.

Step 5


Adding VIP Pool


Step 1

In the left pane, click Networks, and then click the network to which you want to add a VIP pool.

Step 2

From the right pane, click NEW POOL.

Step 3

Specify a name, subnet and IP address range for the VIP pool.

Step 4


Modifying VIP Pool


Step 1

In the left pane, click Networks, and then click the network that contains the VIP pool you want to modify.

Step 2

Click the POOLS tab.

Step 3

From the drop-down list displayed under the ACTIONS column, choose Edit for the VIP pool that you want to modify.

Step 4

Change the pool name and the IP address as necessary, and then click SUBMIT.