Feature overview

This section contains the following topics:


Workflows help you automate business processes in a standardized manner to bridge the gap between expressing and modelling business logic.

Workflow definitions are written based on Serverless Workflow specification. For the Crosswork Workflow Manager version 1.0, only a subset of the specification is supported. This chapter describes all the supported features and gives practicable examples for each.

Wokflow definition features

A new workflow can be defined in either JSON or YAML formatting. The structure of the workflow definition is described in the specification.

The supported high-level components are as follows:

Toplevel fields

Table 1. Toplevel fields




Unique identifier for the workflow.


Workflow name.


Workflow version based on Semantic Versioning.


Version of Serverless Workflow specification release this definition adheres to. Current implementation is as per 0.9 specification.


Workflow description text.


State to be executed first.

Example in JSON:

    "id": "MyWorkflow",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "specVersion": "0.9",
    "name": "My Workflow",
    "description": "My Workflow Description",
    "start": "SomeState",
    "states": [],
    "functions": [],


If you prefer to use YAML instead of JSON, you can use a converter for the examples in this document.

Retry definitions

Retry definitions are policies that can be assigned to activities executing in a workflow to control how the workflow engine deals with faults and retries in the event of failure.

The following properties of retry definitions are supported:

Table 2. Retry definitions



Definition name.


Time delay between retry attempts in ISO 8601 format, for example "PT30S" for a 30 second delay.


Maximum number of attempts. 0 for infinite. If you did not want any retries, maxAttempts should be set to 1.


Maximum amount of delay between retry attempts. Uses ISO 8601 format.


Used to multiply delay value - if provided before each retry attempt. A float value. For example, if initial delay is 30 seconds, and multiplier is 1.5, the retries will increase by 50% each time.


   "retries": [
            "name": "Default",
            "delay": "PT1M",
            "maxAttempts": 5,
            "multiplier": 1.2
            "maxDelay": "PT3M"

Error definitions

Error definitions describe errors that can occur during workflow execution. Whilst the serverless specification supports referencing an external file (JSON or YAML) that lists the errors, CWM will only handle errors defined in the Workflow definition.

The following properties of error definitions are supported:

Table 3. Error definitions




Definition name.


Error code that could be returned - currently, this field is not used for error matching.


Should describe the error message. This description is used to match against error returned by activities.


Workflow Serverless specification doesn't have an option to specify error message which means that currently description is being used for matching against errors.


"errors": [
        "name": "My Custom Error",
        "code": 0,
        "description": "Specific Error Message"

Function definitions

Function definitions describe the function available for the workflow to execute and the name of the adapter and activity that should be invoked by the engine when that function is invoked. Whilst Serverless Workflow specification supports various types of functions, CWM will only support custom type functions that map to activities exposed via Adapters.

The following properties of function definitions are supported:

Table 4. Function definitions




Name of function definition.


Defines the adapter name and activity name that should be invoked by the engine. Format is <adapter name>.<activity name>, for example, the NSO Adapter has an activity called RestconfGet - an operation for this would be the name of activity as registered in worker, for example "RestconfGet". Please note this is case sensitive.


Allows modelling of information beyond the core definition of the Serverless Workflow specification. The "worker" key is used to define which Taskqueue the activities will be executed on. CWM 1.0 supports the concept of Workers that execute an Activity and are assigned Taskqueues that they listen to. To schedule an activity to run, the workflow engine places the activity on a Taskqueue. A worker process picks up the tasks to execute from Taskqueue and executes the activity.


"functions": [
            "name": "NSO.RestconfGet",
            "operation": "restconf_Get"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "NSO.RestconfPut",
            "operation": "restconf_Put"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "NSO.RestconfPost",
            "operation": "restconf_Post"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "NSO.RestconfPatch",
            "operation": "restconf_Patch"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "NSO.RestconfDelete",
            "operation": "restconf_Delete"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "NSO.SyncFrom",
            "operation": "device_SyncFrom"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
            "name": "REST.Post",
            "operation": "rest_Post"
            "metadata":  {
                "worker": "defaultWorker"
        } ]


States define the building blocks of workflow execution logic. Different types of states provide control flow logic to the Execution Engine and also allow you to define which activities to execute.

Common state properties

The following properties are common to all states:

Table 5. Common state properties




State name.


Supported types are: "operation", "switch", "sleep", "inject", "foreach".


Next transition of workflow - see below for further details. Not applicable to SwitchState. For switch state, the transition option is defined on a per condition basis.


If the workflow should end after this state - see below for further details. Not applicable to SwitchState. For switch state, the end option is defined on a per condition basis.


Filter data input and output for the state - not applicable to "sleep" state.


Defines error handling for a given state, see below for further details.  Can match based on Error Definition and control transition/end based on matched error including Compensation.


If true, this state is used to compensate another state. Default: false.


Unique name of state which is responsible for compensation of this state.  State identified here, is executed if "compensate" is set to true for transition/end property.


For any given state, you can only have one transition or end object. At least one must be present.


Compensation provides you a way to define undoing the work done as part of a workflow. For each state, a compensation state can be defined. If, during execution, a condition is reached where compensation logic should be executed, a "compensate" flag can be set when defining a transition/end. The flag will result in executing states that are to be usedForCompensation. Refer to the Workflow Serverless specification for more information: Workflow compensation.

For CWM 1.0 implementation, each state marked for compensation is added to a queue. The compensation states are executed in terms of Last in First Out.


Serverless specification supports defining transition either as string or object with further properties. Crosswork Workflow Manager only supports the object format. Current CWM 1.0 implementation only supports the "nextState" property:

Table 6. Transition




The name of state that workflow will transition to next.


If set to true, triggers workflow compensation before next transition is taken. Default: false.


Serverless specification supports defining end either as string or object with further properties. Crosswork Workflow Manager only supports the object format. Current CWM 1.0 implementation only supports the "nextState" property:

Table 7. End states




Boolean value to define if this state should terminate the workflow.


If set to true, triggers workflow compensation before execution completes. Default: false.


State Data Filters allow you to define input and output data filters. Input Data filters allow you to select data that is required. Output Data filters are applied before transitioning to the next state, allowing you to filter data to be passed into the next state. More information on State Data Filters can be found here. Both the input and output filters are workflow expressions defined in jq. If no filters are specified, then all data is passed.

Table 8. stateDataFilter




Input filter jq expression.


Output filter jq expression.


"states": [
            "name": "step1",
            "type": "operation",
            "stateDataFilter" : {
                "input": "${ . }"
                "output": "${ . }"
            "transition": {
                "nextState": "downloadImage"
            "name": "step2",
            "type": "operation",
            "end": {
                "terminate": "true"


onErrors property for a state defines errors that may occur during state execution and how they should be handled. More information on onErrors can be found here.

Table 9. onErrors



errorRef or errorRefs

Define either a single errorDef or array of ErrorDefs to match for this state.


Next transition of workflow if the error returned in state matches any of the error description in errorRef/errorRefs. Only transition or end can be defined.


The workflow should end if the error returned in state matches any of the error description in errorRef/errorRefs. Only transition or end can be defined.


"onErrors": [
            "errorRef": "My Custom Error",
            "end" : {
                "terminate": true
                "compensate": true

Operation state overview

As per serverless workflow specification, operation states define sets of actions to be executed in sequence or parallel. Crosswork Workflow Manager only supports execution of actions in sequence.

An action can define invocation of 3 different types of services:

  • Execution of function definition.

  • Execution of another workflow definition as a child workflow (not supported in current implementation).

  • Referencing events that may be "produced" or "consumed" (not supported in current implementation).


Only execution of function definition is supported in current implementation.


Action definition specifies the function that should be executed for this state. The following properties are supported:

Parameter Description
name Action name.
functionRef Object which defines the name of the function to be executed, and optionally arguments to pass into the activity the function points to. See below for further details.
retryRef Name of retry definition defined globally. For example, default.
sleep Object that optionally defines time to sleep either before or after action execution. See below for further details.
actionDataFilter Filter to control what data should be passed to action, how to filter the results returned by action, and where to store the filtered results in the global state data. See below for further details.


Parameter Description
refName Name of function referencing the function definition.
arguments Arguments to be passed to the function - this can be a JSON object with complex structure. For Adapter activities, the structure has to be JSON as follows:
"input": {
"resource": {


Detailed information on actionDataFilter with examples can be found here.

Parameter Description
fromStateData Workflow expression in jq that filters data from state data to pass into function.
useResults Boolean flag to control whether data returned from function execution should added/merged into state data output.
results Workflow expression in jq that filters the data returned from function execution. Ignored if useResults is false. Default: true.
toStateData Workflow expression defines state data where the results should be added/merged. If not specified, results merged at top level.


Parameter Description
before Amount of time to sleep before function is executed in ISO 8601 format e.g. "PT30S" - sleep for 30 seconds.
after Amount of time to sleep after function is executed in ISO 8601 format e.g. "PT30S" - sleep for 30 seconds.

        "id": "example",
        "version": "1.0",
        "specVersion": "0.9",
        "start": "step1",
        "functions": [
                "name": "NSO.RestconfPost",
                "operation": "RestconfPost"
        "retries": [
                "name": "Default",
                "maxAttempts": 5,
                "delay": "PT30S",
                "multiplier": 1.1
        "states": [
                "name": "step1",
                "type": "operation",
                "sleep": {
                    "before": "PT1M"
                "actions": [
                        "retryRef": "Default",
                        "name": "showVersion",
                        "functionRef": {
                            "refName": "NSO.RestconfPost",
                            "arguments": {
                                "input": {
                                    "path": "restconf/operations/devices/device=${ .deviceName }/live-status/tailf-ned-cisco-ios-stats:exec/any",
                                    "data": "{\"input\": {\"args\": \"show version\"}}"
                        "actionDataFilter": {
                            "results": "${ if (.data) then .data | fromjson.\"tailf-ned-cisco-ios-stats:output\".result else null end }",
                            "toStateData": "${ .showVersionPreCheck }"
                "end": {
                    "terminate": "true"

Switch state overview

Switch states enable you to define decision points to route the workflow to a given path based on certain conditions. Workflow Serverless specification supports Data-based conditions and Event-based conditions. CWM only supports Data-based conditions.


The data condition property of Switch state is an array of conditions that are evaluated by the Execution engine. The Execution engine will select the first condition it matches and proceed along that path. If there are subsequent conditions that also match, they will be ignored.  

Parameter Description
name Condition name.
condition Workflow expression in jq that represents the condition. Must evaluate to true/false.
transition Next transition of workflow if the condition matches.
end The workflow should end if the condition matches.


You can provide only the transition object or the end object. At least one must be present.


The default condition that is applied if none of the conditions match.  

Parameter Description
transition Next transition of workflow if no conditions are matched.
end The workflow should end if condition matches.


You can provide only the transition object or the end object. At least one must be present.

        "name": "ConditionName",
        "type": "switch",
        "dataConditions": [
                "name": "IsTrue",
                "condition": "${ true  }",
                "transition": {
                    "nextState": "TrueState"
                "name": "IsFalse",
                "condition": "${ false }",
                "transition": {
                    "nextState": "FalseState"
        "defaultCondition": {
            "end": {
                "terminate": true

Sleep state

Sleep state pauses workflow execution for a given duration.  

Parameter Description
duration Duration the workflow should sleep for in ISO8601 format. For example, PT1M results in workflow sleeping for 1 minute.

        "name": "Sleep3Minutes",
        "type": "sleep",
        "duration": "PT3M",
        "transition": {
            "nextState": "NextState"

Inject state

Inject state is used to inject static data into the State Data.

Parameter Description
data JSON object added to State Data.

        "id": "example",
        "version": "1.0",
        "specVersion": "0.9",
        "start": "HelloWorld",
        "states": [
                "name": "HelloWorld",
                "type": "inject",
                "data": {
                    "name": "Cisco",
                    "message": "Hello World"
                    "output": "${ .message + \" from \" + .name + \"!\"  }"
                "end": {
                    "terminate": "true"

ForEach state

ForEach state allows you to define a set of actions to execute for each element in an array or list defined in State Data. For example, for Each device in device array, check the devices is in sync. Whilst the serverless workflow specification defines support for Parallel and Sequential execution of actions, current implementation only supports sequential execution of actions for each element in array.

Parameter Description
inputCollection Workflow expression in jq that points to an array in State Data.
iterationParam Name of the parameter that can be referenced in action for each data element.
outputCollection Workflow expression in jq that points to an array in State Data that the result will be appended to. If array doesn't exist, it will be created.

        "id": "example",
        "version": "1.0",
        "specVersion": "0.9",
        "start": "InjectData",
        "functions": [
                "name": "HelloWorld",
                "operation": "HelloWorld"
        "states": [
                "name": "InjectData",
                "type": "inject",
                "data": {
                    "people": [
                            "Firstname": "Peter",
                            "Surname": "Parker"
                            "Firstname": "Thor",
                            "Surname": "Odinson"
                            "Firstname": "Bruce",
                            "Surname": "Banner"
                    "nextStat": "SayHelloToEveryone"
                "name": "SayHelloToEveryone",
                "type": "foreach",
                "inputCollection": "${ .people }",
                "iterationParam": "person",
                "outputCollection": "${  .messages }",
                "actions": [
                        "name": "SayHello",
                            "refName": "HelloWorld",
                            "arguments": {
                                "name": "${ .person.Firstname + \" \" + .person.Surname }"
                "end": {
                    "terminate": "true"

Parallel state

Parallel state allows you to define a collection of branches that are executed in parallel. Each branch in a state can define its own set of actions. Once the execution has completed, the parallel branches are joined into current path based on the completionType attribute.

The completionType attribute can define 2 values:

  • allOf: All branches must complete execution before state can transition/end. This is the default value.

  • atLeast: State can transition/end if the number of branches specified in atLeast has completed execution. If completionType attribute is "atLeast", numCompleted must also be set.

Parameter Description
completionType Define how to evaluate completion of state based on branch execution. "allOf" or "atLeast".  Default: "allOf".
numCompleted If completionType is "atLeast", this value must be specified. Defines the minimum number of branches that must be completed for the execution to proceed.


List of branches that are to be executed in Parallel state. More information on branches can be found here.

Parameter Description
name Name of branch.
actions Actions to execute for this branch. A branch can support an array of actions. Definition for each action is the same as for Operation state type, see here.

State data

State data plays an important role during the lifecycle of the workflow. A state can filter data, inject data, and add data. Jq plays an important role in data filtering, creation and manipulation. For more information on how Data can be handled, see the Serverless Workflow specification.

When creating workflows, the following rules will apply when it comes to data management within CMW:

  • Initial data passed into workflow execution is passed into State data as input.

  • Data output from the last executed state is workflow output.

  • If no State Input Filter is specified, all the data is passed into the state.

  • If no State Output Filter is specified, all the data is passed into the next state. 

  • Workflow expressions in jq allow you to filter and manipulate data.

  • Actions also allow for filtering data and also, if return data from action should be merged back into state data.

  • Filters must return JSON object, if a jq workflow expression results in a string literal, this will result in an error. 

  • When working with jq, it is highly recommended to use https://jqplay.org/ to test the jq expressions. Alternatively, you can download jq locally and use it for testing.