Log Manager

To access Log management tasks, log into the system (see "Logging In" section on page 2-1). Then, from the Home page, click the Tools tab. The Tools page appears.

From the Tools Page, click Log Manager. The Log Manager page appears showing:

View Logs

Clear Logs

Export Logs

Change Log Level

Viewing Log Files

Step 1 From the Log Manager page, click View Logs.

The View Log Files dialog box appears (see Figure 14-1).

Figure 14-1 Selecting Log File to View

Step 2 Select the log file you want to view.

Table 14-1 shows valid values for these fields.

Table 14-1 Valid Values for View Log Files

Valid Values

Select Log Files

List of available log files.

Radio button

Number of lines

Number of lines displayed.


Filter String

Filter string

_ (under-score)
. (period)

Step 3 For additional attributes related to viewing Event Logs, click Advanced.

The View Event Log window appears (see Figure 14-2).

Figure 14-2 Event Log Attributes

Step 4 Enter the attributes you want to view a specific Event Log, then click View.

Step 5 In the main View Log Files window (see Figure 14-1), set the number lines you want to display.

Step 6 To limit the report to display only specific entries, set a case-sensitive keyword filter, or leave blank.

Step 7 Click View.

A report displays.

Clearing Logs

Step 1 From the Log Manager page, click Clear Logs.

The Clear Log Files dialog box appears (see Figure 14-1).

Figure 14-3 Clear Logs

Step 2 Check the log files you want to clear.

Step 3 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 4 To clear the selected log files, click Clear.

Exporting Logs

Step 1 From the Log Manager page, click Export Logs.

The Export Log Files dialog box appears (see Figure 14-4).

Figure 14-4 Export Logs

Step 2 Check the log files you want to export.

Step 3 To clear logs after export, check the check box.

Step 4 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 5 To export the selected log files, click Export.

Changing Log Level

Step 1 From the Log Manager page, click Change Log Level.

The Change Log Level dialog box appears (see Figure 14-5):

Figure 14-5 Selecting Log Level

Step 2 Select the desired log level by clicking the appropriate radio button, then click Submit.