Setting Up WebLogic Application Server

If you choose WebLogic as your application server, you need to install the Oracle WebLogic Application Server software as a prerequisite on your machine. This guide does not contain instructions for installing the WebLogic software. However, you will need to follow the instructions in the Preinstallation Configuration for WebLogic to prepare your WebLogic Server for use with Service Catalog. Then after you execute the Cisco Prime Service Catalog installer, come back to the Postinstallation Configuration for WebLogic section of this chapter to complete the rest of the configuration steps.

Preinstallation Configuration for WebLogic

This section contains instructions for configuring the Oracle WebLogic Application Server, prior to installing Prime Service Catalog.

This release of Prime Service Catalog supports the WebLogic Application Server on the following Operating Systems and Java Development Kit:


Table 5-1 Supported Operating Systems and Java

Oracle WebLogic Application Server
Operating System

Version 12c


Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.3


Oracle JDK 8 Update 91(or higher update)

Version 12c


Windows Server 2012 R2

Oracle JDK 8 Update 91 (or higher update)


It is assumed that you have already installed WebLogic Server 12c ( software on one of the supported Operating Systems. You will follow instructions in this section to create and configure a new managed WebLogic Server, exclusively for the Cisco Prime Service Catalog application.

WebLogic Installation Flow

The following figure illustrates steps to install Prime Service Catalog on Oracle WebLogic Application Server.

Figure 5-1 Installation Flow for Oracle WebLogic Application Server


Installing Java

Although the WebLogic software installation is bundled with some version of JRockit or Oracle Java, you will not use any bundled JRockit or Java. Instead, you need to download and install Oracle JDK 8. In the next section, you will configure your WebLogic Server to use this version of Oracle JDK 8. This section needs to be done regardless of whether you install WebLogic Server on Windows operating system or Linux operating system.

Note Currently Prime Service Catalog supports IPv4 only. Ensure that IPV6 is disabled on the installation box.

Step 1 Access the Oracle JDK 8 download web site to download Oracle JDK 8.

Step 2 Download the correct version of Oracle JDK 8 for your OS platform. See Table 5-1 for the supported Update version of JDK 8.

Step 3 Install Oracle JDK 8 on the same machine where WebLogic software is installed.

Step 4 Set $JAVA_HOME and add JAVA_HOME to PATH.

Step 5 Copy the unlimited strength JCE policy files to the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory, overwriting the existing files. The unlimited strength policy files are "local_policy.jar" and "US_export_policy.jar", which can be downloaded from the following link:

Step 6 Restart all WebLogic servers, including the WebLogic Administration Server and Node Manager.

Note If you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, perform Steps 3–5 on every node in the Cluster.


Downloading Prime Service Catalog Software

You must first download the Prime Service Catalog software prior to proceeding to the Installing Custom Java Libraries step. For details about the software image download, see Downloading Prime Service Catalog Software Image.

Installing Custom Java Libraries

In this section, you will copy several Java library files from the <ServiceCatalog_Software_Dir> to the <WL_HOME> directory, and add these jar files to the class paths. Afterward, you need to restart the WebLogic servers in order to pick up the new Java libraries. This procedure remains same for Windows and Linux platforms.

Step 1 Under the “<WL_HOME>” directory, create a subdirectory called “lib”.

Step 2 Copy the following jar files from the "< ServiceCatalog_Software_Dir >\preinstall\weblogic\cisco_lib" directory to the "< WL_HOME >\user_projects\domains\<yourdomain>\lib" directory:

  • bcprov-jdk15on-1.50.jar
  • ojdbc7.jar
  • pluto-container-2.0.2.jar
  • pluto-container-api-2.0.2.jar
  • pluto-container-driver-api-2.0.2.jar
  • pluto-portal-driver-api-2.0.2.jar
  • pluto-portal-driver-impl-2.0.2.jar
  • pluto-taglib-2.0.2.jar
  • portlet-api_2.0_spec-1.0.jar
  • sqljdbc4.jar

Step 3 Restart the WebLogic Administration Server and WebLogic Node Manager. You must restart all WebLogic servers for them to pick up the custom Java libraries that you just installed.

Note If you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, repeat this procedure on every node in the Cluster.

Note If you are upgrading from a previous release of Prime Service Catalog to this release, you must still perform this procedure in this section on your WebLogic environment. This is because:
a) You have to overwrite the older version of the Cisco jar files with the newer version shipped with this release of Prime Service Catalog.
b) There are new version of JDBC drivers that are bundled with this release of Prime Service Catalog.
c) Ensure to point the JAVA_HOME to JDK 1.8 version.

Creating a Managed WebLogic Server

In this section you will create a new managed WebLogic Server, to be used exclusively for Prime Service Catalog.

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Lock & Edit so that you can proceed to make changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 3 Choose Environment > Servers.

Step 4 Click New. The “Create a New Server” panel appears.

Figure 5-2 Create New WebLogic Server



Step 5 Enter a Server Name (for example, “server1”). Enter a port number different from 7001 (for example, 8001), because port 7001 is most likely already used by the WebLogic Administration Server. Choose the No, this is a stand-alone server option.

Step 6 Click Finish. Your newly created WebLogic Server appears on the list.

Step 7 Click the newly created Server “ server1” to open its properties.

Step 8 Choose Configuration > General .

Figure 5-3 Configuration – General Settings



Step 9 In the Machine drop-down list, select a machine (i.e. Node Manager machine) where the WebLogic server will run, and click Save.

Step 10 Choose Configuration > Keystores .

Step 11 Click the Change button next to the Keystores field. Select Custom Identity and Java Standard Trust from the drop-down list. Click Save.


Setting the Arguments for Java Virtual Machine

Perform the following steps to set the arguments for Java Virtual Machine:

Step 1 Choose Configuration > Server Start .


Step 2 Enter values for the following parameters:

    • Arguments =

For Request Center: -server -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Dweblogic.http.enableRemoteUserHeader=true -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,com/newscale/bfw/signon/filters/AuthenticationFilter,doFilt er -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm/SAX2DTM,startElement -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/exolab/castor/xml/Marshaller,marshal -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xpath/compiler/XPathParser,UnionExpr -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/oro/text/regex/Perl5Compiler,__parseAtom -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/tmp/WL12c_RC_Baseline.log -XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsUser

For Service Link: -server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Dweblogic.http.enableRemoteUserHeader=true -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,com/newscale/bfw/signon/filters/AuthenticationFilter,doFilter -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm/SAX2DTM,startElement -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/exolab/castor/xml/Marshaller,marshal -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xpath/compiler/XPathParser,UnionExpr -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/oro/text/regex/Perl5Compiler,__parseAtom -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/tmp/WL12c_SL_Baseline.log -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

Where, -Xloggc:/tmp/WL12c_SL_Baseline.log is for Linux and -Xloggc:c:\WL12c_SL_Baseline.log is for Windows.

    • Name = weblogic
    • Password = <the password for the “weblogic” username>
    • Confirm Password = <re-enter the password for the “weblogic” username>

Step 3 Click Save.

Step 4 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Activate Changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 5 Open the Control tab.

Figure 5-4 Start WebLogic Server



Step 6 Choose the WebLogic Server named “ server1 ”, then click Start. Wait until you see State=RUNNING.

Your new WebLogic Server has now been configured to use Oracle JDK 8 and the Cisco Java libraries that you installed in this section.


WebLogic Cluster Configuration

The Prime Service Catalog product is comprised of two component applications named “Service Catalog” and “Service Link”. However, the Prime Service Catalog installer does not automatically deploy the Service Catalog and Service Link applications on your WebLogic Server for you. The installer will generate two WAR files (RequestCenter.war for the Service Catalog component application, and ISEE.war for the Service Link component application) which are customized for your WebLogic environment. After you execute the Prime Service Catalog installer, you will need to follow the instructions in a later section of this chapter to manually deploy RequestCenter.war and ISEE.war on your WebLogic Server.

The RequestCenter.war file and ISEE.war file can be deployed together in the same WebLogic Server even though they are two separate component applications. However, if you are setting up a WebLogic Cluster environment with multiple nodes (where each node is a separate computer), you need to perform the additional configurations as follows:

Step 1 Perform the tasks described in the Installing Java and Installing Custom Java Libraries on each node (that is, each computer) in the Cluster.

Step 2 Follow the instructions in the Creating a Managed WebLogic Server to create the WebLogic Server for each node and to set the JVM arguments for each server, before you add these servers to the Cluster.

Step 3 Each WebLogic Server in your Cluster must be configured to use the same port number. For example, your Cluster contains two nodes. If the WebLogic Server on Host 1 is running on port 8001, then the WebLogic Server on Host 2 must also be configured to run on port 8001.

Step 4 RequestCenter.war file is deployed on the WebLogic Cluster. But, the ISEE.war file cannot be deployed in the same Cluster; it must be deployed on a stand-alone WebLogic Server that is not a member of any Cluster. Therefore, if you have a clustered WebLogic environment, then you must create an additional stand-alone WebLogic Server (that is, not a member of the Cluster), to be used for ISEE.war. For the rest of the chapter, this stand-alone WebLogic Server is referred to as the “Service Link WebLogic Server”. For this stand-alone “Service Link WebLogic Server”, the JVM arguments can be set as follows:

-server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Dweblogic.http.enableRemoteUserHeader=true -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,com/newscale/bfw/signon/filters/AuthenticationFilter,doFilter -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/sax2dtm/SAX2DTM,startElement -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/exolab/castor/xml/Marshaller,marshal -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/xpath/compiler/XPathParser,UnionExpr -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/apache/oro/text/regex/Perl5Compiler,__parseAtom -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/tmp/WL12c_SL_Baseline.log -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps


Step 5 If the stand-alone “Service Link WebLogic Server” resides on another machine, then make sure that you also performed the tasks described in the Installing Java and Installing Custom Java Libraries on that WebLogic machine. If the stand-alone "Service Link WebLogic Server" resides on the same machine as one of the Cluster nodes, then make sure that it is configured with a port number that is different from the port number used by the Cluster.


Configuring JMS Server

In this section, you will configure a JMS Server and JMS Queues that will be used by Prime Service Catalog.

Note If RequestCenter.war and ISEE.war are deployed together on the standalone or cluster WebLogic Server, then the JMS configurations described in this section are performed for the “Service Link WebLogic Server”.

Creating a Persistent Store

Perform the following steps to create a persistent store:

Step 1 On your computer, cd to <WL_HOME>.

Step 2 Create a subdirectory called CiscoFileStore .

Step 3 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 4 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Lock & Edit. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 5 Choose Services > Persistent Stores .

Step 6 Choose New > Create FileStore. The “Create a New File Store” panel appears.

Step 7 In the Name field, enter CiscoFileStore .

Step 8 In the Target drop-down list, choose your WebLogic Server.

Step 9 In the Directory text box, enter the full path of the CiscoFileStore directory you created in Step 2 above (for example, /opt/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/CiscoFileStore).

Step 10 Click OK.


Creating a JMS Server

Perform the following steps to create JMS server:

Step 1 On the WebLogic Administration Console, choose Services > Messaging > JMS Modules.

Step 2 Click New. The “Create a New JMS Server” panel appears.

Step 3 In the Name field, enter CiscoJMSServer .

Step 4 In the Persistent Store drop-down list, choose the Persistent Store named CiscoFileStore .

Step 5 Click Next.

Step 6 In the Target drop-down list, choose your WebLogic Server. (If you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, click Service Link WebLogic Server .)

Step 7 Click Finish.


Creating a JMS Module

Perform the following steps to create a JMS module:

Step 1 On the WebLogic Administration Console, choose Services > Messaging > JMS Modules.

Step 2 Click New. The Create JMS System Module panel appears.

Step 3 In the Name field, enter CiscoJMSModule . and click Next.

Step 4 Choose your WebLogic Server as the target. (If you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, choose Service Link WebLogic Server .) and click Next.

Step 5 Click Finish.

Step 6 Click the newly created JMS Module named C iscoJMSModule to open its properties.

Step 7 Open the Subdeployments tab and click New.

Step 8 In the Subdeployment Name field, enter CiscoSubdeployment and click Next.

Step 9 Choose the JMS Server named CiscoJMSServer . and click Finish.


Creating Connection Factory

Perform the following steps to create a connection factory:

Step 1 On the WebLogic Administration Console, choose Services > Messaging > JMS Modules.

Step 2 Click the JMS Module named CiscoJMSModule to open its properties.

Step 3 Open the Configuration tab and click New.

Step 4 Choose the Connection Factory option and click Next.

Step 5 In the Name and JNDI Name fields, enter NSConnectionFactory and click Next.

Note Make a note of the NSConnectionFactory value as it will be used during the Prime Service Catalog.

Step 6 Click Advanced Targeting.

Step 7 In the Subdeployments drop-down list, choose CiscoSubdeployment . The screen is refreshed to show that the JMS Server named “CiscoJMSServer” is already selected.

Step 8 Click Finish.


Creating JMS Templates

Perform the following steps to create JMS templates:

Step 1 On the WebLogic Administration Console, choose Services > Messaging > JMS Modules.

Step 2 Click the JMS Module named CiscoJMSModule to open its properties.

Step 3 Open the Configuration tab and click New.

Step 4 Choose the JMS Template option and click Next.

Step 5 In the Name field, enter CiscoQueueTemplate and click OK.


Creating Queues

Perform the following steps to create queues:

Step 1 On the WebLogic Administration Console, choose Services > Messaging > JMS Modules.

Step 2 Click the JMS Module named CiscoJMSModule to open its properties.

Step 3 Open the Configuration tab and click New.

Step 4 Choose the Queue option.

Step 5 Click Next.

Step 6 In the Name and JNDI Name fields, enter ISEEInboundQueue .

Step 7 In the Template drop-down list, choose the CiscoQueueTemplate that you created and click Next.

Step 8 In the Subdeployments drop-down list, choose CiscoSubdeployment . The screen is refreshed to show that the JMS Server named “CiscoJMSServer” is already selected.

Step 9 Click Finish.

Step 10 Repeat the above steps four more times to create four more JMS Queues with the following names:


Name & JNDI Name













Step 11 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Activate Changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.


Configuring JDBC Data Sources

In this section, you will configure a JDBC Data Source to point to the ServiceCatalog database that you created in the Configuring the Service Catalog Database.

Use the worksheet that you filled out at the end of the Configuring the Service Catalog Database to retrieve the necessary database information.

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Lock & Edit. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 3 Choose Services > Data Sources.

Step 4 Choose New > Generic Data Source.

Update the information for this panel as provided in Table 5-2 and click Next.

Table 5-2




JNDI Name field


Database Type drop-down list

  • (For SQL Server), choose MS SQL Server
  • (For Oracle), choose Oracle

Step 5 On the next panel, select one of the following values from the Database Driver drop-down list, then click Next:

– Select "Microsoft's MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Version:2005 and later" if your database is MS SQL Server.

– Select "Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Version:9.0.1 and later" if your database is Oracle, using SID to connect.

– Select "Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Service connections; Version:9.0.1 and later" if your database is Oracle, using Service Name to connect.

Step 6 On the next panel, select the "Support Global Transactions" option and the "One-Phase Commit" option, then click Next.

Step 7 Update the information for this panel as provided in Table 5-3 and click Next.

Table 5-3


Database Name

  • (For SQL Server), enter the name of the database, for example, "ServiceCatalog".
  • (For Oracle), enter the SID if you are using SID to connect to your Oracle database, or the Service Name if you are using Service Name to connect to your Oracle database.

Host Name

Enter the database server name or IP address


Enter the database port number

Database User Name

Enter the name of the db_owner (or schema user) of the ServiceCatalog database (for example, enter CPSCUser ).


Enter the password for the Database User Name

Confirm Password

Re-enter the password for the Database User Name

Step 8 Update the information for this panel as provided in Table 5-4 and click Next.

Caution Do not click the Test Configuration button.

Table 5-4


Driver Class Name

Enter the value (one string)

For SQL Server: “”

For Oracle: “oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver”


Enter the following value (one string):

For SQL Server:


(For example, jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=ServiceCatalog)

For Oracle SID:


(For example,

For Oracle Service Name:


(For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@//

Database User Name

Enter the name of the db_owner (or schema user) of the ServiceCatalog database (for example, enter CPSCUser ).


Enter the password for the Database User Name.

Confirm Password

Re-enter the password for the Database User Name.


For SQL Server, enter the following lines:

userName=<Database User Name>



For Oracle, enter the following line:

user=<Database User Name>

Test Table Name

For SQL Server, enter the following value:



For Oracle, enter the following value:


Step 9 Choose your WebLogic Server as the Target.

Note If you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, then choose both the Cluster name and the “Service Link WebLogic Server” as the Targets for this data source.

Step 10 Click Finish.

The newly created data source named “ REQUESTCENTERDS ” should appear on the Summary of JDBC Data Sources panel.Verify that the JNDI Name and Target information for this data source is correct.

Step 11 Click REQUESTCENTERDS to open its properties.

Step 12 Choose Configuration > Connection Pool.

Step 13 Change the values for the following parameters on the screen:

    • Initial Capacity = 80
    • Maximum Capacity = 100
    • Minimum Capacity = 80

Step 14 Click Save .

Step 15 In Connection Pool tab, at the bottom of the panel, choose Advanced.

Figure 5-5 Connection Pool – Advanced Settings



Step 16 Click the Test Connections On Reserve option.

Step 17 In the Test Table Name field, enter the following value, then click Save:

For SQL Server:



For Oracle:


Step 18 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Activate Changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.


Configuring Basic Authentication for NSAPIs

You would need to replace the below security configuration in config.xml for enabling basic authentication on nsAPIs. Before you start any servers in weblogic and perform deployments, add the configurations manually in the path:





For cluster, add the same configuration on all the nodes.

 Restarting WebLogic Server

You must restart your WebLogic Server in order for it to pick up the new JMS Data Sources and basic authentication configurations.

Step 1 Restart your WebLogic Server.

Note If you have WebLogic Cluster environment, restart all the WebLogic servers in the Cluster as well as the “Service Link WebLogic Server”.

Step 2 Once the WebLogic Server is started successfully, navigate to its Configuration > General tab.

Figure 5-6 JNDI Tree



Step 3 Click the link called View JNDI Tree right above the Name field. The JNDI Viewer window appears.

Step 4 In the JNDI Tree Structure on the left hand side, look for the following entries:








Step 5 If you have a clustered WebLogic environment, then the JNDI Tree for your WebLogic Cluster should contain only the following entry:


And the JNDI Tree for the “Service Link WebLogic Server” should contain the following entries:









Complete the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet, by entering your configuration values in the Value column. The information in that worksheet will be needed when you run the Prime Service Catalog Installation Wizard.


Installing Prime Service Catalog on WebLogic Application Server

Prime Service Catalog provides two types of WebLogic installation —Typical and Custom. The Typical installation performs a streamlined installation using default settings. It requires a smaller footprint as the three foundational application components—Service Catalog application, Service Link application, and JMS service—are hosted on the same application server. Typical installation is commonly used when setting up a sandbox environment. The Custom installation allows you to configure a different deployment topology and to apply custom changes to the application. Use the Custom Installation mode if you have any of the following requirements:

  • Have Service Catalog application, Service Link application, JMS service running on separate application servers
  • Have a clustered Service Catalog topology (for WebLogic)
  • Have separate tablespaces for definitional data, transactional data and indexes (for Oracle Only)
  • Add custom content to the RequestCenter.war
  • Recreate the RequestCenter.war or ISEE.war files without executing any database scripts

After your WebLogic environment is prepared, you can proceed to perform Typical or Custom installations for WebLogic.

After you finish executing the Prime Service Catalog installer successfully, follow the instructions in the next section Postinstallation Configuration for WebLogic to complete the rest of the configuration steps.

Performing a Typical Installation

In this scenario, a new database schema is created for a new Prime Service Catalog installation. A “Typical” installation type is chosen in the installation wizard when you want to perform a streamlined installation using default settings.

Before You Begin

  • Extract the electronic software distribution file that you downloaded from the Cisco web site to your computer, if you have not already done so.
  • Add the %JAVA_HOME%\bin (or $JAVA_HOME/bin if you are on Linux) to the beginning of the PATH environment variable on your machine, where %JAVA_HOME% points to the correct JDK directory.


Step 1 On Windows Operating System, log in as a user with administrator rights, and double-click setup.cmd to launch the GUI installation wizard.

On Linux Operating System, log in as the "root" user, and execute./ from a graphical interface, such as X-window, to launch the GUI installation wizard.

Step 2 When the Introduction panel appears, click Next to begin.

Step 3 In the Choose Install Folder panel, enter a directory path (or click the Choose button to select a directory) as the destination folder for Service Catalog, and click Next.

  • On Windows, the default value for destination folder is C:\CiscoPrimeServiceCatalog.
  • On Linux, the default value is /opt/CiscoPrimeServiceCatalog. The value for destination directory must not contain any space character.

Note Do not enter the installation folder of your WebLogic root directory. We recommend that you create the destination folder outside of your application server directory.

Throughout this document, this destination folder is referred to as <ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>.

For WebLogic, this directory is where the Service Catalog installer creates the WAR files for the Service Catalog application.

Step 4 On the Application Server Selection panel, select the application server as WebLogic and click Next. Refer to the Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A.

Step 5 On the Installation Type panel, select Typical radio button and click Next.

Step 6 On the Database Selection panel, select a database platform (Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle) and click Next. The subsequent panels may look different depending on which database platform you select at this point. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A to determine your database platform.

Step 7 On the Service Catalog Database Creation panel:

    • If you have not created the database in advance, select Yes. By selecting Yes , you are telling the installer to create the database automatically for you. In the next panel, you will be prompted for the information that the installer will use to create the database user and database schema for Service Catalog. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet for the description of each field on this panel.
    • If you have already created your database, then select No. In the next panel, you will be prompted for the information of the existing database user and database schema. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet for the description of each field on this panel. (If you are performing an upgrade installation, you must select No. Refer to Chapter 7: Upgrading Prime Service Catalog for more detailed information).

Step 8 On the Service Catalog Database panel, enter the information for the Service Catalog database.

    • If you selected Yes in the last panel, you will see a "Create Database" button on this panel, and the Next button is grayed out. Notice that you need to enter the password for either the "sys" user (for Oracle) or the "sa" user (for SQL Server) which the installer will use to connect to your database server. Once you fill out the information on this panel, click the "Create Database" button. If you get the message "Service Catalog database created successfully", click OK to close the message. The Next button is now enabled.
    • If you selected No in the last panel, you just need to fill out the information for the existing Service Catalog database, and select the "Execute database scripts" check box.

Note The "Create Database" feature creates a very basic Service Catalog database that meets the minimum requirements for the Service Catalog application to operate. This feature is recommended for a Demo or Test system. For a Production system, contact your DBA in advance, to create the Service Catalog database which meets all of the product requirements as described in the Configuring Databases section, as well as any performance, reliability, and security requirements that adhere to your corporate policy.

Step 9 Click Next to continue. The installer connects to the database to validate the required settings for the database. If the installer created the database for you, then it would meet all of the required settings, and the validation test would pass. If you provided the information for an existing database, then the installer may report a validation error if any database setting is missing. See the Software Requirements for the database requirements. If a database validation error occurs, you can do the following:

  • Close the error dialog and click Cancel to exit the installation wizard, or
  • Fix the missing database setting on a separate database connection session. Then come back to this screen, close the error dialog, and click Next again. At this point, the installer will repeat the validation test, and if the test passes, it will let you move to the next panel.

Step 10 In the Master Key Password panel, enter the master key password.

As part of the security requirement, a master key password must be provided that would be used to encrypt all the passwords that are available in the application. The password provided must match the password rules, as described on the panel.

The master key password is saved in two files, kek_new.txt and kek_old.txt, under the <ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>/dist directory. The kek_new.txt and kek_old.txt files must be backed up and stored in a safe location. The application server cannot login to the ServiceCatalog database without the master key password files. If you lose these master key password files, please contact Cisco TAC for help.

Step 11 In the Service Catalog Configuration panel, enter the information for the WebLogic server where Service Catalog application (i.e. RequestCenter.war) will be deployed. Refer to the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you have filled out in Appendix A. For more information, see Service Catalog Configuration for WebLogic .

Step 12 Click Next to display the Messaging Configuration panel. Enter the information for the JMS Queue Connection Factory. Refer to the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A. For more information, see Messaging Configuration Table .

Step 13 Click Next to display the Messaging Queues Configuration panel. Enter the queue names as how you prepared them for your WebLogic server. Refer to the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A.

Step 14 Click Next to display the Service Catalog Administration Configuration panel. Enter details as provided in Service Catalog Administration Configuration Table , and click Next.

Step 15 Click Install in the Pre-Installation Summary panel to begin installation.

The installer will display the progress bar. It may take up to 30 minutes for the installer to complete. Do not interrupt or abort the installer during this process.

Step 16 If the installation process completes successfully, the Install Complete panel appears. Click Done to exit the installation wizard.


You have completed the execution of the Service Catalog installer. You can now go back to the Post installation Configuration section for the appropriate application server to complete the rest of the configuration steps.

Performing a Custom Installation

In this scenario, a “Custom” installation type is chosen in the installation wizard to customize aspects of the installation rather than accepting the defaults.

Before You Begin

  • If you are on a Windows Operating System, stop the IIS web server.
  • Extract the electronic software distribution file that you downloaded from the Cisco web site to your computer, if you have not already done so.
  • Add the %JAVA_HOME%\bin (or $JAVA_HOME/bin if you are on Linux) to the beginning of the PATH environment variable on your machine, where %JAVA_HOME% points to the correct JDK directory.


Step 1 On Windows Operating System, log in as a user with administrator rights, and double-click setup.cmd to launch the GUI installation wizard.

On Linux Operating System, log in as the "root" user, and execute ./ from a graphical interface, such as X-window, to launch the GUI installation wizard.

Step 2 When the Introduction panel appears, click Next to begin.

Step 3 In the Choose Install Folder panel, enter a directory path (or click the Choose button to select a directory) as the destination folder for Service Catalog, and click Next.

  • On Windows, the default value for destination folder is C:\CiscoPrimeServiceCatalog
  • On Linux, the default value is /opt/CiscoPrimeServiceCatalog. The value for destination directory must not contain any space character.

Note Do not enter the installation folder of your WebLogic root directory. We recommend that you create the destination folder outside of your application server directory.

Throughout this document, this destination folder is referred to as <ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>. For WebLogic, this directory is where the Service Catalog installer creates the generated WAR files for the Service Catalog application. For WildFly, this directory is also where the Service Catalog installer installs and configures the WildFly Application Server software.

Step 4 On the Application Server Selection panel, select one of the Application server radio buttons and click Next.

Step 5 On the Installation Type panel, select Custom radio button and click Next.

Step 6 Select a component in the Component Selection panel and click Next.

The Custom installation mode for WildFly allows you to install

  • only the Service Catalog server,
  • only the Service Link server, or
  • both Service Catalog and Service Link servers on the same computer.

Step 7 Choose the database platform (Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle) you want, on the Database Selection panel and click Next.

The subsequent panels may look different depending on the database platform you select. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet to determine your database platform.

Step 8 On the Service Catalog Database Creation panel:

    • If you have not created the database in advance, select Yes. By selecting Yes, you are telling the installer to create the database automatically for you. In the next panel, you will be prompted for the information that the installer will use to create the database user and database schema for Service Catalog. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet for the description of each field on this pane.
    • If you have already created your database, then select No. In the next panel, you will be prompted for the information of the existing database user and database schema. Refer to the Database Information Worksheet for the description of each field on this panel. (If you are performing an upgrade installation, you must select No. Refer to Chapter 6, “Upgrading Prime Service Catalog” for more detailed information.)

Step 9 On the Service Catalog Database panel, enter the information for the ServiceCatalog database.

    • If you selected Yes in the last panel, you will see a "Create Database" button on this panel, and the Next button is grayed out. Notice that you need to enter the password for either the "sys" user (for Oracle) or the "sa" user (for SQL Server) which the installer will use to connect to your database server. Once you fill out the information on this panel, click the "Create Database" button. If you get the message "ServiceCatalog database created successfully", click OK to close the message. The Next button is now enabled.
    • If you selected No in the last panel, you just need to fill out the information for the existing ServiceCatalog database, and select the "Execute database scripts" check box.

Note The "Create Database" feature will create a very basic ServiceCatalog database that meets the minimum requirements for the Service Catalog application to operate. This feature is recommended for a Demo or Test system, but for a Production system, it is advisable that you work with your DBA to create the ServiceCatalog database in advance which meets all of the product requirements as described in the Configuring Databases section, as well as any performance, reliability, and security requirements that adhere to your corporate policy.

Step 10 Click Next.

The installer will connect to the database to validate the required settings for the database. If the installer created the database for you, then it would meet all of the required settings, and the validation test would pass. If you provided the information for an existing database, then the installer may report a validation error if it detects that certain required database setting is missing. (Refer to Configuring the Service Catalog Database for the database requirements.) If a database validation error occurs, you can do the following:

  • Close the error dialog and click Cancel to exit the installation wizard, or
  • Fix the missing database setting on a separate database connection session. Then come back to this screen, close the error dialog, and click Next again. At this point, the installer will repeat the validation test, and if the test passes, it will let you move to the next panel.

Step 11 On the Master Key Password panel, enter the master key password.

The password provided must match the password rules, as described on the panel. The master key password is saved in two files, kek_new.txt and kek_old.txt, under the <ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>/dist directory.

The kek_new.txt and kek_old.txt files must be backed up and stored in a safe location. The application server cannot login to the Service Catalog database without the master key password files. If you lose these master key password files, please contact Cisco TAC for help.

Step 12 On the Service Catalog Configuration panel:

The Service Link Configuration window is displayed.

Step 13 Enter the information for the WebLogic server where Service Link application (i.e. ISEE.war) will be deployed and Click Next. Refer to the Application Server Information Worksheet that you have filled out earlier. See Service Link Configuration Table for Custom Installation using WildFly Server .

Note If Service Catalog is deployed in a Clustered WebLogic, then Service Link must be deployed in a separate WebLogic server that does not belong to the Cluster.

Step 14 In the Messaging Configuration window enter information for the JMS Queue Server and Click Next. Refer to the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A. For more information, see Messaging Configuration Table for Custom Installation .

Step 15 Click Next to display the Messaging Queues Configuration panel. Enter the queue names as how you prepared them for your WebLogic server. Refer to the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A.

Step 16 On the Service Catalog Administration Configuration panel, enter the information for the SMTP server, and the password for the Site Administrator. Refer to the Service Catalog Administration Configuration Table for the description of each field on this panel. Click Next.

Step 17 Click Install in the Pre-Installation Summary panel to begin installation.

The installer will display the progress bar. It may take up to 30 minutes for the installer to complete. Do not interrupt or abort the installer during this process.

Step 18 If the installation process completes successfully, the Install Complete window appears. Click Done to exit the installation wizard.


You have completed the execution of the Service Catalog installer. You can now go to the Postinstallation Configuration for WebLogic section to complete the rest of the configuration steps.

Postinstallation Configuration for WebLogic

When the Prime Service Catalog installation wizard completes, it creates the following WAR files underneath the “<ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>\dist” directory:

  • RequestCenter.war
  • ISEE.war

The Prime Service Catalog installation wizard did not automatically deploy these WAR files on your WebLogic Server. You need to follow the instructions in this section to manually deploy these WAR files. See the WebLogic Application Server Information Worksheet that you filled out in Appendix A to get the parameter values needed during the deployment.

Extracting WAR Files

You must deploy RequestCenter.war and ISEE.war in extracted format. To extract the WAR files:

Step 1 Create a subdirectory called applications underneath the “<ORACLE_HOME>\ user_projects\domain\<your_domain>” directory, if it does not already exist. Note that you perform this task on the computer where the WebLogic Administration Server is running.

Step 2 Create three subdirectories underneath “applications” as follows:

    • WL-Management
    • ServiceLink
    • RequestCenter

Step 3 Extract the WAR files (generated by the Prime Service Catalog installation wizard) into the new directories that you just created:

a. Unzip file “<ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>\dist\ISEE.war” into the “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications\ServiceLink” directory.

b. Unzip file “<ServiceCatalog_Install_Dir>\dist\RequestCenter.war” into the “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications\RequestCenter” directory.

Note After extracting all the war files, ensure that you delete the .war files from original path.

Note If the RequestCenter or ServiceLink subdirectory under the “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications” directory is not empty, you must first empty the entire directory before extracting the contents of the new RequestCenter.war or ISEE.war file into it. This is because the unzip utility may only overwrite files with the same names. There may be some “remnants” of old files in your destination directory that may be inadvertently deployed.


Deploying the WAR Files to Managed Server

The war files must be deployed only in the following sequence:

Extracting and Deploying wls-management-services.war

Perform the following steps to extract deploy wls-management-services.war file:

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 Stop all the server instances standalone or cluster and then stop the weblogic server, nodemanagers etc.

Step 3 Move the wls-management-services.war from /WL_HOME/server/lib of node1 cluster/standalone to the path “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications\WL-Management”.

Step 4 Delete the wls-management-services.war from /WL_HOME/server/lib of node 2.

Step 5 Delete the /tmp folder from AdminServer, and from and Service Link server node 1 and Request Center server on node 1 and node 2.

Step 6 In case you are redeploying the WL-Management, delete the war files from the /mydomain/config/deployment folder. You may skip this step for fresh installation.

Step 7 Ensure that wls-management-services.war exists only in the “< ORACLE_HOME >\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications folder.

Step 8 Start the node-managers on node 1 and node 2, and the weblogic server on node1.

Step 9 Start the server instance for the Service Link.

Step 10 Start the server instance for the RequestCenter. In a cluster, start both the server-instances (node1 and node2).

Step 11 Deploy the wls-management-services.war to the cluster or RequestCenter Server instance in case of standalone and bring it to STATE_ACTIVE.

Step 12 Click on the deployed wls-management-services.war that is deployed and is in STATE_ACTIVE state and change the deployment order to 1. Activate the change.

Step 13 Deploy the Service Link to the server instance meant for service link and bring it to STATE_ACTIVE.

Step 14 Deploy the RequestCenter to the serve instance meant for the RequestCenter. If a cluster, deploy the RequestCenter to cluster. Bring it to STATE_ACTIVE.


Deploying ISEE.war

Perform the following steps to deploy ISEE.war file:

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 Start your WebLogic Server if it is not already running (if you have a WebLogic Cluster environment, then start the “Service Link WebLogic Server”. The Service Link application cannot be deployed on a Cluster).

Step 3 If your WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Lock & Edit so that you can proceed to make changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 4 In the left pane, click Deployments.

Step 5 Click Install.

Step 6 Browse to (or enter the full pathname of) the directory “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications.” You should see the two subdirectories called “RequestCenter” and “ServiceLink”.

Step 7 Click the radio button for ServiceLink, then click Next.

Step 8 Choose the Install this deployment as an application option, then click Next.

Step 9 Choose your WebLogic Server as the Target. (If you have a WebLogic Cluster, choose the stand-alone “Service Link WebLogic Server” as the Target.) Then click Next.

Step 10 Enter ServiceLink in the Name field. Select the Copy this application onto every target for me option. Click Next.

Step 11 Choose the No, I will review the configuration later option, then click Finish. The progress indicator begins. This may take several minutes to complete.

Step 12 Wait until the screen is refreshed to show that the “ServiceLink” application has State=Active and Health=OK. If your WebLogic Application Server was installed in PRODUCTION mode, then the State may be set to “Prepared” until you click Activate Changes.


Deploying RequestCenter.war

Perform the following steps to deploy RequestCenter.war file:

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 Start your WebLogic Server (or WebLogic Cluster) if it is not already running.

Step 3 If WebLogic was installed in PRODUCTION mode, click Lock & Edit so that you can proceed to make changes. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 4 In the left pane, click Deployments.

Step 5 Click Install.

Step 6 Browse to (or enter the full pathname of) the directory “<ORACLE_HOME>\user_projects\domain\<your_domain>\applications.”You should see the two subdirectories called “RequestCenter” and “ServiceLink”.

Step 7 Click the radio button for RequestCenter, then click Next.

Step 8 Choose the Install this deployment as an application option, then click Next.

Step 9 Choose your WebLogic Server (or WebLogic Cluster) as the Target, then click Next.

Step 10 Enter RequestCenter in the Name field. Select the Copy this application onto every target for me option. Click Next.

Step 11 Choose the No, I will review the configuration later option, then click Finish. The progress indicator begins. This may take several minutes to complete.

Step 12 Wait until the screen is refreshed to show that the “RequestCenter” application has State=Active and Health=OK. If your WebLogic Application Server was installed in PRODUCTION mode, then the State may be set to “Prepared” until you click Activate Changes.


Verifying Your Installation

Perform the following steps to verify your installation:

Step 1 Test your installation by opening a new browser window and connect to the following URL:


where <AppServer_Host> = the host name of your WebLogic Server, and <Port> = the port number used by your WebLogic Server.

For example,

Step 2 Log in as the Site Administrator. For a new installation of Service Catalog, the username for the Site Administrator is "admin" and the password is the value you entered on the Service Catalog Administration Configuration panel of the installation wizard.

Step 3 Navigate to the Service Link Module.

Step 4 On the left hand side of the panel, under Service Link Status, verify that the connection has a green status.

You have completed the installation for Cisco Prime Service Catalog on WebLogic.


Redeploying a Server

In oder to apply patch, perform an upgrade, or any maintenance activity which requires starting and stopping WebLogic services may require you to redeploy a server. Perform the following steps to redeploy a server:

Step 1 Log on to the WebLogic Administration Console.

Step 2 Ensure that the RequestCenter, ServiceLink, and WL-Management deployment is in preparation state. Select the respective deployments and click Stop.

Step 3 Stop the managed server created to deploy Service Link (Standalone).

Step 4 Stop the managed server(s) created to deploy Request Center and WL-Management (cluster or standalone).

Step 5 Start the managed server created to deploy Service Link and make sure it is up.

Step 6 Start the managed server(s) created to deploy RequestCenter and WL-Management.

Once all the managed servers are up, all the deployments will have Prepare status.

Step 7 Navigate back to deployment and start WL - management, Service Link, and Request Center.

Step 8 Ensure that all the servers are in Active state.


Configuring Web Server

At this time, you should configure the plugin for your Web Server to point to your WebLogic Server (or your WebLogic Cluster). The following Web Servers are supported with WebLogic Server:

  • Red Hat Http Server 2.4.6
  • IIS 8.5

This chapter does not contain instructions on how to configure your Web Server Plugin. Any plugin configurations between your Web Server and WebLogic are not handled by the Prime Service Catalog installer program. There is no Cisco library or binary that needs to be installed or configured on your Web Server installation. You should follow instructions provided by either Oracle (for WebLogic Plugin) or by the vendor of your web server.

This section contains only examples of the settings that you may want to add to your web server configuration file.

The following are examples for the settings for Http Web Server in standalone mode. Add the following entries to the end of file httpd.conf:

LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicPort 8001
<Location /RequestCenter>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
PathTrim /
The following is the example for the settings for Http Web Server in Cluster mode.
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicCluster <weblogic>:8001, <weblogic>:8002
<Location /RequestCenter>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
PathTrim /

The following are examples for the settings for IIS 8.5 Web Server. Add the following entries to file iisproxy.ini:

After you complete the Plugin configuration, you need to restart both the Web Server and the WebLogic Application Server.

Repeat the steps described in the Verifying Your Installation to verify that your Web Server plugin is configured correctly to point to your WebLogic Server. However, this time connect to the following URL

http://< WebServer_Host >:< WebServer_Port >/RequestCenter

where <WebServer_Host> = the host name of your Web Server, and < WebServer_Port > = the port number used by your Web Server (omit the port number if it is set to 80).

For example,