Managing Resources on vCloud Director

Managing Resources on vCloud Director (vCD)

All vCD resources such as template, catalog, network and so on are managed by out of band (OOB). For information on deploying VMs on vCD, see Deploying Virtual Network Functions on VMware vCloud Director (vCD).


An organization is a group of users, groups, and computing resources. It contains the vApp templates that the organization creates, and the resources used to create the vApps. A cloud can contain one or more organizations.

Organization VDC

An organization virtual datacenter (organization VDC) is a deployment environment for virtual systems. It must be created before the deployment. It contains an organization, and an allocation mechanism for resources such as networks, storage, CPU, and memory. It must have enough memory and CPU capacity and storage spaces (storage profile).


Catalogs contain references to vApp templates and media images. The catalog where the vApp template is located must have read and write permissions for the organization user used for deployment. The write privilege is required if ESC needs to construct or upload an ISO file for day 0 configuration.


For vApp, there are two levels of network.

  • Network within vApp for communication among VMs within the vApp.

  • Network within vDC for communication among VMs across vApp.

ESC is deployed to vCenter and is not part of the vCD. For ESC to monitor the VM status, each VM must have at least one network interface that connects to an Org VDC network or a vApp network which is connected to an external network directly or indirectly.

Deployment Storage Profile

The storage profile is specified in the deployment request.


The deployment storage profile is a way to specify the datastore from underneath VMware vSpere. It is different from the volume or disks of VM.


            <name>{Storage profile name}</name>