Upgrading ESC Active/Active High Availability

This chapter contains the following sections:

Upgrading ESC Active/Active High Availability

Cisco Elastic Service Controller Active/Active HA supports local Active/Active to Active/Active simple upgrade.

Local Active/Active to Active/Active Simple Upgrade


Step 1

Back up the database. For more information, see the section, Backing up the Database.

Step 2

Remove old VMs. For more information, see the section, Removing the Old VMs Removing Old VMs.

Step 3

Install new ESC Active/Active VMs. For more information, see the section, Installing a New ESC Active/Active VM.

Step 4

Restore the ESC database. For more information, see the section, Restoring the ESC Database.

Backing up the Database

Before upgrade, take the back up of database using the following procedure.


Step 1

Put the ESC leader VM in the maintenance mode, by running the following command:

escadm op_mode set --mode=maintenance 

Step 2

Wait until all the ESC VMs stop processing transactions. To verify, run the following command:

escadm ip_trans

Step 3

Create a backup of database on the ESC leader by running the following command:

 escadm backup --file dbback.tar, scp <dbback.tar> 

Step 4

Collect logs from all the ESC VMs by running the following command:

escadm log collect

Removing the Old VMs


Step 1

Shutdown all the ESC follower VMs and the ESC leader VM running the following command:

nova stop 

Step 2

Remove old ESC Active/Active VMs from the OpenStack by running the following command:

openstack stack delete {stack name}

Installing a New ESC Active/Active VM

After backing up the database and shutting down of the old ESC Active/Active VMs, a new/upgraded (based on new ESC package) Active/Active ESC VM must be installed.


Step 1

For OpenStack, register a new image by running the following command:

glance image-create

Step 2

Install the new ESC Active/Active VMs by running the following command:

openstack stack create {stack name} --template {location of the template file}

Step 3

Check all the ESC VMs health, and stop the escadm service in the follower VMs by running the following command:

sudo escadm stop for all followers VMs

Step 4

Once the escadm service is stopped in all the follower VMs, stop the escadm service in the leader VM by running the following command:

sudo escadm stop

Restoring the ESC Database

Restore the ESC database on the new ESC instance, using the following procedure:


Step 1

Copy the backup file to the new leader by running the folowing command:


Step 2

Restore the database on the ESC leader by running the following command:

 sudo escadm restore --file <dbback.tar>

After restoring, the restore process starts the escadm service in the leader VM. However, the escadm service remains to be stopped in all the follower VMs.

Step 3

Verify that the ESC leader VM is running all the services without any interruption.

Step 4

Put the ESC leader VM into the operation mode by running the following command:

sudo escadm op_mode set --mode=operation

Step 5

Start the ESC services on the follower VMs by running the following command:

sudo escadm start