Configuring GEO in Active/Active High Availability

Configuring GEO in Active/Active High Availability

ESC Active/Active HA has three VMs as a cluster in one datacenter. The second datacenter consists of GEO-HA.

Following are the 6 pre-defined roles in GEO:

  1. init: initial role of geo service

  2. pre_primary

  3. primary

  4. pre_secondary

  5. secondary

  6. unknown: used when consul is not reachable

GEO can change one role to another. Transitions are defined in esc-config.yaml. Each transition is divided into the following 3 parts:

  • from: current role

  • goto: destination role

  • condition: when GEO changes the role

Transition Conditions

When A/A HA Geo comes up, the primary datacenter has to go through init, pre_primary, and primary states; meanwhile, the secondary datacenter has to go through init, pre-secondary, and secondary states. When all ESC VMs' health check pass on both primary and secondary datacenters, the ESC A/A HA GEO is up and running. It is ready for use.

Condition Functions

The following are all supported condition functions:

  1. return: do nothing but return the argument

  2. and: return true if all arguments are true

  3. or: return true if any of the argument is true

  4. len: return the length of the argument

  5. equals: return true if all arguments are equal

  6. true: return true if args can be tested for truth value in python

  7. false: opposite to 'true'

The following are samples for GEO configurations on primary datacenter:

 on_init: consul start
  on_primary: start
  on_secondary: stop
  on_stop: consul stop
  startup: manual
  - condition:
        - equals:
          - len: service1
          - 3
        - equals:
          - len: service2
          - 3
      rise: 3
        dc: dc1
        name: consul_agent
        passing: true
        type: service
        dc: dc2
        name: geo
        passing: true
        type: service
    from: init
    goto: primary
  - condition:
      fall: 2
        - len: service
        - 3
        dc: dc1
        name: consul_agent
    from: primary
    goto: secondary

The following are samples for GEO configurations on secondary datacenter:

 on_init: consul start
  on_primary: start
  on_secondary: stop
  on_stop: consul stop
  startup: manual
  - condition:
        - equals:
          - len: service1
          - 3
        - equals:
          - len: service2
          - 3
      rise: 3
        dc: dc1
        name: consul_agent
        passing: true
        type: service
        dc: dc2
        name: geo
        passing: true
        type: service
    from: init
    goto: secondary
  - condition:
      fall: 2
        - len: service
        - 3
        dc: dc1
        name: consul_agent
    from: secondary
    goto: primary

Verifying GEO Services

To start Active/Active GEO-HA, run the following command:

escadm geo start

To verify the GEO status, use the following command:

[root@test-geo3-ha-1 esc-scripts]# escadm geo status
geo (pgid 3745) is primary

The verify the GEO services in current datacenter, use the following command:

[root@test-geo3-ha-1 esc-scripts]# escadm geo dump
    "37410@test-geo3-ha-2.novalocal:44793": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "37410@test-geo3-ha-2.novalocal:44793",
        "service": "geo"
    "43391@test-geo3-ha-3.novalocal:52459": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "43391@test-geo3-ha-3.novalocal:52459",
        "service": "geo"
    "37898@test-geo3-ha-1.novalocal:38841": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "37898@test-geo3-ha-1.novalocal:38841",
        "service": "geo"

To verify all the GEO services in the datacenters, use the following command:

[root@test-geo4-ha-1 admin]# escadm geo dump --all
    "3745@test-geo4-ha-1.novalocal:36760": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "3745@test-geo4-ha-1.novalocal:36760",
        "service": "geo"
    "3742@test-geo4-ha-6.novalocal:42362": {
        "role": "secondary",
        "location": "3742@test-geo4-ha-6.novalocal:42362",
        "service": "geo"
    "3738@test-geo4-ha-3.novalocal:51936": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "3738@test-geo4-ha-3.novalocal:51936",
        "service": "geo"
    "3713@test-geo4-ha-4.novalocal:37604": {
        "role": "secondary",
        "location": "3713@test-geo4-ha-4.novalocal:37604",
        "service": "geo"
    "3710@test-geo4-ha-2.novalocal:44450": {
        "role": "primary",
        "location": "3710@test-geo4-ha-2.novalocal:44450",
        "service": "geo"
    "3714@test-geo4-ha-5.novalocal:34875": {
        "role": "secondary",
        "location": "3714@test-geo4-ha-5.novalocal:34875",
        "service": "geo"

Active/Active GEO HA Failure Injection Limitations

The ESC Active/Active GEO HA is enhanced to support a one-way GEO HA failover with a maintenance window to move it back to healthy state.

If a GEO failover happens and the ESC VMs move to the unhealthy state, use the following steps to bring ESC A/A GEO HA back to the healthy state through manual intervention:


Step 1

Resolve any issues in Datacenter1 (DC1), that may have caused the failures and enabled the GEO switch to Datacenter2 (DC2).

Step 2

Ensure that the consul is running in at least 2 nodes in DC1 and DC2.

Step 3

Run the sudo escadm geo replicate –all command on DC2 when DC1 has at least two nodes with consul in the running state.

Step 4

Run the sudo escadm stop command on all the 6 ESC VMs.

Step 5

Run the sudo escadm geo restart command on all the 6 ESC VMs.

What to do next


ESC does not support any operations on ESC VMs in DC1 after the GEO HA fails over to DC2.