Table Of Contents
6.1 How Do I Manage My Network with the Chassis View?
6.1.2 Navigating with Chassis View
6.2 How Do I Manage My Network with the Configuration Center?
6.2.1 Launching Configuration Center
6.2.2 Navigating with Configuration Center
6.2.3 Navigating Within Tables
6.3 How Do I Manage Templates for Network Elements?
6.3.1 Saving Templates for Network Elements
6.3.2 Loading or Deleting Templates for Network Elements
6.4 How Do I Configure Cisco MGX 8880 and 8850 Nodes?
6.4.2 Displaying Cards Within a Node
6.4.3 Verifying a Specific Card for the Node
6.4.4 Managing Node Peripherals
6.4.5 Viewing Node Controllers
6.5 How Do I Create or Modify APS?
6.6 How Do I Configure AXSM Cards?
6.6.1 Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM
6.6.2 Enabling DS1 Lines for AXSM
6.6.3 Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM
6.6.4 Creating or Modifying AXSM Sonet Line APSs
6.6.5 Creating a Port for AXSM
6.6.6 Creating a Resource Partition for AXSM
6.7 How Do I Configure VXSM Cards?
6.7.1 Creating a Resource Partition for VXSM
6.7.2 Enabling the Mapping Mode for VXSM
6.7.3 Creating and Assigning an IP Address for the Connection
6.7.4 Configuring the Time-Division Multiplexing Interface for VXSM
6.7.5 Configuring Voice Interfaces
6.7.6 Configuring MG-MGC Interfaces
6.7.7 How Do I Configure VXSM Features?
6.8 How Do I Configure RPM Cards?
6.8.1 Creating a Resource Partition for RPM
6.8.2 Creating or Modifying an ATM Subinterface
6.8.3 Saving the Run-Time Configuration for RPM
6.9 How Do I Configure VISM-PR Cards?
6.9.1 Setting Up a VISM-PR Card
6.9.2 Configuring TDM for VISM-PR
6.9.3 Configuring Jitter on VISM-PR Cards
6.9.4 Configuring VoIP Switching for VISM-PR
Configuring Hardware
This chapter helps you configure your hardware using the Cisco MGM Configuration Center and Chassis View, and contains the following sections:
•How Do I Manage My Network with the Chassis View?
•How Do I Manage My Network with the Configuration Center?
•How Do I Manage Templates for Network Elements?
•How Do I Configure Cisco MGX 8880 and 8850 Nodes?
•How Do I Create or Modify APS?
•How Do I Configure AXSM Cards?
•How Do I Configure VXSM Cards?
•How Do I Configure RPM Cards?
•How Do I Configure VISM-PR Cards?
6.1 How Do I Manage My Network with the Chassis View?
The Chassis View provides a graphical view of equipment status for the operational and alarm status of each card, port, or line, which is represented with a predefined color. By default, the front view appears (click the Rear View tab to switch views).
These tasks can be performed using Chassis View:
6.1.1 Launching Chassis View
To launch Chassis View from the Domain Explorer:
•Click on a node, then choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Chassis View.
To launch Chassis View from the Diagnostic Center, Configuration Center, or Statistics Report:
•Click the Chassis View tool from the toolbar
•Choose Tools > Chassis View
•Right-click on an NE in the Hierarchy pane and choose Chassis View from the pop-up menu. Once the Chassis View opens, the corresponding window appears in the Configuration pane.
Figure 6-1 Chassis View—Front View
6.1.2 Navigating with Chassis View
The Chassis View main window contains the following components:
•Menu bar—See Table 6-1
•Toolbar—See Table 6-2
•Hierarchy, Configuration, and Inspector panes—See Table 6-3
Table 6-1 Chassis View—Menu Bar Options
Menu Bar Options Task FileClose
Closes the current Chassis View main window when you are running multiple sessions of the Chassis View. If you are running only one session, that single session is closed.
Exits the Chassis View instance and the other sessions. This option works only on the window in which the option is selected. When you have started other Chassis Views, they continue to run.
Exits the Chassis View instance and the other sessions. This option will close all the Chassis View windows launched in this Cisco MGM session.
Copies the selected object and puts it into the Clipboard.
Pastes the object into the Clipboard and inserts it to the target area.
ToolsChassis View
Launches the Chassis View for the selected object. For more information, see section How Do I Manage My Network with the Chassis View?
Configuration Center
Launches the Configuration Center for the selected object.
Diagnostic Center
Launches the Diagnostic Center for the selected object. For more information, see "Managing Faults."
Statistics Report
Launches the Statistics Report for the selected object. For more information, see "Managing Performance."
Allows you to perform adminstration-type tasks, such as:
•Cisco MGM Audit Trail—Allows you to access audit trail files for specified days.
•Telnet—(Only available when a NE is selected) Opens a command line tool to telnet to MGX switches.
•SSH—(Only available when a NE is selected) Opens a command line tool to gain secure shell access to MGX switches.
HelpColor Legend
Displays the Cisco MGM color legend.
Displays the contents for online help.
Table 6-2 Chassis View—Toolbar Buttons
Option TaskChassis View
Launches Chassis View for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Chassis View launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Configuration Center
Launches Configuration Center for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Configuration Center launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Diagnostics Center
Launches Diagnostics Center for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Diagnostics Center launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Statistics Report
Launches the Statistics Report.
Launches the Cisco MGM Audit Trail Viewer. For more information, see section Viewing the Audit Trail File.
Table 6-3 Chassis View—Hierarchy, Configuration, and Inspector Pane Descriptions
Options TaskHierarchy pane
Navigates and displays objects for selection and configuration. For more information, see "Basic Concepts."
Inspector pane
Provides a list of detailed status information for the NE selected in the Hierarchy pane. For more information, see "Basic Concepts."
Configuration pane
Displays the chassis view for the selected object. If no object is selected, the Configuration pane will be empty.
Within the Configuration pane, there are two tabs:
•Front View—Shows the front view configuration.
•Rear View—Shows the rear view configuration. Accessing Network Elements
To view the chassis view for a NE in the Hierarchy pane:
•Drag-and-drop the NE from the Hierarchy pane to the Configuration pane
•Double-click on the NE in the Hierarchy pane
The corresponding view opens or is highlighted in the Configuration pane.
Tip Any window within the Hierarchy pane can be "pinned" down by clicking on the pin tool, located in the bottom right corner of each window. This means that when you open other windows, the tacked down window will remain open. For more information on this feature, see "Basic Concepts." Chassis View LED Colors
The following LED colors are used in the Chassis View:
Table 6-4 LED Colors for Chassis View
Color StateRed
Up, OK, and Clear
Self-test (loopback)
Down (unmanaged)
Not defined
6.2 How Do I Manage My Network with the Configuration Center?
By managing network elements with the Configuration Center, you can:
•Configure numerous managed device objects, such as configuration settings, interface status, and so forth in a media gateway.
•Display and modify the values for almost all of the objects.
•Perform tasks, such as element configuration and connection management.
These tasks are used to manage the NE configurations through the Configuration Center:
•Launching Configuration Center
•Navigating with Configuration Center
6.2.1 Launching Configuration Center
To launch Configuration Center from the Domain Explorer:
•Click on a node, then choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration pane for that node appears.
To launch Configuration Center from the Diagnostic Center, Chassis View, or Statistics Report:
•Click the Configuration Center tool within the toolbar
•Choose Tools > Configuration Center
•Right-click on an NE and choose Configuration Center from the pop-up menu. Once the Configuration Center opens, the corresponding window appears in the Configuration pane.
After the Configuration Center application is launched, the Configuration Center main window appears. For information about the main window components, see section Navigating with Configuration Center.
Figure 6-2 Configuration Center—Node Tab
6.2.2 Navigating with Configuration Center
The Configuration Center main window contains the following components:
•Menu bar—See Table 6-5
•Toolbar—See Table 6-6
•Hierarchy, Configuration, and Inspector panes—See Table 6-7
Table 6-5 Configuration Center—Menu Bar Options
Menu Bar Options Task FileSave
Saves the content.
Displays the Print window to process printing.
Closes the current Configuration Center main window when you are running multiple sessions of the Configuration Center. If you are running only one session, that single session is closed.
Exits the Configuration Center instance and the other sessions. This option works only on the window in which the option is selected. When you have started other Configuration Centers, they continue to run.
Exits the Configuration Center instance and the other sessions. This option will close all the Configuration windows launched in this Cisco MGM session.
Removes the selection from the text field.
Copies the selected object and puts it into the Clipboard.
Pastes the object into the Clipboard and inserts it to the target area.
Connection Templates
(Only applicable from the Connections tab) Displays connection templates.
Show Unused Descriptors
(Only applicable from the Connections tab) Shows unused descriptors.
ToolsChassis View
Launches the Chassis View for the selected object. For more information, see section How Do I Manage My Network with the Chassis View?
Configuration Center
Launches the Configuration Center for the selected object.
Diagnostic Center
Launches the Diagnostic Center for the selected object. For more information, see "Managing Faults."
Statistics Report
Launches the Statistics Report for the selected object. For more information, see "Managing Performance."
Allows you to perform adminstration-type tasks, such as:
•Cisco MGM Audit Trail—Allows you to access audit trail files for specified days.
•Telnet—(Only available when a NE is selected) Opens a command line tool to telnet to MGX switches.
•SSH—(Only available when a NE is selected) Opens a command line tool to gain secure shell access to MGX switches.
HelpColor Legend
Displays the Cisco MGM color legend.
Displays the contents for online Help.
Table 6-6 Configuration Center—Toolbar Buttons
Option TaskChassis View
Launches Chassis View for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Chassis View launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Configuration Center
Launches Configuration Center for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Configuration Center launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Diagnostics Center
Launches Diagnostics Center for the selected object.
If no object is selected, Diagnostics Center launches, and the right hand area is empty.
Statistics Report
Launches the Statistics Report
Launches the Cisco MGM Audit Trail Viewer. For more information, see section Viewing the Audit Trail File.
Table 6-7 Configuration Center—Hierarchy, Configuration and Inspector Pane Descriptions
Options TaskHierarchy pane
Navigates and selects objects for configuration. For more information, see "Basic Concepts."
Within the Hierarchy pane, there are two tabs:
•Elements—Configures the node, card, line, and port.
•Connections—Configures the connections.
Configuration pane
Depending on the active tab (Elements or Connections), the configuration details for the selected object appear. If an object is not selected, the Configuration pane is empty.
Fields within the Configuration pane with a * indicate required fields. Fields that have been modified appear blue.Inspector pane
Provides a list of detailed status information for the network element selected from the Hierarchy pane. For more information, see "Basic Concepts." Accessing Network Elements
To perform configuration tasks, you can open any NE in the Hierarchy pane, either:
•Drag-and-drop the NE from the Hierarchy pane to the Configuration pane
•Double-click on the NE in the Hierarchy pane
The corresponding configuration window opens in the Configuration pane.
Tip Any window within the Hierarchy pane can be "pinned" down by clicking on the pin tool, located in the bottom right corner of each window. This means that when you open other windows, the tacked down window will remain open. For more information on this feature, see "Basic Concepts."
6.2.3 Navigating Within Tables
Many tabs within the Configuration pane contain tables. Within each table, there are four buttons:
Note Some of these buttons may be grayed out, depending on availability.
•Create—Allows you to create a new table entry (opens a new window)
•Details—Allows you to view or modify detailed information about a selected entry (opens a new window)
•Delete—Allows you to delete an entry
•Refresh—Refreshes the table
For example, see Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3 Configuration Center—Peripherals Tab, Serial Interfaces Category
If you select the Create or Details button, a new window appears. This window contains five buttons:
Note Some of these buttons may be grayed out, depending on availability.
•Apply—Applies any modifications or additions
•Save As—Allows you to save the current parameters as a named template
•Load From—Provides a list of templates to load parameters from
•Delete—Deletes the information
•Refresh—Refreshes the data
For example, see Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4 Configuration Center—Peripherals Tab, Serial Interface Details
6.3 How Do I Manage Templates for Network Elements?
•Saving Templates for Network Elements
•Loading or Deleting Templates for Network Elements
6.3.1 Saving Templates for Network Elements
For any specified network element (such as a node, card, line, port, or connection), you can save the current parameters as a template.
Note For details on creating connection templates, see section "Provisioning Connections."
Step 1 From the Configuration Center main window, under the Elements tab, double-click the node, card, line, port, or connection whose parameters you want to save, then click Save As to display the Save Template window.
Figure 6-5 Save Template Window
Step 2 Enter the new name for the template in the Save As field.
Step 3 Enter a description for the template in the Description field.
Step 4 Ensure that the listed categories are correct in the Selected Categories area.
Step 5 Click Save to save the current network element template, or Cancel to exit without saving.
6.3.2 Loading or Deleting Templates for Network Elements
Step 1 From the Configuration Center main window, under the Elements tab, double-click the node, card, line, port or connection you want to load or delete a template on.
Step 2 Under the appropriate subtab, click Load From to display a list of available templates.
Step 3 Select the template name from the list of templates.
Step 4 Click Load to load the template for a particular category group
Click Delete to delete an existing template
Click Cancel to exit without saving
Click Refresh to refresh the window.
6.4 How Do I Configure Cisco MGX 8880 and 8850 Nodes?
•Displaying Cards Within a Node
6.4.1 Configuring a Node
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens. The Node tab appears by default.
Figure 6-6 Configuration Center—Node Tab
Note Table 6-8 describes the fields in the Node tab.
Step 2 Check or configure each field, as applicable.
Note Some fields are grayed out, meaning they are not configurable.
Step 3 Click Apply to apply the current node configuration settings.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.4.2 Displaying Cards Within a Node
Displaying cards within a node allows you to verify that the correct cards are installed in the correct slots, and that the back cards installed are indeed compatible with the front cards they serve.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Cards tab to display a summary report of all the cards installed on the node. The Cards category appears by default in the drop-down arrow.
Note For detailed information on the Redundancy Info option, see "Maintaining an Efficient Network."
Figure 6-7 Configuration Center—Cards Tab
6.4.3 Verifying a Specific Card for the Node
You can verify a card when the objects to be managed are associated with a particular card.
Step 1 Within the Cards tab (see Displaying Cards Within a Node) select the card from the summary report, then click Details.
Within the Configuration Center Hierarchy pane, double-click the card you want to view details for.
The Card tab appears (for example, Figure 6-8 displays the AXSM card tab).
Figure 6-8 Configuration Center—AXSM Card Tab
Note Table 6-9 describes fields in the Card tab.
Step 2 Choose one the following card configurations from the Category drop-down arrow:
•Front Card Configuration
•Back Card Configuration
•Sec Back Card Configuration (optional)
•System Information (RPM only)
•Entity Sensors (VXSM only)
•Card Information (VISM-PR only)
•Daughter Card Information (VISM-PR only)
Note The Back Card Configuration or Sec Back Card Configuration options are read-only.
Step 3 (Optional) Within the Front Card Configuration option, enter the card descriptor in the Descriptor field.
Note The Descriptor field is valid for the whole Card Configuration, but is available only from the first category of that card configuration, in this case the Front Card Configuration.
Step 4 (Optional) Within the System Information option, enter the Node Name.
Step 5 Click Apply to modify the card descriptor and to verify the information for the card is valid.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.4.4 Managing Node Peripherals
These tasks are used to manage peripherals:
•Configuring Serial Interfaces Displaying IP Interfaces
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Peripherals tab. The IP Interfaces option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-9 Configuration Center—Peripherals Tab, IP Interfaces Category
Step 3 (Optional) Click Refresh to refresh the table.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring Serial Interfaces
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Peripherals tab.
Step 3 Choose the Serial Interfaces option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-10 Configuration Center—Serial Interfaces Category
Step 4 (Optional) Click Details to view or modify information about a selected controller. The Serial Interface tab appears.
Note For a description of all buttons within this table, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Figure 6-11 Configuration Center—Peripherals Tab, Serial Interface Tab
a. Enter the Speed, and configure the Stop Bits and Parity, if applicable.
b. Click Apply.
Note Table 6-10 describes the fields in the Serial Interfaces tab.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Displaying Sensors
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Peripherals tab.
Step 3 Choose the Sensors option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-12 Configuration Center—Peripherals Tab, Sensors Category
Note Table 6-11 describes the fields in the Sensors table.
Step 4 (Optional) Click Refresh to refresh the table.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.4.5 Viewing Node Controllers
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Controllers tab.
Figure 6-13 Configuration Center—Controllers Tab
Note Table 6-12 describes fields in the Controllers table.
Step 3 (Optional) Click any one of the following buttons:
•Create to create a new controller
•Details to view or modify information about a selected controller
•Delete to delete a controller
•Refresh to refresh the table
6.4.6 Managing Node Clocking
On Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM1E) switches, clock source configuration is done on the PXM1E card and passed to other nodes over PXM1E lines.
On Cisco MGX 8850 (PXM45) switches, clock source configuration is done on a PXM45 card, and clock sourcing information is passed to other nodes over AXSM lines.
Cisco MGM supports the manual clock configuration method of network clock synchronization for the Cisco MGX switches. Manual clock configuration configures both a primary and secondary clock source, which are distributed throughout the network. The secondary clock source takes over if the primary clock source fails. You can configure a network setup with one master clock source, and a secondary to ensure network clock stability.
You can manage three types of node clocking:
•Viewing Available Clock Sources
•Viewing or Creating Manual Clock Sources Configuring Global Clocking
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Clocking tab. The Global Clocking Configuration option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-14 Configuration Center—Clocking Tab, Global Clocking Configuration Category
Note Table 6-13 describes fields in the Clocking tab.
Step 3 (Optional) Modify the fields as desired.
Step 4 (Optional) Click any one of the following buttons:
•Apply—Applies any modifications or additions
•Save As—Allows you to save the current parameters as a named template
•Load From—Provides a list of templates to load parameters from
•Refresh—Refreshes the data Viewing Available Clock Sources
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Clocking tab.
Step 3 Choose the Available Clock Sources option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-15 Configuration Center—Clocking Tab, Available Clock Sources Category
Note Table 6-13 describes fields in the Clocking tab.
Step 4 (Optional) Click Refresh to reload the table data.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Viewing or Creating Manual Clock Sources
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Click the Clocking tab.
Step 3 Choose the Manual Clock Sources option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-16 Configuration Center—Clocking Tab, Manual Clock Sources Category
Note Table 6-13 describes fields in the Clocking tab.
Step 4 To create a new clock source, proceed as follows:
a. Click Create. Complete the following fields:
–Clock Source Index
b. Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.5 How Do I Create or Modify APS?
Automatic Protection Switching (APS) can be configured on SONET lines within SRME or AXSM and VXSM OC-type cards.
If you are setting up APS on multiple cards, you must first set up an APS connector and then set up redundancy on the node (for details on setting up redundancy, see Configuring Card Redundancy.)
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Double-click an AXSM, SRME or VXSM card.
Step 3 Click the Sonet Line APS tab. Within the Sonet Line APS tab, you can:
a. Click Create to create a new Sonet Line APS
b. Select the line you want to modify, then click Details
Note The AXSM card is used in Figure 6-17 as an example.
Figure 6-17 Configuration Center—AXSM Sonet Line APS Tab
Step 4 Configure the fields.
Step 5 Click Apply to save any changes.
Note Table 6-27 describes fields in the Sonet Line APS tab.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6 How Do I Configure AXSM Cards?
Figure 6-18 Process for Configuring AXSM Cards
ATM Switch Service Module, or AXSM cards, can be configured in Cisco MGM by performing the following steps:
Step 1 Enable the AXSM line—See the following sections:
•For an OC-type AXSM card, see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM
•For a T1-type AXSM card, see Enabling DS1 Lines for AXSM
•For a T3-type AXSM card, see Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM
Step 2 (Optional) Create or modify APS—See Creating or Modifying AXSM Sonet Line APSs.
Step 3 Create a port—See Creating a Port for AXSM.
Step 4 Create a resource partition—See Creating a Resource Partition for AXSM.
Step 5 Create a connection—For information on creating connections, see "Provisioning Connections."
6.6.1 Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click an AXSM (OC) card.
Step 3 Click the Lines tab. Click on the line you want to enable, then click Details. The Line Config tab appears, with the Sonet Line Config category selected by default.
Note For details on the Ports tab, see section Creating a Port for AXSM.
Figure 6-19 Configuration Center—AXSM Sonet Line Config Tab, Sonet Line Config Category
Step 4 Choose the Up option from the Enable drop-down arrow.
Step 5 (Optional) Verify or modify additional fields, as desired.
Note Table 6-15 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Line Config category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring Sonet Medium Config
Step 1 Within the Line Config tab (see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM) choose the Sonet Medium Config option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-20 Configuration Center—AXSM Sonet Line Config Tab, Sonet Medium Config Category
Note Table 6-16 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Medium Config category.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate option from the Medium Type drop-down arrow.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring the Sonet Line Alarm
Step 1 Within the Line Config tab (see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM) choose the Sonet Line Alarm option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-21 Configuration Center—AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Line Alarm Category
Note Table 6-17 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Line Alarm category.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate option from the Alarm Severity drop-down arrow. Input the other fields with data as desired.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Note The following thresholds are the same for Far End and Near End.
Table 6-17 Field Descriptions for the AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Line Alarm Category
Field Name DescriptionAlarm Severity
Setting this option to major or minor raises a corresponding severity alarm when any statistical threshold is exceeded.
Note For alarm severity definitions, see "Managing Faults."
ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds detection for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds detection for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
UASs Threshold
Unavailable Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total UASs Threshold
Unavailable Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Line Alarm State
Current alarm status of the line.
Line Stat Alarm State
Indicates the line stat alarm status. Configuring the Sonet Section Alarm
Step 1 Within the Line Config tab (see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM) choose the Sonet Section Alarm option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-22 Configuration Center—AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Section Alarm Category
Note Table 6-18 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Section Alarm category.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate option from the Alarm Severity drop-down arrow. Input the other fields with data as desired.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Note The following thresholds are the same for Far End and Near End.
Table 6-18 Field Descriptions for the AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Section Alarm Category
Field Name DescriptionAlarm Severity
Setting this option to major or minor raises a corresponding severity alarm when any statistical threshold is exceeded.
Note For alarm severity definitions, see "Managing Faults."
ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds detection for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds detection for the 24-hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
SEFSs Threshold
Severely Errored Framing Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total SEFSs Threshold
Severely Errored Framing Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Section Alarm State
Current alarm status of the section.
Section Stat Alarm State
Indicates the section stat alarm status of the interface. Configuring the Sonet Path Alarm
Step 1 Within the Line Config tab (see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM) choose the Sonet Path Alarm option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-23 Configuration Center—AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Path Alarm Category
Note Table 6-19 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Path Alarm category.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate option from the Alarm Severity drop-down arrow. Input the other fields with data as desired.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Note The following thresholds are the same for Far End and Near End.
Table 6-19 Field Descriptions for the AXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Path Alarm Category
Field Name DescriptionAlarm Severity
Setting this option to major or minor raises a corresponding severity alarm when any statistical threshold is exceeded. By default, TCA crossing does not raise any alarm.
For alarm severity definitions, see "Managing Faults."
ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds (ES) detection for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated. This threshold is the same for Far End and Near End.
Total ESs Threshold
Threshold value for Errored Seconds detection for the 24-hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total SESs Threshold
Severely Errored Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total CVs Threshold
Coding Violations threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
UASs Threshold
Unavailable Seconds threshold for the current 15 minute interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Total UASs Threshold
Unavailable Seconds threshold for the 24 hour interval, above which an alarm is generated.
Path Alarm State
Current alarm status of the path.
Path Stat Alarm State
Indicates the path stat alarm status of the interface. Configuring the ATM Cell Layer
Step 1 Within the Line Config tab (see Enabling SONET Lines for AXSM) choose the ATM Cell Layer option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-24 Configuration Center—AXSM Line Config Tab, ATM Cell Layer Category
Note Table 6-20 describes fields in the AXSM Line Config tab, ATM Cell Layer category.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate options from the HEC Coset Enable and Payload Scrambling drop-down arrows.
Step 3 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6.2 Enabling DS1 Lines for AXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click an AXSM (T1E1) card.
Step 3 Click the Lines tab. Click on the line you want to enable, then click Details. The Line Config tab appears.
Note For details on the Ports tab, see section Creating a Port for AXSM.
Figure 6-25 Configuration Center—AXSM DS1 Line Config Tab
Step 4 Choose the Up option from the Admin Status drop-down arrow.
Step 5 (Optional) Verify or modify additional fields, as desired.
Note Table 6-21 describes fields in the AXSM DS1 Line Config tab.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6.3 Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click an AXSM (T3E3) card.
Step 3 Click the Lines tab. Click on the line you want to enable, then click Details. The Line Config tab appears, with the Line Config category selected by default.
Note For details on the Ports tab, see section Creating a Port for AXSM.
Figure 6-26 Configuration Center—AXSM DS3 Line Config Tab, Line Config Category
Step 4 Choose the Up option from the Interface Status drop-down arrow.
Step 5 (Optional) Verify or modify additional fields, as desired.
Note Table 6-22 describes fields in the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab, Line Config category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Setting Up Statistical Alarm Severity
Step 1 Within the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab (for details, see Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM) select the 15 Min Alarm Config option in the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 2 Choose the Statistical Alarm Severity level from the drop-down arrow. Values include:
Step 3 Configure additional fields as desired.
Note Table 6-23 describes fields in the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab, 15 Min Alarm Config category.
Step 4 Click Apply to set up the statistical alarm severity.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Setting Up the DSX3 24 Hour Alarm
Step 1 Within the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab (for details, see Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM) choose the Dsx3 24 Hr Alarm Config option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 2 Configure fields as desired.
Note Table 6-24 describes fields in the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab, Dsx3 24 Hr Alarm Config category.
Step 3 Click Apply to set up the DSX3 24 hour alarm configuration.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Setting Up the ATM Cell Layer
Step 1 Within the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab (for details, see Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM) choose the ATM Cell Layer option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 2 Configure fields as desired.
Note Table 6-25 describes fields in the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab, ATM Cell Layer category.
Step 3 Click Apply to set up the ATM cell layer configuration.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Setting Up the Plcp Statistical Alarm Severity
Step 1 Within the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab (for details, see Enabling DS3 Lines for AXSM) choose the Plcp Alarm option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 2 Choose the Plcp Statistical Alarm Severity level from the drop-down arrow. Values include:
Step 3 Configure additional fields as desired.
Note Table 6-26 describes fields in the AXSM DS3 Line Config tab, Plcp Alarm category.
Step 4 Click Apply to set up the Plcp statistical alarm severity.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6.4 Creating or Modifying AXSM Sonet Line APSs
You can configure the SONET line to have Automatic Protection Switching (APS). SRM or AXSME cards can be configured for APS.
If you are setting up APS on multiple cards, you must first set up an APS connector and then set up redundancy on the node (for details on setting up redundancy, see Configuring Card Redundancy.)
Note This tab is only applicable for OC-type AXSM cards, and not T3 or T1-type AXSM cards.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Double-click an AXSM card.
Step 3 Click the AXSM Sonet Line APS tab. Within the Sonet Line APS tab, you can:
a. Click Create to create a new Sonet Line APS
b. Select the line you want to modify, then click Details
Figure 6-27 Configuration Center—AXSM Sonet Line APS Tab
Step 4 Configure the fields.
Step 5 Click Apply to save any changes.
Note Table 6-27 describes fields in the AXSM Sonet Line APS tab.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6.5 Creating a Port for AXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, and expand the AXSM card. Double-click the line you want to create a port under.
Step 3 Click the Ports tab, then click Create. The Port Config tab appears.
Figure 6-28 Configuration Center—AXSM Port Config Tab
Step 4 Complete the active fields as desired.
Note Table 6-28 describes fields in the AXSM Port Config tab.
Step 5 Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.6.6 Creating a Resource Partition for AXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, the AXSM card, and the AXSM line. Double-click the port you want to create a resource partition on.
Step 3 Click the Resource Partitions tab, then click Create.
Figure 6-29 Configuration Center—AXSM Resource Partitions Tab, ATM Resource Partition Category
Step 4 Input or modify the data as desired, then click Apply.
Note Table 6-29 describes fields in the AXSM Resource Partitions tab, ATM Resource Partition category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Modifying ILMI Configuration
Step 1 Within the AXSM Resource Partitions tab (see Creating a Resource Partition for AXSM) choose the ILMI Configuration option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-30 Configuration Center—AXSM Resource Partitions Tab, ILMI Configuration Category
Step 2 Choose the appropriate options from the ILMI Enabled and ILMI Trap Enable drop-down arrows, and modify data as desired. Click Apply.
Note Table 6-30 describes fields in the AXSM Resource Partitions tab, ILMI Configuration category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.7 How Do I Configure VXSM Cards?
Tip For more detailed information on VXSM configuration, refer to the Cisco Voice Switch Services (VXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches and Media Gateways, Release 5.
The Cisco MGX 8880 and 8850 support the Voice Switch Service Module (VXSM) card, which functions as a media gateway (MG) and can be configured to meet the requirements of a variety of applications. For Voice over IP (VoIP) switching applications, the voice Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) interface, packet network interface, and the interface to the media gateway controller (MGC or call agent must be configured.
Figure 6-31 Process for Configuring VXSM Cards
To configure VXSM cards, you must perform the following steps:
Step 1 Create a resource partition—See Creating a Resource Partition for VXSM.
Step 2 Create AAL5+control VXSM connections—See "Provisioning Connections."
Step 3 (Optional, for OC3 cards only) Enable the mapping mode—See Enabling the Mapping Mode for VXSM
Step 4 Create and assign an IP address for the connection—See Creating and Assigning an IP Address for the Connection.
Step 5 Configure the TDM interface—See Configuring the Time-Division Multiplexing Interface for VXSM.
Step 6 Configure voice interfaces (VIs)—See Configuring Voice Interfaces.
Step 7 Configure the Media Gateway (MG) and Media Gateway Controller (MGC) interface using H.248 or XGCP protocol—See Configuring MG-MGC Interfaces.
Step 8 (Optional) Configure VXSM features—See How Do I Configure VXSM Features?.
6.7.1 Creating a Resource Partition for VXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click the Port tab to display the entries of the port table.
Step 4 Select the port entry.
Step 5 Click Details.
Step 6 Click the Resource Partitions tab to display the resource partitions table.
Step 7 Click Create. The Create Resource Partitions window appears.
Figure 6-32 Configuration Center—VXSM Create Resource Partitions Window
Step 8 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-31 describes fields in the VXSM Create Resource Partitions window.
Step 9 Click Apply to create the resource partition.
6.7.2 Enabling the Mapping Mode for VXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab. The Gateway Capabilities category appears by default.
Step 4 Set the VT Mapping Mode to standard or titan.
Note Table 6-33 describes fields in the VXSM Media Gateway tab, Gateway Capabilities category.
For additional information on this field, refer to the Cisco Voice Switch Services (VXSM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches and Media Gateways, Release 5.
Step 5 Click Apply to enable the mapping mode.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.7.3 Creating and Assigning an IP Address for the Connection
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab.
Step 4 Choose the PVC IP Address option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click Create to display the Create PVC IP Address window.
Step 6 Complete the fields. Make sure to use the same VPI/VCI combination entered when you created the connection.
Note Table 6-33 describes fields in the VXSM Create PVC IP Address window.
Step 7 Click Apply to add the IP address for the connection.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.7.4 Configuring the Time-Division Multiplexing Interface for VXSM
The TDM network consists of a number of DS1s that each contain DS0 voice circuits, which interface with the VXSM card either through the 4-port OC-3 back card or the 24-port T1/E1 back card.
These tasks describe how to configure the TDM interface:
Step 1 (Optional) Change the line type to SDH (by default, the line type is set to SONET)—See Changing the VXSM Line Type to SDH.
Step 2 Enable SONET lines and paths—See Enabling SONET Lines and Paths for VXSM
Enable SDH lines and paths—See Enabling SDH Lines and Paths for VXSM. Changing the VXSM Line Type to SDH
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM card, and double-click on the first VXSM line. The Line Config tab appears.
Step 3 Choose the Sonet Medium Config option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-33 Configuration Center—VXSM Line Config Tab, Sonet Medium Config Category
Step 4 In the Medium Type field, click on the drop-down arrow to choose SDH.
Note Table 6-34 describes fields in the VXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Medium Config category.
Step 5 Click Apply to change the line type to SDH.
Note Changing the line type to SDH on the first line trickles down to the other lines.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Enabling SONET Lines and Paths for VXSM
If you are using SONET, you must enable the lines and paths in the following order:
1. SONET line
2. STS path
3. DS1/E1 line
Perform the following steps:
Step 1 Enable the SONET line:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM OC3 card.
c. Click the Lines tab.
d. Click the SONET line that you want to enable, then click Details. The Line Config tab appears, with the Sonet Line Config category selected by default.
e. From the Enable drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the SONET line.
Note Table 6-35 describes fields in the VXSM Line Config tab, Sonet Line Config category.
f. Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Step 2 Enable the STS path:
a. Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card, then double-click on the SONET line that contains the STS path you want to enable.
b. Click the STS Paths tab.
c. Click the STS path that you want to enable, then click Details. The Path Config tab appears, with the Paths category selected by default.
d. (Optional) Change the channelization type to DS3, DS1, or E1 in the Path Payload field.
e. From the Enable drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the STS path.
Note Table 6-36 describes fields in the VXSM Path Config tab, Paths category.
f. Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Step 3 Enable the DS1/E1 line:
a. Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card and expand the SONET line, STS path, and VT path that contain the DS1/E1 line you want to enable. Double-click on the DS1/E1 line. The DS1/E1 Path tab appears, with the DS1/E1 Line Info option selected by default.
b. From the Admin Status drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the STS path.
Note Table 6-37 describes fields in the VXSM DS1/E1 Path tab, DS1/E1 Line Info category.
c. Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Enabling SDH Lines and Paths for VXSM
If you are using SDH, you must enable the lines and paths in the following order:
1. SDH line
2. STM path
3. DS1/E1 line
Perform the following steps:
Step 1 Enable the SDH line:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card and double-click on the SDH line. The Line Config tab appears.
c. From the Enable drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the SDH line.
Step 2 Enable the STM path:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card and double-click on the AU-3 path. The Path Config tab appears.
c. From the Enable drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the STS path.
d. (Optional) From the Tributary Grouping Type drop-down arrow, choose one of the following options:
•au3Grouping—Channelization appears as follows: AU-3 > TU > DS1
•au4Grouping—Channelization appears as follows: AU-3 > TUG3 >TU > DS1
e. Click Apply to enable the STM path.
Step 3 Enable the DS1/E1 line:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card and double-click on the DS1/E1 line. The DS1/E1 Path tab appears.
c. From the Admin Status drop-down arrow, choose the up option to enable the DS1/E1 line.
6.7.5 Configuring Voice Interfaces
A voice interface (VIF) is a set of parameters applied to a group of DS0s within a DS1 in the TDM voice network. To configure voice interfaces, proceed as follows:
Step 1 Check to see if there are existing VIFs—See Checking for Existing VIFs for VXSM.
If there are no existing VIFs, proceed to Step 2
if there are existing VIFs, skip Step 2.
Step 2 (Optional) Create a VIF—See Creating a VIF for VXSM.
Step 3 (Optional) View or modify VIF configuration—See Viewing or Modifying VIF Configuration. Checking for Existing VIFs for VXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM card until you see the DS1 path you want to view VIFs under. Double-click the DS1 path. The DS1 Path tab appears.
Step 3 Choose DSX0 Group from the Category drop-down arrow. Any available VIFs appear in the table. To proceed, follow the steps in Configuring Voice Interfaces. Creating a VIF for VXSM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM card until you see the DS1 path you want to view VIFs under. Double-click the DS1 path. The DS1 Path tab appears.
Step 3 Choose DSX0 Group from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 4 Click Create. The Create DSX0 Group window appears.
Figure 6-34 Configuration Center—VXSM Create DSX0 Group Window
Step 5 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-38 describes the fields in the VXSM Create DSX0 Group window.
Step 6 Click Apply to add the VIF.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Viewing or Modifying VIF Configuration
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM card until you see the DS1 path you want to view VIFs under. Double-click the DS1 path. The DS1 Path tab appears.
Step 3 Choose DSX0 Voice Parameters or Extended DSX0 Voice Parameters from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 4 Click on a VIF, then click Details.
Step 5 View or modify the fields.
Note Table 6-39 describes the fields in the VXSM DS1 Path, DSX0 Voice Parameters category; Table 6-40 describes the fields in the VXSM DS1 Path, Extended DSX0 Voice Parameters category.
Step 6 (Optional) Click Apply to save any changes.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.7.6 Configuring MG-MGC Interfaces
VXSM cards support both the ITU H.248 and the XGCP protocols. Depending upon which protocol you are using, the procedure to configure the MG-MGC interface differs.
For each protocol type, the procedure consists of two phases. The first phase configures MGC and MGC Groups. The second phase configures the protocol and protocol profile details that are used for the VXSM and the MGC to communicate.
Figure 6-35 Process for Configuring MG-MGC Interfaces
Before you can configure MG-MGC interfaces, be sure you have completed the following steps:
Step 1 Add a resource partition to the node—See Creating a Resource Partition for VXSM.
Step 2 Add an AAL5+control VXSM connection—See "Provisioning Connections."
Step 3 Create and assign an IP address for the connection—See Creating and Assigning an IP Address for the Connection.
To configure the interface between the Media Gateway (MG) and the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) for either protocol, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Setup MGC and MGC groups—See Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups.
Step 2 Configure H.248 or XGCP protocol— See Configuring H.248 Protocol and Profiles or Configuring XGCP Protocol.
Step 3 Configure the MGC profile—See Configuring H.248 Protocol and Profiles or Configuring MGC XGCP Profiles.
Step 4 (Optional) Configure MGC redundancy—See Configuring MGC Redundancy. Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups
Figure 6-36 Process for Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups
Step 1 Create an MGC by assigning it a domain name, and specify how the domain name is to be resolved:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
c. Click on the MG Controller tab. The Domain Names category appears by default.
d. Click Create. The Create MGC Domain Names window appears.
Figure 6-37 Configuration Center—VXSM Create MGC Domain Names Window
e. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-41 describes fields in the VXSM Create MGC Domain Name window.
f. Click Apply to create the domain name.
Step 2 Change the IP address resolution and (optionally) create an IP address for the domain:
a. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
b. Click on the MG Controller tab.
c. From the Category drop-down arrow, choose the Media Gateway Controllers option.
d. Click on a MGC entry, then click Details. The Media Gateway Controllers tab appears.
Figure 6-38 Configuration Center—VXSM Media Gateway Controllers Tab
e. Configure the IP Address Resolution field.
Note Table 6-42 describes fields in the VXSM Media Gateway Controllers tab.
f. Click Apply to configure the IP address resolution.
g. If you selected internalOnly, proceed to step h to create an IP address for the domain. If you selected externalOnly, skip the rest of these steps and proceed to step 3.
h. Within the MG Controller tab, from the Category drop-down arrow, choose the MGC IP Addresses option.
i. Click Create. The Create MGC IP Addresses window appears.
Figure 6-39 Configuration Center—VXSM Create MGC IP Addresses Window
j. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-43 describes fields in the VXSM Create MGC IP Addresses window.
k. Click Apply to create the MGC IP address.
Step 3 (XGCP only, skip to step 4 if you are using H.248) Configure the MGC group for XGCP:
a. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
b. Click on the XGCP tab.
c. From the Category drop-down arrow, choose the XGCP MGC Association option.
Figure 6-40 Configuration Center—XGCP Tab, XGCP MGC Association Category
d. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-44 describes fields in the VXSM XGCP tab, XGCP MGC Association category.
e. Click Apply to configure the MGC group for XGCP.
Step 4 Add a MGC to a MGC group:
a. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
b. Click on the MG Controller tab.
c. From the Category drop-down arrow, choose the MGC Groups option.
d. Click Create. The Create MGC Groups window appears.
Figure 6-41 Configuration Center—VXSM Create MGC Groups Window
e. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-45 describes fields in the VXSM Create MGC Groups window.
f. Click Apply to add a specific MGC to a particular MGC group.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring H.248 Protocol and Profiles
A Media Gateway (MG) communicates with a group of MGCs through a MG link. Both the MG and MGC group form an H.248 association.
Once you have completed the steps in Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups, perform the following steps to configure H.248 protocol and profiles:
Figure 6-42 Process for Configuring H.248 Protocol and Profiles
Step 1 Add an MG and MGC Association:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
b. Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
c. Click the H.248 tab.
d. Choose the MG-MGC Association option from the Category drop-down arrow.
e. Click Create to display the Create MG-MGC Association window.
Figure 6-43 Configuration Center—VXSM Create MG-MGC Association Window
f. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-46 describes fields in the VXSM Create MG-MGC Association window.
g. Click Apply to add an H.248 association between the MG and MGC. Once you have created an MG-MGC association, an entry will appear in the H.248 tab, Extended Association category.
Step 2 Configure a port for the MG-MGC link:
a. Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
b. Click the H.248 tab.
c. Choose the Extended Association option from the Category drop-down arrow.
d. Click on a link entry, then click Details. The Extended Association tab appears.
Figure 6-44 Configuration Center—VXSM Extended Association Tab
e. Configure the Gateway Port, and other fields as desired.
Note Table 6-47 describes fields in the VXSM Extended Association tab.
f. Click Apply to configure the port for the MG-MGC link.
Step 3 Add an H.248 profile:
a. Within the H.248 tab, choose the Profile Properties option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create H.248 Profile Properties window appears.
Figure 6-45 Configuration Center—VXSM Create H.248 Profile Properties Window
c. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-48 describes fields in the VXSM Create H.248 Profile Properties window.
d. Click Apply to create the H.248 profile.
Step 4 Configure terminations for the switch circuit network (SCN) side of VXSM:
a. Add a voice interface (VIF)—See Configuring Voice Interfaces.
b. Associate the Gateway Link ID and H.248 Pkg ID by completing the Gateway Link ID and H.248 Pkg IDs fields—See Viewing or Modifying VIF Configuration).
Step 5 Configure terminations for the packet data network (PDN) side of VXSM:
a. Within the H.248 tab, choose the Termination Types option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create H.248 Termination Types window appears.
Figure 6-46 Configuration Center—VXSM Create H.248 Termination Types Window
c. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-49 describes fields in the VXSM Create H.248 Termination Types window.
d. Click Apply to create the H.248 termination type.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring XGCP Protocol
Once you have completed the steps in Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups, perform the following steps to configure XGCP (TGCP) protocol:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click on the XGCP tab. The Media Gateway XGCP Configuration option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-47 Configuration Center—VXSM XGCP Tab, Media Gateway XGCP Configuration Category
Step 4 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-50 describes fields in the VXSM XGCP tab, Media Gateway XGCP Configuration category.
Step 5 Click Apply to configure XGCP (TGCP) protocol. Configuring MGC XGCP Profiles
To configure MGC XGCP profiles, you must create a call control profile.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click on the XGCP tab.
Step 4 Choose the XGCP Call Control Profile Configuration option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click Create. The Create XGCP Call Control Profile window appears.
Figure 6-48 Configuration Center—VXSM Create XGCP Call Control Profile Window
Step 6 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-51 describes fields in the VXSM Create XGCP Call Control Profile window.
Step 7 Click Apply to create the XGCP (TGCP) call control profile.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring MGC Redundancy
MGCs configured in an MGC group form a set of redundant MGCs, up to a maximum of 4. The order in which MGCs are added to the group is the order of preference for selecting the MGC to use. Besides having up to 4 MGCs in a group, each MGC can have up to 4 IP addresses.
To configure MGC redundancy:
Step 1 Create an MGC by assigning it a domain name, and specify how the domain name is to be resolved (see Step 1 in section Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups).
Step 2 Change the IP address resolution and (optionally) create an IP address for the domain (see Step 2 in section Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups).
Step 3 Add another MGC to a MGC group (see Step 4 in section Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups).
6.7.7 How Do I Configure VXSM Features?
This section contains the following information: Creating a RUDP Session
Figure 6-49 Process for Creating a RUDP Session
Before you can create a RUDP session, be sure you have completed the following steps:
Step 1 Create a resource partition on the node—See Creating a Resource Partition for VXSM.
Step 2 Create an AAL5+control VXSM connection—See "Provisioning Connections."
Step 3 Create and assign an IP address for the connection—See Creating and Assigning an IP Address for the Connection.
Step 4 Create an MGC domain name—See Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups.
Step 5 Create an MGC IP address—See Setting Up MGCs and MGC Groups.
To proceed with the creation of a RUDP session, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Create a MGC session set—See Creating a MGC Session Set.
Step 2 Create a MGC session group—See Creating a MGC Session Group.
Step 3 Create a RUDP session—See Creating a RUDP Session. Creating a MGC Session Set
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
Step 3 Click the MG Controller tab.
Step 4 Choose the Session Set option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click Create to display the Create Session Set window.
Figure 6-50 Configuration Center—VXSM Create Session Set Window
Step 6 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-52 describes fields in the VXSM Create Session Set window.
Step 7 Click Apply to add a MGC session set.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Creating a MGC Session Group
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
Step 3 Click the MG Controller tab.
Step 4 Choose the Session Group option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click Create to display the Create Session Group window.
Figure 6-51 Configuration Center—VXSM Create Session Group Window
Step 6 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-53 describes fields in the VXSM Create Session Group window.
Step 7 Click Apply to add a MGC session group.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Creating a RUDP Session
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card that contains the connection you created.
Step 3 Click the MG Controller tab.
Step 4 Choose the RUDP Session option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click Create to display the Create RUDP Session window.
Figure 6-52 Configuration Center—VXSM Create RUDP Session Window
Step 6 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-54 describes fields in the VXSM Create RUDP Session window.
Step 7 Click Apply to add a RUDP session.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring Voiceband Data
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click the VBD tab.
Step 4 Create a profile:
a. Choose the Profile option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create VBD Profile window appears.
Figure 6-53 Configuration Center—VXSM Create VBD Profile Window
c. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-55 describes the fields in the VXSM Create VBD Profile window.
d. Click Apply to create the VBD profile.
Step 5 Create two event mapping indexes:
a. Choose the Event Mapping option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create Event Mapping window appears.
Figure 6-54 Configuration Center—VXSM Create Event Mapping Window
c. Configure the fields. Make sure to create one Event Index as ced, and a second Event Index as v21Tone.
Note Table 6-56 describes the fields in the VXSM Create Event Mapping window.
d. Click Apply to create one event mapping index. Perform Step 5 again, and create a second index.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Creating PRI-BH
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the node, expand the VXSM OC3 card and expand the SONET line, STS path, and VT path that contain the DS1/E1 line you want to enable. Double-click on the DS1/E1 line. The DS1/E1 Path tab appears, with the DS1/E1 Line Info option selected by default
Step 3 Within the Elements tab, within the node, expand the VXSM card, and double-click on the DS1/E1 line you want to create PRI-BH under.
Step 4 Click the PRI-BH tab.
Step 5 Click Create. The VXSM PRI-BH Create window appears.
Figure 6-55 Configuration Center—VXSM PRI-BH Create Window
Step 6 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-57 describes the fields in the VXSM PRI-BH Create window.
Step 7 Click Apply to create PRI-BH. Configuring Announcements
In switching mode, VXSM delivers prerecorded announcements in either direction, for example, a calling party or called party, under the control of the MGC. These announcements are played during a call setup and after the call is established. The announcement files are available in VXSM memory to be played out. If the file does not reside in VXSM memory, VXSM uses TFTP to obtain the file from an external announcement server, caches it, and plays it out.
A media gateway is a network element. It provides an electrical conversion between audio signals carried on telephone circuits and data packets carried over the Internet or over other packet data networks. To setup an announcement system, the media gateway plays prerecorded audio files. These files are played bidirectionally over existing connections, for example, calls, or the audio files are directed toward a TDM network to a TDM endpoint that is terminated on a media gateway.
To configure the announcement control parameters:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VXSM card.
Step 3 Click the VOICE Features tab.
Step 4 Choose the Announcement Controls option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-58 describes fields in the VXSM Voice Features tab, Announcement Controls category.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure the announcement controls.
To map an announcement name number to the announcement filename:
Step 1 Within the VOICE Features tab, choose the Announcement Files option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 2 Click Create to display the Announcement Files Configuration window.
Step 3 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-58 describes fields in the VXSM Voice Features tab, Announcement Files category.
Step 4 Click Apply to map the announcement name number to the announcement filename.
6.8 How Do I Configure RPM Cards?
Figure 6-56 Process for Configuring RPM Cards
To configure RPM-PR or RPM-XF cards, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Create a resource partition—See Creating a Resource Partition for RPM.
Step 2 Create an ATM subinterface—See Creating or Modifying an ATM Subinterface.
Step 3 (Optional) Save the run-time configuration—See Saving the Run-Time Configuration for RPM.
6.8.1 Creating a Resource Partition for RPM
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the RPM card.
Step 3 Click the Resource Partitions tab.
Step 4 Click Create. The Create Resource Partitions window appears.
Figure 6-57 Configuration Center—RPM Create Resource Partitions Window
Step 5 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-60 describes fields in the RPM Create Resource Partitions window.
Step 6 Click Apply to create the resource partition.
6.8.2 Creating or Modifying an ATM Subinterface
By preparing to create the master end of the connection to the VXSM card, you must create an ATM subinterface on the RPM card.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the RPM card.
Step 3 Click the Ports tab to display the entries for the Ports Table for RPM.
Step 4 To modify an existing entry, select the entry, then click Details
To create a new ATM subinterface, click Create.
The Ports Create/Details window appears.
Figure 6-58 Configuration Center—RPM Ports Create/Details Window
Step 5 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-61 describes fields in the RPM Ports Create/Details window.
Step 6 Click Apply to create the resource partition.
After creating the ATM subinterface, you must create a gigabit Ethernet interface to the network. For information about creating the gigabit Ethernet interface, refer to the VXSM Configuration Guide and Command Reference for MGX Switches and Media Gateways, Release 5.
6.8.3 Saving the Run-Time Configuration for RPM
Once you make any changes to the RPM card, such as creating or modifying a resource partition or an ATM subinterface, or adding connections to the RPM card, to make your changes permanent and survive after a reboot, you must save the run-time configuration on the RPM card.
Note For details on adding connections, see "Provisioning Connections."
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the RPM card. The Card tab appears, with the Front Card Configuration category selected by default.
Step 3 Click the Save Running Config button. The status of the operation appears in the lower left of the window.
6.9 How Do I Configure VISM-PR Cards?
Figure 6-59 Process for Configuring VISM-PR Cards
In order to configure Voice Inter-working Service Module Premium (VISM-PR) cards, you must perform the following steps:
Step 1 Set up the VISM-PR card—See Setting Up a VISM-PR Card.
Step 2 Configure Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)—See Configuring TDM for VISM-PR.
Step 3 Configure jitter—See Configuring Jitter on VISM-PR Cards.
Step 4 Configure VoIP switching—See Configuring VoIP Switching for VISM-PR.
6.9.1 Setting Up a VISM-PR Card
Figure 6-60 Process for Setting Up a VISM-PR Card
In order to set up a VISM-PR card, you must perform the following steps:
Step 1 Create a virtual port—See Creating a Virtual Port for VISM-PR.
Step 2 Create a resource partition—See Creating a Resource Partition for VISM-PR.
Step 3 (Optional) View the CODEC templates—See Viewing VISM-PR CODEC Templates.
Step 4 (Optional) View the current configuration settings—See Viewing VISM-PR Card Configuration Settings. Creating a Virtual Port for VISM-PR
Note Only one virtual port is allowed on a VISM-PR card.
To create a virtual port for the VISM-PR card:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Port tab to display the port table.
Step 4 Click Create to display the Create Port window.
Figure 6-61 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create Port Window
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note When you create an ATM port on a VISM-PR card, the bandwidth, VPI range, and VCI range are determined.
Step 6 Click Create to create a virtual port for VISM-PR.
The added port is not detected by the controller until you create a resource partition. For more information, see section Creating a Resource Partition for VISM-PR. Creating a Resource Partition for VISM-PR
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Port tab to display the entries of the port table.
Step 4 Select the port entry.
Step 5 Click Details.
Step 6 Click the Resource Partition tab to display the resource partition table for VISM-PR.
Step 7 Click Create to display the Create Resource Partitions window.
Figure 6-62 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create Resource Partitions Window
Step 8 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-63 describes fields in the VISM-PR Create Resource Partitions window.
Step 9 Click Apply to create the resource partition.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables Viewing VISM-PR CODEC Templates
Viewing VISM-PR CODEC templates in Cisco MGM can be done in two ways:
You can view a list of all possible CODEC templates on the VISM-PR card
You can view the current CODEC template being used on the VISM-PR card.
Note To change the CODEC templates, you must use the CLI. For details, refer to the Cisco Voice Interworking Services (VISM) Configuration Guide & Command Reference, Release 3.3.
To view a list of all possible CODEC templates on the VISM-PR card:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the CODECs tab. The CODECs Supported category appears by default. All supported CODEC templates are listed in the table.
Note To view and configure VoIP CODECs, see section Configuring VoIP CODECs.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
To view the current CODEC template in use on the VISM-PR card:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab. The Gateway Capabilities option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow. The Codec Template field lists the number of the current CODEC template in use on the VISM-PR card.
Figure 6-63 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Media Gateway Tab, Gateway Capabilities Category
Note Table 6-65 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Gateway Capabilities category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring VoIP CODECs
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the CODECs tab. Choose the VoIP CODECs option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 4 Click on the CODEC you want to configure, then click Details. The Codec Configuration window appears.
Figure 6-64 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Codec Configuration Window
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-64 describes the fields in the VISM-PR Codec Configuration window.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure the VoIP CODEC. Viewing VISM-PR Card Configuration Settings
The Gateway Capabilities option allows you to view VISM-PR card configuration details, such as the VISM mode, ECAN encoding, and current CODEC templates.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab. The Gateway Capabilities option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow (see Figure 6-63).
Note Table 6-65 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Gateway Capabilities category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.9.2 Configuring TDM for VISM-PR
Figure 6-65 Process for Configuring TDM for VISM-PR
In order to configure the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) on a VISM-PR card, you must perform the following steps:
Step 1 Configure T1/E1 lines—See Configuring T1 and E1 Lines for VISM-PR).
Step 2 (Optional) Place T1/E1 lines in or out of service—See Placing T1 or E1 Lines In or Out of Service.
Step 3 (Optional) Add bulk distribution—See Adding Bulk Distribution Using SRME.
Step 4 Configure Echo Cancellation (ECAN)—See Configuring ECAN for VISM-PR. Configuring T1 and E1 Lines for VISM-PR
You can have eight physical T1 or E1 ports on the VISM-PR back card.
For detailed information on how to configure CAS signaling for the TDM side of the network application, refer to the Cisco Voice Interworking Services (VISM) Configuration Guide and Command Reference, Release 3.3
To configure T1 and E1 lines on VISM-PR, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Add a T1 or E1 line—See Adding a T1 or E1 Line.
Step 2 Configure signaling on the T1 or E1 line—See Configuring Signaling on the T1 or E1 Line.
Step 3 Configure alarm conditioning handling on the T1 or E1 line—See Configuring Alarm Conditioning Handling on the T1 or E1 Line. Adding a T1 or E1 Line
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card. The Line Config tab appears by default, with the Physical Line Config (DSX1) option selected in the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-66 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Line Config Tab, Physical Line Config (DSX1) Category
Step 3 Choose one of the following options to enable or disable the line in the Line Enable drop-down arrow:
Step 4 Configure additional parameters as desired.
Note Table 6-66 describes fields in the VISM-PR Line Config tab, Physical Line Config (DSX1) category.
Step 5 Click Apply to add the T1 or E1 line.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring Signaling on the T1 or E1 Line
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the VISM Specific DS1 tab. The VISM Line Config option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-67 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Specific DS1 Tab, VISM Line Config Category
Step 4 Choose one of the following options to configure signaling on the line in the Signaling Type drop-down arrow:
Step 5 Configure additional parameters as desired.
Note Table 6-67 describes fields in the VISM-PR Specific DS1 tab, VISM Line Config category.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure signaling on the T1 or E1 line.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring Alarm Conditioning Handling on the T1 or E1 Line
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card. The Line Config tab appears by default.
Step 3 Choose the Physical Line Alarm Config (DSX1) option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-68 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Line Config Tab, Physical Line Alarm Config (DSX1) Category
Step 4 Configure the parameters as desired.
Note Table 6-68 describes fields in the VISM-PR Line Config tab, Physical Line Alarm Config (DSX1) category.
Step 5 Click Apply to configure alarm conditioning handling on the T1 or E1 line.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Placing T1 or E1 Lines In or Out of Service
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the VISM Specific DS1 tab. The VISM Line Config option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Note For a detailed description of the VISM Line Config option, see section Configuring Signaling on the T1 or E1 Line.
Step 4 Choose the appropriate option from the Admin State Control drop-down arrow.
Note Table 6-67 describes fields in the VISM Specific DS1 tab, VISM Line Config category. Adding Bulk Distribution Using SRME
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the SONET line under the SRME card.
Step 3 Click the Line Distribution tab.
Step 4 Click Create. The Create Line Distribution window appears.
Figure 6-69 SRME Create Line Distribution Window
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-69 describes fields in the SRME Create Line Distribution window.
Step 6 Click Apply to add bulk distribution.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring ECAN for VISM-PR
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the VISM Specific DS1 tab. The VISM Line Config option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
Note For a detailed description of the VISM Line Config option, see section Configuring Signaling on the T1 or E1 Line.
Step 4 Choose the appropriate option from the Ecan Enable drop-down arrow.
Note Table 6-67 describes fields in the VISM Specific DS1 tab, VISM Line Config category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.9.3 Configuring Jitter on VISM-PR Cards
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the CODECs tab.
Step 4 Choose the Generic CODEC Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Click on a CODEC entry, then click Details. The Jitter Buffer window appears.
Figure 6-70 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Jitter Buffer Window
Step 6 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-70 describes fields in the VISM-PR Jitter Buffer window.
Step 7 Click Apply to configure the jitter parameters.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.
6.9.4 Configuring VoIP Switching for VISM-PR
Figure 6-71 Process for Configuring VoIP Switching for VISM-PR Cards
To configure VoIP switching for VISM-PR cards, complete the following steps:
Step 1 (Optional) Configure VoIP parameters—See Configuring VoIP Parameters for VISM-PR.
Step 2 Configure the ATM network—See Configuring the ATM Network for VISM-PR.
Step 3 Configure the call agent interface—See Configuring the Call Agent Interface for VISM-PR.
Step 4 Configure Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) signaling for CCS—See Configuring TDM Signaling for CCS on VISM-PR.
Step 5 Add and configure DS0 endpoints on lines—See Adding and Configuring DS0 Endpoints on Lines.
Step 6 Configure TDM signaling for CAS—See Configuring TDM Signaling for CAS on VISM-PR.
Step 7 (Optional) Place the VISM-PR card in or out of service—See Placing the VISM-PR Card In or Out of Service. Configuring VoIP Parameters for VISM-PR
To configure AAL5 PVCs on a VISM-PR card:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, select the node from the Hierarchy pane and choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center. The Configuration window for the selected node opens.
Step 2 Within the Elements tab, expand the node, then double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab.
Step 4 Choose the VoIP Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-71 describes fields in the Media Gateway tab, VoIP Parameters option.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure the VoIP parameters. Configuring the ATM Network for VISM-PR
To configure the ATM network for VISM-PR cards by adding and configuring connections, please see "Provisioning Connections." Configuring the Call Agent Interface for VISM-PR
Figure 6-72 Process for Configuring the Call Agent Interface for VISM-PR
To configure the call agent interface, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Specify the domain name, IP address, and subnet mask—See Specifying the Domain Name, IP Address and Subnet Mask for VISM-PR.
Step 2 Set up call agents and protocols—See Setting Up Call Agents and Protocols for VISM-PR.
Step 3 Configure the gateway control protocol port—See Configuring the Gateway Control Protocol Port for VISM-PR.
Step 4 Configure ISDN PRI backhaul—See Configuring ISDN PRI Backhaul for VISM-PR. Specifying the Domain Name, IP Address and Subnet Mask for VISM-PR
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab.
Step 4 Choose the Gateway IP Address option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-73 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Media Gateway Tab, Gateway IP Address Category
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-72 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Gateway IP Address category.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure the parameters.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Setting Up Call Agents and Protocols for VISM-PR
Figure 6-74 Process for Setting Up Call Agents and Protocols for VISM-PR
To set up call agents and protocols for VISM-PR, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Configure the domain name server for the external domain name resolution:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
c. Click the Media Gateway tab. The Gateway Capabilities option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow (see Figure 6-63).
d. Complete the External DNS Name field.
Note Table 6-65 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Gateway Capabilities category.
e. Click Apply.
Step 2 Create a domain name for the call agent:
a. Click the MG Controller tab. The Domain Names option appears by default in the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The VISM-PR Create Domain Names window appears.
Figure 6-75 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create Domain Names Window
c. Complete the fields. Note the value of the Resolution Type field.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, Domain Names category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 3 If you have not set the Resolution Type to externalOnly in Step 2, proceed to Step 4
If you have set the Resolution Type to externalOnly in Step 2, proceed to Step 5.
Step 4 (Optional, see Step 3) Add the IP address for the Domain Name you created in Step 2:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the IP Address Resolution option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The VISM-PR Create IP Address Resolution window appears.
Figure 6-76 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create IP Address Resolution Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, IP Address Resolution category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 5 Add the call agent/MGC domain name:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the Media Gateway Controllers option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The VISM-PR Create Media Gateway Controllers window appears.
Figure 6-77 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create Media Gateway Controllers Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, Media Gateway Controllers category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 6 Add the MGC to a redundancy group:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the MGC Group option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The VISM-PR Create MGC Group window appears.
Figure 6-78 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create MGC Group Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, MGC Group category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 7 Change the parameters of the MGC group:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the MGC Group Params option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click on the MG group entry you want to modify, then click Details. The VISM-PR MGC Group Params window appears.
Figure 6-79 Configuration Center—VISM-PR MGC Group Params Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, MGC Group Params category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 8 Associate a call agent redundancy group with a gateway control protocol:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the MGC Group Protocols option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The VISM-PR Create MGC Group Protocols window appears.
Figure 6-80 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create MGC Group Protocols Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-73 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, MGC Group Protocols category.
d. Click Apply.
Once you have created the MGC group protocol, Cisco MGM automatically adds an SRCP peer. For details on configuring SRCP peers, see Step 7 in section Configuring the Gateway Control Protocol Port for VISM-PR.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring the Gateway Control Protocol Port for VISM-PR
Figure 6-81 Process for Configuring the Gateway Control Protocol Port for VISM-PR
To configure the gateway control protocol port for VISM-PR, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Configure a port number for a particular call agent and protocol:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
c. Click the XGCP tab.
d. Choose the XGCP Peers option from the Category drop-down arrow.
e. Click on a peer entry, then click Details. The XGCP Peers window appears.
Figure 6-82 Configuration Center—VISM-PR XGCP Peers Window
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, XGCP Peers option.
f. Click Apply.
Step 2 Specify the maximum waiting time before a Restart in Progress (RSIP) message is sent to the call agent:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the XGCP Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-83 Configuration Center—VISM-PR XGCP Tab, XGCP Parameters Category
b. Configure the Restart in Progress MWD field.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, XGCP Parameters category.
c. Click Apply.
Step 3 Specify the VISM-PR minimum and maximum wait time for a call agent message acknowledgment:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the XGCP Enhancement Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-84 Configuration Center—VISM-PR XGCP Tab, XGCP Enhancement Parameters Category
b. Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab. XGCP Enhancement Parameters category.
c. Click Apply.
Step 4 Specify the VISM-PR number of retries for a call agent message acknowledgment:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the XGCP Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow (see Figure 6-83).
b. Configure the Request Retries field.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, XGCP Parameters category.
c. Click Apply.
Step 5 Specify the bearer channel type VISM-PR uses (if one is not specified by the call agent in protocol local connection options):
a. Click the Media Gateway tab.
b. Choose the Bearer Traffic option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-85 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Media Gateway Tab, Bearer Traffic Category
c. Configure the Bearer N/W Type, Bearer VC Type, and Bearer Connection Type fields.
Note Table 6-75 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Bearer Traffic category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 6 Designate XGCP events as persistent:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the XGCP Persistent Events option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create XGCP Persistent Events window appears.
Figure 6-86 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create XGCP Persistent Events Window
c. Configure the Event Number and Event Name fields.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, XGCP Persistent Events category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 7 Specify the SRCP parameters for communication between VISM-PR and the call agent:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the SRCP Peers option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click on a peer entry, then click Details. The SRCP Peers tab appears.
Figure 6-87 Configuration Center—VISM-PR SRCP Peers Tab
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, SRCP Peers category.
d. Click Apply.
Step 8 Configure the SRCP heartbeat interval and maximum UDP size for a specified call agent redundancy group:
a. Within the XGCP tab, choose the SRCP Peer Group Parameters option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click on a peer entry, then click Details. The SRCP Peer Group Parameters tab appears.
Figure 6-88 Configuration Center—VISM-PR SRCP Peer Group Parameters Tab
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-74 describes fields in the VISM-PR XGCP tab, SRCP Peer Group Parameters category.
d. Click Apply.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring ISDN PRI Backhaul for VISM-PR
Step 1 Create a session set:
a. From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
b. Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
c. Click the MG Controller tab.
d. Choose the RUDP Session Set option from the Category drop-down arrow.
e. Click Create. The Create RUDP Session Set window appears.
Figure 6-89 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create RUDP Session Set Window
f. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-76 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, RUDP Session Set category.
g. Click Apply to add a RUDP session set.
Step 2 Create a session group for a session set and a call agent:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the RUDP Session Group option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create RUDP Session Group window appears.
Figure 6-90 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create RUDP Session Group Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-76 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, RUDP Session Group category.
d. Click Apply to add a session group.
Step 3 Create an ISDN PRI backhaul RUDP session within a specified group:
a. Within the MG Controller tab, choose the RUDP Session option from the Category drop-down arrow.
b. Click Create. The Create RUDP Session window appears.
Figure 6-91 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create RUDP Session Window
c. Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-76 describes fields in the VISM-PR MG Controller tab, RUDP Session category.
d. Click Apply to add a session group.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring TDM Signaling for CCS on VISM-PR
Configuring TDM signaling for CCS involves creating a LAPD channel. To create a LAPD channel, complete the following steps:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click on the LAPD Channel Parameters tab.
Step 4 Click Create. The Create LAPD Channel Parameters window appears.
Figure 6-92 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create LAPD Channel Parameters Window
Step 5 Configure the fields.
Note Table 6-77 describes fields in the VISM-PR Create LAPD Channel Parameters window.
Step 6 Click Apply to create a LAPD channel.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Adding and Configuring DS0 Endpoints on Lines
To add and configure DS0 endpoints on lines, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Add DS0 endpoints to lines—See Adding DS0 Endpoints to Lines for VISM-PR.
Step 2 (Optional) View DS0 endpoints—See Viewing DS0 Endpoints.
Step 3 Configure DS0 parameters—See Configuring DS0 Parameters. Adding DS0 Endpoints to Lines for VISM-PR
To add DS0 endpoints to lines for VISM-PR T1 or E1 lines:
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the EndPoints Config tab.
Step 4 Click Create to display the Create Endpoints Config window.
Figure 6-93 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create Endpoints Config Window
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-78 describes fields in the VISM-PR Create Endpoints Config window.
Step 6 Click Apply to add the DS0 endpoint to the line.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Viewing DS0 Endpoints
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the DSX0 tab. A table appears listing the DS0 endpoints. Configuring DS0 Parameters
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the DS1 line under the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the DSX0 tab. A table appears listing the DS0 endpoints.
Step 4 Click on a DS0 entry and then click Details. The DSX0 Parameters window appears, with the DSX0 Parameters category selected by default.
Figure 6-94 Configuration Center—VISM-PR DSX0 Parameters Window, DSX0 Parameters Category
Step 5 Complete or modify the fields.
Note Table 6-79 describes fields in the VISM-PR DSX0 Parameters window, DSX0 Parameters category.
Step 6 Click Apply to configure the DSX0 parameters.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring TDM Signaling for CAS on VISM-PR
To configure time-division multiplexing signaling for CAS, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Add a CAS variant to the VISM-PR card—See Adding a CAS Variant to a VISM-PR Card.
Step 2 Configure the CAS variant and timing parameters—See Configuring the CAS Variant and Timing Parameters.
Step 3 Associate an endpoint with the CAS variant—See Associating an Endpoint With a CAS Variant. Adding a CAS Variant to a VISM-PR Card
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the CAS tab. The CAS Parameters category is selected by default.
Step 4 Click Create. The Create CAS Parameters window appears.
Figure 6-95 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Create CAS Parameters Window
Step 5 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-80 describes fields in the VISM-PR Create CAS Parameters window.
Step 6 Click Apply to add the CAS variant to the card.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Configuring the CAS Variant and Timing Parameters
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the CAS tab. Choose the CAS Backhaul Extension option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Step 4 Within the variant table, click on the variant you want to configure, then click Details.
Step 5 Click Create. The CAS Backhaul Management tab appears.
Figure 6-96 Configuration Center—VISM-PR CAS Backhaul Management Tab
Step 6 Complete the fields.
Note Table 6-81 describes fields in the VISM-PR CAS Backhaul Management tab.
Step 7 Click Apply to configure the CAS variant and timing parameters.
Note For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables. Associating an Endpoint With a CAS Variant
For details, refer to section Configuring DS0 Parameters. Placing the VISM-PR Card In or Out of Service
Placing the VISM-PR card out of service informs the call agent to not send any call requests to the VISM-PR card.
Step 1 From the Domain Explorer window, choose Configuration > MGX 8880/8850 MG > Configuration Center.
Step 2 Under the Elements tab, within the node, double-click the VISM-PR card.
Step 3 Click the Media Gateway tab.
Step 4 Choose the Gateway State option from the Category drop-down arrow.
Figure 6-97 Configuration Center—VISM-PR Media Gateway Tab, Gateway State Category
Step 5 Set the Admin State Control to the desired state.
Note Table 6-82 describes fields in the VISM-PR Media Gateway tab, Gateway State category.
For a description of all buttons within this tab, see section Navigating Within Tables.