Using Open Database Connectivity

Cisco Prime Access Registrar (Prime Access Registrar) supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Oracle Call Interface (OCI), open specifications that provide application developers a vendor-independent API with which to access data sources. For ODBC, Prime Access Registrar supports MySQL database connectivity and for OCI, it supports Oracle database connectivity. It provides RemoteServer objects and services to support ODBC or OCI. You can use Prime Access Registrar to authenticate and authorize access requests by querying user information through ODBC or OCI.

ODBC or OCI is an application program interface (API). Real data exchange between an application and data store is still carried out by SQL through ODBC or OCI. To achieve the most flexibility, you are required to define your own SQL using aregcmd. Prime Access Registrar will register the SQL statements and send them to the data store through ODBC or OCI when required. Because you can define your own SQL, Prime Access Registrar supports sites that have their own data stores.

ODBC is configured using .ini files, specifically odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini. However, you cannot create or modify these files directly. Prime Access Registrar creates the .ini files after you use aregcmd to configure the ODBC connection. The SQL is stored in the local database (MCD). During execution, the Prime Access Registrar server reads the local database, prepares the SQL statements, and sends the SQL to the data source.


Noteblank.gif For OCI, the.ini files are not needed to connect to the database.


Noteblank.gif Prime Access Registrar uses its own ODBC driver manager and does not share existing ODBC drivers (if you already have ODBC installed). If you are already using ODBC, you will have to maintain two separate ODBC installations.

The ODBC or OCI memory requirement depends on your configuration. The more datasources you configure, the more memory is required. Packet processing time might increase if you configure a large number of SQL statements under SQLDefinition.

The Prime Access Registrar package includes some ODBC and OCIlib Drivers, and you should use the included driver whenever possible. If a data store’s ODBC driver is not included with Prime Access Registrar, you are required to install it. You configure the driver library using aregcmd to modify the associated ini file.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Oracle Software Requirements

The Prime Access Registrar ODBC feature requires that you have MySQL driver packages. The OCI feature requires that you have Oracle client software installed. Supported Oracle client versions are - 12c. All Oracle client software library files are expected under $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

When you install Prime Access Registrar software, the installation process prompts you for ORACLE_HOME variable and sets it in the Prime Access Registrar start-up script, /etc/init.d/arserver. Two other environment variables (ODBCINI and ODBCSYSINI) are also set in the arserver script. To change any of these variables, modify the /etc/init.d/arserver script and restart the Prime Access Registrar server.


Noteblank.gif For OCI services, ensure that you have installed the Oracle client properly by using tnsping or sqlplus utilities. Oracle Instant Client libraries are not supported by OCI services.

Configuring ODBC/OCI

You use aregcmd to define your ODBC configuration and SQL statements. The Prime Access Registrar server automatically creates the ODBC.ini file for your driver manager and driver based on how you configure ODBC.

Configuring the ODBC and ODBC-Accounting Remote Servers

To use ODBC in Prime Access Registrar for AA:

Step 1blank.gif Configure an ODBC DataSource.

Step 2blank.gif Configure an ODBC RemoteServer object with protocol type as ‘odbc’.

Step 3blank.gif Configure an ODBC Service with service type as ‘odbc’.

Step 4blank.gif Set ODBC service as the DefaultAuthenticationService and DefaultAuthorizationService.

Step 5blank.gif Save your configuration.


To use ODBC in Prime Access Registrar for Accounting:

Step 1blank.gif Configure an ODBC DataSource.

Step 2blank.gif Configure an ODBC RemoteServer object with protocol type as ‘odbc-account’.

Step 3blank.gif Configure an ODBC Service with service type as ‘odbc-accounting’.

Step 4blank.gif Set ODBC service as the DefaultAccountingService.

Step 5blank.gif Save your configuration.


After you save and validate your configuration, it is saved in the MCD database. If you have configured an ODBC service, Prime Access Registrar will query the MCD database and create or modify the odbc.ini file before it builds a connection to the database. When you reload your configuration, Prime Access Registrar shuts down any existing ODBC connections, then queries the MCD database to create or modify the odbc.ini file and build a new connection for any configured ODBC Data Sources.

The following shows an example configuration for AA remote server:

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/oracle-access ]
Name = oracle-access
Description =
Protocol = odbc
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Timeout = 15
DataSourceConnections = 8
ODBCDataSource = gordon
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
UserPasswordAttribute = password
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql1
Description =
Type = query
SQL = "select password, username from arusers where username = ?"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = UserName/SQL_CHAR

The following shows an example configuration for AAA remote server:

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/ora_acc ]
Name = ora_acc
Description =
Protocol = odbc-accounting
ReactivateTimerInterval = 1000
Timeout = 15
DataSourceConnections = 8
ODBCDataSource = gordon
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 1000
BufferAccountingPackets = TRUE
MaximumBufferFileSize = "10 Megabytes"
NumberOfRetriesForBufferedPacket = 3
BackingStoreEnvironmentVariables =
UseLocalTimeZone = FALSE
AttributeList =
Delimiter =
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql
Description =
Type = insert
SQL = "insert into accounting(username,acct_status_type) values (?, ?)"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = "UserName/SQL_CHAR Acct-Status-Type/SQL_CHAR "

You use aregcmd to define your OCI configuration and SQL statements.

Configuring an OCI and OCI-Accounting Remote Servers

To use OCI in Prime Access Registrar for AA:

Step 1blank.gif Configure the DataSource type as oracle_oci.

Step 2blank.gif Configure an OCI RemoteServer object protocol type as ‘oci’.

Step 3blank.gif Configure an OCI Service with type as ‘oci’.

Step 4blank.gif Set OCI service as the DefaultAuthenticationService and DefaultAuthorizationService.

Step 5blank.gif Save your configuration.


To use OCI in Prime Access Registrar for Accounting:

Step 1blank.gif Configure the DataSource type as oracle_oci.

Step 2blank.gif Configure an OCI RemoteServer object protocol type as ‘oci-accounting’.

Step 3blank.gif Configure an OCI Service with type as ‘oci-accounting’.

Step 4blank.gif Set OCI service as the DefaultAccountingService.

Step 5blank.gif Save your configuration.


After you save and validate your configuration, it is saved in the MCD database.

The following shows an example configuration for OCI AA remote server:

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/AA_OCI]
Name = AA_OCI
Description =
Protocol = oci
ReactivateTimerInterval = 60000
Timeout = 1
OCITimeOutCount = 2
OCIActiveConnectionThresholdCount = 2
OCIConnectionReactivationInterval = 30000
DataSourceConnections = 4
ODBCDataSource = VM011DB
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 3000
UserPasswordAttribute = password
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql1
Description =
Type = procedure
SQL = "call Access_Request(?,?)"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = "UserName/SQL_CHAR password/SQL_OUT"

The following shows an example configuration for OCI AAA remote server:

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/oracle-accounting ]
Name = accounting
Description =
Protocol = oci-accounting
ReactivateTimerInterval = 6000
Timeout = 3
OCITimeOutCount = 2
OCIActiveConnectionThresholdCount = 2
OCIConnectionReactivationInterval = 3000
DataSourceConnections = 4
ODBCDataSource = VM011DB
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
BufferAccountingPackets = FALSE
MaximumBufferFileSize = "10 Megabytes"
NumberOfRetriesForBufferedPacket = 3
BackingStoreEnvironmentVariables =
UseLocalTimeZone = FALSE
OCIAutoCommit = TRUE
OCITransactionCount = 0
AttributeList =
Delimiter =
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql
Description =
Type = procedure
SQL = "call Accounting_Request(?,?)"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = "UserName/SQL_CHAR Acct-Status-Type/SQL_CHAR"

This section contains the following topics:

Configuring an ODBC/OCI Service

You configure an ODBC or OCI service under /Radius/Services. When you define an ODBC or OCI service under /Radius/Services, you must set its type to ODBC or OCI and provide the following configuration options:


Noteblank.gif We will use ODBC or OCI as the ODBC or OCI service name in the following examples.

Example configuration for ODBC

[ //localhost/Radius/Services/ODBC ]
Name = ODBC
Description =
Type = odbc
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll
OutageScript~ =
MultipleServersPolicy = Failover

Example configuration for OCI

[ //localhost/Radius/Services/OCI ]
Name = OCI
Description =
Type = oci
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll
OutageScript~ =
MultipleServersPolicy = Failover

Table 13-1 describes the ODBC or OCI service parameters.


Table 13-1 ODBC/OCI Service Parameters



Required; inherited from the upper directory


An optional description of the service


Must be set to ODBC for ODBC service or OCI for OCI service






Required; must be set to AcceptAll or Drop Packet, or defaults to RejectAll




Required; must be set to RoundRobin or defaults to Failover.

When set to Failover, Prime Access Registrar directs requests to the first server in the list until it determines the server is offline. If so, Prime Access Registrar redirects all requests to the next server in the list until it finds an online server.

When set to RoundRobin, Prime Access Registrar directs each request to the next server in the RemoteServers list to share the resource load across all servers in the RemoteServers list.


Required list of remote servers defined under /Radius/Services/ODBC/RemoteServers such as ODBC-Primary and ODBC-Secondary

Configuring an ODBC/OCI RemoteServer

Configuring an ODBC Remote Server

You must configure an ODBC RemoteServer object for each RemoteServer object you list under /Radius/Services/ODBC/RemoteServers. Use the aregcmd command add to add ODBC servers under /Radius/RemoteServers.

Configuring an OCI Remote Server

You must configure an OCI RemoteServer object for each RemoteServer object you list under /Radius/Services/OCI/RemoteServers. Use the aregcmd command add to add OCI servers under /Radius/RemoteServers.

Table 13-2 describes the ODBC or OCI service parameters. The fields that are displayed in the table changes based on the protocol type selected.


Table 13-2 ODBC/OCI Remote Server Parameters



Required; inherited from the upper directory


An optional description of the server


Required and must be set to ODBC or OCI for ODBC or OCI service respectively; no default value


Required; default is 300000 (ms)


Required; default is 15 (seconds)


Required; continuous timeout count to disconnect the selected connection. Default is 10.


Required; threshold count of disconnections after which Prime Access Registrar will mark the remote server as down and try to reactivate it. Default value is 4.


Required; time interval for attempting to reconnect the disconnected OCI remote server session. Default value is 3000 ms.


Required; number of concurrent connections to data source (default is 8)


Required; no default value


SQLDefinition/ (mandatory, no default);
UserPasswordAttribute = (mandatory, no default; data store field for user password)





Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the name of the odbc attribute to retrieve from the user record, and the value is the name of the RADIUS attribute to set to the value of the odbc attribute retrieved.

For example, when the ODBCToRadiusMappings has the entry: FramedIPAddress = Framed-IP-Address, the RemoteServer retrieves the FramedIPAddress attribute from the odbc user entry for the specified user, uses the value returned, and sets the Response variable Framed-IP-Address to that value.


Noteblank.gif When you select the protocol as OCI, the field name will be displayed as OCIToRadiusMappings.


Optional; a list of name/value pairs in which the name is the name of the odbc attribute to retrieve from the user record, and the value is the name of the Environment variable to set to the value of the odbc attribute retrieved.

For example, when the ODBCToEnvironmentMappings has the entry: group = User-Group, the RemoteServer retrieves the group attribute from the odbc user entry for the specified user, uses the value returned, and sets the Environment variable User-Group to that value.


Noteblank.gif When you select the protocol as OCI, the field name will be displayed as OCIToEnvironmentMappings.


Optional; a list of ODBC attribute/value pairs which must be present in the RADIUS access request and must match, both name and value, for the check to pass.

For example, when the ODBCToCheckItemMappings has the entry: group = User-Group, the Access Request must contain the attribute group, and it must be set to User-Group.


Noteblank.gif When you select the protocol as OCI, the field name will be displayed as OCIToCheckItemMappings.

OCI Connection Timeout and Disconnection

Any single connection from Prime Access Registrar to Oracle server will be disconnected when one of the following is observed:

  • Occurrence of native Oracle errors that are configured under AdditionalNativeOracleErrors.
  • Continuous query timeouts (configured). This is configured using the OCITimeOutCount parameter.

This single connection disconnect will not impact the other active connections to that remote server. Hence, this will hold the state of the remote server in Prime Access Registrar as active.

Once a connection disconnects, it will attempt to reconnect after a reactivation time interval. You can configure this interval with the OCIConnectionReactivationInterval parameter.

Any Oracle server that Prime Access Registrar connects to will be marked as down during one of the following circumstances:

  • Total number of disconnections reaches a threshold value. You can configure this threshold value using the OCIActiveConnectionThresholdCount parameter.
  • Configured application times out—timeout in server/queue reaches the configured timeout (timeout count X number of connections).
  • When the remote server starts or reactivates, no active connections are available even after waiting for the configured initial timeout.

In all the above cases, the Prime Access Registrar will attempt to re-establish the remote server connection after reactivation timer expires.

ODBC Data Source

ODBCDataSource is the name of the datasource to be used by the remote server. An ODBCDataSource name can be reused by multiple remote servers. You configure ODBCDataSources under /Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources. See Configuring an ODBC DataSource, for more information.

Tuning Parameters

1.blank.gif SQLNET.ORA timeout configuration

Tuning $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file on the Oracle Client

For proper function of the reactivate timer interval, one or more of the following parameters in sqlnet.ora file needs to be tuned:





Ensure that the ReactivateTimerInterval of ODBC/ODBC-Accounting remoteservers is greater than the timeout values configured in sqlnet.ora.

2.blank.gif AdditionalNativeOracleErrors connection lost error configuration

Whenever OCI remote server oracle connection encounters configured ORA error, Prime Access Registrar will disconnect the remote server and reactivate it after the ReactivateTimerInterval


set /Radius/Advanced/AdditionalNativeOracleErrors "3113,3114,12543,25408,25402,600,12502,12170,3135, 12518, 12526, 12528, 1089, 12547, 1041, 1092, 12537, 12514"

SQL Definitions

SQLDefinitions lists the UserPasswordAttribute and one or more SQL statements, listed numerically in the order to be run. The UserPasswordAttribute represents a column in the database that contains users’ password information. Individual SQLStatements are numbered SQL1 through SQL n under SQLStatements, as shown in the following example:

UserPasswordAttribute = asdfjkl

The following example is an SQL statement used for Authentication and Authorization:

Name = SQL1
Type = query (mandatory, no default; must be query/procedure)
SQL = SQL statement (mandatory, no default)
ExecutionSequenceNumber = Sequence number for SQLStatement execution.(mandatory, no default and must be greater than zero).
MarkerList = UserName/SQL_DATA_TYPE …… (mandatory, UserName must be defined)

For more information on stored procedures and stored functions, refer to Oracle Stored Procedures.

Table 13-3 describes the SQL Statement parameters.


Table 13-3 SQL Statement Parameters



Name/number of SQL statement


Query (mandatory, no default value)


SQL query statement


Sequence number for SQLStatement execution, must be greater than zero (mandatory, no default)


Defines all markers for the query. MarkerList uses the format UserName/SQL_DATA_TYPE.

SQL Syntax Restrictions

You must observe the following SQL syntax restrictions in SQL queries for Prime Access Registrar.

1.blank.gif The SQL statement must be in the format of SELECT... FROM... WHERE..." (Statements might be in lowercase.)


Noteblank.gif 'WHERE' is compulsory in the SQL statement.

2.blank.gif Stored procedures with return value must be in the " begin ? := <Stored_procedure_name> ( <IN/OUT Parameters>); end ;" format.

3.blank.gif Stored procedures without return value can be in the " CALL <Stored_procedure_name> ( <IN/OUT Parameters>)" format.

4.blank.gif Any arguments to Oracle functions like distinct, count must be given within braces, as shown in the following example:

select distinct(attribute),password from profiles where username=?

The resulted column from distinct(attribute) will be put into attribute which can be used for ODBC Mappings. The actual result set from Oracle for this column would be named distinct(attribute).

5.blank.gif The column list in the SQL statement must be delimited with a comma (,) and any extra spaces between statements are ignored. Aliasing for column names in SQL is not allowed. SQLDefinition properties define the SQL you want to execute, as shown in the following example.

Specifying More Than One Search Key

You can specify more than one search key for a table in the SQL SELECT. To do so, add another search criteria to the SQL statement and add the environment variable name to the MarkerList. For example, the following query and MarkerList can be used to look up a username and CLID match.

select password from user_table where username = ? and clid = ?

In this case, the marker list would look like this:


To configure the multiple entries in the MarkerList list, surround the entire string in double quotes like the following:

set MarkerList "UserName/SQL_CHAR CLID/SQL_CHAR"

To make this work, a variable called CLID must be in the environment dictionary. You can use a script to copy the appropriate value into the variable.


You configure ODBCToRadiusMappings or OCIToRadiusMappings with a list of name/value pairs where name is the name of the data store attribute to retrieve from the user record and the value is the name of the RADIUS attribute to set to the value of the data store attribute retrieved.

For example, use the following aregcmd command to set a value for the variable Framed-IP-Address :

set FramedIPAddress Framed-IP-Address

When the ODBCToRadiusMappings or OCIToRadiusMappings has this entry, the RemoteServer retrieves the attribute from the data store user entry for the specified user, uses the value returned, and sets the response variable Framed-IP-Address to that value.

When an SQL select statement returns more than one row for a column mapped under ODBCToRadiusMappings or OCIToRadiusMappings, multiple Radius attributes are created.

For example, consider the following SQL select statement with ciscoavpair configured to Cisco-AVPair under ODBCToRadiusMappings. The table.column syntax requires an SQL alias for the mapping to work, as shown in the following example:

select as t1abc, password from table2 where username = ?
Mapping: t1abc = my_mapping

If two rows are returned for ciscoavpair column, two Cisco-AVPair attributes will be created.


Under ODBCToEnvironmentMappings or OCIToEnvironmentMappings there is a list of name and value pairs in which the name is the name of the data store attribute to retrieve from the user record, and the value is the name of the Environment variable to set to the value of the ODBC or OCI attribute retrieved.

For example, when the ODBCToEnvironmentMappings has the entry: group =User-Group, the RemoteServer retrieves the attribute from the ODBC user entry for the specified user, uses the value returned, and sets the environment variable User-Group to that value. When an SQL select statement returns more than one row for a column mapped under ODBCToEnvironmentMappings, the value for all rows is concatenated and assigned to the environment variable.


A list of ODBC or OCI attribute/value pairs which must be present in the RADIUS access request and must match, both name and value, for the check to pass.

For example, when the ODBCToCheckItemMappings or OCIToCheckItemMappings has the entry: group = User-Group, the Access Request must contain the attribute group, and it must be set to User-Group.

Configuring an ODBC DataSource

ODBCDataSource is the name of the datasource to be used by the remote server. You configure ODBCDataSources under /Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources. Multiple remote servers can use the same ODBCDataSource.

Under the ODBCDataSource object definition, for ODBC a list defines ODBC.ini filename/value pairs for a connection. The list includes a Type field and a Driver field, different for each Driver and Data Source, to indicate its Driver and Data Source. Prime Access Registrar currently supports only the Easysoft Open Source Oracle Driver.

For OCI services, ODBCDataSource type should be ‘oracle_oci’. The following is an example configuration of ODBCDataSource for OCI services.

[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources/gordon ]
Name = gordon
Description =
Type = oracle_oci
UserID = scott
Password = <encrypted>
DataBase =

Table 13-4 describes the OCILib Open Source Oracle Driver options for OCI.


Table 13-4 OCILib Open Source Oracle Driver Options for OCI



Name of the ODBCDataSource


Required; must be Oracle_oci


Required; Oracle Client configuration database name (no default value)


Required; database username (no default value)


Optional user password; shown encrypted

Setting ODBC/OCI As Authentication and Authorization Service

Use aregcmd to configure the ODBC Service as the default authentication and authorization service under //localhost /Radius as in the following:

set DefaultAuthenticationService odbc-service

set DefaultAuthorizationService odbc-service

Use aregcmd to configure the OCI Service as the default authentication and authorization service under //localhost /Radius as in the following:

set DefaultAuthenticationService oci-service

set DefaultAuthorizationService oci-service


Noteblank.gif When you use an ODBC or OCI service, configure the BackingStoreDiscThreshold property under /Radius/Advanced to ensure that the data generated by log files do not exceed the size limit configured.

Setting ODBC/OCI As Accounting Service

Use aregcmd to configure the ODBC Service as the default accounting service under //localhost /Radius as in the following:

set DefaultAccountingService odbc-service

Use aregcmd to configure the OCI Service as the default authentication and authorization service under //localhost /Radius as in the following:

set set DefaultAccountingService oci-service

Saving Your Configuration

When you use aregcmd to save your configuration, Prime Access Registrar attempts to validate the configuration, checks for all required parameters, and ensures there is no logic error. If the validation is successful, the configuration is saved to the MCD database. When you reload, Prime Access Registrar shuts down any current ODBC/OCI connections and builds new connections for the configured ODBC Data Sources.

Oracle Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a database procedure similar to other programming language procedures, which is contained within the database itself. A SQL Server stored procedure that contains one or more IN parameters are used to pass data into the stored procedure.Similarly, one or more OUT parameters in the stored procedure are used to return data back to the calling application. Prime Access Registrar supports Oracle stored procedures/functions with IN and OUT parameters only over the OCI interface.

For Authentication and Authorization, Prime Access Registrar supports both Stored Procedures and Stored Functions with the In/Out parameters and return value. In the configuration for the AA remote server, the UserPasswordAttribute value must be in the marker list for procedures.

For Accounting, Prime Access Registrar supports both Stored Procedures and Stored Functions with only the In parameters, and does not support return value and Out parameters.

The following are the examples for stored functions and procedures calling inside Prime Access Registrar:

Example format for stored functions with return value
SQL = "begin ? := stress (?);end;"
Example for stored procedures
SQL = " CALL Accounting_Request( ?,?,?)"

Noteblank.gif Prime Access Registrar does not support, return value with the "call" format for the stored procedures.

The following shows an example configuration for OCI AA remote server:

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers ]
Entries 1 to 2 from 2 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = AA_OCI
Description =
Protocol = oci
ReactivateTimerInterval = 60000
Timeout = 1
OCITimeOutCount = 2
OCIActiveConnectionThresholdCount = 2
OCIConnectionReactivationInterval = 30000
DataSourceConnections = 4
ODBCDataSource = VM011DB
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 3000
UserPasswordAttribute = password
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql1
Description =
Type = procedure
SQL = "call Access_Request(?,?)"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = "UserName/SQL_CHAR password/SQL_OUT"

The following shows an example configuration for OCI AAA remote server:

Name = accounting
Description =
Protocol = oci-accounting
ReactivateTimerInterval = 6000
Timeout = 3
OCITimeOutCount = 2
OCIActiveConnectionThresholdCount = 2
OCIConnectionReactivationInterval = 3000
DataSourceConnections = 4
ODBCDataSource = VM011DB
SNMPTrapPort = 1521
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
BufferAccountingPackets = FALSE
MaximumBufferFileSize = "10 Megabytes"
NumberOfRetriesForBufferedPacket = 3
BackingStoreEnvironmentVariables =
UseLocalTimeZone = FALSE
OCIAutoCommit = TRUE
OCITransactionCount = 0
AttributeList =
Delimiter =
Entries 1 to 1 from 1 total entries
Current filter: <all>
Name = sql
Description =
Type = procedure
SQL = "call Accounting_Request(?,?)"
ExecutionSequenceNumber = 1
MarkerList = "UserName/SQL_CHAR Acct-Status-Type/SQL_CHAR"

Noteblank.gif Prime Access Registrar supports Oracle stored procedures for OCI AA and OCI AAA remote servers.

MySQL Support

Prime Access Registrar provides support for MySQL to query user records from a MySQL database and enables you to write accounting records into MySQL when using Oracle accounting. Prime Access Registrar has been tested with MySQL 5.0.90 and MyODBC 3.51.27 (reentrant).

This section contains the following topics:

MySQL Driver

You can download the MySQL driver from the MySQL website at You can go directly to the driver download page using the following URL:

Save the downloaded file to a temporary location such as /tmp. Use commands to unzip and install the driver.

For better performance with mysql, add the following code to the odbcinst.ini file under the /cisco-ar/odbc/etc directory:

Threading = 1 is the driver location

Configuring a MySQL Datasource

You require the following to configure a MYSQL Datasource:

  • ODBCDataSource object
  • RemoteServer object
  • ODBC service
  • Default AA services

Configuring a MYSQL datasource

To configure the Prime Access Registrar server to query records form a MySQL database:

Step 1blank.gif Log into the Prime Access Registrar server and launch aregcmd.

Log in as a user with administrative rights such as user admin.

Step 2blank.gif Change directory to the /Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources and add a new ODBCDataSource.

cd /Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources

add mysql

Step 3blank.gif Set the new ODBCDatasource type to myodbc.

cd mysql

[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources/mysql ]
Name = mysql
Description =
Type =

set type myodbc

The following is the default configuration for an ODBCDataSource object of type myodbc:

[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources/mysql ]
Name = mysql
Description =
Type = myodbc
Driver =
UserID =
Password =
DataBase =
Server =
Port = 3306

Step 4blank.gif Set the Driver property to the path of the MyODBC library. Use a command like the following:

set driver /scratch/myodbc/

Step 5blank.gif Set the UserID property to a valid username for the MyODBC database and provide a valid password for this user.

set userid ar-mysql-user

set password biscuit

Step 6blank.gif Provide a DataBase name and the name of the Prime Access Registrar RemoteServer object to associate with the ODBCDataSource.

set database database_name

set server remote_server_name

Step 7blank.gif Change directory to /Radius/RemoteServers and add a RemoteServer object to associate with the new ODBCDatasource.

cd /Radius/RemoteServers

add mysql

Step 8blank.gif Change directory to the new RemoteServer and set its protocol to odbc.

cd mysql

set protocol odbc

Step 9blank.gif Set the ODBCDataSource property to the name of the ODBCDataSource to associate with this RemoteServer object.

set ODBCDataSource mysql

Step 10blank.gif Change directory to /Radius/Services and add an ODBC service as described in Configuring an ODBC/OCI Service.

Step 11blank.gif Change directory to /Radius and set the DefaultAuthenticationService and DefaultAuthorizationService properties to the ODBC service added in the previous step.


Example Configuration

The following shows an example configuration for a MySQL ODBC data source. See Configuring an ODBC DataSource for more information.

[ //localhost/Radius/Advanced/ODBCDataSources/mysql ]
Name = mysql
Type = myodbc
Driver = /tmp/
UserID = mysql
Password = <encrypted>
DataBase = test
Server = mysql-a
Port = 3306

The following shows an example configuration for a RemoteServer. See Configuring an ODBC/OCI RemoteServer for more information.

[ //localhost/Radius/RemoteServers/mysql-a ]
Name = mysql
Description =
Protocol = odbc
ReactivateTimerInterval = 300000
Timeout = 15
DataSourceConnections = 8
ODBCDataSource = mysql
KeepAliveTimerInterval = 0
UserPasswordAttribute = asdfjkl
Name = SQL1
Type = query (mandatory, no default; must be query)
SQL = SQL statement (mandatory, no default)
ExecutionSequenceNumber = Sequence number for SQLStatement execution.(mandatory, no default and must be greater than zero).
MarkerList = UserName/SQL_DATA_TYPE …… (mandatory, UserName must be defined)

The following shows an example configuration for an ODBC service. See Configuring an ODBC/OCI Service for more information.

[ //localhost/Radius/Services/ODBC ]
Name = ODBC
Description =
Type = ODBC
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
OutagePolicy~ = RejectAll
OutageScript~ =
MultipleServersPolicy = Failover
1. mysql-a

The following shows an example configuration where the DefaultAuthenticationService and DefaultAuthorizationService properties have been set to the ODBC service.

[ //localhost/Radius ]
Name = Radius
Description =
Version =
IncomingScript~ =
OutgoingScript~ =
DefaultAuthenticationService~ = ODBC
DefaultAuthorizationService~ = ODBC