System Settings

This chapter explains the following:

System Settings

In System Settings page configure the Master application. In this page, you can add the responders (PCA nodes) that you wish to monitor.

  • Click Yes to Enable Master Node.

  • Click No to Disable Master Node. A message notifies ‘Do you want to disable the UC Operations Dashboard Master Node?

  • Click YES to confirm deleting the Master Node.


The default Enable Master State is ‘Yes’. On disabling master, no communication takes place between the master and the associated responders.

Add or Delete Associated Responders

The table provides a list of associated responders.



Host Name

Hostname of the Responder Node.

IP Address

IP Address of the Responder Node.

Number of Managed Clusters

Number of clusters managed in the associated Responder Node.

Responder Status

Shows the status of the Responder registration with the Master.

Registered At

The date and time at which the Responder is Registered/Unregistered with the Master.

Status Reason

Shows the status reasons of the respective Responder registration with the Master. The following are the different reasons shown.

  1. Registration Rejected

    Reason - Master IP is not authorized at the Responder

  2. Registered Successfully

  3. Responder is in Suspended mode

  4. Unable to Contact the Responder

  5. Responder initiated deregistration

  6. Data not received over the past two cycles

To Add or Delete an Associated Responder

  1. Click Add to add an associated responder.

    Enter either comma separated Master IP Address(es) or Host Names you want to add in the Responder IP field that pops up.

  2. Check the box against the responder(s) you want to delete.

    A message notifies ‘Do you want to delete the selected Responder(s)’.

    Click Yes to delete the selected Responder(s).

    Click No to retain the added Responder(s).


    Deleting the responder in System Settings page deletes the corresponding cluster data as well.

Set the Job Frequency

Set the job frequency of the cluster summary using the drop-down box of ‘Cluster Summary Job Frequency’ as 1, 3, 5 or 10 minutes as per your preference.


The default time interval is 5 minutes.

Click Apply.


  1. The job frequency is applicable for all Responders. For every chosen respective time intervals, the responder will send the aggregated cluster summary information to the Master.

  2. For mega cluster, the bigger the interval (>5 minutes) better is the accuracy. Smaller frequency should be applicable for small clusters (number of nodes - 3 to 5) and less number of PCAs (<= 5).

Set the Shared Secret Key


  • Enter the same Shared Secret Key that was set earlier in the Responder settings page while setting up for the Master.

  • You must provide the same key for both Master and associated Responder(s).

  • Click ‘Apply’ once every field in System Settings page.