FAQs: Operations Center and Prime Infrastructure

FAQs: Operations Center and

Alarms and Events


Why doesn't the aggregated Alarm Summary count shown in Operations Center match the same count shown in the managed instances of ?


Users must make sure that Operations Center and all the instances it is managing are using the same alarm categories.

To ensure that Operations Center and all the instances are using the same categories:

  1. Log on to Operations Center using an ID with administrator privileges, then select Administration > User Preferences.

  2. Under Alarms, click Edit Alarm Categories.

  3. Take note of the alarm categories currently selected for Operations Center. Under normal circumstances, the following categories will be selected:

    • Alarm Summary

    • AP

    • Controller

    • Coverage Holes

    • Mesh Links

    • Mobility Service

    • Performance

    • Rogue AP

    • Security

    • Routers

    • Application Performance

    • Switches and Hubs

    • System

  4. If you need to change any of the selections, click the check box next to the alarm category you want to select or deselect, then click Done.

  5. Repeat the preceding steps on each of the managed instances of , ensuring that the same selections are made on each instance.


Why doesn't the total alarm count shown in Operations Center match the same count shown in the managed instances?


By default, Operations Center counts all alarms when calculating the total alarm count, but the managed instances of hide Acknowledged and Cleared alarms. If you want the total alarm count on all the managed instances to match the alarm count in Operations Center, you must set all the managed instances to show Acknowledged and Cleared alarms:

  1. Log in to the first managed instance of .

  2. Select Administration System SettingsAlarms and Events.

  3. Under Alarm Display Options, make sure that the check boxes next to "Hide acknowledged alarms" and "Hide cleared alarms" are both unchecked.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

  5. Repeat these steps on all the other managed instances.


Why doesn't the aggregated Events and Syslogs count shown in Operations Center match the same count shown in the managed instances?


Events and syslogs, by their nature, are constantly changing on managed instances. You can see this for yourself by clicking on the refresh button every five seconds. There is always a slight lag from the time the Event and Syslog count changes to when that count is updated in the corresponding NBI call. Since this is constantly changing, the aggregated count displayed in Operations Center should not be compared to the individual managed instances.

Cross Launching


Why are there discrepancies when cross-launching from the Network Device Summary (NDS) dashlet to the Devices page for Wireless Controllers (WLCs)?


This is an issue with differences in the way fetches data for dashlets and individual wireless devices. To get the Network Device Summary count, the dashlet queries a data structure that has an entry when the device is reachable, but does not check the inventory collection status. When you cross-launch the Devices page for the open WLC, the count comes from a table that has an entry only when the inventory collection status is successful(at least once) for the device. Please note that this is an issue in , not Operations Center.


Are there known Issues with cross launching from a specific device group on the Network Devices page?


There is a known issue with cross-launching from a specific device group under the Network Devices page in Operations Center to the same device group in a managed instance. The user is redirected to the Network Devices page in the managed instance, but all the device groups are displayed instead of the device group selected in Operations Center.


Why isn't cross-launching working properly for third-party APs on the Network Device Summary dashlet?


There is a known issue in cross-launching from the Network Device Summary dashlet for third-party APs in Operations Center. When you cross-launch from Operations Center, none of the third-party APs are displayed on the Network Devices page.


Cross-launching for syslogs does not work as expected.


Currently, does not support filtering by Instance ID for syslogs. As a result, Operations Center cannot support filtering on syslogs when cross-launching to a managed instance of .



Why are there differences between the VLAN ID and Association ID on the Clients and Users page in Operations Center and the same page given in the managed instances?


This happens due to quick updating of these values. If you update these values in Operations Center, the same data on a managed instance may have already changed.


Why is there a discrepancy between what Operations Center and the managed instances show in the "CPU Utilization" and "Memory Utilization" fields for Autonomous APs on the Device Details page?


One reason for the discrepancy is that these values change very quickly. When you update these values in Operations Center, the same data on one or more of the managed instances may have already changed.



Why do Operations Center and have minor discrepancies in the report values they generate?


This is expected behavior. generates its report values using fractional values at its disposal, but Operations Center aggregates these values using a set of rounded numbers. This results in the discrepancies.


Why is report data not being polled from 2.1 instances?


If you try to generate a report in Operations Center with the same name as an existing report on a 2.1 instance, the data for that instance will be ignored in Operations Center. To work around this issue, specify a report name that is unique across both Operations Center and all your managed instances.



Why isn't site information retrieved from 2.1 managed instances?


When choosing Performance > Device > Select a Device > Site, the site information for 2.1 instances is not retrieved. This is due to an internal (IFM) API that changed between version 2.1 and 2.2.


Why do Operations Center and have different columns for the Current Associated Wired Clients table?


The Current Associated Wired Clients table in Operations Center has fixed columns. The same table in managed instances of has customizable columns. Later versions of Operations Center may change this.