Table Of Contents
Common Components
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
Bridging Entity
Bridging Entry
Forwarding Component Container
Operating System
Modular Operating System
Operating System Package
Entity Information
Rollback Point
Flash Device
Logical File
Physical Layer
Traffic Descriptor Container
Tunnel Container
Virtual Cross Connection
VC Multiplexer
VC Encapsulation
Service Alarms
Common Components
This chapter describes the level of support that Cisco ANA provides for components common to all network elements, as follows:
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
Service Alarms
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
This section describes the following IMOs:
Bridging Entity (IBridge)
Bridging Entry (IBridgeEntry)
Forwarding Component Container (IFWComponentContainer)
Operating System (IOperatingSystem)
Modular Operating System (IModularOS)
Operating System Package (IOSPackage)
Entity Information (IEntityInfo)
Rollback Point (IRollbackPoint)
Flash Device (IFlashDevice)
Logical File (ILogicalFile)
Physical Layer (IPhysicalLayer)
Traffic Descriptor Container (ITrafficDescriptorContainer)
Tunnel Container (ITunnelContainer)
Virtual Cross Connection (IVcCrossConnect)
VC Encapsulation (IVcBasedEncapsulation)
VC Multiplexer (EncapMux)
Bridging Entity
The Bridging Entity object describes the IEEE 802-based protocol- independent forwarding component of an IEEE 802 bridge or switch. It is bound by its Logical Sons attribute to all the data link layer objects (such as Ethernet Interface) among which this Bridging Entity is bridging or switching IEEE 802-based data link frames.
Table 37-1 Bridging Entity (IBridge)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Bridge Table |
Array of Bridging Entries |
Any |
Configuration |
Type |
Bridge type (Null, Automatic, Regular, Bridge Route) |
Any |
Configuration |
MAC Address |
Bridge internal MAC address used either for running Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) or for bridge network management |
Any |
Configuration |
IP Interface |
OID of the IP interface used mainly for routing traffic from that bridge |
Any |
Configuration |
Name |
Bridging entity name |
Any |
Configuration |
Logical Sons |
Array of all IEEE 802-based data link interfaces among which this Bridging Entity is bridging or switching IEEE 802-based data link frames |
Any |
Configuration |
VLAN Type |
The type of VLAN |
Any |
Configuration |
Bridging Entry
The Bridging Entry object describes a domain-wide bridge table entry within a Bridging Entity.
Forwarding Component Container
The Forwarding Component Container object aggregates a single type of Forwarding Component, such as a Routing Entry, Bridging Entity or Virtual Connection Switching Entity.
Table 37-3 Forwarding Component Container (IFWComponentContainer)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Forwarding Components |
Array of a single type of forwarding component |
Any |
Configuration |
Type |
Forwarding component (Null, Routing Entities, Bridges, VRFs, LSEs, VC Switching Entities, L2TP Peers, MPBGPs, IMA Groups) |
Any |
Configuration |
Operating System
This object relates to the IOS version running on the device.
Table 37-4 Operating System (IOperatingSystem)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
OS Version |
String defining the operating system and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Rom Version |
Information on the system bootstrap software and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Software |
Information on the system image software and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Reason |
A free-text string indicating how the operating system was last booted, either as a result of normal startup or of system error. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Ldr Software |
Information on device BOOTLDR software. |
Product |
Configuration |
IsK9Sec |
Indicates whether the operating system has the cryptographic feature enabled. |
Product |
Configuration |
Ram Size |
The device processor RAM size in KB. |
Product |
Configuration |
Modular Operating System
This object relates to the IOS-XR version running on the XR device.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-5 Modular Operating System (IModularOS)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
OS Version |
String defining the operating system and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Rom Version |
Information on the system bootstrap software and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Software |
Information on the system image software and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Reason |
A free-text string indicating how the operating system was last booted, either as a result of normal startup or of system error. |
Product |
Configuration |
Boot Ldr Software |
Information on device BOOTLDR software. |
Product |
Configuration |
IsK9Sec |
Indicates whether the operating system has the cryptographic feature enabled. |
Product |
Configuration |
Ram Size |
The device processor RAM size in KB. |
Product |
Configuration |
OS Packages |
The instances of OSPackage that are contained in this instance of ModularOS. |
Product |
Configuration |
Rollback Points |
The instances of RollbackPoint that are contained in this instance of ModularOS. |
Product |
Configuration |
Identifier of the SDR. |
Product |
Configuration |
SDR Name |
Name of the SDR. |
Product |
Configuration |
SDR MAC Address |
MAC address associated with the SDR. |
Product |
Configuration |
IsOwner |
Specifies whether the instance is an owner SDR. |
Product |
Configuration |
ConfiguredSDRMacs |
MAC address configured on the device. |
Product |
Configuration |
Operating System Package
This object provides XR package information about the instance of OS package contained in the IModularOS object.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-6 Operating System Package (IOSPackage)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Package Info |
A string defining the package and its version. |
Product |
Configuration |
Release |
A string that identifies the software release for this element. |
Product |
Configuration |
Build Info |
A string that identifies the software build for this element of the modular OS. |
Product |
Configuration |
Supported For Card Types |
A multi-valued enumeration for designation of card types supported by this element of the modular OS. |
Product |
Configuration |
Package Description |
Detailed description for this package. |
Product |
Configuration |
Composite Name |
Stores information about the package's installed location (EntityInfo) |
Product |
Configuration |
Entity Information
This object stores information on package status on the module.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-7 Entity Information (IEntityInfo)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Entity XID |
A string representing the entity to which this package belongs. |
Product |
Configuration |
Is Active |
Status of this package on the module. |
Product |
Configuration |
Module Name |
String representing the module name |
Product |
Configuration |
Rollback Point
This object represents XR install manager rollback point information.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-8 Rollback Point (IRollbackPoint)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Is Current |
Set to "true" for the current device configuration scoped by this instance of RollbackPoint. |
Product |
Configuration |
Rollback Point ID |
A means to map the configuration to the identification of the rollback point of the operating system. |
Product |
Configuration |
User ID |
Identification of the user who installed and activated the new package. |
Product |
Configuration |
Start Time |
The date/time when the installation started. |
Product |
Configuration |
Completion Time |
The date/time when the installation was committed and became effective. |
Product |
Configuration |
OS Packages |
An array of packages, version, entity reference, and corresponding state belonging to this rollback instance. |
Product |
Configuration |
Flash Device
This object provides information about the flash disk drives on the device.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-9 Flash Device (IFlashDevice)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Flash Partition |
String name representation of the flash disk, for example, disk0, disk1, bootflash, etc. |
Product |
Configuration |
Capacity |
The total size of the flash, specified in bytes. |
Product |
Configuration |
Available Space |
Free space in the file system, specified in bytes. |
Product |
Configuration |
Type of Memory |
The type of memory, such as dynamic RAM (DRAM) or Flash. |
Product |
Configuration |
Logical Files |
Array of named collection of files or directories. |
Product |
Configuration |
Logical File
This object provides information about the logical files on the flash disk.
The Scheme for this IMO is Product except for CRS devices for which the scheme is IpCore.
Table 37-10 Logical File (ILogicalFile)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Checksum |
The checksum for the file, specified as a string. |
Product |
Configuration |
File Size |
The size of the file, specified in bytes. |
Product |
Configuration |
Type of File |
The type of this logical file, for example, directory. |
Product |
Configuration |
Full Path Name |
A string containing the full path name of the logical file. |
Product |
Configuration |
Physical Layer
The Bridging Entity object is bound by its Containing Termination Points attribute to a Port Connector object. It is accessed by the data link layer bound by its Contained Connection Termination Points attribute.
The polling interval for each of the four "Thresholds" attributes is marked as Not Applicable (N/A) because it does not originate from the modeled NE. Instead, it is taken from the TCA system of the VNE.
The following attributes are configured in the registry and not retrieved from the device.
Table 37-11 Physical Layer (IPhysicalLayer)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Media Type |
Physical media type (Null, Thin Coax, Thick Coax, Fiber Optic, Multi Mode Fiber Optic, Single Mode Fiber Optic, Short Single Mode Fiber Optic, Long Single Mode Fiber Optic, UTP, STP, FTP, EIA/TIA-232, EIA/TIA-449, V.35, X.21, EIA/TIA-530, EIA/TIA-530A, Generic Serial, EIA/TIA-612/613, Other) |
Any |
Configuration |
Clocking Source |
Clocking source (Unknown, Other, Network, Internal, Loop Timed, External, None, Line, Back Plane, Adaptive Timing) |
Any |
Configuration |
Maximum Speed |
Maximum supported speed with units specification |
Any |
System |
Is Internal Port |
Indicates an internal port, such as between module and backplane (True, False) |
Any |
Configuration |
Maximum and Minimum Discarded Thresholds |
Maximum and minimum discarded input bandwidth thresholds |
Any |
N/A |
Discarded Bandwidth |
Current discarded input bandwidth |
Any |
Configuration |
Maximum and Minimum Dropped Thresholds |
Maximum and minimum dropped output bandwidth thresholds |
Any |
N/A |
Dropped Bandwidth |
Current dropped output bandwidth |
Any |
Configuration |
Maximum and Minimum Input Thresholds |
Maximum and minimum utilized input bandwidth thresholds |
Any |
N/A |
Input Bandwidth |
Current utilized input bandwidth |
Any |
Configuration |
Maximum and Minimum Output Thresholds |
Maximum and minimum utilized output bandwidth thresholds |
Any |
N/A |
Output Bandwidth |
Current utilized output bandwidth |
Any |
Configuration |
Discarded and Received Input Data Counters |
Discarded and received input octets and packets counters |
Any |
Topology L1 |
Dropped and Forwarded Output Data Counters |
Dropped and forwarded output octets and packets counters |
Any |
Topology L1 |
Administrative Status |
Administrative status (Unknown, Up, Down, Testing) |
Any |
Status |
Operational Status |
Operational status (Unknown, Up, Down, Testing, Dormant, Not Present) |
Any |
Status |
Operational Status Last Change |
Date of last operational status change |
Any |
Configuration |
IANA Type |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) type of the sublayer |
N/A |
N/A |
Containing Termination Points |
Underlying termination points (connection or physical) |
Any |
N/A |
Contained Connection Termination Points |
Bound connection termination points |
Any |
N/A |
Traffic Descriptor Container
The Traffic Descriptor Container object is basically a container of any table's entries. It aggregates a single type of Traffic Descriptor.
Table 37-12 Traffic Descriptor Container (ITrafficDescriptorContainer)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Traffic Descriptors |
Array of a single type of traffic descriptor |
Any |
Configuration |
Type |
Descriptor type (Null, ATM Traffic Profiles, ADSL Traffic Descriptors, SDSL Traffic Descriptors, IDSL Traffic Descriptors, SHDSL Traffic Descriptors, MPLS Properties, CAC Profiles, ATM Access Profiles, OSPF Networks, BGP Neighbor, Access Lists, Tunnel Traffic Descriptors, QoS Policies, QoS Classes, IS-IS Database, QoS WRED, ATM Traffic Shaping Profile, Frame Relay Traffic Profiles, Rate Limit, Filter, Policer, IP Pools, ISAKMP Policies, IPsec Maps, Process List, Installed Software, L2TP Peer Group, L2TP Domain Group, QoS Object Table, QoS Class Map, QoS Policy Map, QoS Match Statements Table, QoS Queueing Config Table, QoS Service Policy Table, ADSL 2 Traffic Descriptors, ADSL 2 Spectrum Descriptors) |
Any |
Configuration |
Tunnel Container
The Tunnel Container object aggregates instances of a single type of tunnel interface (either MPLS TE Tunnel Interfaces or PTP Layer 2 MPLS Tunnel Interfaces).
Virtual Cross Connection
The Virtual Cross Connection object describes either a Virtual Connection Switching Entity-wide or an ATM Interface-specific Cross Connect table's entry.
Table 37-14 Virtual Cross Connection (IVcCrossConnect)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Ingress and Egress Virtual Connection |
Ingress and egress virtual connections (ATM Virtual Connection or Frame Relay Virtual Connection) |
Any |
Configuration |
Ingress and Egress Port |
Ingress and egress ports (Port Connectors) |
Any |
Configuration |
VC Multiplexer
The VC Multiplexer object is bound by its Containing Termination Points attribute to either an ATM Interface or a Frame Relay Interface object. It is accessed primarily by the data link layer VC Encapsulations bound by its Contained Connection Termination Points attribute.
Table 37-15 VC Multiplexer (EncapMux)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Virtual Connection Count |
Bound virtual connection count |
Any |
Configuration |
IANA Type |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) type of the sublayer |
N/A |
N/A |
Containing Termination Points |
Underlying termination points (ATM Interface or Frame Relay Interface) |
Any |
N/A |
Contained Connection Termination Points |
Bound connection termination points (VC Encapsulations) |
Any |
N/A |
VC Encapsulation
The data link layer VC Encapsulation object is bound by its Containing Termination Points attribute to an ATM or Frame Relay VC Multiplexer object. It is accessed primarily by a network layer object (such as an IP Interface), and also by the data link layer object (such as an Ethernet Interface or PPP Encapsulation) bound by its Contained Connection Termination Points attribute.
Table 37-16 VC Encapsulation (IVcBasedEncapsulation)
Attribute Name
Attribute Description
Polling Interval
Virtual Connection |
Virtual connection (ATM Virtual Connection or Frame Relay Virtual Connection) |
Any |
Configuration |
Binding Information |
Binding information (User Name, ...) |
Any |
Configuration |
Binding Status |
Binding status (Not Bound, Bound) |
Any |
Configuration |
IANA Type |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) type of the sublayer |
N/A |
N/A |
Containing Termination Points |
Underlying termination points (connection or physical) |
Any |
N/A |
Contained Connection Termination Points |
Bound connection termination points |
Any |
N/A |
Service Alarms
The following alarms are supported for this technology:
Cloud Problem
Discard Packets
Dropped Packets
Link Down
Port Down
Rx Utilization
Tx Utilization