Table Of Contents
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
High-Level Data Link Control
This chapter describes the level of support that Cisco ANA provides for HDLC, as follows:
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
Technology Description
Please see Part 1: Cisco VNEs in this guide for information about which devices support the various technologies.
HDLC is a group of data link (Layer 2) protocols used to transmit synchronous data packets between point-to-point nodes. Data is organized into addressable frames. This format has been used for other multipoint-to-multipoint protocols, and inspired the HDLC-like framing protocol described in RFC 1662.
HDLC uses a zero-insertion/deletion process (bit stuffing) to ensure that the bit pattern of the delimiter flag does not occur in the fields between flags. The HDLC frame is synchronous and therefore relies on the physical layer (Layer 1) to clock and synchronize frame transmission and reception.
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
This section describes the following IMO:
HDLC Encapsulation (IEncapsulation)
HDLC Encapsulation
The data link layer HDLC Encapsulation object is bound by its Containing Termination Points attribute to an ATM/Frame Relay VC Multiplexer object. It is accessed primarily by a network layer object, such as the IP Interface bound by its Contained Connection Termination Points attribute.
Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
There are no vendor-specific inventory or IMOs for this technology.
Service Alarms
There are no faults or alarms specific to this technology.