Offline Installation

When installing WAE Planning software, the installer connects to the Internet and downloads missing packages. If the device or VM onto which you are installing cannot access the Internet, you must manually load these packages onto the device where you are installing the product.


  • You must have Internet access from another device so that you can download the required packages to a memory stick. Then transfer these libraries to the devices or VMs on which you are installing the product.
  • You must have the packages needed by the WAE software. Refer to the System Requirements document to obtain the list of packages required before installation.You can download a CentOS DVD or an.iso file from
  • Follow the pre-installation steps in Before You Begin .

Offline Installation

Step 1blank.gif Create a /media directory.

mkdir /media

Step 2blank.gif Mount either the physical CentOS DVD or the.iso file.

    • DVD:
mount /dev/cdrom /media
    • .iso file:
mount -t iso9660 -o loop <iso_filename.iso> /media

Step 3blank.gif From the /media/Packages directory, enter the following rpm -i commands to install the following packages. (Repeat the command for each package.)

rpm -i libedit-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i openssh-clients-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i libxml2-python-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i deltarpm-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i python-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i python-deltarpm-<version>.x86_64.rpm
rpm -i createrepo-<version>.noarch.rpm


rpm -i libedit-2.11-4.20080712cvs.1.el6.x86_64.rpm

Step 4blank.gif Create a localrepo directory in the root directory.

cd /root
mkdir localrepo

Step 5blank.gif Copy all packages from /media/Packages to /localrepo.

cp /media/Packages/* /root/localrepo

Step 6blank.gif If you are configuring the WAE Automation packages, download the following CentOS libraries to /root/localrepo. Retrieve these from an EPEL mirror, as on


Noteblank.gif If you are using WAE Planning only and not WAE Automation, skip this step and ignore errors in the wae-platsvcs section of the installation.

    • ansible <version>.noarch.rpm
    • python-babel- <version>.noarch.rpm
    • python-crypto <version>.x86_64.rpm
    • python-httplib <version>.noarch.rpm
    • python-jinja <version>.noarch.rpm
    • python-keyczar- <version>.noarch.rpm
    • sshpass- <version>.x86_64.rpm

Step 7blank.gif Create a yum local repository.

createrepo /root/localrepo

Step 8blank.gif Change directories to the yum configuration directory.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d

Step 9blank.gif Create a configuration file to define the yum localrepo directory.

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/local-repo.repo

a.blank.gif Add these lines:


Step 10blank.gif Disable all *.repo files in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory except for the local-repo.repo file you created. This step forces the installer to use only /root/localrepo.

a.blank.gif Open each *.repo file and change all instances of enabled=1 to enabled=0. To find a list of files you must edit, enter the following command:

grep enabled *

You might need to manually view and edit files, because the enabled=0 statements might be missing and must be added.


vi CentOS-Base.repo

b.blank.gif For every header, add or change enabled=1 to enabled=0.

Step 11blank.gif Update the repository so that yum knows which repository directory and file to use.

yum clean all
yum repolist

Step 12blank.gif Run the installer by following all instructions in WAE Planning Software Installation . This process creates an epel.repo file /etc/yum.repos.d directory and sets enabled=1. This causes the installation to fail because it does not check /root/localrepo thereafter. When prompted whether to continue, choose no to stop the installation.

Step 13blank.gif Disable the epel.repo file from being used by the installer.

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
vi epel.repo

a.blank.gif Search on enabled=1 and change each such instance to enabled=0.

Step 14blank.gif Rerun the installation by following all instructions in WAE Planning Software Installation .