Install Cisco WAE

This section contains the following topics:

Install and Configure Supervisor

Install and configure supervisor before installing WAE.


The following configuration steps work only when supervisor is installed using yum. If supervisor is installed using any other method, it has to be configured to run supervisorctl as a non root user.


Step 1

Install supervisor and verify.

sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y supervisor
supervisord -version
Step 2

Create directories with write permissions for the OS user running WAE.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/supervisor/run
sudo mkdir -p /opt/supervisor/log
sudo chown -R [USER-NAME]:[GROUP-NAME] /opt/supervisor
Step 3

Update supervisor configuration to not run as a root user.

Point the pid file to /opt/supervisor/run/ and user as the OS user running WAE.

Open /etc/supervisord.conf as root and edit.

  • In the [unix_http_server] section:

    - Change ;file=/var/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock to file=/opt/supervisor/run/supervisor.sock

    - Change ;chown=nobody:nogroup to chown=[USER-NAME]:[GROUP-NAME]

  • In the [supervisord] section:

    - Change ;logfile=/var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log to logfile=/opt/supervisor/log/supervisord.log.

    - Change ;pidfile=/var/run/ to pidfile=/opt/supervisor/run/

    - Change ;minfds=1024 to minfds=1000000

    - Change ;minprocs=200 to minprocs=257805


    Do not set the user under the [supervisord] section.

  • In the [supervisorctl] section:

    - Change ;serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock to serverurl=unix:///opt/supervisor/run/supervisor.sock

Step 4

Start Supervisor.

sudo systemctl start supervisord
sudo supervisorctl status all
Step 5

Enable supervisor to start during system startup.

sudo systemctl enable supervisord
sudo systemctl status supervisord

Verify WAE Image


Step 1

Download the Cisco WAE 7.4.0 software package from Cisco Download Software site.

Step 2

The certificate and digital signature are both embedded in the downloaded file - wae-linux-v7.4.0.signed.bin.

Step 3

Run the self-extracting signed binary. This extracts the Release Binary and validates using the signature file.

Verification of signed image

[admin@wae-vm-21 workspace.signed]$ ./wae-linux-v7.4.0.signed.bin
Verifying signature...
Downloading CA certificate from ...
Successfully downloaded and verified crcam2.cer.
Downloading SubCA certificate from ...
Successfully downloaded and verified innerspace.cer.
Successfully verified root, subca and end-entity certificate chain.
Successfully fetched a public key from WAE-CCO_RELEASE.cer.
Successfully verified the signature of wae-linux-v7.4.0.bin using WAE-CCO_RELEASE.cer
Step 4

The generated wae-linux-v7.4.0.bin is the Linux installer for WAE.

Install Cisco WAE

Before you begin


If you want to upgrade from an older WAE 7.x release to WAE 7.4.0, see Upgrade from Cisco WAE 7.x

  • If one does not yet exist, create a UNIX user (assigned to a group). You must be this UNIX user to run installation.

  • Make sure Java 11 and Python 3.6.x are installed on the system. JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to jdk-11.0 and /usr/bin/python3 must point to the installed python.

  • Make sure supervisor is installed and configured. See Install and Configure Supervisor.

  • Download and verify the digitally signed Cisco WAE 7.4.0 image. See Verify WAE Image.

  • Make sure that requests.auth python package is installed for the BW-OPT application to function in WAE.


Step 1

Stop WAE if running.

Step 2

Change permission of the install file using the command:

chmod +x wae-linux-v7.4.0.bin
Step 3

Run the installer specifying the target directory.

./wae-linux-v7.4.0.bin <wae-dir>
Step 4

Navigate to installation directory to source waerc. Setup environment and create a runtime directory specifying the path.

cd  <wae-dir>
source waerc
wae-setup --dest <target-runtime-dir>
Step 5

You are prompted to set the Cisco WAE admin password.

WAE admin password:
Confirm password:
Step 6

After installing and setting up wae (i.e. after running wae-setup), create a soft link to the wae.ini file from inside /etc/supervisord.d/ and add WAE config to supervisor.

sudo ln -sf <target-runtime-dir>/wae.ini /etc/supervisord.d/
  • Execute this step only after supervisor is installed and configured.

  • If you want to use an external-executable-nimo based network which needs JAVA_HOME/JRE_HOME to be set, edit the section [program:waectl] inside target-runtime-dir/wae.ini file to include JAVA_HOME="valid_jdk_path" inside environment.

    For example, under [program:waectl] edit to add:

    JAVA_HOME:environment=HOME="/home/wae", NCS_JAVA_VM_OPTIONS="-Xmx32G -Xms16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/wae/test/run/logs/", TMPDIR="/home/wae/test/run/work/", JAVA_HOME="/usr/"
Step 7

Update supervisor configuration.

sudo supervisorctl update
Step 8

Start WAE process

sudo supervisorctl start wae:*
wae:zookeeper: started
wae:waectl: started
wae:kafka: started
wae:wae-monitor: started
  • wae:waectl is the WAE program.

  • wae:kafka and wae:zookeeper are required for traffic collection.

  • wae:wae-monitor is the monitoring service.

  • wae:logrotate is for log rotation.

Step 9

Check status of WAE process

sudo supervisorctl status
wae:kafka RUNNING pid 1540, uptime 28 days, 14:03:40
wae:logrotate RUNNING pid 1178, uptime 28 days, 15:10:11
wae:wae-monitor RUNNING pid 11520, uptime 0:00:12
wae:waectl RUNNING pid 1177, uptime 28 days, 15:10:11
wae:zookeeper RUNNING pid 1736, uptime 28 days, 14:03:39

To stop all WAE process, use the command:

sudo supervisorctl stop wae:*
Step 10

To migrate configurations from a WAE 7.x.x release to WAE 7.4.0 release, use the Cisco WAE upgrade script from Cisco Download Software site.

  • If you plan to use Cisco WAE Design from windows, generate ssh-rsa keys by running the following command from the run directory after sourcing waerc:

    $ generate-ssh_rsa-keys
  • If the server/VM is restarted, all the WAE services are not restarted automatically and they will be in the stopped state. They can be started using the command mentioned in Step 8.

Upgrade from Cisco WAE 7.x

Before you begin

  • Download the Cisco WAE upgrade script from Cisco Download Software site.

  • Download and verify the digitally signed Cisco WAE 7.4.0 image. See Verify WAE Image.

  • Make sure Java 11 and Python 3.6.x are installed on the system. JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to jdk-11.0 and /usr/bin/python3 must point to the installed python.

  • Install pexpect using the following command:

    sudo pip3 install pexpect
  • Make sure supervisor is installed and configured. See Install and Configure Supervisor.

  • Disable HA before doing an upgrade. Upgrade script does not handle any configurations related to specific functional packs present in the previous WAE installation. You can:


Step 1

Login to the machine where 7.x is installed.

Step 2

Run the wae_upgrade script.


The installation file passed as --wae-bin option is the image obtained after verifying the digitally signed Cisco WAE 7.4.0 image.

# ./wae_upgrade --upgrade --old-install-dir <WAE_7.x_INSTALL_DIR> --old-run-dir <WAE_7.x_RUN_DIR>  --new-install-dir <WAE_7.4.0_INSTALL_DIR> --new-run-dir <WAE_7.4.0_RUN_DIR>  --cfg-dir <dir_to_save_config>  --wae-bin <WAE_7.4.0_INSTALLATION_FILE>
--old-install-dir    indicates the directory where 7.x WAE is installed
--old- run-dir       indicates the directory where the run time for 7.x WAE resides
--new-install-dir    indicates the directory where 7.4.0 WAE must be installed
--new-run-dir        indicates the directory where the run time for 7.4.0 WAE will reside
--cfg-dir            indicates the folder where the config is to be saved. This config will be changed to match 7.4.0 and pushed to 7.4.0
--wae-bin            indicates the path to WAE 7.4.0 installation file.

Install Cisco WAE License

A license is required to use all the features in Cisco WAE. If you have questions about obtaining a license, contact your Cisco support representative or system administrator.

Cisco WAE supports both Cisco Smart Licensing and traditional licensing. If you would like to convert from a traditional license to Smart Licensing, see your Cisco WAE account representative. For information on the differences between the two types of licensing, refer to the Cisco Smart Licensing Overview on

For information on Cisco Smart Licensing, see "Smart Licensing" chapter in Cisco WAE User Guide.

Install Traditional License

To install a traditional license:


Step 1

Run license_install tool, and pass the name of license file (with .lic extension). By default, the tool merges all features that are granted by the new license with those features in an existing license.

license_install -file <path>/<license_name>.lic
Step 2

When prompted, enter the number that is associated with the directory in which you want to install the license.

  • If option 2 is selected, you need to reinstall the license when a new build is installed.

  • If option 1 is selected, reinstalling the license is not necessary unless the license is expired.

  • Once the license is installed, you can verify the installed licenses by running the license_check command.

Step 3

Stop and start WAE for the installed license to be picked up.

Install Smart License

To install a smart license:


Step 1

See "Smart License" section in User Guide, to configure Smart License.

Step 2

Stop and start WAE for the installed license to be picked up.

Start and Stop Cisco WAE

From the Cisco WAE run-time directory, enter the relevant Cisco WAE CLI command to start or stop Cisco WAE services:

  • Start WAE

    sudo supervisorctl start wae:*
    wae:zookeeper: started
    wae:waectl: started
    wae:kafka: started
    wae:wae-monitor: started
  • Stop WAE

    sudo supervisorctl stop wae:*

Migrate Configurations from Cisco WAE 7.x

You can use the Cisco WAE upgrade script utility to migrate configurations from WAE 7.x.

Before you begin

  • Download the Cisco WAE upgrade script for migrating configurations from WAE 7.x to WAE 7.4.0 package from Cisco Download Software site.

  • Install WAE 7.4.0 and start the WAE process before you proceed with migrating configurations. See Install Cisco WAE

  • Install pexpect using the following command:

    sudo pip3 install pexpect
  • Disable HA before doing an upgrade.

  • Upgrade script does not handle any configurations related to specific functional packs present in the previous WAE installation. You can:

    • Remove the configurations related to functional packs before exporting them, or

    • Install the functional packs in the new WAE installation before importing the configurations.


Step 1

To take a backup of the 7.x configuration, login to the machine where 7.x is installed, and run wae_upgrade script with --export option.

# ./wae_upgrade --export --install-dir <WAE_7.x_INSTALL_DIR> --run-dir <WAE_7.x_RUN_DIR> --cfg-dir <dir_to_save_exported_config>
      --install-dir   indicates the directory where 7.x WAE is installed
      --run-dir       indicates the directory where the run time for 7.x WAE resides
      --cfg-dir       indicates the folder where backup of 7.x configuration must reside
Step 2

To restore the 7.x configuration to 7.4.0, login to the machine where 7.4.0 is installed, and run wae_upgrade script with --import option.

# ./wae_upgrade --import  --install-dir <WAE_7.4.0_INSTALL_DIR> --run-dir <WAE_7.4.0_RUN_DIR> --cfg-dir <dir_to_import_saved_config>

      --install-dir   indicates the directory where 7.4.0 WAE is installed
      --run-dir       indicates the directory where the run time for 7.4.0 WAE resides
      --cfg-dir       indicates the folder where backup of 7.x configuration resides

Update Packages or Templates

If any packages or templates are updated or added in the <wae_run_time_directory>/packages directory, request a package reload using the Cisco-style WAE CLI:

$ packages reload

For example, perform a package reload when you edit the wae.conf file.

Troubleshoot a Cisco WAE Installation

To check the status of Cisco WAE, enter sudo supervisorctl status.

Cisco WAE comes with standard logging features in the YANG run time. Cisco WAE logs to multiple log files in the <wae-run-time>/logs directory.

The LDAP authentication logs are logged in [wae-run-time]/logs/wae-ldap-auth.log file. The tool located in [wae-install-dir]lib/exec/test-java-ssl-conn is useful to test SSL connectivity for java applications like LDAP Authentication and EPNM notifications which provide useful information to debug certification issues.

The most useful log is <wae-run-time>/logs/wae-java-vm.log. Most Cisco WAE packages log to this file. Some Cisco WAE packages also log to <wae-run-time>/logs/wae-python-vm-<package-name>.log. The following example shows Python-VM based logs:

[wae@wae logs]$ pwd
[wae@host logs]$ ls -ltr wae-python-vm*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-opm-tte.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-get-plan.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-dmdmesh-creator-nimo.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-layout-nimo.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-opm-load-plan.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-dmddeduct-nimo.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae    0 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm-cisco-wae-archive.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae 2238 Feb 26 07:50 wae-python-vm.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wae wae  270 Feb 26 08:20 wae-python-vm-nso_wae_nodes_insert.log

By default, the log level is set to INFO. You can configure logging in the following ways:

  • Define the log level of various logs in the run-time directory wae.conf file. For information about the wae.conf file, see the Cisco WAE User Guide.

  • Use the Expert Mode to set logging capabilities for some network interface modules (NIMOs). For example, you can set logging capabilities such as topology NIMOs and the lsp-snmp-nimo module. For information about the Expert Mode, see the Cisco WAE User Guide.

  • Use the Cisco WAE CLI to define the log level for various NIMO components. To define the log level, enter the following command at the command line:

    admin@wae% set java-vm java-logging logger <nimo-component> level <level-x>

    Level types are level-info, level-debug, and level-all. The logs are saved to wae-java-vm.log and can be used for troubleshooting.

    The following table lists basic NIMO components.

    NIMO Component


    General debugging

    Topology-based NIMO debugging

    LSP configuration through NED debugging

    LSP debugging

    SNMP traffic poller debugging

    Aggregation debugging

    Optical NIMO debugging