- 3.1 TL1 Commands by Category
- 3.2 TL1 Commands by Card (ONS 15454)
- 3.3 TL1 Commands by Card (ONS 15327)
- 3.4 TL1 Commands
- 3.4.1 ACT-USER: Activate User
- 3.4.2 ALW-MSG-ALL: Allow Message All
- 3.4.3 ALW-MSG-DBCHG: Allow Database Change Message
- 3.4.4 ALW-MSG-SECU: Allow Message Security
- 3.4.5 ALW-PMREPT-ALL: Allow Performance Report All
- 3.4.6 ALW-SWDX-EQPT: Allow Switch Duplex Equipment
- 3.4.7 ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT: Allow Switch to Protection Equipment
- 3.4.8 ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT: Allow Switch to Working Equipment
- 3.4.9 APPLY: Apply
- 3.4.10 CANC: Cancel
- 3.4.11 CANC-USER: Cancel User
- 3.4.12 CHG-ACCMD-<MOD_TACC>: Change Test Access Mode (DS1, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.13 CONN-TACC-<MOD_TACC>: Connect Test Access (DS1, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.14 COPY-IOSCFG: Copy IOS Config File
- 3.4.15 COPY-RFILE: Copy RFILE
- 3.4.16 DISC-TACC: Disconnect Test Access
- 3.4.17 DLT-BLSR: Delete BLSR
- 3.4.18 DLT-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Delete Cross Connection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.19 DLT-CRS-VT1: Delete Virtual Tributary Cross Connect
- 3.4.20 DLT-EQPT: Delete Equipment
- 3.4.21 DLT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Delete Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.22 DLT-FFP-CLNT: Delete Facility Protection Group Client
- 3.4.23 DLT-UCP-CC: Delete Unified Control Plane Control Channel
- 3.4.24 DLT-UCP-IF: Delete Unified Control Plane Interface
- 3.4.25 DLT-UCP-NBR: Delete Unified Control Plane Neighbor
- 3.4.26 DLT-USER-SECU: Delete User Security
- 3.4.27 ED-<OCN_TYPE>: Edit (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.28 ED-<STS_PATH>: Edit (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.29 ED-BITS: Edit Building Integrated Timing Supply
- 3.4.30 ED-BLSR: Edit Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
- 3.4.31 ED-CLNT: Edit Client
- 3.4.33 ED-CRS-VT1: Edit Cross Connection VT1
- 3.4.34 ED-DAT: Edit Date and Time
- 3.4.35 ED-DS1: Edit DS1
- 3.4.36 ED-DWDM: Edit Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
- 3.4.37 ED-EC1: Edit Electrical Carrier
- 3.4.38 ED-EQPT: Edit Equipment
- 3.4.39 ED-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Edit Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.40 ED-FFP-CLNT: Edit Facility Protection Group Client
- 3.4.41 ED-G1000: Edit G1000
- 3.4.42 ED-NE-GEN: Edit Network Element General
- 3.4.43 ED-NE-SYNCN: Edit Network Element Synchronization
- 3.4.44 ED-OCH: Edit Optical Channel
- 3.4.45 ED-PID: Edit Password
- 3.4.46 ED-SYNCN: Edit Synchronization
- 3.4.47 ED-T1: Edit T1
- 3.4.48 ED-T3: Edit T3
- 3.4.49 ED-TRC-CLNT: Edit Trace Client
- 3.4.50 ED-TRC-OCH: Edit Trace Optical Channel Facilities
- 3.4.51 ED-UCP-CC: Edit Unified Control Plane Control Channel
- 3.4.52 ED-UCP-IF: Edit Unified Control Plane Interface
- 3.4.53 ED-UCP-NBR: Edit Unified Control Plane Neighbor
- 3.4.54 ED-UCP-NODE: Edit Unified Control Plane Node
- 3.4.55 ED-USER-SECU: Edit User Security
- 3.4.56 ED-VT1: Edit Virtual Tributary
- 3.4.57 ENT-BLSR: Enter BLSR
- 3.4.58 ENT-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Enter Cross Connection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.59 ENT-CRS-VT1: Enter STS Cross Connection VT1
- 3.4.60 ENT-EQPT: Enter Equipment
- 3.4.61 ENT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Enter Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.62 ENT-FFP-CLNT: Enter Facility Protection Group Client
- 3.4.63 ENT-UCP-CC: Enter Unified Control Plane Control Channel
- 3.4.64 ENT-UCP-IF: Enter Unified Control Plane Interface
- 3.4.65 ENT-UCP-NBR: Enter Unified Control Plane Neighbor
- 3.4.66 ENT-USER-SECU: Enter User Security
- 3.4.67 EX-SW-<OCN_BLSR>: Operate Protection Switch (OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.68 INH-MSG-ALL: Inhibit Message All
- 3.4.69 INH-MSG-DBCHG: Inhibit Database Change Message
- 3.4.70 INH-MSG-SECU: Inhibit Message Security
- 3.4.71 INH-PMREPT-ALL: Inhibit Performance Report All
- 3.4.72 INH-SWDX-EQPT: Inhibit Switch Duplex Equipment
- 3.4.73 INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT: Inhibit Switch to Protection Equipment
- 3.4.74 INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT: Inhibit Switch to Working Equipment
- 3.4.75 INIT-REG-<MOD2>: Initialize Register (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.76 INIT-SYS: Initialize System
- 3.4.77 OPR-ACO-ALL: Operate Alarm Cutoff All
- 3.4.78 OPR-EXT-CONT: Operate External Control
- 3.4.79 OPR-LPBK-<MOD2>: Operate Loopback (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.80 OPR-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Operate Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.81 OPR-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Operate Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.82 OPR-PROTNSW-CLNT: Operate Protection Switch Client
- 3.4.83 OPR-PROTNSW-VT1: Operate Virtual Tributary Protection Switch VT1
- 3.4.84 OPR-SYNCNSW: Operate Synchronization Switch
- 3.4.85 REPT ALM <MOD2ALM>: Report Alarm (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
- 3.4.86 REPT ALM BITS: Report Alarm Building Integrated Timing Supply
- 3.4.87 REPT ALM COM: Report Alarm COM
- 3.4.88 REPT ALM ENV: Report Alarm Environment
- 3.4.89 REPT ALM EQPT: Report Alarm Equipment
- 3.4.90 REPT ALM RING: Report Alarm Ring
- 3.4.91 REPT ALM SYNCN: Report Alarm Synchronization
- 3.4.92 REPT ALM UCP: Report Alarm Unified Control Plane
- 3.4.93 REPT DBCHG: Report Database Change Message
- 3.4.94 REPT EVT <MOD2ALM>: Report Event (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
- 3.4.95 REPT EVT BITS: Report Event BITS
- 3.4.96 REPT EVT COM: Report Event COM
- 3.4.97 REPT EVT ENV: Report Event Environment
- 3.4.98 REPT EVT EQPT: Report Event Equipment
- 3.4.99 REPT EVT FXFR: Report Event Software Download
- 3.4.100 REPT EVT IOSCFG: Report Event IOS Config File
- 3.4.101 REPT EVT RING: Report Event Ring
- 3.4.102 REPT EVT SECU: Report Event Security
- 3.4.103 REPT EVT SESSION: Report Event Session
- 3.4.104 REPT EVT SYNCN: Report Event Synchronization
- 3.4.105 REPT EVT UCP: Report Event Unified Control Plane
- 3.4.106 REPT PM <MOD2>: Report Performance Monitoring (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.107 REPT SW: Report Switch
- 3.4.108 RLS-EXT-CONT: Release External Control
- 3.4.109 RLS-LPBK-<MOD2>: Release Loopback (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1,T3, VT1)
- 3.4.110 RLS-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Release Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.111 RLS-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Release Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.112 RLS-PROTNSW-CLNT: Release Protection Switch Client
- 3.4.113 RLS-PROTNSW-VT1: Release Protection Switch VT1
- 3.4.114 RLS-SYNCNSW: Release Synchronization Switch
- 3.4.115 RMV-<MOD2_IO>: Remove (CLNT, DS1, EC1, G1000, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, T1, T3)
- 3.4.116 RST-<MOD2_IO>: Restore (CLNT, DS1, EC1, G1000, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, T1, T3)
- 3.4.117 RTRV-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.118 RTRV-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.119 RTRV-ALM-<MOD2ALM>:Retrieve Alarm (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
- 3.4.120 RTRV-ALM-ALL: Retrieve Alarm All
- 3.4.121 RTRV-ALM-BITS: Retrieve Alarm Building Integrated Timing Supply
- 3.4.122 RTRV-ALM-ENV: Retrieve Alarm Environment
- 3.4.123 RTRV-ALM-EQPT: Retrieve Alarm Equipment
- 3.4.124 RTRV-ALM-RING: Retrieve Alarm Ring
- 3.4.125 RTRV-ALM-SYNCN: Retrieve Alarm Synchronization
- 3.4.126 RTRV-ALM-UCP: Retrieve Alarm Unified Control Plane
- 3.4.127 RTRV-ATTR-CONT: Retrieve Attribute Control
- 3.4.128 RTRV-ATTR-ENV: Retrieve Attribute Environment
- 3.4.129 RTRV-BITS: Retrieve Building Integrated Timing Supply
- 3.4.130 RTRV-BLSR: Retrieve Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
- 3.4.131 RTRV-CLNT: Retrieve Client
- 3.4.132 RTRV-COND-<MOD2ALM>: Retrieve Condition (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
- 3.4.133 RTRV-COND-ALL: Retrieve Condition All
- 3.4.134 RTRV-COND-BITS: Retrieve Condition Building Integrated Timing Supply
- 3.4.135 RTRV-COND-ENV: Retrieve Environmental Condition
- 3.4.136 RTRV-COND-EQPT: Retrieve Condition Equipment
- 3.4.137 RTRV-COND-RING: Retrieve Condition Ring
- 3.4.138 RTRV-COND-SYNCN: Retrieve Condition Synchronization
- 3.4.139 RTRV-COND-UCP: Retrieve Condition Unified Control Plane
- 3.4.140 RTRV-CRS: Retrieve Cross Connect
- 3.4.141 RTRV-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Cross Connect (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.142 RTRV-CRS-VT1: Retrieve Cross Connect Virtual Tributary
- 3.4.143 RTRV-DS1: Retrieve DS1
- 3.4.144 RTRV-DWDM: Retrieve Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
- 3.4.145 RTRV-EC1: Retrieve EC1
- 3.4.146 RTRV-EQPT: Retrieve Equipment
- 3.4.147 RTRV-EXT-CONT: Retrieve External Control
- 3.4.148 RTRV-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.149 RTRV-FFP-CLNT: Retrieve Facility Protection Group Client
- 3.4.150 RTRV-FSTE: Retrieve Fast Ethernet
- 3.4.151 RTRV-G1000: Retrieve G1000 Facility
- 3.4.152 RTRV-GIGE: Retrieve Gigabit Ethernet
- 3.4.153 RTRV-HDR: Retrieve Header
- 3.4.154 RTRV-INV: Retrieve Inventory
- 3.4.155 RTRV-LOG: Retrieve Log
- 3.4.156 RTRV-MAP-NETWORK: Retrieve Map Network
- 3.4.157 RTRV-NE-GEN: Retrieve Network Element General
- 3.4.158 RTRV-NE-IPMAP: Retrieve Network Element IPMAP
- 3.4.159 RTRV-NE-SYNCN: Retrieve Network Element Synchronization
- 3.4.160 RTRV-OCH: Retrieve Optical Channel
- 3.4.161 RTRV-PM-<MOD2>: Retrieve Performance (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.162 RTRV-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Performance Mode of PM Data Collection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.163 RTRV-PMSCHED-<MOD2>:Retrieve Performance Monitoring Schedule (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.164 RTRV-PMSCHED-ALL: Retrieve Performance Schedule All
- 3.4.165 RTRV-POS: Retrieve Packet Over SONET
- 3.4.166 RTRV-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
- 3.4.167 RTRV-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.168 RTRV-PROTNSW-CLNT: Retrieve Protection Switch Client
- 3.4.169 RTRV-PROTNSW-VT1: Retrieve Protection Switch VT1
- 3.4.170 RTRV-PTHTRC-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Path Trace (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.171 RTRV-SYNCN: Retrieve Synchronization
- 3.4.172 RTRV-T1: Retrieve T1 Facility
- 3.4.173 RTRV-T3: Retrieve T3
- 3.4.174 RTRV-TACC: Retrieve Test Access
- 3.4.175 RTRV-TH-<MOD2>: Retrieve Threshold (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCN, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.176 RTRV-TOD: Retrieve Time of Day
- 3.4.177 RTRV-TRC-<OCN_BLSR>: Retrieve Trace Client (OC12, OC192, OC48)
- 3.4.178 RTRV-TRC-CLNT: Retrieve Trace Client
- 3.4.179 RTRV-TRC-OCH: Retrieve Trace Optical Channel
- 3.4.180 RTRV-UCP-CC: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Control Channel
- 3.4.181 RTRV-UCP-IF: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Interface
- 3.4.182 RTRV-UCP-NBR: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Neighbor
- 3.4.183 RTRV-UCP-NODE: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Node
- 3.4.184 RTRV-USER-SECU: Retrieve User Security
- 3.4.185 RTRV-VT1: Retrieve VT1
- 3.4.186 SCHED-PMREPT-<MOD2>: Schedule Performance Monitoring Report (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.187 SET-ATTR-CONT: Set Attribute Control
- 3.4.188 SET-ATTR-ENV: Set Attribute Environment
- 3.4.189 SET-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>: Set Performance Mode of PM Data Collection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
- 3.4.190 SET-TH-<MOD2>: Set Threshold (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12,OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C,T1, T3, VT1)
- 3.4.191 SET-TOD: Set Time of Day
- 3.4.192 SW-DX-EQPT: Switch Duplex Equipment
- 3.4.193 SW-TOPROTN-EQPT: Switch to Protection Equipment
- 3.4.194 SW-TOWKG-EQPT: Switch to Working Equipment
TL1 Command Descriptions
Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
This chapter provides specific information on TL1 commands and autonomous messages for the Cisco ONS 15454 and the Cisco ONS 15327, Release 4.0, including:
•TL1 commands by category
•TL1 commands by card
•TL1 commands
For information on command components, such as parameters, see "TL1 Command Components."
3.1 TL1 Commands by Category
3.2 TL1 Commands by Card (ONS 15454)
3.3 TL1 Commands by Card (ONS 15327)
3.4 TL1 Commands
The commands and autonomous messages used for ONS 15454 and ONS 15327 are described in detail in this section and are listed alphabetically according to the first alpha character of the command string.
Each TL1 command must be less than or equal to 255 characters. Any command larger than 255 characters must be split into multiple commands. For example, if you use the ED-<STS_PATH> command to edit the J1 EXPTRC/TRC message, path protection configuration attributes, and TACC attributes and the command exceeds 255 characters the command will not be processed. You must use multiple ED-<STS_PATH> commands instead.
Note The CTAG of any TL1 line mode command is a mandatory field in this TL1 release.
Note The AID definitions provided are supersets of the actual AID definitions.
Note TL1 commands that are entered incorrectly are not completed.
Note Starting with release 3.3 (R3.3), all TL1 commands will return the DENY error code without any additional error messages prior to a successful TL1 login (i.e., prior to a successful ACT-USER command). Releases earlier than R3.3 either return different error codes; for example, PLNA and IICT and also additional error messages; for example, Login Not Active.
3.4.1 ACT-USER: Activate User
This command set-ups a session with the Network Element (NE).
1. Passwords are masked for the following security commands: ACT-USER, ED-PID, ENT-USER-SECU and ED-USER-SECU. Access to a TL1 session via any means will have the password masked. The CTC Request History and Message Log will also show the masked commands. When a password-masked command is re-issued by double-clicking the command from CTC Request History, the password will still be masked in the CTC Request History and Message Log. The actual password that was previously issued will be sent to the NE. To use a former command as a template only, single-click the command in CTC Request History. The command will be placed in the Command Request text box, where you can edit the appropriate fields prior to re-issuing it.
2. In this release, the ACT-USER command does not return the date and time of the last session established by the UID or the number of unsuccessful session attempts since the last session.
3. This command is backwards compatible with userids and passwords from ONS 15454 2.X software versions according to the following rules:
a. The syntax of the userid (first [STRING]) and the password (second [STRING]) are not checked.
b. Invalid syntax for both the userid and password is permitted, but the user can only log in if the userid/password match what is in the database.
c. The userid and password cannot exceed 10 characters.
4. For the ACT-USER command, it is required that no error code be transmitted except to convey that the login is granted or denied. Per TR-835, Appendix A, Section A.2:
"... the error codes corresponding to ACT ... do not apply to the ACT-USER command because this command requires that no error code be provided to the session request except to indicate that it has been denied. Before a session is established, a specific error code may reveal clues to an intruder attempting unauthorized entry."
Category |
Security |
Security |
N/A |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ACT-USER:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>::<PID>; where: • • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.2 ALW-MSG-ALL: Allow Message All
This command instructs the NE to enter a mode in which all the REPT ALM and REPT EVT autonomous messages are transmitted. See the INH-MSG-ALL command to inhibit these autonomous messages. When a TL1 session starts, the REPT ALM and REPT EVT messages are allowed by default.
Note If this command is issued twice in the same session, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message will be returned. The optional fields in the e block are not supported.
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ALW-MSG-ALL:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,]; |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.3 ALW-MSG-DBCHG: Allow Database Change Message
This command enables REPT DBCHG. When a TL1 session starts, the REPT DBCHG messages are not allowed by default.
Note This command is not defined in the GR.
Category |
Log |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ALW-MSG-DBCHG:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,]; |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.4 ALW-MSG-SECU: Allow Message Security
This command enables REPT EVT SECU and REPT ALM SECU
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.5 ALW-PMREPT-ALL: Allow Performance Report All
This command resumes processing all the PM reports that are inhibited. The allowance of the PM reporting is session-based, which means the command is only effective to the TL1 session that issues this command. REPT PM messages are inhibited by default for a session.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.6 ALW-SWDX-EQPT: Allow Switch Duplex Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command allows automatic or manual switching on a duplex system containing duplexed or redundant equipment. To inhibit an NE switching to duplex, use the INH-SWDX-EQPT command.
ALW-SWDX-EQPT is not used for SONET line or electrical card protection switching. For SONET line or path protection switching commands, see OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands. For the electrical card protection switching, see the SW-TOWKG-EQPT and SW-TOPROTN-EQPT commands.
Note This command applies to the XC, XCVT, or XC10G equipment units only in this release.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ALW-SWDX-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.7 ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT: Allow Switch to Protection Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command allows automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit back to a protection status. Use the INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT command to inhibit an NE from switching to protection.
ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection. When this command is given to a working unit, the working unit will be allowed to switch to the protection unit. When this command is given to a protection unit, any working unit in the protection group is allowed to switch to the protection unit.
The standing condition of INHSWPR on the unit specified by the AID will be cleared.
1. This command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message should be responsed.
2. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
3. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
4. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be responsed.
5. If this command is used on a card that is not in the inhibit state, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message should be responsed.
6. The following situation(s) are allowed and will not generate any error response: Sending this command to missing cards so long as none of the previous error conditions apply.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<DIRN>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.8 ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT: Allow Switch to Working Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command allows automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit back to a working status. Use the INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT command to inhibit an NE from switching to working. ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection.
When this command is given to a working unit, the working unit will be allowed to carry traffic. In the case of revertive protection, the traffic will switch immediately from the protection unit to the working unit regardless of the reversion time setting.
When this command is given to a protection unit, the protection unit will be allowed to switch back to the working unit currently protected as long as the working unit has not raised INHSWWKG. In the case of revertive protection, the traffic will switch immediately from the protection unit to the working unit regardless of the reversion time setting. In the case of non-revertive protection, the protection unit will continue to carry the traffic.
The standing condition of INHSWWKG on the unit specified by the AID will be cleared.
1. This command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message should be responsed.
2. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
3. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
4. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be responsed.
5. If this command is used on a card that is not in the inhibit state, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message should be responsed.
6. The following situation(s) are allowed and will not generate any error response: sending this command to missing cards as long as none of the previous error conditions apply.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<DIRN>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.9 APPLY: Apply
This command activates or reverts a software load during a software upgrade or downgrade process.
Category |
Software Download |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
APPLY:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::<MEM_SW_TYPE>]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.10 CANC: Cancel
Reports the occurrence of a session timeout event.
CANC is an autonomous message transmitted by the NE to a user when a session established by that user is terminated because no messages were exchanged for a long period of time, a timeout. There is a default timeout period based on the user's privilege/security level, and starting with Release 4.0 timeouts can be provisioned. The default timeouts based on privilege/security level are: superuser [SUPER] has the timeout period of 15 minutes., the Provision user [PROV] has the timeout period of 30 minutes, the Maintenance [MAINT] user has the timeout period of 60 minutes, the Retrieve user [RTRV] has no timeout.
When a timeout occurs, the corresponding port drops and the next session initiation at that port requires the regular login procedure.
3.4.11 CANC-USER: Cancel User
This command logs a user out of an active session with the NE.
Note The USERID field of this command is a mandatory field.
the syntax of the userid (fist [STRING]) is not checked. Invalid syntax for the userid is permitted and the userid must not exceed 10 characters.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
CANC-USER:[<TID>]:<USERID>:<CTAG>; where: • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.12 CHG-ACCMD-<MOD_TACC>: Change Test Access Mode (DS1, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command changes the test access (TACC) mode for the circuit being tested. For more information on TACC, refer to the "Test Access" section on page 1-17.
This may be a change from monitoring the data to inserting data into the STS. This command can only be applied to an existing TAP connection.
For this command to be applicable, you must first create the TAP using the ED-<STS_PATH> or ED-VT1 commands
1. If there is no TAP connection, a DENY error message is returned.
2. If a requested condition already exists, a SRCN error message is returned.
3. If a requested access configuration is invalid, a SRAC error message is returned
4. If a requested TAP does not exist, a RTEN error message is returned.
Category |
Test Access |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
CHG-ACCMD-<MOD_TACC>:[<TID>]:<TAP>:<CTAG>::<MD>; where: • Note • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.13 CONN-TACC-<MOD_TACC>: Connect Test Access (DS1, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command connects the STS or VT defined by AID to the STS specified by the TAP number. For more information on TACC, refer to the "Test Access" section on page 1-17.
The connection will exist only for the duration of the TL1 session, after which the TAP will be disconnected from the circuit before the session cancels out. For this command to be applicable, you must first create the TAP using the ED-<STS_PATH> or ED-VT1 commands.
1. If all TAPs are busy, a RABY error message is returned.
2. If a requested TAP is busy, a RTBY error message is returned.
3. If a requested TAP does not exist, a RTEN error message is returned.
4. If a circuit is already connected to another TAP, a SCAT error message is returned.
5. If a requested condition already exists, a SRCN error message is returned.
6. If the AID is invalid, an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message is returned.
7. If an access is not supported, an EANS error message is returned.
8. If a requested access configuration is invalid, a SRAC error message is returned.
Category |
Test Access |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
CONN-TACC-<MOD_TACC>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<TAP>:MD=<MD>; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.14 COPY-IOSCFG: Copy IOS Config File
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command supports the following types of operations on the IOS configuration file of ML-series Ethernet cards:
1. Uploading of startup IOS configuration file from the network to the node.
FTP is the only protocol allowed for uploading. When doing this operation, the SRC field must be a FTP URL string specifying the user name and password for FTP authentication, and specifying the host and the directory to locate the startup config file from the network. The DEST field must be a string of "STARTUP".
2. Downloading of startup IOS configuration file from the node to the network.
FTP is the only protocol allowed for downloading. When doing this operation, the SRC field must be a string of "STARTUP". The DEST field must be a FTP URL string specifying the user name and password for FTP authentication, and specifying the host and the directory to store the startup config file.
1. The IOS configuration file is unique for each ML-series card, and is specified by the SLOT number in the AID field of the command.
2. In the GNE/ENE environment, if the GNE firewall exists, the download (backup) of IOS configuration file via TL1 is not allowed. Any such attempt will receive a "Data Connection Error" from the GNE. For the upload of IOS configuration file via TL1, GNE will allow it to go through the firewall only if the file contains the header "! Cisco IOS config <text>". If the configuration file does not contain this header, GNE will block the uploading with "Data Connection Error".
3. The format of the FTP URL string used in the SRC or DEST field of the command is as follows:
In a non-firewall environment, the format of the URL should be
<FTPUSER> is the userid to connect to the computer with the package file
<FTPPASSWORD> is the password used to connect to the computer with the package file
<FTP_HOST_IP> is the IP address of the computer with the package file, DNS lookup of hostnames is not supported
<PACKAGE_PATH> is the long path name to the package file
Note Note that USERID and PASSWORD are optional if the user does not need to log into the host computer. Also note that the password may be optional if the user does not need to log in. All the other portions of the URL are required, including the initial "FTP:\\" string.
In a firewall environment, the hostname should be replaced with a list of IP addresses each separated by a @ character. The first IP address should be for the machine where the package file is stored. Subsequent IP addresses should then be for firewall machines moving outwards towards the edge of the network, until the final IP address listed was the machine that outside users first access the network.
For example: if your topology is "FTP_HOST_IP <-> GNE3 <->GNE2 <-> GNE1 <-> ENE", your FTP URL will be: FTP://FTPUSER:FTPPASSWORD@FTP_HOST_IP@GNE3@GNE2@GNE1/PACKAGE_PATH
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
COPY-IOSCFG:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::SRC=<SRC>,DEST=<DEST>; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
This command downloads a new software package from the location specified by the FTP URL. It is also used to backup and restore the system database.
1. Userid is the userid to connect to the computer with the package file or system database.
2. Password is the password used to connect to the computer with the package file or system database.
3. Hostname is the hostname or IP address of the computer with the package file or system database.
4. Package_path is the long path name to the package file or system database.
5. Both the userid and password are optional if the user does not need to log into the host computer.
6. The password may be optional if the user does not need to log in.
7. All the other portions of the URL are required, including the initial "FTP://" string.
1. The SWDL type is used for software package uploads. The RFBU type is used for system database backups, and the RFR type is used for system database restores. The SRC input is required when the type is SWDL or RFR. The DEST input is needed when the type is RFBU. The SRC and DEST inputs cannot both be used in the same command.
2. FTP is the only allowed file transfer method.
3. The extended FTP URL syntax is required by the COPY-RFILE syntax.
4. Port number (21) is optional. 21 is the only supported Port Number. Leaving this field blank defaults to 21.
Category |
Software Download |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
COPY-RFILE:[<TID>]:[<SRC>]:<CTAG>::TYPE=<XFERTYPE>, where: • • • – – – – Note In a firewall environment, the hostname should be replaced with a list of IP addresses each separated by a @ character. The first IP address should be for the machine where the package file is stored. Subsequent IP addresses should then be for firewall machines moving outwards towards the edge of the network, until the final IP address listed is the machine that outside users first access the network. For example, if the topology is "FTP_HOST_IP <-> GNE3 <->GNE2 <-> GNE1 <-> ENE", the FTP URL is: FTP://FTP_USER:FTP_PASSWORD@FTP_HOST_IP@GNE3@GNE2@ <SRC1> is a string. • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.16 DISC-TACC: Disconnect Test Access
This command disconnects the TAP and puts the connection back to its original state (no splits). For more information on TACC, refer to the "Test Access" section on page 1-17.
For this command to be applicable, you must first create the TAP using the ED-<STS_PATH> or ED-VT1 commands.
1. If you send this command to an already disconnected connection, a SADC error message is returned.
2. If the system cannot release TAP, an SRTN error message is returned.
3. Automatic disconnection of the STS/VT path from a TAP happens when the session that created the connection gets timed out or is terminated.
Category |
Test Access |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DISC-TACC:[<TID>]:<TAP>:<CTAG>; where: • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.17 DLT-BLSR: Delete BLSR
This command deletes the BLSR of the NE.
Error conditions:
1. If the system fails on getting IOR, a SDBE (Status, Internal Data Base Error) error message is returned.
2. If the NE returns nothing for the required BLSR (BLSR-# AID), a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-BLSR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.18 DLT-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Delete Cross Connection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command deletes a cross-connection between STS paths. STS paths are specified using their STS AID.
1. The fields after CTAG (trailing colons) are optional.
2. For the 1-way cross-connections the AIDs must be in the same order as originally entered; for the 2-way cross-connections, either order will work.
3. This command does not support deleting multiple STS cross-connections.
4. Using "&" in the AID field of this command can delete an path protection configuration STS cross-connection.
a. The following command is used to delete a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
b. The following command is used to delete a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
c. The following command is used to delete a 1-way or 2-way subtending path protection configuration connection with:
from point: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
d. The AID format in the deletion command is the same as the AID format in the retrieved response message. For example, if the output of any retrieved AID is "F1&F2,T1:CCT,STS3C", the deletion command with the AID format (F1&F2,T1) is required to delete this cross-connection.
e. The following command is used to create a path protection configuration IDRI Cross-Connection:
A-Path on ring X to which traffic from ring Y is bridged
B-Path on ring X to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
C-Path on ring Y to which traffic from ring X is bridged
D-Path on ring Y to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
A, B, C, and D have a positional meaning. Connection type 2WAYDC is used for path protection configuration IDRI cross-connections.
f. The following command is used to create a path protection configuration DRI Cross-Connection:
A-Path on ring X to which traffic from ring Y is bridged
B-Path on ring X to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
C-Traffic to and from ring Y
A, B, C, and D have a positional meaning. Connection type 2WAYDC is used for path protection configuration DRI cross-connections.
5. All A&B AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID.
6. You can experience some implementation behavior problems if additional drops have been added to the connection object.
7. The facility AID is only valid for slots holding the G1000-4 card.
8. The virtual facility AID (VFAC) is only valid on slots holding an ML-series card.
9. A TL1 cross-connect that has been upgraded to a CTC circuit can no longer be managed by TL1. For example, if you issue a DLT-CRS-<STS_PATH> command to delete a circuit, you will see that the circuit still appears in CTC as "incomplete". The reason for this is because in addition to creating cross-connects (as TL1 does), CTC creates another object on the source node that stores network-level circuit attributes. CTC will continue to see that object after the cross-connect is deleted which is why it shows an incomplete circuit.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-CRS-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<SRC>,<DST>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • • |
Input Example |
DLT-CRS-STS12C:VINBURG:STS-1-1-1,STS-12-1-1:102; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.19 DLT-CRS-VT1: Delete Virtual Tributary Cross Connect
This command deletes the VT1 cross-connections.
1. The fields after CTAG (trailing colons) are the optional.
2. For the 1-way cross-connections the AIDs must be in the same order as originally entered; for the 2-way either order will work.
3. This command does not support deleting multiple VT cross-connections.
4. Using "&" in the AID field of this command can delete an path protection configuration VT cross-connection.
a. The following command is used to delete a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
b. The following command is used to delete a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
c. The following command is used to delete a 1-way subtending path protection configuration connection or 2-way subtending path protection configuration connection with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
d. The AID format in the deletion command is the same as the AID format in the retrieved response message. For example, if the output of any retrieved AID is "F1&F2,T1:CCT", the deletion command with the AID format (F1&F2,T1) is required to delete this cross-connection.
5. All A&B AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID.
6. You can experience some implementation behavior problems if additional drops have been added to the connection object.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-CRS-VT1:[<TID>]:<FROM>,<TO>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • • |
Input Example |
DLT-CRS-VT1:CISCO:VT1-2-3-7-2,VT1-4-4-5-2:1234; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.20 DLT-EQPT: Delete Equipment
This command deletes a card from the NE.
This command removes the card type and attributes that were entered for a particular slot. If any facilities are assigned, they are deleted too. The command will be denied if the card is part of a protection group or has a cross-connect end-point.
To delete a card that is part of a protection group, it has to be removed from the protection group first using the ED-EQPT command.
Error conditions for deleting equipment may be:
1. If the equipment is in use which corresponds to some provisioning having been done on the equipment, the SPLD (Equipment in use) error message will be returned:
a. If it is belongs to a protection group that has a cross-connection.
b. If one of its ports has been provisioned as a DCC channel.
c. If one of its ports is being used for a synchronization source.
d. If the equipment has a Test Access Point (TAP).
e. If one of its ports is being used as a UCP Control Channel or Interface.
f. If one of its ports is provisioned for a BLSR.
g. If one of its ports is a part of a 1+1 protection group.
2. If a card is not provisioned, an error message will be returned.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.21 DLT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Delete Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command deletes an OCN facility protection group in a 1+1 architecture.
Note If the protection group does not exist, an error message will be returned.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<WORK>,<PROTECT>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.22 DLT-FFP-CLNT: Delete Facility Protection Group Client
This command deletes Y cable protection on client facilities.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-FFP-CLNT:[<TID>]:<WORKAID>,<PROTAID>:<CTAG>[:::]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.23 DLT-UCP-CC: Delete Unified Control Plane Control Channel
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command deletes a UCP IP control channel.
1. If you send this command to a control channel that is in use, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command to delete an SDCC IPCC with a complete result, the SDCC of the specified SONET line is deleted (or disabled) automatically with a DB change reporting (if the DB change report is enabled).
3. If sending this command to delete an IPCC which is in use by a UCP Interface, an SROF (Delete UCP IPCC Failed - Object Is In Use) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-UCP-CC:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.24 DLT-UCP-IF: Delete Unified Control Plane Interface
This command deletes a UCP interface.
Note If the UCP interface is not found or in use, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-UCP-IF:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.25 DLT-UCP-NBR: Delete Unified Control Plane Neighbor
This command deletes a UCP neighbor.
1. If the neighbor is in use, an SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command to delete a neighbor which is in use by IPCC, an SROF (Delete UCP neighbor Failed - Object Is In Use) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-UCP-NBR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.26 DLT-USER-SECU: Delete User Security
This command deletes a user and can only be performed by a Superuser. Privilege levels are described in the ENT-USER-SECU command.
This command cannot be used to delete a user that is currently logged on.
For the DLT-USER-SECU command:
the syntax of <UID> is not checked. The user is deleted if the <UID> exists in the database.
1. A userid cannot be deleted when that user is logged in. If you try to delete a userid and the user is logged in, an error message indicating that the user is logged in will be received.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
DLT-USER-SECU:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>; where: • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.27 ED-<OCN_TYPE>: Edit (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command edits the attributes (i.e., service parameters) and state of an OC-N facility. Allowable states for a facility are Out Of Service (OOS), Out Of Service with Automatic In Service transitioning (OOS-AINS), Out Of Service for Maintenance (OOS-MT), and In Service (IS).
The DCC transmit is bridged to both working and protect in a 1+1 configuration. On the receive side, the active one is selected for DCC. The DCC is provisioned on the working port only in a 1+1 configuration.
All lines in a 1+1 BLSR must have the same mode. If you change the mode of a line that is in a 1+1 BLSR, an error message will be returned.
UNI-C DCC provisioning notes:
1. The attributes DCC(Y/N) and mode (SONET/SDH) remain the same in the ED/RTRV-OCN commands when the DCC is used for UNI-C, in which case the port attribute UNIC is enables (UNIC=Y).
2. If the DCC is created under regular SONET provisioning, and this port is used by UNI-C, the port is converted as a UNI-C DCC automatically.
3. De-provisioning UNI-C IF/IB IPCC will free up DCC termination automatically.
4. The state of the T1 port cannot be changed to IS or OOS if a loopback has been operated upon the line.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
ED-DS1 |
Input Format |
ED-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[DCC=<DCC>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.28 ED-<STS_PATH>: Edit (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command edits the attributes associated with an STS path.
The SFBER, SDBER, RVRTV, and RVTM parameters only apply to path protection configuration.
The path trace message is a 64 character string including the terminating CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) that is transported in the J1 byte of the SONET STS Path overhead. Both the EXPTRC and TRC string can be provisioned by user with up to 62 character string.
The EXPTRC indicates the contents of the expected incoming path trace are provisioned by the user. The TRC indicates the contents of the outgoing path trace message. The INCTRC indicates the contents of the incoming path trace message.
The path trace mode has three modes: OFF, MANUAL, and AUTO. The path trace mode defaults to OFF. The MANUAL mode performs the comparison of the received string with the user-entered expected string. The AUTO mode performs the comparison of the present received string with an expected string set to a previously received string. If there is a mismatch, TIM-P alarm is raised. When the path trace mode is in OFF mode, there is no path trace processing, and all the alarm and state conditions are reset.
The TACC parameter edits an existing single STS or VT and changes it to a test access point. When an editing command on TACC is executed, it assigns the STS for the first 2-way connection and STS=1 as the second 2-way connection. For STS3C and STS12C, the next available STS of the same width is chosen. For more information on TACC, refer to the "Test Access" section on page 1-17.
J1 is implemented on the DS1/DS1N, DS3E/DS3NE, DS3XM, EC1, OC3, OC48AS and OC192 cards.
DS3/DS3N, OC12, OC48, E100, and E1000 cards do not support path trace.
DS1/DS1N, DS3E/DS3NE, and DS3XM support both TRC and EXPTRC in the ED-STS-PATH command.
EC1, OC3, OC48AS, and OC192 only support EXPTRC in the ED-STS-PATH command.
Note Each TL1 command must be less than or equal to 255 characters. Any command larger than 255 characters must be split into multiple commands. For example, if you use the ED-<STS_PATH> command to edit the J1 EXPTRC/TRC message, path protection configuration attributes, and TACC attributes and the command exceeds 255 characters the command will not be processed. You must use multiple ED-<STS_PATH> commands instead.
Note An STS TAP created in a DS3XM card cannot be used to connect to an STS with a non-VT structured payload, for example, DS3. If created, traffic cannot be monitored.
Note An STS TAP created in a DS3 card cannot be used to connect to an STS with a non-DS3 payload, for example, VT structured. If created, traffic cannot be monitored.
Error conditions:
1. If sending this command to edit SFBER or SDBER or RVRTV or RVTM for the non path protection configuration STS path, an error message will be returned.
2. If sending this command to edit the EXPTRC string with the AUTO path trace mode (TRCMODE=AUTO), an error message will be returned.
3. If sending this command to edit TRC on any card other than DS3(N)E, DS1(N), and DS3XM cards, an error message (TRC-not allowed for monitor paths. Incorrect card type.) will be returned.
4. This command is allowed to edit EXPTRC on DS1(N), DS3(N)E, DS3XM, EC1, OC3, OC48AS, and OC192 cards.
5. If sending this command to edit both TACC and any other attribute(s), the (Parameters Not compatible) error message will be returned.
6. If sending this command to edit TACC on an AID with cross-connections, an error message (STS in Use) will be returned.
7. TACC creation will also be denied on the protect ports/cards for 1:1, 1:N, and 1+1.
8. The VFAC AID is only valid on slots containing an ML1000-2 or ML100T-12 card. TACC is not supported for the ML1000-2 or ML100T-12 cards.
9. After the BLSR switching, provisioning of the J1 trace string or trace mode is not allowed on the protection path.
10. TACC creation is allowed on PCA for two-fiber and four-fiber BLSR.
11. TACC is not supported on G1000/MXP/TXP/ML1000-2 and ML100T-12 cards.
Category |
STS and VT Paths |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>:::[SFBER=<SFBER>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.29 ED-BITS: Edit Building Integrated Timing Supply
This command edits the BITS reference attributes.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.30 ED-BLSR: Edit Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
This command edits the BLSR attributes.
1. Only the RVRTV, RVTM, SRVRTV, SRVTM attributes can be edited for the 4-Fiber BLSR.
2. Only the RVRTV and RVTM attributes can be edited for the 2-Fiber BLSR.
Error conditions:
1. If the system fails on getting IOR, a SDBE (Status, Internal Data Base Error) error message will be returned.
2. If the NE returns nothing for the required BLSR (BLSR-#, AID), a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message will be returned.
3. If sending this command to modify any attribute other than RVRTV, RVTM, SRVRTV, and SRVTM on the 4-Fiber BLSR, an IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be returned.
4. If sending this command to modify any attribute other than RVRTV or RVTM on the 2-fiber BLSR, an IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be returned.
5. Both RINGID and NODEID can be edited using the ED-BLSR command starting with Release 3.2.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-BLSR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[RINGID=<RINGID>,] where: • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.31 ED-CLNT: Edit Client
This command edits client facility attributes.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[SFBER=<SFBER>,][SDBER=<SDBER>,][ALSMODE=<ALSMODE>,][ALSRCINT=<ALSRCINT>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Format (continued) |
• • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
This command edits the state of an STS cross-connection.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-CRS-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<SRC>,<DST>:<CTAG>:::[ADD=<ADD>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
ED-CRS-STS1::STS-1-1-1,STS-2-1-1:1:::ADD=STS-13-1-1, |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.33 ED-CRS-VT1: Edit Cross Connection VT1
This command edits a VT cross-connection.
Note It is not possible to use both ADD and REMOVE at the same time.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-CRS-VT1:[<TID>]:<SRC>,<DST>:<CTAG>::::[ADD=<ADD>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
ED-CRS-VT1::VT1-1-1-1-1-1,VT1-2-1-1-1-1:1:::ADD=VT1-3-1-1-1-1, |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.34 ED-DAT: Edit Date and Time
This command edits the date and the time
Category |
System |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-DAT:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::[<DATE>],[<TIME>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
ED-DAT:CISCO::1234::99-12-21,14-35-15; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.35 ED-DS1: Edit DS1
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits the test access attribute for DS1 access on a DS3XM card.
Note This command is not allowed if the card is a protecting card.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-DS1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[:::TACC=<TACC>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
ED-DS1:PETALUMA:DS1-2-6-12:123:::TACC=8; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.36 ED-DWDM: Edit Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
The command edits an already pre-provisioned/provisioned MXP/TXP card. It changes the operating parameters for the card.
The rules for provisioning a regeneration group are: a regeneration group can be created only between a pair of TXP cards. The peer slot should contain a card of the same type, and should not have an existing regeneration group for the same slot. The termination mode should be identical for the cards. All the client port level settings should be identical for the cards. Setting the PEERID=Null will remove an existing regeneration group. The two TXP cards should be set to transparent termination mode to successfully create a regeneration group.
The rules for provisioning the payload field are as follows: For a TXP card, the SONET/10GE (Ethernet) applies. The port has to be in OOS state for a payload change to be successful. There should be no Trace enabled for the port. To set the Payload to 10GE, the termination mode should already be in Transparent mode. Issue a separate ED-DWDM command to set it to Transparent mode prior to setting the payload to 10GE. The MXP card does not support 10GE payload. To change the payload type for the MXP card, all the ports should be in OOS state. The payload cannot be changed if any of the ports are a part of a Y cable protection group or are used as the timing source. There should be no DCC enabled on any ports.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-DWDM:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PEERID=<PEERID>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.37 ED-EC1: Edit Electrical Carrier
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits the attributes of an EC1.
1. This command is not allowed if the card is a protecting card.
2. The state of the T1 port cannot be changed to IS or OOS if a loopback has been operated upon the line.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-EC1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PJMON=<PJMON>,][LBO=<LBO>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
ED-EC1:CISCO:FAC-1-1:123:::PJMON=0,LBO=0-225,SOAK=10:OOS,AINS; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.38 ED-EQPT: Edit Equipment
This command edits the attributes for a given equipment slot in the NE. If the card is in an equipment slot, this command is allowed only on the working AID.
The PROTID parameter indicates the unique identifier of the protection group (the protect card). "NULL" is a special value of the PROTID parameter and indicates absence of a protection group. For 1:1 protection type, RVRTV and RVTM parameters can be changed. For 1:1 protection type, if the PROTID parameter is entered as "NULL", the protection group is deleted.
For 1:N protection type, if the PROTID is "NULL", the AIDs in the list are removed from the protection group. If all the working cards are in the AID list, the protection group is deleted.
Example: if Slot-1, Slot-2 and Slot-4 were the only working cards in the protection group. The following command will remove Slot-4 from the protection group:
The protection group still has Slot-1 and Slot-2 as working cards.
The following command will remove all the other working cards in the above example and consequently, delete the protection group itself:
The ED-EQPT command can be successfully executed on an already provisioned card to add a working card to or remove one from a protection group. This command is not valid on a protect card. Only cards can be added to or removed from a protection group. Protection type is immutable and is determined at the time of creation of a protection group (while adding the first working card). Once provisioned, the equipment type cannot be edited either.
Examples of adding an existing card to a protection group using the ED-EQPT command:
1:1 protection group
1:N protection group
Error conditions for editing a 1:1 or 1:N protection group may be:
1. Editing the PRTYPE or PROTID (non-NULL value) parameters.
2. Editing RVRTV or RVTM when no protection group exists.
3. Editing RVRTV for 1:N protection.
4. Failed to remove, currently switched to protect.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PROTID=<PROTID>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.39 ED-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Edit Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command edits the optical facility protection.
1. This command can be used on both protecting and working AIDs.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PROTID=<PROTID>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.40 ED-FFP-CLNT: Edit Facility Protection Group Client
This command edits a Y cable protection group on client facilities.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-FFP-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PROTID=<PROTID>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.41 ED-G1000: Edit G1000
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits the attributes related to a G1000 port.
Note The state OOS-AINS is not supported on the G1000.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-G1000:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[MFS=<MFS>,][FLOW=<FLOW>,] where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.42 ED-NE-GEN: Edit Network Element General
This command edits the node attributes of the NE.
1. Only the IPADDR, IPMASK, DEFRTR, IIOP PORT and node name can be modified with this command.
2. The node name can be a maximum of 20 characters. If the entered name exceeds 20 characters, an IPNV (Node Name Too Long) error message is returned.
3. The feature of setting a timing source has been supported since ONS 15454 R3.2.
4. An existing timing source can be removed by setting the address to
Category |
System |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-NE-GEN:[<TID>]::<CTAG>:::[NAME=<NAME>,][IPADDR=<IPADDR>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.43 ED-NE-SYNCN: Edit Network Element Synchronization
This command edits the synchronization attributes of the NE.
1. Although mixed mode timing is supported in this release, it is not recommended. See the "Mixed Mode Timing Support" section on page 1-14 for more information.
2. The existing external and line modes have the same functionality in all ONS 15454 3.x releases:
External mode: the node derives its timing from the BITS inputs.
Line mode: the node derives its timing from the SONET line(s).
Mixed mode: the node derives its timing from the BITS input or SONET lines.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-NE-SYNCN:[<TID>]::<CTAG>:::[TMMD=<TMMD>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.44 ED-OCH: Edit Optical Channel
Cisco ONS 15454 only for MXP and TXP cards.
This command edits the attributes (service parameters) and state of an OCH facility.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-OCH:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[RDIRN=<RDIRN>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Format (continued) |
• • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
ED-OCH:CISCO:CHAN-6-2:114:::RDIRN=W-E,EXPWLEN=1530.32, |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.45 ED-PID: Edit Password
This command allows a user to change his or her own password.
The password cannot be null. It will be echoed as clear text as the message is parsed only after the complete message is entered and terminated.
1. Passwords are masked for the following security commands: ACT-USER, ED-PID, ENT-USER-SECU and ED-USER-SECU. Access to a TL1 session via any means will have the password masked. The CTC Request History and Message Log will also show the masked commands. When a password-masked command is re-issued by double-clicking the command from CTC Request History, the password will still be masked in the CTC Request History and Message Log. The actual password that was previously issued will be sent to the NE. To use a former command as a template only, single-click the command in CTC Request History. The command will be placed in the Command Request text box, where you can edit the appropriate fields prior to re-issuing it.
2. The password will not appear in the TL1 log on the NE.
3. You must use the ED-USER-SECU command to change the empty password (Superuser CISCO15 default empty password) to a non-empty, valid password. The ED-PID command cannot be used to change the empty password to a valid password.
4. For the ED-PID command:
the syntax of <OLDPID> is not checked. The <NEWPID> is required to follow Telcordia standards (i.e., 10 characters maximum including 1 letter, 1 number, and any one of the following characters: #, %, or +). The <OLDPID> must match what is in the database.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-PID:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>::<OLDPID>,<NEWPID>; where: • • • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.46 ED-SYNCN: Edit Synchronization
This command edits the synchronization reference list used to determine the sources for the NE's reference clock and the BITS output clock. For each clock, up to three synchronization sources may be specified (e.g., PRIMARY, SECOND, THIRD).To view or edit the system timing mode, use the RTRV-NE-SYNCN or ED-NE-SYNCN commands.
Note To retrieve/set the timing mode, SSM message Set or Quality of RES information, use the RTRV-NE-SYNCN and ED-NE-SYNCN commands.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-SYNCN:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[PRI=<PRI>,][SEC=<SEC>,] where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.47 ED-T1: Edit T1
This command edits the attributes related to a DS1/T1 port.
1. This command is not allowed if the card is a protecting card.
2. If sending this command to edit TACC and any other attribute(s), and the port having the cross-connection, the (Parameters Not compatible) error message will be returned.
3. Editing TACC via an ED-xxx command is only allowed when there is no circuit/cross-connection on this port and the port/VT does not have a test access point (TAP or TACC number). Otherwise, an error message (e.g. VT in Use) will be returned.
4. TACC creation will also be denied on the protect ports/cards.
5. The state of the T1 port cannot be changed to IS or OOS if a loopback has been operated upon the line.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-T1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[LINECDE=<LINECDE>,][FMT=<FMT>,] where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.48 ED-T3: Edit T3
This command edits the attributes related to a DS3/T3 port.
1. This command is not allowed if the card is a protecting card.
2. Both FMT and Line code are not supported for T3/DS3 facility. They are supported on both the DS3XM and DS3E card. The unframed value of the framing format is only supported on the DS3E facility.
3. If sending this command to edit TACC and any other attribute(s), and the port having the cross-connection or the port/VT has a test access point (TAP or TACC number), the (Parameters Not compatible) error message will be returned.
4. Editing TACC via an ED-xxx command is only allowed when there is no circuit/cross-connection on the port and the port/VT does not have a test access point (TAP or TACC number). Otherwise, an error message (e.g. VT in Use) will be returned.
5. TACC creation will also be denied on the protect ports/cards.
6. The state of the T1 port cannot be changed to IS or OOS if a loopback has been operated upon the line.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-T3:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[FMT=<FMT>,][LINECDE=<LINECDE>,] where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.49 ED-TRC-CLNT: Edit Trace Client
This command edits trace-related attributes on client facilities.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-TRC-CLNT:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>:::[EXPTRC=<EXPTRC>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.50 ED-TRC-OCH: Edit Trace Optical Channel Facilities
The command edits trace-related optical channel facilities.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-TRC-OCH:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>:::[EXPTRC=<EXPTRC>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.51 ED-UCP-CC: Edit Unified Control Plane Control Channel
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits UCP IP control channel attributes.
1. If sending this command with invalid data, an IIAC (Status, Invalid Data) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command to provision MTU, CRCMD, or both while the IPCC type is routed (CCTYPE=ROUTED), an IIAC (Routed CC Is Not Allowed to Provision MTU & CRCMD) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-UCP-CC:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[LOCALIPCC=<LOCALIPCC>,] where: • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.52 ED-UCP-IF: Edit Unified Control Plane Interface
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits UCP interface attributes.
Note If you send invalid data with this command, an IIAC (Status, Invalid Data) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-UCP-IF:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[TNATYPE=<TNATYPE>,] where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.53 ED-UCP-NBR: Edit Unified Control Plane Neighbor
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits a UCP neighbor.
The default value of the node name can be overwritten by the TL1 user to a string in a maximum size of 20 characters. If the node name includes non-identified TL1 characters (e.g. space), the text string format with the double quotes is required.
1. If this command is sent twice or input with invalid data, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command without neighbor node name in the "NAME" field, an IIAC (Neighbor Name Cannot Be Empty) error message is returned.
3. If sending this command to set the hello interval while the RSVP hello is disabled, an IIAC (HELLOINT Is Not Allowed If HELLOEN Is Disabled) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-UCP-NBR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[NAME=<NAME>,] where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.54 ED-UCP-NODE: Edit Unified Control Plane Node
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command edits the UCP node level attributes.
The nodeid is the unique number used to identify the local node in LMP, RSVP messages sent to the neighbors. It defaults to the local ethernet interface address (ISA).
The retry initial interval (in seconds) is used for that have been released by the net work side. This interval has a range of 60 seconds (1 minute) to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), with a default value of 180 seconds.
The retry max interval (in seconds) is used for released circuits. The node will back off exponentially from the initial retry interval to this maximum value of 600 seconds (10 minutes).
The restart time is used to be signaled to neighbors. It indicates the time taken by this node (in seconds) to restart. This timer has a range of 1 second to 10 seconds with a default of 5 seconds.
The recovery time is used to be signaled to neighbors. It indicates the time taken by this node (in seconds) to re-sync path, reservation state with a given neighbor. This timer has a range of 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and a default value of 600 seconds (10 minutes).
The transmit interval is used to retransmit un-acknowledged messages. This timer has a range of 1 second to 7 seconds with a default value of 1 second.
The refresh interval is used to refresh path, reservation state. This interval has a range of 30 seconds to 4060800 seconds (47 days) with a default value of 30 seconds.
The timeout RESV CONF interval is used to wait for a RESV CONF message in response to a RESV message. This interval has a range of 10-180 seconds with a default value of 60 seconds.
The Destination Deletion progress is a timeout interval while the destination is in the progress of cleanly deleting a call. This interval has a range of 1-180 seconds with a default value of 60 seconds.
1. If the retry initial interval is set to zero, it will be interpreted as having the retry procedure disable.
2. The retry maximum interval has to be set to a higher value than the initial retry interval.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-UCP-NODE:[<TID>]::<CTAG>:::[NODEID=<NODEID>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.55 ED-USER-SECU: Edit User Security
This command edits a user's privileges, password, or ID. Only a Superuser may perform this operation. Privilege levels are described in the ENT-USER-SECU command.
1. Passwords are masked for the following security commands: ACT-USER, ED-PID, ENT-USER-SECU and ED-USER-SECU. Access to a TL1 session via any means will have the password masked. The CTC Request History and Message Log will also show the masked commands. When a password-masked command is re-issued by double-clicking the command from CTC Request History, the password will still be masked in the CTC Request History and Message Log. The actual password that was previously issued will be sent to the NE. To use a former command as a template only, single-click the command in CTC Request History. The command will be placed in the Command Request text box, where you can edit the appropriate fields prior to re-issuing it.
2. The <UID> can be any combination of up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
3. The <PID> is a string of up to 10 characters where at least 2 are non-alphabetic with at least one special character (+, %, or #).
4. Although the CTC allows both <UID> and <PID> of up to 20 characters, the CTC-entered users (<UID>, <PID>) are not valid TL1 users (e.g., if issuing an ACT-USER command and using the CTC-entered <UID> that is greater than 10 characters long, TL1 will respond with DENY.
5. For the ED-USER-SECU command;
a. The syntax of <NEWPID> is checked.
b. If the <NEWPID> is specified, the syntax is checked.
c. The syntax of <UID> is not checked.
d. Old users can change their password without changing their userid, but the new password must meet the new requirements.
e. The <NEWPID> is required when changing the <USERID>.
Currently, when <NEWUID> is specified, <NEWPID> is not optional; however, it is possible to change a userid without changing the password by providing the same password. Users are not allowed to keep their old password if the old password does not meet the new syntax requirements; for example,
> ED-USER-SECU::DODI2345:1::DODI3456,DODI#234,,PROV;
TCCP 1970-01-02 13:15:35
TCCP 1970-01-02 13:14:24
6. You must use the ED-USER-SECU command to change the empty password (Superuser CISCO15 default empty password) to a non-empty, valid password. The ED-PID command cannot be used to change the empty password to a valid password.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-USER-SECU:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>::[<NEWUID>],[<NEWPID>],, where: • • • • Note |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.56 ED-VT1: Edit Virtual Tributary
This command edits the attributes associated with a VT1 path.
Both RVRTV and RVTM parameters only apply to path protection configuration.
The TACC parameter edits an existing single STS or VT and changes it to a test access point. When an editing command on TACC is executed, it assigns the STS for the first 2-way connection and STS=1 as the second 2-way connection.
Error conditions:
1. Sending this command to edit RVRTV or RVTM for the non-path protection configuration VT path, an error message will be returned.
2. If sending this command to edit both TACC and any other attribute(s), the (Parameters Not compatible) error message will be returned.
3. This command is only allowed whenever there are no circuits/cross-connections (no path protection configuration connections) on that AID.
4. If sending this command to edit TACC on an AID with circuits or cross-connections, or if the port/VT has a test access point (TAP or TACC number), an error message (e.g., VT in Use) will be returned.
5. TACC creation will also be denied on the protect ports/cards.
6. TACC creation is allowed on PCA for two-fiber and four-fiber BLSR.
7. TACC is not supported on G1000/MXP/TXP/ML1000-2 and ML100T-12 cards.
Category |
STS and VT Paths |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ED-VT1:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>:::[RVRTV=<RVRTV>,][RVTM=<RVTM>,] where: • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
ED-VT1:CISCO:VT1-2-1-3-1-4:123:::RVRTV=Y,RVTM=1.0, |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.57 ENT-BLSR: Enter BLSR
This command creates either a two-fiber or four-fiber BLSR.
On successful creation of the BLSR, all cross-connections using the protection bandwidth of the BLSR will be automatically converted to PCA cross-connections.
<RINGID> defaults to AID number (# in the AID format of BLSR-#)
Input examples:
Four-fiber BLSR:
Two-fiber BLSR:
Error conditions:
1. If the system fails on getting IOR, a SDBE (Status, Internal Data Base Error) error message is returned.
2. If the NE returns nothing for the required BLSR (BLSR-# AID), a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
3. In RINGID is different from the AID number, a SDNC (Status, Input Ringid Is Not Consistent with NE Data) error message is returned.
4. Both <EASTPROT> and <WESTPROT> are optional, but required for 4-fiber BLSR creation.
5. Four-fiber BLSR is only supported on OC48 and OC192 cards. Two-fiber BLSR is only supported on OC12, OC48 and OC192 cards. Any attempt to create a BLSR on any other card combination results in a "BLSR Creation Failed" error message.
6. If sending this command to create 4-fiber BLSR on OC12 cards, or 2-fiber BLSR on OC3 cards, an IIAC (Input, Invalid work/prot port) error message will be returned.
7. If sending this command to create a BLSR on an NE that already has two BLSRs, a SRQN (BLSR Creation Failed) error message will be returned because one NE is only allowed to have two BLSRs in this release.
8. If sending this command to create a BLSR on a port with 1+1,a SRQN (BLSR Creation Failed) error message will be returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-BLSR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[RINGID=<RINGID>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.58 ENT-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Enter Cross Connection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command creates an STS cross-connection with a cross-connection type (CCT).
When a path protection configuration cross-connection is created, the path presented by the first AID is configured to be the preferred path. For example, the AID (F1) of the cross-connection (created by ENT-CRS-STS1::F1&F2,T1:123;) is the preferred path.
1. The default cross-connection type is 2-way
2. If a path is already in a connection, it cannot be in another connection even if the other is a 1-way and the new one will be 1-way the other direction.
3. This command does not support creating multiple STS cross-connections.
4. The path protection configuration cross STS connection can be created by using "&" in the AID fields of this command.
a. The following command is used to create a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
b. The following command is used to create a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
c. The following command is used to create a 1-way subtending path protection configuration connection or 2-way subtending path protection configuration connection with:
from point: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
d. The following command is used to create a 2-way selector and bridge with:
from point: F1,F2 (F1 is the working side, F2 is the protect side)
selector points: S1, S2 (S1 is the working side, S2 is the protect side)
e. The following command is used to create a path protection configuration IDRI Cross-Connection:
A-Path on ring X to which traffic from ring Y is bridged
B-Path on ring X to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
C-Path on ring Y to which traffic from ring X is bridged
D-Path on ring Y to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
A, B, C, and D have a positional meaning. Connection type 2WAYDC is used for path protection configuration IDRI cross-connections.
f. The following command is used to create a path protection configuration DRI Cross-Connection:
A-Path on ring X to which traffic from ring Y is bridged
B-Path on ring X to which traffic from the same ring is bridged
C-Traffic to and from ring Y
A, B, C, and D have a positional meaning. Connection type 2WAYDC is used for path protection configuration DRI cross-connections.
5. All A&B AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID.
6. To establish a cross-connection on a 2-fiber protection path or on a 4-fiber protection channel, the PCA connection type (1WAYPCA or 2WAYPCA) is required.
7. If you send a PCA cross-connection type on the non-PCA AIDs, the IIAC error message is returned.
8. If you send a non-PCA cross-connection type on the PCA AIDs, the IIAC error message is returned.
9. The facility AID is only valid on slots holding a G1000-4 card (ONS 15454).
10. The virtual facility AID (VFAC) is only valid on slots holding the ML-series card.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-CRS-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<SRC>,<DST>:<CTAG>::[<CCT>]:: where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
ENT-CRS-STS1:BODEGA:STS-5-1-1,STS-12-1-5:116::2WAY::OOS,AINS; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.59 ENT-CRS-VT1: Enter STS Cross Connection VT1
This command creates a VT1 cross connect. When a path protection configuration cross-connection is created, the path presented by the first AID is configured to be the preferred path.
For example, the first AID (F1) of the cross-connection (created by ENT-CRS-VT1::F1&F2,T1:123;) is the preferred path.
1. The default cross-connection type is 2-way.
2. If a path is already in a connection, it cannot be in another connection even if the other is a 1-way and the new one will be 1-way the other direction.
3. This command does not support creating multiple VT cross-connections.
4. The path protection configuration VT cross-connection can be created by using "&" in the AID fields of this command.
a. The following command is used to create a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
b. The following command is used to create a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
c. The following command is used to create a 1-way subtending path protection configuration connection or 2-way subtending path protection configuration connection with:
from point: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
d. The following command is used to create a 2-way selector and bridge with:
from points: F1, F2 (F1 is the working side, F2 is the protect side)
selector points: S1, S2 (S1 is the working side, S2 is the protect side)
5. All a&b AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID.
6. To establish a cross-connection on a 2-fiber protection path or on a 4-fiber protection channel, the PCA connection type (1WAYPCA or 2WAYPCA) is required.
7. If you send a PCA cross-connection type on the non-PCA AIDs, an IIAC error message is returned.
8. If you send a non-PCA cross-connection type on the PCA AIDs, an IIAC error message is returned.
9. 1-way monitor cross-connects cannot be created. 1WAYMON value for CCT parameter is not supported. However, such cross-connects can be retrieved through the RTRV-CRS-VT1 and RTRV-CRS commands.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-CRS-VT1:[<TID>]:<FROM>,<TO>:<CTAG>::[<CCT>]::[<PST>],[<SST>]; where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
ENT-CRS-VT1:CISCO:VT1-2-3-7-2,VT1-4-4-5-2:1234::1WAY::OOS,AINS; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.60 ENT-EQPT: Enter Equipment
This command enters the card type and attributes for a given equipment slot in the NE. It also automatically enters all facilities supported by the card, assigning default values to all facility and path attributes.
The command supports optional parameters: RVTM (revertive time), RVRTV (revertive behavior), PROTID (unique protection ID) and PRTYPE (protection type) for configuring the card in an equipment protection group. PRTYPE can be 1:1 and 1:N. These parameters can only be entered for a working AID. The protect card must already be provisioned before creating the protection group.
1:1 protection involves the odd slot protecting the even slot. The work-protect pair is as follows (2-1, 4-3, 6-5, 16-17, 14-15, 12-13). DS1, DS3, DS3XM, DS3N, DS3E, EC1 and other electrical cards support 1:1 protection. The value of PROTID is the protecting slot and is of the form "slot-x". This command creates a 1:1 protection group. If the command has the optional parameters for creating a protection group and the protection group cannot be created due to an error condition, provisioning of the equipment fails.
The PROTID slot must be provisioned first.
To create 1:1 with the ENT-EQPT command, the working card should not be provisioned first, so the AID type field should be presented in ENT-EQPT for the AID on this <AID>.
The following is an example for a 1:1 protection group:
1:N protection is always revertive. For 1:N protection, the protect slot can only be Slot 3 or Slot 15. For a protect card in Slot 3, the working cards can be in any of the slots on Bank A. Slot 15 is for protection in Bank B. A DSXN (DS1N or DS3N) card must be provisioned in the protect slot. A 1:1 protection cannot be upgraded to 1:N protection. This command creates a 1:N protection group or adds a new card to an existing 1:N protection group. Multiple working AIDs can be entered in a protection group.
The following is an example of provisioning a 1:N protection group with the ENT-EQPT command:
The following is an example of provisioning a 1:N protection group with the ED-EQPT command:
If the provisioning fails for some AIDs, PRTL responses will be provided indicating failed AIDs. If the provisioning fails for all the AIDs, a DENY response will be provided. For both CMPLD and PRTL responses on creating protection group query, the protection group has been created for the successful AID(s) query.
The following is an example for 1:N protection. The RVRTV parameter is not valid for 1:N protection.
Both ENT-EQPT and ED-EQPT commands can provision all working AIDs (1-5) together for 1:N by using listed AIDs.
The ENT-EQPT command provisions a new card and adds it to the protection group. The ED-EQPT command adds the already provisioned cards to the protection group.
Protect AID should already be provisioned for either command because protection group parameters are not supported for the protect AID.
The ENT-EQPT command provisions an equipment successfully on an empty slot if the equipment type is compatible with the slot number. This command can have the optional parameters in the "f" block to provision a card as a working card. It has the effect of adding the protection behavior at the time of provisioning itself. For the protection provisioning to succeed, the protect card should have already been provisioned. Trying to execute ENT-EQPT to provision a protection group on an already provisioned card will result in an error.
An example to provision a 1:1 protection group:
ENT-EQPT::SLOT-1:12::DS3;// provision the protect card
ENT-EQPT::SLOT-2:12::DS3:PROTID=SLOT-1,RVRTV=Y,RVTM=8.0; //provision a card and add it to the protection group.
An example to provision a 1:N protection group:
ENT-EQPT::SLOT-3:12::DS3N;//provision the protect card
ENT-EQPT::SLOT-1:12::DS3:PROTID=SLOT-3,RVTM=7.5,PRTYPE=1-N;//provision a card and add it to protection group.
1. Sending this command to provision a DS3NE card on Slot {1,2,4,5,6,12,13,14,16,or 17}, the DS3E card type is presented.
2. Sending this command to provision a DS3N card on Slot {1,2,4,5,6,12,13,14,16,17}, the DS3 card type is presented.
3. Sending this command to provision a DS1N card on Slot-{1,2,4,5,6,12,13,14,16,17}, the DS1 card type is presented.
Error conditions for creating 1:1 or 1:N protection groups are:
1. AID sent to a non-working slot; the working cards must be in even slots for 1:1 and in the same bank for 1:N and not in Slot 3 or Slot 15 (ONS 15454).
2. Invalid AID chosen for protection slot.
3. Working AID is already in protection group.
4. AID is a protect AID.
5. The protect card has a circuit.
6. The equipment type does not match with the allowed AID.
7. The slot is already provisioned.
8. The protecting slot is not provisioned.
9. Multiple working AIDs for 1:1 protection.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<AIDTYPE>:[PROTID=<PROTID>,] where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.61 ENT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Enter Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command creates an optical 1+1 protection.
1. Protect AID must not be provisioned with traffic.
2. Work AID can be provisioned with traffic.
3. PROTID is a string and can have a maximum length of 32 characters.
4. In this release, 1+1 provisioning between an OC12-4 card and an OC12 card is allowed but is not correct. This provisioning will not be allowed in a future release.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<WORK>,<PROTECT>:<CTAG>::: where: • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.62 ENT-FFP-CLNT: Enter Facility Protection Group Client
This command creates Y cable protection on client facilities
1. A Y cable protection group can be created between the client ports of either two TXP cards or two MXP cards.
2. Y cable protection cannot be part of a regeneration group.
3. Only the working ports can be provisioned with DCC and timing reference (if DCC is present on a card, tat card cannot be a protect card).
4. The cards must have the same payload.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-FFP-CLNT:[<TID>]:<WORKAID>,<PROTAID>:<CTAG>::: where: • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.63 ENT-UCP-CC: Enter Unified Control Plane Control Channel
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command creates a UCP IP control channel.
If the CCTYPE is SCCC, the SDCC of the port should be created.
The LMP Hello parameters, CRC mode and MTU can be left NULL. The defaults will be assigned by the node.
The UCP remote cannot be provisioned by the user. The local CCID will be allocated by the node.
If the CCTYPE is routed, the remote IPCC defaults to its neighbor's nodeID.
1. If this command is sent twice, or input with invalid data, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command to provision MTU, CRCMD, or both while the IPCC type is routed (CCTYPE=ROUTED), an IIAC (Routed CC Is Not Allowed to Provision MTU and CRCMD) error message is returned.
3. The LMPHELLODEADINT interval has to be larger than the hello interval and is normally set to 3 times the hello interval. Its range is 3 seconds to 30 seconds with a default of 15 seconds.
4. If sending this command to provision a ROUTED IPCC no matter if the neighbor discovery (NDEN) is Enabled or Disabled, the REMOTEIPCC has to be specified by the user with non zeros, otherwise, an error message will be returned.
5. If sending this command to provision an SDCC IPCC while the neighbor discovery (NDEN=Y) is Enabled, the REMOTEIPCC defaults to, and the user is not allowed to specify REMOTEIPCC, otherwise, and error message (SROF, Cannot specify Remote IPCC for SDCC-IPCC when ND is enabled) will be returned.
6. If sending this command to provision an SDCC IPCC while the neighbor discovery (NDEN=N) is Disabled, the REMOTEIPCC defaults to its neighbor's node ID (IP address).
7. If sending this command to provision an SDCC IPCC with a complete result, the SDCC of the specified SONET line is created (or enabled) automatically with a DB change reporting (if the DB change report is enabled).
8. If sending this command to provision more than 16 IPCC over one NE, a (Cannot create IPCC. Max. number (16) reached) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-UCP-CC:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>:::[NBRIX=<NBRIX>,] where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.64 ENT-UCP-IF: Enter Unified Control Plane Interface
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command creates a UCP interface.
The CCID can be set to zero to request the use of any control channel to the neighbor for this UCP interface/data link.
The local interface ID (LOCALIFID) is used by LMP/RSVP (Line Management Protocol/Resource Reservation Protocol). If zero is passed in as the local Interface ID of the data link, then the node assigns a value for it. If the user specifies a non-zero value, then the node checks if that Interface ID is available and uses it.
If the UCP interface/data link control channel type is SDCC type, the local interface ID should be the same as CCID. Otherwise, an error message will be returned by the node.
The remote interface ID is allowed to be unspecified (by passing zero) if the NDEN is Enabled and there is a SDCC IPCC specified for this UPC Interface with the same Interface Index, or when Routed IPCC is used for this data link.
TNATYPE=NSAP,TNAADDR=0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314, CORENETWORKID=3;
Note If this command is sent twice, or inputs invalid data, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-UCP-IF:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[NBRIX=<NBRIX>,][CCID=<CCID>,] where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.65 ENT-UCP-NBR: Enter Unified Control Plane Neighbor
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command creates a UCP neighbor.
The default value of the node name can be overwritten by the TL1 user to a string in a maximum size of 20 characters. If the node name includes non-identified TL1 characters (e.g. space), the text string format with the double quotes is required.
1. If this command is sent twice or inputs invalid data, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If sending this command without neighbor node name in the "NAME" field, an IIAC (Neighbor Name Can Not be Empty) error message is returned.
3. If sending this command with nodeid while the neighbor discovery is enabled (NDEN=Y), an IIAC (NODEID Is Not Allowed If NDEN Is Enabled) error message is returned.
4. If sending this command to set the hello interval while the RSVP hello is disabled, an IIAC (HELLOINT Is Not Allowed If HELLOEN Is Disabled) error message is returned.
5. If provisioning a neighbor with disabled neighbor discovery (NDEN=N), and NULL nodeid, a SROF (UCP Neighbor's NodeID cannot be null when Neighbor Discovery is disabled) is returned.
6. If sending this command to create a neighbor with the neighbor node name string longer than 64 characters, an IIAC (Node Name Too Long) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-UCP-NBR:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[NBRIX=<NBRIX>,] where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.66 ENT-USER-SECU: Enter User Security
This command adds a user account. Only a Superuser can do this. Each user is configured as being at one of these four privilege levels:
1. Retrieve [RTRV]: Users possessing this security level can retrieve information from the node, but cannot modify anything. The default idle time for Retrieve is unlimited.
2. Maintenance [MAINT]: Users possessing this security level can retrieve information from the node and perform limited maintenance operations such as card resets, Manual/Force/Lockout on cross-connects or in protection groups, and BLSR maintenance. The default idle time for Maintenance is 60 minutes.
3. Provisioning [PROV]: Users possessing this security level can perform all maintenance actions, and all provisioning actions except those restricted to superusers. The default idle time for Provisioning is 30 minutes.
4. Superuser [SUPER]: Users possessing this security level can perform all PROV user actions, plus creating/deleting user security profiles, setting basic system parameters such as time/date, node name, and IP address, doing database backup & restore. The default idle time for Superuser is 15 minutes.
1. Passwords are masked for the following security commands: ACT-USER, ED-PID, ENT-USER-SECU and ED-USER-SECU. Access to a TL1 session via any means will have the password masked. The CTC Request History and Message Log will also show the masked commands. When a password-masked command is re-issued by double-clicking the command from CTC Request History, the password will still be masked in the CTC Request History and Message Log. The actual password that was previously issued will be sent to the NE. To use a former command as a template only, single-click the command in CTC Request History. The command will be placed in the Command Request text box, where you can edit the appropriate fields prior to re-issuing it.
2. The <UID> can be any combination of up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
3. The <PID> is a string of up to 10 characters where at least 2 characters are non-alphabetic with at least one special character (+, %, or #).
4. Although the CTC allows both <UID> and <PID> of up to 20 characters, the CTC-entered users (<UID> and <PID>) may not be valid TL1 users (e.g. if issuing an ACT-USER command and using the CTC-entered <UID> that is greater than 10 characters long, TL1 will respond with DENY (Can't Login) error message.
5. The TL1 password security is enforced as follows:
a. The password <PID> cannot be the same as or contain the userid (UID), for example, if the userid is CISCO25 the password cannot be CISCO25#.
b. The password <PID> must have one non-alphabetic and one special (+, %, or #) character.
c. There is no password <PID> toggling; for example, if the current password is CISCO25#, the new password cannot be CISCO25#
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
ENT-USER-SECU:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>::<PID>,,<UAP>[:]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.67 EX-SW-<OCN_BLSR>: Operate Protection Switch (OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command exercises the algorithm for switching from a working facility to a protection facility without actually performing a switch. It is assumed that the facility being exercised is the working unit. The exercise switching success or failure result will be indicated by an automatic alarm.
Exercise switch for the SONET protection line is not supported in this release. If sending this command to the protection unit, an error message will be returned. In addition to all normal INPUT, EQUIPAGE, PRIVILEGE error codes, the following error codes are also included in this command:
SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State)
SROF (Status, Requested Operation Failed)
SSRD (Status, Switch Request Denied)
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
EX-SW-<OCN_BLSR>:[TID]:<AID>:[CTAG]::[<ST>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
EX-SW-OC48:CISCO:FAC-12-1:123::SPAN; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.68 INH-MSG-ALL: Inhibit Message All
This command inhibits all REPT ALM and REPT EVT autonomous messages from being transmitted. See the ALW-MSG-ALL to resume these autonomous messages. When a TL1 session starts, the REPT ALM and REPT EVT messages are allowed by default.
Note If this command is used twice in the same session, the SAIN (Already Inhibited) error message is reported.
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INH-MSG-ALL:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,]; |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.69 INH-MSG-DBCHG: Inhibit Database Change Message
This command disables REPT DBCHG.
Category |
Log |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INH-MSG-DBCHG:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,]; |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.70 INH-MSG-SECU: Inhibit Message Security
This command inhibits the REPT EVT SECU and REPT ALM SECU messages.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.71 INH-PMREPT-ALL: Inhibit Performance Report All
This command inhibits all scheduled PM reporting. The inhibitance of the PM reporting is session-based, which means the command is only effective to the TL1 session that issues this command. By default, the scheduled PM reporting is inhibited by a TL1 session.
A TL1 session for which PM reports are inhibited will include an INHMSG-PMREPT condition when issuing TL1 command RTRV-COND-ALL.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.72 INH-SWDX-EQPT: Inhibit Switch Duplex Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command inhibits automatic or manual switching on a system containing duplex equipment. Use the ALW-SWDX command to release the inhibit. This command is not used for SONET line protection switching. For SONET line/path protection switching commands, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands. This command is not used for 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection switching, use ALW-SWTOPROTN, ALW-SWTOWKG, INH-SWTOPROTN, INH-SWTOWKG commands.
1. This command applies for XC, XCVT, or XC10G equipment units only in this release.
2. When sending this command to a TCC+/TCC2 card, an error message will occur because the NE treats the TCC+/TCC2 as a non-revertive protection group without user control.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INH-SWDX-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.73 INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT: Inhibit Switch to Protection Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command inhibits automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit to protection. Use the ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT command to release the inhibit.
INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM and EC1 cards). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection. When performing a lockout with this command, the traffic will be switched from the unit specified by the AID, unless the working unit being protected has failed or is missing. When performing a lock on with this command and the working unit specified in the AID is in standby, sending this command will also initiate a traffic switch. When traffic is locked on a working unit or locked out of the protection unit with this command, the protection unit will not carry traffic, even if the working unit is pulled from the system.
Sending this command to a working unit in a 1:N protection group does not prevent a protection switch from another working unit in the same protection group. All the working units must be sent this command to prevent a protection switch. If the command is sent only to a subset of the working units, only those working units will have traffic locked on.
The inhibit state is persistent over TCC+/TCC2 side switches and removal/reboot of all the units in the protection group. The inhibit state can, but does not have to be persistent over a complete power cycle of the NE.
The unit specified by the AID will raise the condition of INHSWPR when this command is sent.
1. This command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message should be responsed.
2. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
3. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
4. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be received.
5. If this command is used on a card that is already in the inhibit state, the SAIN (Status, Already Inhibited) error message should be received.
6. If sending the inhibit switch to protection command to a working card when the protect card in the same protection group has already raised the condition of INHSWWKG, the SPLD (Status, Protection unit Locked) error message should be responsed.
7. If sending the inhibit switch to protection command to the protect card when a working card in the same protection group has already raised the condition of INHSWWKG, the SWLD (Status, Working unit Locked) error message should be responsed.
8. Sending the inhibit switch to protection command to an active protect card when the peer working card is failed or missing, the SWFA (Status, Working unit Failed) error message should be responsed.
9. The following situation(s) are allowed and will not generate any error response: sending this command to missing cards as long as none of the previous error conditions apply.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<DIRN>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.74 INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT: Inhibit Switch to Working Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command inhibits automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit back to the working unit. Use the ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT command to release the inhibit.
INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM and EC1 cards). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection. When performing a lock-out with this command, the traffic will be switched from the unit specified by the AID, unless the protection unit has failed or is missing. When performing a lock-on with this command and the protection unit specified in the AID is in standby, sending this command will initiate a traffic switch only when there is one working card in the protection group. In the case where there is more than one working card in the protection group, an error will be generated (see error conditions below). When traffic is locked on the protection unit or locked out of a working unit with this command, the working unit will not carry traffic, even if the protection unit is pulled from the system.
The inhibit state is persistent over TCC+/TCC2 side switches and removal/reboot of all the units in the protection group. The inhibit state can but does not have to be persistent over a complete power cycle of the NE.
The unit specified by the AID will raise the condition of INHSWWKG when this command is sent.
1. The command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message should be responsed.
2. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
3. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
4. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be received.
5. If this command is used on a card that is already in the inhibit state, the SAIN (Status, Already Inhibited) error message should be received.
6. If sending this command to a working card when the protect card in the same protection group has already raised the condition of INHSWPR, the SPLD (Status, Protection unit Locked) error message should be received.
7. If sending the INH-SWTOWKG command to a protect card when a working card in the same protection group has already raised the condition of INHSWPR, the SWLD (Status, Working unit Locked) error message should be responsed.
8. If sending the INH-SWTOWKG command to an active working card when the protect card has failed or is missing, the SPFA (Status, Protection unit Failed) error message should be received.
9. If sending the INH-SWTOWKG command to an active working card when the protect card is already carrying traffic (this only occurs in a 1:N protection group with N greater than one), the SPAC (Status, Protection unit Active) error message should be received.
10. The following situation is allowed and will not generate any error response: Sending this command to missing cards as long as none of the previous error conditions apply.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<DIRN>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.75 INIT-REG-<MOD2>: Initialize Register (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command initializes the performance monitoring (PM) registers.
1. The time period is always the current time period, and the previous time period counts are not cleared; therefore, both <MONDAT> and <MONTM> are not supported in this command.
2. Both transmit and receive directions are allowed in DS1, other cards only support the receive direction.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INIT-REG-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::,,[<LOCN>],[<DIRN>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.76 INIT-SYS: Initialize System
This command initializes the specified card and its associated subsystem(s).
1. The SLOT-ALL AID and the list AID are not allowed in this command.
2. Only one level of restart is supported in this command.
3. It is important that the standby TCC+/TCC2 should be up and running fully standby before this command is sent on the active TCC+/TCC2 for a period of time. During this time, the system is vulnerable to traffic outages caused by timing disruptions or other causes.
Category |
System |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
INIT-SYS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.77 OPR-ACO-ALL: Operate Alarm Cutoff All
This command cuts off the office audible alarm indication without changing the local alarm indications.
This command does not have any effect on future alarms at the NE, it directs the NE to provide conditioning only on those alarms that are currently active.
The ACO retires the Central Office (CO) alarm audible indicators without clearing the indicators that show the trouble still exists. There is no need for a RLS-ACO command.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.78 OPR-EXT-CONT: Operate External Control
This command operates an external control and closes the external control contact. The control can be operated momentarily or continuously.
1. The duration has two values in this release:
MNTRY: Momentary duration
CONTS: Continuos duration
2. In an automatic state, the contact could be opened or closed depending on the provisioned trigger.
3. RLS-EXT-CONT changes the state to automatic. Therefore, issuing an OPR-EXT-CONT command when the control is manually open and then issuing a RLS-EXT-CONT will not revert the state back to Manual Open.
4. A NULL value for the duration parameter defaults to MNTRY in this release.
5. The RLS-EXT-CONT is not allowed during the MNTRY duration, the command is allowed for the CONTS duration. The length of the MNTRY duration is set to be 2 seconds on Cisco ONS 15454.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-EXT-CONT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<CONTTYPE>],[<DURATION>]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.79 OPR-LPBK-<MOD2>: Operate Loopback (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command operates a signal loopback on an I/O card or on a cross-connect.
The optional [<LPBKTYPE>] defaults to FACILITY in this command if it is given to a port entity. It defaults to CRS if given to an STS entity.
1. The value CRS for the LPBKTYPE parameter is applicable only for the STS modifier. The FACILITY and TERMINAL values are applicable to the ports.
2. The TERMINAL loopback type is not supported for the DS1 line of a DS3XM card.
3. Loopbacks are only allowed to be setup if the port/interface/STS_PATH is in OOS-MT or in OOS-AINS state.
4. Cross-connect loopbacks cannot be applied:
•to the destination end of a 1WAY cross-connects
•to non-optical boards
•to VT1.5
•if a a terminal/facility loopback is already applied
•on a protect card in 1+1 (working mode)
5. A cross-connect loopback can be applied only on one STS path of a cross-connect.
Category |
Testing |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-LPBK-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>::,,,[<LPBKTYPE>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
OPR-LPBK-DS1:PTREYES:DS1-4-1-2-13:203::,,,FACILITY; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.80 OPR-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Operate Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command initiates a SONET line protection switch request. User switch requests initiated with this command remain active until they are released via the RLS-PROTNSW-OCN command or are overridden by a higher priority protection switch request.
The switch commands; MAN (Manual Switch), FRCD (Forced Switch) and LOCKOUT (Lockout) are supported by the ONS 15454.
Manual Switch of Protection Line (to Working Line). If the AID identifies the protection line, then (only in the 1+1 architecture) service will be transferred from the protection line to the working line, unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Manual Switch of Working Line (to Protection Line). If the AID identifies a working line, then service will be switched from the working line to the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Force Switch of Protection Line (to Working Line). If the AID identifies the protection line, then (only in the 1+1 architecture) service will be transferred from the protection line to the working line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Force Switch of Working Line (to Protection Line). If the AID identifies a working line, then service will be transferred from the working line to the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect. A lockout of protection and a signal fail of protection line have higher priority than this switch command.
Lockout of Protection Line. If the AID identifies the protection line, this switch command will prevent the working line from switching to protection line. If the working line is already on protection, then the working line will be switched back to its original working line.
Lockout of Protection Line. If the AID identifies protection line, this switch command will prevent the working line from switching to protection line. If the working line is already on protection, then the working line will be switched back from protection line to its original working line.
1. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A query on a common control card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use this command on the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
2. Sending this command on non-SONET (OCN) cards, an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message should be received. To query on a non-SONET card switching command, use the ALW-SWTOPROTN/SWTOWKG-EQPT and INH-SWTOPROTN/SWTOWKG-EQPT commands.
3. When sending this command to query on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be received.
4. When sending this command to a working card that is failed or missing, the SROF (Protection Switching Failed) error message should be received.
5. When sending this command to a protect card that is failed or missing, the SROF (Protection Switching Failed) error message should be received.
6. When sending this command to a card that is already in protection with a higher priority, the SSRD (Status, Switch Request Denied) error message should be received.
7. Sending this command to an OCN line with a switching mode that is already in mode, will return a SAMS (Already in the Maintenance State) error message.
8. To get the protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL commands.
9. If the far end of the same span has a higher protection switching state, for example, the near end is under Manual protection switching state, the far end is in the Forced protection switching state, the near end protection switching state will be preemptive and shown as APS_CLEAR switching state over the CTC/TL1 interface. The RTRV-PROTNSW-OCN command is used to retrieve the current switching state of a SONET line.
10. If sending this command with EXERCISE or APS_CLEAR switch operation, an error SROF (Invalid Protection Switch Operation) will be returned because these operations are not valid according to GR-833-CORE.
The EX-SW-<OCN_BLSR> is the correct command to perform the EXERCISE switch over the BLSR line.
11. Protection switch will be denied if SD/SF is already present on the switching path. If SD/SF is generated on the switching path after the switch is performed, the switch will be overwritten by the APS_CLEAR state. This does not apply for lockout of protection and forced switch which have higher priority than SD/SF.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<SC>, where: • • • ![]() Caution ![]() |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.81 OPR-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Operate Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command initiates a SONET path protection (path protection configuration) switch request. User switch requests initiated with this command (forced switch, lockout, and manual switch) remain active until they are released through the RLS-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH> command or overridden by a higher priority protection switch request.
1. This command applies to path protection configuration configuration only.
2. The VTAID should be working or protect AID only.
3. If you send this command on the Drop AID, a DENY (Invalid AID, should use working/protect AID) message will be returned.
4. To get the protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL commands.
5. The GR-1400 does not allow the LOCKOUT_OF_WORKING on the path protection configuration WORKING path/AID. Sending this command on the path protection configuration WORKING path, a SROF (Invalid Protection Switch Operation) is returned.
6. If sending this command with EXERCISE or APS_CLEAR switch operation, an error SROF (Invalid Protection Switch Operation) will be returned because these operations are not valid according to GR-833-CORE.
7. Protection switch will be denied if SD/SF is already present on the switching path. If SD/SF is generated on the switching path after the switch is performed, the switch will be overwritten by the APS_CLEAR state. This does not apply for lockout of protection and forced switch which have higher priority than SD/SF.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<SC>[:]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.82 OPR-PROTNSW-CLNT: Operate Protection Switch Client
This command instructs the NE to initiate a Y cable protection switch request. User switch requests initiated with this command remain active until they are released via the RLS-PROTNSW-CLNT command or are overridden by a higher priority protection switch request.
The switch commands MAN (Manual Switch), FRCD (Forced Switch) and LOCKOUT (Lockout) switch command are supported by the Cisco ONS 15454.
Manual Switch of Protection Line (to Working Line) -- If the AID identifies the protection line, then service will be transferred from the protection line to the working line, unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Manual Switch of Working Line (to Protection Line) -- If the AID identifies a working line, then service will be switched from the working line to the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Force Switch of Protection Line (to Working Line) -- If the AID identifies the protection line, then service will be transferred from the protection line to the working line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
Force Switch of Working Line (to Protection Line) -- If the AID identifies a working line, then service will be transferred from the working line to the protection line unless a request of equal or higher priority is in effect. A lockout of protection and a signal fail of protection line have higher priority than this switch command.
Lockout of Protection Line -- If the AID identifies protection line, this switch command will prevent the working line from switching to protection line. If the working line is already on protection, then the working line will be switched back from protection line to its original working line.
Lockout of Protection Line -- If the AID identifies protection line, this switch command will prevent the working line from switching to protection line. If the working line is already on protection, then the working line will be switched back from protection line to its original working line.
If this command is used against pre-provisioned cards, the SROF (Protection Switching Failed) error will be returned.
Category |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-PROTNSW-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<SC>[:]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.83 OPR-PROTNSW-VT1: Operate Virtual Tributary Protection Switch VT1
This command initiates a SONET path protection switch request. User switch requests initiated with this command (forced switch, lockout, and manual switch) remain active until they are released through the RLS-PROTNSW-VT1 command or overridden by a higher priority protection switch request.
1. This command applies to path protection configuration only.
2. The VTAID should be working or protect AID only.
3. If you send this command on the Drop AID, a DENY (Invalid AID, should use working/protect AID) message will be returned.
4. To get protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL commands.
5. The GR-1400 does not allow the LOCKOUT_OF_WORKING on the path protection configuration WORKING path/AID. Sending this command on the path protection configuration WORKING path, a SROF (Invalid Protection Switch Operation) is returned.
6. If sending this command with EXERCISE or APS_CLEAR switch operation, an error SROF (Invalid Protection Switch Operation) will be returned because these operations are not valid according to GR-833-CORE.
Sending this command with CLEAR switch operation is not a valid operation per GR-833, the NE will clear the state of the line. This behavior will be corrected in a future release.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-PROTNSW-VT1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<SC>[:]; where: • • |
Input Example |
OPR-PROTNSW-VT1:CISCO:VT1-5-2-4-1:123::MAN; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.84 OPR-SYNCNSW: Operate Synchronization Switch
This command initiates a switch to the reference specified by the synchronization reference number if the reference supplied is valid.
For manual types of switches the reference to which you want to switch should be of the same quality as the active reference source, otherwise the command will fail.
If you want to switch to a reference of lower quality, use the forced switch option.
The Operate Synchronization Switches are released by the RLS-SYNCNSW command or are overridden by a synchronization reference failure.
Once the switch is effective, a minor alarm "MANSWTOPRI" (Manual Switch to Primary or Secondary Reference...) will be raised for Manual switches and alarms like "FRCDSWTOPRI" (Forced Switch to Primary or Secondary Reference...) will be raised for Forced switches.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
OPR-SYNCNSW:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>::<SWITCHTO>,[<SC>]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.85 REPT ALM <MOD2ALM>: Report Alarm (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
Reports an alarm condition against a facility or a path.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.86 REPT ALM BITS: Report Alarm Building Integrated Timing Supply
Reports an alarm condition on a BITS facility.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.87 REPT ALM COM: Report Alarm COM
Reports an alarm condition when an AID cannot be given, for example, a fan failure is reported using this message.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.88 REPT ALM ENV: Report Alarm Environment
Reports a customer-defined condition on an environmental alarm input.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.89 REPT ALM EQPT: Report Alarm Equipment
Reports an alarm condition against an equipment unit or slot.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.90 REPT ALM RING: Report Alarm Ring
Reports an alarm condition against a ring object for BLSR.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.91 REPT ALM SYNCN: Report Alarm Synchronization
Reports an alarm condition against a synchronization reference.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.92 REPT ALM UCP: Report Alarm Unified Control Plane
Reports an alarm condition against a UCP object.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.93 REPT DBCHG: Report Database Change Message
Reports any changes on the NE that result from:
1. TL1 provisioning commands or their GUI equivalents containing the verbs: ALW, DLT, ED, ENT, INH, INIT, OPR, RLS, SET, and SW (for example, DLT-EQPT, ENT-CRS-STS1)
2. External event such as a board insertion.
Category |
Log |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.94 REPT EVT <MOD2ALM>: Report Event (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
— |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.95 REPT EVT BITS: Report Event BITS
Reports a non-alarmed event against a BITS facility.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.96 REPT EVT COM: Report Event COM
Reports a non-alarmed event against an NE when there is no AID associated with it.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.97 REPT EVT ENV: Report Event Environment
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event against an environment alarm input.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.98 REPT EVT EQPT: Report Event Equipment
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event against an equipment unit or slot.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.99 REPT EVT FXFR: Report Event Software Download
Reports the FTP software download status of the start, completion, and completed percentage.
1. The FXFR_RSLT is only sent when the FXFR_STATUS is COMPLD.
2. The BYTES_XFRD is only sent when the FXFR_STATUS is IP or COMPLD.
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.100 REPT EVT IOSCFG: Report Event IOS Config File
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
Reports the status of copying the IOS configuration file when the COPY-IOSCFG command is issued.
1. You can identify if this message is caused by an IOS config file downloading/uploading/merging by looking at the SRC and DEST field in the message. Refer to the COPY-IOSCFG command for more details.
2. There is no success/failure in the message to indicate the success or failure of the merge process when merging the startup IOS config file to the running config file.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.101 REPT EVT RING: Report Event Ring
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event against a ring object for BLSR.
In this release, the BLSR-UPDATED condition has been added and will be reported as a transient message, not a standing condition/alarm.
Note When a change is made to a BLSR, including creating a new circuit, the circuit will not have BLSR protection until after the BLSR-UPDATED message is received.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.102 REPT EVT SECU: Report Event Security
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed security event against the NE.
Based on TR-NWT-000835 in TR-NWT-000835 and the AID of the security alarm should be the Connection Identifier (CID) which is not supported in this release. The COM or UID is an acceptable substitute for the AID here. CID's will be supported in a future release.
For the rule of single failure, single message/alarm, the security alarm will not be reported as
REPT ALM COM, because it is reported as REPT ALM SECU.
Because the NE sends this security message as a transient message, to make all TL1 autonomous messages consistent, the TL1 agent reports the security message into REPT EVT SECU.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.103 REPT EVT SESSION: Report Event Session
Reports a non-alarmed event related to establishing a session with the NE.
1. The WARN field may contain different information depending on the type of session-related event.
2. If a session is terminated for any reason (except a user timeout), this message is sent to indicate the reason for the session termination.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.104 REPT EVT SYNCN: Report Event Synchronization
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed event against a synchronization entity.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.105 REPT EVT UCP: Report Event Unified Control Plane
Reports the occurrence of a non-alarmed even against a UCP object.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.106 REPT PM <MOD2>: Report Performance Monitoring (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
Reports autonomous monitoring statistics as a result of the schedule created by SCHED-PMREPT.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.107 REPT SW: Report Switch
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
Reports the autonomous switching of a unit in a duplex equipment pair to the standby state and its mate unit to the active state. An automatic report for the occurrence or clearance of an alarm or event that triggers the switch may be associated with the message.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
3.4.108 RLS-EXT-CONT: Release External Control
This command releases a forced contact state and returns the control of the contact to an AUTOMATIC control state. In AUTOMATIC control state, the contact could be opened or closed depending on triggers that may or may not be provisioned in the NE. Therefore, issuing an RLS might not produce any contact state change.
The NE defaults to having no triggers provisioned for external controls which consequently produces default open contacts. An NE with this default provisioning will always produce an open contact with a RLS-EXT-CONT command.
1. The duration is not supported, it defaults to CONTS.
2. In an automatic state, the contact could be opened or closed depending on the provisioned trigger. Therefore, issuing an OPR-EXT-CONT command followed by an RLS-EXT-CONT command might not produce any contact state change.
3. The RLS-EXT-CONT is not allowed during the MNTRY duration. The command is allowed for the CONTS duration. The length of MNTRY duration is set to be 2 seconds.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-EXT-CONT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::,]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.109 RLS-LPBK-<MOD2>: Release Loopback (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1,T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command releases a signal loopback on an I/O card or a cross-connect.
1. The value CRS for the LPBKTYPE parameter is applicable only for the STS modifier. The FACILITY and TERMINAL values for LPBKTYPE parameter are applicable to the ports.
2. The optional [<LPBKTYPE>] field defaults to the current existing loopback type.
3. The TERMINAL loopback type is not supported for a DS3XM card.
Category |
Testing |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-LPBK-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>::,,,[<LPBKTYPE>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
RLS-LPBK-DS1:PTREYES:DS1-4-1-2-13:203::,,,FACILITY; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.110 RLS-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Release Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command releases a SONET line protection switch request.
The release of a protection switch request is applicable only to the OPR-PROTNSW protection switch commands, the user-initiated switch protection commands.
1. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. Sending a command on a common control card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To query the common control card switching commands, use SW-DX-EQPT, ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
2. When sending this command on non-SONET (OCN) cards, an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message should be responsed. To use this command on a non-SONET card switching command, use ALW-SWTOPROTN/SWTOWKG-EQPT and INH-SWTOPROTN/SWTOWKG-EQPT commands.
3. When sending this command to query on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message should be responsed.
4. When sending this command to a working card that is failed or missing, the SWFA (Status, Working unit Failed) error message should be responsed.
5. When sending this command to a protect card that is failed or missing, the SPFA (Status, Protection unit Failed) error message should be responsed.
6. When sending this command to a card that is not in protection, the SNPR (Status, Not in Protection State) error message should be responsed.
7. Sending this command to an OCN line that is already in clear mode will return a SAMS (Already in Clear Maintenance State) error message.
8. To get the protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL command.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.111 RLS-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Release Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command releases a SONET path protection switch request that was established with the OPR-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH> command. This command assumes that only one user-initiated switch is active per AID.
1. This command applies to path protection configuration only.
2. The VTAID should be working or protect AID only.
3. If sending this command on the Drop AID, a DENY (Invalid AID, should use working/protect AID) message will be returned.
4. To get the protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL command.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.112 RLS-PROTNSW-CLNT: Release Protection Switch Client
This command releases a Y cable protection switch on client facilities.
Category |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-PROTNSW-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.113 RLS-PROTNSW-VT1: Release Protection Switch VT1
This command releases a SONET path protection switch request that was established with the OPR-PROTNSW-VT1 command. This command assumes that only one user-initiated switch is active per AID.
1. This command applies to path protection configuration only.
2. The VTAID should be working or protect AID only.
3. Sending this command on the Drop AID, a DENY (Invalid AID, should use working/protect AID) message will be returned.
4. To get the protection switching state (manual, lockout, forced), use the RTRV-COND-ALL or RTRV-ALM-ALL command.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-PROTNSW-VT1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RLS-PROTNSW-VT1:CISCO:VT1-4-2-3-1:123; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.114 RLS-SYNCNSW: Release Synchronization Switch
This command releases the previous synchronization reference provided by the OPR-SYNCNSW command.
In a non-revertive system, the use of the RLS-SYNCNSW command may not be appropriate. All the switching between synchronization references should be initiated with the OPR-SYNCNSW command.
Once a switch is released, a minor alarm "MANSWTOPRI", (Manual Switch to Primary Reference or Secondary...) or "FRDCSWTOPRI" (Forced Switch to Primary Reference or Secondary...), will be cleared.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RLS-SYNCNSW:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.115 RMV-<MOD2_IO>: Remove (CLNT, DS1, EC1, G1000, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, T1, T3)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command removes a facility from service.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RMV-<MOD2_IO>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<CMDMODE>],[<PST>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.116 RST-<MOD2_IO>: Restore (CLNT, DS1, EC1, G1000, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, T1, T3)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command provisions a facility in service.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RST-<MOD2_IO>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RST-EC1:CISCO:FAC-1-1:1; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.117 RTRV-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the attributes (i.e., service parameters) and the state of an OC-N facility.
Both RINGID and BLSRTYPE identify the OCN port connected with a BLSR. These attributes are only presented for the OC12, OC48, OC192 ports within a BLSR connection. The RTRV-BLSR command with the AID BLSR-RINGID, can provide more information on this BLSR.
Note This command does not show the WVLEN attribute if the OCN port has zero value on WVLELN.
UNI-C DCC provisioning notes:
1. The attributes DCC(Y/N) and mode (SONET/SDH) remain the same in the ED/RTRV-OCN commands when the DCC is used for UNI-C, in which case the port attribute UNIC is enabled (UNIC=Y).
2. UNI-C DCC termination ca not be deleted by the regular DCC de-provisioning command.
3. If the DCC is created under regular SONET provisioning, and this port is used by UNI-C, the port is converted as an UNI-C DCC automatically.
4. De-provisioning UNI-C IF/IB IPCC will free up DCC termination automatically.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.118 RTRV-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the attributes associated with an STS path.
The SFBER, SDBER, RVRTV, RVTM, SWPDIP, HOLDOFFTIMER, AND UPSRPTHSTATE parameters only apply to path protection configuration.
The path trace message is a 64 character string including the terminating CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) that is transported in the J1 byte of the SONET STS Path overhead.
The EXPTRC indicates the contents of the expected incoming path trace are provisioned by the user in the ED-STS_PATH command. The TRC indicates the contents of the outgoing path trace message. The INCTRC indicates the contents of the incoming path trace message.
The path trace mode has three modes: OFF, MANUAL, and AUTO. The mode defaults to OFF. The MANUAL mode performs the comparison of the received string with the user entered expected string. The AUTO mode performs the comparison of the present received string with an expected string set to a previously received string. If there is a mismatch, the TIM-P alarm is raised. When the path trace mode is in OFF mode, there is no path trace processing, and all the alarm and state conditions are reset.
When the expected string is queried under the OFF path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the provisioned string or NULL. When an expected string is queried under the MANUAL path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the user entered string. When an expected string is queried under the AUTO path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the acquired received string or NULL if the string has not been acquired.
When the incoming string is queried under the OFF path trace mode, the incoming string is NULL. When an incoming string is queried under the MANUAL or AUTO path trace mode, the incoming string is a copy of the received string or NULL if the string has not been received.
J1 (EXPTRC) is implemented on the DS1/DS1N, DS3E/DS3NE, DS3XM, EC1, OC3, OC48AS and OC192.
TRC and INCTRC are supported on DS1(N), DS3(N)E, and DS3XM cards.
1. An optional parameter BLSRPTHTYPE is introduced into this command to provide more options to retrieve J1/C2 of a particular BLSR path. This field is valid only if the queried AID port has BLSR. The BLSRPTHTYPE defaults to "non-pca" path type if the BLSR is switched, or defaults to all BLSR path types if there is no BLSR switching.
2. Sending this command while BLSRPTHTYPE=PCA, whether there is BLSR switch or not, the PCA path J1/C2 data will be returned (if there is PCA circuit on the AID). Sending this command with an STS AID without circuits and no BLSR switched on the STS, an error message will be returned.
3. An optional output parameter BLSRPTHSTATE is introduced into this command output. Each J1/C2 output data of this command will include the BLSR path state information.
4. After the BLSR switching, the J1/IPPM/C2 data can be retrieved over the protection path, to provision J1 trace string, trace mode, or threshold is not allowed on the protection path.
Category |
STS and VT Paths |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::: where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.119 RTRV-ALM-<MOD2ALM>:Retrieve Alarm (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves and sends the current status of alarm conditions. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved can be specified by using the input parameters as a filter.
1. VT1-n-n-n replaces PS_VT1-n-n-n for the VT1 alarm AID.
2. The [<AIDTYPE>] shows STS1 for STS alarms.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-<MOD2ALM>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.120 RTRV-ALM-ALL: Retrieve Alarm All
This command retrieves and sends the current status of all active alarm conditions. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved is specified using the input parameters as a filter.
According to GR-833, the RTRV-ALM-ALL command only reports EQPT, RING, COM, and rr (T1, T3, OCN, EC1, STSN, VT1, and DS1) alarms.
To retrieve all the NE alarms, issue all of the following commands:
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-ALL:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>],[<CONDITION>], where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.121 RTRV-ALM-BITS: Retrieve Alarm Building Integrated Timing Supply
This command retrieves and sends the current status of alarm conditions associated with the BITS facility. The alarm condition or severity retrieved is specified using the input parameters as a filter.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-BITS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.122 RTRV-ALM-ENV: Retrieve Alarm Environment
This command retrieves the environmental alarms.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-ENV:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>],[<ALMTYPE>]; where: • Note • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.123 RTRV-ALM-EQPT: Retrieve Alarm Equipment
This command retrieves and sends the current status of alarm conditions associated with the equipment units. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved is specified using the input parameters as a filter.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>],[<CONDTYPE>],[<SRVEFF>][,,,]; where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.124 RTRV-ALM-RING: Retrieve Alarm Ring
This command retrieves and sends the current status of all active alarm conditions against a ring object for BLSR. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved can be specified by using the input parameters as a filter.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-RING:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.125 RTRV-ALM-SYNCN: Retrieve Alarm Synchronization
This command retrieves and sends the current status of alarm conditions associated with a synchronization facility. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved can be specified by using the input parameters as a filter.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-SYNCN:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.126 RTRV-ALM-UCP: Retrieve Alarm Unified Control Plane
This retrieves and sends the current status of all active alarm conditions against a UCP object. The alarm condition or severity to be retrieved can be specified by using the input parameters as a filter.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ALM-UCP:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.127 RTRV-ATTR-CONT: Retrieve Attribute Control
This command retrieves and sends the attributes associated with an external control. These attributes are used when an external control is operated or released. To set these attributes, use the SET-ATTR-CONT command.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ATTR-CONT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<CONTTYPE>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.128 RTRV-ATTR-ENV: Retrieve Attribute Environment
This command retrieves the attributes associated with an environmental alarm.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-ATTR-ENV:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>],[<ALMTYPE>]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.129 RTRV-BITS: Retrieve Building Integrated Timing Supply
This command retrieves the BITS configuration command.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-BITS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.130 RTRV-BLSR: Retrieve Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
This command retrieves the BLSR information of the NE. A two-fiber or four-fiber BLSR can be retrieved.
Output examples:
Error conditions:
1. Only ALL, null, or single "BLSR-#" in the AID in is allowed in this command.
2. A NULL AID defaults to the AID ALL.
3. If the system fails on getting IOR, a SDBE (Status, Internal Data Base Error) error message will be returned.
4. If the NE does not have BSLR, the TL1 session will return the COMPLD error message with empty information to the user.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-BLSR:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.131 RTRV-CLNT: Retrieve Client
This command retrieves client facility attributes.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.132 RTRV-COND-<MOD2ALM>: Retrieve Condition (CLNT, DS1, E100, E1000, EC1, FSTE, G1000, GIGE, OC12, OC192, OC3, OC48, OCH, POS, STS1, STS12C, STS192C, STS24C, STS3C, STS48C, STS6C, STS9C, T1, T3, UDCDCC, UDCF, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the current standing condition and state associated with an entity.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-<MOD2ALM>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
RTRV-COND-T3:TID:FAC-2-1:229::LOS; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.133 RTRV-COND-ALL: Retrieve Condition All
This command retrieves the current standing condition for all entities.
According to GR-833, the RTRV-COND-ALL command only reports EQPT, COM, and rr (T1, T3, OCN, EC1, STSN, VT1, and DS1) alarms.
To retrieve all the NE conditions, issue all of the following commands:
RTRV-COND-ALL does not return all conditions that are returned by other, more specific RTRV-COND commands. Instead it returns a subset of those conditions. This is a requirement from section of GR-253-CORE. The specific requirements are R6-288, R6-289 and R6-290. Section states a retrieval that returns ALL conditions from a node (RTRV-COND-ALL) must omit any conditions that are "same root cause" as other raised conditions. The section also states any retrieval of a subset of the conditions from a node, regardless of how the subsetting occurs, should not omit these "same root cause" conditions. RTRV-COND-STS1, for example, must include "same root cause" conditions in the set it returns, while RTRV-COND-ALL must not.
Category |
Fault |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-ALL:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.134 RTRV-COND-BITS: Retrieve Condition Building Integrated Timing Supply
This command retrieves the standing conditions on BITS.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-BITS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.135 RTRV-COND-ENV: Retrieve Environmental Condition
This command retrieves the environmental conditions.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-ENV:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>],[<ALMTYPE>] where: • Note • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME ; where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.136 RTRV-COND-EQPT: Retrieve Condition Equipment
This command retrieves the equipment conditions.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME ; where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.137 RTRV-COND-RING: Retrieve Condition Ring
This command retrieves the current standing condition against a ring object for BLSR. The condition BLSR-UPDATED has been added and is always reported as a transient message, not a standing condition/alarm.
Note When a change is made to a BLSR, including creating a new circuit, the circuit will not have BLSR protection until after the BLSR-UPDATED message is received.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-RING:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.138 RTRV-COND-SYNCN: Retrieve Condition Synchronization
This command retrieves the synchronization condition.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-SYNCN:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.139 RTRV-COND-UCP: Retrieve Condition Unified Control Plane
This command retrieves the current standing condition against a UCP object.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-COND-UCP:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<TYPEREQ>][,,,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.140 RTRV-CRS: Retrieve Cross Connect
This command retrieves all the cross-connections based on the required CRSTYPE (for all STS connections), STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C and VT).
1. A NULL AID defaults to ALL (NE).
2. A NULL CRSTYPE defaults to all the existing cross-connections.
3. The level in the output field is an optional field, and is used to indicate the bandwidth of the STS cross-connection.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-CRS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:::[CRSTYPE=<CRSTYPE>][:]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.141 RTRV-CRS-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Cross Connect (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves any connections associated with the entered AID(s) or AID range. The information on both ends is returned along with the type of connection.
1. The path protection configuration STS cross-connection can be retrieved by using "&" in the AID fields of this command.
a. To retrieve a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge cross-connection with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output format is the same as the 1-way output.
If retrieved on point T1, the output will be:
b. To retrieve a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge cross-connection with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
the output will be:
c. To retrieve a 1-way subtending path protection configuration connection or 2-way subtending path protection configuration cross-connection with:
from point: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output format is the same as the 1-way output.
If retrieved on point T1 or T2, the output will be:
d. To retrieve a 2-way selector and bridge cross-connection with:
from points: F1, F2 (F1 is the working side, F2 is the protect side)
selector: S1, S2 (s1 is the working side, S2 is the protect side)
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output will be:
If retrieved on selector S1 or S2, the output will be:
e. To retrieve a path protection configuration IDRI cross-connect with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
the output will be:
f. To retrieve a path protection configuration DRI cross-connect with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
the output will be:
2. All A&B AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID.
3. <STS_PATH> does not include STS for the RTRV-CRS command because STS is not a standard designator as defined by GR-833 A-2.
4. Both the 1WAYPCA and 2WAYPCA is used to specify a PCA cross-connection.
5. The facility AID is only valid on slots with a G1000-4 card.
6. The virtual facility AID (VFAC) is only valid on slots holding the ML-series card.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-CRS-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.142 RTRV-CRS-VT1: Retrieve Cross Connect Virtual Tributary
This command retrieves the VT cross-connection information.
1. The path protection configuration VT cross-connection can be retrieved by using "&" in the AID fields of this command.
a. To retrieve a 1-way selector or 2-way selector and bridge cross-connection with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output form is the same as the 1-way output.
If retrieved on T1, the output will be:
b. To retrieve a 1-way bridge or 2-way selector and bridge cross-connection with:
from point: F1
to points: T1, T2
the output will be:
c. To retrieve a 1-way subtending path protection configuration connection or 2-way subtending path protection configuration cross-connection with:
from point: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output format is the same as the 1-way output.
If retrieved on point T1 or T2, the output will be:
d. To retrieve a 2-way selector bridge cross-connection with:
from points F1, F2 (F1 is the working side, F2 is the protect side)
selector: S1, S2 (S1 is the working side, S2 is the protect side)
the output will be:
If retrieved on point F1 or F2, the output will be:
If retrieved on selector S1 or S2, the output will be:
e. To retrieve a path protection configuration IDIR cross-connect with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1, T2
The output will be:
f. To retrieve a path protection configuration DRI cross-connect with:
from points: F1, F2
to points: T1
The output will be:
2. All A&B AIDs in the TL1 cross-connection command are in the format of WorkingAID&ProtectAID
3. Both 1WAYPCA and 2WAYPCA is used to specify a PCA cross-connection.
Category |
Cross Connections |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-CRS-VT1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-CRS-VT1:CISCO:VT1-1-1-1-1:1234; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.143 RTRV-DS1: Retrieve DS1
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves the test access attributes on a DS1 layer of a DS3XM card.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-DS1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-DS1:PETALUMA:DS1-2-6-12:123; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.144 RTRV-DWDM: Retrieve Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
This command retrieves DWDM card-level attributes.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-DWDM:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-DWDM:VA454-22:SLOT-1:100; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.145 RTRV-EC1: Retrieve EC1
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves the facility status of an EC1 card.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-EC1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-EC1:CISCO:FAC-1-1:1234; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.146 RTRV-EQPT: Retrieve Equipment
This command retrieves protection group information and status information for all the cards.
This command returns the PRTYPE, PROTID, RVTM, and RVRTV parameters for a card inside of a protection group by the following scenario:
1. A working AID/card within a 1:1 protection group should return PRTYPE, PROTID, RVTM and RVRTV.
2. A protection/AID card within a 1:1 protection group should return PRTYPE, RVTM and RVRTV.
3. A working AID/card within a 1:N protection group should return PRTYPE, PROTID, RVTM and
4. A protection AID/card of a 1:1 protection group should return PRTYPE, RVTM and RVRTV=Y.
5. An unprotected AID/card, the AID type, equip (equip/unequip), status (act/standby) and state (IS/OOS) values.
Error conditions:
1. The equipment is not provisioned.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.147 RTRV-EXT-CONT: Retrieve External Control
This command retrieves the control state of an external control. The command can be used to audit the result of an OPR-EXT-CONT or a RLS-EXT-CONT command.
1. If the CONTTYPE is null, the existing conttype on this AID will be returned.
2. The duration is not supported, it defaults to CONTS.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-EXT-CONT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<CONTTYPE>]; where: • Note • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.148 RTRV-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve Facility Protection Group (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the optical facility protection information.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-FFP-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.149 RTRV-FFP-CLNT: Retrieve Facility Protection Group Client
This command retrieves Y cable protection on client facilities.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-FFP-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.150 RTRV-FSTE: Retrieve Fast Ethernet
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the front end port information of the ML100T-12 Ethernet card.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-FSTE:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.151 RTRV-G1000: Retrieve G1000 Facility
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves the G1000 facilities configuration.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-G1000:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-G1000:TID:FAC-1-1:CTAG; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.152 RTRV-GIGE: Retrieve Gigabit Ethernet
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the front end port information for the ML1000-2 Ethernet card.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-GIGE:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.153 RTRV-HDR: Retrieve Header
This command retrieves the header of a TL1 response message. Used by TL1 clients to determine if the link to the NE is still active and if the NE is responding to commands.
3.4.154 RTRV-INV: Retrieve Inventory
This command retrieves a listing of the equipment inventory. For each unit in the system, it identifies the unit's firmware numbers and the unit's CLEI code.
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-INV:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.155 RTRV-LOG: Retrieve Log
This command retrieves the alarm log of the NE.
Note The only option reported for LOGNM is ALARM.
Category |
Log |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-LOG:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::<LOGNM>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.156 RTRV-MAP-NETWORK: Retrieve Map Network
This command retrieves all the NE attributes which are reachable from the GNE (gateway NE). The NE attributes include the node IP address (IPADDR), node name (TID), and the product type of the NE (PRODUCT).
Note The product type field in the response will be displayed as "unknown" for nodes that are not running the 4.0 version software.
Category |
Network |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.157 RTRV-NE-GEN: Retrieve Network Element General
This command retrieves the general NE attributes.
The ETHIPADDR/ETHIPMASK are used to show the Ethernet interface address and mask. Both default to the node's IP address and mask.
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 ; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.158 RTRV-NE-IPMAP: Retrieve Network Element IPMAP
This command retrieves the IP address and node name of the NEs that have the DCC connection with this NE.
Note This command only reports the active DCC link. If there is no active DCC link on the port (or the node), the command will return COMPLD without IPMAP information.
Category |
Network |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-NE-IPMAP:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 ; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.159 RTRV-NE-SYNCN: Retrieve Network Element Synchronization
This command retrieves the synchronization attributes of the NE.
1. Although mixed mode timing is supported in this release, it is not recommended. See the "Mixed Mode Timing Support" section on page 1-14 for more information.
2. The existing external and line modes have the same functionality in all 3.x releases:
–External mode: the node derives its timing from the BITS inputs.
–Line mode: the node derives its timing from the SONET line(s).
–Mixed mode: the node derives its timing from the BITS input or SONET lines.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-NE-SYNCN:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::::]; |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 ; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.160 RTRV-OCH: Retrieve Optical Channel
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves the attributes (service parameters) and state of an OCH facility.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-OCH:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
Output Format (continued) |
where: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.161 RTRV-PM-<MOD2>: Retrieve Performance (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the values of PM parameters for a specified card type.
<MONTYPE>, <MONLEV>, <MONDAT> and <MONTM> are supported in this release.
<MONLEV> is in the format of LEV-DIRN. Valid values for <DIRN> are shown in the "DIRN" section.
The format of <MONDAT> is MM-DD, where MM (month of the year) ranges from 1-12 and DD (day of the month) ranges from 1-31.
The format for <MONTM> is HH-MM, where HH (hour of the day) ranges from 0-23 and MM (minute of the hour) ranges from 0-59.
1. If the <TMPER> is 1-DAY, <MONTM> is not applicable (null), and is treated as null if <MONTM> is not null.
2. A null value for <MONLEV> defaults to 1-UP.
3. A null value for <MONDAT> defaults to the current date (MM-DD).
4. A null value for <MONTM> defaults to the current time (HH-MM).
5. Unless otherwise stated, DS1 cards are the only cards that support the BTH, RCV, and TRMT directions. All other cards only support the RCV direction.
6. After the BLSR switching, the working path is switched out, the traffic goes through the protection path, and the IPPM can be retrieved from the protection STS path.
7. If there is a STS PCA on the protection path, during the BLSR switching, the PCA path is pre-emptive; sending this command on the protection path after BLSR switch, the command returns the PMs off the protection path, not from the PCA path.
8. Retrieve the PM data for the OCH facility.
The rules are as follows: Client port only-Laser and SONET PM's are applicable and will be displayed. If the card payload is in SONET mode, then SONET PM's will be displayed, provided the MONLEV criteria is met.
Trunk port Laser PM's are always available. Laser PM's are only for Near End. If G.709 is enabled, then the OTN PM's will be displayed. If G.709 is enabled and FEC is enabled, then the FEC PM's will be displayed. If the card payload is in SONET mode, then SONET PM's will be displayed. All PM MONVALUES should pass the MONLEV filter criteria.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PM-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<MONTYPE>], where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
RTRV-PM-T1:TID:FAC-2-1:123::CVL,10-UP,NEND,BTH,15-MIN,04-11,12-45; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.162 RTRV-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Performance Mode of PM Data Collection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the type of PM mode that has been previously set in the NE. This command can be used to identify whether the PM parameters are Section, Line or Path type, and to identify whether or not the PM are being collected by the NE.
This command returns the categories that are enabled only.
The PM mode and state of an entity is set by using the SET-PMMODE command.
1. This near end monitoring of the intermediate-path PM (IPPM) only supports OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, OC-48AS, OC-192, and EC-1 on STS Path.
2. The far end PM data collection is not supported by the current ONS 15454 in this release.
3. This release of software will support only the Path (P) mode type PM parameters with this command, that is, this command will not be applicable for Line (L) and Section (S) mode types. It should be noted that the PM monitoring for Line (L) and Section (S) are supported by the ONS 15454, and the storing PM data is always performed.
4. This command only returns the categories that are enabled (pmstate is ON), and does not return the categories that are disabled (pmstate is OFF).
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<LOCN>; where: • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.163 RTRV-PMSCHED-<MOD2>:Retrieve Performance Monitoring Schedule (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the PM reporting schedule that was set for the NE by the SCHED-PMREPT command.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PMSCHED-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.164 RTRV-PMSCHED-ALL: Retrieve Performance Schedule All
This command retrieves all the PM reporting schedules that were set for the NE by the SCHED-PMREPT command.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.165 RTRV-POS: Retrieve Packet Over SONET
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the back end port information for the ML-series Ethernet cards when the back end port is working in POS mode.
Note Because the back end port is virtual, the Virtual Facility (VFAC) AID should be used when issuing the command.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-POS:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.166 RTRV-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>: Retrieve Protection Switch (OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the switching state of a SONET line specified in the AID.
Category |
SONET Line Protection |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PROTNSW-<OCN_TYPE>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.167 RTRV-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Protection Switch (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the switching state of a SONET path protection configuration STS path specified in the AID. Because the GR-1400 does not allow the LOCKOUT_OF_WORKING on the path protection configuration WORKING path/AID, the "AID:LOCKOUT,LOCKOUTOFWK" is not presented in this protection switch retrieval result.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PROTNSW-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.168 RTRV-PROTNSW-CLNT: Retrieve Protection Switch Client
This command retrieves protection switch status of client facilities.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PROTNSW-CLNT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.169 RTRV-PROTNSW-VT1: Retrieve Protection Switch VT1
This command retrieves the switching state of a SONET path protection configuration VT path specified in the AID. Because the GR-1400 does not allow the LOCKOUT_OF_WORKING on the path protection configuration WORKING path/AID, the "AID:LOCKOUT,LOCKOUTOFWK" is not presented in this protection switch retrieval result.
Category |
path protection configuration switching |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PROTNSW-VT1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-PROTNSW-VT1:CISCO:VT1-5-1-1-2:123; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.170 RTRV-PTHTRC-<STS_PATH>: Retrieve Path Trace (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the contents of the SONET path trace message that is transported in the J1 byte of the SONET STS Path.
The path trace message is a 64-character string with the last two characters reserved for the terminating CR (carriage return) and the LF (line feed). The message can be an incoming path trace message, an expected incoming path trace message, or an outgoing path trace message which is inserted into the path overhead of the outgoing signal.
The path trace mode has three modes: OFF, MANUAL, and AUTO. The path trace mode defaults to OFF mode. The MANUAL mode performs the comparison of the received string with the user-entered expected string. The AUTO mode performs the comparison of the present received string with an expected string set to a previously received string. If there is a mismatch, the TIM-P alarm is raised. When the path trace mode is in OFF mode, there is no path trace processing, and all the alarm and state conditions are reset.
When the expected string is queried under the OFF path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the provisioned string or NULL. When an expected string is queried under the MANUAL path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the user-entered string. When an expected string is queried under the AUTO path trace mode, the expected string is a copy of the acquired received string or NULL if the string has not been acquired.
When the incoming string is queried under the OFF path trace mode, the incoming string is NULL. When an incoming string is queried under the MANUAL or AUTO path trace mode, the incoming string is a copy of the received string or NULL if the string has not been received.
When the transmitted string is queried under the OFF, MANUAL or AUTO path trace mode, the transmitted string is the provisioned transmit string.
1. A null value for the <MSGTYPE> defaults to INCTRC.
2. Only the NEND of the <LOCN> value is supported. A null value of the <LOCN> defaults to NEND.
3. Sending a FEND of the <LOCN> with this command, an "unsupported locn value" error message will display.
4. J1 (EXPTRC/INCTRC) is implemented on the DS1/DS1N, DS3E/DS3NE, DS3XM, EC1, OC3, OC48AS and OC192 cards.
5. TRC is supported only on DS1(N), DS3(N)E, and DS3XM cards.
Category |
STS Paths |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-PTHTRC-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:: where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.171 RTRV-SYNCN: Retrieve Synchronization
This command retrieves the synchronization reference list used to determine the sources for the NE's reference clock and the BITS output clock. For each clock, up to three synchronization sources may be specified (e.g. PRIMARY, SECOND, THIRD).
1. To retrieve/set the timing mode, SSM message Set or Quality of RES information, use the RTRV-NE-SYNCN and ED-NE-SYNCN commands.
2. The output example shown here is under line timing mode.
Category |
Synchronization |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-SYNCN:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.172 RTRV-T1: Retrieve T1 Facility
This command retrieves the DS-1 facilities configuration.
(The facilities are on the XTC card for the ONS 15327)
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-T1:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-T1:TID:FAC-2-1:1223; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.173 RTRV-T3: Retrieve T3
This command retrieves the facility properties of a DS3 and a DS3XM card.
(The facilities are on the XTC card for the ONS 15327)
1. CTC can set the FMT attribute of a DS3(N)E line to autoprovision to set the framing based on the framing is coming in. This would result in the FMT field being blanked out for a few seconds blanked forever for a preprovisioned DS3(N)E card on CTC.
2. The autoprovision is not considered a valid DS3 framing type. It is used only to trigger an autosense and subsequent autoprovisioning of a valid DS3 framing type (unframed, M23, C-BIT).
3. TL1 does not have the autoprovision mode according to GR-199. TL1 maps/returns the autoprovision to be the unframed framing type.
Category |
Ports |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-T3:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-T3:CISCO:FAC-1-2:123; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.174 RTRV-TACC: Retrieve Test Access
This command retrieves details associated with a TAP. The TAP is identified by the TAP number. The ALL input TAP value means that the command will return all the configured TACCs in the NE.
Category |
Test Access |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-TACC:[<TID>]:<TAP>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.175 RTRV-TH-<MOD2>: Retrieve Threshold (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCN, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the threshold level of one or more monitored parameters.
1. After the BLSR switching, the working path is switched out, the traffic goes through the protection path and the threshold can be retrieved from the protection path.
2. If there is a STS PCA on the protection path, during the BLSR switching, the PCA path is pre-emptive; sending this command on the protection path after BLSR switch, the command returns the PMs off the protection path, not from the PCA path.
The message is issued to retrieve the thresholds for PM and the alarm thresholds. If it is used to retrieve the alarm thresholds, the time-period is not applicable.
The presentation rules are as follows: Client port only-Laser, Alarm and SONET Thresholds are applicable and will be displayed. Laser and alarm thresholds are only for Near End. If the card payload is in SONET mode, then SONET Thresholds will be displayed. The Receiver Temperature Montypes (RXT) are only applicable to the Trunk Port. The Transceiver Voltage Montypes (XCVR) are not applicable, though it is displayed or handled.
Laser and Alarm thresholds are always available. Laser and alarm thresholds are only for Near End. If G.709 is enabled, then the OTN thresholds will be displayed. If G.709 is enabled and FEC is enabled, then the FEC thresholds will be displayed. If the card payload is in SONET mode, then SONET Thresholds will be displayed. The Transceiver Voltage Montypes (XCVR) are not applicable, though it is displayed or handled.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-TH-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:: where: • • Note • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-0001998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.176 RTRV-TOD: Retrieve Time of Day
This command retrieves the system date and time at the instant when the command was executed. The time returned is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Category |
System |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.177 RTRV-TRC-<OCN_BLSR>: Retrieve Trace Client (OC12, OC192, OC48)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command retrieves the valid J1 expected trace string, retrieved trace string, trace mode, C2 byte, and STS bandwidth of the OCn port only if the port has a BLSR.
Note This command only applies to OC48AS and OC192 cards.
Note Sending this command over unsupported BLSR path trace cards, or unequipmented cards will result in a J1 Trace Not Supported On This Card (IIAC) error.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-TRC-<OCN_BLSR>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-TRC-OC48:CISCO:FAC-6-1:238; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.178 RTRV-TRC-CLNT: Retrieve Trace Client
This command retrieves the SONET J0 Section sent trace string, expected trace string, received trace string, trace mode, and the trace level for the client facility.
The following rules apply: Client port-only J0 Section trace applies. The J0 Section trace applies only if the card termination mode is not transparent and the payload is SONET/SDH.
Depending on the settings, the following filtering applies: If no TRCLEVEL is provided, all TRCLEVELS are reported as applicable. If TRCLEVEL is provided and no MSGTYPE is provided, all applicable MSGTYPES for the given level is displayed. If no MSGTYPE is provided, all MSGTYPES are reported as applicable. If a MSGTYPE is provided without a TRCLEVEL, then the given MSGTYPE for all TRCLEVELS are displayed.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-TRC-CLNT:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>::[<MSGTYPE>], where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.179 RTRV-TRC-OCH: Retrieve Trace Optical Channel
This command retrieves the sent trace string, expected trace string, received trace string, trace mode, and the trace level for the SONET J0 Section, the TTI PATH and SECTION monitoring levels of the DWDM facility.
The following rules apply: Client port-only the J0 Section trace applies. The J0 Section trace applies only if the card termination mode is not transparent and the payload is SONET/SDH. On the DWDM port the J0 Section trace, the TTI Path, Section trace monitoring point traces are allowed. The J0 Section trace is allowed only if the payload for the card is set to SONET/SDH. The J0 Section trace is allowed only if the card termination mode is not transparent. The TTI Path, Section trace is allowed only if the G.709 (DWRAP) is enabled.
Depending on the settings, the following filtering applies: If no TRCLEVEL is provided, all TRCLEVELS are reported as applicable. If TRCLEVEL is provided and no MSGTYPE is provided, all applicable MSGTYPES for the given level is displayed. If no MSGTYPE is provided, all MSGTYPES are reported as applicable. If a MSGTYPE is provided with out a TRCLEVEL, then the given MSGTYPE for all TRCLEVELS are displayed.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-TRC-OCH:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>::[<MSGTYPE>],[<TRCLEVEL>][::]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.180 RTRV-UCP-CC: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Control Channel
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command creates a UCP IP control channel attributes.
The ALL AID is used for UCP retrieving command input only. A NULL AID in the IPCC's retrieval command defaults to the ALL AID, which returns all the IPCCs of the node.
Retrieve all of the UCP IPCCs example:
1. If the control channel is not found, a SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
2. If the IPCC type is ROUTED (CCTYPE=ROUTED), both MTU and CRCMD fields are grayed out.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-UCP-CC:[<TID>]:[<AID >]:<CTAG>[::::]; where: <AID> indicates an individual IPCC ID. The ALL AID is used for UCP retrieving command input only. A NULL AID in the IPCCs retrieval command defaults to the ALL AID which returns all the IPCCs of the node. <AID> is from the "IPCC" section and a null value is equivalent to ALL |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Format (continued) |
• • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.181 RTRV-UCP-IF: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Interface
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves UCP interface attributes.
The local interface ID (LOCALIFID) is used by LMP/RSVP (Line Management Protocol/Resource reservation Protocol). If zero is passed in as the local Interface ID of the data link, then the node assigns a value for it. If the user specifies a non-zero value, then the node checks if that Interface ID is available and uses it.
If the UCP interface/data link control channel type is SDCC type, the local interface ID should be same as CCID.
Retrieve all of the UCP interfaces example:
Note If this command is sent twice or inputs invalid data, as SRQN (Status, Invalid Request) error message is returned.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-UCP-IF:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.182 RTRV-UCP-NBR: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Neighbor
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves a UCP neighbor.
The default value of the node name can be overwritten by the TL1 user to a string in a maximum size of 20 characters. If the node name includes non-identified TL1 characters (e.g. space), the text string format with the double quotes is required.
The ALL AID is used for UCP retrieving command input only. A NULL AID in the retrieval command defaults to the ALL AID, which returns all the UCP neighbors of the node.
Retrieve all the UCP neighbors example:
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-UCP-NBR:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.183 RTRV-UCP-NODE: Retrieve Unified Control Plane Node
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command retrieves UCP node level attributes.
The NODEID is the unique number used to identify the local node in LMP, RSVP messages sent to the neighbors. It defaults to the local ethernet interface address (ISA).
The retry initial interval (in seconds) is used for that have been released by the net work side. This interval has a range of 60 seconds (1 minute) to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), with a default value of 180 seconds.
The retry max interval (in seconds) is used for released circuits. The node will back off exponentially from the initial retry interval to this maximum value of 600 seconds (10 minutes).
The restart time is used to be signaled to neighbors. It indicates the time taken by this node (in seconds) to restart. This timer has a range of 1 second to 10 seconds with a default of 5 seconds.
The recovery time is used to be signaled to neighbors. It indicates the time taken by this node (in seconds) to re-sync path, reservation state with a given neighbor. This timer has a range of 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and a default value of 600 seconds (10 minutes).
The transmit interval is used to retransmit un-acknowledged messages. This timer has a range of 1 second to 7 seconds with a default value of 1 second.
The refresh interval is used to refresh path, reservation state. This interval has a range of 30 seconds to 4060800 seconds (47 days) with a default value of 30 seconds.
The timeout RESV interval is used to wait for a reservation message in response to a PATH message. This interval has a range of 10-180 seconds with a default value of 60 seconds.
The timeout RESV CONF interval is used to wait for a RESV CONF message in response to a RESV message. This interval has a range of 10-180 seconds with a default value of 60 seconds.
The Source Deletion in progress is a timeout interval while the source is in the progress of cleanly deleting a call. This interval has a range of 10-180 seconds with a default of 60 seconds.
The Destination Deletion progress is a timeout interval while the destination is in the progress of cleanly deleting a call. This interval has a range of 10-180 seconds with a default value of 60 seconds.
1. If the retry initial interval is set to zero, it will be interpreted as having the retry procedure disable.
2. The retry maximum interval has to be set to a higher value than the initial retry interval.
Category |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-UCP-NODE:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::::]; |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • • • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.184 RTRV-USER-SECU: Retrieve User Security
This command retrieves the security information of a specified user or list of users. The keyword ALL can be used to obtain a list of all users. For security reasons the password cannot be retrieved.
A Superuser can retrieve any user's security information. A user with MAINT, PROV, or RTRV privileges can only retrieve their own information.
Note When using the keyword ALL, all users created for the system are displayed. This includes users created via CTC that are not legal and valid TL1 users (i.e., userids/passwords greater than 20 characters in length). Although displayed via the RTRV-USER-SECU command, these users will not be able to log into the TL1 environment.
Category |
Security |
Security |
Superuser |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
RTRV-USER-SECU:[<TID>]:<UID>:<CTAG>; where: • |
Input Example |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME where: • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.185 RTRV-VT1: Retrieve VT1
This command retrieves the attributes associated with a VT1 path.
Note RVRTV, RVTM, HOLDOFFTIMER and UPSRPTHSTATE parameters only apply to path protection configuration.
Category |
STS and VT Paths |
Security |
Retrieve |
Related Messages |
ED-VT1 |
Input Format |
RTRV-VT1:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>[::::]; where: • |
Input Example |
RTRV-VT1:CISCO:VT1-2-1-4-1-2:123; |
Output Format |
SID DATE TIME ; where: • • • • • • • • |
Output Example |
TID-000 1998-06-20 14:30:00 ; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.186 SCHED-PMREPT-<MOD2>: Schedule Performance Monitoring Report (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C, T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command schedules/reschedules the NE to report the performance monitoring data for a line facility or for an STS/VT path periodically, using the automatic REPT PM message. This command can also remove the previously created schedule.
The automatic performance monitoring reporting scheduled by this command is inhibited by default. ALW-PMREPT-ALL can be used to allow the NE to send the performance monitoring report. INH-PMREPT-ALL can be used to stop the NE from sending the performance monitoring report. The schedules created for the NE can be retrieved by RTRV-PMSCHED command.
The deletion of the schedule for the automatic performance monitoring reporting can be done by issuing SCHED-PMREPT-<MOD2> with the <NUMREPT> parameter equal to zero.
1. The current maximum number of schedules allowed to be created for a NE is 1000. If this number of schedules has been created for the NE, an error message "Reach Limits Of MAX Schedules Allowed. Can Not Add More" will be returned if another schedule creation is attempted on the NE. Frequent use of automatic performance monitoring reporting will significantly degrade the performance of the NE.
2. A schedule cannot be created if the card associated with the schedule is not provisioned, or if the cross-connection associated with the schedule has not been created. However, a schedule is allowed to be deleted even if a card is not provisioned, or if the cross-connection has not been created.
3. The number of outstanding performance monitoring reports counter <NUMREPT> will not be decremented, and the scheduled automatic performance monitoring reporting will not start if the card associated with the schedule is not physically plugged into the slot.
4. An expired schedule would not be automatically removed. The SCHED-PMREPT command has to be issued with the <NUMREPT> parameter equal to zero in order to delete the expired schedule.
5. Identical schedules for an NE is not allowed. Two schedules are considered identical if they have the same AID, MOD2 type, performance monitor type, performance monitor level, location, direction and time period.
An error message "Duplicate Schedule" is returned when trying to create a schedule which is a duplicate of a existing schedule. However, if the existing schedule expires (with the parameter <NUMINVL> equal to zero when retrieved by the RTRV-PMSCHED command, i.e., no more performance monitoring reporting sent) the new schedule with the identical parameter will replace the existing schedule.
6. When a electrical or optical card is unprovisioned by the DLT-EQPT command, or a cross-connection is deleted by the DLT-CRS command, the schedules associated with that card or that cross-connection will be removed silently by the NE. This removal prevents another type of card or cross-connection with the same AID to be provisioned on the NE, and prevents the NE from trying to send automatic performance monitoring reports based on the existing schedules.
The card or cross connect can be unprovisioned or deleted through CTC. The schedules associated with that card or that cross-connection will also be removed silently by the NE.
7. When creating schedules on an ONS 15327 XTC card, only schedules against the working XTC card (in Slot 6) are allowed. An error message "Can Not Create Schedule On Protect Card" will be returned if you try to create a schedule on protect XTC card in Slot 5.
8. When you create a PM schedule, the minimum report interval should not be less than five minutes.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SCHED-PMREPT-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<SRC>:<CTAG>::[<REPTINVL>], where: • • – – – Examples are: 10-DAY, 12-HR, or 100-MIN. A null value for the input would default to 15-MIN. <REPTINVL> is a string Note • |
• • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.187 SET-ATTR-CONT: Set Attribute Control
This command sets the attributes associated with an external control. The attributes are used when an external control is operated or released. To send the attributes, use the RTRV-ATTR-CONT command.
1. If the <CONTTYPE> parameter is not specified, the control specified by <AID> is unprovisioned.
2. A control should be unprovisioned before it is reprovisioned to another type of control.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SET-ATTR-CONT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<CONTTYPE>]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.188 SET-ATTR-ENV: Set Attribute Environment
This command sets the attributes associated with an external control.
1. If the <NTFCNCDE>, <ALMTYPE>, and <ALMMSG> parameters are omitted, the environmental alarm specified by <AID> is unprovisioned.
2. An alarm should be unprovisioned and you should wait for any raised alarm to clear before reprovisioning the alarm to another alarm type.
Category |
Environment Alarms and Controls |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SET-ATTR-ENV:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<NTFCNCDE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.189 SET-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>: Set Performance Mode of PM Data Collection (STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command sets the mode and turns the PM data collection mode on or off. The Cisco ONS 15454 is capable of collecting and storing section, line and path PM data.
The PM mode and state of an entity are retrieved by using the RTRV-PMMODE command.
1. The near end monitoring of the intermediate-path PM (IPPM) only supports OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, OC-48AS, OC-192, and EC-1 on STS Path.
2. The far end PM data collection is not supported for the ONS 15454 in this release.
3. This release of software will support only the Path (P) mode type PM parameters with this command, that is, this command is not applicable for Line (L) and Section (S) mode types.
The PM monitoring for Line (L) and Section (S) are supported by the ONS 15454, and the storing PM data is always performed.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SET-PMMODE-<STS_PATH>:[<TID>]:<AID>: where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.190 SET-TH-<MOD2>: Set Threshold (CLNT, DS1, EC1, OC3, OC12,OC48, OC192, OCH, STS1, STS3C, STS6C, STS9C, STS12C, STS24C, STS48C, STS192C,T1, T3, VT1)
See Table 4-11 for supported modifiers by platform.
This command sets the threshold for PM and sets the alarm thresholds for the MXP/TXP cards. If this command is used to set the alarm thresholds, the time-period is not applicable.
The rules are as follows: The PM Thresholds have a default of NEND for the location. The Alarm Thresholds do not require or interpret the location. The TMPER is not applicable to alarm thresholds. The TMPER default is 15-MIN. The client ports only accept SONET, Laser and alarm MONTYPES. The trunk ports accept SONET, Laser, alarm, FEC, OTN MONTYPES. The Receiver Temperature Montypes (RXT) are only applicable to the trunk port. The Transceiver Voltage Montypes (XCVR) is not applicable, though it is displayed or handled.
See the "Provisioning Rules for MXP_2.5G_10G and TXP_MR_10G Cards" section on page 1-8 for specific MXP/TXP card provisioning rules.
Category |
Performance |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SET-TH-<MOD2>:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>:: where: • • • • • |
Input Example |
SET-TH-T3:CISCO:FAC-1-1:123::CVL,12,NEND,,15-MIN; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.191 SET-TOD: Set Time of Day
This command sets the system date and time for the NE. The year should be entered using four digits while the hour should be entered using a 24-hour time period (i.e., military time).
Category |
System |
Security |
Provisioning |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SET-TOD:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::<YEAR>,<MONTH>,<DAY>,<HOUR>, where: • • • • • • • • |
Input Example |
SET-TOD:CAZADERO::240::1998,05,08,13,18,55,480:DST=Y; |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.192 SW-DX-EQPT: Switch Duplex Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command switches an XC/XCVT/XC10G card with the mate card within the NE.
Note If sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or NULL, the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be returned.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SW-DX-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<MODE>][,]; where: • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.193 SW-TOPROTN-EQPT: Switch to Protection Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command performs an equipment unit protection switch.
This command is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection.
This command will switch the traffic from the working card specified in the AID to the protect card.
There is a priority for the switch to protection commands. In a 1:N protection group with N > 1, consider two working cards - A and B. Card A is switched to the protect card with the SW-TOPROTN command. If card B is pulled from the system, the protect card will carry the traffic of card B and card A will raise the FAILTOSW condition and carry traffic. When card B is replaced and the revert timer expires, card B will carry traffic and card A will switch to the protect card. The FAILTOSW condition on card A will be cleared. Note:1:N protection groups in the system are always revertive.
In a revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the standing condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error. In a non-revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the transient condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error.
1. The default PROTID is the protecting unit if there is only one protection unit per protection group in the NE, otherwise a DENY error message will be responsed.
2. This command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH or null. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be responsed.
3. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
4. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
5. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message will be responsed.
6. If this command is sent to a missing working card, the SWFA (Status, Working Unit Failed) error message will be responsed.
7. If this command is used on a protection card, the IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message will be responsed.
8. If sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or null, the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be responsed.
9. If sending the SW-TOPROTN command to a working card when the working card has raised INHSWPR, the SWLD (Status, Working Unit Locked) error message will be responsed.
10. If sending the SW-TOPROTN command to a working card when the protection card has raised INHSWPR, the SPLD (Status, Protection Unit Locked) error message will be responsed.
11. If sending the SW-TOPROTN command to an active working card when the protect card is already carrying traffic. This only occurs in a 1:N protection group with N greater than one, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message will be responsed.
12. If sending the SW-TOPROTN command to an active working card when the protect card is failed or missing, the SPFA (Status, Protection Unit Failed) error message will be responsed.
13. If sending this command to a standby working card, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message will be responsed.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SW-TOPROTN-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<MODE>], where: • • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |
3.4.194 SW-TOWKG-EQPT: Switch to Working Equipment
(Cisco ONS 15454 only)
This command switches the protected working unit back to working unit.
This command is used for non-SONET line cards (e.g. DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection cards.
This command will switch the traffic from the protection card to the working card specified by the AID.
In a revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will clear the standing condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error. In a non-revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the transient condition of WKSWBK if the command were executed without an error.
1. This command only supports one value of the <DIRN> parameter - BTH or null. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message should be responsed
2. This command is not used for the common control (TCC+/TCC2 or XC/XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
3. This command is not used for SONET (OCN) cards. A command on a SONET card will generate an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
4. If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message will be responsed.
5. If this command is sent to a missing working card, the SWFA (Status, Working Unit Failed) error message will be responsed.
6. If this command is used on a protection card, the IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message will be responsed.
7. If sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or null, the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be responsed.
8. If sending the SW-TOWKG command to a working card when the working card has raised INHSWWKG, the SWLD (Status, Working Unit Locked) error message will be responsed.
9. If sending the SW-TOWKG command to a working card when the protection card has raised INHSWWKG, the SPLD (Status, Protection Unit Locked) error message will be responsed.
10. If sending the SW-TOWKG command to an active working card, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message will be responsed.
Category |
Equipment |
Security |
Maintenance |
Related Messages |
Input Format |
SW-TOWKG-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::[<MODE>],[<DIRN>]; where: • • • |
Input Example |
Errors |
Errors are listed in Table 7-30. |