- About this Manual
- Chapter 1, Shelf and Backplane Hardware
- Chapter 2, Common Control Cards
- Chapter 3, Electrical Cards
- Chapter 4, Optical Cards
- Chapter 5, Ethernet Cards
- Chapter 6, Storage Access Networking Cards
- Chapter 7, Card Protection
- Chapter 8, Cisco Transport Controller Operation
- Chapter 9, Security
- Chapter 10, Timing
- Chapter 11, Circuits and Tunnels
- Chapter 12, SONET Topologies and Upgrades
- Chapter 13, Management Network Connectivity
- Chapter 14, Alarm Monitoring and Management
- Chapter 15, Performance Monitoring
- Chapter 16, SNMP
- Appendix A, Hardware Specifications
- Appendix B, Administrative and Service States
- Appendix C, Network Element Defaults
Network Element Defaults
Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
This appendix describes the factory-configured (default) network element (NE) settings for the Cisco ONS 15454. It includes descriptions of card, node, and Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) default settings. To import, export, or edit the settings, refer to the "Maintain the Node" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide. Cards supported by this platform that are not listed in this appendix are not supported by user-configurable NE defaults settings.
To change card settings individually (that is, without directly changing the NE defaults), refer to the "Change Card Settings" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide. To change node settings, refer to the "Change Node Settings" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
This appendix includes the following sections:
•Network Element Defaults Description
C.1 Network Element Defaults Description
The NE defaults are preinstalled on each Cisco ONS 15454 Advanced Timing, Communications, and Control (TCC2) and Advanced Timing, Communications, and Control Plus (TCC2P) card. Cisco also ships a file named 15454-defaults.txt on the CTC software CD in case you want to import the defaults onto existing TCC2/TCC2P cards. The NE defaults include card-level, CTC, and node-level defaults.
Changes to card provisioning that are made manually using the procedures in the "Change Card Settings" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide override default settings. If you use the CTC Defaults editor (on the node view Provisioning > Defaults tab) or import a new defaults file, any changes to card or port settings that result only affect cards that are installed or preprovisioned after the defaults have changed.
Changes that are made manually to most node-level default settings override the current settings, whether default or provisioned. If you change node-level default settings, either by using the Defaults editor or by importing a new defaults file, the new defaults reprovision the node immediately for all settings except those relating to protection (1+1 bidirectional switching, 1+1 reversion time, 1+1 revertive switching, bidirectional line switched ring [BLSR] ring reversion time, BLSR ring revertive switching, BLSR span reversion time, and BLSR span revertive switching). Settings relating to protection apply to subsequent provisioning.
Note Changing some node-level provisioning through NE defaults can cause CTC disconnection or a reboot of the node in order for the provisioning to take effect. Before you change a default, check in the Side Effects column of the Defaults editor (right-click a column header and select Show Column > Side Effects) and be prepared for the occurrence of any side effects listed for that default.
C.2 Card Default Settings
The tables in this section list the default settings for each SONET card. Cisco provides several types of user-configurable defaults for Cisco ONS 15454 optical, electrical, storage access networking, and Ethernet (or data) cards. Types of card defaults can be broadly grouped by function, as outlined in the following subsections. For information about individual card settings, refer to the "Change Card Settings" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
Note To view DWDM card defaults consult the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Reference Manual.
Note When the card level defaults are changed, the new provisioning done after the defaults have changed is affected. Existing provisioning remains unaffected.
The following types of defaults are defined for SONET cards.
C.2.1 Configuration Defaults
Most card-level and port-level configuration defaults correspond to settings found in the CTC card-level Provisioning tabs.
Note The full set of Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) configuration defaults can be found in the CTC card-level Maintenance > ALS tab for supported cards. ALS defaults are supported for OC3-8, OC-48ELR, OC-192, OC192-XFP, MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards.
Configuration defaults that correspond to settings that are reachable from the CTC card-level Provisioning tabs (except as noted) include the following types of options (arranged by CTC subtab):
•Line—(DS-N, EC1-12, OC-N, MRC-12, MRC-2.5G-4, G-series, and CE-series cards) Line-level configuration settings.
Note MRC-12 and MRC-2.5G-4 line configuration defaults are defined on a per OC-N rate basis.
•SONET STS—(OC-N and EC1-12 cards) SONET STS-level configuration settings.
•Port—(FC_MR-4 cards only) Port line-level configuration, distance extension, and enhanced FC/FICON ISL settings.
•Card—(DS1/E1-56, ML-series, and FC_MR-4 cards) Transport mode, operating mode, enable/disable retiming, and port to Virtual Tributary (VT) mapping standard settings (DS1/E1-56 only); or FC_MR-4 card mode settings (FC_MR-4 only); or framing mode (ML-series cards).
•DS1—(DS3XM-12 cards only) DS-1 rate virtual port-level line configuration settings.
•Broadband Ports—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) Set the port rate as DS3, EC1, or unassigned (DS3 is the default).
•DS3—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) DS-3 rate port-level line configuration settings.
•EC1—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) EC-1 rate port-level line configuration, section trace, and SONET STS settings.
•ALS (card-level Maintenance > ALS tab)—(OC3-8, OC-48ELR, OC-192, OC192-XFP, MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards) ALS configuration defaults.
•IOS (card-level IOS tab)—(ML-series and RAN-SVC cards) Console port and RADIUS server access settings.
•Ether Ports—(CE-series cards) Line configuration settings (including 802 class of service [IEEE 802.1p CoS] and IP type of service [ToS]).
•POS Ports—(CE-series cards) Line configuration settings.
Note Line configuration defaults for the CE-100T-8 card apply to both Ethernet port and packet-over-SONET (POS) port settings where the same setting exists for both.
Note For further information about each card, consult the appropriate card reference chapter, that is,Chapter 3 "Electrical Cards," Chapter 4 "Optical Cards," Chapter 5 "Ethernet Cards," and Chapter 6 "Storage Access Networking Cards."
Note For further information about IOS configuration defaults for ML-series cards, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide.
C.2.2 Threshold Defaults
Threshold default settings define the default cumulative values (thresholds) beyond which a threshold crossing alert (TCA) will be raised, making it possible to monitor the network and detect errors early.
Card threshold default settings are provided as follows:
•PM thresholds—(DS-N, EC-1, OC-N, MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards) Can be expressed in counts or seconds; includes line, electrical path, and SONET thresholds.
•Physical Layer thresholds—(OC3-8, OC-192, OC-192XFP, MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards) Expressed in percentages; includes optics thresholds.
Threshold defaults are defined for near end and/or far end, at 15-minute and one-day intervals. Thresholds are further broken down by type, such as Section, Line, STS, or VT for performance monitoring (PM) thresholds, and TCA (warning) or Alarm for physical thresholds. PM threshold types define the layer to which the threshold applies. Physical threshold types define the level of response expected when the threshold is crossed.
Note For full descriptions of the thresholds you can set for each card, see Chapter 15 "Performance Monitoring."
Note For additional information regarding PM parameter threshold defaults as defined by Telcordia specifications, refer to Telcordia GR-820-CORE and GR-253-CORE.
C.2.3 Defaults by Card
In the tables that follow, card defaults are defined by the default name, its factory-configured value, and the domain of allowable values that you can assign to it.
Note Some default values, such as certain thresholds, are interdependent. Before changing a value, review the domain for that default and any other related defaults for potential dependencies.
C.2.3.1 DS-1 Card Default Settings
Table C-1 lists the DS-1 (DS1-14 and DS1N-14) card default settings.
C.2.3.2 DS1/E1-56 Card Default Settings
Table C-2 lists the DS1/E1-56 card default settings.
C.2.3.3 DS-3 Card Default Settings
Table C-3 lists the DS-3 card default settings.
C.2.3.4 DS3/EC1-48 Card Default Settings
Table C-4 lists the DS3/EC1-48 card default settings.
C.2.3.5 DS3E Card Default Settings
Table C-5 lists the DS3E card default settings.
C.2.3.6 DS3I Card Default Settings
Table C-6 lists the DS3I card default settings.
C.2.3.7 DS3XM-6 Card Default Settings
Table C-7 lists the DS3XM-6 card default settings.
C.2.3.8 DS3XM-12 Card Default Settings
Table C-8 lists the DS3XM-12 card default settings.
C.2.3.9 EC1-12 Card Default Settings
Table C-9 lists the EC1-12 card default settings.
C.2.3.10 FC_MR-4 Card Default Settings
Table C-10 lists the FC_MR-4 card default settings.
C.2.3.11 Ethernet Card Default Settings
Table C-11 lists the ML1000, ML100T, ML-100X-8, CE-1000-4, and CE-100T-8 card default settings.
C.2.3.12 OC-3 Card Default Settings
Table C-12 lists the OC-3 (OC3 IR 4/STM1 SH 1310) card default settings.
C.2.3.13 OC3-8 Card Default Settings
Table C-13 lists the eight-port OC3-8 (OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8) card default settings.
C.2.3.14 OC-12 Card Default Settings
Table C-14 lists the OC-12 (OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310, OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1310, and OC12 LR/STM4 LH 1550) card default settings.
C.2.3.15 OC12-4 Card Default Settings
Table C-15 lists the four-port OC12-4 (OC12 IR/STM4 SH 1310-4) card default settings.
C.2.3.16 OC-48 Card Default Settings
Table C-16 lists the OC-48 (OC48 IR 1310, OC48 LR 1550, OC48 IR/STM16 SH AS 1310, OC48 LR/STM16 LH AS 1550, OC48 ELR/STM16 EH 100 GHz, and OC48 ELR 200 GHz) card default settings.
C.2.3.17 OC-192 Card Default Settings
Table C-17 lists the OC-192 (OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310, OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx, OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550, and OC192 LR/STM64 LH 1550) card default settings.
C.2.3.18 OC192-XFP Default Settings
Table C-18 lists the OC192-XFP default settings.
C.2.3.19 MRC-12 Card Default Settings
Table C-19 lists the MRC-12 card default settings.
C.2.3.20 MRC-2.5G-4 Card Default Settings
Table C-20 lists the MRC-2.5G-4 card default settings.
C.3 Node Default Settings
Table C-21 lists the node-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15454. Cisco provides the following user-configurable defaults for each Cisco ONS 15454 node:
•Circuit settings—Set the administrative state and path protection circuit defaults, and whether to have circuits send a payload defect indication condition (PDIP).
•General settings—Set general node management defaults, including whether to use Daylight Savings Time (DST), whether to insert Alarm Indication Signal VT (AIS-V) in each VT when the carrying STS crosses the signal degrade (SD) path bit error rate (BER) threshold, the IP address of the Network Time Protocol/Simple Network Time Protocol (NTP/SNTP) server to be used, the time zone where the node is located, the SD path BER value, the defaults description, whether to raise a condition on an empty card slot, whether automatic autonomous Transcation Language One (TL1) reporting of PM data is enabled for cross-connect paths on the node, whether or not to allow ports to be disabled when they are providing services (when the default is set to FALSE users must remove or disable the services first, then put the ports out of service), and whether to report loopback conditions on Out-of-Service, Maintenance (OOS-MT) state ports.
•Power Monitor settings—Set default voltage thresholds for the node.
•Network settings—Set whether to prevent display of node IP addresses in CTC (applicable for all users except Superusers); default gateway node type; whether to raise an alarm when the backplane LAN cable is disconnected; and whether to display the IP address in the LCD in an editable mode (in which you can change the IP address directly from LCD screen), to display the IP address on the LCD as read-only, or to suppress display of the IP on the LCD entirely.
•OSI settings—Set the Open System Interconnection (OSI) main setup, generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel default, the link access protocol on the D channel (LAP-D), the router subnet, and the TID address resolution protocol (TARP) settings.
•1+1 and Optimized 1+1 protection settings—Set whether or not protected circuits have bidirectional switching, are revertive, and what the reversion time is; set optimized 1+1 detection, recovery, and verify guard timer values.
Note Optimized 1+1 supports three timers that ensure the correct state of the cards at key points in card communication. A verification guard timer is used when a Force is issued, to ensure that the far end has a chance to respond. A detection guard timer is used to ensure the presence of an SF/SD condition before switching away from a card. A recover guard timer ensures the absence of SF/SD prior to switching to a card. You can change the default number of seconds before these timers expire by changing the NE default for the corresponding timer to a value within its domain of allowable values.
•BLSR protection settings—Set whether BLSR-protected circuits are revertive, and what the reversion time is, at both the ring and span levels.
•Legal Disclaimer—Set the legal disclaimer that warns users at the login screen about the possible legal or contractual ramifications of accessing equipment, systems, or networks without authorization.
•Security Grant Permissions—Set default user security levels for activating/reverting software, PM data clearing, database restoring, and retrieving audit logs.
•Security DataComm settings—Set default security settings for TCC Ethernet IP address and IP netmask, and CTC backplane IP suppression; set secure mode on and secure mode locked (for TCC2P cards only).
Note The secure mode supported setting is not user-configurable; rather, it depends upon the presence or absence of TCC2P cards on the node for its setting.
•Security Access settings—Set default security settings for LAN access, shell access, serial craft access, element management system (EMS) access (including Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol [IIOP] listener port number), TL1 access, and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) access.
•Security RADIUS settings—Set default RADIUS server settings for the accounting port number and the authentication port number, and whether to enable the node as a final authenticator.
•Security Policy settings—Set the allowable failed logins before lockout, idle user timeout for each user level, optional lockout duration or manual unlock enabled, password reuse and change frequency policies, number of characters difference that is required between the old and new password, password aging by security level, enforced single concurrent session per user, and option to disable inactive user after a set inactivity period.
•Security Password settings—Set when passwords can be changed, how many characters they must differ by, whether or not password reuse is allowed, and whether a password change is required on first login to a new account; set password aging enforcement and user-level specific aging and warning periods; set how many consecutive identical characters are allowed in a password, maximum password length, minimum password length, minimum number and combination of nonalphabetical characters required, and whether or not to allow a password that is a reversal of the login ID associated with the password.
•BITS Timing settings—Set the AIS threshold, Admin synchronization status messaging (SSM), coding, facility type, framing, state, and line build-out (LBO) settings for building integrated timing supply 1 (BITS-1) and BITS2 timing.
•General Timing settings—Set the mode (External, Line, or Mixed), quality of reserved (RES) timing (the rule that defines the order of clock quality from lowest to highest), revertive, reversion time, and SSM message set for node timing.
Note Any node level defaults changed using the Provisioning > Defaults tab, changes existing node level provisioning. Although this is service affecting, it depends on the type of defaults changed, for example, general, and all timing and security attributes. The "Changing default values for some node level attributes overrides the current provisioning." message is displayed. The Side Effects column of the Defaults editor (right-click a column header and select Show Column > Side Effects) explains the effect of changing the default values. However, when the card level defaults are changed using the Provisioning > Defaults tab, existing card provisioning remains unaffected.
Note For more information about each individual node setting, refer to the "Change Node Settings" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
NODE.circuits.SendPDIP |
NODE.circuits.State |
NODE.circuits.upsr.AllowUpsrOverOnePlusOne |
NODE.circuits.upsr.ProvisionWorkingGoAndReturnOnPrimaryPath |
NODE.circuits.upsr.ReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.circuits.upsr.Revertive |
NODE.circuits.upsr.STS_SDBER |
1.00E-06 |
1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9 |
NODE.circuits.upsr.STS_SFBER |
1.00E-04 |
1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5 |
NODE.circuits.upsr.SwitchOnPDIP |
NODE.circuits.upsr.VT_SDBER |
1.00E-05 |
1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8 |
NODE.circuits.upsr.VT_SFBER |
1.00E-03 |
1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5 |
NODE.general.AllowServiceAffectingPortChangeToDisabled |
NODE.general.AutoPM |
NODE.general.DefaultsDescription |
Factory Defaults |
Free form field |
NODE.general.InsertAISVOnSDP |
NODE.general.NtpSntpServer | |
IP Address |
NODE.general.RaiseConditionOnEmptySlot |
NODE.general.ReportLoopbackConditionsOnOOS-MTPorts |
NODE.general.SDPBER |
1.00E-06 |
1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-9 |
NODE.general.TimeZone |
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), Tijuana |
(For applicable time zones, see Table C-22.) |
NODE.general.UseDST |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.AdminState |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.HelloDeadInterval |
12000 (ms) |
maximum_of(2000,MinHelloDeadInterval,product_of(HelloInterval,3)), maximum_of(2000,MinHelloDeadInterval,product_of(HelloInterval,3)) + 1, maximum_of(2000,MinHelloDeadInterval,product_of(HelloInterval,3)) + 2 .. minimum_of(20000,MaxHelloDeadInterval) |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.HelloInterval |
500 (ms) |
maximum_of(300,MinHelloInterval), maximum_of(300,MinHelloInterval) + 1, maximum_of(300,MinHelloInterval) + 2 .. minimum_of(5000,MaxHelloInterval,quotient_of(HelloDeadInterval,3)) |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.MaxHelloDeadInterval |
20000 (ms) |
maximum_of(2000,HelloDeadInterval,sum_of(MaxHelloInterval,1)), maximum_of(2000,HelloDeadInterval,sum_of(MaxHelloInterval,1)) + 1, maximum_of(2000,HelloDeadInterval,sum_of(MaxHelloInterval,1)) + 2 .. 20000 |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.MaxHelloInterval |
2000 (ms) |
maximum_of(300,HelloInterval), maximum_of(300,HelloInterval) + 1, maximum_of(300,HelloInterval) + 2 .. minimum_of(5000,difference_of(MaxHelloDeadInterval,1)) |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.MinHelloDeadInterval |
2000 (ms) |
maximum_of(2000,sum_of(MinHelloInterval,1)), maximum_of(2000,sum_of(MinHelloInterval,1)) + 1, maximum_of(2000,sum_of(MinHelloInterval,1)) + 2 .. minimum_of(20000,HelloDeadInterval) |
NODE.lmp.controlChannel.MinHelloInterval |
300 (ms) |
300, 301, 302 .. minimum_of(5000,HelloInterval,difference_of(MinHelloDeadInterval,1)) |
NODE.lmp.dataLink.Type |
Port |
Port, Component |
NODE.lmp.general.Allowed |
NODE.lmp.general.Enabled |
FALSE, TRUE when Allowed TRUE; FALSE when Allowed FALSE |
NODE.lmp.general.LMP-WDM |
NODE.lmp.general.Role |
NODE.lmp.teLink.AdminState |
NODE.lmp.teLink.DWDM |
NODE.lmp.teLink.MuxCapability |
Lambda Switch |
Packet Switch - Level 1, Packet Switch - Level 2, Packet Switch - Level 3, Packet Switch - Level 4, Layer 2 Switch, TDM Cross-connect, Lambda Switch, Fiber Switch |
NODE.network.general.AlarmMissingBackplaneLAN |
NODE.network.general.CtcIpDisplaySuppression |
NODE.network.general.GatewaySettings |
None |
LeaveAsIs, None, ENE, GNE, ProxyOnlyNode |
NODE.network.general.LcdSetting |
Allow Configuration |
Allow Configuration, Display Only, Suppress Display |
NODE.osi.greTunnel.OspfCost |
110 |
110 - 65535 |
NODE.osi.greTunnel.SubnetMask |
24 (bits) |
8, 9, 10 .. 32 |
NODE.osi.lapd.Mode |
NODE.osi.lapd.MTU |
512 |
512, 513, 514 .. 1500 |
NODE.osi.lapd.Role |
Network |
Network, User |
NODE.osi.lapd.T200 |
200 (ms) |
200, 300, 400 .. 20000 |
NODE.osi.lapd.T203 |
10000 (ms) |
4000, 4100, 4200 .. 120000 |
NODE.osi.mainSetup.L1L2LSPBufferSize |
512 (bytes) |
512 - 1500 |
NODE.osi.mainSetup.L1LSPBufferSize |
512 (bytes) |
512 - 1500 |
NODE.osi.mainSetup.NodeRoutingMode |
Intermediate System Level 1 |
End System, Intermediate System Level 1, Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 |
NODE.osi.subnet.DISPriority |
63 |
1, 2, 3 .. 127 |
NODE.osi.subnet.ESH |
10 (sec) |
10, 20, 30 .. 1000 |
NODE.osi.subnet.GCCISISCost |
60 |
1, 2, 3 .. 63 |
NODE.osi.subnet.IIH |
3 (sec) |
1, 2, 3 .. 600 |
NODE.osi.subnet.ISH |
10 (sec) |
10, 20, 30 .. 1000 |
NODE.osi.subnet.LANISISCost |
20 |
1, 2, 3 .. 63 |
NODE.osi.subnet.LDCCISISCost |
40 |
1, 2, 3 .. 63 |
NODE.osi.subnet.OSCISISCost |
60 |
1, 2, 3 .. 63 |
NODE.osi.subnet.SDCCISISCost |
60 |
1, 2, 3 .. 63 |
NODE.osi.tarp.L1DataCache |
NODE.osi.tarp.L2DataCache |
NODE.osi.tarp.LANStormSuppression |
NODE.osi.tarp.LDB |
NODE.osi.tarp.LDBEntry |
5 (min) |
1 - 10 |
NODE.osi.tarp.LDBFlush |
5 (min) |
0 - 1440 |
NODE.osi.tarp.PDUsL1Propagation |
NODE.osi.tarp.PDUsL2Propagation |
NODE.osi.tarp.PDUsOrigination |
NODE.osi.tarp.T1Timer |
15 (sec) |
0 - 3600 |
NODE.osi.tarp.T2Timer |
25 (sec) |
0 - 3600 |
NODE.osi.tarp.T3Timer |
40 (sec) |
0 - 3600 |
NODE.osi.tarp.T4Timer |
20 (sec) |
0 - 3600 |
NODE.osi.tarp.Type4PDUDelay |
0 (sec) |
0 - 255 |
NODE.powerMonitor.EHIBATVG |
-56.5 (Vdc) |
-54.0, -54.5, -55.0, -55.5, -56.0, -56.5 |
NODE.powerMonitor.ELWBATVG |
-40.5 (Vdc) |
-40.5, -41.0, -41.5, -42.0, -42.5, -43.0, -43.5, -44.0 |
NODE.powerMonitor.HIBATVG |
-54.0 (Vdc) |
-44.0, -44.5, -45.0 .. -56.5 |
NODE.powerMonitor.LWBATVG |
-44.0 (Vdc) |
-40.5, -41.0, -41.5 .. -54.0 |
NODE.protection.1+1.BidirectionalSwitching |
NODE.protection.1+1.DetectionGuardTimer |
1 (seconds) |
0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
NODE.protection.1+1.RecoveryGuardTimer |
1 (seconds) |
0, 0.05, 0.1 .. 10 |
NODE.protection.1+1.ReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.protection.1+1.Revertive |
NODE.protection.1+1.VerifyGuardTimer |
0.5 (seconds) |
0.5, 1 |
NODE.protection.blsr.RingReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.protection.blsr.RingRevertive |
NODE.protection.blsr.SpanReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.protection.blsr.SpanRevertive |
NODE.protection.splitter.ReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.protection.splitter.Revertive |
NODE.protection.ycable.ReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.protection.ycable.Revertive |
NODE.security.dataComm.CtcBackplaneIpDisplaySuppression |
FALSE, TRUE when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard TRUE; (NOT SUPPORTED) when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard FALSE |
NODE.security.dataComm.DefaultTCCEthernetIP | |
IP Address |
NODE.security.dataComm.DefaultTCCEthernetIPNetmask |
24 (bits) |
8, 9, 10 .. 32 |
NODE.security.dataComm.isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard |
NODE.security.dataComm.LcdBackplaneIpSetting |
Display Only |
Allow Configuration, Display Only, Suppress Display when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard TRUE; (NOT SUPPORTED) when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard FALSE |
NODE.security.dataComm.SecureModeLocked |
FALSE, TRUE when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard TRUE; (NOT SUPPORTED) when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard FALSE |
NODE.security.dataComm.SecureModeOn (May reboot node) |
FALSE, TRUE when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard TRUE; (NOT SUPPORTED) when isSecureModeSupportedOnControlCard FALSE |
NODE.security.emsAccess.AccessState |
NonSecure |
NonSecure, Secure |
NODE.security.emsAccess.IIOPListenerPort (May reboot node) |
57790 (port #) |
0 - 65535 |
NODE.security.grantPermission.ActivateRevertSoftware |
Superuser |
Provisioning, Superuser |
NODE.security.grantPermission.PMClearingPrivilege |
Provisioning |
Provisioning, Superuser |
NODE.security.grantPermission.RestoreDB |
Superuser |
Provisioning, Superuser |
NODE.security.grantPermission.RetrieveAuditLog |
Superuser |
Provisioning, Superuser |
NODE.security.idleUserTimeout.Maintenance |
01:00 (hours:mins) |
00:00, 00:01, 00:02 .. 16:39 |
NODE.security.idleUserTimeout.Provisioning |
00:30 (hours:mins) |
00:00, 00:01, 00:02 .. 16:39 |
NODE.security.idleUserTimeout.Retrieve |
00:00 (hours:mins) |
00:00, 00:01, 00:02 .. 16:39 |
NODE.security.idleUserTimeout.Superuser |
00:15 (hours:mins) |
00:00, 00:01, 00:02 .. 16:39 |
NODE.security.lanAccess.LANAccess (May disconnect CTC from node) |
Front & Backplane |
No LAN Access, Front Only, Backplane Only, Front & Backplane |
NODE.security.lanAccess.RestoreTimeout |
5 (minutes) |
0 - 60 |
NODE.security.legalDisclaimer.LoginWarningMessage |
<html><center><b>WARNING</b></center>This system is restricted to authorized users for business purposes. Unauthorized<p>access is a violation of the law. This service may be monitored for administrative<p>and security reasons. By proceeding, you consent to this monitoring. |
Free form field |
NODE.security.other.DisableInactiveUser |
NODE.security.other.InactiveDuration |
45 (days) |
1, 2, 3 .. 99 when nothing TRUE; 45 when nothing FALSE |
NODE.security.other.SingleSessionPerUser |
NODE.security.passwordAging.EnforcePasswordAging |
NODE.security.passwordAging.maintenance.AgingPeriod |
45 (days) |
20 - 90 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.maintenance.WarningPeriod |
5 (days) |
2 - 20 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.provisioning.AgingPeriod |
45 (days) |
20 - 90 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.provisioning.WarningPeriod |
5 (days) |
2 - 20 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.retrieve.AgingPeriod |
45 (days) |
20 - 90 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.retrieve.WarningPeriod |
5 (days) |
2 - 20 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.superuser.AgingPeriod |
45 (days) |
20 - 90 |
NODE.security.passwordAging.superuser.WarningPeriod |
5 (days) |
2 - 20 |
NODE.security.passwordChange.CannotChangeNewPassword |
NODE.security.passwordChange.CannotChangeNewPasswordForNDays |
20 (days) |
20 - 95 |
NODE.security.passwordChange.NewPasswordMustDifferFromOldByNCharacters |
1 (characters) |
1 - 5 |
NODE.security.passwordChange.PreventReusingLastNPasswords |
1 (times) |
1 - 10 |
NODE.security.passwordChange.RequirePasswordChangeOnFirstLoginToNewAccount |
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.IdenticalConsecutiveCharactersAllowed |
3 or more |
0-2, 3 or more |
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MaximumLength |
20 |
20, 80 |
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MinimumLength |
6 |
6, 8, 10, 12 |
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MinimumRequiredCharacters |
1 num, 1 letter & 1 TL1 special |
1 num, 1 letter & 1 TL1 special, 1 num, 1 letter & 1 special, 2 each of any 2 of num, upper, lower & TL1 special, 2 each of any 2 of num, upper, lower & special |
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.ReverseUserIdAllowed |
NODE.security.radiusServer.AccountingPort |
1813 (port) |
0 - 32767 |
NODE.security.radiusServer.AuthenticationPort |
1812 (port) |
0 - 32767 |
NODE.security.radiusServer.EnableNodeAsFinalAuthenticator |
NODE.security.serialCraftAccess.EnableCraftPort |
NODE.security.shellAccess.AccessState |
NonSecure |
Disabled, NonSecure, Secure |
NODE.security.shellAccess.EnableShellPassword |
NODE.security.shellAccess.TelnetPort |
23 |
23 - 9999 |
NODE.security.snmpAccess.AccessState |
NonSecure |
Disabled, NonSecure |
NODE.security.tl1Access.AccessState |
NonSecure |
Disabled, NonSecure, Secure |
NODE.security.userLockout.FailedLoginsAllowedBeforeLockout |
5 (times) |
0 - 10 |
NODE.security.userLockout.LockoutDuration |
00:30 (mins:secs) |
00:00, 00:05, 00:10 .. 10:00 |
NODE.security.userLockout.ManualUnlockBySuperuser |
NODE.software.AllowDelayedUpgrades |
NODE.software.DefaultDelayedUpgrades |
FALSE, TRUE when AllowDelayedUpgrades TRUE; FALSE when AllowDelayedUpgrades FALSE |
NODE.timing.bits-1.AdminSSMIn |
PRS, STU, ST2, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 2; G811, STU, G812T, G812L, SETS, DUS when //.general.SSMMessageSet N/A |
NODE.timing.bits-1.AISThreshold |
PRS, STU, ST2, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 2; G811, STU, G812T, G812L, SETS, DUS when //.general.SSMMessageSet N/A |
NODE.timing.bits-1.Coding |
B8ZS |
B8ZS, AMI when FacilityType DS1; HDB3, AMI when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; AMI when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-1.CodingOut |
B8ZS |
B8ZS, AMI when FacilityTypeOut DS1; HDB3, AMI when FacilityTypeOut E1; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 2MHz; AMI when FacilityTypeOut 6MHz |
NODE.timing.bits-1.FacilityType |
DS1 |
DS1, 64kHz+8kHz when //.general.TimingStandard SONET; E1, 64kHz+8kHz, 2MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SDH |
NODE.timing.bits-1.FacilityTypeOut |
DS1 |
DS1, 6MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SONET; E1, 6MHz, 2MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SDH |
NODE.timing.bits-1.Framing |
ESF, D4 when FacilityType DS1; FAS+CRC, FAS+CAS, FAS+CAS+CRC, FAS, Unframed when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; N/A when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-1.FramingOut |
ESF, D4 when FacilityTypeOut DS1; FAS+CRC, FAS+CAS, FAS+CAS+CRC, FAS, Unframed when FacilityTypeOut E1; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 2MHz; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 6MHz |
NODE.timing.bits-1.LBO |
0-133 |
0-133, 134-266, 267-399, 400-533, 534-655 |
NODE.timing.bits-1.SaBit |
N/A |
N/A when FacilityType DS1; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; N/A when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-1.State |
NODE.timing.bits-1.StateOut |
NODE.timing.bits-2.AdminSSMIn |
PRS, STU, ST2, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 2; G811, STU, G812T, G812L, SETS, DUS when //.general.SSMMessageSet N/A |
NODE.timing.bits-2.AISThreshold |
PRS, STU, ST2, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 1; PRS, STU, ST2, TNC, ST3E, ST3, SMC, ST4, DUS, RES when //.general.SSMMessageSet Generation 2; G811, STU, G812T, G812L, SETS, DUS when //.general.SSMMessageSet N/A |
NODE.timing.bits-2.Coding |
B8ZS |
B8ZS, AMI when FacilityType DS1; HDB3, AMI when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; AMI when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-2.CodingOut |
B8ZS |
B8ZS, AMI when FacilityTypeOut DS1; HDB3, AMI when FacilityTypeOut E1; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 2MHz; AMI when FacilityTypeOut 6MHz |
NODE.timing.bits-2.FacilityType |
DS1 |
DS1, 64kHz+8kHz when //.general.TimingStandard SONET; E1, 64kHz+8kHz, 2MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SDH |
NODE.timing.bits-2.FacilityTypeOut |
DS1 |
DS1, 6MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SONET; E1, 6MHz, 2MHz when //.general.TimingStandard SDH |
NODE.timing.bits-2.Framing |
ESF, D4 when FacilityType DS1; FAS+CRC, FAS+CAS, FAS+CAS+CRC, FAS, Unframed when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; N/A when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-2.FramingOut |
ESF, D4 when FacilityTypeOut DS1; FAS+CRC, FAS+CAS, FAS+CAS+CRC, FAS, Unframed when FacilityTypeOut E1; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 2MHz; N/A when FacilityTypeOut 6MHz |
NODE.timing.bits-2.LBO |
0-133 |
0-133, 134-266, 267-399, 400-533, 534-655 |
NODE.timing.bits-2.SaBit |
N/A |
N/A when FacilityType DS1; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 when FacilityType E1; N/A when FacilityType 2MHz; N/A when FacilityType 64kHz+8kHz |
NODE.timing.bits-2.State |
NODE.timing.bits-2.StateOut |
NODE.timing.general.Mode |
Line |
External, Line, Mixed |
NODE.timing.general.QualityOfRES |
NODE.timing.general.ReversionTime |
5.0 (minutes) |
0.5, 1.0, 1.5 .. 12.0 |
NODE.timing.general.Revertive |
NODE.timing.general.SSMMessageSet |
Generation 1 |
Generation 1, Generation 2 when TimingStandard SONET; N/A when TimingStandard SDH |
NODE.timing.general.TimingStandard |
C.3.1 Time Zones
Table C-22 lists the time zones that apply for node time zone defaults. Time zones in the table are ordered by their relative relationships to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and the default values are displayed in the correct format for valid default input.
C.4 CTC Default Settings
Table C-23 lists the CTC-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15454. Cisco provides the following user-configurable defaults for CTC:
•Automatic Circuit Routing—Set circuit creation with the Route Automatically check box selected by default.
•Network Circuit Automatic Routing Overridable—Set by default whether or not a user creating circuits can change (override) the Automatic Circuit Routing setting (also provisionable as a default) in the CTC Circuit Routing Preferences area. When this default is set to TRUE it enables users to change whether or not Route Automatically is selected in the check box. When this default is set to FALSE it ensures that users cannot change the Route Automatically setting while creating circuits in CTC.
Note When the Route Automatically check box is not selectable (and is not checked) during circuit creation, the following automatic routing suboptions are also unavailable: Using Required Nodes/Spans, Review Route Before Creation, and VT-DS3 Mapped Conversion.
•Create TL1-like—Set whether to create only TL1-like circuits; that is, instruct the node to create only cross-connects, allowing the resulting circuits to be in an upgradable state.
•Local domain creation and viewing—Set whether domains that users create and view persist globally (all CTC sessions), or only locally (within the current CTC session).
•Network Map—Set the default network map (which country's map is displayed in CTC network view).