CTC Information and Shortcuts

This appendix describes how to navigate in the Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) and change CTC table data. It also describes menu and tool options and the shelf inventory data presented in CTC. For information about CTC, refer to the "Cisco Transport Controller Operation" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual.

Note If network discovery is enabled on the node, CTC searches each node in the network for more recent versions of the CTC software. If a more recent version is discovered, CTC gives you the option of downloading the newer version to your PC. For more information about the automatic version search, refer to the "Cisco Transport Controller Operation" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual.

Display Node, Card, and Network Views

CTC provides three views of the ONS platform:

Node view appears when you first log into an ONS 15600 SDH. This view shows a graphic of the ONS 15600 SDH shelf and provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the node.

Card view provides access to individual ONS 15600 SDH cards. This view shows a graphic of the card and provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the card.

Network view shows all the nodes in a ring. A Superuser can set up this feature so each user will see the same network view, or the user can create a custom view with maps. This view provides access to tabs and subtabs that you use to manage the network. Network view can contain domains. A domain is used to isolate nodes or groups of nodes for easier maintenance. Double-clicking a domain shows all the nodes in the domain; nodes connected to the domain are grayed out.

Table A-1 lists different actions for changing CTC views.

Table A-1 Change CTC Views 

To display:
Perform one of the following:

Node view

Log into a node; node view is the default view.

In network view, double-click a node icon, or right-click the node and choose Open Node.

From the CTC View menu, choose Go To Other Node, then choose the node you want from the shortcut menu.

Use the arrows on the CTC toolbar to navigate up or down views. For example, in network view select a node and click the down arrow.

Home view (node view of the first node you logged into in a network)

From the CTC View menu, choose Go To Home View.

Card view

In node view, double-click a card or right-click the card and choose Open Card.

In node view, single-click a card icon, then select Go To Selected Object View from the View menu.

Use the arrows on the CTC toolbar to navigate up or down. For example, in node view select a card and then click the down arrow.

Network view

In node view, click the up arrow on the CTC toolbar.

From the View menu, choose Go To Network View.

CTC Window

Different navigational methods are available within the CTC window to access views and perform management actions. You can double-click and right-click objects in the graphic area and move the mouse over nodes, cards, and ports to view popup status information.

CTC Menu and Toolbar Options

The CTC window menu bar and toolbar provide primary CTC functions. Table A-2 shows the actions that are available from the CTC menu and toolbar.

Table A-2 CTC Menu and Toolbar Options 

Menu Option


Add Node

Adds a node to the current session. See the "DLP-F183 Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group" task on page 16-36.

Delete Selected Node

Deletes a node from the current session.

Lock CTC

Locks CTC without closing the CTC session. A user name and password are required to reopen CTC.


Prints CTC data. See the "DLP-F336 Print CTC Data" task on page 18-36.


Exports CTC data. See the "DLP-F379 Export CTC Data" task on page 18-88.


Closes the CTC session.

The exit icon only appears in the File menu.



Displays the Preferences dialog box:

General tab—Allows you to change event defaults and manage preferences.

Login Node Group tab—Allows you to create login node groups. See the "DLP-F307 Create Login Node Groups" task on page 18-9.

Map—Allows you to customize the network view. See the "DLP-F223 Change the Network View Background Color" task on page 17-20 and the "DLP-F225 Apply a Custom Network View Background" task on page 17-22.

Circuit—Allows you to change the color of circuit spans. See the "DLP-F218 Change Active and Standby Span Color" task on page 17-17.

Firewall—Sets the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) listener ports for access to the ONS 15600 SDH through a firewall. See the "NTP-F136 Set Up the ONS 15600 SDH for Firewall Access" procedure on page 4-8.

JRE—Allows you to select a different Java Runtime Environment (JRE) when CTC restarts.

SOCKS—Allows you to choose the ONS 15600 SDH SOCKS servers in SOCKS-proxy-enabled networks. See the "DLP-F397 Provision the Designated SOCKS Servers" task on page 18-118.


Go To Previous View

Displays the previous CTC view.

Go To Next View

Displays the next CTC view. Available only after you navigate to a previous view. Go to Previous and Go to Next is similar to forward/backward navigation in a web browser.

Go To Parent View

References the CTC view hierarchy: network view, node view, and card view. In card view, this command displays the node view; in node view, the command displays network view. Not available in network view.

Go To Selected Object View

Displays the object selected in the CTC window.

Go To Home View

Displays the login node in node view.

Go To Network View

Displays the network view.

Go To Other Node

Displays a dialog box allowing you to type in the node name or IP address of a network node that you want to view.

Show Status Bar

Displays or hides the status bar at the bottom of the CTC window.

Show Tool Bar

Displays or hides the CTC toolbar.

Zooms out the network view area (toolbar only).

Zooms in the network view area (toolbar only).

Zooms in a selected network view area (toolbar only).



Displays the following options:

Repair Circuits—Repairs incomplete circuits following replacement of the ONS 15600 SDH alarm interface panel (AIP). Refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

Reconfigure Circuits—Allows you to reconfigure circuits. See the "NTP-F182 Reconfigure Circuits" procedure on page 7-6 for more information.

Merge Circuits—Merges multiple circuits. See the "NTP-F183 Merge Circuits" procedure on page 7-7.

Set Path Selector Attributes—Allows you to edit subnetwork connection protection ring (SNCP) circuit path selector attributes. See the "DLP-F264 Edit SNCP Circuit Path Selectors" task on page 17-54.

Set Circuit State—Allows you to change a circuit state. See the "DLP-F313 Change a Circuit Service State" task on page 18-13.

Roll Circuit—Allows you to reroute live traffic without interrupting service. See the "NTP-F181 Bridge and Roll Traffic" procedure on page 7-5.

Delete Rolls—Removes rolls that are not deleted by CTC after a roll has been completed. See the "DLP-F356 Delete a Roll" task on page 18-69.

Upgrade OCHNC—(ONS 15454 only) Upgrades OCHNCs created in earlier software releases to OCHCCs. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide for more information.

Show RPR Circuit Ring—(ONS 15454 only) Shows the RPR ring for the circuit selected on the Circuits window.

Overhead Circuits

Displays the Repair IP Tunnels option, which fixes circuits that are in the PARTIAL status as a result of node IP address changes. Refer to the "NTP-F178 Modify and Delete Overhead Circuits and Server Trails" procedure on page 7-3.

Topology Upgrade

Displays the following options:

Convert SNCP to MS-SPRing (This option does not apply to the ONS 15600 SDH)—Converts SNCP to multiplex-section shared protection ring (MS-SPRing).

Convert Unprotected to SNCP (This option does not apply to the ONS 15600 SDH)—Converts a point-to-point or linear ADM to SNCP.

Manage VLANs

Displays a list of VLANs that have been created and allows you to delete or create new VLANs. (This option does not apply to the ONS 15600 SDH.)

Open TL1 Connection

Displays the TL1 session dialog box so you can create a TL1 session to a specific node. Refer to the Cisco ONS SDH TL1 Command Guide.

Open IOS Connection

(Not applicable to ONS 15600 SDH.) Displays the Cisco IOS command line interface dialog box if a Cisco IOS capable card (ML1000-2, ML100T-12, or ML100X-8) is installed in the node. Refer to the Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide.

Update CTC

Allows you to update CTC to a newer version, if a newer version was found during network discovery.


Contents and Index

Displays the online help window.

User Manuals

Displays the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH documentation.

About CTC

Displays the software version and the nodes in the CTC session.

Network Scope

The network scope drop-down list has three options: DWDM (ONS 15454s only) ,TDM, or All. If you choose DWDM, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and hybrid nodes appear on the network view map. If you choose TDM, time division multiplexing (TDM) and hybrid nodes appear on the network view map. If you choose All, every node in the network appears on the network view map.

Link Filter

Opens the Link Filter dialog box, which allows you to choose which link classes display on the non-detail network map. The available classes vary according to the selected network scope.

ALL—DCC, GCC, OTS, PPC, server trail


TDM—DCC, PPC, server trail

Opens the Collapse/Expand Links dialog box, which allows you to globally expand or consolidate network view links based on link type.


Opens the CTC Alerts dialog box, which shows the status of certain CTC background tasks. When the CTC Alerts toolbar icon contains a red triangle, unread notifications exist. When there are no unread notifications, the CTC Alerts toolbar icon contains a gray triangle (see the Toolbar column for comparison). Notifications include:

Network disconnection

Send-PDIP inconsistency—CTC discovers a new node that does not have a SEND-PDIP setting consistent with the login node.

Circuit deletion status—Reports when the circuit deletion process completes if you choose "Notify when complete" as described in the "DLP-F293 Delete Circuits" task on page 17-81. The CTC Alerts window always reports circuit deletion errors.

Conditions retrieval error

Software download failure

You can save a notification by clicking the Save button in the CTC Alerts dialog box and navigating to the directory where you want to save the text file.

By default, the CTC Alerts dialog box opens automatically. To disable automatic popup, see the "DLP-F309 Configure the CTC Alerts Dialog Box for Automatic Popup" task on page 18-11.

CTC Mouse Options

Table A-3 shows mouse navigation techniques in CTC.

Table A-3 CTC Mouse Options 



Node in network view—Displays the node view.

Domain in network view—Displays the domain view.

Card in node view—Displays the card view.

Alarm/Event—Displays the object that raised the alarm or event.

Circuits—Displays the Edit Circuit window.


Network view graphic area—Displays a menu that you can use to create a new domain; change the position and zoom level of the graphic image; save the map layout (if you have a Superuser security level); reset the default layout of the network view; set, change, or remove the background image and color; collapse and expand links; and save or reset the node position.

Domain in network view—Displays a menu that you can use to open a domain, show the domain overview, rename the domain, and delete the domain.

Node in network view—Displays a menu where you can open the node, go to the node domain, reset the node icon position to the longitude and latitude set on the Provisioning > General tabs, provision circuits, and update circuits with a new node.

Span in network view—Displays a menu where you can view information about the source and destination ports, the span's protection scheme, and the span's optical level. You can also display the Circuits on Span dialog box, which displays additional span information and allows you to perform SNCP protection switching. If a MS-SPRing is provisioned, you can display the PCA circuits. You can also expand and collapse links.

Card in node view—Displays a menu where you can open, delete, hard and soft reset, and change cards. The card you select determines the commands that appear.

Card in card view—Displays a menu that you can use to reset the card, or go to the parent view (node view).

Empty slot in node view—Displays a menu that allows you to add (preprovision) a card.

Move mouse cursor

Over node in network view—Displays a summary of node alarms and provides a warning if the node icon has been moved out of the map range.

Over span in network view—Displays circuit (node, slot, port) bandwidth and protection information.

Over domain in network view—Displays domain name and the number of nodes in the domain.

Over card in node view—Displays card type, card status, highest-level alarm, and alarm profile status. The ONS 15600 SDH ASAP card displays the Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) and pluggable port modules (PPM).

Over card in node view—Displays card type, card status, and alarm profile status.

Over card port in node view—Displays port number and/or name, port service state, PPM, and alarm profile status.

Node View Shortcuts

Table A-4 shows actions on ONS 15600 SDH cards that you can perform by moving your mouse over the CTC window.

Table A-4 Node View Card Shortcuts 


Display card information

Move your mouse over cards in the graphic to display tooltips with the card type, card status (active or standby), the highest level of alarm (if any), and the alarm profile used by the card.

Open, reset, or delete a card

Right-click a card. Choose Open Card to display the card in card view, Hard-reset Card to perform a hard reset on the card, Soft-reset Card to perform a soft reset of the card, or Delete Card to delete it.

Preprovision a slot

Right-click an empty slot. Select the card type you want to provision the slot for from the shortcut menu.

Change a card

Right-click an STM-N card and choose Change Card. In the Change Card dialog box, select the card type. Change card retains all card provisioning.

Change view

Right-click on the area outside the node to display a menu that allows you to return to the parent view.

Network View Shortcuts

Right-click the network view graphic area or a node, span, or domain to display shortcut menus. Table A-5 lists the actions that are available from the network view.

Table A-5 Network Management Tasks in Network View 


Open a node

Do any of the following:

Double-click a node icon.

Right-click a node icon, and choose Open Node from the shortcut menu.

Click a node and choose Go To Selected Object View from the CTC View menu.

From the View menu, choose Go To Other Node. Select a node from the Select Node dialog box.

Double-click a node alarm or event in the Alarms or History tabs.

Move a node icon

Press the Ctrl key and the left mouse button simultaneously and drag the node icon to a new location.

Reset node icon position

Right-click a node and choose Reset Node Position from the shortcut menu. The node icon moves to the position defined by the longitude and latitude fields on the Provisioning > General tabs in node view.

Consolidate links

Right-click on a link and choose Consolidate/Expand from the shortcut menu. For more detailed instructions, see Chapter 11, "Change Node Settings."

Provision a circuit

Right-click a node. From the shortcut menu, choose Provision Circuit To and select the node where you want to provision the circuit. For circuit creation procedures, see Chapter 6, "Create Circuits."

Update circuits with new node

Right-click a node and choose Update Circuits With New Node from the shortcut menu. Use this command when you add a new node and want to pass circuits through it.

Display a link endpoint

Right-click a span. From the shortcut menu, choose Go To [<node> | <port> | <slot>] for the drop port you want to view. CTC displays the card in card view.

Display span properties

Do any of the following:

Move mouse over a span; the properties appear near the span.

Click a span; the properties appear in the upper left corner of the window.

Right-click a span; the properties appear at the top of the shortcut menu.

Perform an SNCP protection switch for all circuits on a span

Right-click a network span and click Circuits. In the Circuits on Span dialog box, switch options appear in the SNCP Span Switching field.

Upgrade terminal to linear

Right-click a span and choose Upgrade Protection > Terminal to Linear from the shortcut menu. See the "NTP-F210 Convert a Point-to-Point to a Linear ADM Automatically" task on page 12-1.

Table Display Options

Table A-6 shows table display options, which include rearranging or hiding CTC table columns and sorting table columns by primary or secondary keys.

Table A-6 Table Display Options 

Click Shortcut
Right-Click Shortcut Menu

Resize column

Click while dragging the column separator to the right or left.

Rearrange column order

Click while dragging the column header to the right or left.

Reset column order

Choose Reset Columns Order/Visibility.

Hide column

Choose Hide Column.

Display a hidden column

Choose Show Column > column-name.

Display all hidden columns

Choose Reset Columns Order/Visibility.

Sort table (primary)

Click a column header; each click changes sort order (ascending or descending).

Choose Sort Column.

Sort table (secondary sorting keys)

Press the Shift key and simultaneously click the column header.

Choose Sort Column (incremental).

Reset sorting

Choose Reset Sorting.

View table row count

View the number after Row count=; it is the last item on the shortcut menu.

Equipment Inventory

In node view, the Inventory tab displays ONS 15600 SDH equipment information, including:

Location—Where the equipment is installed, either chassis or slot number.

Eqpt Type—The equipment type, for example, FAN_TRAY or STM-16.

Admin State—Changes the card service state unless network conditions prevent the change. For more information about card states, refer to the "Enhanced State Model" appendix of the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual.

Unlocked—Puts the card in the Unlocked-enabled service state.

Locked,maintenance—Puts the card in the Locked-enabled,maintenance service state.

Service State—Displays the current card service state, which is an autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the card. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State. For more information about card states, refer to the "Administrative and Service States" appendix of the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference Manual. Actual Eqpt Type—The actual equipment type, for example, FTA or STM16-LR.

HW Part #—Hardware part number; this number is printed on the top of the card or equipment piece.

HW Rev—Hardware revision number.

Serial #—Equipment serial number; this number is unique to each card.

CLEI Code—Common Language Equipment Identifier code.

User Code—A text entry field that allows the user to type a 20-character ASCII code to further identify cards.

Bootroom Rev—Displays the boot read-only memory (ROM) revision number.

Product ID—Displays the manufacturing product identifier for a hardware component, such as a fan tray, chassis, or card.

Version ID—Displays the manufacturing version identifier for a fan tray, chassis, or card.