Use Cisco Optical Network Controller

Table 1. Feature History


Release Information


Network Periodic Full Sync Configuration

Cisco Optical Network Controller Release 1.1

You can now configure a periodic full sync for all the devices onboarded to Cisco Optical Network Controller.

This section contains the following topics:

Onboard Devices and Discover Network

A device is added after a REST API call is issued to onboard the device. The Device Manager initiates data collection and this data is collected and translated into TAPI model which is eventually published to Hierarchical Controller.

For more information, see Cisco Optical Network Controller TAPI Northbound Interface API Guide.

You can onboard a device using Cisco Optical Network Controller GUI.

Onboard Devices to Cisco Optical Network Controller

Devices must be onboarded to Cisco Optical Network Controller to enable collection of device related information. Cisco Optical Network Controller supports Cisco NCS 2000 Shelf Virtualization Orchestrator (SVO) Series, Release 12.112.2 devices.

Manage Devices on Cisco Optical Network Controller

Use this task to add, edit, delete, or resync the devices onboarded to Cisco Optical Network Controller.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Network Controller.


Step 1

To add the devices, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter the device details that are needed to connect to the device, such as Name, IP, Port, and Location.

    Ensure that you enter valid a username and password of the device to enable Cisco Optical Network Controller to connect to the device.

  4. Click Save.

    The new device is onboarded and added to the Devices table. Cisco Optical Network Controller validates the connection with the onboarded device.

    The Name column includes name, image, device connection status, and an icon indicating the connection status.

    • Green―Device is connected.

    • Yellow―Device is waiting to be connected.

    • Red―Device is disconnected or a resync is needed or device deletion failed.

    • Orange―Device deletion in progress.

      For a disconnected device, click Reconnect option that is enabled for the device next to Disconnected status.

      To trigger Resync for a particular device, select the device and click Resync or resync is triggered for all the devices during Network Periodic Full Sync. For more information, see Configure Network Periodic Full Sync.

  5. Repeat steps a through d to add additional devices.

Step 2

To import devices in bulk, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. Click Import Devices.

  3. Select the spreadsheet which has all the device details and click Open.

    The new devices are onboarded and added to the Devices table. Onboarding of devices happen in batches of 100 devices at a time. After the first set of 100 devices are connected, the next 100 are processed.

Step 3

To edit a device, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. Select the device that you want to edit and click Edit or click the device name under the Name column.

    You can modify the username and password fields for the device.



    You cannot modify other details for a device.

Step 4

Resync a device to initiate collection of data. To resync, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. Select the device that you want to resync and click Resync.

    To resync multiple devices, select the devices and click Resync.

    To resync all the devices, click ResyncAll.

    To schedule a periodic resync of all the devices, see Configure Network Periodic Full Sync.



If a device is in Disconnected status, you can either Reconnect the device or Resync the device directly to recover the device connection.

Step 5

To reconnect a disconnected device, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. For the disconnected device, click Reconnect option that is enabled for the device next to the Disconnected status or select the device and click Reconnect button from the top menu.

Step 6

To delete a device, follow these steps:

  1. Click Devices in the left panel.

  2. Select the device that you want to delete and click Delete.



    You cannot delete a device if collection is in progress.

Configure Network Periodic Full Sync

Use this task to schedule a periodic sync for all the devices that are onboarded to Cisco Optical Network Controller.

Before you begin

Log into Cisco Optical Network Controller


Step 1

Click Configurations in the left panel.

Step 2

In the Periodic Network Full Sync tab, click Enable.

Step 3

In the Scheduled Start Time field, enter the start time of full network sync in HH:MM:SS format in UTC.

Step 4

In the Repeat Every field, enter the interval rate in hours at which full network sync must run. Minimum value is 1 and maximum value is 23.

Step 5

Click Apply.


To disable the periodic sync for the entire network, click Disable and click Apply.

Cisco Optical Network Controller TAPI Northbound Interface

Cisco Optical Network Controller exposes a standard T-API Northbound Interface (NBI) towards northbound clients. The TAPI NBI supports RESTCONF and NETCONF protocols. An SDN-C client such as Hierarchical Controller can communicate with Cisco Optical Network Controller TAPI NBI Server (SDN-C) using one these protocols and exchange TAPI model information.

For more information, see Cisco Optical Network Controller TAPI Northbound Interface API Guide.