Viewing Network Reports

3.1  Types of Reports

Cisco Transport Planner provides the reports listed in Table 3-1. Report availability depends on whether a network has been analyzed or whether it is in the Install or Upgrade state. Reports are also available by site. See Table 3-1 for report availability details.

Table 3-1 Report Availability 

Network Availability
Site Availability

NE Update


Installation Parameters



Traffic Matrix




Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Link Availability



Internal Connections


Optical Results



Wavelength Routing



Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Bill of Material

Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Install, Upgrade, and Analyzed

Ethernet Aggregated Demand


TDM Aggregated Demand


For more information on the Bill of Materials report, see the "Generating a BoM" section. In addition, you can compare the following reports using the Reports Diff tool: Bill of Material, Internal Connections, and Installation Parameters.

To complete the procedures in this section, you must have a project open and the network(s) loaded. See the "Opening a Project" section and the "Loading and Unloading Networks" section.

3.2  Viewing Reports

The following procedures use the Tasks Pane to access reports. You can also access reports by clicking the desired report in the Reports folder in the Project Explorer pane.

3.2.1  Viewing the Summary Report

The Summary report summarizes design information, optical results, design cost, and analyzer messages. You can view it before or after you analyze a network. It automatically appears when you analyze a network. Use the following procedure to view the report at another time:

Step 1 Complete one of the following:

To view the Summary report for a network, click the Mgmt Tree tab and click the network.

To view the Summary report for a site, click the NtView Name tab and click the site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Summary. The Summary tab appears (Figure 3-1).

Figure 3-1 Summary Tab

Table 3-2 lists the categories in the Summary tab and their descriptions.

Table 3-2 Summary Tab Categories 


Design info

Displays the following information:

Version—Displays the Cisco Transport Planner software release version.

Customer name—Displays the name of the customer requiring this network design.

Created By—Displays the user login name.

Release—Displays the Cisco Transport Planner software release number.

Optical results

Indicates how many demands are included in the network, and identifies the number and severity of alarms for each demand.

Design cost info

Displays the following information:

Price list—Displays the price list used.

Currency—Displays the currency selected for the price list.

BoM total discounted—Displays the total price of the products (excluding spare parts) in the network with the discount applied.

Spare total discounted—Displays the total price of the spare parts in the network with the discount applied

BoM + Spare total discounted—Displays the total price of the products (including spare parts) in the network with the discount applied.


Displays any analyzer messages that occurred as a result of network analysis. Warning and error messages will help you identify problems with your current design. For a list of all system messages, see "System Messages."

3.2.2  Saving the NE Update File

After Cisco Transport Planner completes network analysis, you can create a configuration file. If the Optical Networking System (ONS) Software Release is 7.0 or later, a single XML file is created including all the automatic node setup (ANS) parameters for all the sites in the network. This file can be directly imported to a site using the NE Update feature in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC). CTC uses this file to preprovision a node.

Each file is named as NeUpdate.xml by default. The list of reported installation parameters depend on the system release selected for the designed network. You generally save this file after you analyze an installed network.

Use the following procedure to save the NE Update file:

Step 1 Click the Mgmt Tree tab and click the analyzed network.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click NE Update. The Network Element Update File dialog box appears.

Step 3 This step is applicable only if you have selected MSTP Release 7.0, else go to Step 4.
Check the Include wavelength parameters check box to include trunk wavelength preprovisioning in the NE Update XML file. Do not check this check box if the network where you are importing the NE Update file is using ONS Software R7.0. If this option is checked, trunk wavelength is preprovisioned in CTC for all the TXP and MXP units required to support present traffic demands.

Note During project creation, selecting MSTP- Release 7.0 allows you to create projects for system releases R7.0 and 7.0.x. However, when importing the NE Update file on a node using system release R7.0., the node cannot read the NE Update XML file if Include wavelength parameters is checked.

Step 4 To save the file in a different directory than the Destination Folder, click Change and navigate to the desired directory. Click Save.

Step 5 Click Finish.

Step 6 Click Cancel to close the window without saving a configuration setup file.

3.2.3  Viewing the Installation Parameters

The Installation Parameters reports shows the values to be set (provisioned) at installation time on each site in the network. These parameters are grouped under the network elements (NE) that are created after network analysis. These parameters are exported when you save the NE Update file and are used to automatically provision a node using CTC.

The NE Update file provides details of the parameters used to provision the passive units. The passive units are individually identified using the unit ID. The unit ID starts from 1 and gets incremented with the list of passive units present in that particular NE.

Passive units are optical devices that the controller card cannot manage and that are not configurable using software. The passive units that are provisioned in the ANP are:

DCU units




15454-PP-4-SMR patch panel

Note CTP lists the passive units in Release 9.1 and later.

Use the following procedure to view the installation parameters after a network has been analyzed:

Step 1 Complete one of the following:

To view the Installation Parameters report for a network, click the Mgmt Tree tab and click the network.

To view the Installation Parameters report for a site, click the NtView Name tab and click the site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Installation Parameters. The Installation Parameters tab appears (Figure 3-2). The ANS view subtab appears by default. This tab displays the Automatic Node Setup information.

Figure 3-2 ANS View Subtab in the Installation Parameters Tab

Note If a particular side does not have any demand and does not have traffic passing through that side, the ANS parameters related to that side will not be displayed in the Installation Parameters report. The NE Update XML file (in ANS tab) does not display any parameters of that side. When a side has a fiber connected, but has no demand passing through it, then the summary report displays an error stating that the installation parameters for that particular side cannot be generated. For additional information on the summary report refer to "Viewing the Summary Report" section. The warning and error messages help you identify problems with your current design. For a list of all system messages, see "System Messages."

Table 3-3 describes the columns on the ANS view tab of the Installation Parameters report.

Table 3-3 Installation Parameters Report ANS View Tab Columns 



Displays the name of the site.


Displays the node interface.


Displays the rack, shelf number (MSM Shelf ID), and slot position of the card where the patchcord originates.


Displays the name of the card.

Port #

Displays the port number where the patchcord originates.

Port ID

Displays the port ID.

Port Label

Displays the name of the port.


Displays the name of the parameter to be set, such as RX Power Low.


Displays the name of the value to be set.

Measurement Unit

Displays the measurement unit for the related installation parameter value, such as dBm.

Manual Set

Indicates with a Yes or No which parameters must be manually set using the CTC interface. This column only applies to alarms. It does not apply to threshold crossing alerts (TCAs).

Step 3 Click the ANP view tab to view the Automatic Node Provisioning information. Table 3-4 describes the columns on the ANP view tab of the Installation Parameters report.

Table 3-4 Installation Parameters Report ANP View Tab 



Displays the name of the site.

Unit ID

Displays the unit (slot number) of the passive units in the shelf.

Note The unit ID is not displayed for the active units.

Shelf ID

Displays the shelf identifier.

Note The Shelf ID displays the MSM shelf ID for an MSM configuration.

Rack number

Displays the rack number.

Rack position

Identifies the rack position in the shelf.

Slot position

Identifies the slot position in the shelf for the card.

Equipment type

Displays the card type.

Note The Equipment type lists the Fine TDCU (F TDCU) or Coarse TDCU (C TDCU) units, with the corresponding slot position.


Displays the details of the card type.

Step 4 Click the PP view tab to view the Provisioning Parameters information. Table 3-5 describes the columns on the PP view tab of the Installation Parameters report.

Table 3-5 Installation Parameters Report PP View Tab 



Displays the name of the site.

Unit ID

Displays the unit of the provisioning parameter.

Shelf ID

Displays the shelf identifier.

Slot position

Displays the slot number for the card with the PPM.

Port position

Displays the port number.

Ppm position

Displays the PPM location on the card.


Displays the name of the PPM.

Note The TDCU compensation parameter and the corresponding wavelength value is displayed.


Displays the installation parameter value.

Note The TDCU wavelength value is displayed.

Step 5 To close the Installation Parameters report, click the X on the top right of the Installation Parameters tab.

3.2.4  Viewing Internal Connections

Use the following procedure to view the network internal connections after a network has been analyzed.

Use this procedure to view patchcord connections related to optical amplifiers, optical filter units, connections with client interface units, transponders, line cards, pluggables, Multi-Shelf Management (MSM), and passive inventory units.

Step 1 Click the Mgmt Tree tab, and click the analyzed network.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Internal Connections. The Internal Connections tab appears (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3 Internal Connections Tab

Step 3 The Internal Connections tab has the following three options:

Patchcord Installation—To view all the patchcord connections that the installer has to mechanically cable within the site between the different ports of the cards.

SW Provisioning—To view the patchcord representation on the local CTC interface. This subtab contains all the connections to be manually set or removed with respect to the default connections that are automatically generated by the software running on the node. This view has the following sections:

To Be Manually Set—These patchcord connection are manually set by using the CTC local craft.

Automatically Set—These patchcord connections are set automatically on the site by the system software.

To Be Removed—These patchcord connections are automatically set on the node and must be manually removed by using the CTC.

MSM Connections—To view patchcord connections related to multi-shelf management and passive inventory.

Step 4 Click Patchcord Installation, SW Provisioning or MSM Connections.

Table 3-6 lists the columns in the Internal Connections Details window and their descriptions. Click a column to sort the table information by that column.

Table 3-6 Internal Connections Tab Columns 

Column Name


Displays the name of the site. On the SW provisioning view subtab, this column indicates whether the connection should be manually set using the CTC interface or removed. In the MSM Connections tab this column indicates the name of the cable used in the connection.

Unit Type-1

(MSM Connections subtab only) Displays the source unit. The source unit can be MS 100T card, Shelf Ethernet switch or an M6 chassis.


Displays the rack, shelf, and slot position of the card from which the patchcord originates. In the MSM Connections subtab, this displays the position of the source unit.


Displays the name of the card.

Port Num

(SW provisioning view subtab only) Displays the port number where the patchcord terminates.

Port ID-1

(SW provisioning view subtab only) Displays the port ID.


(MSM Connections subtab only) Displays the source unit ID.

Port label-1

Displays the name of the port. In the MSM Connections subtab this displays the name of the port from which the cable is connected.


Displays whether the port is a working or a protected port.


When indicated, this is the product ID of the bulk attenuator to be equipped on this connection. It also reports when an internal attenuator must be placed between the DC-TX and DC-RX ports on the preamplifier (when no DCU is equipped).

Unit Type-2

(MSM Connections subtab only) Displays the destination unit. The destination unit can be MS 100T card, Shelf Ethernet switch or an M6 chassis.


Displays the rack, shelf, and slot position of the card where the patchcord terminates. In the MSM Connections subtab, this displays the position of the destination unit.


Displays the name of the card.

Port Num

(SW provisioning view subtab only) Displays the port number where the patchcord terminates.

Port ID-2

(SW provisioning view subtab only) Displays the port ID.


(MSM Connections subtab only) Displays the destination unit ID.

Port Label-2

Displays the name of the port. In the MSM Connections subtab this displays the name of the port to which the cable is connected.


Displays whether the connection relates to a present or forecast circuit.

Step 5 To export the information to an external file, click Export. In the Internal connections export dialog box, type the name of the file and navigate to the desired folder. Click Save.

Step 6 To close the Internal Connections tab, click the X in the upper right corner of the tab.

3.2.5  Viewing the Traffic Matrix Report

The Traffic Matrix report displays the point-to-point, P-ring, ROADM, and aggregated demand channel data in the form of service, Och-CC, trail, and section information (see Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5). The Och-CC row displays the circuit details from the source client card to the destination client card and does not include the regeneration points, if any.

Figure 3-4 Report Details for a Point-to-Point Demand

Figure 3-5 Report Details for a P-Ring Demand

Use the following procedure to view the traffic matrix report:

Step 1 Complete one of the following tasks:

To view the Traffic Matrix report for a network, click the Mgmt Tree tab and click the network.

To view the Traffic Matrix report for a site, click the NtView name tab and click the site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane under Reports, click Traffic Matrix. The Traffic Matrix tab appears (see Figure 3-6). A default query opens.

Figure 3-6 Traffic Matrix Tab

Note To add a column to the report, right-click a column and choose the column name from the shortcut menu. The column names with checks in the shortcut menu appear on the report. To remove a column, right-click and choose the column (checked) from the shortcut menu.

Table 3-7 Traffic Matrix Tab Columns 

Column Label


Categorizes each demand type (Point-to-Point, P-ring, and ROADM). Each demand is further categorized into service, trails, and sections. Click the plus (+) sign by a demand type to expand and show the optical channels.


Displays the sections under every service.

Src Site

Displays the site name for the optical channel source.

Src Position

Displays the rack, shelf ID, and slot identifiers for the source of the optical channel. The format of the field is Rack.Shelf.Slot.

Src Card

Displays the unit name for the optical channel source.

Src Client Port

Displays the port for the source of the optical channel; for example, 1-RX.

Src Client PPM

Displays the pluggable port modules for the source port; for example ONS-XC-10G-S1.

Src Trunk Port

Displays the trunk port for the source of the optical channel; for example, DWDM-TX.

Src Trunk PPM

Displays the pluggable port module for the trunk port.

Src Card OpMode

Displays the source card operating mode; for example, for the OTU2_XP card, the mode is TxpMode or RegenMode.

Src T/C OpMode

Displays the trunk or client operating mode.

A/D Src Position

Displays the rack, shelf, and slot identifiers for the source of the add/drop channel. The format of the field is Rack.Shelf.Slot.

A/D Src Unit

Displays the unit name for the add/drop channel source

A/D Src Port

Displays the port for the source of the add/drop channel

Src Colorless

Displays if the section is colorless capable at the source side.

Src Omni-dir

Displays the label of the omnidirectional side that the section uses from the source side of the demand. If the section does not use any omnidirectional side from the source side, then it displays None.

Dst Site

Displays the site name for the optical channel destination.

Dst Position

Displays the rack, shelf ID, and slot identifiers for the destination of the optical channel. The format of the field is Rack.Shelf.Slot.

Dst Card

Displays the unit name for the optical channel destination.

Dst Client Port

Displays the port for the destination of the optical channel; for example, 1-TX.

Dst Client PPM

Displays the pluggable port modules for the destination port.

Dst Trunk Port

Displays the trunk port for the source of the optical channel; for example, DWDM-TX.

Dst Trunk PPM

Displays the pluggable port module for the trunk port.

Dst Card OpMode

Displays the source card operating mode; for example, for the OTU-XP card, the mode is TxpMode or RegenMode.

Dst T/C OpMode

Displays the trunk or client operating mode.

A/D Dst Position

Displays the rack, shelf, and slot identifiers for the destination of the add/drop channel. The format of the field is Rack.Shelf.Slot.

A/D Dst Unit

Displays the unit name for the add/drop channel source.

A/D Dst Port

Displays the port for the destination of the add/drop channel.

Dst Colorless

Displays if the section is colorless capable at the destination side.

Dst Omni-dir

Displays the label of the omnidirectional side that the section uses from the destination side of the demand. If the section does not use any omnidirectional side from the destination side, then it displays None.

Cl. Serv. Type

Displays the client service type of the demand; for example, OC-48.

Opt Bypass

Identifies where the optical channel is dropped and reinserted when it is not terminated on a TXP or MXP card (optical bypass). If "none" appears in the Op Bypass column, no optical bypass is defined for the optical channel.

Protection Type

Displays the protection type of the demand; for example, P-ring or Y-cable.


Displays the wavelength of the optical channel.


Displays the latency time for the current OCH-CC circuit. This value includes all the latency components for the OCH-CC circuit, including fiber and DWDM units on the path.

Step 3 To create a new query, click New Query to open the Query Dialog box (see Figure 3-7). The Query Dialog box allows you to filter the optical results using a variety of parameters and templates.

Figure 3-7 Query Dialog

Step 4 To perform a query using individual parameters, select the desired parameters from the drop-down lists in the Query Definition area. The selected parameters appear in the Query Preview area at the bottom of the screen. Table 3-8 describes the fields in the Query Dialog box.

Table 3-8 Query Dialog Fields 

Field Label

Traffic Root

Allows you to filter the report to include only the data for the selected level. You can query up to the service level.

Clients & PPMs

Allows you to filter the report to include the data for the selected cards or PPM.


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of incoming and outgoing services to or from a specific site.


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of services in the selected subnet.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services using the specified wavelength.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services flagged with a green, yellow, orange, or red indicator.


Allows you to filter the report to include only present services, only forecast services, or both.


Allows you to filter the report to include or exclude virtual channels in the Optical Results table.

Step 5 Complete one of the following tasks, as needed:

Click Run Query. The window closes, and the query results appear in the Traffic Matrix tab (see Figure 3-6). The parameters of the query appear in the horizontal area just below the button bar.

Click Reset Query to clear your selections in the Query Dialog box.

Click Close to close the window without running a query.

Step 6 To close the Traffic Matrix report, click the X in the upper right corner of the tab.

3.2.6  Viewing the Layout of Single Site

Use the following procedure to view a graphical representation of the layout for a single site in an analyzed network. Additionally, you can also modify the MSM Shelf ID for Multi Shelf Management Configuration.

Step 1 In the Project Explorer pane, click the NtView Name tab and click the desired site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Layout. The Layout tab appears (Figure 3-8). To change sites, choose the desired site from the drop-down list.

Figure 3-8 Layout Report (Rack View)

Step 3 From the Site drop-down list, double-click the site in the network to display in the layout report.

Step 4 In the tree view on the left of the tab, right-click a rack and choose Expand to view a list of all shelves and cards in the rack.

Note Alien shelves are displayed only in the layout reports.

Step 5 To modify the ANSI/ETSI MSM Shelf ID Configuration, do the following:

a. Double-click the shelf assembly. The Details dialog box appears.

b. Update the MSM Shelf ID and click Enter.

Note The valid range of the shelf ID is from 1 to 8 for Multi Shelf Integrated Switch, 1 to 12 for Multi Shelf External Switch, and 1 to 30 for Multi Shelf Integrated with M6 chassis.

c. Close the Details dialog box.

The MSM shelf ID is updated in the Layout report, Traffic Matrix report, Installation parameters report, and the NE Update file.

Note For the MSM Shelf ID to be updated across all the reports, ensure you close and reopen all the reports.

Note You can modify the MSM Shelf ID if you have selected the Shelf Management Type as either Multi Shelf Integrated Switch or Multi Shelf External Switch.

Step 6 Click the desired rack or shelf to view it in the layout graphic. Figure 3-9 displays the shelf view.

Figure 3-9 Layout Report (Shelf View)

Step 7 To view details about a card, double-click the card. The Details dialog box opens with client information:

Product ID—Displays the product ID of the card.

Service Category—Future use.

Description—Provides a brief description of the card functionality.

Price—Lists the price for the card based on the price list selected during project creation.

ITU Channel—Identifies the ITU channel wavelength for the card.

For transponder and muxponder cards, click the Ports subtab in the Details dialog box to view which pluggable port modules are to be used for each TXP/MXP unit:

Type—Displays the type of pluggable port module.

P/F—P refers to pluggable port modules that support the present client demand, while F refers to pluggable port modules that support the future client demand.

PID—Displays the pluggable port module product ID.

Wavelength—Displays the wavelength value.

Rate—Displays the capacity of the port at the node. It is equal to or greater than the sum of the size of the circuits assigned to the port.

Reach—Displays the reach value.

Service1—Lists all the client services assigned to the particular port.

Step 8 Click Close to close the Details dialog box.

Step 9 To filter the layout display, choose one of the following from the drop-down list:

All—Displays all cards for both the present and forecast traffic demand.

Present—Displays cards for only the present traffic demand.

Locked & Unlocked—Highlights the locked and unlocked cards in the layout.

Alarmed—Highlights the alarmed cards in the layout.

Step 10 After network analysis, all items are in locked mode. To unlock cards so that Cisco Transport Planner can rearrange the layout to optimize slot usage during network analysis, right-click locked card in the rack tree and choose Unlock.

Note You can unlock only on Upgrade networks in the Design state.

Step 11 To export the graphical representation of the layout in JPEG format, click Export. In the Layout export dialog box, type the name of the file and navigate to the desired folder. Click Save. If you want to export the layout report for multiple sites, see "Exporting the Layout Report for Multiple Sites".

Step 12 To zoom the layout graphic in or out, click the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons. For more information about the Cisco Transport Planner icons, see "GUI Information and Shortcuts."

Step 13 To close the Layout report, click the X in the upper right corner of the tab.

3.2.7  Exporting the Layout Report for Multiple Sites

Use the following procedure to export the layout report of multiple sites in an analyzed network:

Step 1 In the Project Explorer pane, navigate to the Reports folder and click Layout. In the Details window, click the Network Wide Layout Export button.

The Network Wide Layout Export Selection dialog box opens. (Figure 3-10).

Figure 3-10 Network Wide Layout Export Selection

Step 2 In the Network Wide Layout Export Selection window, complete the following:

Export Layout Data As Table For — Select to export the layout report of the selected sites in .xls format. Select the options from the drop-down list:

All—Exports the layout report of the present and forecasted equipments of a site.

Present— Exports the layout report of the equipments present in a site.

The .xls file lists the following information:

The different cards used and slots where the cards are placed.

Maximum and average power consumption of the equipment.

Unit weights of the equipment.

Export Layout As Images For—Select to export the layout report of the selected sites in JPEG format. The .jpg file provides a graphical representation of the site layout. Select the options from the drop-down list:

All—Exports the layout report of the present and forecasted equipments of a site.

Present—Exports the layout of the equipments present in a site.

Locked and Unlocked—Exports the layout of the equipments (in JPEG format) that are locked and/or unlocked in a site. Additionally, the layout report provides links of the cards or shelves movement.

Alarmed — Exports the report of the equipments that has alarms.

Export LocationSpecify the filename and the desired folder to save the export data.

Overwrite All Files— Overwrites the existing exported reports.

Select SitesSelect the sites to fetch the report.

Step 3 Click Export. The Network Wide Layout Summary window opens.

The summary page displays the location where the exported files are available for the selected sites.

Note The layout report of the sites are saved as separate files (.jpg and .xls) with the site label as the file name.

3.2.8  Viewing Power Consumption from the Layout Report

Use the following procedure to view the power consumption for each unit of equipment in a site. Power consumption is available in report form from the Layout report.

Step 1 Click the NtView Name tab and click the desired site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Layout. The Layout tab appears (Figure 3-8). To change sites, choose the desired site from the drop-down list.

Step 3 Click the View layout as table icon in the report tool bar. The Layout Table report appears (Figure 3-11).

Figure 3-11 Power Consumption

Table 3-9 describes the information in the columns.

Table 3-9 Layout Table (Power Consumption) Columns 

Column Label


Lists the equipment at the site.


Identifies the rack, shelf, or slot location for applicable units of equipment.


Describes each equipment type.

Max Power Consumption (W)

Displays the maximum power consumption for each unit of equipment.

Note For transponder/muxponder cards with pluggable port modules, the maximum power consumption shown is for the board fully equipped with the maximum number of pluggable port modules.

Average Power Consumption (W)

Displays the average power consumption for applicable units of equipment.

Note For transponder/muxponder cards with pluggable port modules, the average power consumption shown is for the board fully equipped with the maximum number of pluggable port modules.

Unit Weights (kg/lb)

Displays the weight of all the units of a site in kilograms in a ETSI network and in pounds in an ANSI network.

Step 4 To export power consumption data, click Export. The Layout table export dialog box appears. Enter the name of the file and navigate to the desired folder. Click Save.

Step 5 Click Close to close the Layout Table report.

3.2.9  Viewing the Link Availability Report

Cisco Transport Planner determines link availability based on unit failure rate and time to repair. Use the following procedure to view the Link Availability report:

Step 1 Complete one of the following:

To view the Link Availability report for a network, click the Mgmt Tree tab and click the network.

To view the Link Availability report for a site, click the NtView Name tab and click the site.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Link Availability. The Link Availability tab appears (Figure 3-12).

Figure 3-12 Link Availability Report

Each row in the tab shows the performance of one optical path. Table 3-10 describes the information in the columns.

Table 3-10 Link Availability Tab Columns 

Column Label


Categorizes each demand type (Point-to-Point, P-ring, and ROADM). Click the plus (+) sign by a demand type to expand and show the optical channels.

Serv. Circuit

Displays the optical channel label; for example, Site1-Site2.


Identifies whether the channel is present and forecast (P/F) or forecast (F).

DWDM Card Type

Identifies the type of transponder or line card used for the optical channel.


Displays the protection type of the demand; for example, P-ring or Y-cable.

Cl. Serv. Type

Displays the client service type of the demand; for example, OC-48.


Displays the site name for the optical channel source.


Displays the site name for the optical channel destination.

Link Availability (% Complete)

Displays the link availability percentage. Link availability is calculated based on the failure rate and time to repair.

Step 3 Click New Query to open the Query Dialog (Figure 3-7). The Query Dialog allows you to filter the link availability using a variety of parameters.

Step 4 To perform a query using individual parameters, select the desired parameters from the drop-down lists in the Query Definition area. The selected parameters appear in the Query Preview area at the bottom of the screen. Table 3-11 describes the fields in the Query Dialog.

Table 3-11 Query Dialog Fields 

Field Label

Traffic Root

Allows you to filter the report to include only the data for the selected level. You can query up to the service level.

Clients & PPMs

Allows you to filter the report to include the data for the selected cards or PPM.


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of incoming and outgoing services to or from a specific site.


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of services in the selected subnet.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services using the specified wavelength.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services flagged with a green, yellow, orange, or red indicator.


Allows you to filter the report to include only present services, only forecast services, or both.


Allows you to filter the report to include or exclude virtual channels in the Optical Results table.

Step 5 Choose one of the following, as needed:

Click Run Query. The window closes, and the query results appear in the Link Availability tab. The parameters of the query appear in the horizontal area just below the button bar.

Click Reset Query to clear your selections in the Query Dialog.

Click Close to close the window without running a query.

Step 6 To close the Link Availability report, click the X in the upper right corner of the tab.

3.2.10  Viewing Optical Results

Use the following procedure to view the optical results of the network that you created and analyzed:

Step 1 Complete one of the following:

To view the Optical Results report for a network, click the Mgmt Tree tab and click Optical Results under Reports in the Project Explorer pane.

To view the Optical Results report for a site, click the NtView Name tab and right click on the site and select Optical Results in the drop down menu.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Optical Results. The Optical Results tab appears (Figure 3-13).

Figure 3-13 Optical Results Tab

Each row in the tab shows the performance of one optical path. Table 3-12 describes the information in the columns.

Table 3-12 Optical Results Tab Columns 

Column Label


Displays the identification number automatically given to each path in the order that the channels were entered into the design.

Srv Demand

Identifies the demand group for the optical channel.


Displays the protection type of the channel. For a protected channel, both paths are shown. The path leaving the east side of the source is shown first.


Displays the results summary of the analysis run with Start of Life fiber loss values. The indicator shows the optical performance for the each direction of the bidirectional OCH Trail. Green indicates success, yellow indicates success with a marginal failure risk (between 0 and 16 percent), orange indicates that the channel has a higher risk of failure (between 16 and 50 percent), and red indicates failure.


Displays the results summary of the analysis run with End of Life fiber loss values. The indicator shows the optical performance for the each direction of the bidirectional Optical Channel Trail (OCH Trail). The indicator shows the optical performance for the path at the end of the fiber's life. Green indicates success, yellow indicates success with a marginal failure risk (between 0 and 16 percent), orange indicates that the channel has a higher risk of failure (between 16 and 50 percent), and red indicates failure.


Indicates a system-related error exists that may impact the analysis of the design.

If the indicator is red, review the messages reported at the end of the analysis or determine which units or sites are having a problem.


Displays potential intermediate sites where a regeneration of the optical signal can be carried out, if necessary.

Single-channel NLE Status

Displays the status of the single channel nonlinear effect (NLE) alarm check. Green indicates check passed. Yellow indicates marginal NLE; orange indicates consistent NLE, and red indicates failure.

Multi-channel NLE Status

Displays the status of the multiple channel NLE alarm check. Green indicates check passed. Yellow indicates marginal NLE; orange indicates consistent NLE, and red indicates failure.


Displays the assigned wavelength of the optical path.


Displays the present/forecast services indication.


Displays the name of the source site and side; for example, Site 1-E.

Src Colorless

Displays if the section is colorless capable at the source side.

Src Omni-dir

Displays the label of the omnidirectional side that the section uses from the source side of the demand. If the section does not use any omnidirectional side from the source side, then it displays None.


Displays the name of the destination site and side; for example, Site 1-E.

Dst Colorless

Displays if the section is colorless capable at the destination side.

Dst Omni-dir

Displays the label of the omnidirectional side that the section uses from the destination side of the demand. If the section does not use any omnidirectional side from the destination side, then it displays None.

Span (km)

Displays the total span length (source -> destination) for this path in kilometers.

Src Tx Type

Displays the type of DWDM unit or pluggable port module used at the source of the specific OCH Trail.

Dst Tx Type

Displays the type of DWDM unit or pluggable port module used at the destination of the specific OCH Trail.

BER target

Displays the bit error rate (BER) target for this channel based on the capability of the channel's optical interface. It is 1.0E-15 for the interfaces using forward error correction (FEC) and 1.0E-12 for interfaces without FEC.


Displays the start of life average OSNR value at the receiver. OSNR refers to the selected resolution bandwidth (RBW) bandwidth.


Displays the end of life average OSNR value at the receiver. OSNR refers to the selected RBW bandwidth.

SOL OSNR Margin (dB)

Displays the SOL OSNR margin calculation, which is the difference between the OSNR value at a certain power of the working point of the receiver client and the working area boundary.

EOL OSNR Margin (dB)

Displays the EOL OSNR margin calculation, which is the difference between the OSNR value at a certain power of the working point of the receiver client and the working area boundary.

SOL RX (dBm)

Displays the SOL received average power at the destination site in dBm.

EOL RX (dBm)

Displays the EOL received average power at the destination site in dBm.

SOL Power margin (dB)

Displays the SOL power budget margin at the receiver in decibels. It is defined as the offset between the receiver working point and the BER curve with margin. A positive value indicates no power problems.

EOL Power margin (dB)

Displays the EOL power budget margin at the receiver in decibels. It is defined as the offset between the receiver working point and the BER curve with margin. A positive value indicates no power problems.

SOL Overload (dB)

Displays the SOL overload margin at the receiver in decibels. A positive value indicates no overload problems.

EOL Overload (dB)

Displays the EOL overload margin at the receiver in decibels. A positive value indicates no overload problems.

Residual CD [ps/nm]

Displays the total dispersion value of the circuit. This total is the difference between the sum of CD robustness of the source and destination transponders, and the sum of fiber dispersion and dispersion compensation due to DCU units in the circuit.

RX atten

Displays the attenuation at the input of the receiver.

TX atten

Displays the attenuation at the output of the receiver.

PMD (ps)

Displays the calculated total PMD for each circuit. This total includes all the PMD components for the OCH Trail, including fiber and DWDM units on the path. If the overall PMD for the link overcomes the maximum allowed, the PMD value is colored red. The maximum allowed value depends on the client interface. For these special cases, the network must be manually resolved by contacting a Cisco optical sales engineer.

Min GB[GHz]

Displays the minimum Guard Band (GB) requirement between channels on the 40G CP-DQPSK MXP and 40G CP-DQPSK ME MXP cards and other transponders in a mixed Any-to-Any connectivity.

Filtering Penalty

Displays the value of the penalties caused by the different filter types (OADM, ROADM, and arrayed waveguide grating [AWG]).

Step 3 Click New Query to open the Query Dialog (Figure 3-7). The Query Dialog allows you to filter the optical results using a variety of parameters.

Step 4 To perform a query using individual parameters, select the desired parameters from the drop-down lists in the Query Definition area. The selected parameters appear in the Query Preview area at the bottom of the screen. Table 3-13 describes the fields in the Query Dialog.

Table 3-13 Query Dialog Fields 

Field Label

Traffic Root

Allows you to filter the report to include only the data for the selected level. You can query upto the service level.

Clients & PPMs

Allows you to filter the report to include the data for the selected cards or PPM


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of incoming/outgoing services to or from a specific site.


Allows you to filter the report to include only the results of services in the selected subnet.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services using the specified wavelength.


Allows you to filter the report to include only services flagged with a green, yellow, orange, or red indicator.


Allows you to filter the report to include only present services, only forecast services, or both.


Allows you to filter the report to include or exclude virtual channels in the Optical Results Table.

Step 5 Choose one of the following tasks, as needed:

Click Run Query. The window closes, and the query results appear in the Optical Results tab. The parameters of the query appear in the horizontal area just below the button bar.

Click Reset Query to clear your selections in the Query Dialog.

Click Close to close the window without running a query.

Step 6 To close the Optical Results report, click the X in the upper-right corner of the tab.

3.2.11  Viewing Wavelength Routing

Use the following procedure to view the wavelength routing map for the network that was analyzed:

Step 1 Click the Networks Mgmt Tree tab, and click the analyzed network.

Step 2 In the Tasks Pane, click Wavelength Routing. The Wavelength Routing tab appears (Figure 3-14). Each wavelength supported by the platform is represented by a row.

Note ROADM (Any-to-Any) demands are not shown in this report.

Figure 3-14 Wavelength Routing Tab

Step 3 Choose one of the following from the Messages drop-down list:

Any (to view both forecast and present routing)

When you select Any, forecast demands are shown with a grey background.

Present (to view only the present routing)

Forecast (to view only the forecast routing).

Step 4 To view the routing map for a particular linear or ring subnet, expand the Traffic subnet ALL option in the traffic subnet drop-down list and choose the subnet.

Note In addition to the existing subnets, a linear subnet is created for every demand. Choosing a linear subnet from the Traffic Subnet ALL option displays the routing map for that particular demand only. You cannot view the routing maps for all the demands across subnets at the same time. You can view the routing map for any of the point-to-point demands by selecting it from the drop-down list.

Note The two ends of the circuit are indicated by the add/drop source and destination sites. See Table 3-14.

Figure 3-15 Point-to -point Demand

Table 3-14 Circuit Icons in a Routing Map


Indicates channel a add/drop source or destination site.

Indicates channel a add/drop source or destination site.

Indicates an express site.

Indicates alarms.

Indicates the side of the site through which the demand exits the subnet. For example, in Figure 3-15 a point-to-point demand is created from site 2 to site 4. The demand exits the subnet at site 1 on side C. To view the complete circuit, select the linear subnet from the traffic subnet drop-down list.

Indicates the regeneration site.

Indicates an omnidirectional side.

Indicates the omnidirectional side of a regeneration site where the demand terminates.

Indicates an omnidirectional demand.

Indicates a colorless demand.

Indicates a colorless omnidirectional demand.

Table 3-14 lists and explains the circuit icons present in the routing map

Table 3-15 describes the columns in the Wavelength routing tab.

Table 3-15 Wavelength Routing Tab Columns 

Column Label


Represents the serial number of all the wavelengths starting from 1.

Lists the wavelengths supported by the platform.

Site #

Represents a site in the network. The colors in the Site columns indicate for each side of the site the SOL/EOL channel status.

Green indicates success.

Yellow indicates success with a marginal failure risk (between 0 and 16 percent).

Orange indicates that the channel has a higher risk of failure (between 16 and 50 percent)

Red indicates failure.

Duct #

Represents a duct in the network.


Represents a Terminal or a Terminal+ site.

A and B

Represents a Line or Line+ site.

A, B, C, and D

Represents a multidegree site with PP-MESH-4.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H

Represents a multidegree site with PP-MESH-8.


Represents a pair of fibers at a site.

Note Tool tips are available on this report. Move the cursor over a Site column for circuit information, card name, and product ID. Move the cursor over a Duct/Couple column for loss, length, and fiber type.

Step 5 To export the graphical representation of the layout in JPEG format, click Export. In the Wavelength Routing export dialog box, type the name of the file and navigate to the desired folder. Click Save.

Step 6 To close the Wavelength Routing report, click the X in the upper-right corner of the window.

3.2.12  Viewing the Ethernet Aggregated Demand Report

Use the following procedure to view the Ethernet Aggregated Demand report:

Step 1 Click the Mgmt Tree tab and right-click the analyzed network.

Step 2 Choose Ethernet Aggregated Demand from the drop-down list.

The Ethernet Aggregated Demand Report tab appears (Figure 3-16).

Figure 3-16 Ethernet Aggregated Demand Tab

3.2.13  Viewing the TDM Aggregated Demand Report

Use the following procedure to view the TDM Aggregated Demand report:

Step 1 Click the Mgmt Tree tab and right-click the analyzed network.

Step 2 Choose TDM Aggregated Demand from the drop-down list.

The TDM Aggregated Demand Report tab appears (Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-17 TDM Aggregated Demand Tab

3.2.14  Viewing Report Differences

You can compare the BoM, Internal Connections, and Installation Parameters reports for two networks. This is useful to see the differences between a baseline network and an Install or Upgrade network.

The BoM Diff report lists the units that were added and/or removed from the BoM.

The Internal Connection Diff report lists changed connections. If at least one of the two endpoints of an internal connection is different, Cisco Transport Planner reports that the internal connection has changed. The report shows all internal connections that were present in the baseline network but are not present in the final network, and all internal connections not present in the baseline network but present in the final network.

The Installation Parameters Diff report lists changed parameters between the baseline network and the final network.

Use the following procedure to compare networks:

Step 1 Click the Reports Diff icon. For more information about Cisco Transport Planner icons, see "GUI Information and Shortcuts." The Reports Diff dialog box appears. Figure 3-18 shows the Reports Diff dialog box as it appears when at least two analyzed networks exist in a project.

Figure 3-18 Reports Diff Dialog Box

Step 2 In the Compare networks area, choose the baseline network from the drop-down list on the left. Choose the network to compare from the drop-down list on the right.

Step 3 Click the report you would like to view. If you chose one non-analyzed network, you can view only the Bill of Material differences report.

Bill of Material—(Figure 3-19) For a description of the columns, see Table 3-16.

Installation Parameters—(Figure 3-20) For a description of the columns, see Table 3-17.

Internal Connections—(Figure 3-21) For a description of the columns, see Table 3-18.

Step 4 Click OK.

Figure 3-19 shows the BoM Diff report.

Figure 3-19 BoM Diff Report

The upper section of the BoM Diff Report tab displays the following information for each network:

BoM total discounted—Displays the price for the overall network (without spare parts) for each item in the BoM. If Use global discount is checked, the total includes the discount from the Global discount percentage field.

Spare total discounted—Displays the price for all of the recommended spare parts in all of the maintenance centers for the overall network. It is the sum of each spare item using the discounted price. The total appears after you check the Spare Part Report check box.

BoM + Spare total discounted—Displays the sum of the BoM total discounted price and spare total discounted price.

Price List—Displays the name of the price list database selected for the project.

Currency—Displays the value of the currency used for each of the price values as specified within the selected price list database.

Table 3-16 describes the information in the BoM Diff report columns. Click a column to sort the table information by that column.

Table 3-16 BoM Diff Report Columns 

Column Label


Displays the name of the site and equipment.

Difference Summary (not labeled)

Indicates a difference exists between the two network BoMs:

= (equal sign)—Indicates that no difference exists between the two networks.

(not equal sign)—Indicates that the item is present on both networks, but the number per network is different.

1—Indicates that this item is present in the first network but not in the second network.

2—Indicates that this item is present in the second network but not in the first network.


Displays the ID string of the product. To view a PID, click on the plus (+) sign by the equipment name to expand it.


Displays the number of specific products in the BoM. If the networks have a different quantity, Cisco Transport Planner displays both numbers in red in the following format: first-network-quantity/second-network-quantity.

Unit Price

Displays the price for each unit. To view a unit price, click on the plus (+) sign by the equipment name to expand it.

Total Price

Displays the total price of the products before applying the discount. If the networks have a different quantity, Cisco Transport Planner displays both numbers in red in the following format: first-network-total price/second-network-total-price.

Discounted Total Price

Displays the total price of the products after applying the discount. If the networks have a different quantity, Cisco Transport Planner displays both numbers in red in the following format: first-network-discounted-total-price/second-network-discounted-

Figure 3-20 shows the Installation Parameters Diff report.

Figure 3-20 Installation Parameters Diff Report

Table 3-17 describes the columns in the Installation Parameters Diff report. Click a column to sort the table information by that column.

Differences between networks appear in red and in the following format: baseline-network-value/final-network-value.

Table 3-17 Installation Parameters Diff Report Columns 



Displays the name of the site.

(Diff Summary)

Indicates a difference exists between the two network BoMs:

= (equal sign)—Indicates that no difference exists between the two networks.

(crossed-out equal sign)—Indicates that the item is present on both networks, but the number per network is different.

1—Indicates that this item is present in the first network but not in the second network.

2—Indicates that this item is present in the second network but not in the first network.


Displays the node interface: T (terminal), E (east), or W (west).


Displays the rack, shelf, and slot position of the card from which the patchcord originates.


Displays the name of the card.

Port #

Displays the port number from which the patchcord originates.

Port ID

Displays the port ID.

Port Label

Displays the name of the port.


Displays the name of the parameter to be set, such as RX Power Low.


Displays the name of the value to be set.

Measurement Unit

Displays the measurement unit for the related installation parameter value, such as dBm.

Manual Set

Indicates with a Yes or No which parameters must be manually set using the CTC interface.

Figure 3-3 shows the Internal Connections Diff report.

Figure 3-21 Internal Connections Diff Report

Table 3-18 lists the columns in the Internal Connections Diff report and their descriptions. Click a column to sort the table information by that column.

Differences between networks appear in red and in the following format: baseline network value/final network value.

Table 3-18 Internal Connections Tab Columns 

Column Name


Displays the name of the site. On the SW provisioning view subtab, this column indicates whether the connection should be manually set using the CTC interface or removed.

Difference Summary (not labeled)

Indicates a difference exists between the two network BoMs:

= (equal sign)—Indicates that no difference exists between the two networks.

(not equal sign)—Indicates that the item is present on both networks, but the number per network is different.

1—Indicates that this item is present in the first network but not in the second network.

2—Indicates that this item is present in the second network but not in the first network.


Displays the rack, shelf, and slot position of the card from which the patchcord originates.


Displays the name of the card.

Port label

Displays the name of the port.


When indicated, this is the product ID of the bulk attenuator to be equipped on this connection. It also reports when an internal attenuator must be placed between the DC-TX and DC-RX ports on the preamplifier (when no DCU is equipped).


Displays the rack, shelf, and slot position of the card where the patchcord terminates.


Displays the name of the card.

Port Label

Displays the name of the port.


Displays whether the connection relates to a present (P/F) or forecast (F) circuit.