Configure Controllers

This chapter describes how to configure OTS and OTS OCH controllers.


Controllers are represented in the Rack/Slot/Instance/Port format; for example, 0/1/0/1.




1 to 3. Slots for pluggable optical modules.




Depends on the specific pluggable optical module.

Configure OTS Controller

The Optical Transport Section (OTS) controller holds all the optical parameters for the OTS optical interfaces. The optical interface has different capabilities depending on its hardware components such as photodiode, VOA, amplifier, and OCM. Hence, the parameters enabled or disabled on the OTS controller depend on the actual hardware capability on the specific optical interface. Each parameter might refer to RX or TX section. For example, if a photodiode is present, the OTS controller can read the total optical power. When the controller is created, each hardware capability is enabled or disabled.

You can configure parameters such as low power threshold, VOA attenuation setpoint, amplifier gain range, amplifier tilt, and amplifier gain set point for the OTS controller. The description on OTS interfaces cannot be added as they are on the optical amplifier module. To configure the OTS controller, use the following commands.


controller controllertype Rack/Slot/Instance/Port

rx enable

rx-low-threshold value

tx enable

tx-low-threshold value

rx-voa-attenuation value

tx-voa-attenuation value

ampli-control-mode {automatic | manual}

ampli-gain-range {normal | extended}

ampli-gain value

ampli-tilt value

ampli-channel-power value

channel-power-max-delta value

osri {on | off}

safety-control-mode {auto | disabled}




The following is a sample in which the amplifier gain range is set to extended and amplifier gain set point is set to 29.0 dB.

    controller ots 0/3/0/0
    ampli-gain-range extended
			 ampli-gain 290

The following is a sample in which the safety control mode of the pre-amplifier is set to auto.

    controller ots 0/3/0/0
    safety-control-mode auto

The following is a sample in which the safety control mode of the booster amplifier is set to disabled.

    controller ots 0/3/0/1
    safety-control-mode disabled

OTS Controller Configuration Parameters

Table 1. OTS Controller Configuration Parameters



Hardware Capability




rx-low-threshold (0.1 dBm)

Low receive power threshold


-400 to +300


tx-low-threshold (0.1 dBm)

Low transmit power threshold


-400 to +300


rx-voa-attenuation (0.1 dBm)

RX VOA attenuation set point


0 to 200


tx-voa-attenuation (0.1 dBm)

TX VOA attenuation set point


0 to 200



Amplifier control mode


automatic and manual


The Automatic value is compatible only when the grid is specified through the hw-module configuration.


Amplifier gain range


normal and extended


The amplifier gain range is configurable only when the controller is in shutdown state.

ampli-gain (0.1 dBm)

Amplifier gain set point


0 to 500


The actual range of amplifier gain set point depends on amplifier gain range.

ampli-tilt (0.1 dBm)

Amplifier tilt


-50 to +50


channel-power-max-delta (0.1 dBm)

Maximum difference among all measured channel powers


0 to 200


ampli-channel-power (0.1 dBm)

Amplifier per channel power set point


-400 to +300



Optical safety remote interlock


on and off


When osri is on, the laser is off and vice versa.


Safety control mode


auto and disabled


If the safety control mode is disabled, the amplifier optical power is less than 20dB for safety.

Display Parameters of OTS Controllers

Use this procedure to display the parameters of OTS controllers.

show controllers controllertype Rack/Slot/Instance/Port [summary]

  • The show controllers command displays all the configuration parameters, PM thresholds and alarms when keywords are not provided.

  • The show controllers command displays the rx/tx power value and minimal information to understand port status when summary keyword is provided.

  • A * wild card can be used to display all the controllers associated with a slot. For example, show controllers ots 0/1/0/* summary


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ots 0/3/0/1

Wed Aug 23 09:08:27.962 UTC

 Controller State: Up

 Transport Admin State: In Service

 Port Type: Line

 Laser State: Off

 Optics Status::

 Alarm Status:
 Detected Alarms:

 Alarm Statistics:
 RX-LOS-P = 0
 RX-LOC = 1

 Parameter Statistics:
 TX Power = -40.00 dBm
 RX Power = -40.00 dBm
 Ampli Gain = -1.00 dB
 Ampli Tilt = 0.00
 Total TX Power = -40.00 dBm
 Total RX Power = -40.00 dBm

 Configured Parameters:
 Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm
 Tx Low Threshold = -20.0 dBm
 Ampli Gain = 1.00 dB
 Ampli Tilt = 0.00
 Ampli Channel power = 0.00 dBm
 Channel Power Max Delta = 3.00 dBm
 Ampli Control mode = Manual
 Ampli Gain Range = Normal
 Ampli Safety Control mode = auto
 Osri = OFF


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ots 0/1/0/1

Controller State: Down

Transport Admin State: In Service

Port Type: Line

Laser State: Apr

Optics Status::

         Alarm Status:
         Detected Alarms:

         Alarm Statistics:
         LOW-RX-PWR = 0
         LOW-TX-PWR = 0
         RX-LOS-P = 0
         RX-LOC = 1
         AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-LOW = 0
         AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-HIGH = 0
         AUTO-LASER-SHUT = 0
         AUTO-POW-RED = 1
         SWITCH-TO-PROTECT = 0

         Parameter Statistics:
         TX Power = -40.00 dBm
         RX Power = -11.90 dBm
         Ampli Gain = -1.00 dB
         Ampli Tilt = -90.00
         Total TX Power = 7.99 dBm
         Total RX Power = -11.90 dBm
         Ampli Gain Range = Normal
         Ampli Safety Control mode = disabled
         Osri = OFF
         TX Enable = Enabled
         RX Enable = Enabled
         RX Span Loss = N/A
         TX Span Loss = N/A
         Rx Low Threshold Current = -25.0 dBm
         Back Reflection = -6.40 dBm

         Configured Parameters:
         Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm
         Tx Low Threshold = -20.0 dBm
         Ampli Gain = 12.00 dB
         Ampli Tilt = 0.00
         Ampli Channel power = 0.00 dBm
         Channel Power Max Delta = 3.00 dBm
         Ampli Channel Psd = 31.250 nW/MHz
         Rx Low Threshold Psd = 0.099 nW/MHz
         Ampli Control mode = Manual
         Ampli Safety Control mode = disabled
         Osri = OFF
         TX Enable = Enabled
         RX Enable = Enabled

The Back Reflection parameter in 0.1 dBm is raised only on port 1. This parameter is raised on the line TX port of the booster amplifier.

Span Loss Calculation

The Span Loss Calculation is an automatic calculation of span losses between NCS 1001 systems. This feature applies to each topology such as protected or non-protected, linear with or without ILA nodes in the middle.

The Span Loss Calculation is a software functionality available for OTS controller and it can be statically enabled or disabled through hw-module configuration. Span Loss calculation is made using the TX and RX total power on EDFA ports.

For this feature 2 new parameters are managed in the show controller ots command for EDFA cards:

  • RX Span Loss

  • TX Span Loss

The Span Loss Calculation runs automatically every 5 minutes when there is a configuration change. In the order of priority, the possible configurations are:

  • Remote node.

  • OSC through OSPF.


  • Span Loss calculation is done by considering the total power of the transmission end and receiver end on the EDFA ports. If the PSM card is connected to the span (for example, in case of Path Protection Topology), the span boundaries are assumed to be the closer EDFA ports.

Display Span Loss Calculation

Once the feature is enabled and after the first span loss calculation, the loss calculated (for both IPv4 and IPv6) can be retrieved using the show controller ots command. In the output RX Span Loss and TX Span Loss are added. RX Span Loss and TX Span Loss are obtained as a result of difference between TX Total Power and RX Total Power read on the edge of the span.

In case of a TERM node, the command is applied to LINE port. For example, in case of EDFA in slot 1, the span loss calculated are shown in the output of the following command:

#show controllers ots 0/1/0/1
 RX Span Loss = 15.20 dB
 TX Span Loss = 14.80 dB

In case of an ILA node, the command is applied to LINE port (controller ots 0/slot/0/1) to obtain RX Span Loss of related span, and to COM port (controllers ots 0/slot/0/0) to obtain TX Span Loss of related span.

For example, in case of an EDFA of ILA site equipped in slot 3:

show controllers ots 0/3/0/1                             
 RX Span Loss = 12.40 dB
show controllers ots 0/3/0/0                                      
 TX Span Loss = 11.90 dB

Dual IP Address

Dual independent XR interfaces allows you to connect the two ethernet interfaces to two different switches of different subnet and also of the same subnet. From release 6.5.1, there are different ports from the ethernet switch MGMT RJ45, and Optical SFP MGMT to the CPU.

The two different Management Ethernet interfaces in to XR are:

  • MgmtEth 0/RP0/CPU0/0 (already existing) representing the RJ45 port.

  • MgmtEth 0/RP0/CPU0/1 (new one) representing the SFP port.

iPXE is not supported at power-on over the new optical interface.

Upgrades from previous releases using only SFP loses MGMT connectivity. In this case, you must configure through Console port.

Before using the two different interfaces, you must upgrade the BIOS and reload the 0/RP0 location.

The following example shows the output of the show running-config command:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:MYST-144#show running-config
 interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
 ipv4 address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/1
 ipv6 address xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxx:xxx/yy
 ipv6 enable
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/OSC1/0
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/OSC2/0
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/OSC3/0

Configure OTS OCH Controller

The Optical Transport Section OCH (OTS OCH) controller represents the OCM device available on the OTS optical interface. This controller is created to have channel granularity over the OTS interface. The OTS OCH controller contains the wavelength information. The controller number starts from 1 and matches with the ITU channel identifier.

Several OTS OCH controllers are created for each OTS Controller depending on the grid configuration (ITU 100GHz or 50GHz Grid). 48 OTS OCH controllers are created for a 100GHz grid and 96 OTS OCH controllers are created for a 50GHz grid.

You can configure the parameters such as RX low power threshold and TX low power threshold for the OTS OCH controller. To configure the OTS OCH controller, use the following commands.


controller controllertype Rack/Slot/Instance/Port

rx-low-threshold value

tx-low-threshold value




    controller ots-och 0/1/0/0
    rx-low-threshold  -30
			 tx-low-threshold  -35

OTS OCH Controller Configuration Parameters

Table 2. OTS OCH Controller Configuration Parameters



Hardware Capability



rx-low-threshold (0.1 dBm)

Low receive power threshold


-500 to +300


tx-low-threshold (0.1 dBm)

Low transmit power threshold


-500 to +300


Display Parameters of OTS OCH Controllers

Use this procedure to display the parameters of OTS OCH controllers.

show controllers controllertype Rack/Slot/Instance/Port/Channel-number [summary]

  • The show controllers command displays all the configuration parameters, PM thresholds and alarms when keywords are not provided.

  • The show controllers command displays the rx/tx power value and wavelength when summary keyword is provided.

  • A * wild card can be used to display all the OTS OCH controllers associated with a OTS controller. For example, show controllers ots-och 0/1/0/* summary


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ots-och 0/3/0/1/1

Fri Feb 24 13:20:18.456 CET

 Controller State: Up

 Transport Admin State: Maintenance

 Port Type: Line

 Laser State: On 

 Optics Status::

         Alarm Status:
         Detected Alarms: 

         Alarm Statistics:
          LOW-RX-PWR = 219 
          LOW-TX-PWR = 5 
          RX-LOS-P = 0
          RX-LOC = 0
          AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-LOW = 0
          AMPLI-GAIN-DEG-HIGH = 0
          AUTO-LASER-SHUT = 0
          AUTO-POW-RED = 0
          SWITCH-TO-PROTECT = 0

         Parameter Statistics:
         TX Power = 4.10 dBm
         RX Power = -30.70 dBm

         Configured Parameters:
         Rx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm
         Tx Low Threshold = -25.0 dBm

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#show controllers ots-och 0/2/0/0/* summary

Fri Oct  9 10:37:50.109 CEST

 Port               Type    Status       TX Power     RX Power      TX psd        RX psd    Central Frequency Channel Width
                                             (dBm)        (dBm)      nW/MHz)     (nW/MHz)       (GHz)             (GHz)
 -----------------  ----    -------      ---------    ---------     ---------     -------     ---------------   -------------
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_1    Com      N/A      -18.30        -19.30         0.392         0.333        196100.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_2    Com      N/A      -19.10        -19.80         0.094         0.068        196025.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_3    Com      N/A      -18.00        -18.90         0.450         0.392        195950.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_4    Com      N/A      -16.90        -17.60         0.318         0.290        195875.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_5    Com      N/A      -18.10        -19.20         0.326         0.290        195800.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_6    Com      N/A      -19.50        -19.90         0.059         0.041        195725.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_7    Com      N/A      -18.60        -19.00         0.471         0.450        195650.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_8    Com      N/A      -17.00        -17.60         0.304         0.318        195575.0          75.0
  Ots-Och0_2_0_0_9    Com      N/A      -18.50        -19.20         0.318         0.297        195500.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_10    Com      N/A      -17.60        -18.00         0.318         0.297        195425.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_11    Com      N/A      -18.50        -19.00         0.401         0.374        195350.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_12    Com      N/A      -17.70        -18.00         0.188         0.253        195275.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_13    Com      N/A      -18.90        -19.70         0.304         0.271        195200.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_14    Com      N/A      -20.50        -20.90         0.242         0.236        195125.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_15    Com      N/A      -24.00        -27.40         0.031         0.011        195050.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_16    Com      N/A      -17.80        -18.40         0.215         0.242        194975.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_17    Com      N/A      -18.50        -19.10         0.318         0.290        194900.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_18    Com      N/A      -16.90        -17.30         0.333         0.297        194825.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_19    Com      N/A      -18.10        -18.90         0.410         0.366        194750.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_20    Com      N/A      -17.00        -17.50         0.357         0.366        194675.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_21    Com      N/A      -18.50        -19.30         0.326         0.290        194600.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_22    Com      N/A      -17.20        -17.70         0.259         0.265        194525.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_23    Com      N/A      -18.40        -19.10         0.410         0.392        194450.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_24    Com      N/A      -16.50        -16.90         0.450         0.430        194375.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_25    Com      N/A      -24.30        -28.90         0.040         0.000        194300.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_26    Com      N/A      -16.60        -16.90         0.326         0.297        194225.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_27    Com      N/A      -18.10        -18.70         0.420         0.410        194150.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_28    Com      N/A      -16.80        -16.90         0.383         0.392        194075.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_29    Com      N/A      -19.10        -19.80         0.333         0.311        194000.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_30    Com      N/A      -16.90        -17.10         0.284         0.311        193925.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_31    Com      N/A      -18.70        -19.20         0.374         0.383        193850.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_32    Com      N/A      -17.20        -17.40         0.374         0.392        193775.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_33    Com      N/A      -18.60        -19.10         0.410         0.410        193700.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_34    Com      N/A      -17.30        -17.60         0.311         0.311        193625.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_35    Com      N/A      -18.90        -19.10         0.392         0.401        193550.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_36    Com      N/A      -18.00        -18.20         0.265         0.265        193475.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_37    Com      N/A      -19.50        -20.00         0.304         0.318        193400.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_38    Com      N/A      -17.80        -17.90         0.265         0.311        193325.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_39    Com      N/A      -18.60        -19.00         0.383         0.392        193250.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_40    Com      N/A      -16.80        -17.00         0.383         0.392        193175.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_41    Com      N/A      -18.70        -19.10         0.440         0.450        193100.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_42    Com      N/A      -16.80        -17.10         0.374         0.349        193025.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_43    Com      N/A      -18.90        -19.40         0.401         0.420        192950.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_44    Com      N/A      -17.00        -17.40         0.450         0.440        192875.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_45    Com      N/A      -18.50        -18.80         0.392         0.392        192800.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_46    Com      N/A      -17.40        -17.60         0.284         0.271        192725.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_47    Com      N/A      -24.40        -31.50         0.064         0.000        192650.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_48    Com      N/A      -19.20        -19.60         0.410         0.430        192575.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_49    Com      N/A      -18.70        -19.40         0.392         0.383        192500.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_50    Com      N/A      -17.10        -17.60         0.374         0.326        192425.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_51    Com      N/A      -19.10        -19.50         0.401         0.401        192350.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_52    Com      N/A      -20.40        -20.50         0.357         0.311        192275.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_53    Com      N/A      -24.70        -34.20         0.042         0.000        192200.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_54    Com      N/A      -17.60        -18.10         0.201         0.236        192125.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_55    Com      N/A      -18.50        -19.10         0.401         0.392        192050.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_56    Com      N/A      -17.20        -17.80         0.341         0.284        191975.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_57    Com      N/A      -25.60        -30.40         0.050         0.000        191900.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_58    Com      N/A      -17.40        -17.90         0.220         0.188        191825.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_59    Com      N/A      -19.40        -20.40         0.333         0.290        191750.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_60    Com      N/A      -27.10        -38.90         0.023         0.000        191675.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_61    Com      N/A      -26.00        -38.90         0.031         0.000        191600.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_62    Com      N/A      -19.50        -20.10         0.133         0.045        191525.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_63    Com      N/A      -19.20        -19.90         0.401         0.392        191450.0          75.0
 Ots-Och0_2_0_0_64    Com      N/A      -17.30        -17.60         0.333         0.333        191375.0          75.0

From R7.3.1, a decimal place is introduced for Central Frequency and Channel Width columns.


Table 3. Feature History

Feature Name




Cisco IOS XR Release 7.3.1 LLDP is supported on the OSC management interface for point-to-point local link discovery through OSC channel. This helps you to gather information about the neighboring devices in the network.

The output of show lldp neighbors command, when you enable LLDP on a OSC interface is as follows:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:MYS-130#show lldp neighbors
Mon Feb 22 08:29:20.189 UTC
Capability codes:
(R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device
(W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other

Device ID Local Intf Hold-time Capability Port ID

MYS-131 MgmtEth0/RP0/OSC3/1 120 R MgmtEth0/RP0/OSC1/0