Rack/Slot/Instance/Port of the optics controller.
baud-rate rate
Sets baud-rate for this controller in GBd.
bits-per-symbol value
Sets bits-per-symbol for this controller.
cd-max cd-max
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum chromatic dispersion.
The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.
cd-min cd-min
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum chromatic dispersion.
The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.
cd-low-threshold cd-low
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Minimum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion
goes below this value.
The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.
cd-high-threshold cd-high
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Maximum acceptable chromatic dispersion. The CD alarm is raised if the chromatic dispersion
exceeds this value.
The range is –350000 to +350000 ps/nm.
dgd-high-threshold dgd-value
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the maximum acceptable Differential Group Delay (DGD) value. The DGD alarm
is raised if DGD exceeds this value.
The range is 0–18000 (in the units of 0.01 ps).
lbc-high-threshold lbc-value
Configures the high laser bias current threshold.
The range is 0 to 100%.
osnr-low-threshold osnr-value
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the minimum acceptable Optical Signal to Noise ratio (OSNR) value. The OSNR
alarm is raised if OSNR goes below this value.
The range is 0–4000 (in units of 0.01db).
description description
Description of the optics controller.
rx-high-threshold rx-high
Configures high receive power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
rx-low-threshold rx-low
Configures low receive power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
tx-high-threshold tx-high
Configures high transmit power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
tx-low-threshold tx-low
Configures low transmit power threshold. The range is –400 to 300 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
Configures the administrative state of the controller. The values are maintenance or normal.
Disables the configuration of the controller.
Configures performance monitoring parameters for 30 second, 15 minute, and 24-hour intervals.
transmit-power transmit-power
(Only for trunk optics controllers) Configures the transmit power. The range is –190 to 30 dBm (in the units of 0.1 dBm).
From Release 7.3.1 onwards, transmit power is supported on the CFP2 DCO optics for the OTN-XP card. The transmit power value
is –10 to +1 dBm.
Shuts down the transmit laser.
perf-mon { enable | disable }
Enables or disables performance monitoring.
Configures the chromatic dispersion threshold.
Configures the differential group delay threshold.
Configures the laser bias current threshold.
Configures the laser bias current threshold in percentage.
Configures the optical Rx power threshold in uW.
Configures the optical Rx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm. For example, if you want to configure 30.00 dBm, enter
Configures the optical Tx power threshold in uW.
Configures the optical Tx power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.
Configures the OSNR threshold.
Configures the Polarization Change Rate (PCR) threshold.
Configures the Polarization-Dependent Loss (PDL) threshold.
Configures the Phase Noise (PN) threshold.
Configures the Second Order Polarization Mode Dispersion (SOPMD) threshold.
Configures the Rx signal power threshold in uW.
Configures the Rx signal power threshold in dBm. The unit is 0.01 dBm.
rx-voa target-power value
Configures the receive target power. The range is –190 to +30.
rx-voa fixed-ratio value
Configures the receive ratio of optical attenuation. The range is +100 to +1700.
enh-colorless-mode value
Configures the enhanced colorless mode. The range is 1–3.
enh-sop-tol-mode value
Configures the enhanced SOP tolerance mode. The range is 1–3.
nleq-comp-mode value
Configures the non-linear compensation. The range is 1–4.