Supported Yang Models

Supported Yang Models

The following is the list of supported config, oper and act YANG models for NCS 1020:

Config Models

Oper Models

Action Models

Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-linesystem-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-hwmod-linesys-oper.yang


Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-oper.yang


Cisco-IOS-XR-ots-och-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-och-oper.yang


Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-oms-cfg Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-oms-oper.yang


Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-och-cfg Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-och-oper.yang


Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-osc-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-osc-oper.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-otdr -act.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-dfb-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-dfb-oper.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-tone -pattern-act.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-pmengine-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-pmengine-oper.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-tone -pattern-detect-act.yang

Cisco-IOS-XR-olc-cfg.yang Cisco-IOS-XR-olc-oper.yang
Cisco-IOS-XR-fpd-infra-cfg Cisco-IOS-XR-show-fpd-loc-ng-oper
Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-ct-cfg Cisco-IOS-XR-alarmgr-server-oper.yang

The supported Open Config model is: openconfig-optical-amplifier

Structure of Yang Models

YANG data models can be represented in a hierarchical, tree-based structure with nodes, which makes them more easily understandable. YANG defines four nodes types. Each node has a name, and depending on the node type, the node might either define a value or contain a set of child nodes. The nodes types (for data modeling) are:

  • leaf node—Contains a single value of a specific type

  • list node—Contains a sequence of list entries, each of which is uniquely identified by one or more keys leafs

  • leaf-list node—Contains a sequence of leaf nodes

  • container node—Contains a grouping of related nodes containing only child nodes, which can be any of the four node types

The following is the tree structure of the openconfig-optical-amplifier model.


Cisco NCS 1020 supports only the leaves that are highlighted as bold in the following open configuration models.

 +--rw optical-amplifier
+--rw amplifiers
| +--rw amplifier* [name]
| +--rw name -> ../config/name
| +--rw config
| | +--rw name? string
| | +--rw type? identityref
| | +--rw target-gain? decimal64
| | +--rw min-gain? decimal64
| | +--rw max-gain? decimal64
| | +--rw target-gain-tilt? decimal64
| | +--rw gain-range? identityref
| | +--rw amp-mode? identityref
| | +--rw target-output-power? decimal64
| | +--rw max-output-power? decimal64
| | +--rw enabled? boolean
| | +--rw fiber-type-profile? identityref
| +--ro state
| +--ro name? string
| +--ro type? identityref
| +--ro target-gain? decimal64
| +--ro min-gain? decimal64
| +--ro max-gain? decimal64
| +--ro target-gain-tilt? decimal64
| +--ro gain-range? identityref
| +--ro amp-mode? identityref
| +--ro target-output-power? decimal64
| +--ro max-output-power? decimal64
| +--ro enabled? boolean
| +--ro fiber-type-profile? identityref
| +--ro component? -> /oc-platform:components/component/name
| +--ro ingress-port? -> /oc-platform:components/component/name
| +--ro egress-port? -> /oc-platform:components/component/name
| +--ro actual-gain
| +--ro actual-gain-tilt
| +--ro input-power-total
| +--ro input-power-c-band
| +--ro input-power-l-band
| +--ro output-power-total
| +--ro output-power-c-band
| +--ro output-power-l-band
| +--ro laser-bias-current
| +--ro optical-return-loss
+--rw supervisory-channels
+--rw supervisory-channel* [interface]
+--rw interface -> ../config/interface

The following is a sample tree structure of Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-oper model.

+--ro ots-oper
       +--ro ots-ports
          +--ro ots-port* [name]
             +--ro ots-info
             |  +--ro raman-tx-power
             |  |  +--ro raman-tx-power*
             |  |     +--ro raman-tx-power-instance?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro raman-tx-power-value?      uint32
             |  |     +--ro raman-tx-wavelength?       uint32
             |  +--ro transmit-n-power
             |  |  +--ro transmit-power*
             |  |     +--ro instance?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro value?      int32
             |  +--ro receive-n-power
             |  |  +--ro receive-power*
             |  |     +--ro instance?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro value?      int32
             |  +--ro ingress-channel-slice-attenuation
             |  |  +--ro ingress-channel-slice*
             |  |     +--ro ingress-channel-slice?               uint32
             |  |     +--ro ingress-channel-slice-attenuation?   int32
             |  +--ro egress-channel-slice-attenuation
             |  |  +--ro egress-channel-slice*
             |  |     +--ro egress-channel-slice?               uint32
             |  |     +--ro egress-channel-slice-attenuation?   int32
             |  +--ro raman-tx-power-config
             |  |  +--ro raman-tx-power*
             |  |     +--ro raman-tx-power-instance?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro raman-tx-power-value?      uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-channel-slice-attenuation-configured
             |  |  +--ro ingress-channel-slice*
             |  |     +--ro ingress-channel-slice?               uint32
             |  |     +--ro ingress-channel-slice-attenuation?   int32
             |  +--ro egress-channel-slice-attenuation-configured
             |  |  +--ro egress-channel-slice*
             |  |     +--ro egress-channel-slice?               uint32
             |  |     +--ro egress-channel-slice-attenuation?   int32
             |  +--ro channel-attenuation-info
             |  |  +--ro total-channel-attenuation-slice-count?        uint32
             |  |  +--ro channel-attenuation-slice-spacing?            uint32
             |  |  +--ro channel-attenuation-first-slice-wavelength?   uint32
             |  |  +--ro channel-attenuation-first-slice-frequency?    uint32
             |  |  +--ro ingress-channel-attenuation-info*
             |  |  |  +--ro slice-num?             uint32
             |  |  |  +--ro ingress-attenuation?   uint32
             |  |  +--ro egress-channel-attenuation-info*
             |  |     +--ro slice-num?            uint32
             |  |     +--ro egress-attenuation?   uint32
             |  +--ro otdr-info-rx
             |  |  +--ro scan-status?       Otdr-scan-status
             |  |  +--ro tracepoint-file?   string
             |  |  +--ro total-events?      uint32
             |  |  +--ro scan-timestamp?    string
             |  |  +--ro event-info*
             |  |     +--ro event-number?     uint32
             |  |     +--ro detected-event?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro location?         int64
             |  |     +--ro accuracy?         int64
             |  |     +--ro magnitude?        int64
             |  |     +--ro attenuation?      int64
             |  +--ro otdr-info-tx
             |  |  +--ro scan-status?       Otdr-scan-status
             |  |  +--ro tracepoint-file?   string
             |  |  +--ro total-events?      uint32
             |  |  +--ro scan-timestamp?    string
             |  |  +--ro event-info*
             |  |     +--ro event-number?     uint32
             |  |     +--ro detected-event?   uint32
             |  |     +--ro location?         int64
             |  |     +--ro accuracy?         int64
             |  |     +--ro magnitude?        int64
             |  |     +--ro attenuation?      int64
             |  +--ro rx-los-p
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro rx-loc
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro tx-power-fail-low
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-auto-laser-shut
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-auto-pow-red
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain-low
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain-high
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro egress-auto-laser-shut
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro egress-auto-pow-red
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-low
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-high
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro high-tx-br-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro high-rx-br-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro span-too-short-tx
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro span-too-short-rx
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman-auto-pow-red
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman1-low-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman2-low-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman3-low-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman4-low-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman5-low-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman1-high-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman2-high-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman3-high-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman4-high-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro raman5-high-pwr
             |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ots-och-alamr-info
             |  |  +--ro rx-los-p
             |  |  |  +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |  |  +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  |  +--ro tx-power-fail-low
             |  |     +--ro is-detected?   boolean
             |  |     +--ro counter?       uint32
             |  +--ro ots-tone-info
             |  |  +--ro tone-freq?          string
             |  |  +--ro tone-rate?          uint32
             |  |  +--ro pattern?            string
             |  |  +--ro pattern-expected?   string
             |  |  +--ro dectected-oob?      uint32
             |  |  +--ro state?              Conn-verfcn-state
             |  |  +--ro pattern-received?   string
             |  +--ro transport-admin-state?                          Ots-tas
             |  +--ro rx-pow-low-threshold?                           int32
             |  +--ro rx-pow-high-threshold?                          int32
             |  +--ro tx-pow-low-threshold?                           int32
             |  +--ro tx-pow-high-threshold?                          int32
             |  +--ro pm-enable?                                      uint32
             |  +--ro controller-state?                               Ots-controller-state
             |  +--ro rx-voa-attenuation?                             int32
             |  +--ro tx-voa-attenuation?                             int32
             |  +--ro channel-width?                                  uint32
             |  +--ro central-frequncy?                               uint32
             |  +--ro add-drop-channel?                               string
             |  +--ro line-channel?                                   string
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain?                             int32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-tilt?                             int32
             |  +--ro ingress-amp-gain-deg-thres-low?                 uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-amp-gain-deg-thres-high?                uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain-range?                       Ots-amplifier-gain-range
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain?                              int32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-tilt?                              int32
             |  +--ro egress-amp-gain-deg-thres-low?                  uint32
             |  +--ro egress-amp-gain-deg-thres-high?                 uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-range?                        Ots-amplifier-gain-range
             |  +--ro composite-raman-power?                          uint32
             |  +--ro wavelength?                                     uint32
             |  +--ro transmit-power?                                 int32
             |  +--ro receive-power?                                  int32
             |  +--ro total-cl-tx-power?                              int32
             |  +--ro total-cl-rx-power?                              int32
             |  +--ro receive-signal-power?                           int32
             |  +--ro transmit-signal-power?                          int32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-osri?                             boolean
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-osri?                              boolean
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-force-apr?                        boolean
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-force-apr?                         boolean
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-safety-control-mode?              Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-safety-control-mode?               Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-safety-control-mode-configured?   Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-safety-control-mode-configured?    Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-osri-configured?                  boolean
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-osri-configured?                   boolean
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-force-apr-configured?             boolean
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-force-apr-configured?              boolean
             |  +--ro raman-safety-control-mode?                      Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro raman-safety-control-mode-configured?           Ots-amplifier-safety-control-mode
             |  +--ro raman-osri?                                     boolean
             |  +--ro raman-force-apr?                                boolean
             |  +--ro raman-osri-configured?                          boolean
             |  +--ro raman-force-apr-configured?                     boolean
             |  +--ro rx-pow-low-warning-threshold?                   int32
             |  +--ro rx-pow-high-warning-threshold?                  int32
             |  +--ro tx-pow-low-warning-threshold?                   int32
             |  +--ro tx-pow-high-warning-threshold?                  int32
             |  +--ro description?                                    string
             |  +--ro channel-attenuation?                            int32
             |  +--ro rx-voa-attenuation-config-val?                  int32
             |  +--ro tx-voa-attenuation-config-val?                  int32
             |  +--ro ampli-control-mode-config-val?                  Ots-amplifier-control-mode
             |  +--ro rx-low-th-psd-config-val?                       int32
             |  +--ro total-rx-power?                                 int32
             |  +--ro total-tx-power?                                 int32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain-range-config-val?            Ots-amplifier-gain-range
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-gain-config?                      uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-tilt-config?                      int32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-thr-deg-low-config?               uint32
             |  +--ro ingress-ampli-thr-deg-high-config?              uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-range-config-val?             Ots-amplifier-gain-range
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-config?                       uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-tilt-config?                       int32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-low-config?           uint32
             |  +--ro egress-ampli-gain-thr-deg-high-config?          uint32
             |  +--ro channel-attenuation-configured?                 int32
             |  +--ro br-power?                                       int32
             |  +--ro raman-br-power?                                 int32
             |  +--ro led-state?                                      Led-state
             +--ro ots-spectrum-info
             |  +--ro spectrum-info
             |     +--ro total-spectrum-slice-count?   uint32
             |     +--ro spectrum-slice-spacing?       uint32
             |     +--ro first-slice-wavelength?       uint32
             |     +--ro first-slice-frequency?        uint32
             |     +--ro spectrum-slice-power-info*
             |        +--ro slice-num?   uint32
             |        +--ro rx-power?    int16
             |        +--ro tx-power?    int16
             +--ro name                 xr:Interface-name

The following is a sample tree structure of Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-cfg model.

augment /a1:interface-configurations/a1:interface-configuration:
    +--rw ots
       +--rw ingress-channel-slice-attns
       |  +--rw ingress-channel-slice-attn* [ingress-channel-slice-attn]
       |     +--rw ingress-channel-slice-attn         uint32
       |     +--rw ingress-channel-slice-attnvalue    uint32
       +--rw raman-tx-power-disables
       |  +--rw raman-tx-power-disable* [raman-tx-power-disable-instance]
       |     +--rw raman-tx-power-disable-instance    uint32
       +--rw raman-tx-powers
       |  +--rw raman-tx-power* [raman-tx-power-instance]
       |     +--rw raman-tx-power-instance    uint32
       |     +--rw raman-tx-power-value       uint32
       +--rw ots-otdr
       |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx
       |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-expert
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-capture-start?   uint32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-scan-duration?   uint32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-pulse-width?     uint32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-capture-end?     uint32
       |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-auto
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-excess-reflection-threshold?   int32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-splice-loss-threshold?         uint32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-raman-setpoint?                uint32
       |  |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-reflectance-threshold?         int32
       |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-back-scattering?    int32
       |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-rx-refractive-index?   uint32
       |  +--rw ots-otdr-scan-mode
       |  |  +--rw ots-otdr-scan-mode-expert?   empty
       |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx
       |     +--rw ots-otdr-tx-expert
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-capture-end?     uint32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-scan-duration?   uint32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-capture-start?   uint32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-pulse-width?     uint32
       |     +--rw ots-otdr-tx-auto
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-splice-loss-threshold?         uint32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-excess-reflection-threshold?   int32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-raman-setpoint?                uint32
       |     |  +--rw ots-otdr-tx-reflectance-threshold?         int32
       |     +--rw ots-otdr-tx-refractive-index?   uint32
       |     +--rw ots-otdr-tx-back-scattering?    int32
       +--rw egress-channel-slice-attns
       |  +--rw egress-channel-slice-attn* [egress-channel-slice-attn]
       |     +--rw egress-channel-slice-attn         uint32
       |     +--rw egress-channel-slice-attnvalue    uint32
       +--rw ots-egress-safety-control-mode?                      Ots-safety-control-mode
       +--rw ots-ingress-amplifier-gain?                          uint32
       +--rw ots-tone-pattern-expected?                           string
       +--rw ots-ingress-osri?                                    boolean
       +--rw ots-ingress-amplifier-gain-degrade-high-threshold?   uint32
       +--rw ots-tx-voa-attenuation?                              uint32
       +--rw ots-ingress-safety-control-mode?                     Ots-safety-control-mode
       +--rw ots-tone-detect-oob?                                 empty
       +--rw ots-ingress-force-apr?                               boolean
       +--rw ots-raman-force-apr?                                 boolean
       +--rw ots-egress-amplifier-gain-degrade-low-threshold?     uint32
       +--rw ots-ingress-amplifier-gain-degrade-low-threshold?    uint32
       +--rw ots-egress-amplifier-tilt?                           int32
       +--rw ots-raman-safety-control-mode?                       Ots-safety-control-mode
       +--rw ots-tone-frequency?                                  string
       +--rw ots-egress-amplifier-gain?                           uint32
       +--rw ots-tone-pattern?                                    string
       +--rw ots-egress-amplifier-gain-degrade-high-threshold?    uint32
       +--rw ots-raman-osri?                                      boolean
       +--rw ots-egress-osri?                                     boolean
       +--rw ots-egress-amplifier-gain-range?                     Ots-ingress-egress-ampli-gain-range
       +--rw ots-ingress-amplifier-gain-range?                    Ots-ingress-egress-ampli-gain-range
       +--rw ots-ingress-amplifier-tilt?                          int32
       +--rw ots-tone-rate?                                       uint32
       +--rw ots-egress-force-apr?                                boolean

Configure Flex Grid in OLT Card


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-linesystem-cfg.yang Yang model to configure flex grid channel in the OLT card.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <active-nodes xmlns="">
          <terminal-amplifier xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-hwmod-linesys-oper.yang Yang model to get the operational data of the flex grid channel configured on the OLT card.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <osa xmlns="">

Configure Flex Grid in ILA Card


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-linesystem-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the flex grid channel in the ILA card.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <active-nodes xmlns="">
          <inline-amplifier xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-hwmod-linesys-oper.yang Yang model to get the operational data for the flex grid channel configured on the ILA card.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <osa xmlns="">

Configure OTS Controller


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the OTS controller parameters.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <ots xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-oper.yang Yang model to view the parameters of the OTS controller.



In the current release, all the controller models are mapped to the OTS controller model. Hence the operational data of all the controllers display "ots-state-up" as the controller state, and "ots-tas-ui-is" as transport-admin-state, irrespective of the functionality.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:1ecef265-e94d-4b42-ad53-adb137a58efc" 
xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
       <ots-oper xmlns="">

Configure OCH Controller


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-och-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the OCH controller parameters.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <och xmlns="">

Step 2

Use Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-och-oper.yang Yang model to view the OCH controller parameters.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:50be1a71-e729-442d-aec7-14f486cd6028" 
xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <och-oper xmlns="">   

Configure Optical Cross-Connect


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-Ots-Och-cfg.yang Yang model to configure an optical cross-connect (OTS-OCH controller).

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <ots-och xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-ots-och-oper.yang Yang model to view the parameters of the OTS-OCH controller.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:71601b7f-caee-4e65-9627-b5043e66436d"
 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
       <ots-och-oper xmlns="">   

Configure OMS Controller


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-oms-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the OMS controller parameters.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <oms xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-oms-oper.yang Yang model to view the parameters of the OMS controller.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:ba7b0faf-3762-4a8e-b9fe-e8d190a2dbe7"
 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <oms-oper xmlns="">

Configure DFB Controller


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-dfb-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the DFB controller parameters.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <dfb xmlns="">

Step 2

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-dfb-oper.yang Yang model to view the DFB controller parameters.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:41205dcf-f92f-4b73-bdf3-ba64438d15ac" 
xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <dfb-oper xmlns="">

Configure OSC Controller


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-osc-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the OSC controller parameters.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interface-configurations xmlns="">
          <osc xmlns="">

Step 2

Use Cisco-IOS-XR-controller-osc-oper.yang Yang model to view the OSC controller parameters.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:57794a6c-fe5b-425e-8df7-7c09a789b757" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
      <osc-oper xmlns="">

Configure FPD Package


Step 1

Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-fpd-infra-cfg.yang Yang model to configure FPD package.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <fpd xmlns="">

Step 2

Use Cisco-IOS-XR-show-fpd-loc-ng-oper.yang Yang model to view the operational data for FPD package details

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <show-fpd xmlns="">
       <upgrade-status>No upgrade in progress</upgrade-status>
        <hw-version>0.1 </hw-version>
        <running-version>  1.00 </running-version>
        <programd-version>  1.00 </programd-version>
        <reload-location>NOT REQ</reload-location>
        <hw-version>0.1 </hw-version>
     <fpd-ver>  1.05 </fpd-ver>
     <min-sw-ver>  1.05 </min-sw-ver>
     <min-hw-ver>  0.1  </min-hw-ver>

View NCS 1020 Platform Details


Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-platform-oper.yang Yang model to view the platform details of the NCS 1020 node.

Yang Models



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <platform xmlns="">
          <oper-state>IOS XR RUN</oper-state>

View Performance Monitoring Parameters


Use Cisco-IOS-XR-pmengine-oper.yang Yang model to view the performance monitoring parameters on the controllers.

Yang Model



rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <performance-management xmlns="">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <performance-management xmlns="">

Configure Equipment Mismatch Alarm


Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-osa-ct-cfg.yang Yang model to configure the equipment mismatch alarm. For example, when the NCS 1020 node is loaded with the OLT- C card and if you try to configure the node with a different line card configuration, the equipment mismatch alarm rises.

Yang Model



<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <resrv-cli xmlns="">

View the List of Alarms on the NCS 1020 Node


Use the Cisco-IOS-XR-alarmgr-server-oper.yang Yang model to view the list of alarms generated on the NCS 1020 node.

Yang Model



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:518e2c10-c837-4b36-9bab-93f935148ce5" 
xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <alarms xmlns="">   
              <set-time>06/09/2022 06:26:48 UTC</set-time>       
              <description>One Or More FPDs Need Upgrade Or Not In Current State</description>      
              <set-time>06/09/2022 06:26:49 UTC</set-time>      
              <description>One Or More FPDs Need Upgrade Or Not In Current State</description>      
              <set-time>06/09/2022 06:26:51 UTC</set-time> 
              <description>One Or More FPDs Need Upgrade Or Not In Current State</description>      
              <set-time>06/09/2022 06:27:13 UTC</set-time>       
              <description>Ots0/0/0/0 - APC blocked</description>      

Configure Optical Amplifier on OLT Line Card Using Open Config Model

The openconfig-optical-amplifier Yang model uses the following naming convention for the preamplifier and the booster amplifier in the OLT line card:


  • R—Rack.

  • S—Slot.

  • <AMP TYPE>—AMP-PRE (for preamplifier) or AMP-BST (for booster amplifier).

  • ID—The value is 0 in openconfig.

For example, the amplifiers are mentioned as 0/0-AMP-PRE0 or 0/0-AMP-BST0 which is a line port ots0/0/0/0 in the IOS-XR.


Step 1

Use the openconfig-optical-amplifier Yang model to configure the amplifier on the OLT line card.

Openconfig Model



  "openconfig-optical-amplifier:optical-amplifier": {
   "amplifiers": {
    "amplifier": [
      "name": "0/0-AMP-PRE0",
      "config": {
       "name": "0/0-AMP-PRE0",
       "target-gain": "19.00",
       "gain-range": "MID_GAIN_RANGE",
       "target-gain-tilt": "3.90",
       "enabled": true
      "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
      "config": {
       "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
       "target-gain": "19.00",
       "target-gain-tilt": "-1.5",
       "enabled": true

Step 2

Get the operational data using GNMI.

  "openconfig-optical-amplifier": {
    "optical-amplifier": {
      "amplifiers": {
        "amplifier": {
          "0/0-AMP-BST0": {
            "state": {
              "enabled": true,
              "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
              "target-gain": 19.00,
              "target-gain-tilt": -1.5
          "0/0-AMP-PRE0": {
            "state": {
              "enabled": true,
              "gain-range": "MID_GAIN_RANGE",
              "name": "0/0-AMP-PRE0",
              "target-gain": 19.00,
              "target-gain-tilt": 3.90

Configure Optical Amplifier on ILA Line Card Using Open Config Model

The openconfig-optical-amplifier Yang model uses the following naming convention for the two booster amplifiers in the ILA line card:


  • R—Rack.

  • S—Slot.

  • <AMP TYPE>—AMP-BST for the booster amplifier.

  • ID—The value is 0 or 2 in openconfig.

For example, the amplifiers are mentioned as 0/0-AMP-BST0 and 0/0-AMP-BST2 which are the line ports ots0/0/0/0 and ots0/0/0/2 respectively in the IOS-XR.


Step 1

Use the openconfig-optical-amplifier Yang model to configure the amplifier on the ILA line card.

Openconfig model



  "openconfig-optical-amplifier:optical-amplifier": {
   "amplifiers": {
    "amplifier": [
      "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
      "config": {
       "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
       "target-gain": "24.00",
       "target-gain-tilt": "-3.90",
       "enabled": false,
       "gain-range": "HIGH_GAIN_RANGE",
      "name": "0/0-AMP-BST2",
      "config": {
       "name": "0/0-AMP-BST2",
       "target-gain": "24.00",
       "target-gain-tilt": "-3.20",
       "enabled": false,
       "gain-range": "HIGH_GAIN_RANGE"

Step 2

Get the operational data using GNMI.

  "openconfig-optical-amplifier": {
    "optical-amplifier": {
      "amplifiers": {
        "amplifier": {
          "0/0-AMP-BST0": {
            "state": {
              "enabled": false,
              "gain-range": "HIGH_GAIN_RANGE",
              "name": "0/0-AMP-BST0",
              "target-gain": 24.00,
              "target-gain-tilt": -3.90
          "0/0-AMP-BST2": {
            "state": {
              "enabled": false,
              "gain-range": "HIGH_GAIN_RANGE",
              "name": "0/0-AMP-BST2",
              "target-gain": 24.00,
              "target-gain-tilt": -3.20