Monitoring Notifications

This chapter describes the Cisco 1100 Integrated Services Router (ISR) notifications supported by the MIB enhancements feature introduced in Cisco IOS XE Release 3.9S. SNMP uses notifications to report events on a managed device. The notifications are traps or informs for different events. The router also supports other notifications not listed.

This chapter contains the following sections:

SNMP Notification Overview

An SNMP agent can notify the SNMP manager when important system events occur, such as the following:

  • An interface or card starts or stops running
  • Temperature thresholds are crossed
  • Authentication failures occur

When an agent detects an alarm condition, the agent:

  • Logs information about the time, type, and severity of the condition
  • Generates a notification message, which it then sends to a designated IP host

SNMP notifications are sent as one of the following:

  • Traps—Unreliable messages, which do not require receipt acknowledgement from the SNMP manager.
  • Informs—Reliable messages, which are stored in memory until the SNMP manager issues a response. Informs use more system resources than traps.

To use SNMP notifications on your system, you must specify their recipients. These recipients indicate where Network Registrar notifications are directed. By default, all notifications are enabled, but no recipients are defined. Until you define the recipients, no notifications are sent.

Many commands use the key word traps in the command syntax. Unless there is an option in the command to select either traps or informs, the keyword traps refers to traps, informs, or both. Use the snmp-server host command to specify whether to send SNMP notifications as traps or informs. The types of traps can be specified in command.

Note Most notification types are disabled by default. However, some notification types cannot be controlled with the snmp command. For example, some notification types are always enabled and other types are enabled by a different command. The linkUpDown notifications are controlled by the snmp trap link-status command. If you enter this command with no notification-type keywords, the default is to enable all notification types controlled by the command.

Specify the trap types if you do not want all traps to be sent. Then use multiple snmp-server enable traps commands, one for each of the trap types that you used in the snmp host command.

For detailed information about notifications and a list of notification types, go to the following URLs:

Enabling Notifications

You can enable MIB notifications using either of the following procedures:

  • Using the command-line interface (CLI)—Specify the recipient of the trap message and specify the types of traps sent and the types of informs that are enabled. For detailed procedures, go to:

  • Performing an SNMP SET operation with the setany command—To enable or disable MIB notifications, perform an SNMP SET operation on a specific object.

To enable the notifications set the object to true(1)

To disable the notifications, set the object to false(2)

Note If you issue the snmp-server enable traps command without a notification-type argument, the router generates traps for all types of events, which might not be desirable. Some MIBs require the user to set additional objects to enable some notifications.

Cisco SNMP Notifications

This section contains tables that describe a MIB event, why the event occurred, and a recommendation as to how to handle the event. Each table lists the following information:

  • Events—The event display
  • Description—What the event indicates
  • Probable cause—What might have caused the notification
  • Recommended action—Recommendation as to what should be done when the particular notification occurs

Note In the following tables, where “No action is required.” appears in the Recommended Action column, there might be instances where an application, such as trouble ticketing occurs. Environmental or Functional Notifications

Table 4-1 lists notifications generated for events that might indicate the failure of the Cisco 1100 ISR or conditions that might affect router functionality.


Table 4-1 Environmental or Functional Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the status of a module has changed.

Module has unknown state.

Enter the show platform command to view error message details. For syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery procedures.



Module is operational.

No action is required.



Module has failed due to some condition.

Enter the show platform command to view error message details. For syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery Procedures.


Indicates that the power status of a field replaceable unit has changed.

FRU is powered off because of an unknown problem.

Enter the show power command to check the actual power usage. For syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery Procedures



FRU is powered on.

No action is required.



FRU is administratively off.

No action is required.



FRU is powered off because available system power is insufficient.

Enter the show power command to check the actual power usage.


Indicates that a FRU was inserted.

A new field-replaceable unit such as modules, fan, port, power supply, or redundant power supply was added.

No action is required.


Indicates that a FRU was removed.

A field-replaceable unit, such as RP1, modules, fan, ports, power supply, or redundant power supply was removed.

Replace the field-replaceable unit.


The dsx1LineStatus is a bit map that contains loopback state and failure state information.

When a failure is detected, the corresponding dsx1LineStatus bit should change to reflect the failure. For example, when a Receiving LOS failure is detected, the corresponding bit (bit 64) should be set to indicate the failure and as a result the dsx1LineStatus changes.

When the dsx1LineStatus reports failures, the recommended action is correction of the conditions causing the error.


Indicates that data collection operations for a cdcVFileEntry has encountered an error.




A file transfer to the destination specified by the cdcVFileMgmtLastXferURL variable, has completed with the status specified by the cdcVFileMgmtLastXferStatus variable.

File transfer complete.

No action is required.


Indicates that the value of sonetSectionCurrentStatus has changed.

Section loss of:

  • Frame failure
  • Signal failure

Enter the show controllers command for the POS interface and check that the Alarm Defects are None and Active Alarms are Zero.


Indicates that the value of sonetPathCurrentStatus has changed.

Caused due to:

  • sonetPathSTSLOP
  • sonetPathSTSAIS
  • sonetPathSTSRDI
  • sonetPathUnequipped
  • sonetPathSignalLabelMismatch

Enter the show controllers command for the POS interface and check that the Alarm Defects are None and Active Alarms are Zero.

Table 4-2 lists ENTITY-MIB notifications generated by Cisco 1100 ISR RPs, ESPs, SPAs and SIP Cards.


Table 4-2 RP, ESPs, SPAs, SIP Card Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

An entry for the SIP/SPA/Transceiver module is removed from the entPhysicalTable (which causes the value of entLastchangeTime to change).

A SIP/SPA/Transceiver module was removed.

Replace the field-replaceable unit.


Indicates that the sensor value crossed the threshold. This variable reports the most recent measurement seen by the sensor and the threshold value.

The sensor value in a module crossed the threshold listed in entSensorThresholdTable. This notification is generated once each time the sensor value crosses the threshold.

Remove the configuration that bypasses the module shutdown due to sensor thresholds being exceeded. Shut down the module after removing the configuration. It exceeded major sensor thresholds.

Note The command that shuts down the module in the event of a major sensor alarm has been overridden, so the specified module will not be shut down. The command used to override the shutdown is no environment-monitor shutdown.



The local CPU on the RP was unable to access the temperature sensor on the module. The module will attempt to recover by resetting itself.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log, contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered information.


The agent generates this trap when a physical entity asserts an alarm.

You manually shut down the SPA, then you get the SPA error.

Check the entPhysicalDescr type and take the corresponding action; there are many types of asserted alarms.


The agent generates this trap when a physical entity clears a previously asserted alarm.

The agent generates this trap when a physical entity clears a previously asserted alarm.

No action is required.


Sensor entities are the physical entities whose entity class must be defined to type entity sensor(8) in the entPhysicalTable.

Notifications happen only if the particular entity has an entry in the entity table.

If ceAlarmNotifiesEnable is set to 0, it disables ceAlarmAsserted and ceAlarmCleared notifications. Similarly, when ceAlarmSyslogEnable is set to 0, it disables syslog messages corresponding to alarms.

If ceAlarmHistTableSize is set to 0, it prevents any history from being retained in the ceAlarmHistTable. In addition, whenever the ceAlarmHistTableSize is reset (either increased or decreased), the existing log is deleted.

When a new alarm condition is detected, the carrier alarm LEDs in the individual line cards are currently set by the line card software. The Cisco IOS alarm subsystem does not control the LEDs.

Starting with Release 3.1, alarm description field is added to the ceAlarmCleared and ceAlarmAsserted event notifications.

Flash Device Notifications

Table 4-3 lists CISCO-FLASH-MIB notifications generated by Cisco 1100 ISR flash devices. These notifications indicate the failure of a flash device or error conditions on the device:


Table 4-3 Flash Device Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates a removable flash device was inserted into the router.

Status change occurred.

To determine which flash device was inserted, check the ciscoFlashDeviceTable.


Indicates removable flash device was removed from the router.

Status change occurred.

To determine which flash device was removed, check the ciscoFlashDeviceTable.

Interface Notifications

Table 4-4 lists notifications generated by the router for link-related (interface) events.


Table 4-4 Interface Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that a link is about to enter the down state, which means it cannot transmit or receive traffic. The ifOperStatus object shows the previous state. Value is down(2).

An internal software error might have occurred.

To see if link traps are enabled or disabled on an interface, check ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (IF-MIB) for the interface. To enable link traps, set ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable to enabled(1).

Enable the IETF (RFC 2233) format of link traps by issuing the CLI command snmp-server trap link ietf.


Indicates that a link is no longer down. The value of ifOperStatus indicates the link’s new state. Value is up(1).

The port manager reactivated a port in the down state during a switchover.

No action is required.

Cisco MPLS Notifications

Table 4-5 lists MPLS-VPN notifications that can occur when an environmental threshold is exceeded.


Table 4-5 MPLS-VPN Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the warning threshold is exceeded.

Indicates that a threshold violation occurred.

The system limit of four Route Processors per VPN has been exceeded. The number of routes created has crossed the warning threshold. This warning is sent only at the time the warning threshold is exceeded.

The configured RPs are too large to fit in the DF table for one VPN. Try to configure the groups among existing RPs in the hardware, or configure the RP in another VPN.


Indicates that the maximum route limit was reached.

A route creation was unsuccessful because the maximum route limit was reached. Another notification is not sent until the number of routes falls below the maximum threshold and reaches the maximum threshold again.

Set the threshold value. The maximum-threshold value is determined by the maximum routes command in VRF configuration mode.


Indicates that a local LSR and an adjacent LDP peer attempt to set up an LDP session between them, but fail to do so after a specified number of attempts.

Eight failed attempts occurred to establish an LDP session between a local LSR and an LDP peer due to some type of incompatibility between the devices.

Cisco routers support the same features across multiple platforms. Therefore, the most likely incompatibility to occur between Cisco LSRs is a mismatch of their respective ATM VPI/VCI label ranges.

If you specify a range of valid labels for an LSR that does not overlap the range of its adjacent LDP peer, the routers will try eight times to create an LDP session between themselves before the mplsLdpFailedInitSessionThresholdExceeded notification is generated and sent to the NMS as an informational message.

Operationally, the LSRs with label ranges that do not overlap continue their attempts to create an LDP session between themselves after the eight retry threshold is exceeded.

In such cases, the LDP threshold exceeded notification alerts the network administrator to the existence of a condition in the network that may warrant attention.

Service Notifications

Table 4-6 lists MPLS-Service notifications generated by the router to indicate conditions for services.


Table 4-6 MPLS Service Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that a VPN routing or forwarding instance (VRF) was assigned to an interface that is operational or for the transition of a VRF interface to the operationally up state.

A VPN routing or forwarding instance (VRF) was assigned to an interface that is operational or a VRF interface transitions to the up state.

No action is required.


Indicates that a VRF was removed from an interface or a VRF interface transitioned to the operationally down state.

A VRF was removed from an interface or a VRF of an interface transitioned to the down state.

Check the operation state of the interface Or the state of the connected interface on the adjacent router Or add the removed VRF.


Indicates that the MPLS LDP session is in the up state.

Trap generated when an LDP entity (a local LSR) establishes an LDP session with another LDP entity (an adjacent LDP peer in the network).

No action is required.


Indicates that the MPLS LDP session is in the down state.

Trap generated when an LDP session between a local LSR and its adjacent LDP peer is terminated.

Check if the LDP session exists between the local LSR and adjacent LDP peer.


Indicates that a local LSR establishes an LDP session with its adjacent peer LSR, but the two LSRs have dissimilar path vector limits.

An LDP session has two adjacent peer LSRs with dissimilar path vector limits.

The value of the path vector limit can range from 0 through 255; a value of “0” indicates that loop detection is off; any value other than zero up to 255 indicates that loop detection is on.

Configure all LDP-enabled routers in the network with the same path vector limit. Accordingly, the mplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch object exists in the MPLS-LDP-MIB to provide a warning message to the NMS when two routers engaged in LDP operations have a dissimilar path vector limit.


Indicates that a mplsTunnelOperStatus object for a configured tunnel is about to transition from the down state to any state except NotPresent.

A configured tunnel transitioned from the down state to any state except NotPresent.

May be caused by an administrative or operational status check of the tunnel.

No action is required.


Indicates that the mplsTunnelOperStatus object for a configured MPLS traffic engineering tunnel is about to transition to the up(1) or the down(2) state respectively.

A configured tunnel is transitioning to the down state.

May be caused by an administrative or operational status check of the tunnel.



Indicates that the signalling path for an MPLS traffic engineering tunnel changed.

A tunnel was rerouted or reoptimized.

If you use the actual path, then write the new path to mplsTunnelRerouted after the notification is issued.

Routing Protocol Notifications

Table 4-7 lists BGP4-MIB notifications that the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) state changes generated by the Cisco 1100 ISR to indicate error conditions for routing protocols and services.


Table 4-7 Routing Protocol Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

The BGP FSM enters the Established state. It becomes active on the router.

BGP changed status.

No action is required.


Indicates that BGP transitions from a higher-level state to a lower-level state. The prefix count for an address family on a BGP session exceeded the configured threshold value.

BGP changed status.


Cisco Routing Protocol Notifications

Table 4-8 lists the CISCO-BGP4-MIB notifications that occur during the state changes.


Table 4-8 Routing Protocol Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

This notification is generated for every BGP FSM state change.

BGP FSM state change.



This notification is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state.

BGP FSM state changes from a higher to a lower numbered state.

This threshold value is configured using the CLI command neighbor nbr_addr max_prefixes [threshold] [warning-only].


This notification is generated when prefix count exceeds the configured warning threshold on a session for an address family.

The prefix count exceeds the configured warning threshold on a session.



This notification is generated when prefix count drops below the configured clear threshold on a session for an address family after the cbgpPrefixThresholdExceeded notification is generated.

The prefix count drops below the configured clear threshold on a session.



This notification is generated when the BGP FSM enters the established state.

BGP FSM enters the established state.



This notification is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state.

BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state.



This notification is generated for every BGP FSM state change.

BGP FSM state change.



This notification is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state.

BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state.



This notification is generated when the prefix count exceeds the configured warning threshold in a session for an address family.

The prefix count exceeds the configured warning threshold in a session for an address family.



This notification is generated when the prefix count drops below the configured clear threshold in a session for an address family after the cbgpPeer2PrefixThresholdExceeded notification is generated. This notification is not generated if the peer session goes down after the cbgpPrefixThresholdExceeded notification.

The prefix count drops below the configured clear threshold in a session for an address family.


RTT Monitor Notifications

Table 4-9 lists CISCO-RTTMON-MIB notifications that can occur during round-trip time (RTT) monitoring.


Table 4-9 RTT Monitor Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Sent when the value of rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred changes.

Occurs when the connection to a target has either failed to be established or was lost and then re-established.

Check for the connectivity to the target. There could be link problems to the target through different hops.


A timeout occurred or was cleared.

An RTT probe occurred and the system sends the notice when the value of rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred changes.

Check for the end-to-end connectivity if rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred in the notification returns true.

No action is required if rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred is false.


Threshold violation occurred.

An RTT probe occurred or a previous violation has subsided in a subsequent RTT operation.

Check for the end-to-end connectivity if rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred in the notification is true; otherwise, no action is required.

Redundancy Framework Notifications

Table 4-10 lists CISCO-RF-MIB notifications that can occur in a redundant system. There are two types of notifications:

  • Switch of Activity (SWACT)—Either a forced or automatic switch of active status from the active unit to the standby unit. The former standby unit is now referred to as the active unit.
  • Progression—The process of making the redundancy state of the standby unit equivalent to that of the active unit. This includes transitioning the RF state machine through several states, which drives the RF clients on the active unit to synchronize any relevant data with their peer on the standby unit.


Table 4-10 Redundancy Framework Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the RF state changed.

A switch of activity notification is sent by the newly active redundant unit.

A switch of activity occurs. If a SWACT event is indistinguishable from a reset event, then a network management station should use this notification to differentiate the activity.

If the switchover occurred because the active unit failed (indicated by cRFStatusLastSwactReasonCode) see if there are any hardware failures; otherwise, no action is required.


Indicates that the RF state changed.

The active redundant unit RF state changed or the RF state of the peer unit changed.

To avoid an increase of notifications for all state transitions, send notifications for transitions to the following RF states:

  • standbyCold(5)
  • standbyHot(9)
  • active(14)
  • activeExtraload(15)

CPU Usage Notifications

Table 4-11 lists CISCO-PROCESS-MIB notifications that can occur.


Table 4-11 CISCO-PROCESS-MIB Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates the rising threshold for system-wide CPU utilization.

When the system-wide CPU utilization crosses (exceeds) the rising threshold, a notification (SNMP/Syslog) is generated.

After sending a rising threshold notification, a second rising threshold notification will be sent only if a falling threshold notification corresponding to the first rising threshold notification has been sent.


Indicates the falling threshold for system-wide CPU utilization.

If the system-wide CPU utilization falls below the falling threshold, a notification is generated.

The falling threshold notification is generated only if a rising threshold notification had been sent out previously.

QFP Notifications

Table 4-12 lists CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB notifications generated by the Cisco 1100 ISR.


Table 4-12 CISCO-ENTITY-QFP-MIB Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the QFP memory usage is equal to or greater than the rising threshold limit (ceqfpMemoryResRisingThreshold).

Occurs when the memory usage exceeds the upper threshold limit.


Indicates that the QFP memory usage is equal to or less than the falling threshold limit(ceqfpMemoryResFallingThreshold).

Occurs when the memory usage falls below the lower threshold limit.

Unified Firewall Notifications

Table 4-13 lists CISCO-UNIFIED-FIREWALL-MIB notifications generated by firewall subsystem. Cisco 1100 ISR platform only supports the statistics for the zone base firewall in CISCO-UNIFIED-FIREWALL-MIB; notifications listed in Table 4-1 are now supported.


Table 4-13 CISCO-UNIFIED-FIREWALL-MIB Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the firewall selected a new primary URL filtering server from the existing list of available servers.

Occurs when the current primary server becomes unavailable or when a server is explicitly nominated as primary filtering server.


Indicates that the firewall detected change in a static MAC address to a new port.

Occurs when:

  • The device with the MAC Address is physically moved to a new port.
  • MAC address is explicitly moved to a new location.
  • MAC address spoofing is encountered in the system.

Image License Management Notifications

Table 4-14 lists the CISCO-IMAGE-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB notifications.


Table 4-14 CISCO-IMAGE-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the boot image level is changed.

Occurs when the boot image level is changed in the management entity.

License Management Notifications

Table 4-15 lists the CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB notifications.


Table 4-15 CISCO-LICENSE-MGMT-MIB Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that a license has expired.

Occurs when a license expires.


Indicates that a license is about to expire.

Occurs when a license is about to expire.


Indicates that the value of the clmgmtLicenseUsageCountRemaining attribute has reached the clmgmtLicenseMaxUsageCount threshold value for a counting license.

Occurs when the value of clmgmtLicenseUsageCountRemaining has reached clmgmtLicenseMaxUsageCount for a counting license.


Indicates that the value of the clmgmtLicenseUsageCountRemaining attribute has reached 80% of the clmgmtLicenseMaxUsageCount for a counting license.

Occurs when clmgmtLicenseUsageCountRemaining has reached 80% of clmgmtLicenseMaxUsageCount for a counting license.


Indicates that a license is installed successfully.

Occurs when a license is installed successfully.


Indicates that a license is cleared successfully.

Occurs when a license is cleared successfully.


Indicates that a license is revoked successfully.

Occurs when a license is revoked successfully.


Indicates that a user has accepted the End-User License Agreement (EULA) for a license.

Occurs when a user accepts the EULA for a license.


Indicates that a license does not exist for a mandatory feature.

Occurs when a license does not exist for a mandatory feature.


Indicates that the subscription license of a feature is about to expire.

Occurs when the subscription license of a feature is about to expire.


Indicates that the subscription license of a feature has expired but the extension period is available.

Occurs when that the subscription license of a feature has expired but the extension period is available.


Indicates that the subscription license of a feature has expired.

Occurs when the subscription license of a feature has expired.


Indicates that an evaluation license is about to be transitioned an a Right -to-Use (RTU) license.

Occurs when evaluation license is about to be transitioned as a RTU license.


Indicates that a feature license has transitioned from an evaluation license to an RTU license.

Occurs when a feature license has transitioned from being an evaluation license to an RTU license.