Installing and Connecting the Router

This section describes how to install and connect Cisco CGR 2010 routers to a LAN or WAN, as well as how to connect AC or DC power to the router.

These topics are discussed.

Note: To see translations of the warnings that appear in this publication, see Cisco Connected Grid Routers Series Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information .

Caution: For the optimum temperature ranges, do not operate it in an area that less than the minimum of 40°C and exceeds a maximum recommended ambient temperature of 60°C.

Note: To view specifications for the CGR 2010 router, see the Cisco 2010 Connected Grid Router data sheet .

Warning: Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment. Statement 1030

Warning: This unit might have more than one power supply connection. All connections must be removed to de-energize the unit. Statement 1028

Warning: Hazardous network voltages are present in WAN ports regardless of whether power to the unit is OFF or ON. To avoid electric shock, use caution when working near WAN ports. When detaching cables, detach the end away from the unit first. Statement 1026

Warning: Do not use this product near water; for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool. Statement 1035

Warning: Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. Statement 1038

Warning: This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted access area can be accessed only through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or other means of security. Statement 1017

Warning: Stability hazard. The rack stabilizing mechanism must be in place, or the rack must be bolted to the floor before you slide the unit out for servicing. Failure to stabilize the rack can cause the rack to tip over. Statement 1048

Warning: The chassis should be mounted on a rack that is permanently affixed to the building. Statement 1049

Warning: Blank faceplates and cover panels serve three important functions: they prevent exposure to hazardous voltages and currents inside the chassis; they contain electromagnetic interference (EMI) that might disrupt other equipment; and they direct the flow of cooling air through the chassis. Do not operate the system unless all cards, faceplates, front covers, and rear covers are in place.
Statement 1029

Warning: A ground wire must always be a single piece of wire. Never splice two wires together for a ground. Corrosion and weathering can lead to a poor connection at the splice, making the ground ineffective and dangerous. Statement 270

Warning: To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord. Statement 1023

Warning: Use copper conductors only. Statement 1025

Warning: A readily accessible two-poled disconnect device must be incorporated in the fixed wiring. Statement 1022

Warning: Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector. Do not view directly with optical instruments. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard. Statement 1056

Warning: To prevent the system from overheating, do not operate it in an area that exceeds the maximum recommended ambient temperature of: 60°C (140°F). Statement 1047

Warning: Hot surface. Statement 1079

Caution: Heat sinks applicable to warning statement 1079, can exceed 90º C in a 60º C ambient. Suitable precautions should be taken to avoid burns.

Warning: This equipment needs to be grounded. Use a green and yellow 12 to 14 AWG ground wire to connect the host to earth ground during normal use. Statement 242

What you Need to Know

CLI Console Access

Use the new USB console port on the router to access the Cisco Internet Operating System (IOS) Command Line Interface (CLI) on the router and perform configuration tasks. A terminal emulation program, such as Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal, is required to establish communication between the router and a PC. See Connecting to a Console Terminal or Modem.

Note: A Microsoft Windows USB driver must be installed before you establish physical connectivity between the router and the PC.

Slot and Port Numbers

Cisco CGR 2010 routers have built-in ports and new slots. The new slots accommodate new grid router WAN interface cards (GRWICs). See Slot, Port, and Interface Information for slot and port numbering

Before You Begin

Before installing and connecting a Cisco CGR 2010 router, read the safety warnings and gather the following tools and equipment:

  • ESD-preventive cord and wrist strap
  • Number 2 Phillips screwdriver
  • Flat-blade screwdrivers: small, 3/16-in. (4 to 5 mm) and medium, 1/4-in. (6 to 7 mm)

— To install or remove GRWICs

— To remove the cover, if you are upgrading memory or other components

  • Screws that fit your rack

In addition, depending on the type of modules you plan to use, you might need the following equipment to connect a port to an external network:

  • Cables for connection to the WAN and LAN ports (dependent on configuration).

For more information on cable specifications, see Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications on

  • Ethernet hub or PC with a network interface card for connection to an Ethernet (LAN) port.
  • Console terminal (an ASCII terminal or a PC running HyperTerminal or similar terminal emulation software) configured for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control, and no parity.
  • Modem for connection to the auxiliary port for remote administrative access (optional).
  • Data service unit (DSU) or channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU) as appropriate for serial interfaces.
  • External CSU for any CT1/PRI modules without a built-in CSU.
  • NT1 device for ISDN BRI S/T interfaces (if not supplied by your service provider).

Caution: Sites with ambient temperatures consistently above 25 degrees C (77 degrees F) and with potentially high levels of dust or debris may require periodic preventative maintenance cleaning.

Unpacking the Router

Do not unpack the router until you are ready to install it. If the final installation site will not be ready for some time, keep the chassis in its shipping container to prevent accidental damage. When you are ready to install the router, proceed with unpacking it.

The router, accessory kit, publications, and any optional equipment you ordered may be shipped in more than one container. When you unpack the containers, check the packing list to ensure that you received all of the items on the list.

Installing the Router in a Rack

The Cisco CGR 2010 router can only be mounted in a rack.

Caution: To prevent damage to the chassis, never attempt to lift or tilt the chassis by holding it by the plastic panel on the front. Always hold the chassis by the sides of the metal body.

Note: Allow at least one rack unit of vertical space above the router.

Rack-Mounting the Chassis

The Cisco CGR 2010 router can be installed in a 19-inch (48.26-cm) standard rack.

You can mount the router in the following ways:

  • Power-supply side mounting—Brackets attached at the power supply side of the chassis with the power-supply side facing forward.
  • Cable-side mounting—Brackets attached at the cable side of the chassis with the cable side facing forward.

Rack-Mount Brackets for the Cisco CGR 2010 Router shows the rack-mount brackets used with the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

Figure 1 Rack-Mount Brackets for the Cisco CGR 2010 Router


Attaching Rack-Mount Brackets to Cisco CGR 2010 Routers

To attach the long side of each bracket to the Cisco CGR 2010 router, use four of the supplied number-8 Phillips flat-head screws.

Bracket Installation for Power-Supply Side Mounting shows how to attach the brackets to the sides of the router with the power-supply side forward.

Figure 2 Bracket Installation for Power-Supply Side Mounting


Bracket Installation for Cable-Side Mounting shows how to attach the brackets to the sides of the router with the cable-side forward.

Figure 3 Bracket Installation for Cable-Side Mounting



Caution: Do not over-torque the screws. The recommended torque is 15 to 18 inch-lb (1.7 to 2.0 N-m).

Attach the second bracket to the opposite side of the chassis. Use a number 2 Phillips screwdriver to install the number-8 bracket screws.

Caution: Your chassis installation must allow unrestricted airflow for chassis cooling.

Mounting the Router in a Rack

After you attach the rack-mount brackets to the router chassis, use the screws provided with the rack to install the chassis in the rack. See Mounting the Chassis in a Rack (Typical Installation)

Note: The screw slots in the brackets are spaced to line up with every second pair of screw holes in the rack. When the correct screw holes are used, the small threaded holes in the brackets line up with unused screw holes in the rack. If the small holes do not line up with the rack holes, you must raise or lower the brackets to the next rack hole.

Caution: A space of 1 RU above each Cisco CGR 2010 router is required for sufficient air ventilation.

Mounting the Chassis in a Rack (Typical Installation) shows a typical installation in a rack.

Figure 4 Mounting the Chassis in a Rack (Typical Installation)



Mounting screws (4)



Power-Supply Modules

This section describes how to connect AC power and DC power to the Cisco CGR 2010 router. This section also describes how to protect the Cisco CGR 2010 router terminal block from exposure with the terminal block cover and shut off power.

Power-Supply Modules summarizes the three power-supply modules available for the Cisco CGR 2010 router.


Table 1 Power-Supply Modules



Voltage Range


High-voltage AC or DC.




Low-voltage DC.

24-60VDC 10 amps


High-voltage AC or DC. China-specific model.



See Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply Inserted Into the Router.

Figure 5 Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply Inserted Into the Router



Power supply


Power supply captive screws

Connecting AC Power

This section explains how to connect AC power to the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

Warning: Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source. Statement 1004

To connect an AC power supply:

1. Verify that power is off to the circuit on the power supply that you are removing. As an added precaution, place the appropriate safety flag and lockout devices at the source power circuit breaker, or place a piece of adhesive tape over the circuit breaker handle to prevent accidental power restoration while you are working on the circuit.

2. Observe the power-input terminal on the left edge of the router’s cable side. See Power-Input Terminal Designations

Figure 6 Power-Input Terminal Designations




Line connection for AC power 1


Positive connection for high-voltage DC


Neutral connection for AC power


Negative connection for low-voltage DC


Negative connection for high-voltage DC


Positive connection for low-voltage DC


Ground connection



1 Note that the line connection for AC power and the negative connection for high-voltage DC power share the same power input terminal—that is, this terminal can be used for either AC or DC power. The same is true for the terminal for the neutral connection for AC power and the positive connection for high-voltage DC power—the same terminal can be used for either AC or DC power.

Note: The power-supply module 1 connection is labeled PSU1, and the power-supply module 2 connection is labeled PSU2. Ensure that you connect the wires to the correct terminal screws.

3. Use twisted-pair copper wire to connect from the power-input terminal to the power source.

Note: Use 12-AWG (minimum) for the low-voltage DC power supply module. Use 14-AWG (minimum) or 12-AWG (maximum) for the high-voltage DC or AC power supply module.

4. Strip each of the two wires to 0.25 inch (6.3 mm) ± 0.02 inch (0.5 mm). See Stripping the Input Power Source Wire

Figure 7 Stripping the Input Power Source Wire


Note: Do not strip more than 0.27 inch (6.8 mm) of insulation from the wire. Stripping more than the recommended amount of wire can leave exposed wire from the connector after installation.

5. To connect AC power:

Warning: When installing or replacing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. Statement 1046

Apply these instructions with the power cable attached to the CGR 2010 but not connected to a power source.

a. Connect the Ground wire (the green or green/yellow lead of the cable) into the terminal marked with the ground symbol. See item 7 in Power-Input Terminal Designations

b. Connect the Line wire (the black or brown lead of the cable) into the terminal screw labeled L . See item 1 in Power-Input Terminal Designations.

c. Connect the Neutral wire (the white or blue lead of the cable) into the terminal screw labeled N .
See item 2 in Power-Input Terminal Designations.

Note: Ensure that you cannot see any wire lead. Only wire with insulation should extend from the terminal screw.

d. Use a tie wrap to secure the cable to the central strain relief tab next to the terminal block on the chassis. Secure the cable immediately adjacent to the terminal block to minimize strain on the cable.

The strain relief mechanism consists of three metal loops built into the chassis next to the terminal block. See Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism.

Note: Do not overtighten the tie wrap to the loops. This could damage the wiring insulation. An overtightened tie wrap could cause cold-flow of the wire insulation, which in turn could cause shorting of the power source to the chassis.

New Steps start here with respect to Ferrite Clamp.

e. Open ferrite clamp (Ferrite Clamp for Power Cord) and lay AC power cable inside center channel keeping the clamp’s closest face no more than 2 inches away from the chassis.

(PID: info pending)

Figure 8 Ferrite Clamp for Power Cord



f. Starting from the farther end of the ferrite clamp (away from chassis), wrap power cable back towards chassis and back through center channel of ferrite clamp so that there are two wraps of cable inside the center channel (two turns).

g. Close the ferrite clamp and continue connecting power cable to power source.

h. Secure cable/clamp to chassis to limit movement ( Secure Cable and Ferrite Clamp to Chassis) to the central strain relief tab as shown in Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism.

Figure 9 Secure Cable and Ferrite Clamp to Chassis



New steps end here

Figure 10 Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism



Tie wraps to the central strain relief tab.



Caution: Ensure that all strands of a stranded wire are properly captured into the terminal block. A loose strand could possibly short the chassis and result in a hazard.

i. Use minimum 14 AWG or maximum 12 AWG copper wire to connect the router to a 15 A branch circuit in accordance with local electrical code requirements.

6. Fully insert the uninsulated lead in to the terminal block and screw each captive screw on the terminal block tight to ensure proper connection.

Caution: The AWG size of the wires feeding power to the input terminal block is a minimum of 14 AWG (2.0 mm2) or a maximum of 12 AWG (3.309 mm2), all for a 15 Amp branch circuit. 12 AWG is the largest wire that the terminal block will accept.

7. Torque the captive screws (above the wires) to 8.5 in-lb (± 0.5 in-lb).

Caution: Do not touch the terminal block when energy is restored. The terminal block screw heads and any exposed wiring could have hazardous line voltages (depending on the voltage source). The Cisco CGR 2010 router is intended to be installed in a restricted access location and serviced by trained personnel only.

8. Connect the other end of the line wire (the wire connected to L ) to the line terminal on the AC power source.

9. Connect the other end of the neutral wire (the wire connected to N ) to the neutral terminal on the AC power source.

10. Turn on the power at the AC circuit, then verify that the following LEDs are green:

— On the power-supply module: PSU OK LED. See Power Supply Side View LEDs on the Cisco CGR 2010 Router

— On the router: PSU1 (bottom) or PSU2 LED (top). See Power Supply Side View LEDs on the Cisco CGR 2010 Router

— Verify that the voltage at the router is within the rated operating voltage range of the product by using a meter or issuing the show environment command. For normal operating voltages, see Power-Supply Modules

11. If you have two power supplies, install the second power supply in the available slot and repeat Step 1 through Step 10.

Connecting DC Power

This section explains how to connect DC power to the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

Warning: Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source. Statement 1004

To connect an DC power supply:

1. Verify that power is off to the circuit on the power supply that you are removing. As an added precaution, place the appropriate safety flag and lockout devices at the source power circuit breaker, or place a piece of adhesive tape over the circuit breaker handle to prevent accidental power restoration while you are working on the circuit.

2. Observe the power-input terminal on the left edge of the router cable side. See Power-Input Terminal Designations .

Figure 11 Power-Input Terminal Designations




Line connection for AC power 1


Positive connection for high-voltage DC


Neutral connection for AC power


Negative connection for low-voltage DC


Negative connection for high-voltage DC


Positive connection for low-voltage DC


Ground connection



1 Note that the line connection for AC power and the negative connection for high-voltage DC power share the same power input terminal—that is, this terminal can be used for either AC or DC power. The same is true for the terminal for the neutral connection for AC power and the positive connection for high-voltage DC power—the same terminal can be used for either AC or DC power.

Note: The power-supply module 1 connection is labeled PSU1, and the power-supply module 2 connection is labeled PSU2. Ensure that you connect the wires to the correct terminal screws.

3. Use twisted-pair copper wire to connect from the power-input terminal to the power source.

Note: Use 12-AWG (minimum) for the low-voltage DC power supply module. Use 14-AWG (minimum) or 12-AWG (maximum) for the high-voltage DC or AC power supply module.

4. Strip each of the two wires to 0.25 inch (6.3 mm) ± 0.02 inch (0.5 mm). See Stripping the Input Power Source Wire.

Figure 12 Stripping the Input Power Source Wire


Note: Do not strip more than 0.27 inch (6.8 mm) of insulation from the wire. Stripping more than the recommended amount of wire can leave exposed wire from the connector after installation.

5. To connect DC power:

Warning: When installing or replacing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last. Statement 1046

a. Connect the Ground wire (the green or green/yellow lead of the cable) into the terminal marked with the ground symbol. See item 7 in Power-Input Terminal Designations.

b. Connect the Positive wire into the terminal screw labeled + .

c. Connect the Negative wire into the terminal screw labeled - .

Note: Ensure that you cannot see any wire lead. Only wire with insulation should extend from the terminal screw.

Note: If you have a low-voltage DC power-supply module , connect the wires to the terminals labeled Lo . See items 5 and 6 in Power-Input Terminal Designations.

If you have a high-voltage DC power-supply module , connect the wires to the terminals labeled Hi . See items 3 and 4 in Power-Input Terminal Designations.

Caution: Do not use a power cable to connect the chassis low-voltage DC input to a voltage source. If you inadvertently plug a cable into a 120 VAC source, the low-voltage supply will be damaged and hazard could result.

If you need a cable to connect to the low-voltage DC power supply, cut off the plug from the power cord and hard-wire the Cisco CGR 2010 low-voltage DC input directly to its power source, observing the correct polarity markings.

d. Open ferrite clamp and lay DC power cable inside center channel keeping the clamp’s closest face no more than 2 inches away from chassis as shown in Ferrite Clamp for Power Cord.


Table 2 Ferrite Clamp PID




Figure 13 Ferrite Clamp for Power Cord


e. Starting from the farther end of the ferrite clamp (away from chassis), wrap power cable back towards chassis and back through center channel of ferrite clamp so that there are two wraps of cable inside the center channel (two turns).

f. Close the ferrite clamp and continue connecting power cable to power source.

g. Secure cable/clamp to chassis to limit movement to the central strain relief tab as shown in Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism.

h. Use a tie wrap to secure the cable to the central strain relief tab next to the terminal block on the chassis. Secure the cable immediately adjacent to the terminal block to minimize strain on the cable.

The strain relief mechanism consists of three metal loops built into the chassis next to the terminal block. See Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism.

Note: Do not overtighten the tie wrap to the loops, which could damage the wiring insulation. An overtightened tie wrap could cause cold-flow of the wire insulation, which in turn could cause shorting of the power source to the chassis.

Figure 14 Using Tie Wraps with the Strain Relief Mechanism



Tie wraps to the central strain relief tab.



Caution: Ensure that all strands of a stranded wire are properly captured into the terminal block. A loose strand could possibly short the chassis and result in a hazard.

i. Use minimum 14-AWG or maximum 12-AWG copper wire to connect the router to a 15-A branch circuit in accordance with local electrical code requirements.

6. Fully insert the un-insulated lead in to the terminal block and screw each captive screw on the terminal block tight to ensure proper connection.

Caution: The AWG size of the wires feeding power to the input terminal block is a minimum of 14 AWG (2.0 mm2) or a maximum of 12 AWG (3.309 mm2), all for a 15 Amp branch circuit. 12 AWG is the largest wire that the terminal block will accept.

7. Torque the captive screws (above the wires) to 8.5 in-lb (± 0.5 in-lb).

Caution: Do not touch the terminal block after energy is restored. The terminal block screw heads and any exposed wiring could have hazardous line voltages (depending on the voltage source). The Cisco CGR 2010 router is intended to be installed in a restricted access location and serviced by trained personnel only.

8. Connect the other end of the positive wire (the wire connected to +) to the positive terminal on the DC power source.

9. Connect the other end of the negative wire (the wire connected to -) to the negative terminal on the DC power source.

10. Turn on the power at the DC circuit, then verify that the following LEDs are green:

— On the power-supply module: PSU OK LED. See Power Supply Side View LEDs on the Cisco CGR 2010 Router.

— On the router: PSU1 (bottom) or PSU2 LED (top). See Power Supply Side View LEDs on the Cisco CGR 2010 Router).

— Verify that the voltage at the router is within the rated operating voltage range of the product by using a meter or issuing the show environment command. For normal operating voltages, see Power-Supply Modules.

11. If you have two power supplies, install the second power supply in the available slot and repeat Step 1 through Step 10.


Protecting the Terminal Block from Exposure

You can protect the Cisco CGR 2010 router terminal block from exposure with the terminal block cover. See CGR 2010 Power Terminal Cover .

Note: The terminal block cover is intended to protect against inadvertent contact with the exposed terminals of the input terminal block. The terminal block cover does not comply with the safety standard requirements for enclosures. Consequently, even with the terminal block cover installed, the CGR 2010 router still needs to be located in a restricted access location, accessible only by trained service personnel who recognize the hazards in that environment and are trained to take the necessary precautions.


Table 3 Terminal Block Cover Spare PID




Figure 15 CGR 2010 Power Terminal Cover


To attach the CGR 2010 terminal block cover:

1. Access the cable side of the router.

2. Locate the terminal blocks on the left side of the chassis.

3. To secure the terminal block cover, first insert the two clips on the right side, then insert the single clip on the left side, as shown in CGR 2010 Power Terminal Cover .

4. You can funnel cables into the terminal block through the cable routing holes on the left side of the cover.

Shutting Off Power

Even though shutting off power to the Cisco CGR 2010 router is anticipated to be infrequent, there may be occasion to turn off the router. There is no on/off switch on the Cisco CGR 2010 router. This ensures that there will not be any accidental shutdown due to inadvertently turning off a power switch; thus, guaranteeing a high reliability in keeping the router up. To shut off power to the router, there are two options:

The power supplies on the Cisco CGR 2010 router are hot swappable, so merely removing them from the router will remove power from the router and shut it down.

  • Install a disconnect device for the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

A disconnect device must be located in the proximity of the Cisco CGR 2010 router and must be readily accessible. The disconnect device must also comply with IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3 or an equivalent approved disconnect device appropriate for the country of installation and be identified as the disconnect device for this equipment.

Note: The maximum current rating for the power disconnect circuit breaker or overcurrent device must be 15 Amps. Operational power must be internally fused. This fuse cannot be replaced by the user. In the event of the disconnect device failing, return the unit to the factory for repair.

Replacing Power Supplies and Redundant Power Supplies

Before you perform power supply replacement, read the Safety Warnings and disconnect power when noted.

The Cisco CGR 2010 routers have replaceable power supplies. Use a Number 2 Phillips screwdriver to remove or install the power supply.

Caution: Any combination of power supplies can be inserted into the chassis. Dual power supply configurations are load sharing in redundancy mode.

A single power supply is sufficient for supporting power needs to the system. A single PSU can be deployed in either slot 1 (PSU1) or slot 2 (PSU2).

Note: The power supplies are hot swappable. The power supply LED must show it is properly functioning before removing the other power supply in the router.

Replacing the Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply

For the following steps see Removing the Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply for the locations of connectors and other components within the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

To replace the power supply in a Cisco CGR 2010 router:

1. Loosen the captive screws that fasten the power supply to the chassis.

2. Pull the power supply out of the chassis. See Removing the Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply.

Figure 16 Removing the Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply



Power supply


Power supply captive screws


3. Insert the replacement power supply into the chassis. See Removing the Cisco CGR 2010 Router Power Supply.

4. Tighten the captive screws that fasten the power supply to the chassis.

Connecting to a Console Terminal or Modem

The router has asynchronous serial ports and auxiliary ports. These ports provide administrative access to the router either locally (with a console terminal or a PC) or remotely (with a modem). To configure the router through the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI), you must establish a connection between the router console port and either a terminal or a PC.

Local and Remote Connections shows cables and adapters to establish a local or remote connection.


Table 4 Local and Remote Connections

Port Type



Serial (RJ-45)


Connecting to the Serial Port with Microsoft Windows

Serial (USB)

USB 5-pin mini USB Type-B-to-USB Type-A

Auxiliary (Modem)


Connecting to the Auxiliary Port

Connecting to the Serial Port with Microsoft Windows

This section describes using Microsoft Windows to connect to the serial port.

Note: Install the USB device driver before establishing a physical connection between the router and the PC using the USB Console cable plugged into the USB serial port, otherwise the connection will fail. See Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows USB Device Driver.

1. Connect the end of the console cable with the RJ-45 connector to the light blue console port on the router.


Connect a USB 5-pin mini USB Type-B to the USB console port, as shown in Connecting the USB Console Cable to the Cisco CGR 2010 Router. If you are using the USB serial port for the first time on a Windows-based PC, install the USB driver now according to the instructions in the following sections.

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows XP USB Driver

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows 2000 USB Driver

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows Vista USB Driver

Note: You cannot use the USB port and the EIA port concurrently. See Connecting to the Auxiliary Port. When the USB port is used, it takes priority over the RJ-45 EIA port.

2. Connect the end of the cable with the DB-9 connector (or USB Type-A) to the terminal or PC. If your terminal or PC has a console port that does not accommodate a DB-9 connector, you must provide an appropriate adapter for that port.

Note: To identify the COM port assigned to the USB console port, use the Control Panel to open the Device Manager, and expand the Ports section. The assigned COM port is shown in parenthesis at the end of the line with the following entry: Cisco USB System Management Console.

3. To communicate with the router, start a terminal emulator application, such as Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal. This software should be configured with the following parameters:

— 9600 baud

— 8 data bits

— no parity

— 1 stop bit

— no flow control

Figure 17 Connecting the USB Console Cable to the Cisco CGR 2010 Router




USB 5-pin mini USB type-B console port


USB 5-pin mini USB type-B to USB type-A console cable


USB Type-A



Connecting to the Console Port with Mac OS X

To connect a Mac OS X system USB port to the console using the built-in OS X Terminal utility:

1. Use the Finder to go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

2. Connect the OS X USB port to the router.

3. Enter the following commands to find the OS X USB port number:

macbook:user$ cd /dev
macbook:user$ ls -ltr /dev/*usb*
crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 9, 66 Apr 1 16:46 tty.usbmodem1a21
DT-macbook:dev user$

4. Connect to the USB port with the following command followed by the router USB port speed:

macbook:user$ screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1a21 9600

5. To disconnect the OS X USB console from the terminal window:

a. Enter Ctrl+A followed by Ctrl+\

Connecting to the Console Port with Linux

To connect a Linux system USB port to the console using the built-in Linux Terminal utility:

1. Open the Linux Terminal window.

2. Connect the Linux USB port to the router.

3. Enter the following commands to find the Linux USB port number:

root@usb-suse# cd /dev
root@usb-suse /dev# ls -ltr *ACM*
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 188, 0 Jan 14 18:02 ttyACM0
root@usb-suse /dev#

4. Connect to the USB port with the following command followed by the router USB port speed:

root@usb-suse /dev# screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600

5. To disconnect the Linux USB console from the terminal window:

a. Enter Ctrl+A followed by :, and then type quit.

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows USB Device Driver

A USB device driver must be installed the first time a Microsoft Windows-based PC is connected to the USB serial port on the router.

These topics are discussed:

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows XP USB Driver

To install the Microsoft Windows XP USB driver:

1. Obtain the file from website and unzip it.

2. If using 32-bit Windows XP, double-click the setup.exe file from the Windows_32 folder. If using 64-bit Windows XP, double-click the setup(x64).exe file from the Windows_64 folder.

3. The Cisco Virtual Com InstallShield Wizard begins. Click Next.

4. The Ready to Install the Program window appears. Click Install.

5. The InstallShield Wizard Completed window appears. Click Finish.

6. Connect the USB cable to the PC and router USB console ports. See Local and Remote Connections.

The EN LED for the USB console port turns green, and the Found New Hardware wizard appears.

7. Follow the Found New Hardware wizard instructions to complete the installation of the driver.

The USB console is now ready for use.

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows 2000 USB Driver

To install the Microsoft Windows 2000 USB driver:

1. Obtain the file Cisco_usbconsole_driver .zip from and unzip it.

2. Double-click the file setup.exe .

3. The Cisco Virtual Com InstallShield Wizard begins. Click Next.

4. The Ready to Install the Program window appears. Click Install.

5. The InstallShield Wizard Completed window appears. Click Finish.

6. Connect the USB cable to the PC and router USB console ports. See Local and Remote Connections.

The EN LED for the USB console port turns green, and the Found New Hardware wizard appears.

7. Follow the Found New Hardware wizard instructions to complete the installation of the driver.

The USB console is now ready for use.

Installing the Cisco Microsoft Windows Vista USB Driver

To install the Microsoft Windows Vista USB driver:

1. Obtain the file from and unzip it.

2. If using 32-bit Windows Vista, double-click the setup.exe file from the Windows_32 folder, or if using 64-bit Windows Vista, double-click the setup(x64).exe file from the Windows_64 folder.

3. The Cisco Virtual Com InstallShield Wizard begins. Click Next.

4. The Ready to Install the Program window appears. Click Install.

Note: If a User Account Control warning appears, click “Allow - I trust this program...” to proceed.

5. The InstallShield Wizard Completed window appears. Click Finish.

6. Connect the USB cable to the PC and router USB console ports. See Local and Remote Connections.

The EN LED for the USB console port turns green, and a pop-up window is displayed stating “Installing device driver software.”

7. Follow the instructions to complete the installation of the driver.

The USB console is ready for use.

Uninstalling the Cisco Microsoft Windows USB Driver

This section provides instructions for how to uninstall the Cisco Microsoft Windows USB device driver.

Uninstalling the Cisco Microsoft Windows XP and 2000 USB Driver

You can remove Microsoft Windows XP and the 2000 USB driver using the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility or the setup.exe program.

To uninstall both the Microsoft Windows XP and 2000 USB driver using the Add Remove Programs utility:

Note: Disconnect the router console terminal before uninstalling the driver.

1. Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs .

2. Scroll to Cisco Virtual Com and click Remove.

3. When the Program Maintenance window appears, select the Remove radio button, then click Next.

To uninstall both the Microsoft Windows XP and 2000 USB driver using the Setup.exe program:

Note: Disconnect the router console terminal before uninstalling the driver.

1. Run the setup.exe for Windows 32-bit or setup(x64).exe for Windows-64bit. Click Next.

2. The InstallShield Wizard for Cisco Virtual Com appears. Click Next.

3. When the Program Maintenance window appears, select the Remove radio button, then click Next.

4. When the Remove the Program window appears, click Remove.

5. When the InstallShield Wizard Completed window appears, click Finish.

Uninstalling the Cisco Microsoft Windows Vista USB Driver

To uninstall the Microsoft Windows Vista USB driver:

Note: Disconnect the router console terminal before uninstalling the driver.

1. Run the setup.exe file for Windows 32-bit or the setup(x64).exe file for Windows 64-bit. Click Next.

2. The InstallShield Wizard for Cisco Virtual Com appears. Click Next.

3. When the Program Maintenance window appears, select the Remove radio button, then click Next.

4. When the Remove the Program window appears, click Remove.

Note: If a User Account Control warning appears, click “Allow - I trust this program...” to proceed.

5. When the InstallShield Wizard Completed window appears, click Finish.

Connecting to the Auxiliary Port

When a modem is connected to the auxiliary port, a remote user can dial in to the router and configure it.

To connect a modem to the router:

1. Connect the RJ-45 end of the adapter cable to the black AUX port on the router (Connecting a Modem to the Cisco CGR 2010 Router).

Figure 18 Connecting a Modem to the Cisco CGR 2010 Router




RJ-45 AUX port


RJ-45-to-DB-9 cable


DB-9-to-DB-25 adapter



2. Connect the DB-9 end of the console cable to the DB-9 end of the modem adapter.

3. Connect the DB-25 end of the modem adapter to the modem.

4. Ensure that your modem and the router auxiliary port are configured for the same transmission speed (up to 115200 bps is supported) and for mode control with data carrier detect (DCD) and data terminal ready (DTR) operations.

Connecting WAN and LAN Interfaces

This section describes how to connect WAN and LAN interface cables.

Note: One or two Ethernet cables are typically provided with the router. Additional cables and transceivers can be ordered from Cisco. For ordering information, contact customer service. For cable pinouts, see Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications .

Warning: Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity. Statement 1001

Warning: To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits. LAN ports contain SELV circuits, and WAN ports contain TNV circuits. Some LAN and WAN ports both use RJ-45 connectors. Use caution when connecting cables. Statement 1021

Warning: Hazardous network voltages are present in WAN ports regardless of whether power to the unit is OFF or ON. To avoid electric shock, use caution when working near WAN ports. When detaching cables, detach the end away from the unit first. Statement 1026

Connection Procedures and Precautions

To properly connect cables:

1. Connect each WAN and LAN cable to the appropriate connector on the chassis or on an interface card.

2. Position the cables carefully, so that they do not put strain on the connectors.

3. Organize cables in bundles so that cables do not intertwine.

4. Inspect the cables to make sure that the routing and bend radius is satisfactory. Reposition cables, if necessary.

Note: Install cable ties in accordance with site requirements.

For cable pinouts, see Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications on

Ports and Cabling

WAN, LAN, and Voice Connections summarizes typical WAN and LAN connections for Cisco CGR 2010 routers. The connections summarized here are also described in detail in Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications .

Table 5 WAN, LAN, and Voice Connections

Port or Connection

Port Type, Color 1




RJ-45, yellow

Ethernet hub or Ethernet switch

Category 5 or higher Ethernet



T1 or E1 network

RJ-48 T1/E1 2

Cisco serial

60-pin D-sub, blue

CSU/DSU and serial network or equipment

Cisco serial transition cable that matches the signaling protocol (EIA/TIA-232, V.35 or X.21
and the serial port operating mode (DTE or DCE). 3

Cisco Smart serial

Cisco Smart compact connector, blue

CSU/DSU and serial network or equipment

56/64-kbps DSU/CSU

8-pin modular, blue

RJ-48S interface in subrate device or network

RJ-48 straight-through


8-pin modular, blue

RJ-48C interface

RJ-48 straight-through

Gigabit Ethernet SFP, optical

LC, color according to optical wavelength

1000BASE-SX, -LX, -ZX, 100BASE-FX and 100BASE-LX

Optical fiber as specified on applicable data sheet

Gigabit Ethernet SFP, copper



Category 5, 5e, 6 UTP

1 Cable color codes are specific to Cisco cables.

2 For T1/E1 interfaces, shielded cables are required to meet EN55022, Cispr 22, and EN300-386 compliance.

3 See Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications for information about choosing these cables.

Auxiliary Port, Console Port, and Adapter Pinouts for the Cisco CGR 2010 Router

This section explains the different ports and adapter pinouts available for the Cisco CGR 2010 router.

Auxiliary and Console Ports

The console and auxiliary ports on Cisco IOS® routers are asynchronous serial ports. The console port and the auxiliary port are configured as data terminal equipment (DTE). For Cisco 2000 Series Routers, the console and auxiliary ports both use RJ-45 connectors. Adapters are available for connections to PC terminals, modems, or other external communications equipment.

Console Port Pinouts for the RJ-45 Connector shows the console port pinouts for the RJ-45 connector. Any pin not referenced is not connected.


Table 6 Console Port Pinouts for the RJ-45 Connector

Console Port (DTE)




























Auxiliary Port Pinouts for the RJ-45 Connector shows the auxiliary port pinouts for the RJ-45 connector. Any pin not referenced is not connected.


Table 7 Auxiliary Port Pinouts for the RJ-45 Connector

Auxiliary Port (DTE)




























Identify a Rollover Cable

To identify a rollover cable, compare the two modular ends of the cable (Identifying a Rollover Cable). Hold the cables in your hand, side-by-side, with the tab at the back. The wire connected to the pin on the outside of the left connector (pin 1) must be the same color as the pin on the outside of the right connector (pin 8).

On Cisco cables, pin 1 is white on one connector, and pin 8 is white on the other connector.

Figure 19 Identifying a Rollover Cable


RJ-45 Rolled Console Cable Pinouts shows the RJ-45 rolled (console) cable pinouts:


Table 8 RJ-45 Rolled Console Cable Pinouts





































Console Port Connection to a PC

To connect a PC terminal to the console port, use the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable, and either the RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter or the RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL ).

The default parameters for the console port are:

  • 9600 baud
  • 8 data bits
  • No parity generated or checked
  • 1 stop bit
  • No Flow Control
Console Port Signaling and Cabling with a DB-9 Adapter

This section describes the console port signaling and cabling with a DB-9 adapter. See RJ-45 Cable to DB-9 Female Adapter and RJ-45 to RJ-45 Rollover Cable).

Figure 20 RJ-45 Cable to DB-9 Female Adapter



Figure 21 RJ-45 to RJ-45 Rollover Cable


Pinout Descriptions for the DB-9 Connections shows the pinout descriptions for the DB-9 connections:


Table 9 Pinout Descriptions for the DB-9 Connections

Console Port (DTE)

RJ-45 to RJ-45
Rollover Cable

RJ-45 to DB-9 Terminal Adapter

Console Device


RJ-45 Pin

RJ-45 Pin

DB-9 Pin



1 1







































1 Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

Console Port Signaling and Cabling with a DB-25 Adapter

This section describes the console port signaling and cabling with a DB-25 adapter as shown in RJ-45 to DB-25 Adapter (Terminal) and RJ-45 to DB-25 Female Adapter .

Figure 22 RJ-45 to DB-25 Adapter (Terminal)



Figure 23 RJ-45 to DB-25 Female Adapter


Pinout Descriptions for the DB-25 Connections shows the pinout descriptions for the DB-25 connections:


Table 10 Pinout Descriptions for the DB-25 Connections

Console Port (DTE) 1

RJ-45 to RJ-45
Rollover Cable

RJ-45 to DB-25 Terminal Adapter

Console Device


RJ-45 Pin

RJ-45 Pin

DB-25 Pin



1 2







































1 You can use the same cabling to connect a console to the auxiliary port.

2 Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

Auxiliary Port Connection to a Modem

To connect a PC terminal to the router, use the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and either the RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adapter or the RJ-45-to-DB-9 female DTE adapter (labeled TERMINAL ).

This section lists the pinout descriptions for both DB-9 and DB-25 connections.

To connect a modem to the auxiliary port, use the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable and the RJ-45-to-DB-25 male DCE adapter (labeled MODEM ).

Auxiliary Port Signaling and Cabling Using a DB-25 Adapter

This section describes the auxiliary port signaling and cabling using a DB-25 adapter as shown in RJ-45 to DB-25 Adapter (Terminal) and RJ-45 to DB-25 Male Adapter .

Figure 24 RJ-45 to DB-25 Adapter (Terminal)



Figure 25 RJ-45 to DB-25 Male Adapter



Pinout Descriptions for the Modem Connection provides the pinout description for the modem connection:


Table 11 Pinout Descriptions for the Modem Connection

Auxiliary Port (DTE)

RJ-45 to RJ-45
Rollover Cable

RJ-45 to DB-25 Modem Adapter



RJ-45 Pin

RJ-45 Pin

DB-25 Pin



1 1







































1 Pin 1 is connected internally to Pin 8.

Alternative Terminal and Modem Connections

Alternative Terminal and Modem Connections describes the alternative terminal and modem connections:


Table 12 Alternative Terminal and Modem Connections

Console Port Connection

RJ-45 Cable Type


Console port to PC


DCE, DB-9 female

Console port to terminal


DCE, DB-25 female

Auxiliary port to modem

Rollover 1

DCE, 2 DB-25, male



DTE, DB-25, male

1 An octal cable or RJ-45 breakout cable is equivalent to a rollover cable.

2 Modify the DB-25 adapter by removing Pin 6 and placing it into the Pin 8 position.

Connectors and Cabling for the 8-Port Asynchronous/ Synchronous RS-232 GRWIC

The 8-Port Asynchronous/Synchronous Grid Router WAN Interface Card (GRWIC) provides low speed synchronous/asynchronous serial connections supporting EIA-RS232 for the Cisco CGR 2010 router. See Cisco 8-Port Serial Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC

The 8-port serial RS-232 GRWIC enables applications such as legacy protocol transport, console server, and dial access server. Combining a high-density serial GRWIC with the Cisco CGR 2010 router enables utilities to transport Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) over an IP network.

Figure 26 Cisco 8-Port Serial Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC



The 8-port serial GRWIC has connectors and cabling that allow high-port densities in the compact GRWIC form factor.

The 8-Port Asynchronous/Synchronous GRWIC uses two high-density 4-port connectors. Each connector supports four ports of EIA-232 with data communications equipment (DCE) or data terminal equipment (DTE) interfaces. All four ports on one cable use the same DTE/DCE mode. High-Density Synchronous/Asynchronous Cabling for the 8-Port Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC outlines the cable specifications for the 8-Port Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC.

Note: The operating temperature range for these cables is -40º C to +60º C.


Table 13 High-Density Synchronous/Asynchronous Cabling for the 8-Port Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC

Product Number/ Part Number

Cable Type


Connector Type

PN: 74-4025-01

4-port EIA-232 DCE

10 ft. (3m)

Female DB-25

PN: 74-4024-01

4-port EIA-232 DTE

10 ft. (3m)

Male DB-25

PN: 37-1298-01

4-port EIA-232 DTE

18 in. (0.46m)

Female RJ-45

PN: 37-1303-01

4-port EIA-232 DTE

10 ft. (3m)

Male RJ-45

PN: 37-1300-01

4-port EIA-232 DTE

10 ft. (3m)

Male DB-9

Pinouts for the Synchronous/Asynchronous Cables

This section provides the pinouts for the five serial cables for the 8-Port Async/Sync RS-232 GRWIC.

RS-232 DB-25 Cable Pinouts

The RS-232 DB-25 connector is capable of supporting two separate connections, each with its own optional clock when used in Synchronous mode or Bit-Synchronous mode. Pinouts for Male and Female DB-25 Cables shows the pinouts for the CAB-HD4-232FC and CAB-HD4-232MT serial cables.

Note: In the Direction column, Input means data input to the CGR 2010 router; Output means output from the CGR 2010 router.


Table 14 Pinouts for Male and Female DB-25 Cables







Shield Ground




Transmit Data. Arriving data from DCE.




Transmit Data. Sending data from DTE.




Request to Send




Clear to Send




Data Set Ready







Carrier Detect


Reserved for data set testing.


Reserved for data set testing.












Transmit Clock






Receive Clock




Loopback Test (also Local Loopback)






Data Terminal Ready










Transmit Clock Enable



RS-232 DB-9 Cable Pinouts

Pinouts for CAB-9AS-M (Male DB-9) shows the pinouts for the CAB-9AS-M (High Density 4-port EIA-232 to DB-9, DTE) cable.

Table 15 Pinouts for CAB-9AS-M (Male DB-9)










Receive Data. Arriving data from DCE.




Transmit Data. Sending data from DTE.











Request to Send. Raised by DCE when it wishes to send. Expects CTS from DTE.




Clear to Send. Raised by DCE in response to RTS from DTE.



RS-232 RJ-45 Cable Pinouts

Pinouts for the Male and Female RJ-45 Cables shows the pinouts for the CAB-QUAD-ASYNC-M (High Density 4-port EIA-232 to Male RJ45, DTE) and CAB-QUAD-ASYNC-F RJ-45 (High Density 4-port EIA-232 to Female RJ45, 18 inches, DTE) cables:


Table 16 Pinouts for the Male and Female RJ-45 Cables






Request to Send





Transmit Data



Signal Ground






Transmit Data





Clear to Send