To verify and troubleshoot this feature, use the following show commands:
Router# show sccp
SCCP Admin State: UP
Gateway IP Address:, Port Number: 2000
IP Precedence: 5
User Masked Codec list: None
Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Priority: N/A, Version: 6.0, Identifier: 1
Trustpoint: N/A
Router# show dspfarm profile 6
Dspfarm Profile Configuration
Profile ID = 6, Service = MTP, Resource ID = 1
Profile Description :
Profile Service Mode : Non Secure
Profile Admin State : UP
Profile Operation State : ACTIVE
Application : SCCP Status : ASSOCIATED
Resource Provider : NONE Status : NONE
Number of Resource Configured : 100
Number of Resource Available : 100
Hardware Configured Resources : 0
Hardware Available Resources : 0
Software Resources : 100
Codec Configuration
Codec : g711ulaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30
Router# show sccp connections
sess_id conn_id stype mode codec ripaddr rport sport
16808048 16789079 mtp sendrecv g711u 17510 7242
16808048 16789078 mtp sendrecv g711u 6900 18050
Router# show rtpspi call
RTP Service Provider info:
No. CallId dstCallId Mode LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP SRTP
22 19 Snd-Rcv 7242 17510 0x90D080F 0x90D0814 0
19 22 Snd-Rcv 18050 6900 0x90D080F 0x90D080F 0
Router# show voip rtp connections
VoIP RTP Port Usage Information
Max Ports Available: 30000, Ports Reserved: 100, Ports in Use: 102
Port range not configured, Min: 5500, Max: 65499
VoIP RTP active connections :
No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP
1 114 117 19822 24556
2 115 116 24556 19822
3 116 115 19176 52625
4 117 114 16526 52624
Additional, more specific, show commands that can be used include the following:
- show sccp connection callid
- show sccp connection connid
- show sccp connection sessionid
- show rtpspi call callid
- show rtpspi stat callid
- show voip rtp connection callid
- show voip rtp connection type
To isolate specific problems, use the debug sccp command:
- debug sccp [all | config | errors | events | keepalive | messages | packets | parser | tls ]