The TLS 1.2 support on SCCP Gateways feature details the configuration of TLS 1.2 on SCCP protocol for digital signal processor
(DSP) farm including Unicast conference bridge
(CFB), Media Termination Point (MTP), and SCCP telephony control (STC) application (STCAPP).
DSP on gateways can be used as media resources for transrating or transcoding. Each media resource uses Secure Skinny Client
Control Protocol (SCCP) to communicate with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Currently SSL 3.1, which is equivalent to
TLS1.0, is used for sending secure signals. This feature enhances the support to TLS 1.2. From Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1a,
TLS 1.2 is enhanced to support the Next-Generation Encryption (NGE) cipher suites.
Note |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Version 14SU2 has been enhanced to support Secured SCCP gateways with the Subject
Name field (CN Name) with or without colons, for example, AA:22:BB:44:55 or AA22BB4455.
CUCM checks the CN field of the incoming certificate from the SCCP Gateway and verifies it against the DeviceName configured
in CUCM for this gateway. DeviceName contains MAC address of the gateway. CUCM converts the MAC address in the DeviceName
to MAC address with colons (for example: AA:22:BB:44:55) and validates with the CN name in the Gateway's certificate. Therefore,
CUCM mandates Gateway to use MAC address with colons for the CN field in the certificate, that is, subject name.
Due to new guidelines from Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), it is a requirement not to use colons for the subject
name field CN. For example, AA22BB4455.
SCCP TLS connection
CiscoSSL is based on OpenSSL. SCCP uses CiscoSSL to secure the communication signals.
If a resource is configured in the secure mode, the SCCP application initiates a process to complete Transport Layer Security
(TLS) handshaking. During the handshake, the server sends information to CiscoSSL about the TLS version and cipher suites
supported. Previously, only SSL3.1 was supported for SCCP secure signalling. SSL3.1 is equivalent to TLS 1.0. The TLS 1.2
Support feature introduces TLS1.2 support to SCCP secure signalling.
After TLS handshaking is complete, SCCP is notified and SCCP kills the process.
If the handshaking is completed successfully, a REGISTER message is sent to Cisco Unified Communications Manager through the
secure tunnel. If handshaking fails and a retry is needed, a new process is initiated.
Note |
For SCCP-based signalling, only TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite is supported.
Cipher Suites
For SCCP-based signaling, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite is supported.
From Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1a, the following NGE cipher suites are also supported:
These cipher suites enable secure voice signaling for both STCAPP analog phone and SCCP DSPFarm conferencing service. The
cipher suite selection is negotiated between GW and CUCM.
The following prerequisites are applicable for using NGE cipher suites:
Configure TLS 1.2. For more information, see Configuring TLS.
Use the CUCM Release 14.1 SU1 or later, and Voice Gateways or platforms that support TLS 1.2.
From CUCM Web UI, navigate to Cipher Management and set the CIPHER switch as NGE. For more information, Cipher Management.
For more information about verifying these cipher suites, see Verifying TLS version and Cipher Suites.
For the SRTP encrypted media, you can use higher-grade cipher suites: AEAD-AES-128-GCM or AEAD-AES-256-GCM. These cipher suites
selection is automatically negotiated between GW and CUCM for both secure analog voice and hardware conference bridge voice
media. Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) ciphers simultaneously provide confidentiality, integrity, and
authenticity, without built-in SHA algorithms to validate message integrity.
Supported Platforms
The TLS 1.2 support on SCCP Gateways feature is supported on the following platforms:
Configuring TLS version for STC application
Perform the following task to configure a TLS version for the STC application:
configure terminal
stcapp security tls-version v1.2
Note |
The stcapp security tls command sets the TLS version to v.1.0, v1.1, or v1.2 only. If not configured explicitly, TLS v1.0
is selected by default.
Configuring TLS version in Secure Mode for DSP Farm Profile
Perform the following task to configure the TLS version in secure mode for DSP farm profile:enable
configure terminal
dspfarm profile 7 conference security
tls-version v1.2
Note |
Note: The tls command can be configured only in security mode.
Verifying TLS version and Cipher Suites
Perform the following task to verify the TLS version and cipher suite:
# show dspfarm profile 100
Dspfarm Profile Configuration
Profile ID = 100, Service = CONFERENCING, Resource ID = 2
Profile Service Mode : secure
Trustpoint : Overlord_DSPFarm_GW
TLS Version : v1.2
Profile Admin State : UP
Profile Operation State : ACTIVE
Application : SCCP Status : ASSOCIATED
Resource Provider : FLEX_DSPRM Status : UP
Total Number of Resources Configured : 10
Total Number of Resources Available : 10
Total Number of Resources Out of Service : 0
Total Number of Resources Active : 0
Maximum conference participants : 8
Codec Configuration: num_of_codecs:6
Codec : g711ulaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g711alaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729ar8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729abr8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729r8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729br8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Verifying STCAPP Application TLS version
Perform the following tasks to verify TLS version of the STCAPP application:
Device# show call application voice stcapp
App Status: Active
CCM Status: UP
CCM Group: 120
Registration Mode: CCM
Total Devices: 0
Total Calls in Progress: 0
Total Call Legs in Use: 0
ROH Timeout: 45
TLS Version: v1.2
# show stcapp dev voice 0/1/0
Port Identifier: 0/1/0
Device Type: ALG
Device Id: 585
Device Name: ANB3176C85F0080
Device Security Mode : Encrypted
TLS version : TLS version 1.2
TLS cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Modem Capability: None
Device State: IS
Diagnostic: None
Directory Number: 80010
Dial Peer(s): 100
Dialtone after remote onhook feature: activated
Busytone after remote onhook feature: not activated
Line State: ACTIVE
Line Mode: CALL_CONF
Hook State: OFFHOOK
vmwi: OFF
mwi config: Both
Privacy: Not configured
HG Status: Unknown
Callback State: DISABLED
CWT Repetition Interval: 0 second(s) (no repetition)
Number of CCBs: 1
Global call info:
Total CCB count = 3
Total call leg count = 6
Call State for Connection 2 (ACTIVE): TsConnected
Connected Call Info:
Call Reference: 33535871
Call ID (DSP): 187
Local IP Addr:
Local IP Port: 8234
Remote IP Addr:
Remote IP Port: 8154
Calling Number: 80010
Called Number:
Codec: g711ulaw
SRTP: on
RX Cipher: AEAD_AES_256_GCM
TX Cipher: AEAD_AES_256_GCM
Perform the following task to verify the sRTP cipher suite for the DSPfarm connection.
# show sccp connection detail
bridge-info(bid, cid) - Normal bridge information(Bridge id, Calleg id)
mmbridge-info(bid, cid) - Mixed mode bridge information(Bridge id, Calleg id)
sess_id conn_id call-id codec pkt-period dtmf_method type bridge-info(bid, cid) mmbridge-info(bid, cid) srtp_cryptosuite dscp
call_ref spid conn_id_tx
16778224 - 125 N/A N/A rfc2833_pthru confmsp All RTPSPI Callegs All MM-MSP Callegs N/A N/A
- - -
16778224 16777232 126 g711u 20 rfc2833_pthru s- rtpspi (101,125) N/A AEAD_AES_256_GCM 184
30751576 16777219 -
16778224 16777231 124 g711u 20 rfc2833_pthru s- rtpspi (100,125) N/A AEAD_AES_256_GCM 184
30751576 16777219 -
Total number of active session(s) 1, connection(s) 2, and callegs 3
Verifying Call Information
To display call information for TDM and IVR calls stored in the Forwarding Plane Interface (FPI), use the showvoipfpi
calls command. You can select a call ID and verify the cipher suite using the command show voip fpi calls
call_id_number. In this example, cipher suite 6 is AES_256_GCM.
#show voip fpi calls
Number of Calls : 2
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
confID correlator AcallID BcallID state event
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
#show voip fpi calls confID 1
VoIP-FPI call entry details:
Call Type : TDM_IP confID : 1
correlator : 1 call_state : ALLOCATED
last_event : DETAIL_STAT_RSP alloc_start_time : 1796860810
modify_start_time: 0 delete_start_time: 0
Media Type(SideA): SRTP cipher suite : 6
FPI State Machine Stats:
create_req_call_entry_inserted : 1
Table 1. Feature Information for TLS 1.2 support on SCCP Gateways
Feature Name
Feature Information
Support for NGE Cipher Suites
Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1a
This feature supports NGE cipher suites for secure voice signaling and secure media. These cipher suites are applicable for
both STCAPP analog phone and SCCP DSPFarm conferencing service.