Implementing LPTS

Local Packet Transport Services (LPTS) maintains tables describing all packet flows destined for the secure domain router (SDR), making sure that packets are delivered to their intended destinations.

For a complete description of the LPTS commands listed in this module, refer to the LPTS Commands module of IP Addresses and Services Command Reference for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers.

Feature History for Implementing LPTS



Release 7.3.2

Monitor LPTS host path drops via YANG data model was introduced.

Release 5.3.2

NP LPTS Based Policer was introduced.

Release 3.9.0

LPTS was introduced.

Prerequisites for Implementing LPTS

The following prerequisites are required to implement LPTS:

You must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. The command reference guides include the task IDs required for each command. If you suspect user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

Information About Implementing LPTS

To implement LPTS features mentioned in this document you must understand the following concepts:

LPTS Overview

LPTS uses two components to accomplish this task: the port arbitrator and flow managers. The port arbitrator and flow managers are processes that maintain the tables that describe packet flows for a logical router, known as the Internal Forwarding Information Base (IFIB). The IFIB is used to route received packets to the correct Route Processor or line card for processing.

LPTS interfaces internally with all applications that receive packets from outside the router. LPTS functions without any need for customer configuration. However, LPTS show commands are provided that allow customers to monitor the activity and performance of LPTS flow managers and the port arbitrator.

LPTS Policers

In Cisco IOS XR, the control packets, which are destined to the Route Processor (RP), are policed using a set of ingress policers in the incoming line cards. These policers are programmed statically during bootup by LPTS components. The policers are applied based on the flow type of the incoming control traffic. The flow type is determined by looking at the packet headers. The policer rates for these static ingress policers are defined in a configuration file, which are programmed on the line card during bootup.

You can change the policer values based on the flow types of these set of ingress policers. You are able to configure the rate per policer per node (locally) and globally using the command-line interface (CLI); therefore, overwriting the static policer values.


If two different ACLs with same ACEs are applied to an LPTS Policer, only the first ACL applied takes effect. When the first ACL is removed, the second ACL does not take effect on the LPTS Policer. If you want the second ACL to take effect on the LPTS Policer, reconfigure it on the LPTS Policer.

IP TOS Precedence

By default, router allows all packets into the network. The IP table of service (TOS) precedence feature allows you to classify packets by IP precedence value. The IP precedence value can be configured for every flow. Once configured for a flow type, only packets that match the defined IP precedence value are allowed, and others are rejected.

The precedence value can either be a number or name. This table lists configurable precedence values:
Table 1. Precedence Values
Precedence Number Precedence Name Description



Matches packets with routine precedence.



Matches packets with priority precedence.



Matches packets with immediate precedence.



Matches packets with flash precedence.



Matches packets with flash override precedence.



Matches packets with critical precedence.



Matches packets with internetwork control precedence.



Matches packets with network control precedence.

ACL Based Policer

ACL based policer is a session based policer that provides secure network access based on session.


  • The ACL based policer feature is supported only on ASR 9000 Enhanced Ethernet Line Cards, ASR 9000 3rd Generation Line Cards, and ASR 9000 4th Generation Line Cards.

  • SNMP is not supported on ASR 9000 4th Generation Line Cards. Therefore, the ACL entries configured based on LPTS are not displayed if the ACLs are configured on ASR 9000 4th Generation Line Cards.

  • When multiple ACLs are configured for an LPTS policier, only the first ACL details are displayed in the LPTS statistics command output.


These are the benefits of ACL based policer:

  • Rate limit incoming packets based on session.

  • Modify policer rate depending on traffic load.

  • Block entire traffic based on a specific session without impacting other sessions with same flow.

Configuring LPTS Policers

This task allows you to configure the LPTS policers.


  1. configure
  2. lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id]
  3. flow flow_type {rate rate}
  4. commit
  5. show lpts pifib hardware police [location {all | node_id}]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1


Step 2

lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/CPU0

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police

Configures the ingress policers and enters pifib policer global configuration mode or pifib policer per node configuration mode.

The example shows pifib policer per node configuration mode and global.

Step 3

flow flow_type {rate rate}


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)# flow ospf unicast default rate 20000

Configures the policer for the LPTS flow type. The example shows how to configure the policer for the ospf flow type.

  • Use the flow_type argument to select the applicable flow type. For information about the flow types, see IP Addresses and Services Command Reference for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers.

  • Use the rate keyword to specify the rate in packets per seconds (PPS). The range is from 0 to 4294967295.


    LPTS policy for ntp-default flow type, supports a flow rate of 100 pps on Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router.

    Starting with Cisco IOS XR Release 6.1.3, LPTS policy for ntp-default flow type, supports a flow rate higher than 100 pps on Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router.

    Based on the number of NTP client scale requirement, you can increase the flow rate value to allow higher packets per second (PPS). For example,

    lpts pifib hardware police location 0/0/CPU0
     flow ntp default rate 1000
     flow ntp known rate 1000
Step 4


Step 5

show lpts pifib hardware police [location {all | node_id}]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/cpu0

Displays the policer configuration value set.

  • (Optional) Use the location keyword to display pre-Internal Forwarding Information Base (IFIB) information for the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.

  • Use the all keyword to specify all locations.

Configuring LPTS Policer with IP TOS Precedence

This task allows you to configure the LPTS policers with IP table of service (TOS) precedence:


  1. configure
  2. lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id]
  3. flow flow_type
  4. precedence {number | name}
  5. commit
  6. show lpts pifib hardware police [location {all | node_id}]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1


Step 2

lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/CPU0


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police

Configures the ingress policers. You can configure per node or all locations.

The example shows configuration of pifib policer on an individual node and globally for all nodes respectively.

Step 3

flow flow_type


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)# flow telnet default
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-global)# flow telnet default

Configures the policer for the LPTS flow type. The example shows how to configure the policer for the telnet flow type per node or global mode (all locations).

  • Use the flow_type argument to select the applicable flow type. For information about the flow types, see IP Addresses and Services Command Reference for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers.

Step 4

precedence {number | name}


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)# precedence 5 6 7
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-global)# precedence 5 6 7

Configures IP TOS precedence against a flow type. You can specify either a precedence number or name. For more information about precedence , use the question mark (?) online help function.

The example shows how to configure IP TOS precedence 5, 6, and 7 per node or global mode.

Step 5


Step 6

show lpts pifib hardware police [location {all | node_id}]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/cpu0

Displays the policer configuration value set.

  • (Optional) Use the location keyword to display policer value for the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.

  • Use the all keyword to specify all locations.

Mapping the LPTS Policer with an ACL

This task allows you to map the LPTS policer with an ACL.


  1. LPTS to ACL map supports only the following values:
    • Source Destination Address

    • Source and destination port

    • Protocol number

    • Object Groups (both network and port groups)

  2. When multiple ACLs are configured for an LPTS policier, only the first ACL details are displayed in the LPTS statistics command output.

  3. When you are applying an ACL on an LPTS entry, LPTS entry filters and ACL should be defined in the same order. So, if you want to limit incoming traffic from the host to any router ip address you need to define LPTS ACL as permit ip from any to

    For example, assume that is the remote address from which traffic should be filtered. The LPTS and ACL should be defined as shown in the following table.

    LPTS (local address, port, remote address, port)



    ipv4 access-list lpts 10 permit ipv4 any host

  4. You can configure a maximum of 50 ACLs per LPTS policer.


  1. configure
  2. lpts pifib hardware police acl acl-name1 rate 100 vrf vrf1
  3. commit


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1


Step 2

lpts pifib hardware police acl acl-name1 rate 100 vrf vrf1


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police acl acl-name1 rate 100 vrf vrf1

Maps the LPTS policer with the ACL by name acl-name1.

Step 3


NP Based Policer

Network processor (NP) based policers in LPTS allow rate limit packets based on a specific NP with specific rate.

Benefits of NP based policer

  • Rate limit incoming packets based on a specific NP with specific rate.

  • Provides secure network access based on the context of a user or a device.

    For example, if a user does not require specific traffic on a particular NP, then the rate limit can be set to 0.

  • Modify policer rate depending on traffic load.

  • Full utilization of traffic through each NP depending on traffic.

  • Stop or block complete traffic based on a specific NP without impacting other NPs with same flow.

Supported Features of NP Based Policer

Configuring NP Based Policer in LPTS

This task allows you to configure NP based policer in LPTS.


  1. configure
  2. lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id ]np np-number
  3. flow flow_type {default | known} {rate rate}
  4. commit
  5. show lpts pifib hardware entry np np-number statistics [location {all | node_id}]


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1


Step 2

lpts pifib hardware police [location node-id ]np np-number


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/1/CPU0 np np3

Configures the NP based ingress policers and enters pifib policer per node configuration mode.

Step 3

flow flow_type {default | known} {rate rate}


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-pifib-policer-per-node)# flow ospf multicast known rate 100

Configures the NP based policer for the LPTS flow type. The example shows how to configure the policer for the OSPF flow type.

  • Use the flow_type argument to select the applicable flow type.

  • Use the rate keyword to specify the rate in packets per seconds (PPS). The range is from 0 to 4294967295.

Step 4


Step 5

show lpts pifib hardware entry np np-number statistics [location {all | node_id}]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware entry np np3 statistics location 0/1/cpu0

Displays statistics of NP based policer in LPTS.

  • (Optional) Use the location keyword to display pre-Internal Forwarding Information Base (IFIB) information for the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation.

  • Use the all keyword to specify all locations.

Configuring ACL, NP, LPTS Local, LPTS Global, and LPTS Static Policers: Example

This topic contains sample configurations and output examples of ACL, NP based, LPTS local, LPTS global, and LPTS static policers.

ACL Based Policer

The following is a sample ACL based policer configuration. In this example, the ACL is applied to a BGP session.

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config)# ipv4 access-list lpts_acl_1
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config-ipv4-acl)# 10 permit tcp any host
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config-ipv4-acl)# 20 deny ipv4 any any
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config-ipv4-acl)# commit
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config-ipv4-acl)# end
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config)# lpts pifib hardware police acl lpts_acl_1 rate 1000
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config)# commit

The following is a show command and its sample output for the preceding policer configuration:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware entry brief  location 0/1/cpu0

             Node: 0/1/CPU0:
L3 - L3 Protocol;L4 - Layer4 Protocol; Intf - Interface;
Dest - Destination Node; V - Virtual;
na - Not Applicable or Not Available;
LU - Local chassis fabric unicast;
LM - Local chassis fabric multicast;
RU - Multi chassis fabric unicast;
RM - Multi chassis fabric multicast;
def - default

Offset L3   VRF id       L4     Intf            Dest       laddr,Port raddr,Port          acl name
------ ---- ------------ ------ --------------- ---------  ----------                     -----------------------------------
8      IPV4 *            any    any             Local      any,any any,any                          
9      CLNS *            -      any             LU(30)     - -                                      
10     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,ECHO                         
11     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LM[6],any any,any                    
12     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LM[6],any any,any                    
13     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LM[6]      any,any any,any                          
14     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     any,65145,179        lpts_acl_1
15     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     any,179,any          lpts_acl_1
16     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     any,23 any,any                           
17     IPV4 default      UDP    any             LU(30)     any,161 any,any                          
18     IPV4 **nVSatellite UDP    any             LU(30)     any,161 any,any                          
19     IPV4 default      UDP    any             LU(30)     any,162 any,any                          
20     IPV4 **nVSatellite UDP    any             LU(30)     any,162 any,any                          
21     IPV4 default      L2TPV3 any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
22     IPV4 *            OSPF   any             LM[2],any any,any                    
23     IPV4 *            OSPF   any             LM[2],any any,any                    
24     IPV4 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,179                          
25     IPV4 *            UDP    any             LU(30)     any,1701 any,any                         
26     IPV4 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,179 any,any                          
27     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             LU(30)     any,any any,ECHOREPLY                    
28     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,UNREACH                      
29     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,TIMXCEED                     
30     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,PARAMPROB                    
31     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,SRCQUENCH                    
32     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,REDIRECT                     
33     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,TSTAMP                       
34     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      any,any any,MASKREQ                      
35     IPV4 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
36     IPV4 *            UDP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
37     IPV4 *            RSVP   any             Local      any,any any,any                          
38     IPV4 *            OSPF   any             LM[2]      any,any any,any                          
39     IPV4 *            any    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
40     IPV4 *            UDP    any             Local      any,any any,any                          
4      IPV6 *            any    any             Local      any,any any,any                          
5      IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,NDRTRSLCT                    
6      IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,NDRTRADV                     
7      IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,NDNBRSLCT                    
8      IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,NDNBRADV                     
9      IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,ECHOREQ                      
10     IPV6 default      UDP    any             LU(30)     any,161 any,any                          
11     IPV6 **nVSatellite UDP    any             LU(30)     any,161 any,any                          
12     IPV6 default      UDP    any             LU(30)     any,162 any,any                          
13     IPV6 **nVSatellite UDP    any             LU(30)     any,162 any,any                          
14     IPV6 default      ICMP6  any             LM[6]      any,any any,MLDLQUERY                    
15     IPV6 default      ICMP6  any             LM[6]      any,any any,LSTNRREPORT                  
16     IPV6 default      ICMP6  any             LM[6]      any,any any,MLDLSTNRDN                   
17     IPV6 default      ICMP6  any             LM[6]      any,any any,LSTNRREPORTv2                
18     IPV6 *            OSPF   any             LU(30)     ff02::5,any any,any                      
19     IPV6 *            OSPF   any             LU(30)     ff02::6,any any,any                      
20     IPV6 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,179                          
21     IPV6 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,179 any,any                          
22     IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             LU(30)     any,any any,ECHOREPLY                    
23     IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,UNREACH                      
24     IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,PAK2BIG                      
25     IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,TIMXCEED                     
26     IPV6 *            ICMP6  any             Local      any,any any,HDRBAD                       
27     IPV6 *            OSPF   any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
28     IPV6 *            TCP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
29     IPV6 *            UDP    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any                          
30     IPV6 *            any    any             LU(30)     any,any any,any       

The following is another show command and its sample output:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware entry stat location 0/1/cpu0 | i IPV4 default | i TCP

14     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LM[6]      6/0             any,65145,179        lpts_acl_1 
15     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     0/0             any,179,any          lpts_acl_1 
16     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     0/0             any,23 any,any                            

NP Based Policer

The following is a sample NP based policer configuration:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:vkg1-lpts# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/1/CPU0
np np2 flow bgp known rate 50
np np3 flow ospf multicast known rate 100
lpts pifib hardware police

The following is a show command and its sample output for the preceding policer configuration:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware entry np 3 statistics location 0/1/CPU0 
             Node: 0/1/CPU0:
L3 - L3 Protocol;L4 - Layer4 Protocol; Intf - Interface;
Dest - Destination Node;
LU - Local chassis fabric unicast;
LM - Local chassis fabric multicast;
RU - Multi chassis fabric unicast;
RM - Multi chassis fabric multicast;
na - Not Applicable or Not Available
Offset L3   VRD id       L4     Intf            Dest       Pkts/Drops      laddr,Port raddr,Port          acl name
------ ---- ------------ ------ --------------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------------          -----------------------------------
8      IPV4 *            any    any             Local      0/0             any,any any,any                           
9      CLNS *            -      any             LU(30)     0/0             - -                                       
10     IPV4 *            ICMP   any             Local      0/0             any,any any,ECHO                          
11     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LU(30)     0/0   ,any any,any                     
12     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LU(30)     0/0   ,any any,any                     
13     IPV4 *            OSPF   Optimized       LU(30)     0/0             any,any any,any                           
14     IPV4 default      TCP    any             LU(30)     0/0             any,23 any,any                            
15     IPV4 default      L2TPV3 any             LU(30)     0/0             any,any any,any                           
16     IPV4 *            OSPF   any             LU(30)     0/0   ,any any,any                     
17     IPV4 *            OSPF   any             LU(30)     0/0   ,any any,any     

The following is another show command and its sample output:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police np np3  location 0/1/CPU0 

Fri Mar 27 09:32:21.500 UTC
                Node 0/1/CPU0:
Burst = 100ms for all flow types 
FlowType               Policer Type    Cur. Rate  Def. Rate  Accepted             Dropped              TOS Value 
---------------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
unconfigured-default   100     Static  2500       2500       0                    0                    01234567            
L2TPv2-fragment        185     Static  10000      10000      0                    0                    01234567            
Fragment               101     Static  2500       2500       0                    0                    01234567            
OSPF-mc-known          102     np  100       2000       0                    0                    01234567            
OSPF-mc-default        103     Static  1500       1500       0                    0                    01234567            
OSPF-uc-known          104     Static  2000       2000       0                    0                    01234567            
OSPF-uc-default        105     Static  1000       1000       0                    0                    01234567            
ISIS-known             143     Static  2000       2000       0                    0                    01234567            
ISIS-default           144     Static  1500       1500       0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-known              150     Static  9600       9600       0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-default            160     Static  45340      9600       0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-MP-known           178     Static  11520      11520      0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-MP-0               179     Static  128        128        0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-BLB-known          183     Static  11520      11520      0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-BLB-0              184     Static  128        128        0                    0                    01234567            
BFD-SP-0               182     Static  512        512        0                    0                    01234567    

LPTS Policer Applied for LC (Local)

The following is a sample configuration for LPTS policer applied for a line card (local):

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/7/CPU0
 flow ospf unicast known rate 30

The following is a show command and its sample output for the preceding policer configuration:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/7/CPU0 | i OSPF

Fri Aug 21 03:51:36.105 UTC
OSPF-mc-known          102     Static  2000       2000       5095                 0                    01234567
OSPF-mc-default        103     Static  1500       1500       0                    0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-known          104     Local   30         2000       36                   0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-default        105     Static  1000       1000       0                    0                    01234567

LPTS Policer (Global)

The following is a sample configuration for LPTS policer applied globally:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# lpts pifib hardware police location 0/7/CPU0
 flow ospf unicast known rate 30
lpts pifib hardware police
 flow ospf multicast known rate 50

The following is a show command and its sample output for the preceding policer configuration:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/7/CPU0 | i OSPF

Fri Aug 21 03:54:06.678 UTC
OSPF-mc-known          102     Global  50         2000       5111                 0                    01234567
OSPF-mc-default        103     Static  1500       1500       0                    0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-known          104     Local   30         2000       36                   0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-default        105     Static  1000       1000       0                    0                    01234567

LPTS Static Policer

The following is a sample output for LPTS static policer:

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/7/CPU0 | i OSPF

Fri Aug 21 03:54:06.678 UTC
OSPF-mc-known          102     Global  50         2000       5111                 0                    01234567
OSPF-mc-default        103     Static  1500       1500       0                    0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-known          104     Local   30         2000       36                   0                    01234567
OSPF-uc-default        105     Static  1000       1000       0                    0                    01234567

Configuration Examples for Implementing LPTS Policers

This section provides the following configuration example:

Configuring LPTS Policers: Example

The following example shows how to configure LPTS policers:
 lpts pifib hardware police
  flow ospf unicast default rate 200
  flow bgp configured rate 200
  flow bgp default rate 100
 lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/CPU0
  flow ospf unicast default rate 100
  flow bgp configured rate 300

The following is the show command and the sample output:

show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/CPU0
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:rtr1# show lpts pifib hardware police location 0/2/CPU0
                Node 0/2/CPU0:
Burst = 100ms for all flow types
FlowType                        Policer   Type     Cur. Rate   Def. Rate   Accepted     Dropped       TOS Value
----------------------          -------   -------- ----------  ----------- ----------   --------     ---------------
unconfigured-default               0      Static     2500         2500         0            0           01234567
L2TPv2-fragment                    85     Static     10000        10000        0            0           01234567
Fragment                           1      Static     3000         3000         0            0           01234567
OSPF-mc-known                      2      Static     2000         2000         0            0           01234567
OSPF-mc-default                    3      Static     1500         1500         0            0           01234567
.                                  .         .         .            .          .            .               .
.                                  .         .         .            .          .            .               .
.                                  .         .         .            .          .            .               .
.                                  .         .         .            .          .            .               .
DHCPv4                             92     Static     4000         4000         0            0           01234567
DHCPv6                             93     Static     4000         4000         0            0           01234567
ONEPK                              95     Static     2500         2500         0            0           01234567
TPA                                96     Static     2500         2500         0            0           01234567
IETF-BOB                           97     Static     9600         9600         0            0           01234567
Packets accepted by deleted entries: 0
Packets dropped by deleted entries: 0
Run out of statistics counter errors: 0

Configuring LPTS policers with IP TOS Precedence: Example

  • The following example shows how to configure IP TOS to telnet default flow and allow packets with precedence 3 or 4 at node 0/0/CPU0:

    lpts pifib hardware police location 0/0/CPU0 
    flow telnet default 
    precedence 3 4 
  • The following example shows how to configure IP TOS to telnet known flow to only allow packets with precedence 5 or 6 or 7 at all nodes

    lpts pifib hardware police 
    flow telnet known 
    precedence 5 6 7
  • The following example shows how to configure IP TOS to telnet known flow to only allow packets with routine and network precedence at all nodes

    lpts pifib hardware police 
    flow telnet known 
    precedence routine network

Additional References

The following sections provide references related to implementing LPTS.

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Cisco LPTS Commands module in the IP Addresses and Services Command Reference for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers




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