Software Entitlement

Cisco IOS XR software contains all the supported features for a given release. Before the introduction of software entitlement on Cisco IOS XR software, you could freely activate all available software packages on your network devices and could enable all the bundled features. Software entitlement has been introduced so you pay only for the features that you need today, but can upgrade when necessary while keeping your investment safe. Licensing enables you to purchase individual software features and upgrade hardware capacity in a safe and reliable way.

The licensing methods supported on Cisco IOS XR software are:
  • Smart Licensing
  • Default (traditional) Licensing

To locate documentation for other commands that might appear in the course of performing a configuration task, search online in Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Commands Master List.

This model contains the following topics:

What Is Software Entitlement?

Software entitlement is a system that consists of a license manager on a Cisco IOS XR device that manages licenses for various software and hardware features. The license manager parses and authenticates a license before accepting it. The software features on the router use the license manager APIs to check out and release licenses. Licenses are stored in persistent storage on the router.

Core routing features are available for use without any license. The following features can be enabled on your router using licenses:

Layer 3 VPN

Layer 3 (virtual private network) VPN can be configured only if there is an available Layer 3 VPN license for the line card slot on which the feature is being configured. If the advanced IP license is enabled, 4096 Layer 3 VPN routing and forwarding instances (VRFs) can be configured on a line card. If the infrastructure VRF license is enabled, eight Layer 3 VRFs can be configured on the line card.

To activate the Infrastructure VRF license, you need to configure two interfaces or sub-interfaces in separate VRFs, with at least one physical interface in each of the VRFs.

The key is to have multiple (two or more) user-defined VRFs configured in at least one slot and at least one physical interface in each user-defined VRF; and repeated for each slot.

In a non-consumption model line card, configuring a physical interface in multiple VRFs would consume a L3VPN license. However, configuring other virtual interfaces (such as management, or BVI interfaces) in multiple VRFs would'nt consume L3VPN license. Configuring VRFs under bundle main and sub-interfaces does consume L3VPN license.

See the following modules in MPLS Configuration Guide for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers for information about Layer 3 VPN configurations:

  • Implementing MPLS Layer 3 VPNs on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router

  • Implementing Virtual Private LAN Services on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router


If a G.709 license is available, G.709 can be enabled on 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on the following line cards:

  • 2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet / 20-port Gigabit Ethernet line card

  • 8-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet line card

  • 24-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet line card

  • 36-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet line card

  • 4-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet modular port adapter

  • 2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet modular port adapter

Refer to the Configuring Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Controllers on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router module in Interface and Hardware Component Configuration Guide for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers.

Video Monitoring

Video monitoring can be enabled for the Cisco ASR 9000 chassis by using a video monitoring license.

Satellite Network Virtualization (nV)

The Satellite nV license entitles satellite devices to connect to the Cisco ASR 9000 chassis. Satellite licenses are chassis licenses, and can provide the ability for one, five or 20 satellites to connect to a Cisco ASR 9000 host remotely.


Smart Licensing is supported on a cluster set-up. There are two A9K-NV-CLUSTR-LIC licenses required/requested, one for each of the chassis.

Implementing Smart Licensing

Information About Smart Licensing

Smart Licensing is a cloud-based, software license management solution that enables you to automate time-consuming, manual licensing tasks. The solution allows you to easily track the status of your license and software usage trends.

Smart Licensing helps simplify three core functions:

  • Purchasing: The software that you have installed in your network can automatically self-register themselves, without Product Activation Keys (PAKs).
  • Management: You can automatically track activations against your license entitlements. Additionally, there is no need to install the license file on every node. You can create license pools (logical grouping of licenses) to reflect your organization structure. Smart Licensing offers you Cisco Smart Software Manager, a centralized portal that enables you to manage all your Cisco software licenses from one centralized website. Cisco Smart Software Manager Overview provides details.
  • Reporting: Through the portal, Smart Licensing offers an integrated view of the licenses you have purchased and what has been actually deployed in your network. You can use this data to make better purchase decisions, based on your consumption.

Smart Versus Traditional Licensing

Traditional (node locked) licencing Smart (dynamic) licencing
You must procure the license and manually install it on the device. Your device initiates a call home and requests the licenses it needs.

Configuring Call Home on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router describes the Smart Call Home feature.

Node-locked licences - license is associated with a specific device. Pooled licences - licences are company account-specific, and can be used with any compatible device in your company. You can activate or deactivate different types of licenses on the device without actually installing a license file on the device.
No common install base location to view licenses purchased or software usage trends Licenses are stored securely on Cisco servers accessible 24x7x365.
No easy means to transfer licenses from one device to another. Licenses can be moved between product instances without a license transfer. This greatly simplifies the reassignment of a software license as part of the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process.
Limited visibility into all software licenses being used in the network. Licenses are tracked only on per node basis. Complete view of all Smart Software Licenses used in the network using a consolidated usage report of software licenses and devices in one easy-to-use portal.

Smart Licensing for Cisco IOS XR 64 bit

Table 1. Feature History Table

Feature Name

Release Information

Feature Description

Support for Smart Licensing on ASR 9902 Routers, 0.8T PEC, and ASR 9000 5th generation 400G Line Cards.

Release 7.4.1

Smart Licensing support is now extended to the following routers and line cards:

  • ASR-9902


  • A9K-4HG-FLEX-SE/-TR ine cards

  • A99-4HG-FLEX-SE/TR line cards

Cisco IOS XR 64 bit does not support Traditional Licensing. Only Smart Licensing is supported in Cisco IOS XR 64 bit. Smart Licensing is enabled by default on Cisco IOS XR 64 bit. Here are few things to consider for Smart Licensing in Cisco IOS XR 64 bit:

  • Smart Licensing cannot be disabled.

  • All the Smart Licensing CLIs are executed from EXEC mode.

  • EVAL Period is not supported. Hence licenses are consumed only after registeration.

This table shows license consumption logic for non-Consumption Model (CM) line cards:

Table 2. Feature wise requirement for Non-CM Line Cards


Eligibility Criteria


If number of VRFs are greater than 8, AIP license is consumed.


If number of VRFs are less than or equal to 8, IVRF license is consumed.

If customer has less than or equal to 8 VRFs, who purchased AIP license in their smart account, please contact your Cisco account representative if you see issues like insufficient IVRF licenses.

The router consumes the IVRF license only when a physical interface on the line card has two or more VRFs.



The router does not consider VRFs in the logical interfaces for IVRF licensing. You must configure two or more separate VRFs to request an IVRF license.

This table lists supported licenses for non-Consumption Model (CM) line cards:

Table 3. Non-CM Line Cards Software Licenses for Cisco IOS XR 64-bit

Non-CM Line Cards Software License PID



ASR 9000 8-port 100 GE Infrastructure VRF Right to Use License


ASR 9000 4-port 100 GE Infrastructure VRF license Right to Use License


ASR 9900 Infrastructure VRF license Right to Use License


ASR 9000 8-port 100 GE Advance IP Service Edge Right to Use License


ASR 9000 8-port 100 GE Advance IP Transport Optimised Right to Use License


ASR 9000 4-port 100 GE Advance IP Service Edge Right to Use License


ASR 9000 4-port 100 GE Advance IP Transport Optimised Right to Use License


ASR 9900 12port 100GE Advanced IP Right to Use License


ASR 9000 8-port 100 GE Advance Optical Right to Use License


ASR 9000 4-port 100 GE Advance Optical Right to Use License


ASR 9900 12port 100GE Advanced Routng Right to Use License


ASR 9000 Smart License L3 VPN for NON PAYG 9901 System


ASR 9000 Smart License I-VRF for NON PAYG 9901 System


ASR 9000 Smart License L3 VPN for 120G PAYG 9901 System


ASR 9000 Smart License L3 VPN for 256G PAYG 9901 System


ASR 9000 Smart License for BNG license for Advance Features


ASR 9000 BNG License Unit for 8000 subscribers


ASR 9000 80G Upgrade license for 24-port 10G/1G dual rate Service Edge


ASR 9000 80G Upgrade license for 24-port 10G/1G dual rate Transport Optimized


ASR 9000 Advance IP Service Edge License for full scale VRFs for 48-port 1G mode


ASR 9000 Advance IP Transport Optimized License for full scale VRFs for 48-port 1G mode


ASR 9000 48-port 1G to 10G Service Edge Upgrade License


Currently, A9K-48P1GE-AIP-TR license is not supported on Cisco IOS XR 32 bit software.

Consumption Model licenses are of of two types: Foundation and Premium. This table lists supported licenses for CM line cards:

Foundation Licenses


License PID

Eligibility Criteria

License PID



per 10G

Check the output of the following commands:

  • show l2vpn xconnect

  • show l2vpn bridge-domain

Each main-interface in the output qualifies for a license.



per 10G

Check the output of the following commands:

  • show ipv4 vrf all interface brief | ex default

  • show ipv6 vrf all interface brief | ex default

First, remove all internal VRFs form the output (VRF names starting with "**").

Each remaining main-interface in the output qualifies for a license.



per 10G

  1. Check if main-interface qualifies for L2VPN Foundation License.

  2. Check if main-interface qualifies for L3VPN Foundation License.

  3. Check if main-interface is in "no shutdown" state.

  4. If any of 1, 2 and 3 is met, main-interface qualifies for a license.

Configuration Threshold for Premium Licenses


Threshold Value

L2 Subinterfaces


Bridge Domain


MAC scale


L3 Routes (IPv4/IPv6 global)


MPLS TE (Head+Tail)


VRF scale


L3 Subinterfaces


This is the list of show commands available for Smart Licensing in Cisco IOS XR 64 bit :

  • show license all—shows all information regarding Smart license

  • show license platform—shows platform-specific licensing information (cisco-support)

  • show license status—shows smart licensing status information

  • show license summary—shows smart licensing summary

  • show license techsupport—shows smart licensing tech support information

  • show license trace—shows tracing for smart licensing code (cisco-support)

  • show license udi—shows smart licensing UDI information

  • show license usage—shows smart licensing usage information

  • show license platform detail—shows smart license detail information (cisco-support)

  • show license platform summary—shows smart license summary (cisco-support)

  • show license platform trace—shows platform specific licensing trace information (cisco-support)

Create a Cisco Smart Account

Cisco Smart Account is an account where all products enabled for Smart Licensing are deposited. Cisco Smart Account allows you to manage and activate your licenses to devices, monitor license use, and track Cisco license purchases. Through transparent access, you have a real-time view into your Smart Licensing products. IT administrators can manage licenses and account users within your organization's Smart Account through the Smart Software Manager.

You can create your Cisco Smart Account at this webpage:

For information on how to create a Cisco Smart Account, see:

Smart Licensing Working

Smart Licensing involves the three steps shown in the illustration below, that depicts the working model of the Smart Licensing.

Figure 1. Smart Licensing - Example
  • Setting up Smart Licensing: You can place the order for Smart Licensing, to manage licenses on portal. You agree to the terms and conditions governing the use and access of Smart Licensing in the Smart Software Manager portal at
  • Enabling and Use Smart Licensing: Follow the steps to enable Smart Licensing. Smart Licencing Workflow provides an illustration.
    After you enable Smart Licensing, you can use either of the following options to communicate:
    • Smart Call Home: The Smart Call Home feature is automatically configured after the Smart Licensing is enabled. Smart Call Home is used by Smart Licensing as a medium for communication with the Cisco license service. Call Home feature allows Cisco products to periodically call-home and perform an audit and reconciliation of your software usage information. This information helps Cisco efficiently track your install base, keep them up and running, and more effectively pursue service and support contract renewals, without much intervention from your end. For more information on Smart Call Home feature, see

    • Smart Licensing Satellite: The Smart licensing satellite option provides an on-premises collector that can be used to consolidate and manage Smart license usage, as well facilitate communications back to Cisco License Service at
  • Manage and Report Licenses: You can manage and view reports about your overall software usage in the Smart Software Manager portal. Compliance reporting describes the types of Smart Licensing reports.

Deployment Options for Smart Licensing

The following illustration shows the various options available for deploying Smart Licensing:

Figure 2. Smart Licensing Deployment Options

  1. Direct cloud access: In direct cloud access deployment method, Cisco products send usage information directly over the internet to (Cisco license service); no additional components are needed for deployment.

  2. Direct cloud access through an HTTPs proxy: In direct cloud access through an HTTPs proxy deployment method, Cisco products send usage information over the internet through a proxy server - either a Smart Call Home Transport Gateway or off-the-shelf Proxy (such as Apache) to Cisco License Service on

  3. Mediated access through an on-premises collector-connected: In mediated access through an on-premises collector-connected deployment method, Cisco products send usage information to a locally-connected collector, which acts as a local license authority. Periodically, the information is exchanged to keep the databases in synchronization.

  4. Mediated access through an on-premises collector-disconnected: In the mediated access through an on-premises collector-disconnected deployment method, Cisco products send usage information to a local disconnected collector, which acts as a local license authority. Exchange of human-readable information is performed occasionally (maybe once a month) to keep the databases in synchronization.

Options 1 and 2 provide an easy deployment option, and options 3 and 4 provide a secure environment deployment option. Smart Software Satellite provides support for options 3 and 4.

The communication between Cisco products and Cisco license service is facilitated by the Smart Call Home software. For information on Smart Call Home, see Chapter Call Home in General Administration Guide for ASR 9000 Series Routers.

Configure Licenses Using Smart Licensing

Pre-requisites for Configuring Smart Licensing

The following pre-requistites must be met on the Cisco Smart Software Manager to configure Smart Licensing on your device:

  • You must set up a Cisco Smart Account.

  • You must set up Virtual Account or accounts. For more information, see the Virtual Accounts section in the Smart Software Manager Help

  • Create user roles in the Users tab in the Manage Smart Account page. Provide the appropriate user access rights.

  • Accept the Smart Software Licensing Agreement on Cisco Smart Software Manager to register your router.

  • Have a layer 3 connection set up on your router.

  • Configure a valid DNS and proper time on the router to connect CSSM or CSSM On-Prem.

Setting up the Router for Smart Licensing

Table 4. Three-step Roadmap to Set up the Router for Smart Licensing


Communication Connection Options

Step 1—Configure Communications

See the Configuring a Direct Cloud Connection section.

See the Configuring a Connection through a HTTP Proxy section.

See the Connecting to CSSM On-Premise section.

Step 2—Register and Activate

See the Registering and Activating your Router section.

Step 3—Verify the Configuration

See the Verifying your Smart Licensing Configuration section.

Configuring a Communications Connection Between the Router and Cisco Smart Software Manager

Configuring a Direct Cloud Connection

In this deployment option, the configure call-home profile is configured by default. Use the show call-home profile all command to check the profile status.

Call Home service provides email-based and web-based notification of critical system events to Cisco Smart Software Manager.

To configure and enable Call Home service:


  1. configure
  2. call-home
  3. service active
  4. contact-email-addr email-address
  5. profile CiscoTAC-1
  6. destination transport-method http
  7. destination address http url
  8. active
  9. no destination transport-method email
  10. commit
  11. exit
  12. exit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Router# configureteral

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2



Router(config)# call-home 

Enters Call Home configuration mode.

Step 3

service active


Router(config-call-home)# service active

Activates Call Home service.

Step 4

contact-email-addr email-address


Router(config-call-home)# contact-email-addr

Assigns the provided email address. You can enter up to 200 characters in email address format.



Spaces are not allowed in the email address.

Step 5

profile CiscoTAC-1


Router(config-call-home)# profile CiscoTAC-1 

Enables the CiscoTAC-1 profile to be used with the Call Home service. By default, the CiscoTAC-1 profile is disabled.

Step 6

destination transport-method http


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination transport-method http

Enables the Call Home service through an HTTP connection.

Step 7

destination address http url


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination address http

Connects the router to the Cisco Smart Software Manager.

Step 8



Router(config-call-home-profile)# active 

Enables the destination profile.

Step 9

no destination transport-method email


Router(config-call-home-profile)# no destination transport-method email

Disables the email option for the Call Home service.

Step 10



Router(config-call-home-profile)# commit

Commits the configuration.

Step 11



Router(config-call-home-profile)# exit

Exits the Call Home destination profile configuration mode and returns to the Call Home configuration mode.

Step 12



Router(config-call-home)# exit

Exits the Call Home configuration mode and returns to the global configuration mode.

Configuring a Connection Through an HTTP Proxy

The Call Home service can be configured through an HTTPs proxy server.


  1. configure
  2. call-home
  3. service active
  4. contact-email-address email-address
  5. http-proxy proxy-address port port-number
  6. profile CiscoTAC-1
  7. no destination transport-method email
  8. exit
  9. profile profile-name
  10. reporting smart-licensing-data
  11. destination transport-method http
  12. destination address http url
  13. active
  14. exit
  15. exit
  16. commit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Router# configure

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2



Router(config)# call-home 

Enters Call Home configuration mode.

Step 3

service active


Router(config-call-home)# service active

Enables the Call Home feature.

Step 4

contact-email-address email-address


Router(config-call-home)# contact-email-addr

Configures the default email address.

Step 5

http-proxy proxy-address port port-number


Router(config-call-home)# http-proxy port 3128

Provides the proxy server information to the Call Home service.

Step 6

profile CiscoTAC-1


Router(config-call-home)# profile CiscoTAC-1 

Enables the CiscoTAC-1 profile to be used with the Call Home service. By default, the CiscoTAC-1 profile is disabled.

Step 7

no destination transport-method email


Router(config-call-home-profile)# no destination transport-method email

Disables the email option for the Call Home service.

Step 8



Router(config-call-home-profile)# exit

Exits the Call Home destination profile configuration mode and returns to the Call Home configuration mode.

Step 9

profile profile-name


Router(config-call-home)# profile test1

Enters the Call Home destination profile configuration mode for the specified destination profile name. If the specified destination profile does not exist, it is created.

Step 10

reporting smart-licensing-data


Router(config-call-home-profile)# reporting smart-licensing-data

Enables data sharing with the Call Home service through the configured transport method, in this case, HTTP.

Step 11

destination transport-method http


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination transport-method http

Enables the HTTP message transport method.

Step 12

destination address http url


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination address http

Connects the router to the Cisco Smart Software Manager.

Step 13



Router(config-call-home-profile)# active 

Enables the destination profile.

Step 14



Router(config-call-home-profile)# exit

Exits the Call Home destination profile configuration mode and returns to the Call Home configuration mode.

Step 15



Router(config-call-home)# exit

Exits the Call Home configuration mode and returns to the global configuration mode.

Step 16



Router(config)# commit

Commits the configuration.

Connecting to CSSM On-Premise

This section describes how to configure the Call Home service for on-premise smart software through connected or disconnected mode.


  1. configure
  2. call-home
  3. profile profile-name
  4. reporting smart-licensing-data
  5. destination transport-method http
  6. destination address http url
  7. no destination address http url
  8. destination preferred-msg-format {long-text | short-text | xml}
  9. active
  10. exit
  11. exit
  12. http client source-interface ip-version interface-type interface-number
  13. crypto ca trustpoint name
  14. commit
  15. end


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Router# configure

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2



Router(config)# call-home 

Enters Call Home configuration mode.

Step 3

profile profile-name


Router(config-call-home)# profile test1

Enters the Call Home destination profile configuration mode for the specified destination profile name. If the specified destination profile doesn’t exist, it is created.

Step 4

reporting smart-licensing-data


Router(config-call-home-profile)# reporting smart-licensing-data

Enables data sharing with the Call Home service through the configured transport method, in this case, HTTP.

Step 5

destination transport-method http


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination transport-method http

Enables the HTTP message transport method.

Step 6

destination address http url


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination address http 
Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination address http

Configures the destination URL (CSSM) to which Call Home messages are sent. Ensure the IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the destination URL matches the IP address or the FQDN as configured for the Host Name on the CSSM On-Prem.

Step 7

no destination address http url


Router(config-call-home-profile)# no destination address http 

Removes the default destination address.

Step 8

destination preferred-msg-format {long-text | short-text | xml}


Router(config-call-home-profile)# destination preferred-msg-format xml

(Optional) Configures a preferred message format. The default message format is XML.

Step 9



Router(config-call-home-profile)# active 

Enables the destination profile.

Step 10



Router(config-call-home-profile)# exit

Exits the Call Home destination profile configuration mode and returns to the Call Home configuration mode.

Step 11



Router(config-call-home)# exit

Exits the Call Home configuration mode and returns to the global configuration mode.

Step 12

http client source-interface ip-version interface-type interface-number


Router(config)# http client source-interface ipv4 Vlan100

Configures a source interface for the HTTP client.



This command is mandatory for a VRF interface.

Step 13

crypto ca trustpoint name


Router(config)# crypto ca trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint

(Optional) Declares the trustpoint and its name.

Step 14



Router(config-trustp)# commit

Commits the configuration.

Step 15



Router(config-trustp)# end

Returns to the global configuration mode.

Registering and Activating Your Router

Product registration securely associates a device with the Smart Account and the Virtual Account of your choice. It also establishes trust between the end product and the CSSM. Tokens are used to register a product with the appropriate Virtual Account on CSSM Cloud (on or CSSM On-Premise.

A Registration Token:

  • Can be either used once or reused multiple times. You can set a limit to the number of times a token can be reused when you create the token.

  • Can be created and revoked at any time.

  • Expires after a period of time (default is 30 days; minimum is one day; maximum is 365 days)

A Registration Token is not:

  • Product specific: The same Registration Token can be used on different product types.

  • A license, key, or PAK.

  • Stored on the Cisco device and they are not persistent.

  • Required after the product is registered. Token expiration has no effect on previously registered products; it simply means that that token can no longer be used to register a new product.

Generating a New Token from CSSM


Step 1

If you choose the direct cloud access deployment option, log in to CSSM from

If you chose the mediated access deployment option, log in to CSSM On-Prem from https://<on-prem-ip-address>:8443.

Step 2

Select the Inventory tab.

Step 3

From the Virtual Account drop-down list, choose the virtual account to which you want to register your product.

Step 4

Select the General tab.

Step 5

Click New Token.

The Create Registration Token window is displayed.

Step 6

In the Description field, enter the token description.

In the Expire After field, enter the number of days the token must be active. The default value is 30 days.

In the Max. Number of Uses field, enter the maximum number of uses allowed after which the token expires.

Select the Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token checkbox to ensure Cisco compliance with US and country-specific export policies and guidelines. For more information, see

Click Create Token.

Step 7

After the token is created, select and copy the token to a text file.

You need this token to register your router.

What to do next

See the Registering Your Device With the Token section.

Registering Your Device With the Token


  1. license smart register idtoken token-ID


Command or Action Purpose

license smart register idtoken token-ID


license smart register idtoken $Tl4UytrNXBzbEs1ck8veUtWaG5abnZJOFdDa1FwbVRa%0AblRMbz0%3D%0A

Registers Smart Licensing on the router using the registration token created in the CSSM. On successful registration, the product instance is created in the CSSM virtual account and its license usage is displayed on the CSSM.

Renewing Your Smart Licensing Registration

Your registration is automatically renewed every six months. To find the status of the license, use the license smart renew auth command.

As long as the license is in an 'Authorized' or 'Out-of-compliance' (OOC) state, the authorization period is renewed. Grace period starts when an authorization period expires. During the grace period or when the grace period is in the 'Expired' state, the system continues to try to renew the authorization period. If a retry is successful, a new authorization period starts.


If the smart license renewal fails, then the product instance goes to an unidentified state and starts consuming the evaluation period.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met to renew your smart license:

  • Smart licensing is enabled.

  • The router is registered.


  1. license smart renew {auth | id}


Command or Action Purpose

license smart renew {auth | id}


Router# license smart renew auth

Renews your token ID or authorization with Cisco smart licensing.

Deregistering Your Router from CSSM

When a router is taken off the inventory, shipped elsewhere for redeployment, or returned to Cisco for replacement, you can deregister that router.

Before you begin

Ensure that a Layer 3 connection to CSSM is available to successfully deregister the device.


  1. license smart deregister


Command or Action Purpose

license smart deregister


Router# license smart deregister

Cancels the registration of the router and sends the router into evaluation mode. All smart licensing entitlements and certificates on the corresponding platform are removed. The product instance of the router stored on CSSM is also removed.

Enable Smart Licensing

Smart Licensing components are packaged into the asr9k mini image. The https client required for configuring the Smart Call Home is packaged into the asr9k-k9sec PIE. By default, traditional licensing mode is on. Use the steps described here to enable Smart Licensing.


Smart Licensing on Cisco ASR 9001-S Router is not supported. Hence you should use the Product Authorization Key (PAK) to activate a license. PAK is provided when you order and purchase the right to use a feature set for a particular device. The PAK is an 11-character alphanumeric key printed on the purchase order document that is shipped with your device hardware. The PAK serves as a receipt and is an important component used in the process of obtaining, upgrading, and activating a license.

For information on how to activate a license using PAK, refer Cisco ASR 9001-S 120G Upgrade License Configuration Guide.

On successful registration, the device will receive an identity certificate. This certificate is saved on your device and automatically used for all future communications with Cisco. Every 30 days, Smart Licensing will automatically renew the registration information with Cisco. If registration fails, an error will be logged. Additionally, license usage data is collected and a report is sent to you every month. If required, you can configure your Smart Call Home settings such that sensitive information (like hostname, username and password) are filtered out from the usage report.


Once Smart Licensing mode is enabled, all CLIs related to the traditional licensing mode are disabled.

Before you begin

You must have purchased the product for which you are adding the license. When you purchase the product, you are provided with a user name and password to the Cisco Smart Software Manager portal, from where you can generate the product instance registration tokens.


  1. Login to Cisco Smart Software Manager at
  2. admin
  3. configure
  4. license smart enable
  5. Use the commit or end command.
  6. admin
  7. license smart register idtoken token_ID


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Login to Cisco Smart Software Manager at

Get a token from the Cisco portal using the link. You must log in to the portal using a Cisco provided username and password. Once you have generated the token, select Copy hyperlink to copy the token or download the token to a text file. The token is used to register and activate a device, and assign the device to a virtual account.


This token is valid for 30 days.

Step 2



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 3



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# configure

Enters administration configuration mode.

Step 4

license smart enable


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin-config)#license smart enable
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin-config)#show config
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration
license smart enable
Enables basic Smart Licensing. Use the no form of this command to disable Smart Licensing and revert to the traditional or strict mode of licensing.

Step 5

Use the commit or end command.

commit —Saves the configuration changes and remains within the configuration session.

end —Prompts user to take one of these actions:
  • Yes — Saves configuration changes and exits the configuration session.

  • No — Exits the configuration session without committing the configuration changes.

  • Cancel — Remains in the configuration mode, without committing the configuration changes.

Step 6



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 7

license smart register idtoken token_ID


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#license smart register idtoken 

license smart register: Registration process is 
in progress.Please check the syslog for the 
registration status and result
Use the token ID procured in step 1 to register your device.

What to do next

You can use the Cisco Smart Software Manager to:

  • Create virtual accounts

  • Assign a registered device to a virtual account

  • View licenses in a virtual account

  • Manage product instance registration tokens

  • Transfer a license

  • View, transfer or remove product instances in a virtual account

Verify Smart Licensing Configuration

After enabling Smart Licensing, you can use the show commands to verify the default Smart Licensing configuration. If any issue is detected, take corrective action before making further configurations.


  1. admin
  2. show license status
  3. show license register-status
  4. show license entitlement
  5. show license pool
  6. show license cert
  7. show license features
  8. show license ha
  9. show license all
  10. exit
  11. show call-home smart-licensing statistics


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

show license status


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license status
Displays the compliance status of Smart Licensing. Following are the possible status:
  • Waiting: Indicates the initial state after your device has made a license entitlement request. The device establishes communication with Cisco and successfully registers itself with the Cisco license manager.
  • Authorized: Indicates that your device is able to communicate with the Cisco license manager, and is authorised to initiate requests for license entitlements.
  • Out-Of-Compliance: Indicates that one or more of your licenses are out-of-compliance. You must buy additional licenses.
  • Eval Period: Indicates that Smart Licencing is consuming the evaluation period. You must register the device with the Cisco Licensing manager, else your license expires.
  • Grace Period: Indicates that connectivity to the Cisco license manager is lost. You must try restore connectivity to renew the authorization period.
  • Disabled: Indicates that Smart Licensing is disabled.
  • Invalid: Indicates that Cisco does not recognize the entitlement tag as it is not in the database.

Step 3

show license register-status


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license register-status
Displays the Smart Licensing registration status. If your registration is pending or failed, check for connectivity issues with the Cisco license manager or register the device with a new token ID.

Step 4

show license entitlement


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license entitlement
Displays the details of the various entitlements you own.

Step 5

show license pool


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license pool
Displays the pool to which the device belongs.

Step 6

show license cert


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license cert
Displays details of the licensing certificate.

Step 7

show license features


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license features
Displays the licenses that are supported on a given chassis. You can go ahead and buy the required licenses.

Step 8

show license ha


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license ha
Displays the Smart Licensing high availability status, whether it is in active or standby mode.

Step 9

show license all


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)#show license all
Displays all entitlements in use. It can also be used to check if Smart Licensing is enabled. Additionally, it shows associated licensing certificates, compliance status, UDI, and other details.

Step 10



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# exit

Exits administration EXEC mode and returns to EXEC mode.

Step 11

show call-home smart-licensing statistics

Displays the statistics of communication between the Smart Licensing manager and the Cisco back-end using Smart Call Home. In case communication fails or drops, check your call home configuration for any errors.
The following example shows sample output from the show call-home smart-licensing statisticscommand:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#show call-home smart-licensing statistics
Success: Successfully sent and response received.
Failed : Failed to send or response indicated error occurred.
Inqueue: In queue waiting to be sent.
Dropped: Dropped due to incorrect call-home configuration.

Msg Subtype      Success Failed  Inqueue Dropped Last-sent (GMT-07:00)
ENTITLEMENT      2       0       0       0       2014-04-24 18:24:34
REGISTRATION     1       0       0       0       2014-04-25 03:53:57
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  1       0       0       0       2014-04-23 19:21:21
RENEW            1       0       0       0       2014-04-23 19:21:11
DEREGISTRATION   1       0       0       0       2014-04-25 03:31:35

Renew Smart Licensing Registration

In general, your registration is automatically renewed every 30 days. Use this option to make an on-demand manual update of your registration. Thus, instead of waiting 30 days for the next registration renewal cycle, you can issue this command to instantly find out the status of your license.

Before you begin

You must ensure that the following conditions are met to renew your smart license:

  • Smart licensing is enabled.
  • The device is registered.


  1. admin
  2. license smart renew {auth | id}


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

license smart renew {auth | id}


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ROA(admin)#license smart renew auth 
Tue  Apr 22 09:12:37.086 PST

license smart renew auth: Authorization process is in progress. 
Please check the syslog for the authorization status and result. 
Renew your ID or authorization with Cisco smart licensing. If ID certification renewal fails, then the product instance goes to an unidentified state and starts consuming the evaluation period.



Authorization periods are renewed by the Smart Licensing system every 30 days. As long as the license is in an 'Authorized' or 'Out-of-compliance' (OOC), the authorization period is renewed. Grace period starts when an authorization period expires. During the grace period or when the grace period is in the 'Expired' state, the system continues to try renew the authorization period. If a retry is successful, a new authorization period starts.

De-register Smart Licensing

When your device is taken off the inventory, shipped elsewhere for redeployment or returned to Cisco for replacement using the return merchandise authorization (RMA) process, you can use the de-register option to cancel the registration on your device. Use the following steps to cancel device registration:


  1. admin
  2. license smart deregister


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

license smart deregister


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:IMC0(admin)#license smart deregister

license smart deregister: Success

License command "license smart deregister " completed successfully.
Cancels the device registration, and sends it into a 30-day evaluation mode. All Smart Licensing entitlements and certificates on the platform are removed.


Though the product instance has been de-registered from the Cisco license cloud service, Smart Licencing is still enabled.

Smart Licensing Workflow

The Smart Licensing workflow is depicted in this flowchart.

Cisco Smart Software Manager Overview

Cisco Smart Software Manager enables you to manage all of your Cisco Smart software licenses from one centralized website. With Cisco Smart Software Manager, you organize and view your licenses in groups called virtual accounts (collections of licenses and product instances). Use the Cisco Smart Software Manager to do the following tasks:

  • Create, manage or view virtual accounts.
  • Create and manage Product Instance Registration Tokens.
  • Transfer licenses between virtual accounts or view licenses.
  • Transfer, remove or view product instances.
  • Run reports against your virtual accounts.
  • Modify your email notification settings.
  • View overall account information.
The Cisco Smart Software Manager Help describes the procedures for carrying out these tasks. You can access the Cisco Smart Software Manager on, by clicking Licensing, and then selecting Smart Software Manager; and then login using the username and password provided by Cisco.


Use Chrome 32.0, Firefox 25.0 or Safari 6.0.5 web browsers to access the Cisco Smart Software Manager. Also, ensure that Javascript 1.5 or a later version is enabled in your browser.

Licenses, Product Instances, and Registration Tokens


Licenses are required for all Cisco products. All Cisco product licenses are one of two types which vary depending on the product:

  • Perpetual licenses—Licenses that do not expire.

  • Term licenses—Licenses that automatically expire after a set amount of time: one year, three years, or whatever term was purchased.

In addition, there are demo licenses that expire after at most 60 days. As implied by the name, demo licenses are not intended for production use.

All product licenses reside in a virtual account.

Product Instances

A product instance is an individual device with a unique device identifier (UDI) that is registered using a product instance registration token (or registration token). You can register any number of instances of a product with a single registration token. Each product instance can have one or more licenses residing in the same virtual account. Product instances must periodically connect to the Cisco Smart Software Manager servers during a specific renewal period. If a product instance fails to connect, it is marked as having a license shortage, but continues to use the license. If you remove the product instance, its licenses are released and made available within the virtual account.

Product Instance Registration Tokens

A product requires a registration token until you have registered the product. Registration tokens are stored in the Product Instance Registration Token Table associated with your enterprise account. Once the product is registered the registration token is no longer necessary and can be revoked and removed from the table without effect. Registration tokens can be valid from 1 to 365 days.

Virtual Accounts

Smart Licencing allows you to create multiple license pools or virtual accounts within the Smart Software Manager portal. Using the Virtual Accounts option you can aggregate licenses into discrete bundles associated with a cost center so that one section of an organization cannot use the licenses of another section of the organization. For example, if you segregate your company into different geographic regions, you can create a virtual account for each region to hold the licenses and product instances for that region.

All new licenses and product instances are placed in the default virtual account in the Smart Software Manager, unless you specify a different one during the order process. Once in the default account, you may choose to transfer them to any other account as desired, provided you have the required access permissions. See Licenses, Product Instances, and Registration Tokens for details.

Use the Smart Software Manager portal at to create license pools or transfer licenses.

Compliance reporting

On a periodic basis, as described by the terms of the Smart Licensing contract, reports are automatically sent to you containing inventory and license compliance data. These reports will take one of three forms:

  • Periodic Record: This record is generated on a periodic (configurable) basis with relevant inventory data saved at a given point of time. This report is saved within the Cisco cloud for archival.

  • Manual Record: You can manually generate this record with relevant inventory data saved at any given point of time. This report will be saved within the Cisco cloud for archival.

  • Compliance Warning Report: This report is automatically or manually generated when a license compliance event occurs. This report does not contain a full inventory data, but only any shortfalls in entitlements for a given software license.

    You can view these reports from the Smart Software Manager portal at

Traditional Licensing Consideration in Smart Licensing

Traditional licensing, and the associated commands, currently co-exist with Smart Licensing. By default, the software image is loaded with the traditional, strictly-enforced mode of licensing. You may want to retain the traditional licensing model in the following scenarios:

  • when there are multiple users, and you do not know the actual end user of your software.
  • when the software is deployed in a location with limited access to the license and inventory management solution.
  • when the user has opted not to establish a Smart Call Home relationship with Cisco.
  • when a Smart Call Home relationship cannot be maintained with the user owing to logistics and a fallback is required.


All traditional licencing CLI commands are disabled if Smart Licensing is enabled. However, you can continue to access the traditional licenses stored under: /disk0:/license/*. Certificates used by Smart Licencing are located under /disk0:/sla/. Respective CLIs are restored when licensing schemes are switched.

Consumption Model

The consumption model is a new pricing model for line cards to align the initial purchase to your actual needs. This model provides the ability to deploy a line card on day 1 with minimum ports activated to meet the current traffic demands. Over time as the traffic grows, you can add additional ports in 10G port increments. This provides a flexible deployment model with the ability to increase bandwidth to meet your demands.
Figure 3. Comparison - Current Purchasing Model And The New Consumption Model


The consumption model line cards require the users to deploy Smart Licensing to help track and provide visibility into license usage across their network. For information on Smart Licensing see Information About Smart Licensing.

You must have a Smart Account created to place an order for the consumption model line card. You can create your Cisco Smart Account at this webpage: For information on how to create a Cisco Smart Account, see:

Supported Consumption Model Line Cards

The line cards that can be deployed using consumption model are referred to as the consumption model line cards. The supported consumption model line cards are:

  • A9K-8X100GE-CM

  • A99-8X100GE-CM

  • A99-12X100GE-CM

  • A9K-MOD400-CM

Ordering the Consumption Model Line Card using the Consumption Model

The three steps involved in ordering a consumption model line card using the Consumption Model are:

Figure 4. Steps involved in ordering the consumption model line card using the Consumption Model

Figure 5. Foundation Software Licenses And Advanced Software Licenses

  1. Choose the hardware: Select a line card that supports Consumption Model.

    The consumption model line cards require Smart Licensing to be installed at your location to function. When placing an order, you must enter their Smart Account information. For more information on how to create a Cisco Smart Account, see:

    Table 5. Minimum Foundation Software Licenses for the CM line cards


    Minimum Foundation Software License Required

    A9K-8X100GE-CM 300G (30 x 10G)
    A99-8X100GE-CM 300G (30 x 10G)
    A99-12X100GE-CM 400G (40 x 10G)
    A9K-MOD400-CM-BUN 200G (20 x 10G)
  2. Choose your foundation software licenses: This provides the transport protocol (IP/MPLS, L2VPN, L3VPN, or L2VPN and L3VPN) as well as "per 10G" port activation.

    Pick your foundation software licenses based on the feature set and the scale required. The following is the list of the available licenses. The licenses listed are per 10G RTU (Right to Use) and are required to activate a port.

    Table 6. Foundation Software Licenses for Cisco IOS XR and Cisco IOS XR 64 bit

    Foundation License PID


    S-A9K-IPB-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS Basic 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-IPP-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS Premium 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L2B-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L2VPN Basic 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L2P-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L2VPN Premium 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L3B-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L3VPN Basic 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L3P-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L3VPN Premium 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L2L3B-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L2VPN/L3VPN Basic 10G Foundational License
    S-A9K-L2L3P-10G ASR 9000 IP/MPLS/L2VPN/L3VPN Premium 10G Foundational License
  3. Choose your advanced software licenses: This provides the advanced feature support such as hierarchical QoS, OAM (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance), and virtual interfaces.

    Pick your advanced software licenses, optional, you can select one or more of them from the following list. The licenses listed are per 10G RTU (Right to Use).

    Below tables list supported advance software licenses for Cisco IOS XR and Cisco IOS XR 64 bit respectively:

    Table 7. Advanced Software Licenses for Cisco IOS XR

    Advanced Software License PID


    S-A9K-HQOS-RTU-10 ASR 9000 H-QoS 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-MAP-RTU-10 ASR 9000 CGN Stateless MAP 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-OAM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 OAM 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-VIRT-RTU-10 ASR 9000 Virtual Interfaces 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-EVPN-RTU-10 ASR 9000 E-VPN 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-VXLN-RTU-10 ASR 9000 VxLAN 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-DWDM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 IPoDWDM 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-MAC-RTU-10 ASR 9000 MACSec 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-MAC-RTU-40 ASR 9000 MACSec 40G (4x10G) Right to Use License
    S-A9K-MAC-RTU-100 ASR 9000 MACSec 100G (10x10G) Right to Use License
    Table 8. Advanced Software Licenses for Cisco IOS XR 64 bit

    Advanced Software License PID


    S-A9K-HQOS-RTU-10 ASR 9000 H-QoS 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-OAM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 OAM 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-VIRT-RTU-10 ASR 9000 Virtual Interfaces 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-EVPN-RTU-10 ASR 9000 E-VPN 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-VXLN-RTU-10 ASR 9000 VxLAN 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-DWDM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 IPoDWDM 10G Right to Use License
    S-A9K-MAC-RTU-10 ASR 9000 MACSec 10G Right to Use License
    A9K-NVSAT1-LIC ASR 9000 NV Satellite Right to Use License
    A9K-LI-LIC ASR 9000 Lawful Intercept Right to Use License


    ASR 9000 Timing Advanced Mobile License Right to Use License

Table 9. Perpetual Licensing (BAU) Usage Pattern

License Name


Hardware Supported

Consumption Pattern


VRF licence for upto 8 VRF instances per 24-port 10G/1G

A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE, A9K-24X10GE-1G-TR, A9K-48X10GE-1G-SE, and A9K-48X10GE-1G-TR

If number of VRFs are less than or equal to 8, IVRF license is consumed.

If number of VRFs are greater than 8, AIP license is consumed.

If customer has less than or equal to 8 VRFs, who purchased AIP license in their smart account, please contact your Cisco account representative if you see issues like insufficient IVRF licenses.


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 24-port 10G A9K-24P10GAIPTR /1G TR LC


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 24-port 10G/1G SE LC


Infrastructure VRF licence for upto 8 VRF instances per 48-port 10G/1G


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 48-port 10G/1G TR LC


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 48-port 10G/1G SE LC


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 48-port 1G mode TR LC


Advanced IP Licence for full scale VRFs for 48-port 1G mode SE LC


48-port 1G to 10G upgrade license for TR LC


48-port 1G to 10G upgrade license for SE LC


ASR9K 80G Upgrade license for 24-port 10G/1G dual rate SE LC

In 24 port PG, 80G licenses is consumed as shown below:

  • Capacity upto 80G – Consume 1x A9K-24P-80G-RTU-SE/ A9K-24P-80G-RTU-TR

  • Capacity upto 160G – Consume 2x A9K-24P-80G-RTU-SE/ A9K-24P-80G-RTU-TR

  • Capacity upto 240G – Consume 3x A9K-24P-80G-RTU-SE/ A9K-24P-80G-RTU-TR


ASR9K 80G Upgrade license for 24-port 10G/1G dual rate TR LC

TR Equivalent Configuration

Configuration Examples:

The Consumption Model line cards provide the flexibility to configure the line card on a per 10G port basis. Here are a few examples of configurations of the existing TR and SE versions of line cards using the Consumption Model.

The TR equivalent configuration is a configuration with L2 Premium Foundation Software License plus OAM and Virtual Advanced Software licenses.

Line Card PID







ASR 9000 8-port 100GE Consumption Model Line Card

ASR 9900 8-port 100GE Consumption Model Line Card

ASR 9000 20-port 10GE Consumption Model Line Card

ASR 9900 12-port 100GE Consumption Model Line Card


Foundation Software PID


Quantity of 10G Licenses

S-A9K-L2P-10G L2-P (Layer 2 Premium Foundation Software License) 30

Advanced Software PID



S-A9K-OAM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 OAM 10Gbps Right to Use License 30
S-A9K-VIRT-RTU-10 ASR 9000 Virtual Interfaces 10Gbps Right to Use License 30

SE Equivalent Configuration

The SE equivalent configuration is a configuration with L2 Premium Foundation Software License plus H-QoS, OAM, and Virtual Advanced Software licenses.

Line Card PID





ASR 9000 8-port 100GE Consumption Model Line Card

ASR 9900 8-port 100GE Consumption Model Line Card


Foundation Software PID


Quantity of 10G Licenses

S-A9K-L2P-10G L2-P (Layer 2 Premium Foundation Software License) 30

Advanced Software PID



S-A9K-HQOS-RTU-10 ASR 9000 H-QoS 10Gbps Right to Use License 30
S-A9K-OAM-RTU-10 ASR 9000 OAM 10Gbps Right to Use License 30
S-A9K-VIRT-RTU-10 ASR 9000 Virtual Interfaces 10Gbps Right to Use License 30

Implementing Default Licensing

Prerequisites for Configuring Software Entitlement

You must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. The command reference guides include the task IDs required for each command. If you suspect user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.

Information About Default (Traditional) Licensing

To configure software license entitlements using the default mode of licensing, you need to understand the concepts described in this module.

Types of Licenses

The following types of licenses are currently defined:

  • Permanent licenses—Licenses that enable a designated feature permanently, as long as the license resides on the router.

Router License Pools

License pools are maintained by the router. By default, all added licenses are allocated to the owner secure domain router (SDR) license pool, and they can be freely allocated to any slot in the router. Features on cards belonging to the owner SDR are granted licenses based on availability in the owner SDR license pool.

Chassis-Locked Licenses

Licenses are locked to a unique device identifier (UDI). The UDI is comprised of the chassis serial number, along with an additional identifier. The complete set of UDI information can be displayed using the show license udi command. The license manager parses the user-provided license and verifies that it is valid for the chassis it is running on and determines if the license is being readded.

Slot-Based Licenses

Feature licenses are allocated to router slots and not cards. Therefore, if a card is replaced, the existing license is applied to the newly inserted card. For example, if you have eight licenses for Layer 3 VPN in the system, you can configure Layer 3 VPN features on any eight cards in the router, and the licenses are allocated to the slots within which the cards are installed. If a card is removed from one of these licensed slots, say slot 3, and entered into an empty slot with no license, say slot 5, the license remains with slot 3 and the feature cannot be activated on slot 5 with the permanent license entered earlier by the user. In this case, you can release the license to the appropriate license pool by removing the configuration of the card (while it is inserted), or by using the license move slot command. When you configure the feature on slot 5, the license is checked out.

Configure Licenses Using Default Licensing

Adding a License for a New Feature

This task describes how to acquire a permanent license for a feature that you have purchased or an evaluation license for a feature that you have arranged with your sales representative to try. Use this procedure to replace evaluation licenses with permanent licenses.

Before you begin

You must have purchased the feature for which you are adding the license. When you purchase the feature, you are provided with a product authorization key (PAK) that you use to download the license.


  1. admin
  2. show license udi
  4. Copy the license to your TFTP server.
  5. admin
  6. license add license-name [ sdr sdr-name ]
  7. configure
  8. license license-name location {all | node-id}
  9. exit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

show license udi


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show license udi

Mon Jul 13 04:36:32.715 PST

Local Chassis UDI Information:
  PID         : ASR-9010-AC
  S/N         : FOX1232H67M
  Operation ID: 1

Displays the UDI of the chassis. This consists of a product identifier (PID), serial number (S/N), and operation identifier (Operation ID).

Step 3

Go to the license tool on You must log in to the site before you can access the license tool. Follow the instructions for product license registration. You are required to enter the feature PAK and the chassis UDI to acquire the license.



If you are installing a permanent license, you should have received the PAK when you purchased the feature. If you are installing an evaluation license, your sales representative should provide you with the PAK.

Step 4

Copy the license to your TFTP server.

You will be issued a license. You can copy the license and store it on your computer, or alternatively, you can request that the license be sent to you in an e-mail. When you have received the license, copy it to a TFTP server that is accessible by your router.

Step 5



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 6

license add license-name [ sdr sdr-name ]


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# license add tftp://

Adds the license to the SDR license pool. By default, the license is added to the owner SDR license pool.

Step 7



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# configure

Enters administration configuration mode.

Step 8

license license-name location {all | node-id}


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin-config)# license A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC 
location 0/0/CPU0

(Optional) Binds the license to the slot where it is to be used.



Beginning with Cisco IOS XR Release 4.3.1, this command is optional. If you do not use this command, it is configured as though the license is bound to all slots.

Step 9



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# exit

Exits administration EXEC mode.

What to do next

To use the feature associated with the added license, you must configure it on your router. To configure Layer 3 VPN, see the Implementing MPLS Layer 3 VPNs on Cisco IOS XR Software module in MPLS Configuration Guide for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers.

To verify that your Layer 3 VPN configuration is operational, use the show rsi interface all global command.

Backing Up Licenses

When your router is configured with the licenses that you require, you should perform this task to back up all licenses. Backing up licenses makes it easier to restore them if there is a problem.


  1. admin
  2. license backup backup-file
  3. show license backup backup-file


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

license backup backup-file


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# license backup disk1:/license_back

License command "license backup disk1:/license_back" completed successfully.

Backs up all licenses on the router to a backup file in the specified location. The backup file can be a local file or a remote file on a TFTP or RCP server.

Step 3

show license backup backup-file


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show license backup disk1:/license_back

Displays the contents of the backup file.


The following example shows sample output from the show license backup command.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show license backup disk1:/license_back

Local Chassis UDI Information:
  S/N         : TBA09370035
  Operation ID:   5
Licenses      :
FeatureID    Type                     #installed
CRS-MSC-40G  Slot based,    Permanent          2
XC-L3VPN     Slot based,    Permanent          1

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show license backup disk0:/lic_backup.pkg

Tue Jul 27 17:12:44.982 pst

Local Chassis UDI Information:
  S/N         : FOX1316G5TL  
  Operation ID:   9  

  FeatureID: A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC (Slot based, Permanent) 
  Total licenses  1
    Pool: Owner  1
    Allocated Node(s): 
      0/0/CPU0 1 [Owner]

  FeatureID: A9K-ADV-VIDEO-LIC (Slot based, Evaluation) 
  Total licenses  1
    Pool: Owner  1
    Allocated Node(s): 
      0/RSP0/CPU0 1 [Owner]

  FeatureID: A9K-iVRF-LIC (Slot based, Permanent) 
  Total licenses  1
    Pool: Owner  1

  FeatureID: A9K-iVRF-LIC (Slot based, Evaluation) 
  Total licenses  3
    Pool: Owner  3
    Allocated Node(s): 
      0/1/CPU0 1 [Owner]

Restoring Licenses

If your licenses become corrupted, and you have previously created a backup of your licenses, you can perform this task to restore the licenses to your router.

Before you begin

You must have created a backup file of your licenses before you can restore them on your router.


  1. admin
  2. show license backup backup-file
  3. license restore backup-file


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router# admin 

Enters administration EXEC mode.

Step 2

show license backup backup-file


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show license backup disk1:/license_back

Displays the contents of the backup file. You should verify the contents of the backup file before you restore your licenses.

Step 3

license restore backup-file


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# license restore disk1:/license_back

Restores all licenses on the router from a backup file in the specified location. This can be a local file, or a remote file on a TFTP or RCP server.


This example shows sample output from the license restore command.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin)# license restore disk1:/license_back

Info: This command will erase all existing licenses.
Info: It is strongly recommended to backup existing licenses first.
Do you wish to proceed? [yes/no]: y

License command "license restore disk1:/license_back" completed successfully.

Troubleshooting License Issues after a Software Upgrade

In the instance that you were running Cisco IOS XR Release 3.9.0 and had the optic feature enabled on a interface and the A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC license was active on a particular slot, when you upgrade to Cisco IOS XR Release 4.0.0, the A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC license is still active, but you may get the following warning message:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jul 27 14:22:22.594 : licmgr[236]: 
Feature associated to package A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC configured 
on node 0/4/CPU0 without a valid license

To solve this issue, configure the license command in administration EXEC mode. This binds the A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC license to the slot on which you are using the license. For example:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin-config)# license A9K-ADV-OPTIC-LIC location 0/4/CPU0 
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(admin-config)# commit