Before performing ISSU on ASR 9000 with IOS XR 64 Bit, complete the following tasks.
Configure NTP in XR VM. Once you configure NTP on XR VM, System Admin VM automatically syncronizes with NTP running on RSP.
If NTP server is not available, configure clock on both XR VM and System Admin VM in configuration mode and make sure that
your clock is set to the correct location and timezone.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show ntp associations
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
*~ 2 13 64 77 2.05 -1.174 191.09
~ 2 35 64 0 0.00 0.000 15937
+~ 2 9 64 77 2.41 10.370 189.47
* sys_peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlayer, x falseticker, ~ configured
sysadmin-vm:0_RSP0:Router# show ntp associations
Wed Oct 31 15:18:59.728 UTC-07:00
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*rsp0_xr 3 u 12 128 347 0.171 0.989 0.456
rsp1_xr .STEP. 16 u - 256 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
* 3 u 12 128 347 0.171 0.989 0.456 .STEP. 16 u - 256 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ensure that the dual RP and RSP systems are synchronized and they are in active and standby roles respectively using the show redundancy summary command. The line card status should be Final Band or Running.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show redundancy summary
Active Node Standby Node
----------- ------------
0/RSP0/CPU0 0/RSP1/CPU0 (Node Ready, NSR:Ready)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show platform vm
Node name Node type Partner name SW status IP address
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Ensure that firmware on linecards, RSP, and RP is upgraded to the latest version. You can upgrade the router cards in a single
step by using the upgrade hw-module location all fpd all command. Use the show hw-module location
command to verify the firmware versions.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# upgrade hw-module location all fpd all
This example shows verifying the firmware versions for a node.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show hw-module location 0/rsp1 fpd
FPD Versions
Location Card type HWver FPD device ATR Status Running Programd
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 Alpha-FPGA CURRENT 0.16 0.16
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 CBC CURRENT 34.39 34.39
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 Cha-FPGA CURRENT 0.08 0.08
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 IPU-FPGA CURRENT 0.66 0.66
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 IPU-FSBL CURRENT 1.108 1.108
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 IPU-Linux CURRENT 1.108 1.108
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 Omega-FPGA CURRENT 0.16 0.16
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 Optimus-FPGA CURRENT 0.12 0.12
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 Primary-BIOS CURRENT 10.60 10.60
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 SSDa-SMART N/A 7.05 7.05
0/RSP1 A9K-RSP880-SE 1.0 SSDb-SMART N/A 7.05 7.05
Check the disk storage space on both System Admin VM and XR VM and ensure that sufficient disk space is available. Remove
files like show-tech, cores, kernel dumps, manually created text, log, debug information and so on.
This example shows verifying the disk storage space for System Admin VM and XR VM on RSP0. You also need to verify the disk
space on the standby RSP (RSP1). If required you can verify the disk storage on line cards using the show media location command.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show media
Media Information for local node.
Partition Size Used Percent Avail
rootfs: 3.8G 1.3G 34% 2.4G
/run 14G 340K 1% 14G
harddisk: 5.5G 1.6G 31% 3.6G
/run/netns 14G 340K 1% 14G
log: 469M 33M 8% 401M
config: 469M 1.7M 1% 432M
disk0: 968M 5.3M 1% 897M
harddiska: 3.6G 11M 1% 3.5G
/misc/app_host 2.4G 61M 3% 2.2G
rootfs: = root file system (read-only)
log: = system log files (read-only)
config: = configuration storage (read-only)
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# admin show media
Partition Size Used Percent Avail
rootfs: 2.4G 838M 38% 1.4G
harddisk: 7.6G 1.2G 17% 6.0G
log: 469M 22M 5% 412M
config: 469M 3.3M 1% 431M
disk0: 968M 1.6M 1% 900M
a9ksys: 736M 4.3M 1% 695M
harddiskb: 3.0G 1.2G 41% 1.8G
install: 4.8G 932M 21% 3.6G
install:/tmp 7.6G 1.2G 17% 6.0G
install:/cache 7.6G 1.2G 17% 6.0G
rootfs:/install/tmp 7.6G 1.2G 17% 6.0G
rootfs: = root file system (read-only)
log: = system log files (read-only)
config: = configuration storage (read-only)
install: = install repository (read-only)
a9ksys: = ASR9K system storage (read-only)
Populate the repository with RPMs and SMUs. You can pick and install individual RPMs, SMUs, one by one, or make a tarball
and install one tarball or break it down with multiple tarballs.
You cannot include a tarball within another tarball. However, multiple tarballs can be specified at once.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# install add source tftp:// asr9k-mini-x64- ASR9K-RPMS-65213I.tar
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show install request
The install add operation 4 is 80% complete
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Oct 31 19:44:34.076 : sdr_instmgr[1156]: %INSTALL-INSTMGR-2-OPERATION_SUCCESS : Install operation 4 finished successfully
Oct 31 19:44:35 Install operation 4 finished successfully
Check the repository to validate that packages, images, or SMUs are populated properly in the router's repository by using
theshow install repository command. There should be a one to one relationship between V1 and V2 images and SMUs. For example, if you install a SMU on
V1, you also need the corresponding V2 version in the repository to execute ISSU.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show install repository | i mini
asr9k-mini-x64-6.2.3 <--V1 iso image currently running
asr9k-mini-x64- <--V2 iso image to upgrade to
Extract the ISO image in System Admin VM or XR VM depending on the version of the image.
For IOS XR versions prior to 6.5.1: You should extract the ISO image in XR VM as well as in System Admin VM because the system
can only use packages in RPM format.
For IOS XR version 6.5.1 and onwards: System automatically extracts the system admin package from the ISO file once you mentioned
the file name while executing ISSU. You only need to extract the XR package separately.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# install extract asr9k-mini-x64-
Oct 31 20:50:30 Install operation 9 started by root:
install extract asr9k-mini-x64-
Oct 31 20:50:30 Package list:
Oct 31 20:50:30 asr9k-mini-x64-
Oct 31 20:50:31 Install operation will continue in the background
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Router# show install repository | i xr-
asr9k-xr- <--V2 extracted image to upgrade to
sysadmin-vm:0_RSP0:Router# install extract asr9k-mini-x64-
result Wed Oct 31 20:36:34 2018 Install operation 1 (install extract) started by user 'root' will continue asynchronously.
sysadmin-vm:0_RSP0:Router# show install repository | i sys
asr9k-sysadmin- <--V2 extracted image to upgrade to