Restrictions for Port-Shaper and LLQ in the Presence of EFPs
If you configure port level shaper with the policy applied at EFP level, then port shaper does not work. However, 3 level HQoS policy with port and logical shaper can be applied at the EFP level. Logical shaper that is configured at logical level does work but port shaper does not work.
If you configure a class-based policy on the port, then you cannot configure service-policies on Ethernet Flow Points (EFPs).
Attaching a service policy to the BDI is not supported.
ACL based shaping policy-map cannot be applied to the EFP and/or egress interface.
Usage of bandwidth remaining percentage (BRP) in the absence of priority class, allocates the available bandwidth in an iterative way. For example, the bandwidth is allocated for the first BRP class as per the percentage of share that is configured in the respective class-map and the remaining bandwidth is iteratively allocated to all other BRP classes until the bandwidth is exhausted.