cnBNG CP Commands

This guide describes the CLI commands that are used to configure a control plane in cnBNG.

Some keywords and commands are common across multiple commands and configuration modes respectively. Use the information in the Command Modes section only as a reference to navigate to the command in the applicable configuration modes.

auto-test enable

Enables RADIUS automated testing.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > Server Configuration (config-server)


auto-test enable 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable RADIUS automated testing. To disable the RADIUS Automated Testing feature, use the no auto-test enable command.

auto-test enable idle-timer

Enables RADIUS automated testing along with idle-timer functionality.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > Server Configuration (config-server)


auto-test enable idle-timer value 

idle-timer value

Specify the value for idle-timer.

Must be a number in the range of 1 - 30.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable RADIUS automated testing along with idle-timer functionality. To disable the idle-timer functionality, use the no auto-test idle-timer command.

clear subscriber

Clears BNG subscriber data.

Command Mode



clear subscriber [ force ] type { [ ipv4-pool ipv4_pool_name ] [ ipv4-range ipv4_address_range ] [ ipv6-addr-pool ipv6_address_pool_name ] [ ipv6-addr-range ipv6_address_range ] [ ipv6-pfx-pool ipv6_prefix_pool_name ] [ ipv6-pfx-range ipv6_prefix_range ] [ mac mac_address ] [ port-id upf_port_id ] [ sublabel subscriber_label ] [ upf upf_name ] } 


Specify to force session deletion, even if UP is down.

ipv4-pool ipv4_pool_name

Specify the IPv4 address pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv4-range ipv4_address_range

Specify the IPv4 address range in the format "poolName /start-ip ".

Must be a string.

ipv6-addr-pool ipv6_address_pool_name

Specify the IPv6 address pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv6-addr-range ipv6_address_range

Specify the IPv6 address range in the format "poolName /start-ip ".

Must be a string.

ipv6-pfx-pool ipv6_prefix_pool_name

Specify the IPv6 prefix pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv6-pfx-range ipv6_prefix_range

Specify the IPv6 prefix range in the format "poolName /start-pfx ".

Must be a string.

mac mac_address

Specify the MAC address in the format "aabb.ccdd.eeff".

Must be a string.

port-id upf_port_id

Specify the user plane function port ID in the format "upf /port-id ".

Must be a string.

sublabel subscriber_label

Specify the subscriber label.

Must be a string.

upf upf_name

Specify the user plane function name.

Must be a string.


Specify the type.

Must be one of the following:

  • dhcp

  • pppoe

  • sessmgr

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear BNG subscriber data.

endpoint ep

Configures endpoint parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint endpoint_type { replicas replicas_per_node | nodes node_replicas_for_resiliency | loopbackEth loopbackEth | loopbackPort loopbackPort } 

eptype endpoint_type

Specify the endpoint type.

loopbackEth loopbackEth

Specify the endpoint local interface name or host IP.

Must be a string.

loopbackPort loopbackPort

Specify the endpoint local port.

Must be an integer.

nodes node_replicas_for_resiliency

Specify the number of node replicas for resiliency.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1.

replicas replicas_per_node

Specify the number of replicas per node.

Must be an integer.

Default Value: 1.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure endpoint parameters.

endpoint ep interface

Configures the interface type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint ep interface interface_type 

loopbackEth loopback_eth

Specify the loopback Eth.

Must be a string.

loopbackPort loopback_port

Specify the loopback port.

Must be an integer.


Specify the interface type.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the interface type.

endpoint ep interface sla

Configures SLA parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint ep interface sla { response response_time | procedure procedure_time } 

procedure procedure_time

Specify the procedure time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000-120000.

response response_time

Specify the response time in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1000-180000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure SLA parameters.

endpoint ep interface vip

Configures VIP IP parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


endpoint ep interface vip { vip-ip vip_ip | vip-port vip_port | offline } 


Specify to mark the vip-ip as offline.

vip-ip vip_ip

Specify the host IP address.

Must be a string.

vip-port vip_port

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure VIP IP parameters.

endpoint ep vip

Configures VIP parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Endpoint Confgiuration


vip-ip vip_ip_address [ [ vip-port port_number ] [ offline ] ] 


Specify the VIP-IP as offline.

vip-ip vip_ip_address

Specify the VIP IP address.

Must be a string.

vip-port port_number

Specify the port number.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure VIP parameters.


Configures Helm configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


helm default-repository default_repository_name 

default-repository default_repository_name

Specify the name of the default Helm repository.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Helm configuration parameters.

helm charts

Displays Helm release details.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view Helm release details.

helm repository

Configures Helm repository parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


helm repository helm_repo_name [ [ access-token access_token ] [ url helm_repo_url ] [ username helm_repo_username ] [ password helm_repo_password ] ] 

access-token helm_repo_access_token

Specify the access token for the Helm repository.

Must be a string.

password helm_repo_password

Specify the password for the Helm repository.

Must be an aes-cfb-128-encrypted string.

url helm_repo_url

Specify the URL for the Helm repository.

Must be a string.

username helm_repo_username

Specify the username for the Helm repostiory.

Must be a string.


Specify the name of the Helm repository.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the Helm repository parameters.

ipam address-pool

Configures IPAM address pools.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam)


address-pool pool_name [ static | offline | vrf-name vrf_name ] 

address-quarantine-timer address_quarantine_timer_interval

Specify the address quarantine timer interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 4-60.

Default Value: 4.

default-gateway ip_address

Specify the default gateway IP address for static pool.

Must be an IPv4 address.


Specify the pool as an offline pool.

prefix-length prefix_length

Specify the prefix length.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-64.

Default Value: 64.

vrf-name vrf_name

Specify the VRF name.

Must be a string.


Specify the address pool's name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPAM address pools.

ipam address-pool ipv4 address-range

Configures IPv4 address ranges.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam) > Address Pool Configuration


address-range start_ipv4_address end_ipv4_address [ offline ] 

default-gateway ip_address

Specify the default gateway IP address for static pool.

Must be an IPv4 address.


Specify the IPv4 address range as offline.


Specify the end address of the IPv4 address range.

Must be an IPv4 address.


Specify the start address of the IPv4 address range.

Must be an IPv4 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv4 address ranges.

ipam address-pool ipv4 split-size

Configures chunk split size.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


split-size [ per-cache number_of_addresses ] [ per-dp number_of_addresses ] 


Specify not to split the address range into smaller chunks.

per-cache number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for IPAM cache allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

per-dp number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for data-plane allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure chunk split sizes.

ipam address-pool ipv4 threshold

Configures pool thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


threshold upper-threshold upper_threshold 

upper-threshold upper_threshold

Specify the upper threshold value in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pool thresholds.

ipam address-pool ipv6 address-ranges address-range

Configures IPv6 address ranges.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam) > Address Pool Configuration > Address Ranges Configuration


address-range start_ipv6_address end_ipv6_address [ offline ] 

default-gateway ip_address

Specify the default gateway IP address for static pool.

Must be an IPv4 address.


Specify the IPv6 address range as offline.


Specify the end address of the IPv6 address range.

Must be an IPv6 address.


Specify the start address of the IPv6 address range.

Must be an IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6 address ranges.

ipam address-pool ipv6 address-ranges split-size

Configures chunk split size.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


split-size [ per-cache number_of_addresses ] [ per-dp number_of_addresses ] 


Specify not to split the address range into smaller chunks.

per-cache number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for IPAM cache allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

per-dp number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for data-plane allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure chunk split sizes.

ipam address-pool ipv6 address-ranges threshold

Configures pool thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


threshold upper-threshold upper_threshold 

upper-threshold upper_threshold

Specify the upper threshold value in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pool thresholds.

ipam address-pool ipv6 prefix-ranges prefix-range

Configures IPv6 prefix ranges.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam) > Address Pool Configuration > Prefix Ranges Configuration


prefix-range prefix_value length prefix_length [ offline ] 

length prefix_length

Specify the prefix length.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-63.


Specify the IPv6 prefix range as offline.

prefix-range prefix_value

Specify the IPv6 prefix range.

Must be an IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6 prefix ranges.

ipam address-pool ipv6 prefix-ranges split-size

Configures chunk split size.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


split-size [ per-cache number_of_addresses ] [ per-dp number_of_addresses ] 


Specify not to split the address range into smaller chunks.

per-cache number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for IPAM cache allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

per-dp number_of_addresses

Specify the number of addresses per chunk for data-plane allocation. Specify in power of 2.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-262144.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure chunk split sizes.

ipam address-pool ipv6 prefix-ranges threshold

Configures pool thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > IPAM Configuration


threshold upper-threshold upper_threshold 

upper-threshold upper_threshold

Specify the upper threshold value in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pool thresholds.

ipam address-pool static

Configures static pool parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam) > Address Pool Configuration


static { enable | user-plane user_plane } 


Specify to set pool as static.

user-plane user_plane

Specify to associate user plane for this static pool.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure static pool parameters.

ipam source

Configures pool-datastore source selection.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


ipam source local 


Specify to use local address pool datastore.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure pool-datastore source selection. Enters the IPAM Configuration mode";

ipam threshold

Configures global thresholds.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > IPAM Configuration (config-ipam)


threshold [ [ ipv4-addr ipv4_address_threshold ] | [ ipv6-addr ipv6_address_threshold ] | [ ipv6-prefix ipv6_prefix_threshold ] ] 

ipv4-addr ipv4_address_threshold

Specify the IPv4 address threshold in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

ipv6-addr ipv6_address_threshold

Specify the IPv6 address threshold in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

ipv6-prefix ipv6_prefix_threshold

Specify the IPv6 prefix threshold in percentage.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure global thresholds.

k8 bng

Configures k8 BNG parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


bng etcd-endpoint etcd_endpoint datastore-endpoint datastore_endpoint coverage-build { false | true } 

etcd-endpoint etcd_endpoint

Specify the Etcd endpoint configuration. For example, hostname :port

Default Value: "etcd:2379".

datastore-endpoint datastore_endpoint

Specify the Datastore endpoint configuration. For example, hostname :port

etcd-endpoint etcd_endpoint

Specify the Etcd endpoint configuration. For example, hostname :port

Default Value: "datastore-ep-session:8882".

coverage-build { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable coverage build.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

datastore-endpoint datastore_endpoint

Specify the Datastore endpoint configuration. For example, hostname :port

etcd-endpoint etcd_endpoint

Specify the Etcd endpoint configuration. For example, hostname :port

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure k8 BNG parameters.

k8 label pod-group-config

Configures K8 node affinity label pod group configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


k8 label pod-group-config pod-group pod_group key label_key value label_value 

key label_key

Specify the key for the label.

Must be a string.

pod-group pod_group

Specify the pod group for the VMs.

Must be one of the following:

  • cdl-layer

  • oam-layer

  • protocol-layer

  • service-layer

value label_value

Specify the value for the label.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure K8 node affinity label pod group configuration.


Configures Kubernetes parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


k8s name k8s_cluster_name [ [ image-pull-secrets image_pull_secrets ] [ ingress-host-name ingress_host_name ] [ namespace k8s_namespace ] [ nf-name nf_name ] [ registry image_registry ] [ single-node { false | true } ] [ use-volume-claims { false | true } ] ] 

image-pull-secrets image_pull_secrets

Specify the image pull secrets stored within K8s.

Must be a string.

ingress-host-name ingress_host_name

Specify the generic ingress host name.

Must be a string.

name k8s_cluster_name

Specify the K8s cluster name.

Must be a string.

namespace k8s_namespace

Specify the K8s namespace for the network function.

Must be a string.

nf-name nf_name

Specify the NF deployed in this k8s namespace.

Must be a string.

registry image_registry

This keyword is deprecated.

Must be a string.

single-node { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable single node deployment.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

use-volume-claims { false | true }

Specify to enable or disable using volume claims when deploying.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Kubernetes parameters.

kubernetes nodes

Configures list of k8s nodes.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


k8s nodes k8s_node_name [ [ node-type node_type ] [ worker-type worker_type ] ] 

node-type node_type

Specify the K8s node type.

Must be a string.

worker-type worker_type

Specify the k8s worker type.

Must be a string.


Specify the K8s node name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of k8s nodes.

logging level

Configures the logging level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


level log_level 

application application_log_level

Specify the application logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

monitor-subscriber monitor_subscriber_log_level

Specify the monitor subscriber logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

tracing tracing_log_level

Specify the tracing logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

transaction transaction_log_level

Specify the transaction logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the logging level.

logging logger

Configures the log name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logger log_name 


Specify the log name in "module.component.interface" format.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the log name.

logging logger level

Configures the logging level.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


logger level log_type_options 

application application_log_level

Specify the application logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

monitor-subscriber monitor_subscriber_log_level

Specify the monitor subscriber logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

tracing tracing_log_level

Specify the tracing logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

transaction transaction_log_level

Specify the transaction logging level.

Must be one of the following:

  • debug

  • error

  • info

  • off

  • trace

  • warn

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the logging level.

logging transaction

Configures the transaction logging parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


transaction transaction_log_parameters 


Specify to enable duplicate in transaction logging.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.


Specify to enable messages in transaction logging.

Must be one of the following:

  • disable

  • enable

Default Value: disable.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the transaction logging parameters.

profile aaa

Configures AAA profiles.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile aaa aaa_profile_name 


Specify the AAA profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA profiles. Enters the AAA Profile Configuration mode.

profile aaa accounting

Configures accounting configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > AAA Profile Configuration (config-aaa-aaa_profile_name )


accounting method-order method_list_order 

method-order method_list_order

Specify the method list order.

Must be one of the following:

  • radius

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure accounting parameters.

You can configure a maximum of three elements with this command.

profile aaa authentication

Configures authentication parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > AAA Profile Configuration (config-aaa-aaa_profile_name )


authentication [ method-order method_list_order ] 

method-order method_list_order

Specify the method list order.

Must be one of the following:

  • radius

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure authentication parameters.

You can configure a maximum of three elements with this command.

profile aaa authorization

Configures authorization parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > AAA Profile Configuration (config-aaa-aaa_profile_name )


authorization [ password default_password ] 

password default_password

Specify the default password.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure authorization parameters. Enters the Authorization Configuration mode.

profile aaa authorization type subscriber

Configures authorization type subscriber.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > AAA Profile Configuration (config-aaa-aaa_profile_name ) > Authorization Configuration (config-authorization)


type subscriber method-order method_list_order 

method-order method_list_order

Specify the method list order.

Must be one of the following:

  • radius

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure authorization type subscriber.

You can configure a maximum of three elements with this command.

profile aaa authorization username

Configures the default user name.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > AAA Profile Configuration (config-aaa-aaa_profile_name ) > Authorization Configuration (config-authorization)


username { format attribute_format | identifier identifier_type | value user_name } 

format attribute_format

Specify the attribute format.

identifier identifier_type

Specify the identifier type.

value user_name

Specify the user name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the default user name.

profile attribute-format

Configures AAA attribute templates.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile attribute-format profile_name [ format-order attributes_list ] 

format-order attributes_list

Specify the ordered list of attributes.


Specify the profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA attribute templates. Enters the Attribute Format Profile Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of 32 elements with this command.

profile coa

Configures RADIUS Dynamic-author/COA parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


profile coa server-key server_shared_secret_key 

server-key server_shared_secret_key

Specify the COA server shared secret key.

Must be an aes-cfb-128-encrypted string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS Dynamic-author/COA parameters.

profile coa client

Configures RADIUS COA client parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


client ip client_ip_address server-key client_shared_secret_key 

ip client_ip_address

Specify the client IP address.

Must be an IP address.

server-key client_shared_secret_key

Specify the client shared secret key.

Must be an aes-cfb-128-encrypted string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS COA client parameters.

profile dhcp

Configures DHCP profiles.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


dhcp dhcp_profile_name 


Specify the DHCP profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DHCP profiles. Enters the DHCP Profile Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4

Configures DHCP IPv4 parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name )


ipv4 [ mode dhcp_mode ] 

mode dhcp_mode

Specify the DHCP server or proxy mode.

Default Value: server.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DHCP IPv4 parameters. Enters the DHCP IPv4 Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4 class

Configures DHCP IPv4 class configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4)


class dhcp_class_name 


Specify the DHCP class name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DHCP IPv4 class configuration parameters. Enters the DHCP Class Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4 class matches

Configures the list of match values.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name )


matches [ match-type { all | any } ] 

match-type match_type

Specify the match type.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of match values. Enters the Matches Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4 class matches match

Configures match key and value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > Matches Configuration (config-matches)


match match_key { ascii ascii_string | hex hex_string } 


Specify the match key.

ascii ascii_string

Specify the ASCII strings.

Must be a string.

hex hex_string

Specify the hexadecimal strings.

Must be a string in the pattern ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*)?.


Specify the match key.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure match key and value.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv4 class server

Configures DHCP server mode.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name )


server [ boot-filename boot_file_name | dns-servers ip_address | domain-name domain_name | netbios-name-server ip_address | next-server ip_address | ntp-servers ntp_servers | pool-name pool_name ] 

boot-filename boot_file_name

Specify the boot file name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

dns-servers ip_address

Specify the DNS server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

domain-name domain_name

Specify the domain name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

netbios-name-server ip_address

Specify the NetBIOS name server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

next-server ip_address

Specify the TFTP server IP address to be used by the client.

Must be an IPv4 address.

ntp-servers ntp_servers

Specify the NTP servers.

Must be an IPv4 address.

pool-name pool_name

Specify the pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP server mode. Enters the DHCP Server Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv4 class server lease

Configures DHCP Server Lease parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


lease { [ days days ] [ hours hours ] [ minutes minutes ] } 

days days

Specify the number of days.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-365.

hours hours

Specify the hours.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-23.

minutes minutes

Specify the minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-59.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP Server Lease parameters.

profile dhcp ipv4 class server netbios-node-type

Configures NetBIOS node type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


netbios-node-type { broadcast-node | hexadecimal hex_number | hybrid-node | mixed-node | peer-to-peer-node } 


Specify broadcast node.

hexadecimal hex_number

Specify the hexadecimal number.

Must be a string in the pattern ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{2})*)?.


Specify hybrid node.


Specify mixed node.


Specify peer-to-peer node.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NetBIOS node type.

profile dhcp ipv4 class server option-codes

Configures the OptionCode table.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the OptionCode table. Enters the Option Codes Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4 class server option-codes option-code

Configures a DHCP option code.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server) > Option Codes Configuration (config-option-codes)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server) > Option Codes Configuration (config-option-codes)


option-code dhcp_option_code [ ascii-string ascii_string | force-insert { false | true } | hex-string hex_string | ip-address ip_address ] 

ascii-string ascii_string

Specify the ASCII string.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

force-insert { false | true }

Specify whether to force insert this option.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

hex-string hex_string

Specify the hexadecimal string.

Must be a string in the pattern ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*)?.

ip-address ip_address

Specify the server's IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

option-code dhcp_option_code

Specify the DHCP option code.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a DHCP option code. Enters the Option Code Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv4 server

Configures DHCP server mode.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name )


server [ boot-filename boot_file_name | dns-servers ip_address | domain-name domain_name | netbios-name-server ip_address | next-server ip_address | ntp-servers ntp_servers | pool-name pool_name ] 

boot-filename boot_file_name

Specify the boot file name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

dns-servers ip_address

Specify the DNS server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

domain-name domain_name

Specify the domain name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

netbios-name-server ip_address

Specify the NetBIOS name server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

next-server ip_address

Specify the TFTP server IP address to be used by the client.

Must be an IPv4 address.

ntp-servers ntp_servers

Specify the NTP servers.

Must be an IPv4 address.

pool-name pool_name

Specify the pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP server mode. Enters the DHCP Server Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv4 server lease

Configures DHCP Server Lease parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


lease { [ days days ] [ hours hours ] [ minutes minutes ] } 

days days

Specify the number of days.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-365.

hours hours

Specify the hours.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-23.

minutes minutes

Specify the minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-59.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP Server Lease parameters.

profile dhcp ipv4 server netbios-node-type

Configures NetBIOS node type.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


netbios-node-type { broadcast-node | hexadecimal hex_number | hybrid-node | mixed-node | peer-to-peer-node } 


Specify broadcast node.

hexadecimal hex_number

Specify the hexadecimal number.

Must be a string in the pattern ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{2})*)?.


Specify hybrid node.


Specify mixed node.


Specify peer-to-peer node.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NetBIOS node type.

profile dhcp ipv4 server option-codes

Configures the OptionCode table.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the OptionCode table. Enters the Option Codes Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv4 server option-codes option-code

Configures a DHCP option code.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server) > Option Codes Configuration (config-option-codes)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server) > Option Codes Configuration (config-option-codes)


option-code dhcp_option_code [ ascii-string ascii_string | force-insert { false | true } | hex-string hex_string | ip-address ip_address ] 

ascii-string ascii_string

Specify the ASCII string.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

force-insert { false | true }

Specify whether to force insert this option.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

hex-string hex_string

Specify the hexadecimal string.

Must be a string in the pattern ([0-9a-fA-F]{2}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*)?.

ip-address ip_address

Specify the server's IP addresses.

Must be an IPv4 address.

option-code dhcp_option_code

Specify the DHCP option code.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a DHCP option code. Enters the Option Code Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv6

Configures DHCP IPv6 parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name )


ipv6 [ mode dhcp_mode ] 

mode dhcp_mode

Specify the DCHP mode server or proxy.

Default Value: server.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DHCP IPv6 parameters. Enters the DHCP IPv6 Configuration mode.

profile dhcp ipv6 class

Configures DHCP IPv6 class configuration parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6)


class dhcp_class_name 


Specify the DHCP class name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DHCP IPv6 class configuration parameters.

profile dhcp ipv6 class server

Configures DHCP server mode.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name )


server { aftr-name aftr_name | dns-servers ip_address | domain-name domain_name | iana-pool-name iana_pool_name | iapd-pool-name iapd_pool_name | preference server_preference | rapid-commit } 

aftr-name aftr_name

Specify the Address Family Transition Router (AFTR) name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

dns-servers ip_address

Specify the DNS server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv6 address.

domain-name domain_name

Specify the domain name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

iana-pool-name iana_pool_name

Specify the IANA pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

iapd-pool-name iapd_pool_name

Specify the IAPD pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

preference server_preference

Specify the DHCP server preference.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.


Specify to allow rapid commit.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP server mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv6 class server lease

Configures the lease parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


lease { [ days days ] [ hours hours ] [ minutes minutes ] } 

days days

Specify the number of days.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-365.

hours hours

Specify the hours.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-23.

minutes minutes

Specify the minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-59.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure lease parameters.

profile dhcp ipv6 server

Configures DHCP server mode.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name )


server { aftr-name aftr_name | dns-servers ip_address | domain-name domain_name | iana-pool-name iana_pool_name | iapd-pool-name iapd_pool_name | preference server_preference | rapid-commit } 

aftr-name aftr_name

Specify the Address Family Transition Router (AFTR) name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

dns-servers ip_address

Specify the DNS server IP addresses.

Must be an IPv6 address.

domain-name domain_name

Specify the domain name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

iana-pool-name iana_pool_name

Specify the IANA pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

iapd-pool-name iapd_pool_name

Specify the IAPD pool name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

preference server_preference

Specify the DHCP server preference.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.


Specify to allow rapid commit.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the DHCP server mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile dhcp ipv6 server lease

Configures the lease parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > DHCP Profile Configuration (config-dhcp-dhcp_profile_name ) > DHCP IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6) > DHCP Class Configuration (config-class-dhcp_class_name ) > DHCP Server Configuration Mode (config-server)


lease { [ days days ] [ hours hours ] [ minutes minutes ] } 

days days

Specify the number of days.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-365.

hours hours

Specify the hours.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-23.

minutes minutes

Specify the minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-59.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure lease parameters.

profile feature-template

Configures feature templates.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


feature-template feature_template_name [ [ vrf-name vrf_name ] [ httpr-policy httpr_policy_name ] ] 

httpr-policy httpr_policy_name

Specify the PBR HTTPR policy name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

vrf-name vrf_name

Specify the VRF name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).


Specify the feature template name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure feature templates. Enters the Feature Template Configuration mode.

profile feature-template ipv4

Configures IPv4 features.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


ipv4 [ [ mtu maximum_transmission_unit ] [ ingress-acl ingress_ipv4_acl_name ] [ egress-acl egress_ipv4_acl_name ] [ disable-unreachables ] ] 


Specify to disable sending ICMP Unreachable messages.

egress-acl egress_ipv4_acl_name

Specify the egress IPV4 ACL name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

ingress-acl ingress_ipv4_acl_name

Specify the ingress IPV4 ACL name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

mtu maximum_transmission_unit

Specify the Maximum Transmission Unit in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 68-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv4 features. Enters the IPv4 Configuration mode.

profile feature-template ipv4 verify-unicast-source

Enables per-packet validation for unicast.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > IPv4 Configuration (config-ipv4)


verify-unicast-source reachable-via-rx 


Specify the source is reachable via interface on which packet was received.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable per-packet validation for unicast.

profile feature-template ipv6

Configures IPv6 features.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


ipv6 [ [ mtu maximum_transmission_unit ] [ ingress-acl ingress_ipv6_acl_name ] [ egress-acl egress_ipv6_acl_name ] ] 


Specify to disable sending ICMP Unreachable messages.

egress-acl egress_ipv6_acl_name

Specify the egress IPV6 ACL name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

ingress-acl ingress_ipv6_acl_name

Specify the ingress IPV6 ACL name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

mtu maximum_transmission_unit

Specify the Maximum Transmission Unit in bytes.

Must be an integer in the range of 1280-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6 features. Enters the IPv6 Configuration mode.

profile feature-template ipv6 verify-unicast-source

Configures per packet validation for unicast.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > IPv6 Configuration (config-ipv6)


verify-unicast-source reachable-via-rx 


Specify source is reachable via interface on which packet was received.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure per packet validation for unicast.

profile feature-template ppp

Configures PPP feature.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


ppp [ [ authentication authentication_method ] [ max-bad-auth max_auth_failures ] [ max-configure max_configure ] [ max-failure max_conf_naks ] ] 

authentication authentication_method

Specify the authentication method.

Must be one of the following:

  • chap

  • pap

max-bad-auth max_auth_failures

Specify the maximum authentication failures to allow.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-10.

max-configure max_configure

Specify the maximum conf-reqs to send without response.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10.

max-failure max_conf_naks

Specify the maximum conf-naks to receive.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-5.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the PPP feature. Enters the PPP Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "2" elements with this command.

profile feature-template ppp chap

Configures Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


chap hostname chap_host_name [ password chap_password ] 

hostname chap_host_name

Specify the CHAP host name.

hostname chap_host_name

Specify the CHAP host name.

password chap_password

Specify the CHAP password.

Must be an aes-cfb-128-encrypted string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure CHAP parameters.

profile feature-template ppp ipcp

Configures PPP IPCP negotiation parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


ipcp peer-address-pool peer_address_pool_name 

peer-address-pool peer_address_pool_name

Specify the peer-address pool name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PPP IPCP negotiation parameters.

profile feature-template ppp ipcp dns

Configures DNS address to be used for peer.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


ipcp dns primary-address primary_address secondary-address secondary_address 

primary-address primary_address

Specify the primary address. The first address is considered as Primary and second address as Secondary.

Must be an IPv4 address.

secondary-address secondary_address

Specify the secondary address.

Must be an IPv4 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure DNS address to be used for peer.

profile feature-template ppp ipcp renegotiation

Configures renegotiation parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


ipcp renegotiation ignore 


Specify to ignore attempts by the peer to renegotiate LCP.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure renegotiation parameters.

profile feature-template ppp ipcp wins

Configures WINS address to be used for peer.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


ipcp wins primary-address primary_ip_address secondary-address secondary_ip_address 

primary-address primary_ip_address

Specify the primary address.

Must be an IPv4 address.

secondary-address secondary_ip_address

Specify the secondary address.

Must be an IPv4 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure WINS address to be used for peer.

profile feature-template ppp ipv6cp renegotiation

Configures IPv6CP renegotiation parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


ipv6cp renegotiation ignore 


Specify to ignore attempts by the peer to renegotiate LCP.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure IPv6CP renegotiation parameters.

profile feature-template ppp keepalive

Configures PPP Keepalive parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


keepalive { disable | interval keepalive_interval | retry keepalive_retries } 


Specify to disable PPP keepalive.

interval keepalive_interval

Specify the keepalive interval in minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 10-120.

retry keepalive_retries

Specify the number of keepalive retries.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PPP Keepalive parameters.

profile feature-template ppp lcp delay

Configures the time to delay before starting active LCP negotiations.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


lcp delay seconds delay_value milliseconds delay_value 

milliseconds delay_value

Specify the delay value in milliseconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-70000000.

seconds delay_value

Specify the delay value in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-255.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the time to delay before starting active LCP negotiations.

profile feature-template ppp lcp renegotiation

Configures LCP renegotiation feature.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


lcp renegotiation ignore 


Specify to ignore attempts by the peer to renegotiate LCP.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure LCP renegotiation feature.

profile feature-template ppp pap

Configures PAP parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


pap accept-null-password 


Specify to accept null-password option.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PAP parameters.

profile feature-template ppp timeout

Configures PPP timeout parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


timeout { [ authentication total_auth_complete_time ] [ retry max_response_time ] } 

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Endpoint N4 Protocol Configuration (config-endpoint-n4-protocol)


retransmission timeout total_auth_complete_time [ retry max_response_time ] 

authentication total_auth_complete_time

Specify the total time to allow for authentication to complete.

Must be an integer in the range of 3-30.

retry max_response_time

Specify the maximum time to wait for a response to a Conf-Req in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-10.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PPP timeout parameters.

profile feature-template ppp timeout absolute

Configures the absolute timeout period for a PPP session.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name ) > PPP Configuration (config-ppp)


timeout absolute minutes timeout_minutes seconds timeout_seconds 

minutes timeout_minutes

Specify the timeout period in minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-70000000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the absolute timeout period for a PPP session.

profile feature-template qos

Configures QoS input policy parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


qos [ in-policy in_policy_name | out-policy out_policy_name | merge-level merge_level ] 

in-policy in_policy_name

Specify the QOS input policy name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

merge-level merge_level

Specify the merge level. 0 = merge disabled, 0 = merge enabled + level.

Must be an integer.

out-policy out_policy_name

Specify the QOS output policy name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure QoS input policy parameters.

profile feature-template service-accounting

Configures service accounting parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


service-accounting [ [ enable ] [ aaa-profile aaa_profile_name ] [ periodic-interval interim_interval ] ] 

aaa-profile aaa_profile_name

Specify the AAA profile to use for service accounting.


Specify to enable service accounting.

periodic-interval interim_interval

Specify the interim interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-4320000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure service accounting parameters.

profile feature-template session-accounting

Configures session accounting parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Feature Template Profile Configuration (config-feature-template-feature_template_name )


session-accounting enable { aaa-profile aaa_profile_name | periodic-interval interim_interval | dual-stack-delay dual_stack_delay_wait } 

aaa-profile aaa_profile_name

Specify the AAA profile to use for session accounting.

dual-stack-delay dual_stack_delay_wait

Specify the dual stack set delay wait in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-30.


Specify to enable session accounting.

periodic-interval interim_interval

Specify the interim interval in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 60-4320000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure session accounting parameters.

profile pppoe

Configures PPPOE Subscriber profiles.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile pppoe pppoe_profile_name [ [ ac-cookie ac_cookie ] [ ac-name ac_name ] [ ctrl-pkt-priority priority ] [ service-name pppoe_service_names ] [ service-selection-disable { false | true } ] [ timeout-completion session_completion_timeout ] ] 

ctrl-pkt-priority priority

Specify the CoS bits to use in PADx packets.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-7.

Default Value: 0.

mtu pppoe_mtu

Specify the PPPOE MTU for LCP negotiation.

Must be an integer in the range of 500-2000.

Default Value: 1492.

service-name pppoe_service_names

Specify the supported PPPoE service names. You can simultaneously configure multiple service names.

service-selection-disable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable the advertising of extra service names in PADO packets.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the PPPOE profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

ac-name ac_name

Specify the the AC-Name to use in PADO packets.

ctrl-pkt-priority priority

Specify the CoS bits to use in PADx packets.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-7.

Default Value: 0.

mtu pppoe_mtu

Specify the PPPOE MTU for LCP negotiation.

Must be an integer in the range of 500-2000.

Default Value: 1492.

service-name pppoe_service_names

Specify the supported PPPoE service names. You can simultaneously configure multiple service names.

service-selection-disable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable the advertising of extra service names in PADO packets.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the PPPOE profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

ac-cookie ac_cookie

Specify the AC-Cookie to use in PADO packets.

ac-name ac_name

Specify the the AC-Name to use in PADO packets.

ctrl-pkt-priority priority

Specify the CoS bits to use in PADx packets.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-7.

Default Value: 0.

mtu pppoe_mtu

Specify the PPPOE MTU for LCP negotiation.

Must be an integer in the range of 500-2000.

Default Value: 1492.

service-name pppoe_service_names

Specify the supported PPPoE service names. You can simultaneously configure multiple service names.

service-selection-disable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable the advertising of extra service names in PADO packets.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.


Specify the PPPOE profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

ac-cookie ac_cookie

Specify the AC-Cookie to use in PADO packets.

ac-name ac_name

Specify the the AC-Name to use in PADO packets.

ctrl-pkt-priority priority

Specify the CoS bits to use in PADx packets.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-7.

Default Value: 0.

mtu pppoe_mtu

Specify the PPPOE MTU for LCP negotiation.

Must be an integer in the range of 500-2000.

Default Value: 1492.

service-name pppoe_service_names

Specify the supported PPPoE service names. You can simultaneously configure multiple service names.

service-selection-disable { false | true }

Specify to disable or enable the advertising of extra service names in PADO packets.

Must be one of the following:

  • false

  • true

Default Value: false.

timeout-completion session_completion_timeout

Specify the maximum wait time for session to be completed.

Must be an integer in the range of 3-600.

Default Value: 180.


Specify the PPPOE profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure PPPOE Subscriber profiles. Enters the PPPOE Profile Configuration mode.

profile pppoe max-payload

Configures a range for the ppp-max payload tag value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPPOE Profile Configuration (config-pppoe-pppoe_profile_name )


max-payload { deny | minimum minimum_payload_value | maximum maximum_payload_value } 


Specify to deny the PPP-max payload value.

maximum maximum_payload_value

Specify the maximum payload value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-40000.

Default Value: "1500".

minimum minimum_payload_value

Specify the minimum value for the payload.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-40000.

Default Value: "1492".

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure a range for the ppp-max payload tag value.

profile pppoe session-limit circuit-id

Configures the maximum number of sessions allowed per Circuit-ID.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPPOE Profile Configuration (config-pppoe-pppoe_profile_name )


session-limit circuit-id value [ threshold threshold_count ] 

threshold threshold_count

Specify the threshold count.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

value attribute_value

Specify the attribute value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of sessions allowed per Circuit-ID.

profile pppoe session-limit mac

Configures the maximum number of sessions allowed per peer MAC address.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPPOE Profile Configuration (config-pppoe-pppoe_profile_name )


session-limit mac value [ threshold threshold_count ] 

threshold threshold_count

Specify the threshold count.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

value attribute_value

Specify the attribute value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of sessions allowed per peer MAC address.

profile pppoe session-limit max

Configures the maximum number of sessions allowed under the PPPoE profile.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPPOE Profile Configuration (config-pppoe-pppoe_profile_name )


session-limit max value [ threshold threshold_count ] 

threshold threshold_count

Specify the threshold count.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

value attribute_value

Specify the attribute value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of sessions allowed under the PPPoE profile.

profile pppoe session-limit outer-vlan

Configures the maximum number of sessions allowed per outer-vlan, per access interface.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > PPPOE Profile Configuration (config-pppoe-pppoe_profile_name )


session-limit outer-vlan value [ threshold threshold_count ] 

threshold threshold_count

Specify the threshold count.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

value attribute_value

Specify the attribute value.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of sessions allowed per outer-vlan, per access interface.

profile radius

Configures RADIUS client profile parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile radius [ algorithm radius_server_selection_algorithm | deadtime dead_time | max-retry max_retry | timeout retransmit_timeout_duration ] 

algorithm radius_server_selection_algorithm

Specify the algorithm for selecting RADIUS server.

Must be one of the following:

  • first-server : Highest priority first.

  • round-robin : Round-robin.

deadtime dead_time

Specify the time to elapse, in minutes, between RADIUS server marked unreachable and when connection can be re-attempted.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

max-retry max_retry

Specify the maximum number of times the system must attempt retry with the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535.

timeout retransmit_timeout_duration

Specify the time duration to wait for response from the RADIUS server before retransmitting.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS client parameters. Enters the RADIUS Client Profile Configuration mode.

profile radius accounting

Configures RADIUS accounting parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)


   profile radius accounting 
      algorithm { first-server | round-robin } 
      attribute { nas-identifier value | nas-ip { ipv4_address | user-plane-ip } |   
      nas-port { nas_port } | { format-e format_e 
                   { nas-port-type nas_port_type } } 
      deadtime value 
      detect-dead-server response-timeout value 
      max-retry value 
      timeout value 

algorithm { first-server | round-robin }

Specify the algorithm for selecting RADIUS server.

Must be one of the following:

  • first-server : Highest priority first.

  • round-robin : Round-robin.

attribute { nas-identifier value | nas-ip { ipv4_address | user-plane-ip } | nas-port { format-e format_e_value | nas-port-type nas_port_type } }

Configures the RADIUS identification parameters.

  • nas-identifier value : Specifies the attribute name by which the system will be identified in Accounting-Request messages. value must be an alphanumeric string.

  • nas-ip ipv4_address : Specifies the NAS IPv4 address. ipv4_address must be an IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.

  • nas-ip user-plane-ip : Enables the user-plane-ip-address AVPair to use the configured User-Plane IP address in Accounting-Request messages.

  • nas-port { nas_port } | { format-e format_e { nas-port-type nas_port_type } } : Specifies the nas-port attributes.

    • nas_port configures the NAS port value. The NAS port value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.


      If none of the NAS port configurations are present, the existing default nas-port logic is applied. That is, setting a fixed-number per radius-pod.
    • format-e format_e_value : Specifies the custom attribute formation support for nas-port. The nas-port is a 32 bit integer format. The configuration takes a 32 length of characters, each presenting a particular attribute mapping. The format_e_value pattern is: 01FSAPRiLUVQ]*):

    • 0 – Set bit to 0

      1 – Set bit to 1

      F - PHY_SHELF

      S – PHY_SLOT


      P - PHY_PORT


      i - PHY_SUBSLOT





      nas-port-type nas_port_type : Specifies the NAS port type. The supported values range from 0 to 44.


      • The nas-port-type configuration is not in scope of the Control Plane. It is derived from the interface-type.

      • The supported NAS port types are 36 , 37, 43, and 44.

      • The NAS port type value takes precedence over the common NAS port format-e.

deadtime dead_time

Sets the time to elapse, in minutes, between RADIUS server marked unreachable and when connection can be re-attempted.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535. Default: 10 minutes.

detect-dead-server response-timeout value

Sets the timeout value that marks a server as "dead" when a packet is not received for the specified number of seconds.

value must be an integer from 1 through 65535. Default: 10 seconds.

max-retry max_retry

Sets the maximum number of times the system must attempt retry with the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 0-65535. Default: 2

timeout retransmit_timeout_duration

Sets the time duration to wait for response from the RADIUS server before retransmitting.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535. Default: 2 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS accounting parameters. Enters the RADIUS Accounting Configuration mode.

profile radius accounting attribute called-station-id

Configures the AAA called-station-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute called-station-id value 


Specify the value of the AAA called-station-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA called-station-id attribute.

profile radius accounting attribute calling-station-id

Configures the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute calling-station-id value 


Specify the value of the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

profile radius accounting attribute nas-identifier-format

Configures the AAA nas-identifier-format attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute nas-identifier-format value 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA nas-identifier-format attribute.

profile radius accounting attribute nas-port-id

Configures the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute nas-port-id value 


Specify value of the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

profile radius accounting detect-dead-server

Configures parameters to detect a dead RADIUS server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


detect-dead-server response-timeout response_timeout_duration 

response-timeout response_timeout_duration

Specify the time duration, in seconds, for a response from the RADIUS server to mark it as unreachable.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure parameters to detect a dead RADIUS server.

profile radius attribute called-station-id

Configures the AAA called-station-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute called-station-id value 

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.


Specify the value of the AAA called-station-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA called-station-id attribute.

profile radius attribute called-station-id format

Configures node parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute attribute_name format nas-port-type nas_port_type format-name format_name 

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure node parameters for nas-port-id, calling-station-id, called-station-id, nas-identifier-format.

profile radius attribute calling-station-id

Configures the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute calling-station-id value 

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.


Specify the value of the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA calling-station-id attribute.

profile radius attribute calling-station-id format

Configures node parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute attribute_name format nas-port-type nas_port_type format-name format_name 

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure node parameters for nas-port-id, calling-station-id, called-station-id, nas-identifier-format.

profile radius attribute nas-identifier-format

Configures the AAA nas-identifier-format attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute nas-identifier-format value 

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA nas-identifier-format attribute.

profile radius attribute nas-identifier-format format

Configures node parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute attribute_name format nas-port-type nas_port_type format-name format_name 

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure node parameters for nas-port-id, calling-station-id, called-station-id, nas-identifier-format.

profile radius attribute nas-ip

Configures the NAS IPv4 or User-Plane IP address.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Attribute Configuration (config-attribute)


attribute nas-ip {  ipv4_address | user-plane-ip } 

nas-ip ipv4_address

Specifies the AAA NAS IPv4 address.

nas-ip user-plane-ip

Enables the user-plane-ip-address AVPair to use the configured User-Plane IP address in Access-Request or Accounting-Request messages.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA NAS-IP attribute.

profile radius attribute nas-port-id

Configures the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute nas-port-id value 

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.


Specify value of the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the AAA nas-port-id attribute.

profile radius attribute nas-port-id format

Configures node parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


attribute attribute_name format nas-port-type nas_port_type format-name format_name 

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

format-name format_name

Specify the attribute format name.

Must be a string.

nas-port-type nas_port_type

Specify the Nas-Port-Type value to apply format name on.

Must be an integer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure node parameters for nas-port-id, calling-station-id, called-station-id, nas-identifier-format.

profile radius detect-dead-server

Configures parameters to detect a dead RADIUS server.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Accounting Configuration (config-accounting)


detect-dead-server response-timeout response_timeout_duration 

response-timeout response_timeout_duration

Specify the time duration, in seconds, for a response from the RADIUS server to mark it as unreachable.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure parameters to detect a dead RADIUS server.

profile radius server

Configures RADIUS external server configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)


server radius_server_ip_address radius_server_port_number [ priority radius_server_priority | secret radius_server_secret | type server_type ] 

priority radius_server_priority

Specify the priority of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-100.

secret radius_server_secret

Specify the secret of the RADIUS server.

Must be an aes-cfb-128-encrypted string.

type server_type

Specify the server type.

Must be one of the following:

  • acct

  • auth

Default Value: auth.


Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.

Must be an IP address.


Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.

Must be an integer in the range of 1-65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS external server configuration.

profile radius server-group

Configures association of RADIUS servers to groups.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius)


server-group server_group_name 


Specify the server group name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure association of RADIUS servers to groups. Enters the Server Group Configuration mode.

profile radius server-group server

Configures RADIUS server information.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > RADIUS Profile Configuration (config-radius) > RADIUS Server Group Configuration (config-server-group-server_group_name )


server radius_server_type ip radius_server_ip_address port radius_port_number 

ip radius_server_ip_address

Specify IP address of the RADIUS server.

port radius_port_number

Specify the port number of the RADIUS server.


Specify the server type.

Must be one of the following:

  • acct : Server used for accounting requests.

  • auth : Server is used for authentication/authorization requests.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure RADIUS server information.

profile server-group

Configures AAA custom server groups.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


server-group server_group_name radius-group radius_server_group_name 

radius-group radius_server_group_name

Specify the RADIUS server group name.


Specify the AAA server group name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA custom server groups.

profile subscriber

Configures subscriber profiles.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


profile subscriber subscriber_profile_name [ [ activate-feature-templates template_names ] [ apply-all-class ] [ dhcp-profile dhcp_profile_name ] [ pppoe-profile pppoe_profile_name ] [ session-type session_type ] ] 

activate-feature-templates template_names

Specify the list of feature templates to activate.


Specify to apply all classes if enabled.

dhcp-profile dhcp_profile_name

Specify the DHCP-FSOL profile name.

pppoe-profile pppoe_profile_name

Specify the PPPOE-FSOL profile name.

session-type session_type

Specify the allowed session type.

Must be one of the following:

  • ipv4

  • ipv4v6

  • ipv6

Default Value: ipv4v6.


Specify the subscriber profile name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure subscriber profiles. Enters the Subscriber Profile Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile subscriber aaa

Configures AAA operations.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


aaa aaa_option aaa_profile_name 


Specify the AAA option.

Must be one of the following:

  • authenticate

  • authorize


Specify the AAA profile name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA operations.

profile subscriber class

Configures subscriber classification parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name )


class class_name [ activate-feature-templates feature_template_names ] 

activate-feature-templates feature_template_names

Specify the list of feature template names to activate.


Specify the class name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure subscriber classification parameters. Enters the Subscriber Class Configuration mode.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile subscriber class aaa

Configures AAA operations.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Subscriber Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


aaa aaa_option profile_name 


Specify the AAA option.

Must be one of the following:

  • authenticate

  • authorize


Specify the AAA profile name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA operations.

profile subscriber class matches

Configures the list of match values.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


matches [ match-type { all | any } ] 

match-type match_type

Specify the match type.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of match values. Enters the Matches Configuration mode.

profile subscriber class matches match

Configures match key and value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name ) > Matches Configuration (config-matches)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name ) > Matches Configuration (config-matches)


match match_key { match_protocol | ascii ascii_string | regex regex_string } 


Specify the match key.

ascii ascii_string

Specify the ASCII string.

Must be a string.

regex regex_string

Specify the regular expression string.

Must be a string.


Specify the match key.


Specify the match protocol.

Must be one of the following:

  • dhcp

  • ppp

You can configure a maximum of "2" elements with this command.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure match key and value.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile subscriber event

Configures subscriber events.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name )


event event_name [ activate-feature-templates template_names | apply-all-class | deactivate-feature-templates template_names ] 

event event_name

Specify the event name.

activate-feature-templates template_names

Specify the list of feature templates to activate.


Specify to apply all classes if enabled.

deactivate-feature-templates template_names

Specify the list of feature templates to deactivate.

event event_name

Specify the event name.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure subscriber events.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile subscriber event aaa

Configures AAA operations.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


aaa aaa_option aaa_profile_name 


Specify the AAA option.

Must be one of the following:

  • authenticate

  • authorize


Specify the AAA profile name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA operations.

profile subscriber event class

Configures subscriber classification.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration


class { class-name class_name | deactivate-feature-templates template_names | activate-feature-templates template_names } 

activate-feature-templates template_names

Specify the list of feature template names to activate.

class-name class_name

Specify the class name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

deactivate-feature-templates template_names

Specify the list of feature template names to deactivate.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure subscriber classification.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

profile subscriber event class aaa

Configures AAA operations.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Subscriber Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


aaa aaa_option profile_name 


Specify the AAA option.

Must be one of the following:

  • authenticate

  • authorize


Specify the AAA profile name.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure AAA operations.

profile subscriber event class matches

Configures the list of match values.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name )


matches [ match-type { all | any } ] 

match-type match_type

Specify the match type.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the list of match values. Enters the Matches Configuration mode.

profile subscriber event class matches match

Configures match key and value.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name ) > Matches Configuration (config-matches)

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > Subscriber Profile Configuration (config-subscriber-subscriber_profile_name ) > Event Configuration (config-event-event_name ) > Class Configuration (config-class-class_name ) > Matches Configuration (config-matches)


match match_key { match_protocol | ascii ascii_string | regex regex_string } 


Specify the match key.

ascii ascii_string

Specify the ASCII string.

Must be a string.

regex regex_string

Specify the regular expression string.

Must be a string.


Specify the match key.


Specify the match protocol.

Must be one of the following:

  • dhcp

  • ppp

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure match key and value.

You can configure a maximum of "8" elements with this command.

show sessions

Displays pending session commits in the database.

Command Mode



show sessions 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view pending session commits in the database.

show sessions affinity

Displays instance-wise affinity count.

Command Mode



show sessions affinity 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the instance-wise affinity count.

show sessions commit-pending

Displays all pending session commits.

Command Mode



show sessions commit-pending 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view all pending session commits.

show diagnostics

Displays diagnostics information.

Command Mode



show diagnostics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view diagnostics information.

show diagnostics info

Displays diagnostics information.

Command Mode



show diagnostics info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view diagnostics information.

show endpoint all

Displays endpoint status.

Command Mode



show endpoint all 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view endpoint status for all endpoints.

show endpoint info

Displays endpoint information.

Command Mode



show endpoint info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view endpoint information.

show ipam dp

Displays IPAM data-plane allocations.

Command Mode



show ipam dp 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view IPAM data-plane allocations.

show ipam pool

Displays pool allocation information.

Command Mode



show ipam pool 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view pool allocation information.

show peers

Displays peer information.

Command Mode



show peers 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view peer information.

show peers all

Displays information for all peers.

Command Mode



show peers all 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view information for all peers.

show resources

Displays resources information.

Command Mode



show resources 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view resources information.

show resources info

Displays resources information.

Command Mode



show resources info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view resources information.

show rpc

Displays RPC information.

Command Mode



show rpc 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command view RPC information.

show rpc all

Displays information for all RPCs.

Command Mode



show rpc all 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view information for all RPCs.

show running-status

Displays system running status information.

Command Mode



show running-status 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view system running status information.

show running-status info

Displays system running status information.

Command Mode



show running-status info 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view system running status information.

show subscriber

Displays BNG subscriber data.

Command Mode



show subscriber type [ count | detail | sublabel subscriber_label ] 

acct-sess-id accounting_session_id

Specify the accounting session ID.

Must be a string.


Specify to display the number of sessions.


Specify debug information.


Specify to display detailed information.

sublabel subscriber_label

Specify the subscriber label.

Must be a string.

sync sync_info

Specify synchronization information.

Must be one of the following:

  • synchronize

upf upf_info

Specify UPF information.

Must be a string.


Specify SMUP information.


Specify the type.

Must be one of the following:

  • charging

  • dhcp

  • pppoe

  • session

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view BNG subscriber data.

show subscriber

Displays subscriber information.

Command Mode



show subscriber { all | supi supi_id } 


Specify all SUPI.

supi supi_id

Specify the SUPI.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view summary and detailed subscriber information for all subscribers or specific subscribers based on SUPI.

show subscriber filter

Configures additional filters.

Command Mode



show subscriber type filter [ afi address_family | iana-state-bound iana_bound_state | iapd-state-bound iapd_bound_state | ipv4-addr ipv4_address | ipv4-pool ipv4_pool_name | ipv4-range ipv4_address_range | ipv4-state-bound ipv4_bound_state | ipv6-addr ipv6_address | ipv6-addr-pool ipv6_address_pool_name | ipv6-addr-range ipv6_address_range | ipv6-pfx ipv6_prefix | ipv6-pfx-pool ipv6_prefix_pool | ipv6-pfx-range ipv6_prefix_range | mac mac_address | port-id upf_port_id | state session_state | up-subs-id up_subscriber_id | upf upf_name | upmgr sm_up_info | username session_user_name | vrf vrf_name ] 

afi address_family

Specify the address family.

Must be one of the following:

  • dual

  • ipv4

  • ipv6

  • pending

iana-state-bound iana_bound_state

Specify the IANA bound state.

Must be one of the following:

  • iana-state-bound

iapd-state-bound iapd_bound_state

Specify the IAPD bound state.

Must be one of the following:

  • iapd-state-bound

ipv4-addr ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address in the format "pool-name /ipv4-addr ".

Must be a string.

ipv4-pool ipv4_pool_name

Specify the IPv4 pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv4-range ipv4_address_range

Specify the IPv4 address range in the format "poolName /start-ip ".

Must be a string.

ipv4-state-bound ipv4_bound_state

Specify the IPv4 bound state.

Must be one of the following:

  • ipv4-state-bound

ipv6-addr-pool ipv6_address_pool_name

Specify the IPv6 address pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv6-addr-range ipv6_address_range

Specify the IPv6 address range in the format "poolName /start-ip ".

Must be a string.

ipv6-addr ipv6_address

Specify the IPv6 address in the format "pool-name /ipv6-addr ".

Must be a string.

ipv6-pfx-pool ipv6_prefix_pool

Specify the IPv6 prefix pool name.

Must be a string.

ipv6-pfx-range ipv6_prefix_range

Specify the IPv6 prefix range in the format "poolName /start-pfx ".

Must be a string.

ipv6-pfx ipv6_prefix

Specify the IPv6 prefix in the format "pool-name /ipv6-pfx ".

Must be a string.

mac mac_address

Specify the MAC address in the format "aabb.ccdd.eeff".

Must be a string.

port-id upf_port_id

Specify the user plane function port ID in the format "upf /portid ".

Must be a string.

smstate sm_session_state

Specify the state of the SM session.

Must be one of the following:

  • created

  • deleted

  • established

smupstate smup_session_state

Specify the state of the SMUP session.

Must be one of the following:

  • smUpSessionCreated

  • smUpSessionDeleted

  • smUpSessionWait4SmCreate

state session_state

Specify the session state.

Must be one of the following:

  • complete

  • incomplete

up-subs-id up_subscriber_id

Specify the UP subscriber ID.

Must be a string.

upf upf_name

Specify the user plane function name.

Must be a string.

upmgr upmgr

Specify the UPMgr.

Must be one of the following:

  • upmgr

username session_user_name

Specify the user name of the session.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure additional filters.

show subscriber redundancy

Displays the key values of SRG groups

Command Mode



show subscriber redundancy [ count | debug | detail | gr-instance gr_instance_id | srg-peer-id srg_peer_id | upf upf_name ] 


Specify the count of SRG groups


Specify debug information


Specify to display detailed information.

gr-instance gr_instance_id

Specify the geo redundancy instance identity.

srg-peer-id srg_peer_id

Specify the identity of peer user plane for the group.

upf upf_name

Specify the name of user plane function.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the key values of SRG groups.

show subscriber redundancy-sync

Displays the subscriber reconciliation details.

Command Mode



show subscriber redundancy-sync [ gr-instance gr_instance_id | srg-peer-id srg_peer_id | upf upf_name ] 

gr-instance gr_instance_id

Specify the geo redundancy instance identity.

srg-peer-id srg_peer_id

Specify the identity of peer user plane for the SRG.

upf upf_name

Specify the name of user plane function.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the subscriber reconciliation details.

show subscriber session

Displays the session manager CDL record keys per session.

Command Mode



show subscriber session [ detail | filter { smupstate { upf_name/smUpSessionCreated } } ] 


Display the session details from SM CDL record.

filter { smupstate { upf_name/smUpSessionCreated } }

Display whether the session is created in the respective UPF for the SRG sessions.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the session manager CDL record keys per session.

show subscriber synchronize

Synchronize information.

Command Mode



show subscriber synchronize [ srg-peer-id peer_id | upf upf_info ] 


show subscriber synchronize-cp upf upf_info 


Specify to synchronise CP information.

Must be one of the following:

  • synchronize-cp


Specify to synchronise UP information.

Must be one of the following:

  • synchronize

srg-peer-id peer_id

Specify the identity of peer user plane for the group.

upf upf_info

Specify UPF information.

Must be a string of 1-64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronise information.

subscriber featurette dhcp-lease-reservation enable

Enables/disables DHCP IP Lease Reservation.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


[ no ] subscriber featurette dhcp-lease-reservation enable 

subscriber featurette dhcp-lease-reservation enable

Enables DHCP IP Lease Reservation

no subscriber featurette dhcp-lease-reservation enable

Disables DHCP IP Lease Reservation

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable DHCP IP Lease Reservation.

subscriber-redundancy group

Configures subscriber geographical redundancy group.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Userplane Configuration (config-user-plane-userplane_name )


subscriber-redundancy group group_name { disable | domain-identifier domain-name | peer-identifier peer-id | port-id-map port-name port-id name port-id| [ preferred-role-active ] [ revertive-timer sec ] } 

subscriber-redundancy group group_name

Specifies the name of the subscriber redundancy group that is unique to a user plane.


Disables an SRG group without deleting the entire configuration of the group. The behaviour is same as removing an SRG group.

domain-identifier domain_name

Specifies the domain name to identify all groups common between two userplanes.

peer-identifier peer_id

Identifies the peer user-plane for the group. This identifier must be unique across all groups in the control plane. The same peer-identifier must be configured in the peer user-plane.

port-id-map port-name port_name port_id

Specifies the mapping of access interfaces between user planes. At least one port-id-map must be configured.


This is an optional configuration.

Sets the preferred role active for user plane. If preferred-role-active is not configured, none of the UPs under the SRG group will be active. Default value: false.

revertive-timer sec

This is an optional configuration.

Specifies the revertive timer in seconds. revertive_timer_value must be an integer in the range of 60 to 3600. This command is available only when preferred-role-active is configured.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the subscriber redundancy group (SRG) configuration.

subscriber redundancy session-synchronize add

Synchronizes the sessions with the standby UP.

Command Mode



subscriber-redundancy session-synchronize add { domain [  domain_ID ] | duration timeout_value | peer-id [ peer_id ] | target-upf  upf_id | tps  value | upf [ upf_id ] } 

domain [ domain_id ]

Specifies the list of SRG domains.

duration timeout_value

Specifies the maximum timeout value in minutes.

peer-id [ peer_id ]

Specifies the list of SRG peer identities.

target-upf upf_id

Specifies the identity of target UP.

tps value

Specifies the maximum number of allowed transactions per second (TPS).

upf [ upf_id ]

Specifies the list of UPs.

subscriber redundancy session-synchronize delete

Deletes SRG sessions.

Command Mode



subscriber-redundancy session-synchronize delete { domain [  domain_ID ] | duration timeout_value | peer-id [ peer_id ] | target-upf  upf_id | tps  value | upf [ upf_id ] } 

domain [ domain_id ]

Specifies the list of SRG domains.

duration timeout_value

Specifies the maximum timeout value in minutes.

peer-id [ peer_id ]

Specifies the list of SRG peer identities.

target-upf upf_id

Specifies the identity of target UP.

tps value

Specifies the maximum number of allowed transactions per second (TPS).

upf [ upf_id ]

Specifies the list of UPs.

subscriber reset-token

Configure to reset the in-use token for the specified protocol.

Command Mode



subscriber reset-token { dhcp | pppoe } 

subscriber reset-token { dhcp | pppoe }

Reset the in-use token to zero for DHCP or PPPoE.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the in-use token to zero.

subscriber route-synchronize

Synchronizes routes to UPF.

Command Mode



subscriber route-synchronize upf user_plane_name 

upf user_plane_name

Specify the user plane name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronize routes to UPF.

subscriber session-synchronize

Synchronizes sessions to UPF.

Command Mode



subscriber session-synchronize upf user_plane_name [ abort | timeout sla_timeout ] 


Specify to abort synchronization.

timeout sla_timeout

Specify the SLA timeout duration in seconds.

Must be an integer in the range of 10-1800.

upf user_plane_name

Specify the user plane name.

Must be a string.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronize sessions to UPF.

subscriber session-synchronize-cp

Synchronizes sessions on CP.

Command Mode



subscriber session-synchronize-cp upf user_plane_name [ abort | timeout timeout_value | tps tps ] 


Specify to abort synchronization.

timeout timeout_value

Specify the timeout duration in minutes.

Must be an integer in the range of 2-100.

tps tps

Specify the TPS.

Must be an integer in the range of 40-4000.

upf user_plane_name

Specify name of the user plane function.

Must be a string of 1-64 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronize sessions on CP.

subscriber token

Configures FSOL token mechanism.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


subscriber token { dhcp | pppoe } token_count 

subscriber token { dhcp | pppoe } token_count

Set the maximum token available for FSOL pod.

token_count is cumulative across instances. For example, if there are 4 DHCP pods and DHCP token is set as 2000, then 500 tokens will be assigned for each pod

  • dhcp : Set the DHCP pod token count.

  • pppoe : Set the PPPoE pod token count.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure FSOL token mechanism.


Configures the userplane configuration.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config)


user-plane userplane_name [ offline | subscriber-profile subscriber_profile ] 


Specify as offline.

subscriber-profile subscriber_profile_name

Specify the Subscriber Profile to associate at current level.


Specify the userplane name.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the userplane configuration. Enters the Userplane Configuration mode.

user-plane flowctrl-group

Configures the associated flow control group in user plane.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration > Userplane Configuration (config-user-plane-userplane_name )


flowctrl-group group_name 

flowctrl-group group_name

Specify the flow control group to be associated.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate the flow control group in user plane.

user-plane peer-address

Configures the userplane IP address.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > User Plane Configuration (config-user-plane-userplane_name )


peer-address ipv4 ipv4_address 

ipv4 ipv4_address

Specify the IPv4 address.

Must be an IPv4 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the userplane IP address.

user-plane port-id

Configures Port Identifier parameters.

Command Mode

Exec > Global Configuration (config) > User Plane Configuration (config-user-plane-userplane_name )


port-id port_number [ subscriber-profile subscriber_profile_name ] 

subscriber-profile subscriber_profile_name

Specify the Subscriber Profile to associate to the Port Identifier level.


Specify the port identifier.

Must be a string in the pattern ([a-zA-Z1-9_][^(\\s,\\t,\",')]*).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure Port Identifier parameters.