Use the show ip mroute command to display the IP multicast
routing table details.
Router#show ip mroute
IP Multicast Routing Table
Flags: D - Dense, S - Sparse, B - Bidir Group, s - SSM Group, C - Connected,
L - Local, P - Pruned, R - RP-bit set, F - Register flag,
T - SPT-bit set, J - Join SPT, M - MSDP created entry, E - Extranet,
X - Proxy Join Timer Running, A - Candidate for MSDP Advertisement,
U - URD, I - Received Source Specific Host Report,
Z - Multicast Tunnel, z - MDT-data group sender,
Y - Joined MDT-data group, y - Sending to MDT-data group,
G - Received BGP C-Mroute, g - Sent BGP C-Mroute,
N - Received BGP Shared-Tree Prune, n - BGP C-Mroute suppressed,
Q - Received BGP S-A Route, q - Sent BGP S-A Route,
V - RD & Vector, v - Vector, p - PIM Joins on route,
x - VxLAN group, c - PFP-SA cache created entry,
* - determined by Assert, # - iif-starg configured on rpf intf,
e - encap-helper tunnel flag, l - LISP decap ref count contributor
Outgoing interface flags: H - Hardware switched, A - Assert winner, p - PIM Join
t - LISP transit group
Timers: Uptime/Expires
Interface state: Interface, Next-Hop or VCD, State/Mode
(*,, 00:00:54/-, RP, flags: B
Bidir-Upstream: GigabitEthernet0/2/1, RPF nbr:
Incoming interface list:
GigabitEthernet0/2/4, Accepting/Sparse
GigabitEthernet0/2/1, Accepting/Sparse
(*,, 00:09:01/00:02:59, RP, flags: BC
Bidir-Upstream: GigabitEthernet0/2/1, RPF nbr
Outgoing interface list:
GigabitEthernet0/2/4, Forward/Sparse, 00:09:01/00:02:59, flags:
GigabitEthernet0/2/1, Bidir-Upstream/Sparse, 00:09:01/stopped, flags:
(*,, 00:14:12/00:02:05, RP, flags: DCL
Incoming interface: Null, RPF nbr
Outgoing interface list:
GigabitEthernet0/2/1, Forward/Sparse, 00:14:12/00:02:05, flags:
Use the show ip mfib command to display the forwarding
entries and interfaces in the IPv4 Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB).
Router#show ip mfib
Entry Flags: C - Directly Connected, S - Signal, IA - Inherit A flag,
ET - Data Rate Exceeds Threshold, K - Keepalive
DDE - Data Driven Event, HW - Hardware Installed
ME - MoFRR ECMP entry, MNE - MoFRR Non-ECMP entry, MP - MFIB
MoFRR Primary, RP - MRIB MoFRR Primary, P - MoFRR Primary
MS - MoFRR Entry in Sync, MC - MoFRR entry in MoFRR Client,
e - Encap helper tunnel flag.
I/O Item Flags: IC - Internal Copy, NP - Not platform switched,
NS - Negate Signalling, SP - Signal Present,
A - Accept, F - Forward, RA - MRIB Accept, RF - MRIB Forward,
MA - MFIB Accept, A2 - Accept backup,
RA2 - MRIB Accept backup, MA2 - MFIB Accept backup
Forwarding Counts: Pkt Count/Pkts per second/Avg Pkt Size/Kbits per second
Other counts: Total/RPF failed/Other drops
I/O Item Counts: HW Pkt Count/FS Pkt Count/PS Pkt Count Egress Rate in pps
(*, Flags: HW
SW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
HW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
(*, Flags: C HW
SW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
HW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
GigabitEthernet0/2/1 Flags: F IC NS
Pkts: 0/0/0 Rate: 0 pps
(*, Flags: HW
SW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
HW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
GigabitEthernet0/2/4 Flags: A
GigabitEthernet0/2/1 Flags: A F
Pkts: 0/0/0 Rate: 0 pps
Null0 Flags: A
(*, Flags: IA HW
SW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 0/0/0
HW Forwarding: 530500/1000/64/500, Other: 0/0/0
GigabitEthernet0/2/4 Flags: F
Pkts: 0/0/0 Rate: 0 pps
GigabitEthernet0/2/1 Flags: F
Pkts: 0/0/0 Rate: 0 pps
Use the show ip pim neigh command to display the PIM
neighbor table details.
Router#show ip pim neigh
PIM Neighbor Table
Mode: B - Bidir Capable, DR - Designated Router, N - Default DR Priority,
P - Proxy Capable, S - State Refresh Capable, G - GenID Capable,
L - DR Load-balancing Capable
Neighbor Interface Uptime/Expires Ver DR
Address Prio/Mode GigabitEthernet0/2/1 00:18:19/00:01:38 v2 1 / B S P G
Use the show ip pim int df command to display the DF
Router#show ip pim int df
* implies this system is the DF
Interface RP DF Winner Metric Uptime
GigabitEthernet0/2/1 0 00:17:24
GigabitEthernet0/2/4 * 2 00:17:18