Security Policy Using Policy Groups

Security Policy Using Policy Groups

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Security Policy Using Policy Groups

Cisco IOS XE 17.14.1a

This feature provides a simple, reusable, and structured approach for configuring security policies . You can create a security policy, that is, a logical grouping of policies that is applied to one or more sites or a single device at a site in the network.

The Deploy Policy Group workflow provides a guided method to choose previously created policy groups and deploy them to sites or a single device at a site that is managed by configuration groups.

Information About Security Policy

Configuring security policies using policy groups simplifies the experience of configuring and deploying policies on SD-Routing devices. Use a workflow to configure policies and associate them with devices in the network.

The Policy Groups page includes the following:

  • Policy Group

  • Application Priority and SLA

  • NGFW

  • Secure Internet Gateway

  • Secure Service Edge

  • DNS Security Configuration

Enable RBAC for Security Policy

To create a policy group and security feature profiles using configuration groups, role-based access control (RBAC) must provide read and write permissions on the following profiles to access each feature. Set the permissions of the user group to enable access to policy groups from Configuration > Policy Groups.

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Administration > Manage Users > User Groups.

  2. Click Add User Group.

  3. Enter User Group Name.

  4. Check a Read or Write check box for the Policy Group, Device and Deploy feature that you want to assign to a user group.

  5. Check a Read or Write check box for the following features that you want to assign to a user group:

    • Feature Profile > Embedded Security > Legacy Policy

    • Feature Profile > Embedded Security > NGFirewall

    • Feature Profile > Embedded Security > Policy

    • Feature Profile > Policy Object > Advanced Inspection Profile

      The Advanced Inspection Profile has the following subfeature profiles:

      • Advanced Malware Protection

      • Intrusion Prevention

      • SSL Decryption

      • SSL Decryption Profile

      • URL Filtering

  6. Click Add.

Restrictions for Security Policy

Security policy does not support matching traffic using a custom application in a custom-defined application list.

Configure a Security Policy Using a Policy Group

Using the Create Security Policy workflow, you can create a security policy, add sub-policy, add rules to existing sub-policies, and so on.

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Workflows > Workflow Library > Create Security Policy. Alternatively, choose Configuration > Policy Groups.

  2. Click Embedded Security.

  3. On the Embedded Security page, click Add Security Policy. This launches the Security Policy workflow.

  4. Enter Policy Name and Description and click Next.

  5. On the Select the optional Configuration Group to associate with the security policy page, choose the configuration groups and click Next.

  6. Click Add Sub-Policy.

  7. Click Submit.You can view the new security policy in the Embedded Security tab.

Configure a Group of Interest for a Security Policy

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Configuration > Policy Groups > Group of Interest.

  2. Click the Security tab. The list of security objects and profiles appears.

Use the following tables to configure a different group of lists for security policy:




Application List Name

Name of the application list.


Choose one or more application types from the drop-down list. For example, Third Party Control, ABC News, Microsoft Teams, and so on.

Choose one or more application family types from the drop-down list. For example, application-service, audio_video, authentication, behavioral, compression, database, encrypted, and so on.

Data Prefix



Data Prefix List Name

Name of the prefix list.

Data Prefix

The data prefix value.

Local Domain



Local Domain List Name

Name of the local domain list.

Local Domain

The local domain values separated by comma. For example,

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)

The FQDN is intended to be used for matching standalone servers in data centers or a private cloud. When matching public URLs, the recommended match action is drop. If you use inspect for public URLs, you must define all related sub URLs and redirect URLs.



FQDN List Name

Name of the FQDN list.


The URL names separated by comma. For example,


The signature set blocks vulnerability with a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score that is greater than or equal to 9. It also blocks Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) published in the last two years and that have the rule categories: Malware CNC, Exploit Kits, SQL Injection or blocked list.



IPS Signature List Name

Name of the IPS signature list.

IPS Signature

The signatures in the format Generator ID:Signature ID, separated with commas. For example, 1234:5678.

Range is 0 to 4294967295

URL Allow

List-based filtering allows the user to control access by permitting or denying access based on allowed or blocked lists. Here are some important points to note about these lists:

  • URLs that are allowed are not subjected to any category-based filtering.

  • If the same item is configured under both the allowed and blocked list, the traffic is allowed.

  • If the traffic does not match either the allowed or blocked lists, then it is subjected to category-based and reputation-based filtering.



Allow URL List Name

Name of the Allow URL list.

Allow URL

The URLs to allow.

URL Block

List-based filtering allows the user to control access by permitting or denying access based on allowed or blocked lists.



Block URL List Name

Name of the Block URL list.

Block URL

The URLs to block.




Zone List Name

Name of the zone list.


Choose to configure zones with zone type as VPN. Add the VPNs to the zones from the drop-down list. The options are:

  • Payment Processing Network

  • Corporate Users

  • Local Internet for Guests

  • Physical Security Devices


Choose to configure zones with zone type as Interface. Add the interfaces to the zones from the Add Interface drop-down list. The options are:

  • Ethernet

  • FastEthernet

  • FiveGigabitEthernet

  • FortyGigabitEthernet

  • GigabitEthernet

  • HundredGigE




Port List Name

Name of the port list.


The port values separated by comma.

The range is 0 to 65530.




Protocol List Name

Name of the protocol list.


Select one or more protocol names from the drop-down list. For example, snmp, tcp, udp, icmp, echo, telnet, and so on.

Geo Location



Geo Location List Name

Name of the geolocation list.

Geo Location

Select one or more geo locations from the drop-down list. For example, Africa, Antartic, Asia, Europe, and so on.

The security group of interest has the following profiles:

  • Advanced Inspection Profile

  • Intrusion Prevention Policy

  • URL Filtering

  • Advanced Malware Protection

  • TLS/SSL Profile

  • TLS/SSL Decryption

Advanced Inspection Profile



Profile Name

Name of the advanced inspection profile.


The description of the profile.

Select an Intrusion Prevention

Choose an intrusion prevention option from the drop-down list.

Select an URL Filter

Choose a URL filter from the drop-down list.

Select an Advanced Malware Protection

Choose an advanced malware protection.

TLS Action

Choose the TLS action. The options are:

  • Decrypt

  • Pass Through

  • Do not Decrypt

Intrusion Prevention Policy



Profile Name

Name of the intrusion prevention policy.

Signature Set

Choose a signature set that defines the rules for an evaluating traffic from the Signature Set drop-down list. The following options are available.

  • Balanced: Provides protection without significant effect on system performance.

  • Connectivity: Less restrictive and provide better performance by imposing fewer rules.

  • Security: Provides more protection than Balanced but with an impact on performance.

Inspection Mode

Choose the inspection mode. The following options are available:

  • Detection: Choose this option for intrusion detection mode.

  • Protection: Choose this option for intrusion protection mode.

Custom Signature Set

Select one or more web categories from the drop-down list. The categories are: abortion, abused-drugs, auctions, and so on.

Select an Signature Allow List

Select a signature allow list.

Alerts Log Level

Choose the alert log level:

  • Error

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

URL Filtering Policy



Profile Name

Name of the URL filtering policy.

Web Category

Choose the web category. The options are Block and Allow.

Web Reputation

Choose the web reputation from the drop-down list. The reputation options are:

  • High Risk

  • Suspicious

  • Moderate Risk

  • Low Risk

  • Trustworthy

Select one or more web categories

Select one or more web categories from the drop-down list. The categories are: abortion, abused-drugs, auctions, and so on.

Select allow URL list

Select an allow URL list.

Select block URL list

Select a block URL list.

Block Page Server

Choose one of the options:

  • Block Page Content: Enter the default content header and content body.

  • Redirect URL: Enter the redirect URL.

Alerts and Logs

Choose the alert and log type:

  • Blocklist

  • Allowlist

  • Reputation/Category

Advanced Malware Protection Policy



Profile Name

Name of the advanced malware protection policy name.

Select AMP Cloud Region

Select AMT Cloud region. The options are:

  • NAM

  • EU

  • APJC

Alert Log Level

Choose the alert log level. The options are:

  • Critical

  • Warning

  • Info

File Analysis

Enable file analysis.

Select TG Cloud Region

Select TG Cloud region. The options are NAM and EU.

Select one or more file types

Select one or more file types. The options are, pdf, ms-exe, new-office, rtf, mdb, mscab, msole2, wri, xlw, flv, and swf.

TLS/SSL Profile



Profile Name

Name of the TLS/SSL profile.

Select Categories to assign action

Set the categories between the actions—Decrypt, No Decrypt, and Pass Through URL Categories.

Alternatively, choose multiple categories and set the action.


Enable reputation to choose the Decrypt Threshold. The decrypt threshold options are:

  • High Risk

  • Suspicious

  • Moderate Risk

  • Low Risk

  • Trustworthy

Advanced Options

Select a Decrypt Domain list

Choose the decrypt domain list or click Create New to create a new decrypt domain list.

  1. Enter Decrypt Domain List Name.

  2. Enter Decrypt Domain

  3. Click Add.

Select a No Decrypt Domain list

Choose the no decrypt domain list or click Create New to create a new no decrypt domain list.

  1. Enter No Decrypt Domain List Name.

  2. Enter No Decrypt Domain

  3. Click Add.

Fail Decrypt

Enable the fail decrypt option, if decryption fails.

TLS/SSL Decryption

Field Name


Policy Name

Name of the policy. The name can contain a maximum of 32 characters.

Server Certificate Checks

Expired Certificate

Defines what the policy should do if the server certificate has expired. The options are:

  • Drop: Drop traffic

  • Decrypt: Decrypt traffic

Untrusted Certificate

Defines what the policy should do if the server certificate is not trusted. The options are:

  • Drop: Drop traffic

  • Decrypt: Decrypt traffic

Certificate Revocation Status

Defines whether the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) should be used to check the revocation status of the server certificate. The options are Enabled or Disabled.

Unknown Revocation Status

Defines what the policy does, if the OCSP revocation status is unknown.

  • Drop: Drop traffic

  • Decrypt: Decrypt traffic

Unsupported Mode Checks

Unsupported Protocol Versions

Defines the unsupported protocol versions.

  • Drop: Drop the unsupported protocol versions.

  • Decrypt: Decrypt the unsupported protocol versions.

Unsupported Cipher Suites

Defines the unsupported cipher suites.

  • Drop: Drop the unsupported cipher suites.

  • Decrypt: Decrypt the unsupported cipher suites.

Failure Mode

Defines the failure mode. The options are close and open.

Certificate Bundle

Check the Use default CA certificate bundle checkbox to use the default CA.

Minimum TLS Version

Sets the minimum version of TLS that the proxy should support. The options are:

  • TLS 1.0

  • TLS 1.1

  • TLS 1.2

Proxy Certificate Attributes

RSA Keypair Modules

Defines the Proxy Certificate RSA Key modules. The options are:

  • 1024 bit RSA

  • 2048 bit RSA

  • 4096 bit RSA

Ec Key Type

Defines the key type. The options are:

  • P256

  • P384

  • P521

Certificate Lifetime (in Days)

Sets the lifetime of the proxy certificate, in days.

Configure Application Priority and SLA

The application priority and SLA policies allows you to configure the app route policy, data policy, and QoS Map policies that route and prioritize traffic for best performance. All the basic information is preconfigured. You can specify a name and description for a policy group and configure the basic policy values. You can quickly configure the basic values to get started with the traffic policy.

To configure Application Priority & SLA, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Application Priority & SLA policy.

  2. Enter the Policy Name and description.

  3. Click Create.

Choose one of the following options and configure the values that are based on the likely business relevance of the applications, and to give higher priority to business-relevant applications:

  • Gold (Business-relevant): Likely to be important for business operations, for example, WebEx software.

  • Silver (Default): No determination of relevance to business operations.

  • Bronze (Business-irrelevant): Unlikely to be important for business operations, for example, gaming software.

Within each of the business-relevance categories, the workflow groups the applications into application lists, such as broadcast video, multimedia conferencing, VoIP telephony, and so on.

Table 2. Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Fabric Traffic Policy



Preferred Path

To configure a preferred path, select one or more data plane tunnel colors from the drop-down list. Traffic will be load-balanced across all selected tunnels. If no tunnels meet the SLA requirements, data traffic is sent through any available tunnel. Preferences are applied in order of priority to determine the forwarding path or color.

When SLA not met

Choose Strict/Drop to perform strict matching of the SLA class. If no data plane tunnel is available that satisfies the SLA criteria, traffic is dropped.

Choose Fallback to best path to configure the best available tunnel to avoid a packet drop. This is the default.

Backup Path

To configure an alternate traffic path, select a backup path from the drop-down list. This path is used if the primary path fails.

Traffic Filtering

Click Edit to view and update application classification based on business relevance. Choose a service provider class and organize applications into classes like Gold or Bronze. Click Save to update the configuration.


Add the SLA class to the traffic policy. Click Edit to adjust the SLA class values for Loss (%), Latency (ms), or Jitter (ms).

QoS Queues

Click Add QoS Policy to add a QoS queue. Click Edit to configure the QoS queues. Choose one of the following values for the QoS queuing model:
  • 4 Queues

  • 5 Queues

  • 6 Queues

  • 8 Queues

Table 3. Internet Offload Traffic



Secure Internet Gateway

Choose an application or family list to direct traffic through a Secure Internet Gateway. Enable fallback routing for traffic when SIG tunnels are down.

Direct Internet Access

Select an application or family list for direct internet access. Enable fallback routing for traffic if Direct Internet Access (DIA) is not available.

Table 4. Apply Policy​




Configure the following parameters:

  • Direction: Choose the direction for applying the policy:

    • All: Bidirection traffic flow

    • Service: Incoming traffic from service.

    • Tunnel: Incoming traffic from the tunnel.

  • VPN: Choose a target VPN from the drop-down list.

  • Interface: Specify a value or a variable for the Ethernet interface or DSL PPPoE interface type for applying the QoS policy.

Configure NGFW

Security is a critical element of today's networking infrastructure. Network administrators and security officers are hard pressed to defend their networks against attacks and breaches. Due to hybrid clouds and remote employee connectivity, the security perimeter around networks is disappearing.

The Enterprise Firewall with Application Awareness uses a flexible and easily understood zone-based model for traffic inspection, compared to the older interface-based model.

A firewall policy is a type of localized security policy that allows stateful inspection of TCP, UDP, and ICMP data traffic flows. Traffic flows that originate in a given zone are allowed to proceed to another zone based on the policy between the two zones. A zone is a grouping of one or more VPNs. Grouping VPNs into zones allows you to establish security boundaries in your overlay network so that you can control all data traffic that passes between zones. For more information on Embedded Security, see Enterprise Firewall with Application Awareness.

Follow the below steps to create NGFW Policy:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Configuration > Policy Groups > NGFW.

  2. Click Add NGFW Policy.

  3. In the Create NGFW Policy dialog box, click Let’s do it.

  4. In the NGFW tab,

    • Enter the Policy Name and description.

    • Select SD-Routing as the device solution.

    • Click Next.

  5. (Optional) Select Configuration Groups – Not applicable for SD-Routing policies. Click Next.

  6. In the Create Sub Policies tab,

    • Click Add Sub-Policy

    • Choose Source Zone

    • Choose Destination Zone

    • Click Save

  7. In the Add Rule dialogue box, configure the following and save.



    Rule Name

    The name of the rule.


    Specify the sequence.


    Choose the desired match conditions from the Add Conditions drop-down list.

    Traffic Source - Data Prefix

    (Optional) Enter the Data Prefix of the Traffic Source.

    Traffic Destination - Data Prefix

    (Optional) Enter the Data Prefix of the Traffic Destination.


    (Optional) Select the preferred protocol.


    (Optional) Select the preferred application.


    (Optional) Choose the preferred action conditions.

  8. (Optional) Click Additional Settings and configure the following:



    TCP SYN Flood Limit

    Specify the threshold of SYN flood packets per second for each destination address.

    Max Incomplete

    Specify the timeout limits for the firewall policy. A Max Incomplete timeout limit protects firewall resources and keeps these resources from being used up.

    TCP Limit

    Specify the maximum TCP half-open sessions allowed on a device.

    UDP Limit

    Specify the maximum UDP half-open sessions allowed on a device.

    ICMP Limit

    Specify the maximum ICMP half-open sessions allowed on a device.

    Audit Trail

    Enable the Audit Trail option. This option is only applicable for rules with an inspect action.

    Unified Logging

    Enable the unified logging feature.

    Optimized Policy

    Enable the optimized policy option.

    Session Reclassify Allow

    Allow re-classification of traffic on policy change.

    ICMP Unreachable Allow

    Allow ICMP unreachable packets to pass through.

    Advanced Inspection Profile

    Attach a global advanced inspection profile (AIP) at a device level. All the rules in the device that match the traffic to be inspected are inspected using the advance inspection profile.

    TLS/SSL Decryption

    Choose the TLS/SSL decryption profile from the drop-down list

    High Speed Logging Source File

    Add security logging servers. You can configure 4 source interfaces for HSL

    External Syslog Server

    Select and configure the source interface for UTD.

    • Click Save.

    • Select Next.

  9. In the Summary tab, verify and edit the details if required and Click Create NGFW Policy.

Configure a Secure Internet Gateway

Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN edge devices support routing, security, and other LAN access features that can be managed centrally. On high-end devices, you can enable all these features while providing the scale and performance required by large enterprises. However, on lower-end devices, enabling all the security features simultaneously can degrade performance. To avoid the performance degradation, integrate lower-end devices with Secure Internet Gateways (SIG) that do most of the processing to secure enterprise traffic. When you integrate a Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN edge device with a SIG, all client internet traffic, based on routing or policy, is forwarded to the SIG.

To configure a secure internet gateway, follow the below steps:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu Configuration > Policy Groups > Secure Internet Gateway/Secure Service Edge.

  2. Click Add Secure Internet Gateway (SIG).

  3. Enter a name and provide a description (optional).

  4. Click Create

  5. Choose an SIG Provider from the options below:

    • Umbrella

    • Zscaler

    • Generic

Umbrella Configuration

To configure Umbrella SIG Provider, follow the these steps:

  1. Select Click here to add Umbrella credentials.

  2. In the Add Umbrella credentials dialog box, configure the following and click Add.

Table 5. Cisco Umbrella Credentials



Organization ID

Enter the Cisco Umbrella organization ID (Org ID) for your organization.

Scope Credentials

Enter the API Key and API Secret.

Legacy Credentials

Enter the API Key and API Secret.

Zscaler Configuration

You can access Zscaler credentials from Administration > Settings > Cloud Provider Credentials.

To configure Zscaler SIG Provider follow the below steps:

  • Select Click here to add Zscaler credentials.

  • In the Add Zscaler credentials dialog box, configure the following and click Add.

Table 6. Zscaler Credentials



Organization ID

Enter the name of the organization in Zscaler cloud.

Partner base URI

Enter Partner base URI. This is the base URI that Cisco SD-WAN Manager uses in REST API calls.

Partner Key

Enter Partner API key.


Enter username of the Cisco Catalyst SD-Routing partner account.


Enter username of the Cisco Catalyst SD-Routing partner account.

Generic Configuration

Tracker Configuration

To create one or more trackers to monitor tunnel health, do the following under Tracker:

  1. Enter a source IP address for the probe packets.

  2. Click Add Tracker.

  3. In the Add Tracker dialog box, configure the following and click Add.




Name of the tracker. The name can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.

API URL of Endpoint

Specify the API URL for the SIG endpoint of the tunnel.


Enter the wait time for the probe to return a response before declaring that the configured endpoint is down.

Range: 100 to 1000 milliseconds

Default: 300 milliseconds

Probe Interval

Enter the time interval between probes to determine the status of the configured endpoint.

Range: 20 to 600 seconds

Default: 60 seconds


Enter the number of times to resend probes before determining that a tunnel is down.

Range: 1 to 10

Default: 3

Tunnel Configuration

To create tunnels, do the following under Configuration:

  1. Click Add Tunnel.

  2. In the Add Tunnel dialog box, configure the following and click Add.

    Table 7. Basic Settings
    Field Description
    Tunnel Type

    Click ipsec or gre.

    Interface Name (1..255)

    Name of the interface.


    Description for the interface.


    By default, a tracker is attached to monitor the health of tunnels.

    Tunnel Source Interface Name of the source interface of the tunnel. This interface should be an egress interface and is typically the internet-facing interface.
    Tunnel Destination IP Address/FQDN

    The IP address of the SIG provider endpoint. The configuration of FQDN for Tunnel Destination IP address is not supported.

    Preshared Key

    This field is displayed only if you choose ipsec as the Tunnel Type.

    Enter the password to use with the preshared key. This field is displayed only if you choose ipsec as the Tunnel Type.

    Advanced Options


    Click to enable the interface.

    Default: disabled.

    IP MTU

    Specify the maximum MTU size of packets on the interface.

    Range: 576 to 2000 bytes

    Default: 1400 bytes


    Specify the maximum segment size (MSS) of TPC SYN packets. By default, the MSS is dynamically adjusted based on the interface or tunnel MTU such that TCP SYN packets are never fragmented.

    Range: 500 to 1460 bytes

    Default: None

    DPD Interval

    Specify the interval for IKE to send Hello packets on the connection.

    Range: 10 to 3600 seconds

    Default: 10

    DPD Retries

    Specify the number of seconds between DPD retry messages if the DPD retry message is missed by the peer.

    After one DPD message is missed by the peer, the router changes the state and sends a DPD retry message at a faster retry interval, which is the number of seconds between DPD retries if the DPD message is missed by the peer. The default DPD retry message is sent every 2 seconds. Five DPD retry messages can be missed before the tunnel is marked as down.

    Range: 2 to 60 seconds

    Default: 3


    IKE Rekey Interval

    Specify the interval for refreshing IKE keys.

    Range: 3600 to 1209600 seconds (1 hour to 14 days)

    Default: 14400 seconds

    IKE Cipher Suite

    Specify the type of authentication and encryption to use during IKE key exchange.

    IKE Diffie-Hellman Group

    Specify the Diffie-Hellman group to use in IKE key exchange, whether IKEv1 or IKEv2.

    IKE ID for Local End Point

    Specify the IKE ID for Local End Point.

    IKE ID for Remote End Point

    Specify the IKE ID for Remote End Point.


    IPsec Rekey Interval

    Specify the interval for refreshing IPsec keys.

    Range: 3600 to 1209600 seconds (1 hour to 14 days)

    Default: 3600 seconds

    IPsec Replay Window

    Specify the replay window size for the IPsec tunnel.

    Options: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.

    Default: 512

    IPsec Cipher Suite

    Specify the authentication and encryption to use on the IPsec tunnel.

    Default: AES 256 GCM

    Perfect Forward Secrecy

    Specify the PFS settings to use on the IPsec tunnel.

High Availability Configuration

To designate active and back-up tunnels and distribute traffic among tunnels, click High Availability and do the following:

  1. Click Add Interface Pair.

  2. In the Add Interface Pair dialog box, configure the following and click Add

    Field Description
    Active Interface

    Choose a tunnel that connects to the primary data center.

    Active Interface Weight

    Enter weight (weight range 1 to 255) for load balancing.

    Backup Interface

    To designate a back-up tunnel, choose a tunnel that connects to the secondary data center.

    To omit designating a back-up tunnel, choose None.

    Backup Interface Weight

    Enter weight (weight range 1 to 255) for load balancing.

Configure Secure Service Edge

Cisco Secure Access is a cloud-based platform that provides multiple levels of defense against internet-based threats. To configure Secure Service Edge (SSE), choose Cisco Secure Access as the provider in the SSE policy group in Cisco SD-WAN Manager. The SSE policy group defines IPSec tunnels and tunnel parameters. You can provision network tunnel groups in Cisco Secure Access and provide attributes to the edge devices that are needed to setup IPSec tunnels.

Before You Begin

Create the Cisco SSE credentials from Administration > Settings > Cloud Credentials.

To configure Secure Service Edge, follow these steps:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu Configuration > Policy Groups > Secure Internet Gateway/Secure Service Edge.

  2. Click Add Secure Service Edge(SSE)

  3. Enter a name and select SD-Routing from the Solution drop down list

  4. (Optional) Provide a description.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Select Click here to add cisco-sse credentials and configure the following:



    Cisco SSE Organization ID

    Cisco Secure Access organization ID for your organization.

    Cisco SSE API Key

    Cisco Secure Access API Key.

    Cisco SSE API Secret

    Cisco Secure Access API Secret.

  7. Click Add

Configure DNS Security

The Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Umbrella Integration feature enables the cloud-based security service by inspecting the Domain Name System (DNS) query that is sent to the DNS server through the device. The security administrator configures policies on the Umbrella portal to either allow or deny traffic toward the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The router acts as a DNS forwarder on the network edge, transparently intercepts DNS traffic, and forwards the DNS queries to the Umbrella cloud.

To configure DNS Security, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, choose Configuration > Policy Groups > DNS Security.

  2. Click Add DNS Security Policy.

  3. Enter a name and provide a description (optional)

  4. Click Create and configure the following:



    Umbrella Registration Status

    Displays the status of the API Token configuration.

    Manage Umbrella Registration

    Click Manage Umbrella Registration to add Cisco Umbrella Registration Key and Secret. Enter the following details:

    1. Scope Credentials

      • Enter Organization ID.

      • Enter API Key

      • Enter Secret.

    2. Legacy Credentials

      • Enter API Key

      • Enter Secret

    3. Click Save Changes.



    Note, you can edit the umbrella credentials from Administration > Settings > Cloud Provider.

    Match All VPN

    Match All VPN

    Click Match All VPN to keep the same configuration for all the available VPNs.

    Local Domain Bypass List

    Choose the local domain bypass from the drop down list or Create New.

    DNS Server IP

    Configure DNS Server IP from the following options:

    • Umbrella Default

    • Custom DNS


    Enable or disable the DNSCrypt.

    Custom VPN Configuration

    Custom VPN Configuration

    choose Custom VPN Configuration to input the specific VPNs.

    Local Domain Bypass List

    Choose the domain bypass from the drop down list or Create New.


    DNSCrypt is disabled by default.

    Target VPN

    Click Add Target VPN and enter the following fields:

    1. VPNs - Select the VPN from the drop-down list.

    2. DNS Server IP - Configure DNS Server IP from the following options:

      • Umbrella Default

      • Custom DNS

    3. Local Domain Bypass - Choose the domain bypass and Save changes

  5. Click Save.