IPv6 Functionality

This chapter describes the options for enabling IPv6 functionality for Cisco SD-WAN templates and policies. Use the information in this chapter if your deployment uses IPv6.

Configure IPv6 Functionality for an Interface or Subinterface Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for an interface or subinterface template, perform the following steps.

Cisco SD-WAN supports dual stack: you can configure IPv4 and IPv6 in the same deployment. You can configure up to three global IPv6 addresses per interface.

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select VPN Interface Ethernet from the list of templates.

  4. In the Basic Configuration area, click the IPv6 button and configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name



This radio button is selected by default because IPv6 addresses are static.

IPv6 Address

Enter the IPv6 address of the interface or subinterface.

CLI equivalent:

interface GigabitEthernet1
  no shutdown
  ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1::1/64
  ipv6 enable

Configure IPv6 Functionality for an OMP Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for an Overlay Management Protocol (OMP) template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select OMP from the list of templates.

  4. In the Basic Configuration area, click the IPv6 button in the ADVERTISE area and configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name



Click Off to disable advertising connected routes to OMP.

By default, connected routes are advertised to OMP.


Click Off to disable advertising static routes to OMP.

By default static routes are advertised to OMP.


Click On to advertise BGP routes to OMP. By default, BGP routes are not advertised to OMP.

CLI equivalent:

First enable Service VRF for IPv6:

vrf definition 1
  rd 1:1
  address-family ipv6

Next enable OMP.

OMP supports global IPv6 configuration. In addition, per VRF level configuration is allowed. Per VRF level configuration overrides global configuration.

  address-family ipv6
   advertise bgp
   advertise connected

   address-family ipv6 vrf 1
    advertise static

Global configuration is the default configuration, so IPv6 is enabled by default for OMP. To disable IPv6 OMP route redistribution for a particular VRF, configure the redistribution protocol to no as follows:

  address-family ipv6
   advertise bgp
   advertise connected

   address-family ipv6 vrf 1
    no advertise connected
    no advertise static
    no advertise bgp

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a BGP Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select BGP from the list of templates.

  4. In the Unicast Address Family area, click the IPv6 button and configure the parameters that the following table describes.


Parameter Name


Maximum Paths

Specify the maximum number of parallel IBGP paths that can be installed into a route table to enable IBGP multipath load sharing.Range: 0 to 32

Address Family

Enter the BGP IPv6 unicast address family.


Click the Redistribute tab, and then click Add New Redistribute.


Select the protocols from which to redistribute routes into BGP, for all BGP sessions. Options are Connected, NAT, OMP, OSPF, and Static. At a minimum, select the following:
  • For service-side BGP routing, select OMP. By default, OMP routes are not redistributed into BGP.

  • For transport-side BGP routing, select Connected, and then under Route Policy, specify a route policy that has BGP advertise the loopback interface address to its neighbors.

Route Policy

Enter the name of the route policy to apply to redistributed routes.

Click Add to save the redistribution information.


Click the Network tab, and then click Add New Network.

Network Prefix

Enter a network prefix, in the format of prefix/length, to be advertised by BGP.

Click Add to save the network prefix.


Click the Aggregate Address tab, and then click Add New Aggregate Address.

Aggregate Prefix

Enter the prefix of the addresses to aggregate for all BGP sessions, in the format prefix/length.

AS Set Path

Click On to generate set path information for the aggregated prefixes.

Summary Only

Click On to filter out more specific routes from BGP updates.

Click Add to save the aggregate address.

  1. In the Neighbor area, click the IPv6 button, create a new neighbor or edit an existing one, and then configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameters marked with an asterisk are required.

Parameter Name


IPv6 Address*

Specify the IPv6 address of the BGP neighbor.


Enter a description of the BGP neighbor.

Remote AS*

Enter the AS number of the remote BGP peer.

Address Family

Select Global from the drop-down list, click On and select the address family. Enter the address family information.


To shut down a BGP neighbor when you push the template, select Global from the drop-down list and then click Yes.Default: Off

CLI equivalent:

router bgp 1
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
  address-family ipv6 unicast vrf 1
  neighbor 2001:DB8:19::1 remote-as 2
  neighbor 2001:DB8:19::1 activate
  neighbor 2001:DB8:19::1 advertisement-interval 1
  neighbor 2001:DB8:19::1 password cisco
  redistribute omp
  redistribute static

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a VRRP Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select VPN Interface Ethernet from the list of templates.

  4. In the VRRP area, click the IPv6 button and then click New VRRP.

  5. Configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name


Group ID

Enter a virtual router ID, which represents a group of routers.


1 through 255


Enter the priority level of the router within a VRRP group.
  • Range: 1 through 254

  • Default: 100


Not used.

Track OMP

Select On to track the Overlay Management Protocol (OMP) session running on the WAN connection when determining the primary VRRP virtual router.Default: Off

Track Prefix List

Enter a value to track a list of IPv6 remote prefixes. This value is an alphanumeric string that is configured under Policy.

Link Local IPv6 Address

Enter a virtual link local IPv6 address, which represents the link local address of the group. The address should be in standard link local address format. For example, FE80::AB8.

Global IPv6 Address

Enter a virtual global unicast IPv6 address, which represents the global address of the group. The address should be an IPv6 global prefix address that has the same mask as the interface forwarding address on which the VRRP group is configured. For example, 2001::2/124.

You can configure up to 3 global IPv6 addresses.

CLI equivalent:

interface GigabitEthernet1
 vrrp 10 address-family ipv6
   priority 20
   track omp shutdown
   address FE80::10:100:1 primary
   address 2001:10:100::1/64
Prefix-list tracking
track 1 ipv6 route 1:1::1/128
 ipv6 vrf 1
 track 2 ipv6 route 2:2::2/128
 ipv6 vrf 2
 track 20 list boolean or
  object 1
  object 2
vrrp 10 address-family ipv6
  track 20 shutdown

Configure IPv6 Functionality for an SNMP Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for an SNMP template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select Feature Add Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select SNMP from the list of templates.

  4. In the SNMP Version area, click the SNMP Version button ► TRAP TARGET SERVER and create or edit an SNMP trap target.

  1. Configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name



Enter the number of the VPN to use to reach the trap server.Range: 0 through 65530

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the SNMP server.

UDP Port

Enter the UDP port number for connecting to the SNMP server.Range: 1 though 65535

Trap Group Name

Select the name of a trap group that was configured under the Group tab.

User Name

Select the name of a community that was configured under the Community tab.

Source Interface

Enter the interface to use to send traps to the SNMP server that is receiving the trap information.


Make sure that you have already configured the SNMP community and trap target group.

CLI equivalent:

The following example permits any SNMP to access all objects with read-only permission using the community string named public. The device also will send Border Gateway Protocol(BGP) traps IPv6 host 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127 using SNMP v1.The community string named public will be sent with the traps.

Device# config-transaction
Device(config)# snmp-server community public
Device(config)# snmp-server enable traps bgp
Device(config)# snmp-server host 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127 public

In the following example, the SNMP context A is associated with the views in SNMPv2c group GROUP1 and the IPv6 named access list public2:

Device# config-transaction 
Device(config)# snmp-server context A
Device(config)# snmp mib community-map commA context A target-list comm AVpn
Device(config)# snmp mib target list commAVpn vrf CustomerA
Device(config)# snmp-server view viewA ciscoPingMIB included
Device(config)# snmp-server view viewA ipForward included
Device(config)# snmp-server group GROUP1 v2c contextA read viewA write viewA notify access ipv6 public2

The following example configures the IPv6 host as the notification server:

Device> enable
Device# config-transaction 
Device(config)# snmp-server community mgr view restricted rw ipv6 mgr2
Device(config)# snmp-server engineID remote 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127 remotev6
Device(config)# snmp-server group publicv2c access ipv6 public2
Device(config)# snmp-server hosthost1.com2c vrf trap-vrf
Device(config)# snmp-server user user1 bldg1 remote3ffe:b00:c18:1::3/127 v2c access ipv6 public2
Device(config)# snmp-server enable traps bgp
Device(config)# exit

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a DHCP Relay Agent Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for a DHCP Relay Agent template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select VPN Interface Ethernet from the list of templates.

  4. In the Basic Configuration area, click the IPv6 button.

  5. Click Add next to DHCP Helper.

  6. Configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Table 1.

Parameter Name


DHCPv6 Helper #

IP address of the DHCP helper

DHCPv6 Helper VPN

VPN ID of the VPN source interface for the DHCP helper.

CLI equivalent:

interface GigabitEthernet8
 vrf forwarding 2
 no ip address
 ipv6 address 2001:A14:99::F/64
 ipv6 dhcp relay destination vrf 1 2001:A14:19::12 GigabitEthernet2

Configure IPv6 Functionality for an ACL Template or a QoS Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for an ACL and QoS template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the Configuration ► Templates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select VPN Interface Ethernet from the list of templates.

  4. In the ACL/QoS area, configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name


Ingress ACL – IPv6

Click on to enable the IPv6 ingress access list.

IPv6 Ingress Access List

Enter the name of the IPv6 ingress access list.

Egress ACL – IPv6

Click on to enable the IPv6 egress access list.

IPv6 Egress Access List

Enter the name of the IPv6 egress access list.

CLI Equivalent for Configuring IPv6 Functionality for an ACL Template:

Device(config)# policy
Device(config-policy)# ipv6
Device(config-ipv6)# access-list ipv6_acl
Device(config-access-list-ipv6_acl)#    sequence 11
Device(config-sequence-11)#     match
Device(config-match)#       source-ip 2001:380:1::64/128
Device(config-match)#      destination-ip 2001:3c0:1::64/128
Device(config-match)#      source-port      4000
Device(config-match)#      destination-port 3000
Device(config-match)#      traffic-class    6
Device(config-match)#      next-header      6
Device(config-match)#      packet-length    1000
Device(config-match)#     action accept

Device(config)# sdwan interface GigabitEthernet6 ipv6 access-list ipv6_acl in

Device(config)# policy lists data-ipv6-prefix-list source_ipv6_list
Device(config-data-ipv6-prefix-list-source_ipv6_list)# ipv6-prefix 2001:380:1::/64

Device(config)# policy
Device(config-policy)# ipv6
Device(config-ipv6)# access-list ipv_ipv6_prefix
Device(config-access-list-ipv_ipv6_prefix)# sequence 11
Device(config-sequence-11)#     match
Device(config-match)#       source-data-prefix-list data-ipv6-prefix-list
Device(config-match)#       destination-data-prefix-list source_ipv6_list
Device(config-match)#      destination-ip 2001:3c0:1::64/128
Device(config-match)#      source-port      4000
Device(config-match)#      destination-port 3000
Device(config-match)#      traffic-class    6
Device(config-match)#      next-header      6
Device(config-match)#      packet-length    1000
Device(config-match)#     !
Device(config-match)#     action accept

CLI Equivalent for Configuring IPv6 Functionality for a QoS Template:

Device(config)# class-map match-any class0
Device(config-cmap)#  match qos-group 0
Device(config-cmap)# class-map match-any class1
Device(config-cmap)#  match qos-group 1
Device(config-cmap)# !
Device(config-cmap)# policy-map qos_map_for_data_policy
Device(config-pmap)#  class class0
Device(config-pmap-c)#   bandwidth percent 10
Device(config-pmap-c)#   random-detect
Device(config-pmap-c)#  class class1
Device(config-pmap-c)#   bandwidth percent 10
Device(config-pmap-c)#   random-detect
Device(config-pmap-c)# policy
Device(config-policy)#  no app-visibility
Device(config-policy)#  class-map
Device(config-class-map)#   class class0 queue 0
Device(config-class-map)#   class class1 queue 1
Device(config-class-map)# !
Device(config-class-map)#  ipv6
Device(config-ipv6)#   access-list fwd_class_data_policy
Device(config-access-list-fwd_class_data_policy)#    sequence 5
Device(config-sequence-5)#     match
Device(config-match)#      traffic-class 0
Device(config-match)#     !
Device(config-match)#     action accept
Device(config-action)#      count fwd_class_data_policycnt_5
Device(config-action)#      class class0
Device(config-action)#     !
Device(config-action)#    !
Device(config-action)#    sequence 6
Device(config-sequence-6)#     match
Device(config-match)#      traffic-class 1
Device(config-match)#     !
Device(config-match)#     action accept
Device(config-action)#      count fwd_class_data_policycnt_6
Device(config-action)#      class class1
Device(config-action)#     !
Device(config-action)#    !
Device(config-action)#    !
Device(config-action)#    default-action drop

class-map match-any class0
match qos-group 0
class-map match-any class1
match qos-group 1
policy-map qos_map_for_data_policy
class class0
  bandwidth percent 10
class class1
  bandwidth percent 10

no app-visibility
  class class0 queue 0
  class class1 queue 1
  access-list fwd_class_data_policy
   sequence 5
     traffic-class 0
    action accept
     count fwd_class_data_policycnt_5
     class class0
   sequence 6
     traffic-class 1
    action accept
     count fwd_class_data_policycnt_6
     class class1 
default-action drop

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a Logging Template

To configure IPv6 functionality for a Logging template, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select the ConfigurationTemplates screen.

  2. Select FeatureAdd Template and then select an appropriate device model.

  3. Select Logging from the list of templates.

  4. In the Server area, click the IPv6 button.

  5. Configure the parameters that the following table describes.

Parameter Name


IPv6 Hostname/IPv6 Address

Host name or IP address of the server to direct the logging information.


VPN ID of the VPN source interface.

Source Interface

Name of the source interface.


Choose the maximum severity of messages that are logged.

CLI equivalent:

Device(config)# logging host ipv6

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a New Prefix List

To configure an IPv6 address for a new prefix list, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select ConfigurationPolicies.

  2. From the Custom Options drop-down menu, select Lists. You can make this selection for a Centralized Policy or a Localized Policy

  3. Select Prefix from the list on the left and then select New Prefix List.

  4. Select the IPv6 radio button and enter the IPv6 address in the Add Prefix field.

CLI equivalent:

Device(config)# policy
Device(config-policy)# ipv6
Device(config-ipv6)# access-list ipv6_acl
Device(config-access-list-ipv6_acl)#  sequence 11
Device(config-sequence-11)#  match
Device(config-match)# source-ip 2001:380:1::64/128
Device(config-match)# destination-ip 2001:3c0:1::64/128

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a Data Prefix

To configure an IPv6 address for a new prefix list, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select ConfigurationPolicies.

  2. From the Custom Options drop-down menu, select Lists. You can make this selection for a Centralized Policy or a Localized Policy

  3. Select Data Prefix from the list on the left and then select New Data Prefix List.

  4. In the Internet Protocol area, select the IPv6 radio button and enter the IPv6 address in the Add Prefix field.

CLI equivalent:

Device(config)# policy lists data-ipv6-prefix-list source_ipv6_list
Device(config-data-ipv6-prefix-list-source_ipv6_list)# ipv6-prefix 2001:380:1::/64

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a Centralized Policy

To configure a centralized policy to apply to IPv6 address families, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select ConfigurationPolicies.

  2. From the Custom Options drop-down menu, select Traffic Policy under Centralized Policy.

  3. Select the Traffic Data tab.

  4. Select Add Policy  ► Create New.

  5. Click the Sequence Type button and then select Traffic Engineering.

  6. Click the Sequence Rule button.

  7. From the Protocol drop-down list, select IPv6 to apply the policy only to IPv6 address families, or select Both to apply the policy IPv4 and IPv6 address families.

  8. Click the Sequence Type button and then select QoS.

  9. Click the Sequence Rule button.

  10. From the Protocol drop-down list, select IPv6 to apply the policy only to IPv6 address families, or select Both to apply the policy IPv4 and IPv6 address families.

CLI equivalent:

(config)# policy
(config-policy)# lists ipv6-prefix-list foo ipv6-prefix 1::1/64
                 ipv6-prefix-list ipv6-1
                 ipv6-prefix 1::1/128

Configure IPv6 Functionality for a Localized Policy

To configure a localized policy to apply to IPv6 address families, follow these steps:

  1. In Cisco vManage NMS, select ConfigurationPolicies.

  2. From the Custom Options drop-down menu, select Access Control Lists under Localized Policy.

  3. Click the Add Access Control List Policy button and choose Add IPv6 ACL Policy. The policy you create will apply only to IPv6 address families.

CLI equivalent:

In the following example, IPv6 routes that have addresses specified by the prefix list named marketing are matched:

Device(config)# route-map name
Device(config-route-map)# match ipv6 address prefix-list marketing