A Smart Account contains the licenses purchased by your organization. A Smart Account is a central repository where you can
view purchased software assets, register, and report software use, and manage licenses across the entire organization.
For the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Portal, Cisco enables access to the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Portal Smart Account administrator. A Smart Account administrator can view and perform operational tasks related to your controller
infrastructure, such as viewing the controllers’ IP addresses and modifying the controllers' IP access lists. If you do not
wish for certain users to receive such access, go to the Manage Smart Account section of Cisco Software Central, and remove those users as Smart Account administrators, or use the IDP (identity provider) onboarding feature to grant access
to the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Portal based on the trusted users in the IDP.
For more information, see Workflow for Smart Account and Virtual Accounts for Provisioning the Controllers.
Virtual Accounts are subaccounts within your Smart Account. Virtual Accounts help you organize your Cisco assets in a way
that is logical for your business. You can set up Virtual Accounts by department, product, geography, or other designation
that best fits your company's business model.
A default Virtual Account is created for you. We recommend that you create a dedicated Virtual Account for creating Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN overlays.
For more information, see Create a Virtual Account Associated with Your Smart Account.
To provision a Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN controller, a Virtual Account must be associated with an offer attribute that is Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN capable. An Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN-capable attribute is associated with a Virtual Account when ordering your Cisco DNA cloud license.
When you order Cisco DNA licenses using the enterprise agreement, automatic association of Virtual Accounts to an SD-WAN-capable
attribute is not available. You need to submit a cloud-controller provisioning request form through the Enterprise Agreement
Workspace for the Cisco CloudOps team to provision the controllers. Contact Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Technical Support to request that the desired Virtual Account become available on the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Portal. After the desired Virtual Account is available on the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Portal, you can provision the controllers after providing the necessary enterprise agreement contract information.