Command Verification
Use the following command to verify if the configuration is committed. The following sample configuration shows tracker definition
for a static route tracker and it's application to an IPv4 static route:
Device# show running-config | sec endpoint-tracker
endpoint-tracker tracker1
interval 60
multiplier 5
tracker-type static-route
endpoint-tracker tracker2
interval 40
multiplier 2
tracker-type static-route
track tracker2 endpoint-tracker
track tracker1 endpoint-tracker
Use the following command to verify the IPv4 route:
Device# show running-config | inc ip route
ip route vrf 1 track name tracker2
ip route vrf 1 track name tracker1
The following is a sample output from the show endpoint-tracker static-route command displaying individual static route tracker status:
Device# show endpoint-tracker static-route
Tracker Name Status RTT (in msec) Probe ID
tcp-10001 UP 3 1
udp-10002 UP 1 6
The following is a sample output from the show endpoint-tracker tracker-group command displaying tracker group status:
Device# show endpoint-tracker group
Tracker Name Element trackers name Status RTT in msec Probe ID
group-tcp-10001-udp-10002 tcp-10001, udp-10002 UP(UP AND UP) 5, 1 9, 10
The following is a sample output from the show endpoint-tracker records command displaying tracker/tracker group configuration:
Device# show endpoint-tracker records
Record Name Endpoint EndPoint Type Threshold(ms) Multiplier Interval(s) Tracker-Type
group-tcp-10001-udp-10002 tcp-10001 AND udp-10002 N/A N/A N/A N/A static-tracker-group
tcp-10001 TCP 100 1 20 static-route
udp-10002 UDP 100 1 20 static-route
The following is a sample output from the show ip static route vrf command:
Device# show ip static route vrf 1
Codes: M - Manual static, A - AAA download, N - IP NAT, D - DHCP,
G - GPRS, V - Crypto VPN, C - CASA, P - Channel interface processor,
B - BootP, S - Service selection gateway
DN - Default Network, T - Tracking object
L - TL1, E - OER, I - iEdge
D1 - Dot1x Vlan Network, K - MWAM Route
PP - PPP default route, MR - MRIPv6, SS - SSLVPN
H - IPe Host, ID - IPe Domain Broadcast
U - User GPRS, TE - MPLS Traffic-eng, LI - LIIN
IR - ICMP Redirect, Vx - VXLAN static route
LT - Cellular LTE, Ev - L2EVPN static route
Codes in []: A - active, N - non-active, B - BFD-tracked, D - Not Tracked, P - permanent, -T Default Track
Codes in (): UP - up, DN - Down, AD-DN - Admin-Down, DL - Deleted
Static local RIB for 1
T [1/0] via [A]