If the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance, or the data center hosting it, becomes unavailable, restore the most recent copy of the configuration database
to the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.
The restore operation does not restore all information that is included in the database, such as users and the repository.
All running configurations of Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances, such as users and repositories, must be manually configured again after the restore procedure completes.
This restore procedure is irreversible and the previously active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances cannot be reused without further steps that are beyond the scope of this document.
To restore a Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance from a backup, follow these steps:
Enter the following command to restore the configuration database from the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance:
device# request nms configuration-db restore path.
This command restores the configuration database from the file located at path.
Enter the following command on the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance to verify that all services are running on the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance:
device# request nms all status
On the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance, choose and verify that the page displays all active and standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances.
On the Cisco SD-WAN Validator, from the CLI, use the show orchestrator valid-vmanage-id command. This displays the chassis number of the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.
On a vEdge Cloud router, from the CLI, use the show control valid-vmanage-id command. This displays the chassis number of the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.
Add the no shutdown command to the configuration to bring up the transport interface on the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance:
Standby-vManage# config
Standby-vManage(config)# vpn 0 interface interface-name
Standby-vManage(config)# no shutdown
Standby-vManage(config-interface)# commit and-quit
Add the standby Cisco SD-WAN Controllers to the overlay network:
Log in to the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.
From Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, click .
Click the Controllers tab.
In the table of controllers, click ... adjacent to the Cisco SD-WAN Controller instance and click Edit.
In the Edit window, enter the Cisco SD-WAN Controller WAN transport IP address, the username admin, and the password of this admin user, and then click Save.
Repeat the steps a through e for all the Cisco SD-WAN Controllers in the network.
Add the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance to the overlay network:
Log in to the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, click .
Click the Controllers tab.
In the table of controllers, click ... adjacent to the Cisco SD-WAN Validator and click Edit..
In the Edit window, enter the Cisco SD-WAN Validator's WAN transport IP address, the username admin, and the password of this admin user, and then click Save.
Repeat the steps a through e for all the Cisco SD-WAN Validators in the network.
Disconnect the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance from the overlay network by using one of these two methods.
Perform this step in a lab environment, where you are simulating a disaster scenario. However, if you cannot reach the Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances, as in an actual disaster scenario, you may not be able make this configuration change.
Add the shutdown command to the configuration to shut down the transport interface in VPN 0:
Active-vManage# config
Active-vManage(config)# vpn 0 interface interface-name
Active-vManage(config-interface)# shutdown
Active-vManage(config-interface)# commit and-quit
Enter the no tunnel-interface configuration command to deactivate the tunnel interface in VPN 0:
Active-vManage# config
Active-vManage(config)# vpn 0 interface interface-name
Active-vManage(config-interface)# no tunnel-interface
Active-vManage(config-interface)# commit and-quit
On any Cisco SD-WAN Manager server in the newly active cluster, perform the following actions:
Enter the following command to synchronize the root certificate with all Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN devices in the newly active cluster:
Standby-vManage# https://newly_active_vManage_IP_address/dataservice/system/device/sync/rootcertchain
Enter the following command to synchronize the Cisco SD-WAN Manager UUID with the Cisco SD-WAN Validator:
Standby-vManage# https://newly_active _vManage_IP_address/dataservice/certificate/syncvbond
From the newly active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance, send the updated device list to the Cisco SD-WAN Validator:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, click .
Click the Controllers tab.
Click Send to vBond.
Wait for the task to complete.
The following messages appear after the task is complete:
Wait for the control to be fully established before proceeding. After control is established:
The Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances are up to date with the most recent database backup.
Each instance begins to establish control connections with the other instances in the network. The previously active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances are not part of the overlay network anymore.
On the Cisco SD-WAN Validator, open the CLI and run the show orchestrator valid-manage-id command. This displays the chassis number of both the active and the standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances.
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, click .
Click the vEdge List tab.
Click Send to Controllers.
On a newly active Cisco SD-WAN Manager server, from the CLI, use the show control valid-vedges command. The output displays the chassis number and serial numbers of Cisco vEdge devices.
Verify that the following items appear as expected:
Perform these actions to verify the valid Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances:
Log in to each Cisco SD-WAN Validator and enter the following command:
show orchestrator valid-manage-id
Verify that the output lists the chassis number of all the Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances for the previously active and the newly active systems.
Log in to a Cisco vEdge device and enter the following command:
show control valid-manage-id
Verify that the output lists the chassis number of all the Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances for the previously active and the newly active systems.
Verify that control is up with the newly active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instances and with the Cisco SD-WAN Controllers.
The standby Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance is now the active Cisco SD-WAN Manager instance.