show b – show cq

show backup-package

To display back-up package status and summary information on the Cisco ISA 3000, use the show backup-package command in privileged EXEC or global configuration mode.

show backup-package { status { backup | restore } | summary }


This command applies only to the Cisco ISA 3000 appliance.

Syntax Description

backup | restore

Specifies the type of status information to be displayed.


Displays mode, location, passphrase, and most-recent time information for either back-up or restore operations.


Displays status information for both back-up and restore operations.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The show backup-package commands are also available in global configuration mode.


The following example shows backup-package summary statistics:

ciscoasa# show backup-package summary
	backup mode      : auto
	backup location  : disk3:
	backup passphrase: cisco
	last backup time : Mar 23 2014 22:05:52
	restore mode      : auto
	restore location  : disk3:
	restore passphrase: cisco
	Last restore time : Mar 24 2014 05:07:32

show bfd drops

To display the numbered of dropped packets in BFD, use the show bfd drops command in global configuration mode.

show bfd drops

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example displays the BFD dropped packets.

ciscoasa# show bfd drops
BFD Drop Statistics
                         IPV4 IPV6 IPV4-M IPV6-M 
Invalid TTL              0    0    0      0      
BFD Not Configured       0    0    0      0      
No BFD Adjacency         0    0    0      0      
Invalid Header Bits      0    0    0      0      
Invalid Discriminator    0    0    0      0      
Session AdminDown        0    0    0      0      
Authen invalid BFD ver   0    0    0      0      
Authen invalid len       0    0    0      0      
Authen invalid seq       0    0    0      0      
Authen failed            0    0    0      0      

show bfd map

To display the configured BFD maps, use the show bfd map command in global configuration mode.

show bfd map

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example displays the BFD maps.

ciscoasa# show bfd map
 Template: mh 
 Authentication(Type): sha-1

show bfd neighbors

To display a line-by-line listing of existing BFD adjacencies, use the show bfd neighbors command in global configuration mode.

show bfd neighbors [ client { bgp } | details | interface interface-name | ipv4 ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address | multihop-ipv4 ip-address | multihop-ipv6 ipv6-address ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the neighbors of a specific client.


(Optional) Displays a BGP client.


(Optional) Displays all BFD protocol parameters and timers for each neighbor.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Displays neighbors at the specified interface.

ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Displays specified single-hop IP neighbors.

ipv6 ipv6-address

(Optional) Displays specified single-hop IPv6 neighbors.

multihop-ipv4 ip-address

(Optional) Displays specified multi-hop IP neighbors.

multihop-ipv6 ipv6-address

(Optional) Displays specified multi-hop IPv6 neighbors.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to troubleshoot BFD issues.


The following example displays the BFD neighbors.

ciscoasa# show bfd neighbors
OurAddr     NeighAddr    LD/RD  RH     Holdown(mult)     State Int  1/6    1      260 (3 )          Up    Fa0/1

show bfd summary

To display summary information for BFD, use the show bfd summary command in global configuration mode.

show bfd summary [ client | host | session ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the BFD summary for clients.


(Optional) Displays the BFD summary for sessions.


(Optional) Displays the BFD summary for protocols.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display summary information about BFD, BFD clients, or BFD sessions. When a BFD client launches a session with a peer, BFD sends periodic BFD control packets to the peer. Information about the following states of a session are included in the output of this command:

  • Up—When another BFD interface acknowledges the BFD control packets, the session moves into an Up state.

  • Down—The session and the data path are declared down if a data path failure occurs and BFD does not receive a control packet within the configured amount of time. When a session is down, BFD notifies the BFD client so that the client can perform necessary actions to reroute the traffic.


The following example displays the BFD summaries.

ciscoasa# show bfd summary
         Session         Up      Down 
Total    1               1       0
ciscoasa# show bfd summary session
Protocol                  Session     Up 	Down 
IPV4                      1     1     0 
Total                     1     1     0
ciscoasa# show bfd summary client
Client                   Session      Up     Down 
BGP                      1       1    0 
EIGRP                    1       1    0 
Total                    2       2    0

show bgp

To display entries in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show bgp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp [ ip-address [ mask [ longer-prefixes [ injected ] | shorter-prefixes [ length ] | bestpath | multipaths | subnets ] | bestpath | multipaths ] | all | prefix-list name | pending-prefixes | route-map name ]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the AS path access list name..


(Optional) Mask to filter or match hosts that are part of the specified network.


(Optional) Displays the specified route and all more specific routes.


(Optional) Displays more specific prefixes injected into the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Displays the specified route and all less specific routes.


(Optional) The prefix length. The value for this argument is a number from 0 to 32.


(Optional) Displays the bestpath for this prefix


(Optional) Displays multipaths for this prefix.


(Optional) Displays the subnet routes for the specified prefix.


(Optional) Displays all address family information in the BGP routing table.

prefix-list name

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified prefix list.


(Optional) Displays prefixes that are pending deletion from the BGP routing table.

route-map name

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified route map.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

The show bgp command is used to display the contents of the BGP routing table. The output can be filtered to display entries for a specific prefix, prefix length, and prefixes injected through a prefix list, route map, or conditional advertisement.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, and later releases, the Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538 for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.


The following sample output shows the BGP routing table:

Router# show bgp
BGP table version is 22, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-external
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                  0         32768 i
*>i10.2.2.2/32               0    100      0 i
*bi10.9.9.9/32              0    100      0 10 10 i
*>                                    0 10 10 i
* i172.16.1.0/24               0    100      0 i
*>                          0         32768 i
*>                  0         32768 i
*>i192.168.3.0               0    100      0 i
*bi192.168.9.0              0    100      0 10 10 i
*>                                    0 10 10 i
*bi192.168.13.0              0    100      0 10 10 i
*>                                    0 10 10 i

Table 4-1 shows each field description.

Table 1. show bgp Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • s—The table entry is suppressed.

  • d—The table entry is dampened.

  • h—The table entry history.

  • *—The table entry is valid.

  • >—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

  • i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

  • r—The table entry is a RIB-failure.

  • S—The table entry is stale.

  • m—The table entry has multipath to use for that network.

  • b—The table entry has backup path to use for that network.

  • x—The table entry has best external route to use for the network.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

  • e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

  • ?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


IP address of a network entity.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the router has some non-BGP routes to this network.


If shown, the value of the interautonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path.


Indicates that the following path for the specified autonomous system is marked as "stale" during a graceful restart process.


show bgp (4-Byte Autonomous System Numbers): Example

The following sample output shows the BGP routing table with 4-byte autonomous system numbers, 65536 and 65550, shown under the Path field. This example requires Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, or a later release.

RouterB# show bgp
BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0             0 65536  i
*>              0             0 65550  i
*>                  0         32768 i

show bgp ip-address: Example

The following sample output displays information about the entry in the BGP routing table:

Router# show bgp 
BGP routing table entry for, version 22
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table default)
  Advertised to update-groups:
  10 10 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, backup/repair
  10 10 from (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best , recursive-via-connected

The following sample output displays information about the entry in the BGP routing table:

Router# show bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 35
Paths: (3 available, best #2, table default)
Multipath: eBGP
Flag: 0x860
  Advertised to update-groups:
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external, backup/repair
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, weight 100, valid, external, best
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external,
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route 

Table 4-2 shows each field description.

Table 2. show bgp (4 byte autonomous system numbers) Fields



BGP routing table entry fo

IP address or network number of the routing table entry.


Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.


The number of available paths, and the number of installed best paths. This line displays “Default-IP-Routing-Table” when the best path is installed in the IP routing table.


This field is displayed when multipath loadsharing is enabled. This field will indicate if the multipaths are iBGP or eBGP.

Advertised to update-groups

The number of each update group for which advertisements are processed.


Origin of the entry. The origin can be IGP, EGP, or incomplete. This line displays the configured metric (0 if no metric is configured), the local preference value (100 is default), and the status and type of route (internal, external, multipath, best).

Extended Community

This field is displayed if the route carries an extended community attribute. The attribute code is displayed on this line. Information about the extended community is displayed on a subsequent line.


show bgp all: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp command entered with the all keyword. Information about all configured address families is displayed.

Router# show bgp all
For address family: IPv4 Unicast   *****
BGP table version is 27, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>i10.18.18.0/24         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.100.0.0/16          262    272      0 1 2 3 i
*>i10.100.0.0/16         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.101.0.0/16         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.103.0.0/16         1388    173    173 100 e
*>i10.104.0.0/16         1388    173    173 100 e
*>i10.100.0.0/16         2219  20889      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 e
*>i10.101.0.0/16         2219  20889      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 e
*         2309             0 200 300 e
*>                 1388             0 100 e
*         2309             0 200 300 e
*>                 1388             0 100 e
*>         1388             0 100 e
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>         1388             0 50 e
*>         1388             0 50 e

show bgp longer-prefixes: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp command entered with the longer-prefixes keyword:

Router# show bgp longer-prefixes
BGP table version is 1738, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>        8896         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8796         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>       42482         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8796         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8696         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        1400         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        1400         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8876         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8876         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?

show bgp shorter-prefixes: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp command entered with the shorter-prefixes keyword. An 8-bit prefix length is specified.

Router# show bgp shorter-prefixes 8
*>                               0 ?
*                            0             0 200 ?

show bgp prefix-list: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp command entered with the prefix-list keyword:

Router# show bgp prefix-list ROUTE
BGP table version is 39, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                               0 ?
*                          0             0 200 ?

show bgp route-map: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp command entered with the route-map keyword:

Router# show bgp route-map LEARNED_PATH
BGP table version is 40, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                               0 ?
*                          0             0 200 ?

show bgp all community

To display routes for all address families belonging to a particular Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) community, use the show bgp all community command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC configuration mode.

show bgp all community [ community-number.... [ community-number ]][ local-as ][ no-advertise ][ no-export ][ exact-match ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the routes pertaining to the community numbers specified.

You can specify multiple community numbers. The range is from 1 to 4294967295 or AA:NN (autonomous system:community number, which is a 2-byte number).


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not sent outside of the local autonomous system (well-known community).


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not advertised to any peer (well-known community).


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not exported outside of the local autonomous system (well-known community).


(Optional) Displays only routes that match exactly with the BGP community list specified.


The availability of keywords in the command depends on the command mode. The exact-match keyword is not available in user EXEC mode.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

User can enter the local-as, no-advertise and no-export keywords in any order. When using the bgp all community command, be sure to enter the numerical communities before the well-known communities.

.For example, the following string is not valid:

ciscoasa# show bgp all community local-as 111:12345

Use the following string instead:

ciscoasa# show bgp all community 111:12345 local-as


The following is sample output from the show bgp all community command, specifying communities of 1, 2345, and 6789012:

ciscoasa# show bgp all community 1 2345 6789012 no-advertise local-as no-export exact-match
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network 		 Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight 	Path
*>                               	0 4 3 ?
*>                 0             	0 4 ?
*>                 0             	0 6 ?

Table 4-26 shows each field description.

Table 3. show bgp all community Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes

local router ID

The router ID of the router on which the BGP communities are set to display. A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed. d—The table entry is dampened.h—The table entry is history.*—The table entry is valid.>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP session.

Origin codes

Indicates the origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command. e—Entry originated from the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a route that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


The network address and network mask of a network entity. The type of address depends on the address family.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. The type of address depends on the address family


The value of the inter autonomous system metric. This field is not used frequently.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path.

show bgp all neighbors

To display information about Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections to neighbors of all address families, use the show bgp all neighbors command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp all neighbors [ ip-address ][ advertised-routes | paths [ reg-exp ] | policy [ detail ] | received prefix-filter | received-routes | routes ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address of a neighbor. If this argument is omitted, information about all neighbors is displayed.


Optional) Displays all routes that have been advertised to neighbors.

paths reg-exp

(Optional) Displays autonomous system paths learned from the specified neighbor. An optional regular expression can be used to filter the output.


(Optional) Displays the policies applied to neighbor per address family.


(Optional) Displays detailed policy information such as route maps, prefix lists, community lists, Access Control Lists (ACLs), and autonomous system path filter lists.

received prefix-filter

(Optional) Displays the prefix-list (outbound route filter [ORF]) sent from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all received routes (both accepted and rejected) from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all routes that are received and accepted. The output displayed when this keyword is entered is a subset of the output displayed by the received-routes keyword.

Command Default

The output of this command displays information for all neighbors.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

Use the show bgp all neighbors command to display BGP and TCP connection information for neighbor sessions specific to address families such as IPv4.


The following example shows output of the show bgp all neighbors command:

ciscoasa# show bgp all neighbors
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 100, external link
 Member of peer-group internal for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 13:40:17
  Last read 00:00:09, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  3          3
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:                0          0
    Keepalives:           113        112
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total:                116        11
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds
  Connections established 22; dropped 21
  Last reset 13:47:05, due to BGP Notification sent, hold time expired 
External BGP neighbor may be up to 2 hops away.
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0  mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes)
Event Timers (current time is 0x1A0D543C):
Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
Retrans          1218          5             0x0  
TimeWait            0          0             0x0
AckHold          3327       3051             0x0
SendWnd             0          0             0x0
KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
GiveUp              0          0             0x0
PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
DeadWait            0          0             0x0
iss: 1805423033  snduna: 1805489354  sndnxt: 1805489354     sndwnd:  15531
irs:  821333727  rcvnxt:  821591465  rcvwnd:      15547  delrcvwnd:    837
SRTT: 300 ms, RTTO: 303 ms, RTV: 3 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 8 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: higher precedence, nagle 
Datagrams (max data segment is 1420 bytes):
Rcvd: 4252 (out of order: 0), with data: 3328, total data bytes: 257737
Sent:4445 (retransmit: 5), with data: 4445, total data bytes;244128

Table 4-4 shows each field description.

Table 4. show bgp all neighbor Fields



For address family

Address family to which the following fields refer.

BGP neighbor

IP address of the BGP neighbor and its autonomous system number.

remote AS

Autonomous system number of the neighbor.

external link

External Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP) peerP.

BGP version

BGP version being used to communicate with the remote router.

remote router ID

IP address of the neighbor.

BGP state

State of this BGP connection

up for

Time, in hh:mm:ss, that the underlying TCP connection has been in existence.

Last read

Time, in hh:mm:ss, since BGP last received a message from this neighbor.

hold time

Time, in seconds, that BGP will maintain the session with this neighbor without receiving messages.

keepalive interval

Time interval, in seconds, at which keepalive messages are transmitted to this neighbor.

Message statistics

Statistics organized by message type.

InQ depth is

Number of messages in the input queue.

OutQ depth is

Number of messages in the output queue.


Total number of transmitted messages.


Total number of received messages.


Number of open messages sent and received.


Number of notification (error) messages sent and received.


Number of update messages sent and received.


Number of keepalive messages sent and received.

Route Refresh

Number of route refresh request messages sent and received.


Total number of messages sent and received.

Default minimum time between...

Time, in seconds, between advertisement transmissions.

Connections established

Number of times a TCP and BGP connection has been successfully established.


Number of times that a valid session has failed or been taken down.

Last reset

Time, in hh:mm:ss, since this peering session was last reset. The reason for the reset is displayed on this line.

External BGP neighbor may be...

Indicates that the BGP Time-to-live (TTL) security check is enabled. The maximum number of hops that can separate the local and remote peer is displayed on this line.

Connection state

Connection status of the BGP peer.

Local host, Local

IP address of the local BGP speaker and the port number.

Foreign host, Foreign port

Neighbor address and BGP destination port number.

Enqueued packets for retransmit:

Packets queued for retransmission by TCP.

Event Timers

TCP event timers. Counters are provided for starts and wakeups (expired timers).


Number of times a packet has been retransmitted.


Time waiting for the retransmission timers to expire.


Acknowledgment hold timer.


Transmission (send) window.


Number of keepalive packets.


Number times a packet is dropped due to no acknowledgment.


Path MTU discovery timer.


Expiration timer for dead segments.


Initial packet transmission sequence number.


Last transmission sequence number that has not been acknowledged


Next packet sequence number to be transmitted.


TCP window size of the remote host.


Initial packet receives sequence number.


Last receive sequence number that has been locally acknowledged.


TCP window size of the local host.


Delayed receive window—data the local host has read from the connection, but has not yet subtracted from the receive window the host has advertised to the remote host. The value in this field gradually increases until it is larger than a full-sized packet, at which point it is applied to the rcvwnd field.


A calculated smoothed round-trip timeout.


Round-trip timeout.


Variance of the round-trip time.


New round-trip timeout (using the Karn algorithm). This field separately tracks the round-trip time of packets that have been re-sent.


Smallest recorded round-trip timeout (hard-wire value used for calculation).


Largest recorded round-trip timeout.

ACK hold

Length of time the local host will delay an acknowledgment to carry (piggyback) additional data.

IP Precedence value

IP precedence of the BGP packets.


Number of update packets received from a neighbor.


Number of received packets.

with data

Number of update packets sent with data.

total data bytes

Total amount of data received, in bytes.


Number of update packets sent.

with data

Number of update packets received with data.

total data bytes

Total amount of data sent, in bytes.

show bgp cidr-only

To display routes with classless inter domain routing (CIDR), use the show bgp cidr-only command in EXEC mode.

show bgp cidr-only

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp cidr-only command:

	ciscoasa# show bgp cidr-only
BGP table version is 220, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                         0 1878 ?
*>                         0 108 ? 

Table 4-5 shows each field description.

Table 5. show bgp cidr-only Fields



BGP table version is 220

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes..

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP..

show bgp community

To display routes that belong to specified BGP communities, use the show bgp community command in EXEC mode.

show bgp community community-number [ exact ]

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp community command in privileged EXEC mode:

ciscoasa# show bgp community 111:12345 local-as
 BGP table version is 10, local router ID is
 Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
 Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
    Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
 *>           0             0 222 ?
 *>           0             0 222 ?
 *>           0             0 222 ?
 *>           0             0 222 ?
 *           0             0 222 i
 *>           0             0 222 ?
 *>           0             0 222 i
 *>           0             0 222 ?

Table 4-6 shows each field description.

Table 6. show bgp community Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp community-list

To display routes that are permitted by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) community list, use the show bgp community-list command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp community-list { community-list-number | community-list-name [ exact-match ] }

Syntax Description


A standard or expanded community list number in the range from 1 to 500.


Community list name. The community list name can be standard or expanded.


(Optional) Displays only routes that have an exact match.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

This command requires you to specify an argument when used. The exact-match keyword is optional.


The following is sample output of the show bgp community-list command in privileged EXEC mode:

ciscoasa# show bgp community-list 20
BGP table version is 716977, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
* i10.3.0.0             0    100      0 1800 1239 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 1239 ?
* i10.6.0.0             0    100      0 1800 690 568 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 690 568 ?
* i10.7.0.0             0    100      0 1800 701 35 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 701 35 ?
*                                  0 1878 704 701 35 ?
* i10.8.0.0             0    100      0 1800 690 560 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 690 560 ?
*                                  0 1878 704 701 560 ?
* i10.13.0.0             0    100      0 1800 690 200 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 690 200 ?
*                                  0 1878 704 701 200 ?
* i10.15.0.0             0    100      0 1800 174 ?
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 174 ?
* i10.16.0.0             0    100      0 1800 701 i
*>i                    0    100      0 1800 701 i
*                                  0 1878 704 701 i

Table 4-7 shows each field description.

Table 7. show bgp community-list Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP..

show bgp filter-list

To display routes that conform to a specified filter list, use the show bgp filter-list command in EXEC mode.

show bgp filter-list access-list-name

Syntax Description


Name of an autonomous system path access list.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output of the show bgp filter-list command in privileged EXEC mode:

ciscoasa# show bgp filter-list filter-list-acl
BGP table version is 1738, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?

Table 4-8 shows each field description.

Table 8. show bgp filter-list Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP..

show bgp injected-paths

To display all the injected paths in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show bgp injected-paths command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp injected-paths

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp injected-paths command in EXEC mode:

ciscoasa# show bgp injected-paths
BGP table version is 11, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                               0 ?
*>                               0 ? 

Table 4-9 shows each field description.

Table 9. show bgp injected-path Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv4

To display entries in the IP version 4 (IPv4) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show bgp ipv4 command in privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv4

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv4 unicast command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv4 unicast
 BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0            0  300 i
*>              0            0  300 i
*              0            0  300 i

The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv4 multicast command:

Router# show bgp ipv4 multicast
 BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0            0  300 i
*>              0            0  300 i
*              0            0  300 i

Table 4-10 shows each field description.

Table 10. show bgp ipv4 Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP..

show bgp ipv6

To display entries in the IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show bgp ipv6 command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast [ ipv6-prefix/prefix-length ][ longer-prefixes ][ labels ]

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


(Optional) IPv6 network number, entered to display a particular network in the IPv6 BGP routing table.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.


(Optional) The length of the IPv6 prefix. A decimal value that indicates how many of the high-order contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (the network portion of the address). A slash mark must precede the decimal value.


(Optional) Displays the route and more specific routes.


(Optional) Displays the policies applied to this neighbor per address family.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast
BGP table version is 12612, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0            0  300 i
*>              0            0  300 i
*              0            0  300 i

The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv4 multicast command:

Router# show bgp ipv4 multicast
 BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network          		Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*                   3FFE:C00:E:C::2                        0 3748 4697 1752 i
*                   3FFE:1100:0:CC00::1
                                                           0 1849 1273 1752 i
*  2001:618:3::/48  3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 1849 65002 i
*>                  3FFE:1100:0:CC00::1
                                                           0 1849 65002 i
*  2001:620::/35    2001:0DB8:0:F004::1
                                                           0 3320 1275 559 i
*                   3FFE:C00:E:9::2                        0 1251 1930 559 i
*                   3FFE:3600::A                           0 3462 10566 1930 559 i
*                   3FFE:700:20:1::11
                                                           0 293 1275 559 i
*                   3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 1849 1273 559 i
*                   3FFE:C00:E:B::2                        0 237 3748 1275 559 i

Table 4-10 shows each field description.

Table 11. show bgp ipv6 Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 command, showing information for prefix 3FFE:500::/24:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast 3FFE:500::/24
BGP routing table entry for 3FFE:500::/24, version 19421
Paths: (6 available, best #1)
  293 3425 2500
    3FFE:700:20:1::11 from 3FFE:700:20:1::11 (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
  4554 293 3425 2500
    3FFE:C00:E:4::2 from 3FFE:C00:E:4::2 (
      Origin IGP, metric 1, localpref 100, valid, external
  33 293 3425 2500
    3FFE:C00:E:5::2 from 3FFE:C00:E:5::2 (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
  6175 7580 2500
    3FFE:C00:E:1::2 from 3FFE:C00:E:1::2 (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
1849 4697 2500, (suppressed due to dampening)
    3FFE:1100:0:CC00::1 from 3FFE:1100:0:CC00::1 (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
237 10566 4697 2500
    3FFE:C00:E:B::2 from 3FFE:C00:E:B::2 (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external 
ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast 
BGP table version is 28, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - 
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i4004::/64        ::FFFF:
                                             0    100      0 ?
* i                 ::FFFF:
                                             0    100      0 ?

show bgp ipv6 community

To display entries in the IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show bgp ipv6community command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast community [ community-number ][ exact-match ][ local-as | no-advertise | no-export ]

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


(Optional) Valid value is a community number in the range from 1 to 4294967295 or AA:NN (autonomous system-community number:2-byte number).


(Optional) Displays only routes that have an exact match.


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not sent outside of the local autonomous system (well-known community).


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not advertised to any peer (well-known community).


(Optional) Displays only routes that are not exported outside of the local autonomous system (well-known community).

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 community command provides output similar to the show ip bgp community command, except it is IPv6-specific.

Communities are set with the set community route-map configuration command. You must enter the numerical communities before the well-known communities. For example, the following string is not valid:

ciscoasa# show ipv6 bgp unicast community local-as 111:12345

Use following strings instead:

ciscoasa# show ipv6 bgp unicast community 111:12345 local-as


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 community command:

BGP table version is 69, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
       Network               Next Hop              Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1::1/64       ::                                       0 32768 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1:1::/80      ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:2::/64        2001:0DB8:0:3::2                            0 2 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:2:1::/80      2001:0DB8:0:3::2                            0 2 ?
* 2001:0DB8:0:3::1/64        2001:0DB8:0:3::2                            0 2 ?
*>                        ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:4::/64        2001:0DB8:0:3::2                            0 2 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:5::1/64       ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:6::/64        2000:0:0:3::2                            0 2 3 i
*> 2010::/64                 ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2020::/64                 ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2030::/64                 ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2040::/64                 ::                                       0 32768 ?
*> 2050::/64                 ::                                       0 32768 ?
Table 12. show bgp ipv6 community fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 community-list

To display routes that are permitted by the IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) community list, use the show bgp ipv6 community-list command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast community-list { number | name } [ exact-match ]

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


Community list number in the range from 1 to 199.


Community list name.


(Optional) Displays only routes that have an exact match.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast community-list command provide output similar to the show ip bgp community-list command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output of the show bgp ipv6 community-list command for community list number 3:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast community-list 3
BGP table version is 14, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
    Network                 Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1::/64       2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1:1::/80     2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:2::1/64      ::                                    0 32768 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:2:1::/80     ::                                    0 32768 ?
* 2001:0DB8:0:3::2/64       2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*>                       ::                                    0 32768 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:4::2/64      ::                                    0 32768 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:5::/64       2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*> 2010::/64                2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*> 2020::/64                2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*> 2030::/64                2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*> 2040::/64                2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?
*> 2050::/64                2001:0DB8:0:3::1                         0 1 ?

Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13. show bgp ipv6 community-list fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 filter-list

To display routes that conform to a specified IPv6 filter list, use the show bgp ipv6 filter-list command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast filter-list access-list-number

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


Number of an IPv6 autonomous system path access list. It can be a number from 1 to 199.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 filter-list command provides output similar to the show ip bgp filter-list command, except that it is IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 filter-list command for IPv6 autonomous system path access list number 1:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast filter-list 1
BGP table version is 26, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
    Network              Next Hop                          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1::/64        2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 1 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:1:1::/80      2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 1 i
*> 2001:0DB8:0:2:1::/80      2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:3::/64        2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:4::/64        ::                                        32768  ?
*                            2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:5::/64        ::                                        32768  ?
*                            2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 1 ?
*> 2001:0DB8:0:6::1/64       ::                                        32768  i
*> 2030::/64                 2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 1
*> 2040::/64                 2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 1 ?
*> 2050::/64                 2001:0DB8:0:4::2                        0 2 1 ?
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. 
Table 14. show bgp ipv6 community-list fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 inconsistent-as

To display IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes with inconsistent originating autonomous systems, use the show bgp ipv6 inconsistent-as command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast inconsistent-as

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast inconsistent-as command provide output similar to the show ip bgp inconsistent-as command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 inconsistent-as command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast inconsistent-as
BGP table version is 12612, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*  3FFE:1300::/24   2001:0DB8:0:F004::1                    0 3320 293 6175 ?
*                   3FFE:C00:E:9::2                        0 1251 4270 10318 ?
*                   3FFE:3600::A                           0 3462 6175 ?
*                   3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 6175 ?
Table 4-15 below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  
Table 15. show bgp ipv6 community-list fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 neighbors

To display information about IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections to neighbors, use the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors [ ipv6-address ][ received-routes | routes | advertised-routes | paths regular-expression ]

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


(Optional) Address of the IPv6 BGP-speaking neighbor. If you omit this argument, all IPv6 neighbors are displayed.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.


(Optional) Displays all received routes (both accepted and rejected) from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all routes received and accepted. This is a subset of the output from the received-routes keyword.


(Optional) Displays all the routes the networking device advertised to the neighbor.

paths regular-expression

(Optional) Regular expression used to match the paths received.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors provide output similar to the show ip bgp neighbors command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors
BGP neighbor is 3FFE:700:20:1::11,  remote AS 65003, external link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 13:40:17
  Last read 00:00:09, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received
    Address family IPv6 Unicast: advertised and received
  Received 31306 messages, 20 notifications, 0 in queue
  Sent 14298 messages, 1 notifications, 0 in queue
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
 For address family: IPv6 Unicast
  BGP table version 21880, neighbor version 21880
  Index 1, Offset 0, Mask 0x2
  Route refresh request: received 0, sent 0
  Community attribute sent to this neighbor
  Outbound path policy configured
  Incoming update prefix filter list is bgp-in
  Outgoing update prefix filter list is aggregate
  Route map for outgoing advertisements is uni-out
  77 accepted prefixes consume 4928 bytes 
  Prefix advertised 4303, suppressed 0, withdrawn 1328
  Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 1, min 0
  1 history paths consume 64 bytes
  Connections established 22; dropped 21
  Last reset 13:47:05, due to BGP Notification sent, hold time expired 
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0
Local host: 3FFE:700:20:1::12, Local port: 55345
Foreign host: 3FFE:700:20:1::11, Foreign port: 179
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0  mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes)
Event Timers (current time is 0x1A0D543C):
Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
Retrans          1218          5             0x0
TimeWait            0          0             0x0
AckHold          3327       3051             0x0
SendWnd             0          0             0x0
KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
GiveUp              0          0             0x0
PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
DeadWait            0          0             0x0
iss: 1805423033  snduna: 1805489354  sndnxt: 1805489354     sndwnd:  15531
irs:  821333727  rcvnxt:  821591465  rcvwnd:      15547  delrcvwnd:    837
SRTT: 300 ms, RTTO: 303 ms, RTV: 3 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 8 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: higher precedence, nagle 
Datagrams (max data segment is 1420 bytes):
Rcvd: 4252 (out of order: 0), with data: 3328, total data bytes: 257737
Sent: 4445 (retransmit: 5), with data: 4445, total data bytes: 244128 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 16. show bgp ipv6 community-list fields



BGP neighbor

IP address of the BGP neighbor and its autonomous system number. If the neighbor is in the same autonomous system as the router, then the link between them is internal; otherwise, it is considered external.

remote AS

Autonomous system of the neighbor.

internal link

Indicates that this peer is an interior Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) peer.

BGP version

BGP version being used to communicate with the remote router; the router ID (an IP address) of the neighbor is also specified.

remote router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

BGP state

Internal state of this BGP connection.

up for

Amount of time that the underlying TCP connection has been in existence.

Last read

Time that BGP last read a message from this neighbor.

hold time

Maximum amount of time that can elapse between messages from the peer.

keepalive interval

Time period between sending keepalive packets, which help ensure that the TCP connection is up.

Neighbor capabilities

BGP capabilities advertised and received from this neighbor.

Route refresh

Indicates that the neighbor supports dynamic soft reset using the route refresh capability.

Address family IPv6 Unicast

Indicates that BGP peers are exchanging IPv6 reachability information.


Number of total BGP messages received from this peer, including keepalives.


Number of error messages received from the peer .


Total number of BGP messages that have been sent to this peer, including keepalives.


Number of error messages the router has sent to this peer.

advertisement runs

Value of the minimum advertisement interval.

For address family

Address family to which the following fields refer.

BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

neighbor version

Number used by the software to track the prefixes that have been sent and those that must be sent to this neighbor.

Route refresh request

Number of route refresh requests sent and received from this neighbor. .

Community attribute (not shown in sample output)

Appears if the neighbor send-community command is configured for this neighbor. .

Inbound path policy (not shown in sample output)

Indicates whether an inbound filter list or route map is configured.

Outbound path policy (not shown in sample output)

Indicates whether an outbound filter list, route map, or unsuppress map is configured.

bgp-in (not shown in sample output)

Name of the inbound update prefix filter list for the IPv6 unicast address family.

aggregate (not shown in sample output)

Name of the outbound update prefix filter list for the IPv6 unicast address family.

uni-out (not shown in sample output)

Name of the outbound route map for the IPv6 unicast address family.

accepted prefixes

Number of prefixes accepted.

Prefix advertised

Number of prefixes advertised.


Number of prefixes suppressed


Number of prefixes withdrawn.

history paths (not shown in sample output)

Number of path entries held to remember history.

Connections established

Number of times the router has established a TCP connection and the two peers have agreed to speak BGP with each other.


Number of times that a good connection has failed or been taken down.

Last reset

Elapsed time (in hours:minutes:seconds) since this peering session was last reset.

Connection state

State of the BGP Peer

unread input bytes

Number of bytes of packets still to be processed.

Local host, Local port

Peering address of the local router, plus the port.

Foreign host, Foreign port

Peering address of the neighbor.

Event Timers

Table that displays the number of starts and wakeups for each timer.


Last send sequence number for which the local host sent but has not received an acknowledgment.


Sequence number the local host will send next.


TCP window size of the remote host.


Initial receive sequence number.


Last receive sequence number the local host has acknowledged.


TCP window size of the local host.


Delayed receive window--data the local host has read from the connection, but has not yet subtracted from the receive window the host has advertised to the remote host. The value in this field gradually increases until it is larger than a full-sized packet, at which point it is applied to the rcvwnd field.


A calculated smoothed round-trip timeout (in milliseconds).


Round-trip timeout (in milliseconds).


Variance of the round-trip time (in milliseconds).


New round-trip timeout (in milliseconds) using the Karn algorithm. This field separately tracks the round-trip time of packets that have been re-sent.


Smallest recorded round-trip timeout (in milliseconds) with hard wire value used for calculation.


Largest recorded round-trip timeout (in milliseconds).

ACK hold

Time (in milliseconds) the local host will delay an acknowledgment in order to "piggyback" data on it.


IP precedence of the BGP packets.

Datagrams: Rcvd

Number of update packets received from neighbor.

with data

Number of update packets received with data.

total data bytes

Total number of bytes of data.


Number of update packets sent.

with data

Number of update packets with data sent.

total data bytes

Total number of data bytes.

The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command with the advertised-routes keyword:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors 3FFE:700:20:1::11 advertised-routes
BGP table version is 21880, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2001:200::/35    3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 3425 2500 i
*> 2001:208::/35    3FFE:C00:E:B::2                        0 237 7610 i
*> 2001:218::/35    3FFE:C00:E:C::2                        0 3748 4697 i


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command with the routes keyword:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors 3FFE:700:20:1::11 routes
BGP table version is 21885, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2001:200::/35    3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 3425 2500 i
*  2001:208::/35    3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 7610 i
*  2001:218::/35    3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 3425 4697 i
*  2001:230::/35    3FFE:700:20:1::11                      0 293 1275 3748 i
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  
Table 17. show bgp ipv6 neighbors advertised-routes and routes fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command with the paths keyword:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors 3FFE:700:20:1::11 paths ^293
Address    Refcount Metric Path
0x6131D7DC        2      0 293 3425 2500 i
0x6132861C        2      0 293 7610 i
0x6131AD18        2      0 293 3425 4697 i
0x61324084        2      0 293 1275 3748 i
0x61320E0C        1      0 293 3425 2500 2497 i
0x61326928        1      0 293 3425 2513 i
0x61327BC0        2      0 293 i
0x61321758        1      0 293 145 i
0x61320BEC        1      0 293 3425 6509 i
0x6131AAF8        2      0 293 1849 2914 ?
0x61320FE8        1      0 293 1849 1273 209 i
0x613260A8        2      0 293 1849 i
0x6132586C        1      0 293 1849 5539 i
0x6131BBF8        2      0 293 1849 1103 i
0x6132344C        1      0 293 4554 1103 1849 1752 i
0x61324150        2      0 293 1275 559 i
0x6131E5AC        2      0 293 1849 786 i
0x613235E4        1      0 293 1849 1273 i
0x6131D028        1      0 293 4554 5539 8627 i
0x613279E4        1      0 293 1275 3748 4697 3257 i
0x61320328        1      0 293 1849 1273 790 i
0x6131EC0C        2      0 293 1275 5409 i 
The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

show bgp ipv6 neighbors paths fields




Internal address where the path is stored.


Number of routes using that path.


The Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path. (The name of this metric for BGP versions 2 and 3 is INTER_AS.)


The autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route.

The following sample output from the show bgp ipv6 neighbors command shows the received routes for IPv6 address 2000:0:0:4::2:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors 2000:0:0:4::2 received-routes
BGP table version is 2443, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network                Next Hop           Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 2000:0:0:1::/64      2000:0:0:4::2                        0 2 1 i
*> 2000:0:0:2::/64      2000:0:0:4::2                        0 2 i
*> 2000:0:0:2:1::/80    2000:0:0:4::2                        0 2 ?
*> 2000:0:0:3::/64      2000:0:0:4::2                        0 2 ?
*  2000:0:0:4::1/64     2000:0:0:4::2                        0 2 ?

show bgp ipv6 paths

To display all the IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) paths in the database, use the show bgp ipv6 paths command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast paths regular-expression

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


Regular expression that is used to match the received paths in the database.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast paths command provide output similar to the show ip bgp paths command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 paths command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast paths
Address    Hash Refcount Metric Path
0x61322A78    0        2      0 i
0x6131C214    3        2      0 6346 8664 786 i
0x6131D600   13        1      0 3748 1275 8319 1273 209 i
0x613229F0   17        1      0 3748 1275 8319 12853 i
0x61324AE0   18        1      1 4554 3748 4697 5408 i
0x61326818   32        1      1 4554 5609 i
0x61324728   34        1      0 6346 8664 9009 ?
0x61323804   35        1      0 3748 1275 8319 i
0x61327918   35        1      0 237 2839 8664 ?
0x61320504   38        2      0 3748 4697 1752 i
0x61320988   41        2      0 1849 786 i
0x6132245C   46        1      0 6346 8664 4927 i
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  




Internal address where the path is stored.


Number of routes using that path.


The Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path. (The name of this metric for BGP versions 2 and 3 is INTER_AS.)


The autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route.

show bgp ipv6 prefix-list

To display routes that match a prefix list, use the show bgp ipv6 prefix-list command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast prefix-list name

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


The specified prefix-list

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The specified prefix list must be an IPv6 prefix list, which is similar in format to an IPv4 prefix list.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 prefix-list 
Router# show bgp ipv6 unicast prefix-list pin
ipv6 prefix-list pin:
   count:4, range entries:3, sequences:5 - 20, refcount:2
   seq 5 permit 747::/16 (hit count:1, refcount:2)
   seq 10 permit 747:1::/32 ge 64 le 64 (hit count:2, refcount:2)
   seq 15 permit 747::/32 ge 33 (hit count:1, refcount:1)
   seq 20 permit 777::/16 le 124 (hit count:2, refcount:1)
The ipv6 prefix-list match the following prefixes:
   seq 5: matches the exact match 747::/16
   seq 10:first 32 bits in prefix must match with a prefixlen of /64
   seq 15:first 32 bits in prefix must match with any prefixlen up to /128
   seq 20:first 16 bits in prefix must match with any prefixlen up to /124
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 quote-regexp

To display IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes matching the autonomous system path regular expression as a quoted string of characters, use the show bgp ipv6 quote-regexp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast quote-regexp regular expression

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.

regular expression

Regular expression that is used to match the BGP autonomous system paths

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast quote-regexp command provide output similar to the show ip bgp quote-regexp command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 quote-regexp command that shows paths beginning with 33 or containing 293:

Router# show bgp ipv6 unicast quote-regexp ^33|293
BGP table version is 69964, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*  2001:200::/35    3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 293 3425 2500 i
*                   2001:0DB8:0:F004::1
                                                           0 3320 293 3425 2500 i
*  2001:208::/35    3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 293 7610 i
*  2001:228::/35    3FFE:C00:E:F::2                        0 6389 1849 293 2713 i
*  3FFE::/24        3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 1849 4554 i
*  3FFE:100::/24    3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 1849 3263 i
*  3FFE:300::/24    3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 293 1275 1717 i
* 3FFE:C00:E:F::2                        0 6389 1849 293 1275 
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 regexp

To display IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes matching the autonomous system path regular expression, use the show bgp ipv6 regexp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast regexp regular-expression

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


Regular expression that is used to match the BGP autonomous system paths

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast regexp command provide output similar to the show ip bgp regexp command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 regexp command that shows paths beginning with 33 or containing 293:

Router# show bgp ipv6 unicast regexp ^33|293
BGP table version is 69964, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*  2001:200::/35    3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 293 3425 2500 i
*                   2001:0DB8:0:F004::1
                                                           0 3320 293 3425 2500 i
*  2001:208::/35    3FFE:C00:E:4::2          1             0 4554 293 7610 i
*  2001:228::/35    3FFE:C00:E:F::2                        0 6389 1849 293 2713 i
*  3FFE::/24        3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 1849 4554 i
*  3FFE:100::/24    3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 1849 3263 i
*  3FFE:300::/24    3FFE:C00:E:5::2                        0 33 293 1275 1717 i
*                   3FFE:C00:E:F::2                        0 6389 1849 293 1275
Table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.  



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 route-map

To display IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that failed to install in the routing table, use the show bgp ipv6 route-map command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast route-map name

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.


A specified route map to match.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 route-map command for a route map named rmap:

Router# show bgp ipv6 unicast route-map rmap
BGP table version is 16, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i12:12::/64       2001:0DB8:101::1            0    100     50 ?
*>i12:13::/64       2001:0DB8:101::1            0    100     50 ?
*>i12:14::/64       2001:0DB8:101::1            0    100     50 ?
*>i543::/64         2001:0DB8:101::1            0    100     50 ?

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display:



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

A 32-bit number written as 4 octets separated by periods (dotted-decimal format).

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

h—The table entry is history.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

show bgp ipv6 summary

To display the status of all IPv6 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections, use the show bgp ipv6 summary command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary

Syntax Description


Specifies IPv6 unicast address prefixes.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command provides output similar to the show ip bgp summary command, except they are IPv6-specific.


The following is sample output from the show bgp ipv6 summary command:

ciscoasa# show bgp ipv6 unicast summary
BGP device identifier, local AS number 200
BGP table version is 1, main routing table version 1
Neighbor           V    AS  MsgRcvd  MsgSent   TblVer  InQ  OutQ  Up/Down   State/PfxRcd
2001:0DB8:101::2   4    200    6869     6882        0    0     0  06:25:24  Active

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.



BGP device identifier

IP address of the networking device.

BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

main routing table version

Last version of BGP database that was injected into the main routing table.


IPv6 address of a neighbor.


BGP version number spoken to that neighbor.


Autonomous System


BGP messages received from that neighbor.


BGP messages sent to that neighbor


Last version of the BGP database that was sent to that neighbor.


Number of messages from that neighbor waiting to be processed.


Number of messages waiting to be sent to that neighbor.


The length of time that the BGP session has been in state Established, or the current state if it is not Established.


Current state of the BGP session/the number of prefixes the device has received from a neighbor. When the maximum number (as set by the neighbor maximum-prefix command) is reached, the string "PfxRcd" appears in the entry, the neighbor is shut down, and the connection is Idle.

An (Admin) entry with Idle status indicates that the connection has been shut down using the neighbor shutdown command.

show bgp neighbors

To display information about Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and TCP connections to neighbors, use the show bgp neighbors command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp neighbors [ slow | ip-address [ advertised-routes | | paths [ reg-exp | policy [ detail ] | received prefix-filter | received-routes | routes ]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about dynamically configured slow peers


(Optional) Displays information about the IPv4 neighbor. If this argument is omitted, information about all neighbors is displayed.


(Optional) Displays all routes that have been advertised to neighbors.

paths reg-exp

(Optional) Displays autonomous system paths learned from the specified neighbor. An optional regular expression can be used to filter the output.


(Optional) Displays the policies applied to this neighbor per address family.


(Optional) Displays detailed policy information such as route maps, prefix lists, community lists, access control lists (ACLs), and autonomous system path filter lists.

received prefix-filter

(Optional) Displays the prefix-list (outbound route filter [ORF]) sent from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all received routes (both accepted and rejected) from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all routes that are received and accepted. The output displayed when this keyword is entered is a subset of the output displayed by the received-routes keyword.

Command Default

The output of this command displays information for all neighbors.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

Use the show bgp neighbors command to display BGP and TCP connection information for neighbor sessions. For BGP, this includes detailed neighbor attribute, capability, path, and prefix information. For TCP, this includes statistics related to BGP neighbor session establishment and maintenance.

Prefix activity is displayed based on the number of prefixes that are advertised and withdrawn. Policy denials display the number of routes that were advertised but then ignored based on the function or attribute that is displayed in the output.

Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538 for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.


Example output is different for the various keywords available for the show bgp neighbors command. Examples using the various keywords appear in the following sections:

show bgp neighbors: Example

The following example shows output for the BGP neighbor at This neighbor is an internal BGP (iBGP) peer. This neighbor supports the route refresh and graceful restart capabilities.

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors 
BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 1, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID 
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:24:25
  Last read 00:00:24, last write 00:00:24, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 
   60 seconds 
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(old & new)
    MPLS Label capability: advertised and received 
    Graceful Restart Capability: advertised 
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  3          3
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:                0          0
    Keepalives:           113        112
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total:                116        115
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP additional-paths computation is enabled
  BGP advertise-best-external is enabled
  BGP table version 1, neighbor version 1/0
 Output queue size : 0
  Index 1, Offset 0, Mask 0x2
  1 update-group member
                                 Sent       Rcvd
  Prefix activity:               ----       ----
    Prefixes Current:               0          0
    Prefixes Total:                 0          0
    Implicit Withdraw:              0          0
    Explicit Withdraw:              0          0
    Used as bestpath:             n/a          0
    Used as multipath:            n/a          0
                                   Outbound    Inbound
  Local Policy Denied Prefixes:    --------    -------
    Total:                                0          0
  Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 0, min 0
  Connections established 3; dropped 2
  Last reset 00:24:26, due to Peer closed the session 
External BGP neighbor may be up to 2 hops away.
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0        
Connection is ECN Disabled 
Local host:, Local port: 179 
Foreign host:, Foreign port: 42698 
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0  mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes) 
Event Timers (current time is 0x68B944): 
Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
Retrans            27          0             0x0
TimeWait            0          0             0x0
AckHold            27         18             0x0
SendWnd             0          0             0x0
KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
GiveUp              0          0             0x0
PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
DeadWait            0          0             0x0
iss: 3915509457  snduna: 3915510016  sndnxt: 3915510016     sndwnd:  15826
irs:  233567076  rcvnxt:  233567616  rcvwnd:      15845  delrcvwnd:    539
SRTT: 292 ms, RTTO: 359 ms, RTV: 67 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 12 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: passive open, nagle, gen tcbs
IP Precedence value : 6
Datagrams (max data segment is 1460 bytes):
Rcvd: 38 (out of order: 0), with data: 27, total data bytes: 539
Sent: 45 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0, partialack: 0, Second Congestion: 08

Below table describes the significant fields shown in the display. Fields that are preceded by the asterisk character (*) are displayed only when the counter has a nonzero value.

Table 4-10 shows each field description.

Table 18. show bgp ipv4 Fields



BGP neighbor

IP address of the BGP neighbor and its autonomous system number.

remote AS

Autonomous system number of the neighbor.

local AS 300 no-prepend (not shown in display)

Verifies that the local autonomous system number is not prepended to received external routes. This output supports the hiding of the local autonomous systems when migrating autonomous systems.

internal link

"internal link" is displayed for iBGP neighbors. "external link" is displayed for external BGP (eBGP) neighbors.

BGP version

BGP version being used to communicate with the remote router.

remote router ID

IP address of the neighbor.

BGP state

Finite state machine (FSM) stage of session negotiation.

up for

Time, in hhmmss, that the underlying TCP connection has been in existence.

Last read

Time, in hhmmss, since BGP last received a message from this neighbor.

last write

Time, in hhmmss, since BGP last sent a message to this neighbor.

hold time

Time, in seconds, that BGP will maintain the session with this neighbor without receiving a messages.

keepalive interval

Time interval, in seconds, at which keepalive messages are transmitted to this neighbor.

Neighbor capabilities

BGP capabilities advertised and received from this neighbor. “advertised and received” is displayed when a capability is successfully exchanged between two routers

Route Refresh

Status of the route refresh capability.

Graceful Restart Capability

Status of the graceful restart capability.

Address family IPv4 Unicast

IP Version 4 unicast-specific properties of this neighbor.

Message statistics

Statistics organized by message type.

InQ depth is

Number of messages in the input queue.

OutQ depth is

Number of messages in the output queue.


Total number of transmitted messages.


Total number of received messages.


Number of open messages sent and received.


Number of notification (error) messages sent and received.


Number of update messages sent and received.


Number of keepalive messages sent and received.

Route Refresh

Number of route refresh request messages sent and received.


Total number of messages sent and received.

Default minimum time between...

Time, in seconds, between advertisement transmissions.

For address family:

Address family to which the following fields refer.

BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

neighbor version

Number used by the software to track prefixes that have been sent and those that need to be sent.


Number of update-group member for this address family

Prefix activity

Prefix statistics for this address family.

Prefixes current

Number of prefixes accepted for this address family.

Prefixes total

Total number of received prefixes.

Implicit Withdraw

Number of times that a prefix has been withdrawn and readvertised.

Explicit Withdraw

Number of times that prefix has been withdrawn because it is no longer feasible.

Used as bestpath

Number of received prefixes installed as bestpaths.

Used as multipath

Number of received prefixes installed as multipaths.

* Saved (soft-reconfig)

Number of soft resets performed with a neighbor that supports soft reconfiguration. This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* History paths

This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* Invalid paths

Number of invalid paths. This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

Local Policy Denied Prefixes

Prefixes denied due to local policy configuration. Counters are updated for inbound and outbound policy denials. The fields under this heading are displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* route-map

Displays inbound and outbound route-map policy denials.

* filter-list

Displays inbound and outbound filter-list policy denials.

* prefix-list

Displays inbound and outbound prefix-list policy denials.

* AS_PATH too long

Displays outbound AS-path length policy denials.

* AS_PATH loop

Displays outbound AS-path loop policy denials.

* AS_PATH confed info

Displays outbound confederation policy denials.

* AS_PATH contains AS 0

Displays outbound denials of autonomous system (AS) 0.

* NEXT_HOP Martian

Displays outbound martian denials.

* NEXT_HOP non-local

Displays outbound non-local next-hop denials.

* NEXT_HOP is us

Displays outbound next-hop-self denials.


Displays outbound cluster-list loop denials.


Displays outbound denials of local originated routes.

* unsuppress-map

Displays inbound denials due to an unsuppress-map.

* advertise-map

Displays inbound denials due to an advertise-map.

* Well-known Community

Displays inbound denials of well-known communities.

* SOO loop

Displays inbound denials due to site-of-origin.

* Bestpath from this peer

Displays inbound denials because the bestpath came from the local router.

* Suppressed due to dampening

Displays inbound denials because the neighbor or link is in a dampening state.

* Bestpath from iBGP peer

Deploys inbound denials because the bestpath came from an iBGP neighbor.

* Incorrect RIB for CE

Deploys inbound denials due to RIB errors for a CE router.

* BGP distribute-list

Displays inbound denials due to a distribute list.

Number of NLRIs...

Number of network layer reachability attributes in updates.

Connections established

Number of times a TCP and BGP connection has been successfully established.


Number of times that a valid session has failed or been taken down.

Last reset

Time since this peering session was last reset. The reason for the reset is displayed on this line.

External BGP neighbor may be... (not shown in the display)

Indicates that the BGP TTL security check is enabled. The maximum number of hops that can separate the local and remote peer is displayed on this line.

Connection state

Connection status of the BGP peer.

Connection is ECN Disabled

Explicit congestion notification status (enabled or disabled).

Local host:, Local port: 179

IP address of the local BGP speaker. BGP port number 179.

Foreign host:, Foreign port: 42698

Neighbor address and BGP destination port number.

Enqueued packets for retransmit:

Packets queued for retransmission by TCP.

Event Timers

TCP event timers. Counters are provided for starts and wakeups (expired timers).


Number of times a packet has been retransmitted.


Time waiting for the retransmission timers to expire.


Acknowledgment hold timer.


Transmission (send) window.


Number of keepalive packets.


Number times a packet is dropped due to no acknowledgment.


Path MTU discovery timer


Expiration timer for dead segments.


Initial packet transmission sequence number.


Last transmission sequence number that has not been acknowledged.


Next packet sequence number to be transmitted.


TCP window size of the remote neighbor.


Initial packet receive sequence number.


Last receive sequence number that has been locally acknowledged.


TCP window size of the local host.


Delayed receive window—data the local host has read from the connection, but has not yet subtracted from the receive window the host has advertised to the remote host. The value in this field gradually increases until it is larger than a full-sized packet, at which point it is applied to the rcvwnd field.


A calculated smoothed round-trip timeout.


Round-trip timeout.


Variance of the round-trip time.


New round-trip timeout (using the Karn algorithm). This field separately tracks the round-trip time of packets that have been re-sent.


Smallest recorded round-trip timeout (hard-wire value used for calculation).


Largest recorded round-trip timeout.

ACK hold:

Length of time the local host will delay an acknowledgment to carry (piggyback) additional data.

IP Precedence value:

IP precedence of the BGP packets.


Number of update packets received from a neighbor.


Number of received packets.

with data

Number of update packets sent with data.

total data bytes

Total amount of data received, in bytes.


Number of update packets sent.

Second Congestion

Number of second retransmissions sent due to congestion.

Datagrams: Rcvd

Number of update packets received from a neighbor.

out of order:

Number of packets received out of sequence.

with data

Number of update packets received with data.

Last reset

Elapsed time since this peering session was last reset.

unread input bytes

Number of bytes of packets still to be processed.


Number of packets retransmitted.


Number of duplicate acknowledgments retransmitted for an out of order segment before the retransmission timer expires.


Number of retransmissions for partial acknowledgments (transmissions before or without subsequent acknowledgments).

show bgp neighbors advertised-routes: Example

The following example displays routes advertised for only the neighbor:

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors advertised-routes 
BGP table version is 27, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i10.0.0.0         0    100      0 ?
*>               0         32768 i

Table 4-19 shows each field description.

Table 19. show bgp neighbors advertised routes Fields



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

s—The table entry is suppressed.

*—The table entry is valid.

>—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


Internet address of the network the entry describes.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the access server has some non-BGP route to this network.


If shown, the value of the inter autonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path. At the end of the path is the origin code for the path:

i—The entry was originated with the IGP and advertised with a network router configuration command.

e—The route originated with EGP.

?—The origin of the path is not clear. Usually this is a path that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP..


show bgp neighbors paths: Example

The following is example output from the show bgp neighbors command entered with the paths keyword:

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors paths ^10 
Address    Refcount Metric Path
0x60E577B0        2     40 10 ?

Table 4-20 shows each field description.

Table 20. show bgp neighbors paths Fields




Internal address where the path is stored.


Number of routes using that path..


Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path. (The name of this metric for BGP versions 2 and 3 is INTER_AS.).


Autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route..


show bgp neighbors received prefix-filter: Example

The following example shows that a prefix-list that filters all routes in the network has been received from the neighbor:

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors received prefix-filter
Address family:IPv4 Unicast
ip prefix-list entries
   seq 5 deny le 32

Table 4-21 shows each field description.

Table 21. show bgp neighbors received prefix filter Fields



Address family

Address family mode in which the prefix filter is received.

ip prefix-list

Prefix list sent from the specified neighbor.


show bgp neighbors policy: Example

The following sample output shows the policies applied to the neighbor at The output displays policies configured on the neighbor device.

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors policy
Neighbor:, Address-Family: IPv4 Unicast
Locally configured policies:
 route-map ROUTE in
Inherited polices:
 prefix-list NO-MARKETING in
 route-map ROUTE in
 weight 300
 maximum-prefix 10000

show bgp neighbors: Example

The following is sample output from the show bgp neighbors command that verifies that BGP TCP path maximum transmission unit (MTU) discovery is enabled for the BGP neighbor at

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 45000, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP table version 5, neighbor version 5/0
  Address tracking is enabled, the RIB does have a route to
  Address tracking requires at least a /24 route to the peer
  Connections established 3; dropped 2
  Last reset 00:00:35, due to Router ID changed
  Transport(tcp) path-mtu-discovery is enabled
SRTT: 146 ms, RTTO: 1283 ms, RTV: 1137 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 8 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: higher precedence, retransmission timeout, nagle, path mtu capable

The following is partial output from the show bgp neighbors command that verifies the status of the BGP graceful restart capability for the external BGP peer at Graceful restart is shown as disabled for this BGP peer.

ciscoasa# show bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 50000, external link
 Inherits from template S2 for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:01:41
  Last read 00:00:45, last write 00:00:45, hold time is 180, keepalive intervals
  Neighbor sessions:
    1 active, is multisession capable
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
Address tracking is enabled, the RIB does have a route to
  Connections established 1; dropped 0
  Last reset never
  Transport(tcp) path-mtu-discovery is enabled
  Graceful-Restart is disabled
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0 

show bgp paths

To display all the BGP paths in the database, use the show bgp paths command in EXEC mode.

show bgp paths

Cisco 10000 Series Router

show bgp paths regexp

Syntax Description


Regular expression to match the BGP autonomous system paths.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp paths command in privileged EXEC mode:

ciscoasa# show bgp paths
Address    Hash Refcount Metric Path
0x60E5742C    0        1      0 i
0x60E3D7AC    2        1      0 ?
0x60E5C6C0   11        3      0 10 ?
0x60E577B0   35        2     40 10 ?

Table 4-22 shows each field description.

Table 22. show bgp paths Fields




Internal address where the path is stored.


Hash bucket where path is stored.


Number of routes using that path.


The Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path. (The name of this metric for BGP versions 2 and 3 is INTER_AS.)


The autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route.

show bgp policy-list

To display information about a configured policy list and policy list entries, use the show bgp policy-list command in user EXEC mode.

show bgp policy-list [ policy-list-name ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about the specified policy list with this argument.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is sample output from the show bgp policy-list command. The output of this command will display the policy-list name and configured match clauses. The following sample output is similar to the output that will be displayed:

ciscoasa# show bgp policy-list 
policy-list POLICY-LIST-NAME-1 permit
  Match clauses:
    metric 20 
policy-list POLICY-LIST-NAME-2 permit
  Match clauses:
    as-path (as-path filter): 1 

show bgp prefix-list

To display information about a prefix list or prefix list entries, use the show bgp prefix-list command in user or privileged EXEC mode

show bgp prefix-list [ detail | summary ][ prefix-list-name [ seq sequence-number | network/length [ longer|first-match ]]]

Syntax Description

detail | summary

(Optional) Displays detailed or summarized information about all prefix lists.


(Optional) Displays the first entry of the specified prefix list that matches the given network/length.


(Optional) Displays all entries of the specified prefix list that match or are more specific than the given network/length.


(Optional) Displays all entries in the specified prefix list that use this network address and netmask length (in bits).


(Optional) Displays the entries in a specific prefix list.

seq sequence-number

(Optional) Displays only the prefix list entry with the specified sequence number in the specified prefix-list.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following example shows the output of the show bgp prefix-list command with details about the prefix list named test:

ciscoasa# show bgp prefix-list detail test
ip prefix-list test:
Description: test-list 
 count: 1, range entries: 0, sequences: 10 - 10, refcount: 3
 seq 10 permit (hit count: 0, refcount: 1)

show bgp regexp

To display routes matching the autonomous system path regular expression, use the show bgp regexp command in EXEC mode.

show bgp regexp regexp

Syntax Description


Regular expression to match the BGP autonomous system paths.

For more details about autonomous system number formats, see the router bgp command.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538 for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.

To ensure a smooth transition we recommend that all BGP speakers within an autonomous system that is identified using a 4-byte autonomous system number, are upgraded to support 4-byte autonomous system numbers.


The following is sample output from the show bgp regexp command in privileged EXEC mode:

Router# show bgp regexp 108$
BGP table version is 1738, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?
*                         0 109 108 ?

After the bgp asnotation dot command is configured, the regular expression match format for 4-byte autonomous system paths is changed to asdot notation format. Although a 4-byte autonomous system number can be configured in a regular expression using either asplain or asdot format, only 4-byte autonomous system numbers configured using the current default format are matched. In the first example, the show bgp regexp command is configured with a 4-byte autonomous system number in asplain format. The match fails because the default format is currently asdot format and there is no output. In the second example using asdot format, the match passes and the information about the 4-byte autonomous system path is shown using the asdot notation.


The asdot notation uses a period which is a special character in Cisco regular expressions. to remove the special meaning, use a backslash before the period.

Router# show bgp regexp ^65536$
Router# show bgp regexp ^1\.0$
BGP table version is 2, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0             0 1.0 i

The following is sample output from the show bgp regexp command after the bgp asnotation dot command has been entered to display 4-byte autonomous system numbers


The asdot notation uses a period which is a special character in Cisco regular expressions. to remove the special meaning, use a backslash before the period.

Router# show bgp regexp ^1\.14$
BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0             0 1.14   i

show bgp replication

To display update replication statistics for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) update groups, use the show bgp replication command in EXEC mode.

show bgp replication [ index-group | ip-address ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays update replication statistics for the update group with the corresponding index number. The range of update-group index numbers is from 1 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Displays update replication statistics for this neighbor.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command displays BGP update-group replication statistics.

When a change to outbound policy occurs, the router automatically recalculates update-group memberships and applies the changes by triggering an outbound soft reset after a 3-minute timer expires. This behavior is designed to provide the network operator with time to change the configuration if a mistake is made. You can manually enable an outbound soft reset before the timer expires by entering the clearbgp ip-address soft out command.


The following sample output from the show bgp replication command shows update-group replication information for all neighbors:

ciscoasa# show bgp replication 
BGP Total Messages Formatted/Enqueued : 0/0
     Index     Type  Members          Leader   MsgFmt  MsgRepl  Csize  Qsize
         1 internal        1        0        0      0      0
         2 internal        2        0        0      0      0 
The following sample output from the show bgp replication command shows update-group statistics for the neighbor:
Router# show bgp replication
     Index     Type  Members          Leader   MsgFmt  MsgRepl  Csize  Qsize
         2 internal        2        0        0      0      0

Table 4-23 shows each field description.

Table 23. show bgp replication Fields




Index number of the update group.


Type of peer (internal or external).


Number of members in the dynamic update peer group.


First member of the dynamic update peer group.

show bgp rib-failure

To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that failed to install in the Routing Information Base (RIB) table, use the show bgp rib-failure command in privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp rib-failure

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added


The following is a sample output from the show bgp rib-failure command:

ciscoasa# show bgp rib-failure 
Network           Next Hop                     RIB-failure   RIB-NH Matches          Higher admin distance              n/a          Higher admin distance              n/a

Table 4-24 shows each field description.

Table 24. show bgp rib-failure Fields




IP address of a network entity

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the router has some non-BGP routes to this network.


Cause of RIB failure. Higher admin distance means that a route with a better (lower) administrative distance such as a static route already exists in the IP routing table.

RIB-NH Matches

Route status that applies only when Higher admin distance appears in the RIB-failure column and bgp suppress-inactive is configured for the address family being used. There are three choices:
  • Yes—Means that the route in the RIB has the same next hop as the BGP route or next hop recurses down to the same adjacency as the BGP nexthop.

  • No—Means that the next hop in the RIB recurses down differently from the next hop of the BGP route.

  • n/a—Means that bgp suppress-inactive is not configured for the address family being used.

show bgp summary

To display the status of all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections, use the show bgp summary command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp summary

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

The show bgp summary command is used to display BGP path, prefix, and attribute information for all connections to BGP neighbors.

A prefix is an IP address and network mask. It can represent an entire network, a subset of a network, or a single host route. A path is a route to a given destination. By default, BGP will install only a single path for each destination. If multipath routes are configured, BGP will install a path entry for each multipath route, and only one multipath route will be marked as the bestpath.

BGP attribute and cache entries are displayed individually and in combinations that affect the bestpath selection process. The fields for this output are displayed when the related BGP feature is configured or attribute is received. Memory usage is displayed in bytes.

The Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538 for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.


The following is sample output from the show bgp summary command in privileged EXEC mode:

Router# show bgp summary 
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100 
BGP table version is 199, main routing table version 199 
37 network entries using 2850 bytes of memory 
59 path entries using 5713 bytes of memory 
18 BGP path attribute entries using 936 bytes of memory 
2 multipath network entries and 4 multipath paths 
10 BGP AS-PATH entries using 240 bytes of memory 
7 BGP community entries using 168 bytes of memory 
0 BGP route-map cache entries using 0 bytes of memory 
0 BGP filter-list cache entries using 0 bytes of memory
90 BGP advertise-bit cache entries using 1784 bytes of memory 
36 received paths for inbound soft reconfiguration 
BGP using 34249 total bytes of memory 
Dampening enabled. 4 history paths, 0 dampened paths 
BGP activity 37/2849 prefixes, 60/1 paths, scan interval 15 secs 
Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd      4   200      26      22      199    0    0 00:14:23 23      4   300      21      51      199    0    0 00:13:40 0

Table 4-25 shows each field description.

Table 25. show bgp summary Fields



BGP router identifier

In order of precedence and availability, the router identifier specified by the bgp router-id command, a loopback address, or the highest IP address.

BGP table version

Internal version number of BGP database.

main routing table version

Last version of BGP database that was injected into the main routing table. entries

Number of unique prefix entries in the BGP database.

...using ... bytes of memory

Amount of memory, in bytes, that is consumed for the path, prefix, or attribute entry displayed on the same line.

...path entries using

Number of path entries in the BGP database. Only a single path entry will be installed for a given destination. If multipath routes are configured, a path entry will be installed for each multipath route.

...multipath network entries using

Number of multipath entries installed for a given destination.

* ...BGP path/bestpath attribute entries using

Number of unique BGP attribute combinations for which a path is selected as the bestpath.

* ...BGP rrinfo entries using

Number of unique ORIGINATOR and CLUSTER_LIST attribute combinations.

...BGP AS-PATH entries using

Number of unique AS_PATH entries.

...BGP community entries using

Number of unique BGP community attribute combinations.

*...BGP extended community entries using

Number of unique extended community attribute combinations.

BGP route-map cache entries using

Number of BGP route-map match and set clause combinations. A value of 0 indicates that the route cache is empty.

...BGP filter-list cache entries using

Number of filter-list entries that match an AS-path access list permit or deny statements. A value of 0 indicates that the filter-list cache is empty.

BGP advertise-bit cache entries using

(Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T and later releases only) Number of advertised bitfield entries and the associated memory usage. A bitfield entry represents a piece of information (one bit) that is generated when a prefix is advertised to a peer. The advertised bit cache is built dynamically when required

...received paths for inbound soft reconfiguration

Number paths received and stored for inbound soft reconfiguration.

BGP using...

Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by the BGP process.

Dampening enabled...

Indicates that BGP dampening is enabled. The number of paths that carry an accumulated penalty and the number of dampened paths are displayed on this line.

BGP activity...

Displays the number of times that memory has been allocated or released for a path or prefix.


IP address of the neighbor.


BGP version number spoken to the neighbor.


Autonomous system number.


Number of messages received from the neighbor.


Number of messages sent to the neighbor.


Last version of the BGP database that was sent to the neighbor.


Number of messages queued to be processed from the neighbor.


Number of messages queued to be sent to the neighbor.


The length of time that the BGP session has been in the Established state, or the current status if not in the Established state.


Current state of the BGP session, and the number of prefixes that have been received from a neighbor or peer group. When the maximum number (as set by the neighbor maximum-prefix command) is reached, the string "PfxRcd" appears in the entry, the neighbor is shut down, and the connection is set to Idle.

An (Admin) entry with Idle status indicates that the connection has been shut down using the neighbor shutdown command.


The following output from the show bgp summary command shows that the BGP neighbor was dynamically created and is a member of the listen range group, group192. The output also shows that the IP prefix range of is defined for the listen range group named group192. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH and later releases, the BGP dynamic neighbor feature added the ability to support the dynamic creation of BGP neighbor peers using a subnet range associated with a peer group (listen range group).

ciscoasa# show bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 45000
BGP table version is 1, main routing table version 1
Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd
*    4 50000       2       2        0    0    0 00:00:37        0
* Dynamically created based on a listen range command
Dynamically created neighbors: 1/(200 max), Subnet ranges: 1
BGP peergroup group192 listen range group members:

The following output from the show bgp summary command shows two BGP neighbors, and, in different 4-byte autonomous system numbers, 65536 and 65550. The local autonomous system 65538 is also a 4-byte autonomous system number and the numbers are displayed in the default asplain format.

Router# show bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65538
BGP table version is 1, main routing table version 1
Neighbor        V           AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  Statd     4       65536       7       7        1    0    0 00:03:04      0     4       65550       4       4        1    0    0 00:00:15      0

The following output from the show bgp summary command shows the same two BGP neighbors, but the 4-byte autonomous system numbers are displayed in asdot notation format. To change the display format the bgp asnotation dot command must be configured in router configuration mode.

Router# show bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 1.2
BGP table version is 1, main routing table version 1
Neighbor        V           AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  Statd     4         1.0       9       9        1    0    0 00:04:13      0     4        1.14       6       6        1    0    0 00:01:24      0

The following example displays sample output of the show bgp summary slow command:

ciscoasa> show bgp summary slow
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100  
BGP table version is 37, main routing table version 37  
36 network entries using 4608 bytes of memory  
36 path entries using 1872 bytes of memory  
1/1 BGP path/bestpath attribute entries using 124 bytes of memory  
1 BGP rrinfo entries using 24 bytes of memory  
2 BGP AS-PATH entries using 48 bytes of memory  
1 BGP extended community entries using 24 bytes of memory  
0 BGP route-map cache entries using 0 bytes of memory  
0 BGP filter-list cache entries using 0 bytes of memory  
BGP using 6700 total bytes of memory  
BGP activity 46/0 prefixes, 48/0 paths, scan interval 60 secs  
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 100 11 10 1 0 0 00:44:20 0 

show bgp system-config

To display running configuration for bgp of system context in user context, use the show bgp system-config command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

show bgp system-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC, User EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used only in user context without any arguments or keywords. This command can be useful for checking the running configuration enforced on user context by system context.


The following sample output is similar to the output that will be displayed when the show bgp system-config command is entered in user EXEC mode:

ciscoasa/c1(config)# show bgp system-config 
router bgp 1
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 no bgp always-compare-med
 no bgp asnotation dot
 no bgp bestpath med
 no bgp bestpath compare-routerid
 bgp default local-preference 100
 no bgp deterministic-med
 bgp enforce-first-as
 bgp maxas-limit 0
 bgp transport path-mtu-discovery
 timers bgp 60 180 0
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  bgp scan-time 0
  bgp nexthop trigger enable
  bgp nexthop trigger delay 5

show blocks

To show the packet buffer utilization, use the show blocks command in privileged EXEC mode.

show blocks [ core | export-failed | interface ] [{ address hex | all | assigned | free | old | pool size [ summary ]} [ diagnostics | dump | header | packet] | queue history | [ exhaustion snapshot | history [ list ][ 1-MAX_NUM_SNAPSHOT | index ][ detail ]] [ depleted size ]

Syntax Description

address hex

(Optional) Shows a block corresponding to this address, in hexadecimal.


(Optional) Shows all blocks.


(Optional) Shows blocks that are assigned and in use by an application.


(Optional) Shows core-specific buffers.


(Optional) Shows the depleted block details for the specified block size. Valid sizes are 0, 4, 80, 256, 1550, 2560, 2048, 4096, 8192, 9344, 16384 and 65536/65664.


(Optional) Shows a portion (128 bytes) of the first block for each unique queue type.

dump *

(Optional) Shows the entire block contents, including the header and packet information. The difference between dump and packet is that dump includes additional information between the header and the packet.


(Optional) Shows block diagnostics.

exhaustion snapshot

(Optional) Prints the last x number (x is currently 10) of snapshots that were taken and the time stamp of the last snapshot). After a snapshot is taken, another snapshot is not taken if less than 5 minutes has passed.


(Optional) Show system buffer export failure counters.


(Optional) Shows blocks that are available for use.


(Optional) Shows the header of the block.


history index

history list

The history option displays recent and all snapshots in the history.

The history list option displays a summary of snapshots in the history.

The history index option displays the index of snapshots in the history.

The history 1-MAX_NUM_SNAPSHOT option displays only one snapshot in the history.


(Optional) Show buffers attached to interfaces.

old *

(Optional) Shows blocks that were assigned more than a minute ago.


(Optional) Shows the header of the block as well as the packet contents.

pool size *

(Optional) Shows blocks of a specific size.

queue history

(Optional) Shows where blocks are assigned when the ASA runs out of blocks. Sometimes, a block is allocated from the pool but never assigned to a queue. In that case, the location is the code address that allocated the block.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about block usage sorted by the program addresses of applications that allocated blocks in this class, program addresses of applications that released blocks in this class, and the queues to which valid blocks in this class belong.

*When these commands are integrated in scripts and run within aggresive intervals, it might overload the system. Therefore, use these commands after verifying the system capacity to withstand the load.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




The pool summary option was added.


The dupb block uses 0 length blocks now instead of 4 byte blocks. An additional line was added for 0 byte blocks.


The exhaustion snapshot , history list , history index, and history 1-MAX_NUM_SNAPSHOT options were added.


The depleted keyword was added to the command to display the depleted block details.


The output of this command was enhanced to include the failed count.

Usage Guidelines

The show blocks command helps you determine if the ASA is overloaded. This command lists preallocated system buffer utilization. A full memory condition is not a problem as long as traffic is moving through the ASA. You can use the show conn command to see if traffic is moving. If traffic is not moving and the memory is full, there may be a problem.

You can also view this information using SNMP.

The information shown in a security context includes the system-wide information as well as context-specific information about the blocks in use and the high water mark for block usage.

See the “Examples” section for a description of the display output.


The following is sample output from the show blocks command in single mode:

ciscoasa# show blocks
     0    100     99    100      0
     4   1600   1598   1599      0
    80    400    398    399      0
   256   3600   3540   3542      0
  1550   4716   3177   3184      0
 16384     10     10     10      0
  2048   1000   1000   1000      0

Table 4-26 shows each field description.

Table 26. show blocks Fields




Size, in bytes, of the block pool. Each size represents a particular type.


Used by dupb blocks. Duplicating existing blocks - This includes storing the original (for re-transmission) and sending a copy, or for passing copies of blocks between subsystems.

Block zeros allocated by function 1 deals with both encrypted and normal traffic. These blocks are recovered on acknowledgment or reply from peer.

Delay of acknowledgment or reply from peer leads to blocks depletion.


Duplicates existing blocks in applications such as DNS, ISAKMP, URL filtering, uauth, TFTP, and TCP modules. Also, this sized block can be used normally by code to send packets to drivers, etc.


Used in TCP intercept to generate acknowledgment packets and for failover hello messages.


Used for Stateful Failover updates, syslogging, and other TCP functions.

These blocks are mainly used for Stateful Failover messages. The active ASA generates and sends packets to the standby ASA to update the translation and connection table. In bursty traffic, where high rates of connections are created or torn down, the number of available blocks might drop to 0. This situation indicates that one or more connections were not updated to the standby ASA. The Stateful Failover protocol catches the missing translation or connection the next time. If the CNT column for 256-byte blocks stays at or near 0 for extended periods of time, then the ASA is having trouble keeping the translation and connection tables synchronized because of the number of connections per second that the ASA is processing.

Syslog messages sent out from the ASA also use the 256-byte blocks, but they are generally not released in such quantity to cause a depletion of the 256-byte block pool. If the CNT column shows that the number of 256-byte blocks is near 0, ensure that you are not logging at Debugging (level 7) to the syslog server. This is indicated by the logging trap line in the ASA configuration. We recommend that you set logging at Notification (level 5) or lower, unless you require additional information for debugging purposes.

There are 100 blocks of 256 byte blocks have been reserved for HA FHELLO/FHELLO_TEST communication.


Used to store Ethernet packets for processing through the ASA. General packet processing, buffering URL filter packets, HA Failover.

When a packet enters an ASA interface, it is placed on the input interface queue, passed up to the operating system, and placed in a block. The ASA determines whether the packet should be permitted or denied based on the security policy and processes the packet through to the output queue on the outbound interface. If the ASA is having trouble keeping up with the traffic load, the number of available blocks will hover close to 0 (as shown in the CNT column of the command output). When the CNT column is zero, the ASA attempts to allocate more blocks. The maximum can be greater than 8192 for 1550-byte blocks if you issue this command. If no more blocks are available, the ASA drops the packet.


Control or guided frames used for control updates. See the description for 1550 for more information about Ethernet packets.


Used for IKE Messages.


Used for QoS Metrics.


Used for QoS Metrics.


Interface blocks for jumbo frames when "jumbo-frame reservation" is enabled.


Only used for the 64-bit, 66-MHz Gigabit Ethernet cards (i82543).

Only used for jumbo frames in 5580.


Used for QoS Metrics.


Maximum number of blocks available for the specified byte block pool. The maximum number of blocks are carved out of memory at bootup. Typically, the maximum number of blocks does not change. The exception is for the 256- and 1550-byte blocks, where the ASA can dynamically create more when needed. The maximum can be greater than 8192 for 1550-byte blocks if you issue this command.


Low-water mark. This number indicates the lowest number of this size blocks available since the ASA was powered up, or since the last clearing of the blocks (with the clear blocks command). A zero in the LOW column indicates a previous event where memory was full.



To reset this value to MAX, you must reboot ASA.


Current number of blocks available for that specific size block pool. A zero in the CNT column means memory is full now.


When the memory count for a block size is completely exhausted (LOW and CNT value is zero), the corresponding FAILED column is incremented with the number of allocation request for the same block size received thereafter. Eventually, when the memory space is freed, the current available blocks for allocation increments and the FAILED column value decreases. However, if CNT and FAILED values increase, it indicates an issue and must be resolved.

1 proxyi_fill_tx_pkt()


The following is sample output from the show blocks all command:

ciscoasa# show blocks all
Class 0, size 4
     Block   allocd_by    freed_by  data size    alloccnt     dup_cnt  oper location
0x01799940  0x00000000  0x00101603          0           0           0 alloc not_specified
0x01798e80  0x00000000  0x00101603          0           0           0 alloc not_specified
0x017983c0  0x00000000  0x00101603          0           0           0 alloc not_specified
    Found 1000 of 1000 blocks
    Displaying 1000 of 1000 blocks

Table 4-27 shows each field description.

Table 27. show blocks all Fields




The block address.


The program address of the application that last used the block (0 if not used).


The program address of the application that last released the block.

data size

The size of the application buffer/packet data that is inside the block.


The number of times this block has been used since the block came into existence.


The current number of references to this block if used: 0 means 1 reference, 1 means 2 references.


One of the four operations that was last performed on the block: alloc, get, put, or free.


The application that uses the block, or the program address of the application that last allocated the block (same as the allocd_by field).


The following is sample output from the show blocks command in a context. In multiple context mode, the output includes information on the number of blocks currently in use by the context (INUSE), and the high-water mark for blocks used by the context (HIGH).

ciscoasa/contexta# show blocks
     4   1600   1599   1599      0      0
    80    400    400    400      0      0
   256   3600   3538   3540      0      1
  1550   4616   3077   3085      0      0

The following is sample output from the show blocks queue history command:

ciscoasa# show blocks queue history
Each Summary for User and Queue_type is followed its top 5 individual queues
Block Size: 4
Summary for User "http", Queue "tcp_unp_c_in", Blocks 1595, Queues 1396
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
    186     1 put                                 contexta
     15     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contextb
      1     1 put                                 contextc
Summary for User "aaa", Queue "tcp_unp_c_in", Blocks 220, Queues 200
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
     21     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contextb
      1     1 put                                 contextc
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
    200     1 alloc   ip_rx             tcp       contexta
    108     1 get     ip_rx             udp       contexta
     85     1 free    fixup             h323_ras  contextb
     42     1 put     fixup             skinny    contextb
Block Size: 1550
Summary for User "http", Queue "tcp_unp_c_in", Blocks 1595, Queues 1000
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
    186     1 put                                 contexta
     15     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contextb
      1     1 put                                 contextc

The following is sample output from the show blocks queue history detail command:

ciscoasa# show blocks queue history detail
History buffer memory usage: 2136 bytes (default)
Each Summary for User and Queue type is followed its top 5 individual queues
Block Size: 4
Summary for User "http", Queue_Type "tcp_unp_c_in", Blocks 1595, Queues 1396
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
    186     1 put                                 contexta
     15     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contextb
      1     1 put                                 contextc
 First Block information for Block at 0x.....
  dup_count 0, flags 0x8000000, alloc_pc 0x43ea2a,
  start_addr 0xefb1074, read_addr 0xefb118c, write_addr 0xefb1193
  urgent_addr 0xefb118c, end_addr 0xefb17b2
  0efb1150: 00 00 00 03 47 c5 61 c5 00 05 9a 38 76 80 a3 00  |  ....G.a....8v...
  0efb1160: 00 0a 08 00 45 00 05 dc 9b c9 00 00 ff 06 f8 f3  |  ....E...........
  0efb1170: 0a 07 0d 01 0a 07 00 50 00 17 cb 3d c7 e5 60 62  |  .......P...=..`b
  0efb1180: 7e 73 55 82 50 18 10 00 45 ca 00 00 2d 2d 20 49  |  ~sU.P...E...-- I
  0efb1190: 50 20 2d 2d 0d 0a 31 30 2e 37 2e 31 33 2e 31 09  |  P --..
  0efb11a0: 3d 3d 3e 09 31 30 2e 37 2e 30 2e 38 30 0d 0a 0d  |  ==>.
Summary for User "aaa", Queue "tcp_unp_c_in", Blocks 220, Queues 200
Blk_cnt Q_cnt Last_Op Queue_Type        User      Context
     21     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contexta
      1     1 put                                 contextb
      1     1 put                                 contextc
 First Block information for Block at 0x.....
  dup_count 0, flags 0x8000000, alloc_pc 0x43ea2a,
  start_addr 0xefb1074, read_addr 0xefb118c, write_addr 0xefb1193
  urgent_addr 0xefb118c, end_addr 0xefb17b2
  0efb1150: 00 00 00 03 47 c5 61 c5 00 05 9a 38 76 80 a3 00  |  ....G.a....8v...
  0efb1160: 00 0a 08 00 45 00 05 dc 9b c9 00 00 ff 06 f8 f3  |  ....E...........
  0efb1170: 0a 07 0d 01 0a 07 00 50 00 17 cb 3d c7 e5 60 62  |  .......P...=..`b
  0efb1180: 7e 73 55 82 50 18 10 00 45 ca 00 00 2d 2d 20 49  |  ~sU.P...E...-- I
  0efb1190: 50 20 2d 2d 0d 0a 31 30 2e 37 2e 31 33 2e 31 09  |  P --..
  0efb11a0: 3d 3d 3e 09 31 30 2e 37 2e 30 2e 38 30 0d 0a 0d  |  ==>.
total_count: total buffers in this class

The following is sample output from the show blocks pool summary command:

ciscoasa# show blocks pool 1550 summary
Class 3, size 1550
         total_count=1531    miss_count=0
Alloc_pc        valid_cnt       invalid_cnt
0x3b0a18        00000256        00000000
         0x01ad0760 0x01acfe00 0x01acf4a0 0x01aceb40 00000000 0x00000000
0x3a8f6b        00001275        00000012
         0x05006aa0 0x05006140 0x050057e0 0x05004520 00000000 
         total_count=9716    miss_count=0
Freed_pc        valid_cnt       invalid_cnt
0x9a81f3        00000104        00000007
         0x05006140 0x05000380 0x04fffa20 0x04ffde00 00000000 0x00000000
0x9a0326        00000053        00000033
         0x05006aa0 0x050057e0 0x05004e80 0x05003260 00000000 0x00000000
0x4605a2        00000005        00000000
         0x04ff5ac0 0x01e8e2e0 0x01e2eac0 0x01e17d20 00000000 0x00000000
         total_count=1531    miss_count=0
Queue   valid_cnt       invalid_cnt
0x3b0a18        00000256        00000000  Invalid Bad qtype
         0x01ad0760 0x01acfe00 0x01acf4a0 0x01aceb40 00000000 0x00000000
0x3a8f6b        00001275        00000000  Invalid Bad qtype
         0x05006aa0 0x05006140 0x050057e0 0x05004520 00000000 
free_cnt=8185  fails=0  actual_free=8185  hash_miss=0
   03a8d3e0  03a8b7c0  03a7fc40  03a6ff20  03a6f5c0  03a6ec60 kao-f1#

The following is sample output from the show blocks exhaustion history list command:

ciscoasa# show blocks exhaustion history list
1 Snapshot created at 18:01:03 UTC Feb 19 2014:
   Snapshot created due to 16384 blocks running out
2 Snapshot created at 18:02:03 UTC Feb 19 2014:
   Snapshot created due to 16384 blocks running out
3 Snapshot created at 18:03:03 UTC Feb 19 2014:
   Snapshot created due to 16384 blocks running out
4 Snapshot created at 18:04:03 UTC Feb 19 2014:
   Snapshot created due to 16384 blocks running out

Table 4-28 shows each field description.

Table 28. show blocks pool summary Fields




The number of blocks for a given class.


The number of blocks not reported in the specified category due to technical reasons.


The program addresses of applications that released blocks in this class.


The program addresses of applications that allocated blocks in this class.


The queues to which valid blocks in this class belong.


The number of blocks that are currently allocated.


The number of blocks that are not currently allocated.

Invalid Bad qtype

Either this queue has been freed and the contents are invalid or this queue was never initialized.

Valid tcp_usr_conn_inp

The queue is valid.


The following is sample output from the show blocks depleted command:

ciscoasa# show blocks depleted 8192

Block Class: 8,   Class Size: 8192,   Count: 100 

1 Depletion created at 11:47:48 UTC Feb 17 2022

First Snapshot Details:

 Block             allocd_by          freed_by            alloccnt    dup_cnt  timestamp    oper location 

0x00007f117bd5f9c0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd5d300 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd5ac40 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd58580 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd55ec0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd53800 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd51140 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd4ea80 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd4c3c0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd49d00 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd47640 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd44f80 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd428c0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd40200 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246610           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd3db40 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246620           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bd3b480 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     246620           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

<--- More --->
0x00007f117bc85a40 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc83380 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc80cc0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc7e600 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc7bf40 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc79880 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

<--- More --->

. . . . . 
. . . . .
0x00007f117bc771c0 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc74b00 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc72440 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

0x00007f117bc6fd80 0x0000560e84d1236b 0x0000560e822144e4     1          0     263390           alloc 0x0000560e84d1236b

show bootvar

To show the boot file and configuration properties, use the show bootvar command in privileged EXEC mode.

show bootvar

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The BOOT variable specifies a list of bootable images on various devices. The CONFIG_FILE variable specifies the configuration file used during system initialization. Set these variables with the boot system command and boot config command, respectively.


The BOOT variable contains disk0:/f1_image, which is the image booted when the system reloads. The current value of BOOT is disk0:/f1_image; disk0:/f1_backupimage. This value means that the BOOT variable has been modified with the boot system command, but the running configuration has not been saved with the write memory command. When the running configuration is saved, the BOOT variable and current BOOT variable will both be disk0:/f1_image; disk0:/f1_backupimage. Assuming that the running configuration is saved, the boot loader will try to load the contents of the BOOT variable, starting with disk0:/f1image, but if that is not present or invalid, the boot loader will try to boot disk0:1/f1_backupimage.

The CONFIG_FILE variable points to the system startup configuration. In this example it is not set, so the startup configuration file is the default specified with the boot config command. The current CONFIG_FILE variable may be modified with the boot config command and saved with the write memory command.

The following is sample output from the show bootvar command:

ciscoasa# show bootvar
BOOT variable = disk0:/f1_image
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/f1_image; disk0:/f1_backupimage
CONFIG_FILE variable = 
Current CONFIG_FILE variable = 

show bridge-group

To show bridge group information such as interfaces assigned, MAC addresses, and IP addresses, use the show bridge-group command in privileged EXEC mode.

show bridge-group bridge_group_number

Syntax Description


Specifies the bridge group number as an integer between 1 and 100.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


We added support in routed mode for Integrated Routing and Bridging.


The following is sample output from the show bridge-group command with IPv4 addresses:

ciscoasa# show bridge-group 1
 Interfaces: GigabitEthernet0/0.101, GigabitEthernet0/0.201
 Management System IP Address:
 Management Current IP Address:
 Management IPv6 Global Unicast Address(es):
 Static mac-address entries: 0
 Dynamic mac-address entries: 2

The following is sample output from the show bridge-group command with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses:

ciscoasa# show bridge-group 1
 Interfaces: GigabitEthernet0/0.101, GigabitEthernet0/0.201
 Management System IP Address:
 Management Current IP Address:
 Management IPv6 Global Unicast Address(es):
    2000:100::1, subnet is 2000:100::/64
    2000:101::1, subnet is 2000:101::/64
    2000:102::1, subnet is 2000:102::/64
 Static mac-address entries: 0
 Dynamic mac-address entries: 2

show call-home

To display the configured Call Home information, use the show call-home command in privileged EXEC mode.

[ cluster exec ] show call-home [ alert-group | detail | events | mail-server | status | profile { profile_name | all }| statistics ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the available alert group.

cluster exec

(Optional) In a clustering environment, enables you to issue the show call-home command in one unit and run the command in all the other units at the same time.


(Optional) Displays the Call Home configuration in detail.


(Optional) Displays current detected events.

mail-server status

(Optional) Displays the Call Home mail server status information.

profile profile _name all

(Optional) Displays configuration information for all existing profiles.


(Optional) Displays the Call Home statistics.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


A new type of Smart Call Home message has been added to include the output of the show cluster history command and show cluster info command.


The following is sample output from the show call-home command and displays the configured Call Home settings:

ciscoasa# show call-homeCurrent Smart Call-Home settings:Smart Call-Home feature : enableSmart Call-Home message's from address: from@example.comSmart Call-Home message's reply-to address: reply-to@example.comcontact person's email address: example@example.comcontact person's phone: 111-222-3333street address: 1234 Any Street, Any city, Any state, 12345customer ID: ExampleCorpcontract ID: X123456789site ID: SantaClaraMail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 10Rate-limit: 60 message(s) per minute 
Available alert groups:Keyword                  State
------------------------ -------
Syslog Enable 
diagnostic Enableenvironmental Enableinventory Enableconfiguration Enablefirewall Enabletroubleshooting Enablereport Enable 
Profiles:Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1Profile Name: prof1Profile Name: prof2 

The following is sample output from the show call-home detail command and displays detailed Call Home configuration information:

ciscoasa# show call-home detailDescription: Show smart call-home configuration in detail.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output: 
Current Smart Call-Home settings:Smart Call-Home feature: enableSmart Call-Home message's from address: from@example.example.comSmart Call-Home message's reply-to address: reply-to@example.example.comcontact person's email address: abc@example.comcontact person's phone: 111-222-3333street address: 1234 Any Street, Any city, Any state, 12345customer ID: 111111contract ID: 123123site ID: SantaClaraMail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 10Rate-limit: 60 message(s) per minute 
Available alert groups:Keyword State------------------------ -------syslog Enablediagnostic Enableenvironmental Enableinventory Enableconfiguration Enablefirewall Enabletroubleshooting Enablereport Enable 
Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: xmlMessage Size Limit: 3145728 BytesEmail address(es): anstage@cisco.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled monthly at 01:00 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------inventory n/a 
Profile Name: prof1Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: xmlMessage Size Limit: 3145728 BytesEmail address(es): example@example.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic configuration message is scheduled daily at 01:00 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled every 60 minutes 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------configuration n/ainventory n/a 
Profile Name: prof2Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: short-textMessage Size Limit: 1048576 BytesEmail address(es): example@example.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic configuration message is scheduled every 1 minutes 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled every 1 minutes 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------configuration n/ainventory n/a 

The following is sample output from the show call-home events command and displays available Call Home events:

ciscoasa# show call-home eventsDescription: Show current detected events.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Active event list:Event client alert-group severity active (sec)--------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration Client configuration none 5Inventory inventory none 15 

The following is sample output from the show call-home mail-server status command and displays available Call Home mail-server status:

ciscoasa# show call-home mail-server statusDescription: Show smart call-home configuration, status, and statistics.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Mail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1 [Available]Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 10 [Not Available]

The following is sample output from the show call-home alert-group command and displays the available alert groups:

ciscoasa# show call-home alert-groupDescription: Show smart call-home alert-group states.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Available alert groups:Keyword State------------------------ -------syslog Enablediagnostic Enableenvironmental Enableinventory Enableconfiguration Enablefirewall Enabletroubleshooting Enablereport Enable 

The following is sample output from the show call-home profile profile-name | all command and displays information for all predefined and user-defined profiles:

ciscoasa# show call-home profile {profile-name
 | all}Description: Show smart call-home profile configuration.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Profiles: 
Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: xmlMessage Size Limit: 3145728 BytesEmail address(es): anstage@cisco.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled monthly at 01:00 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------inventory n/a 
Profile Name: prof1Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: xmlMessage Size Limit: 3145728 BytesEmail address(es): example@example.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic configuration message is scheduled daily at 01:00 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled every 60 minutes 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------configuration n/ainventory n/a 
Profile Name: prof2Profile status: ACTIVE Preferred Message Format: short-textMessage Size Limit: 1048576 BytesEmail address(es): example@example.comHTTP address(es): 
Periodic configuration message is scheduled every 1 minutes 
Periodic inventory message is scheduled every 1 minutes 
Alert-group Severity------------------------ ------------configuration n/ainventory n/a

The following is sample output from the show call-home statistics command and displays the call-home statistics:

ciscoasa# show call-home statisticsDescription: Show smart call-home statistics.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Message Types Total Email HTTP-------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------Total Success 0 0 0 
Total In-Queue 0 0 0 
Total Dropped 5 4 1Tx Failed 5 4 1inventory 3 2 1configuration 2 2 0 
Event Types Total-------------------- ----------------Total Detected 2inventory 1configuration 1 
Total In-Queue 0 
Total Dropped 0 
Last call-home message sent time: 2009-06-17 14:22:09 GMT-07:00

The following is sample output from the show call-home status command and displays the call-home status:

ciscoasa# show call-home mail-server status
Description: Show smart call-home configuration, status, and statistics.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Mail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1 [Available]Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 10 [Not Available]37. ciscoasa# show call-home events
Description: Show current detected events.Supported Modes: single mode and system context in multi mode, routed/transparent.Output:Active event list:Event client alert-group severity active (sec)--------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration Client configuration none 5Inventory inventory none 15

The following is sample output from the cluster exec show call-home statistics command and displays call-home statistics for a cluster:

ciscoasa(config)# cluster exec show call-home statistics
Message Types           Total            Email             HTTP
--------------------   ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
       Total Success                  3                3                0
                test                  3                3                0
 Total In-Delivering                  0                0                0
      Total In-Queue                  0                0                0
Total Dropped                         8                8                0
           Tx Failed                  8                8                0
       configuration                  2                2                0
                test                  6                6                0
Event Types             Total
--------------------   ----------------
      Total Detected                 10
       configuration                  1
                test                  9
 Total In-Processing                  0
      Total In-Queue                  0
Total Dropped                         0
Last call-home message sent time: 2013-04-15 05:37:16 GMT+00:00
Message Types           Total            Email             HTTP
--------------------   ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
       Total Success                  1                1                0
                test                  1                1                0
 Total In-Delivering                  0                0                0
      Total In-Queue                  0                0                0
Total Dropped                         2                2                0
           Tx Failed                  2                2                0
       configuration                  2                2                0
Event Types             Total
--------------------   ----------------
      Total Detected                  2
       configuration                  1
                test                  1
 Total In-Processing                  0
      Total In-Queue                  0
Total Dropped                         0
Last call-home message sent time: 2013-04-15 05:36:16 GMT+00:00
Message Types           Total            Email             HTTP
--------------------   ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
       Total Success                  0                0                0
 Total In-Delivering                  0                0                0
      Total In-Queue                  0                0                0
Total Dropped                         2                2                0
           Tx Failed                  2                2                0
       configuration                  2                2                0
Event Types             Total
--------------------   ----------------
      Total Detected                  1
       configuration                  1
 Total In-Processing                  0
      Total In-Queue                  0
Total Dropped                         0
Last call-home message sent time: n/a
Message Types           Total            Email             HTTP
--------------------   ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
       Total Success                  1                1                0
                test                  1                1                0
 Total In-Delivering                  0                0                0
      Total In-Queue                  0                0                0
Total Dropped                         2                2                0
           Tx Failed                  2                2                0
       configuration                  2                2                0
Event Types             Total
--------------------   ----------------
      Total Detected                  2
       configuration                  1
                test                  1
 Total In-Processing                  0
      Total In-Queue                  0
Total Dropped                         0
Last call-home message sent time: 2013-04-15 05:35:34 GMT+00:00

show call-home registered-module status

To display the registered module status, use the show call-home registered-module status command in privileged EXEC mode.

show call-home registered-module status [ all ]


The [all ] option is only valid in system context mode.

Syntax Description


Displays module status based on the device, not per context. In multiple context mode, if a module is enabled in at least one context, it is displayed as enabled if the “all ” option is included.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following example displays the show call-home registered-module status all output:

Module Name 	Status
---------------------------------------- --------------------Smart Call-Home enabledFailover Standby/Active 

show capture

To display the capture configuration when no options are specified, use the show capture command in privileged EXEC mode.

[ cluster exec ] show capture [ capture_name ][ access-list access_list_name ][ count number ][ decode ][ detail ][ dump ][ packet-number number ][ trace ]

Syntax Description

access-list access_list_name

(Optional) Displays information for packets that are based on IP or higher fields for the specific access list identification .


(Optional) Specifies the name of the packet capture.

cluster exec

(Optional) In a clustering environment, enables you to issue the show capture command in one unit and run the command in all the other units at the same time.

count number

(Optional) Displays the number of packets specified data.


This option is useful when a capture of type isakmp is applied to an interface. All ISAKMP data flowing through that interface will be captured after decryption and shown with more information after decoding the fields.


(Optional) Displays additional protocol information for each packet.


(Optional) Displays a hexadecimal dump of the packets that are transported over the data link.

packet-number number

Starts the display at the specified packet number.


Displays extended trace information for each packet.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Detailed information in the output for IDS was added.


The cluster exec option was added.


The vpn-user domain name was changed to filter-aaa in the output.


Output for SGT plus Ethernet Tagging was added.


IP decode support for GRE and IPinIP encapsulation was added.


The show capture for asp-drop capture type was enhanced to include location details of the drop.


The show capture detail for the physical port displays the drop configuration (disable or mac-filter).

Usage Guidelines

If you specify the capture_name , then the capture buffer contents for that capture are displayed.

The dump keyword does not display MAC information in the hexadecimal dump.

The decoded output of the packets depend on the protocol of the packet. Typically, this command supports IP decode for the ICMP, UDP, and TCP protocols. From version 9.10(1), this command is enhanced to support the display of the IP decode output for GRE and IPinIP encapsulation on ICMP, UDP, and TCP.

In Table 4-29, the bracketed output is displayed when you specify the detail keyword.

Table 29. Packet Capture Output Formats

Packet Type

Capture Output Format

802.1Q [ether-hdr] VLAN-info encap-ether-packet

ARP [ether-hdr] arp-type arp-info

IP/ICMP [ether-hdr] ip-source > ip-destination: icmp: icmp-type icmp-code [checksum-failure]

IP/UDP [ether-hdr] src-addr . src-port dest-addr . dst-port : [checksum-info] udp payload-len

IP/TCP [ether-hdr] src-addr . src-port d est-addr . dst-port : tcp-flags [header-check] [checksum-info] sequence-number ack-number tcp-window urgent-info tcp-options


ICMP encapsulated with GRE: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: gre: [gre-flags] ip-source > ip-destination: icmp: icmp-type icmp-code [checksum-failure]

UDP encapsulated with GRE: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: gre: [gre-flags] src-addr.src-port dest-addr.dst-port: [checksum-info] udp payload-len

TCP encapsulated with GRE: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: gre: [gre-flags] src-addr.src-port dest-addr.dst-port: tcp-flags [header-check] [checksum-info] sequence-number ack-number tcp-window urgent-info tcp-options


ICMP encapsulated with IPinIP: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: ipip-proto-4: ip-source > ip-destination: icmp: icmp-type icmp-code [checksum-failure]

UDP encapsulated with IPinIP: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: ipip-proto-4: src-addr.src-port dest-addr.dst-port: [checksum-info] udp payload-len

TCP encapsulated with IPinIP: [ether-hdr] carrier-ip-source> carrier-ip-destination: ipip-proto-4: src-addr.src-port dest-addr.dst-port: tcp-flags [header-check] [checksum-info] sequence-number ack-number tcp-window urgent-info tcp-options

IP/Other [ether-hdr] src-addr dest-addr : ip-protocol ip-length

Other ether-hdr : hex-dump

Usage Guidelines

If the ASA receives packets with an incorrectly formatted TCP header and drops them because of the ASP drop reason invalid-tcp-hdr-length , the show capture command output on the interface where those packets are received does not show those packets.

From version 9.13(1), to facilitate troubleshooting, the show capture output is enhanced to include the drop location information when showing the capture type of asp-drop. While troubleshooting using ASP drop counters, the exact location of the drop is unknown, especially when the same ASP drop reason is used in many different places. This information is critical in finding root cause of the drop. With this enhancement, the ASP drop details such as the build target, ASA release number, hardware model, and ASLR memory text region (to facilitate the decode of drop location) are shown.


This example shows how to display the capture configuration:

ciscoasa(config)# show capture
capture arp ethernet-type arp interface outside
capture http access-list http packet-length 74 interface inside

This example shows how to display the packets that are captured by an ARP capture:

ciscoasa(config)# show capture arp
2 packets captured
19:12:23.478429 arp who-has tell
19:12:26.784294 arp who-has tell
2 packets shown

The following example shows how to display the packets that are captured on a single unit in a clustering environment:

ciscoasa(config)# show capture
capture 1 cluster type raw-data interface primary interface cluster [Buffer Full - 524187 bytes]
capture 2 type raw-data interface cluster [Capturing - 232354 bytes]

The following example shows how to display the packets that are captured on all units in a clustering environment:

ciscoasa(config)# cluster exec
            show capture
mycapture (LOCAL):----------------------------------------------------------
capture 1 type raw-data interface primary [Buffer Full - 524187 bytes]
capture 2 type raw-data interface cluster [Capturing - 232354 bytes]
capture 1 type raw-data interface primary [Capturing - 191484 bytes]
capture 2 type raw-data interface cluster [Capturing - 532354 bytes]

The following example shows the packets that are captured on the cluster control link in a clustering environment after the following commands are entered:

ciscoasa (config)# capture a interface cluster
ciscoasa (config)# capture cp interface cluster match udp any eq 49495 any
ciscoasa (config)# capture cp interface cluster match udp any any eq 49495
ciscoasa (config)# access-list cc1 extended permit udp any any eq 4193
ciscoasa (config)# access-list cc1 extended permit udp any eq 4193 any
ciscoasa (config)# capture dp interface cluster access-list cc1
ciscoasa (config)# capture lacp type lacp interface gigabitEthernet 0/0
ciscoasa(config)# show capture
capture a type raw-data interface cluster [Capturing - 970 bytes]
capture cp type raw-data interface cluster [Capturing - 26236 bytes]
  match udp any eq 49495 any
capture dp type raw-data access-list cc1 interface cluster [Capturing - 4545230 bytes]
capture lacp type lacp interface gigabitEthernet0/0 [Capturing - 140 bytes]

The following example shows the packets that are captured when SGT plus Ethernet tagging has been enabled on an interface:

ciscoasa(config)# show capture my-inside-capture
1: 11:34:42.931012 INLINE-TAG 36 > icmp: echo request
2: 11:34:42.931470 INLINE-TAG 48 > icmp: echo reply
3: 11:34:43.932553 INLINE-TAG 36 > icmp: echo request
4: INLINE-TAG 48 > icmp: echo reply

When SGT plus Ethernet tagging has been enabled on an interface, the interface can still receive tagged or untagged packets. The example shown is for tagged packets, which have INLINE-TAG 36 in the output. When the same interface receives untagged packets, the output remains unchanged (that is, no “INLINE-TAG 36” entry is included in the output).

The following example shows the GRE, IPinIP, and other packets that are generated by packet tracer and the subsequent capture output on interface inside:


packet-tracer input inside gre ipv4 tcp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside gre ipv4 udp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside gre ipv4 icmp 8 0


packet-tracer input inside ipip tcp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside ipip udp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside ipip icmp 8 0


packet-tracer input inside tcp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside udp 1234 80
packet-tracer input inside icmp 8 0

ciscoasa(config)# show capture inside
12:10:37.523746 > gre: > S 2145492151:2145492151(0) win 8192 
12:10:37.623624 > gre: >  udp 0 
12:10:37.714471 > gre: > icmp: echo request 
12:10:37.806690 > ipip-proto-4: > S 1501131661:1501131661(0) win 8192 
12:10:37.897673 > ipip-proto-4: >  udp 0 
12:10:41.974604 > ipip-proto-4: > icmp: echo request
12:16:14.957225 > S 2091733697:2091733697(0) win 8192 
12:16:15.023909 >  udp 0 
12:16:15.090449 > icmp: echo request 


The GRE and IPinIP packets are decoded using the TCP/UDP/ICMP decode functionality to display the inner packet.

The following example shows the enhancement made to the output of this command. The drop location program counter or current instruction (which is later decoded), the build target, ASA release number, hardware model, and ASLR memory text region are captured and displayed to facilitate the decode of drop location:

ciscoasa(config)# capture gtp_drop type asp-drop inspect-gtp
ciscoasa(config)# show capture gtp_drop [trace]
Target:         SSP
Hardware:   FPR4K-SM-12
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.13.1
ASLR enabled, text region 55cd421df000-55cd47530ea9
1 packets captured
1: 15:55:58.522983 >  udp 27 Drop-reason: (inspect-gtp) GTP inspection, Drop-location: frame 0x000055cd43db4019 flow (NA)/NA    
ciscoasa(config)# show capture gtp_drop trace detail
Target:         SSP
Hardware:   FPR4K-SM-12
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.13.1
ASLR enabled, text region 55cd421df000-55cd47530ea9
1 packets captured
1: 15:55:58.522983 0050.56b0.bd99 5057.a884.2beb 0x0800 Length: 69 >  [udp sum ok] udp 27 (ttl 64, id 53384) Drop-reason: (inspect-gtp) GTP inspection, Drop-location: frame 0x000055cd43db4019 flow (NA)/NA 

The following example shows the packet captured with the mac-filter drop enabled:

ciscoasa(config)# show capture test detail
Packet Capture info
Session: 3
Admin State: disabled
OperState Reason: Session_Admin_Shut
Config Success:yes
Config Fail Reason:
Append Flag: overwrite
Session Mem Usage: 256
Session PcapSnap Len: 1518
Error Code:0
Drop Count:0
Total Physical ports involved in Packet Capture: 1

Physical port:
Slot Id: 1
Port Id: 1
Packet Capture Filter Info
Ivlan: 0
Ovlan: 3178
DestIpv6: ::
SrcMAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
DestPort: 0
Ethertype: 0
Total Physical breakout ports involved in Packet Capture: 0
0 packet captured on disk using switch capture

show chardrop

To display the count of characters dropped from the serial console, use the show chardrop command in privileged EXEC mode.

show chardrop

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following is sample output from the show chardrop command:

ciscoasa# show chardrop
Chars dropped pre-TxTimeouts: 0, post-TxTimeouts: 0

show checkheaps

To show the checkheaps statistics, use the show checkheaps command in privileged EXEC mode. Checkheaps is a periodic process that verifies the sanity of the heap memory buffers (dynamic memory is allocated from the system heap memory region) and the integrity of the code region.

show checkheaps

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following is sample output from the show checkheaps command:

ciscoasa# show checkheaps
Checkheaps stats from buffer validation runs
Time elapsed since last run     : 42 secs
Duration of last run            : 0 millisecs
Number of buffers created       : 8082
Number of buffers allocated     : 7808
Number of buffers free          : 274
Total memory in use             : 43570344 bytes
Total memory in free buffers    : 87000 bytes
Total number of runs            : 310

show checksum

To display the configuration checksum, use the show checksum command in privileged EXEC mode.

show checksum

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The show checksum command allows you to display four groups of hexadecimal numbers that act as a digital summary of the configuration contents. This checksum is calculated only when you store the configuration in flash memory.

If a dot (“.”) appears before the checksum in the show config or show checksum command output, the output indicates a normal configuration load or write mode indicator (when loading from or writing to the ASA flash partition). The “.” shows that the ASA is preoccupied with the operation but is not “hung up.” This message is similar to a “system processing, please wait” message.


This example shows how to display the configuration or the checksum:

ciscoasa(config)# show checksum
Cryptochecksum: 1a2833c0 129ac70b 1a88df85 650dbb81

show chunkstat

To display the chunk statistics, use the show chunkstat command in privileged EXEC mode.

show chunkstat

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command is primarily for internal development usage, and it is not meaningful for customers.


This example shows how to display the chunk statistics:

ciscoasa# show chunkstat
Global chunk statistics: created 181, destroyed 34, siblings created 94, siblings destroyed 34
Per-chunk statistics: siblings created 0, siblings trimmed 0
Dump of chunk at 01edb4cc, name "Managed Chunk Queue Elements", data start @ 01edbd24, end @ 01eddc54
next: 01eddc8c, next_sibling: 00000000, prev_sibling: 00000000
flags 00000001
maximum chunk elt's: 499, elt size: 16, index first free 498
# chunks in use: 1, HWM of total used: 1, alignment: 0
Per-chunk statistics: siblings created 0, siblings trimmed 0
Dump of chunk at 01eddc8c, name "Registry Function List", data start @ 01eddea4, end @ 01ede348
next: 01ede37c, next_sibling: 00000000, prev_sibling: 00000000
flags 00000001
maximum chunk elt's: 99, elt size: 12, index first free 42
# chunks in use: 57, HWM of total used: 57, alignment: 0

show class

To show the contexts assigned to a class, use the show class command in privileged EXEC mode.

show class name

Syntax Description


Specifies the name as a string up to 20 characters long. To show the default class, enter default for the name.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following is sample output from the show class default command:

ciscoasa# show class default
Class Name           Members    ID   Flags
default                All       1    0001

show clns

To show Connectionless-mode Network Service (CLNS) information for IS-IS, use the show clns command in privileged EXEC mode.

show clns { filter-set | interface [ interface_name ]| is-neighbors [ interface_name ][ detail ]| neighbors [ areas ][ interface_name ][ detail ]| protocol [ domain ]| traffic [ since { bootup | show }] }

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows CLNS multiarea adjacencies.


Shows CLNS protocol statistics since bootup.


(Optional) Shows the areas associated with the intermediate systems. Otherwise, a summary display is provided.


(Optional) Shows routing protocol process information for a CLNS domain.


Shows CLNS filter sets.


Shows CLNS interface status and configuration.


(Optional) Specifies the interface name.


Shows IS neighbor adjacencies. Neighbor entries are sorted according to the area in which they are located.


Displays end system (ES), intermediate system (IS), and multitopology Integrated Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (M-ISIS) neighbors


Shows CLNS routing protocol process information. There will always be at least two routing processes, a Level 1 and a Level 2, and there can be more.


Shows CLNS protocol statistics since the last time you used this show command.


(Optional) Shows CLNS protocol statistics since either bootup or the last time you used this show command.


Lists the CLNS packets that this router has seen.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




We introduced this command.

Usage Guidelines

This command shows CLNS information for IS-IS.


The following display assumes filter sets have been defined with the following commands:

ciscoasa(config)# clns filter-set US-OR-NORDUNET 47.0005..
ciscoasa(config)# clns filter-set US-OR-NORDUNET 47.0023...
ciscoasa(config)# clns filter-set LOCAL 49.0003...

The following is a sample output from the show clns filter-set command:

ciscoasa# show clns filter-set 
      permit 47.0005... 
      permit 47.0023... 
CLNS filter set LOCAL 
      permit 49.0003... 

The following is sample output from the show clns interface command that includes information for Token Ring and serial interfaces:

ciscoasa# show clns interface
GigabitEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up
  Checksums enabled, MTU 1500
  ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec.
  DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface
  Next ESH/ISH in 0 seconds
  Routing Protocol: IS-IS
    Circuit Type: level-1-2
    Interface number 0x0, local circuit ID 0x1
    Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: c2.01
    DR ID: c2.01
    Level-1 IPv6 Metric: 10
    Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 3
    Level-2 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: c2.01
    DR ID: c2.01
    Level-2 IPv6 Metric: 10
    Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 3
    Next IS-IS LAN Level-1 Hello in 1 seconds
    Next IS-IS LAN Level-2 Hello in 1 seconds
Table 30. show clns interface fields



GigabitEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up

Shown to be up, and the line protocol is up.

Checksums enabled

Can be enabled or disabled.


The number following maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the maximum transmission size for a packet on this interface.


Displays information about the generation of error protocol data units (ERPDUs). They can be either enabled or disabled. If they are enabled, they are sent out no more frequently than the specified interval.


Provides information about the generation of redirect protocol data units (RDPDUs). They can be either enabled or disabled. If they are enabled, they are sent out no more frequently than the specified interval. If the address mask is enabled, redirects are sent out with an address mask.

Congestion Experienced

Tells when CLNS will turn on the congestion experienced bit. The default is to turn this bit on when there are more than four packets in a queue.

DEC compatibility mode

Indicates whether Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) compatibility has been enabled.


Displays when the next end system (ES) hello or intermediate system (IS) hello will be sent on this interface.

Routing Protocol

Lists the areas that this interface is in. In most cases, an interface will be in only one area.

Circuit Type

Indicates whether the interface has been configured for local routing (level 1), area routing (level 2), or local and area routing (level 1-2).

Interface number, local circuit ID; Level-1 Metric; DR ID; Level-1 IPv6 Metric; Number of active level-1 adjacencies; Level-2 Metric; DR ID; Level-2 IPv6 Metric; Number of active level-2 adjacencies; Next IS-IS LAN Level-1; Next IS-IS LAN Level-2

Last series of fields displays information pertaining to Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS). For IS-IS, the Level 1 and Level 2 metrics, priorities, circuit IDs, and number of active Level 1 and Level 2 adjacencies are specified.

BFD enabled

BFD has been enabled on the interface.

The following is sample output from the show clns is-neighbors command:

ciscoasa# show clns is-neighbors
System Id      Interface   State  Type Priority  Circuit Id         Format
CSR7001        inside      Up     L1L2 64/64    ciscoasa.01         Phase V
CSR7002        inside      Up     L1L2 64/64    ciscoasa.01         Phase V
Table 31. show clns is-neighbors Fields



System Id

Identification value of the system.


Interface on which the router was discovered.


Adjacency state. Up and Init are the states. See the show clns neighbors description.


L1, L2, and L1L2 type adjacencies. See the show clns neighbors description.


IS-IS priority that the respective neighbor is advertising. The highest priority neighbor is elected the designated IS-IS router for the interface.

Circuit Id

Neighbor's idea of what the designated IS-IS router is for the interface.


Indicates if the neighbor is either a Phase V (OSI) adjacency or Phase IV (DECnet) adjacency.

The following is sample output from the show clns is-neighbors detail command:

ciscoasa# show clns is-neighbors detail
System Id      Interface   State  Type Priority  Circuit Id         Format
CSR7001        inside      Up     L1L2 64/64    ciscoasa.01         Phase V
  Area Address(es): 49.0001
  IP Address(es):*
  Uptime: 00:12:49
  NSF capable
  Interface name: inside
CSR7002        inside      Up     L1L2 64/64    ciscoasa.01         Phase V
  Area Address(es): 49.0001
  IP Address(es):*
  Uptime: 00:12:50
  NSF capable
  Interface name: inside

The following is sample output from the show clns neighbors detail command:

ciscoasa# show clns neighbors detail
System Id      Interface   SNPA                State  Holdtime  Type Protocol
CSR7001        inside      000c.2921.ff44      Up          26   L1L2
  Area Address(es): 49.0001
  IP Address(es):*
  Uptime: 01:16:33
  NSF capable
  Interface name: inside
CSR7002        inside      000c.2906.491c      Up          27   L1L2
  Area Address(es): 49.0001
  IP Address(es):*
  Uptime: 01:16:33
  NSF capable
  Interface name: inside

The following is sample output from the show clns neighbors command:

ciscoasa# show clns neighbors
System Id      Interface   SNPA                State  Holdtime  Type Protocol
CSR7001        inside      000c.2921.ff44      Up          29   L1L2
CSR7002        inside      000c.2906.491c      Up          27   L1L2
Table 32. show clns neighbors Fields



System Id

Six-byte value that identifies a system in an area.


Interface name from which the system was learned.


Subnetwork Point of Attachment. This is the data-link address.


State of the ES, IS, or M-ISIS.

  • Init—System is an IS and is waiting for an IS-IS hello message. IS-IS regards the neighbor as not adjacent.

  • Up—Believes the ES or IS is reachable.


Number of seconds before this adjacency entry times out.


The adjacency type. Possible values are as follows:

  • ES—End-system adjacency either discovered via the ES-IS protocol or statically configured.

  • IS—Router adjacency either discovered via the ES-IS protocol or statically configured.

  • M-ISIS—Router adjacency discovered via the multitopology IS-IS protocol.

  • L1—Router adjacency for Level 1 routing only.

  • L1L2—Router adjacency for Level 1 and Level 2 routing.

  • L2—Router adjacency for Level 2 only.


Protocol through which the adjacency was learned. Valid protocol sources are ES-IS, IS-IS, ISO IGRP, Static, DECnet, and M-ISIS.

The following is sample output from the show clns protocol command:

ciscoasa# show clns protocol
IS-IS Router
  System Id: 0050.0500.5008.00  IS-Type: level-1-2
  Manual area address(es):
  Routing for area address(es):
  Interfaces supported by IS-IS:
        outside - IP
    static (on by default)
  Distance for L2 CLNS routes: 110
  RRR level: none
  Generate narrow metrics: level-1-2
  Accept narrow metrics:   level-1-2
  Generate wide metrics:   none
  Accept wide metrics:     none

The following is sample output from the show clns traffic command:

ciscoasa# show clns traffic
CLNS:  Time since last clear: never
CLNS & ESIS Output: 0, Input: 8829
CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0
CLNS Discards:
  Hdr Syntax: 0, Checksum: 0, Lifetime: 0, Output cngstn: 0
  No Route: 0, Discard Route: 0, Dst Unreachable 0, Encaps. Failed: 0
  NLP Unknown: 0, Not an IS: 0
CLNS Options: Packets 0, total 0 , bad 0, GQOS 0, cngstn exprncd 0
CLNS Segments:  Segmented: 0, Failed: 0
CLNS Broadcasts: sent: 0, rcvd: 0
Echos: Rcvd 0 requests, 0 replies
      Sent 0 requests, 0 replies
ESIS(sent/rcvd): ESHs: 0/0, ISHs: 0/0, RDs: 0/0, QCF: 0/0
Tunneling (sent/rcvd): IP: 0/0, IPv6: 0/0
Tunneling dropped (rcvd) IP/IPV6:  0
ISO-IGRP: Querys (sent/rcvd): 0/0 Updates (sent/rcvd): 0/0
ISO-IGRP: Router Hellos: (sent/rcvd): 0/0
ISO-IGRP Syntax Errors: 0
IS-IS: Time since last clear: never
IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 1928/1287
IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 1918/1283
IS-IS: PTP Hellos     (sent/rcvd): 0/0
IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs sourced (new/refresh): 7/13
IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs sourced (new/refresh): 7/14
IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 97/2675
IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 73/2628
IS-IS: LSP Retransmissions: 0
IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 642/0
IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 639/0
IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/554
IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/390
IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 1
IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 1
IS-IS: Level-1 SPF Calculations: 9
IS-IS: Level-2 SPF Calculations: 8
IS-IS: Level-1 Partial Route Calculations: 0
IS-IS: Level-2 Partial Route Calculations: 0
IS-IS: LSP checksum errors received: 0
IS-IS: Update process queue depth: 0/200
IS-IS: Update process packets dropped: 0
Table 33. show clns traffic Fields



CLNS & ESIS Output

Total number of packets that this router has sent.


Total number of packets that this router has received.

CLNS Local

Lists the number of packets that were generated by this router.


Lists the number of packets that this router has forwarded.

CLNS Discards

Lists the packets that CLNS has discarded, along with the reason for the discard.

CLNS Options

Lists the options seen in CLNS packets.

CLNS Segments

Lists the number of packets segmented and the number of failures that occurred because a packet could not be segmented.

CLNS Broadcasts

Lists the number of CLNS broadcasts sent and received.


Lists the number of echo request packets and echo reply packets received. The line following this field lists the number of echo request packets and echo reply packets sent.

ESIS (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of End System Hello (ESH), Intermediate System Hello (ISH), and redirects sent and received.


Lists the number of ISO Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) queries and updates sent and received.

Router Hellos

Lists the number of ISO IGRP router hello packets sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-1 hellos (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 1 IS-IS hello packets sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-2 hellos (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 2 IS-IS hello packets sent and received.

IS-IS: PTP hellos (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of point-to-point IS-IS hello packets sent and received over serial links.

IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 1 link-state Protocol Data Unit (PDUs) sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 2 link-state PDUs sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 1 Complete Sequence Number Packets (CSNP) sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 2 CSNPs sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 1 Partial Sequence Number Packets (PSNP) sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd)

Lists the number of Level 2 PSNPs sent and received.

IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections

Lists the number of times Level 1 designated router election occurred.

IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections

Lists the number of times Level 2 designated router election occurred.

IS-IS: Level-1 SPF Calculations

Lists the number of times the Level 1 shortest-path-first (SPF) tree was computed.

IS-IS: Level-2 SPF Calculations

Lists the number of times the Level 2 SPF tree was computed.

show clock

To view the time on the ASA, use the show clock command in user EXEC mode.

show clock [ detail ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates the clock source (NTP or user configuration) and the current summer-time setting (if any).

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context








  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following is sample output from the show clock command:

ciscoasa# show clock
12:35:45.205 EDT Tue Jul 27 2004

The following is sample output from the show clock detail command:

ciscoasa# show clock detail
12:35:45.205 EDT Tue Jul 27 2004
Time source is user configuration
Summer time starts 02:00:00 EST Sun Apr 4 2004
Summer time ends 02:00:00 EDT Sun Oct 31 2004

show cluster

To view aggregated data for the entire cluster or other information, use the show cluster command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cluster [ chassis ]{ access-list [ acl_name ]| conn [ count ]| context [ context_name ]| cpu [ usage ] interface-mode | memory | resource | service-policy | traffic | xlate count }

Syntax Description

access-list [acl_name ]

Shows hit counters for access policies. To see the counters for a specific ACL, enter the acl_name .


For the Firepower 9300 ASA security module, shows the cluster information for the chassis.

conn [ count ]

Shows the aggregated count of in-use connections for all units. If you enter the count keyword, only the connection count is shown.

context [context_name ]

Shows usage per security context in multiple context mode.

cpu [ usage ]

Shows CPU usage information.


Shows the cluster interface mode, either spanned or individual.


Shows system memory utilization and other information.

resource usage

Shows system resources and usage.


Shows the MPF service policy statistics.


Shows traffic statistics.

xlate count

Shows current translation information.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The service-policy keyword was added.


The chassis keyword was added.


The context keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

See also the show cluster info and show cluster user-identity commands.


The following is sample output from the show cluster access-list command:

ciscoasa# show cluster access-list
hitcnt display order: cluster-wide aggregated result, unit-A, unit-B,  unit-C, unit-D
access-list cached ACL log flows: total 0, denied 0 (deny-flow-max 4096) alert-interval 300
access-list 101; 122 elements; name hash: 0xe7d586b5
access-list 101 line 1 extended permit tcp any eq www (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x207a2b7d
access-list 101 line 2 extended permit tcp any (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0xfe4f4947
access-list  101 line 3 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=1, 0, 0, 0, 1) 0x7b521307
access-list 101 line 4 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x5795c069
access-list 101 line 5 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=1, 0, 0, 1, 0) 0x51bde7ee
access list 101 line 6 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x1e68697c
access-list 101 line 7 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=2, 0, 0, 1, 1) 0xc1ce5c49
access-list 101 line 8 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=3, 0, 1, 1, 1) 0xb6f59512
access-list 101 line 9 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0xdc104200
access-list 101 line 10 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=429, 109, 107, 109, 104) 
access-list 101 line 11 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=3, 1, 0, 0, 2) 0x4143a818
access-list 101 line 12 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=2, 0, 1, 0, 1) 0xb18dfea4
access-list 101 line 13 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=1, 1, 0, 0, 0) 0x21557d71
access-list 101 line 14 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x7316e016
access-list 101 line 15 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x013fd5b8
access-list 101 line 16 extended permit tcp host host (hitcnt=0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 0x2c7dba0d

To display the aggregated count of in-use connections for all units, enter:

ciscoasa# show cluster conn count
Usage Summary In Cluster:*********************************************
  200 in use (cluster-wide aggregated)
  100 in use, 100 most used
  100 in use, 100 most used

show cluster history

To view event history for the cluster, use the show cluster history command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cluster history [ brief ] [ latest [ number ] ] [ reverse ] [ time [ year month day ] hh : mm : ss ]

Syntax Description


Shows cluster history without generic events.

latest [number]

Displays the latest events. By default, the device shows the last 512 events. You can limit the number of events, between 1 and 512.


Shows events in reverse order.

time [ year month day] hh:mm:ss

Shows events before a specified date and time.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The output was enhanced to show more details for troubleshooting.


We added the brief , latest , reverse , time keywords.


Command output was changed from Master and Slave to Control_Node and Data_Node.

Usage Guidelines


The following is sample output from the show cluster history time command:

asa1(cfg-cluster)# show cluster history time august 26 10:10:05
From State            To State              Reason
10:08:49 UTC Aug 26 2020
DISABLED              DISABLED              Disabled at startup
10:09:43 UTC Aug 26 2020
DISABLED              ELECTION              Enabled from CLI
10:10:01 UTC Aug 26 2020
ELECTION              ONCALL                Event: Cluster unit A state is CONTROL_NODE
10:10:02 UTC Aug 26 2020
ONCALL                DATA_NODE_COLD            Data Node proceeds with configuration sync
10:10:02 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_COLD            DATA_NODE_CONFIG          Client progression done
10:10:04 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_CONFIG          DATA_NODE_FILESYS         Configuration replication finished
10:10:05 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_FILESYS         DATA_NODE_BULK_SYNC       Client progression done

The following is sample output from the show cluster history brief command:

asa1(cfg-cluster)# show cluster history brief 
From State            To State              Reason
10:08:49 UTC Aug 26 2020
DISABLED              DISABLED              Disabled at startup
10:09:43 UTC Aug 26 2020
DISABLED              ELECTION              Enabled from CLI
10:10:02 UTC Aug 26 2020
ONCALL                DATA_NODE_COLD            Data Node proceeds with configuration sync
10:10:02 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_COLD            DATA_NODE_CONFIG          Client progression done
10:10:04 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_CONFIG          DATA_NODE_FILESYS         Configuration replication finished
10:10:05 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_FILESYS         DATA_NODE_BULK_SYNC       Client progression done

The following is sample output from the show cluster history latest command:

asa1(cfg-cluster)# show cluster history latest 3
From State            To State              Reason
10:10:05 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_FILESYS         DATA_NODE_BULK_SYNC       Client progression done
10:10:04 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_CONFIG          DATA_NODE_FILESYS         Configuration replication finished
10:10:02 UTC Aug 26 2020
DATA_NODE_COLD            DATA_NODE_CONFIG          Client progression done

show cluster info

To view cluster information, use the show cluster info command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cluster info [ auto-join | clients | conn-distribution | counters | flow-mobility | goid [ options ] | health [ details ] | incompatible-config | instance-type | loadbalance | load-monitor | old-members | packet-distribution | trace [ options ] | transport { asp | cp [ detail ]} | unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows whether the cluster node will automatically rejoin the cluster after a time delay and if the failure conditions (such as waiting for the license, chassis health check failure, and so on) are cleared. If the node is permanently disabled, or if the node is already in the cluster, then this command will not show any output.


(Optional) Shows the version of register clients.


(Optional) Shows the connection distribution in the cluster.

flow-mobility counters

(Optional) Shows EID movement and flow owner movement information.

goid [options ]

(Optional) Shows the global object ID database. Options include:









health [ details ]

(Optional) Shows health monitoring information. The details keyword shows the number heartbeat message failures.


(Optional) Shows commands that are incompatible with clustering in the current running configuration. This command is useful before you enable clustering.


(Optional) Shows the ASA virtual CPU cores and RAM per cluster node.


(Optional) Shows load balancing information.


(Optional) Monitors the traffic load for cluster nodes, including total connection count, CPU and memory usage, and buffer drops. If the load is too high, you can choose to manually disable clustering on the node if the remaining nodes can handle the load, or adjust the load balancing on the external switch. This feature is enabled by default with the load-monitor command.


(Optional) Shows former nodes of the cluster.


(Optional) Shows packet distribution in the cluster.

trace [options ]

(Optional) Shows the clustering control module event trace. Options include:

  • latest [number ]—Displays the latest number events, where the number is from 1 to 2147483647. The default is to show all.

  • level level —Filters events by level where the level is one of the following: all , critical , debug , informational , or warning .

  • module module —Filters events by module where the module is one of the following: ccp , datapath , fsm , general , hc , license , rpc , or transport .

  • time {[month day ] [hh : mm : ss ]}—Shows events before the specified time or date.

transport { asp | cp [ detail ]}

(Optional) Show transport related statistics for the following:

  • asp —Data plane transport statistics.

  • cp —Control plane transport statistics.

If you enter the detail keyword, you can view cluster reliable transport protocol usage so you can identify packet drop issues when the buffer is full in the control plane.

unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config

(Optional) When the unit join-acceleration command is enabled (the default), some configuration commands are not compatible with accelerated cluster joining; if these commands are present on the node, even if accelerated cluster joining is enabled, configuration syncing will always occur. You must remove the incompatible configuration for accelerated cluster joining to work. Use the show cluster info unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config command to view incompatible configuration.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Improved support for modules in the show cluster info health command was added.


Site ID information was added to the output.


The flow-mobility counters keywords were added.


The health details keyword was added.


Added the auto-join keyword


Added the detail keyword for transport cp .


Added load-monitor and unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config keywords.


Added the instance-type keyword for the ASA virtual, and added ASA virtual information to the show cluster info output.


Command output was changed from Master and Slave to Control_Node and Data_Node.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify any options, the show cluster info command shows general cluster information including the cluster name and status, the cluster nodes, the node states, and so on.

Clear statistics using the clear cluster info command.

See also the show cluster and show cluster user-identity commands.


The following is sample output from the show cluster info command for a hardware platform:

ciscoasa# show cluster info
Cluster stbu: On
  This is "C" in state DATA_NODE
      ID        : 0
      Site ID : 1
      Version   : 9.5(1)
      Serial No.: P3000000025
      CCL IP    :
      CCL MAC   : 000b.fcf8.c192
      Last join : 17:08:59 UTC Sep 26 2011
      Last leave: N/A
Other members in the cluster:
  Unit "D" in state DATA_NODE
      ID        : 1
      Site ID : 1
      Version   : 9.5(1)
      Serial No.: P3000000001
      CCL IP    :
      CCL MAC   : 000b.fcf8.c162
      Last join : 19:13:11 UTC Sep 23 2011
      Last leave: N/A
  Unit "A" in state CONTROL_NODE
      ID        : 2
      Site ID : 2
      Version   : 9.5(1)
      Serial No.: JAB0815R0JY
      CCL IP    :
      CCL MAC   : 000f.f775.541e
      Last join : 19:13:20 UTC Sep 23 2011
      Last leave: N/A
  Unit "B" in state DATA_NODE
      ID        : 3
      Site ID : 2
      Version   : 9.5(1)
      Serial No.: P3000000191
      CCL IP    :
      CCL MAC   : 000b.fcf8.c61e
      Last join : 19:13:50 UTC Sep 23 2011
      Last leave: 19:13:36 UTC Sep 23 2011

The following is sample output from the show cluster info command for the ASA virtual:

Cluster ASAv-cluster: On
    Interface mode: individual
Cluster Member Limit : 16
    This is "A" in state CONTROL_NODE
        ID        : 0
        Version   : 9.17(1)79
        Serial No.: 9A3GVQ1EL7W
        CCL IP    :
        CCL MAC   : 0050.56a8.7d4f
        Module    : ASAv
        Resource  : 2 cores / 4096 MB RAM
        Last join : 16:27:46 UTC Feb 18 2021
        Last leave: N/A
Other members in the cluster:
    Unit "B" in state DATA_NODE
        ID        : 1
        Version   : 9.17(1)79
        Serial No.: 9ACE28176EE
        CCL IP    :
        CCL MAC   : 0050.56a8.883e
        Module    : ASAv
        Resource  : 2 cores / 4096 MB RAM
        Last join : 20:29:25 UTC Feb 19 2021
        Last leave: 16:31:46 UTC Feb 19 2021

The following is sample output from the show cluster info incompatible-config command:

ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info incompatible-config
INFO: Clustering is not compatible with following commands which given a user's confirmation upon enabling clustering, can be removed automatically from running-config.
policy-map global_policy
 class scansafe-http
  inspect scansafe http-map fail-close
policy-map global_policy
 class scansafe-https
  inspect scansafe https-map fail-close
INFO: No manually-correctable incompatible configuration is found.

The following is sample output from the show cluster info trace command:

ciscoasa# show cluster info trace
 Feb 02 14:19:47.456 [DBUG]Receive CCP message: CCP_MSG_LOAD_BALANCE
 Feb 02 14:19:47.456 [DBUG]Receive CCP message: CCP_MSG_LOAD_BALANCE
 Feb 02 14:19:47.456 [DBUG]Send CCP message to all: CCP_MSG_KEEPALIVE from 80-1 at CONTROL_NODE

The following is sample output from the show cluster info health command on the ASA 5500-X:

ciscoasa# show cluster info health
Member ID to name mapping:
  0 - A   1 - B(myself)
                         0        1
GigabitEthernet0/0       up       up
Management0/0            up       up
ips (policy off)         up       None
sfr (policy off)         None     up
Unit overall             healthy   healthy
Cluster overall          healthy

The above output lists both ASA IPS (ips) and ASA FirePOWER (sfr) modules, and for each module the ASA shows “policy on” or “policy off” to show if you configured the module in the service policy. For example:

class-map sfr-class
match sfr-traffic
policy-map sfr-policy
class sfr-class
sfr inline fail-close
service-policy sfr interface inside

With the above configuration, the ASA FirePOWER module (“sfr”) will be displayed as “policy on”. If one cluster node has a module as “up”, and the other node has the module as “down” or “None”, then the node with the down module will be kicked out of the cluster. However, if the service policy is not configured, then the cluster node would not be kicked out of the cluster; the module status is only relevant if the module is running.

The following is sample output from the show cluster info health command on the ASA 5585-X:

ciscoasa# show cluster info health
spyker-13# sh clu info heal
Member ID to name mapping:
  0 - A(myself) 1 - B
                       0 1    
GigabitEthernet0/0       upup
SSM Card (policy off)    upup
Unit overall             healthyhealth
Cluster overall         healthyhealth

If you configure the module in the service policy, then the output shows “policy on”. If you do not configure the service policy, then the output shows “policy off”, even if a module is present in the chassis.

The following is sample output from the show cluster info flow-mobility counters command:

ciscoasa# show cluster info flow-mobility counters
EID movement notification received  : 0
EID movement notification processed : 0
Flow owner moving requested         : 0

The following is sample output from the show cluster info auto-join command:

ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit will try to join cluster in 253 seconds.
Quit reason: Received control message DISABLE
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit will try to join cluster when quit reason is cleared.
Quit reason: Control Node has application down that data node has up.
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit will try to join cluster when quit reason is cleared.
Quit reason: Chassis-blade health check failed.
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit will try to join cluster when quit reason is cleared.
Quit reason: Service chain application became down.
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit will try to join cluster when quit reason is cleared.
Quit reason: Unit is kicked out from cluster because of Application health check failure.
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit join is pending (waiting for the smart license entitlement: ent1)
ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info auto-join
Unit join is pending (waiting for the smart license export control flag)

See the following output for the show cluster info transport cp detail command:

ciscoasa# show cluster info transport cp detail
Member ID to name mapping: 
  0 - unit-1-1   2 - unit-4-1   3 - unit-2-1 
  U    - unreliable messages
  UE   - unreliable messages error
  SN   - sequence number
  ESN  - expecting sequence number
  R    - reliable messages
  RE   - reliable messages error
  RDC  - reliable message deliveries confirmed
  RA   - reliable ack packets received
  RFR  - reliable fast retransmits
  RTR  - reliable timer-based retransmits
  RDP  - reliable message dropped
  RDPR - reliable message drops reported
  RI   - reliable message with old sequence number
  RO   - reliable message with out of order sequence number
  ROW  - reliable message with out of window sequence number
  ROB  - out of order reliable messages buffered
  RAS  - reliable ack packets sent
This unit as a sender
        all       0         2         3         
  U     123301    3867966   3230662   3850381   
  UE    0         0         0         0         
  SN    1656a4ce  acb26fe   5f839f76  7b680831  
  R     733840    1042168   852285    867311    
  RE    0         0         0         0         
  RDC   699789    934969    740874    756490    
  RA    385525    281198    204021    205384    
  RFR   27626     56397     0         0         
  RTR   34051     107199    111411    110821    
  RDP   0         0         0         0         
  RDPR  0         0         0         0         
This unit as a receiver of broadcast messages
        0         2         3         
  U     111847    121862    120029    
  R     7503      665700    749288    
  ESN   5d75b4b3  6d81d23   365ddd50  
  RI    630       34278     40291     
  RO    0         582       850       
  ROW   0         566       850       
  ROB   0         16        0         
  RAS   1571      123289    142256    
This unit as a receiver of unicast messages
        0         2         3         
  U     1         3308122   4370233   
  R     513846    879979    1009492   
  ESN   4458903a  6d841a84  7b4e7fa7  
  RI    66024     108924    102114    
  RO    0         0         0         
  ROW   0         0         0         
  ROB   0         0         0         
  RAS   130258    218924    228303    
Gated Tx Buffered Message Statistics
    current sequence number: 0
    total:                   0
    current:                 0
    high watermark:          0
    delivered:               0
    deliver failures:        0
    buffer full drops:       0
    message truncate drops:  0
    gate close ref count:    0
    num of supported clients:45
MRT Tx of broadcast messages
Message high watermark: 3%
  Total messages buffered at high watermark: 5677
  [Per-client message usage at high watermark]
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage  
  Cluster Redirect Client                        4153         73% 
  Route Cluster Client                            419          7% 
  RRI Cluster Client                             1105         19% 
Current MRT buffer usage: 0%
  Total messages buffered in real-time: 1
  [Per-client message usage in real-time]
        F - MRT messages sending when buffer is full
        L - MRT messages sending when cluster node leave
        R - MRT messages sending in Rx thread
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage    F   L   R
  VPN Clustering HA Client                          1        100%    0   0   0
MRT Tx of unitcast messages(to member_id:0)
Message high watermark: 31%
  Total messages buffered at high watermark: 4059
  [Per-client message usage at high watermark]
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage  
  Cluster Redirect Client                        3731         91% 
  RRI Cluster Client                              328          8% 
Current MRT buffer usage: 29%
  Total messages buffered in real-time: 3924
  [Per-client message usage in real-time]
        F - MRT messages sending when buffer is full
        L - MRT messages sending when cluster node leave
        R - MRT messages sending in Rx thread
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage    F   L   R
  Cluster Redirect Client                        3607         91%    0   0   0
  RRI Cluster Client                              317          8%    0   0   0
MRT Tx of unitcast messages(to member_id:2)
Message high watermark: 14%
  Total messages buffered at high watermark: 578
  [Per-client message usage at high watermark]
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage  
  VPN Clustering HA Client                        578        100% 
Current MRT buffer usage: 0%
  Total messages buffered in real-time: 0
MRT Tx of unitcast messages(to member_id:3)
Message high watermark: 12%
  Total messages buffered at high watermark: 573
  [Per-client message usage at high watermark]
  Client name                          Total messages  Percentage  
  VPN Clustering HA Client                        572         99% 
  Cluster VPN Unique ID Client                      1          0% 
Current MRT buffer usage: 0%
  Total messages buffered in real-time: 0

The following is sample output from the show cluster info load-monitor command:

ciscoasa(cfg-cluster)# show cluster info load-monitor
ID  Unit Name
0  B
1  A_1
Information from all units with 50 second interval:
Unit     Connections    Buffer Drops   Memory Used   CPU Used
Average from last 1 interval:
   0           0            0            14              25
   1           0            0            16              20
Average from last 25 interval:
   0           0            0            12              28
   1           0            0            13              27

The following is sample output from the show cluster info unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config command:

ciscoasa# show cluster info unit-join-acceleration incompatible-config

INFO: Clustering is not compatible with following commands. User must manually remove them to activate the cluster unit join-acceleration feature.

zone sf200 passive

The following is sample output from the show cluster info instance-type command for an ASA virtual cluster:

ciscoasa# show cluster info instance-type 
      Unit            Module Type     CPU Cores            RAM (MB)
      A                   ASAv           2                  4096
      B                   ASAv           2                  4096

show cluster user-identity

To view cluster-wide user identity information and statistics, use the show cluster user-identity command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cluster user-identity [ statistics [ user name | user-group group_name ]| user [ active [ domain name ]| user name | user-group group_name ][ list [ detail ]| all [ list [ detail ]| inactive { domain name | user-group group_name ][ list [ detail ] ]}

Syntax Description


Shows users with active IP-user mappings.


Shows all users in the user database.

domain name

Shows user info for a domain.


Shows users with inactive IP-user mappings.

list [ detail ]

Shows a list of users.


Shows cluster user identity statistics.


Shows the user database.

user name

Show information for a specific user.

user-group group_name

Shows information for each user of a specific group.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

See also the show cluster info and show cluster commands.


The following is sample output from the << command >> command:

show cluster vpn-sessiondb distribution

To view how active and backup sessions are distributed across the cluster, execute this command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cluster vpn-sessiondb distribution

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This show command provides a quick view of the sessions, rather than having to execute show vpn-sessiondb summary on each member.

Each row contains the member id, member name, number of active sessions, and on which members the backup sessions reside.


For example, if the output of show cluster vpn-sessiondb distribution was:

Member 0 (unit-1-1): active: 209; backups at: 1(111), 2(98)

Member 1 (unit-1-3): active: 204; backups at: 0(108), 2(96)

Member 2 (unit-1-2): active: 0

One would read the information as:

  • Member 0 has 209 active sessions, 111 sessions are backed up on member 1, 98 sessions are backed up on member 2

  • Member 1 has 204 active sessions, 108 sessions are backed up on member 0, 96 sessions are backed up on member 2

  • Member 2 has NO active sessions, therefore, no cluster members are backing up sessions for this node

show compression

To view compression statistics on the ASA, use the show compression command from privileged EXEC mode.

show compression [ all | anyconnect-ssl | http-comp ]

Command Default

There is no default behavior for this command.

Syntax Description


Show all (anyconect-ssl, http-comp) compression statistics


Show AnyConnect SSL Compression statistics.


Show HTTP-COMP Compression statistics

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Support for multiple context mode was added.


The following types of statistics are displayed for show compression all:

Compression AnyConnect Client Sessions              0
Compressed Frames                                   0
Compressed Data In (bytes)                          0
Compressed Data Out (bytes)                         0
Expanded Frames                                     0
Compression Errors                                  0
Compression Resets                                  0
Compression Output Buf Too Small                    0
Compression Ratio                                   0
Decompressed Frames                                 0
Decompressed Data In                                0
Decompressed Data Out                               0
Decompression CRC Errors                            0
Decompression Errors                                0
Decompression Resets                                0
Decompression Ratio                                 0
Block Allocation Failures                           0
Compression Skip Percent                            0%
Time Spent Compressing (peak)                     0.0%
Time Spent Decompressing (peak)                   0.0%
Number of http bytes in                             0
Number of http gzipped bytes out                    0

show configuration

To display the configuration that is saved in flash memory on the ASA, use the show configuration command in privileged EXEC mode.

show configuration

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was modified.

Usage Guidelines

The show configuration command displays the saved configuration in flash memory on the ASA. Unlike the show running-config command, the show configuration command does not use many CPU resources to run.

To display the active configuration in memory (including saved configuration changes) on the ASA, use the show running-config command.


The following is sample output from the show configuration command:

ciscoasa# show configuration
: enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted
interface Ethernet0/0
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
interface Ethernet0/1
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 ip address
interface Ethernet0/2
 nameif dmz
 security-level 50
 ip address
interface Ethernet0/3
 no nameif
 no security-level
 no ip address
interface Management0/0
 nameif management
 security-level 100
 ip address
passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
boot system disk0:/newImage
ftp mode passive
access-list acl1 extended permit ip any any
access-list mgcpacl extended permit udp any any eq 2727
access-list mgcpacl extended permit udp any any eq 2427
access-list mgcpacl extended permit udp any any eq tftp
access-list mgcpacl extended permit udp any any eq 1719
access-list permitIp extended permit ip any any
pager lines 25
logging enable
logging console debugging
logging buffered debugging
logging asdm informational
mtu inside 1500
mtu outside 1500
mtu dmz 1500
mtu management 1500
icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
icmp permit any inside
icmp permit any outside
icmp permit any dmz
asdm image disk0:/pdm
no asdm history enable
arp timeout 14400
global (outside) 1
global (outside) 1 interface
global (dmz) 1 interface
nat (inside) 1
access-group permitIp in interface inside
access-group permitIp in interface outside
access-group mgcpacl in interface dmz
router ospf 1
 network area
 network area
 redistribute static subnets
 default-information originate
route outside 1
route outside 1
route outside 1
timeout xlate 3:00:00
timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
timeout uauth 0:05:00 absolute
dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
http server enable
http outside
http inside
http management
no snmp-server location
no snmp-server contact
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
telnet inside
telnet outside
telnet timeout 5
ssh inside
ssh timeout 5
console timeout 0
dhcpd address management
dhcpd enable management
threat-detection basic-threat
threat-detection statistics access-list
class-map inspection_default
 match default-inspection-traffic
policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
  message-length maximum 512
policy-map global_policy
 class inspection_default
  inspect dns preset_dns_map
  inspect ftp
  inspect h323 h225
  inspect h323 ras
  inspect rsh
  inspect rtsp
  inspect esmtp
  inspect sqlnet
  inspect skinny
  inspect sunrpc
  inspect xdmcp
  inspect sip
  inspect netbios
  inspect tftp
  inspect mgcp
policy-map type inspect mgcp mgcpapp
  call-agent 101
  gateway 101
  gateway 101
  command-queue 150
service-policy global_policy global
 memory-size percent 25
 enable inside
 internal-password enable
 onscreen-keyboard logon
username snoopy password /JcYsjvxHfBHc4ZK encrypted
prompt hostname context

show configuration session

To display the current configuration sessions and the changes within the sessions, use the show configuration session command in privileged EXEC mode.

show configuration session [ session_name ]

Syntax Description


The name of an existing configuration session. If you omit this parameter, all existing sessions are shown.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command in conjunction with the configure session command, which creates isolated sessions for editing ACLs and their objects. This command shows the names of the sessions, and all of the configuration changes that have been made in the sessions.

If a session shows as committed, you can open the session and revert the changes if you decide they did not work as expected.


The following example shows all available sessions:

ciscoasa# show configuration session
config-session abc (un-committed)
 access-list abc permit ip any any
 access-list abc permit tcp any any
config-session abc2 (un-committed)
 object network test
 object network test2

show conn

To display the connection state for the designated connection type, use the show conn command in privileged EXEC mode. This command supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

show conn [ count |[ all ][ detail [ data-rate-filter { lt | eq | gt } value ]][ long ][ state state_type ][ protocol { tcp | udp | sctp }][ scansafe ][ address src_ip [ -src_ip ][ netmask mask ]] [ port src_port [ -src_port ]][ address dest_ip [ -dest_ip ][ netmask mask ]][ port dest_port [ -dest_port ]]

[ user-identity | user [ domain_nickname \] user_name | user-group [ domain_nickname \\] user_group_name ]| security-group ][ zone zone_name [ zone zone_name ][ ... ]][ data-rate ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays connections with the specified source or destination IP address.


(Optional) Displays connections that are to the device or from the device, in addition to through-traffic connections.


(Optional) Displays the number of active connections.


(Optional) Specifies the destination IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). To specify a range, separate the IP addresses with a dash (-). For example:


(Optional) Specifies the destination port number. To specify a range, separate the port numbers with a dash (-). For example:



(Optional) Displays connections in detail, including translation type and interface information.

data-rate-filter { lt | eq | gt } value

(Optional) Displays connections that are filtered based on a data-rate value (bytes per second). For example:

data-rate-filter gt 123


(Optional) Displays connections in long format.

netmask mask

(Optional) Specifies a subnet mask for use with the given IP address.


(Optional) Displays connections with the specified source or destination port.

protocol { tcp | udp | sctp }

(Optional) Specifies the connection protocol.


(Optional) Shows connections being forwarded to the Cloud Web Security server.


(Optional) Specifies that all connections displayed belong to the specified security group.


(Optional) Specifies the source IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). To specify a range, separate the IP addresses with a dash (-). For example:


(Optional) Specifies the source port number. To specify a range, separate the port numbers with a dash (-). For example:


state state_type

(Optional) Specifies the connection state type. See <xref> for a list of the keywords available for connection state types.

user [ domain_nickname \ ] user_name

(Optional) Specifies that all connections displayed belong to the specified user. When you do not include the domain_nickname argument, the ASA displays information for the user in the default domain.

user-group [ domain_nickname \\ ] user_group_name

(Optional) Specifies that all connections displayed belong to the specified user group. When you do not include the domain_nickname argument, the ASA displays information for the user group in the default domain.


(Optional) Specifies that the ASA display all connections for the Identity Firewall feature. When displaying the connections, the ASA displays the user name and IP address when it identifies a matching user. Similarly, the ASA displays the host name and an IP address when it identifies a matching host.

zone [zone_name ]

(Optional) Displays connections for a zone. The long and detail keywords show the primary interface on which the connection was built and the current interface used to forward the traffic.


(Optional) Displays whether data-rate tracking status is enabled or disabled.

Command Default

All through connections are shown by default. You need to use the all keyword to also view management connections to the device.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




The syntax was simplified to use source and destination concepts instead of “local” and “foreign.” In the new syntax, the source address is the first address entered and the destination is the second address. The old syntax used keywords like foreign and fport to determine the destination address and port.


The tcp_embryonic state type was added. This type shows all TCP connections with the i flag (incomplete connections); i flag connections for UDP are not shown.


The b flag was added for TCP state bypass.


The user-identity , user , and user-group keywords were added to support the Identity Firewall.


Support for clustering was added. We added the scansafe and security-group keywords.


The zone keyword was added.


The L flag was added for traffic subject to LISP flow-mobility.


The Q flag for detailed output was added for Diameter connections. The protocol sctp keyword was added. The o flag for detailed output was added for off-loaded flows.


The u flag for detailed output was added for STUN connections. The v flag was added for M3UA connections.


The l flag was added to indicate the stub flow is local director Yl or local backup yl when using cluster director localization.


VPN Stub at the end of the detail output, indicating that the connection is playing the role of a VPN encryption stub flow in addition to its cluster role.


Dead Connection Detection (DCD) initiator/responder probe counts were added to the show conn detail output for DCD-enabled connections.


Connection data-rate tracking status was added.

The data-rate-filter keyword was added to the show conn detail command to filter the connections by user-specified data rate value.


Multicast data connection entries were no longer displayed in the output. The entries were moved to the show local-host output.

Usage Guidelines

The show conn command displays the number of active TCP and UDP connections, and provides information about connections of various types. Use the show conn all command to see the entire table of connections.


When the ASA creates a pinhole to allow secondary connections, this is shown as an incomplete conn by the show conn command. To clear this incomplete conn use the clear conn command.

The connection types that you can specify using the show conn state command are defined in Table 4-34. When specifying multiple connection types, use commas without spaces to separate the keywords.

Table 34. Connection State Types


Connection Type Displayed


Connections in the up state.


Inbound connections.


CTIQBE connections


Inbound data connections.


Outbound data connections.


FIN inbound connections.


FIN outbound connections.


H.225 connections


H.323 connections


HTTP get connections.


MGCP connections.


Connections that deny access to Java applets.


RPC connections.


Connections being scanned by an SSM.


SIP connections.


SCCP connections.


SMTP mail data connections.


SQL*Net data inspection engine connections.


TCP embryonic connections.


Orphaned VPN tunneled flows.

Usage Guidelines

When you use the detail option, the system displays information about the translation type and interface information using the connection flags defined in Table 4-34. Also, VPN stub may be shown at the end of the output of this command indicating that the connection is playing the role of a VPN encryption stub flow in addition to its cluster role. A VPN stub is used to encrypt clear text packets in an asymmetric VPN traffic scenario or hub-n-spoke scenario.

Table 35. Connection Flags




awaiting outside ACK to SYN


awaiting inside ACK to SYN


TCP state bypass


initial SYN from outside


Computer Telephony Interface Quick Buffer Encoding (CTIQBE) media connection






outside back connection. This is a secondary data connection that must be initiated from the inside host. For example, using FTP, after the inside client issues the PASV command and the outside server accepts, the ASA preallocates an outside back connection with this flag set. If the inside client attempts to connect back to the server, then the ASA denies this connection attempt. Only the outside server can use the preallocated secondary connection.


inside FIN


outside FIN


Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) connection


connection is part of a group2






incomplete TCP or UDP connection


inbound data


Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) media connection


GTP t3-response


local director/backup stub flow


traffic subject to LISP flow-mobility


SIP media connection


SMTP data


Off-loaded flow.


outbound data


replicated (unused)


inside back connection. This is a secondary data connection that must be initiated from the inside host. For example, using FTP, after the inside client issues the PORT command and the outside server accepts, the ASA preallocates an inside back connection with this flag set. If the outside server attempts to connect back to the client, then the ASA denies this connection attempt. Only the inside client can use the preallocated secondary connection.


SQL*Net data


Diameter connection


inside acknowledged FIN


outside acknowledged FIN for TCP connection




awaiting outside SYN


awaiting inside SYN


SIP transient connection4


SIP connection5


STUN connection




M3UA connection


VPN orphan


For inter-chassis clustering on the Firepower 9300, identifies a flow on a backup owner on a separate chassis.




Inspected by the service module, such as a CSC SSM.


For clustering, identifies a backup owner flow.


For clustering, identifies a director flow.


For clustering, identifies a forwarder flow.


Cloud Web Security

2 The G flag indicates the connection is part of a group. It is set by the GRE and FTP Strict inspections to designate the control connection and all its associated secondary connections. If the control connection terminates, then all associated secondary connections are also terminated.
3 Because each row of show conn command output represents one connection (TCP or UDP), there will be only one R flag per row.
4 For UDP connections, the value t indicates that it will timeout after one minute.
5 For UDP connections, the value T indicates that the connection will timeout according to the value specified using the timeout sip command.


For connections using a DNS server, the source port of the connection may be replaced by the IP address of DNS server in the show conn command output.

A single connection is created for multiple DNS sessions, as long as they are between the same two hosts, and the sessions have the same 5-tuple (source/destination IP address, source/destination port, and protocol). DNS identification is tracked by app_id, and the idle timer for each app_id runs independently.

Because the app_id expires independently, a legitimate DNS response can only pass through the ASA within a limited period of time and there is no resource build-up. However, when you enter the show conn command, you will see the idle timer of a DNS connection being reset by a new DNS session. This is due to the nature of the shared DNS connection and is by design.


When there is no TCP traffic for the period of inactivity defined by the timeout conn command (by default, 1:00:00), the connection is closed and the corresponding conn flag entries are no longer displayed.

If a LAN-to-LAN/Network-Extension Mode tunnel drops and does not come back, there might be a number of orphaned tunnel flows. These flows are not torn down as a result of the tunnel going down, but all the data attempting to flow through them is dropped. The show conn command output shows these orphaned flows with the V flag.

When the following TCP connection directionality flags are applied to connections between same-security interfaces (see the same-security permit command), the direction in the flag is not relevant because for same-security interfaces, there is no “inside” or “outside.” Because the ASA has to use these flags for same-security connections, the ASA may choose one flag over another (for example, f vs. F) based on other connection characteristics, but you should ignore the directionality chosen.

  • B—Initial SYN from outside

  • a—Awaiting outside ACK to SYN

  • A—Awaiting inside ACK to SYN

  • f—Inside FIN

  • F—Outside FIN

  • s—Awaiting outside SYN

  • S—Awaiting inside SYN

To display information for a specific connection, include the security-group keyword and specify a security group table value or security group name for both the source and destination of the connection. The ASA displays the connection matching the specific security group table values or security group names.

When you specify the security-group keyword without specifying a source and destination security group table value or a source and destination security group name, the ASA displays data for all SXP connections.

The ASA displays the connection data in the format security_group_name ( SGT_value ) or just as the SGT_value when the security group name is unknown.


Security group data is not available for stub connections because stub connection do not go through the slow path. Stub connections maintain only the information necessary to forward packets to the owner of the connection.

You can specify a single security group name to display all connections in a cluster; for example, the following example displays connections matching security-group mktg in all units of the cluster:

ciscoasa# show cluster conn security-group name mktg

Use the data-rate keyword to view the current state of the connection data rate tracking feature—enabled or disabled. Use the data-rate filte r keyword to filter the connections based on the data-rate value in bytes per second. Use the relational operators (lesser than, equal to, or greater than) to filter the connections data. The output displays the active connections along with two data rate values—instantaneous one-second and maximum data rate, for both forward and reverse flows.


When specifying multiple connection types, use commas without spaces to separate the keywords. The following example displays information about RPC, H.323, and SIP connections in the Up state:

ciscoasa# show conn state up,rpc,h323,sip

The following is sample output from the show conn count command:

ciscoasa# show conn count
54 in use, 123 most used

The following is sample output from theshow conn command. This example shows a TCP session connection from inside host to the outside Telnet server at Because there is no B flag, the connection is initiated from the inside. The “U”, “I”, and “O” flags denote that the connection is active and has received inbound and outbound data.

ciscoasa# show conn
54 in use, 123 most used
TCP out in idle 0:00:22, bytes 1774, flags UIO
UDP out in idle 0:00:14, bytes 0, flags D-
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:24, bytes 1940435, flags UTIOB
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:42, bytes 2328346, flags UTIOB
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:04, bytes 31464, flags UIB
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:09, bytes 129156, flags UIOB
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:42, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP outside inside, idle 0:01:32, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:00:24, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP outside inside, idle 0:01:34, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:02:24, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP outside inside, idle 0:03:34, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:04:24, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP outside inside, idle 0:05:34, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP dmz inside, idle 0:06:24, bytes 0, flags Ti
TCP outside inside, idle 0:07:34, bytes 0, flags Ti

The following is sample output from the show conn command, whcih includes the “X” flag to indicate that the connection is being scanned by the SSM.

ciscoasa# show conn address state service_module
TCP out in idle 0:00:03, bytes 2733, flags UIOX

The following is sample output from the show conn detail command. This example shows a UDP connection from outside host to inside host The D flag denotes that this is a DNS connection. The number 1028 is the DNS ID over the connection.

ciscoasa# show conn detail
54 in use, 123 most used
Flags: A - awaiting inside ACK to SYN, a - awaiting outside ACK to SYN,
       B - initial SYN from outside, b - TCP state-bypass or nailed,
       C - CTIQBE media, c - cluster centralized,
       D - DNS, d - dump, E - outside back connection, e - semi-distributed,
       F - outside FIN, f - inside FIN,
       G - group, g - MGCP, H - H.323, h - H.225.0, I - inbound data,
       i - incomplete, J - GTP, j - GTP data, K - GTP t3-response
       k - Skinny media, L - LISP triggered flow owner mobility
       l - local director/backup stub flow
       M - SMTP data, m - SIP media, n - GUP
       N - inspected by Snort
       O - outbound data, o - offloaded,
       P - inside back connection,
       Q - Diameter, q - SQL*Net data,
       R - outside acknowledged FIN,
       R - UDP SUNRPC, r - inside acknowledged FIN, S - awaiting inside SYN,
       s - awaiting outside SYN, T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up, u - STUN,
       V - VPN orphan, v - M3UA W - WAAS,
       w - secondary domain backup,
       X - inspected by service module,
       x - per session, Y - director stub flow, y - backup stub flow,
       Z - Scansafe redirection, z - forwarding stub flow
Cluster units to ID mappings:
  ID 0: asa1
  ID 255: The default cluster member ID which indicates no ownership or affiliation
          with an existing cluster member 
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIO, idle 39s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 1940435
UDP outside: inside:,
    flags dD, idle 39s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 1940435
TCP dmz: inside:,
    flags UTIOB, idle 39s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 1940435
TCP dmz: inside:,
    flags UTIOB, idle 56s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 2328346
TCP dmz: inside:,
    flags UIB, idle 18s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 31464
TCP dmz: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 23s, uptime 1D19h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 129156
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 3s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 357405
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UTIOB, idle 1m48s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 2083129
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UTIOB, idle 1m46s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 2500529
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 31s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 32718
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 14s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 358694
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 8s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 32742
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 6s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 358582
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIOB, idle 26s, uptime 1D21h, timeout 1h0m, bytes 375617

The following is sample output from the show conn command when an orphan flow exists, as indicated by the V flag:

ciscoasa# show conn
16 in use, 19 most used
TCP out in idle 0:00:00, bytes 1048, flags UOVB
TCP out in idle 0:00:00, bytes 1048, flags UIOB

To limit the report to those connections that have orphan flows, add the vpn_orphan option to the show conn state command, as in the following example:

ciscoasa# show conn state vpn_orphan
14 in use, 19 most used
TCP out in, idle 0:00:00, bytes 2841019, flags UOVB

For clustering, to troubleshoot the connection flow, first see connections on all units by entering the cluster exec show conn command on the master unit. Look for flows that have the following flags: director (Y), backup (y), and forwarder (z). The following example shows an SSH connection from to on all three ASAs; ASA 1 has the z flag showing it is a forwarder for the connection, ASA3 has the Y flag showing it is the director for the connection, and ASA2 has no special flags showing it is the owner. In the outbound direction, the packets for this connection enter the inside interface on ASA2 and exit the outside interface. In the inbound direction, the packets for this connection enter the outside interface on ASA 1 and ASA3, are forwarded over the cluster control link to ASA2, and then exit the inside interface on ASA2.

ciscoasa/ASA1/master# cluster exec show conn
18 in use, 22 most used
Cluster stub connections: 0 in use, 5 most used
TCP outside inside, idle 0:00:00, bytes 37240828, flags z
12 in use, 13 most used
Cluster stub connections: 0 in use, 46 most used
TCP outside inside, idle 0:00:00, bytes 37240828, flags UIO
10 in use, 12 most used
Cluster stub connections: 2 in use, 29 most used
TCP outside inside, idle 0:00:03, bytes 0, flags  Y

The output of show conn detail on ASA2 shows that the most recent forwarder was ASA1:

ciscoasa/ASA2/slave# show conn detail
12 in use, 13 most used
        fwd connections: 0 in use, 0 most used
        dir connections: 0 in use, 0 most used
        centralized connections: 1 in use, 61 most used 
Flags: A - awaiting inside ACK to SYN, a - awaiting outside ACK to SYN,
       B - initial SYN from outside, b - TCP state-bypass or nailed,
       C - CTIQBE media, c - cluster centralized,
       D - DNS, d - dump, E - outside back connection, e - semi-distributed,
       F - outside FIN, f - inside FIN,
       G - group, g - MGCP, H - H.323, h - H.225.0, I - inbound data,
       i - incomplete, J - GTP, j - GTP data, K - GTP t3-response
       k - Skinny media, L - LISP triggered flow owner mobility
       l - local director/backup stub flow
       M - SMTP data, m - SIP media, n - GUP
       N - inspected by Snort
       O - outbound data, o - offloaded,
       P - inside back connection,
       Q - Diameter, q - SQL*Net data,
       R - outside acknowledged FIN,
       R - UDP SUNRPC, r - inside acknowledged FIN, S - awaiting inside SYN,
       s - awaiting outside SYN, T - SIP, t - SIP transient, U - up, u - STUN,
       V - VPN orphan, v - M3UA W - WAAS,
       w - secondary domain backup,
       X - inspected by service module,
       x - per session, Y - director stub flow, y - backup stub flow,
       Z - Scansafe redirection, z - forwarding stub flow
Cluster units to ID mappings:
  ID 0: asa1
  ID 1: asa2
  ID 255: The default cluster member ID which indicates no ownership or affiliation
          with an existing cluster member 
TCP outside: inside:,
    flags UIO , idle 0s, uptime 25s, timeout 1h0m, bytes 1036044, cluster sent/rcvd bytes 0/1032983, cluster sent/rcvd total bytes 0/1080779, owners (1,255)
Traffic received at interface outside
        Locally received: 0 (0 byte/s)
        From most recent forwarder ASA1: 1032983 (41319 byte/s)
Traffic received at interface inside
        Locally received: 3061 (122 byte/s)

The following examples show how to display connections for the Identity Firewall feature:

ciscoasa# show conn user-identity
1219 in use, 1904 most used
UDP inside ( outside (user1), idle 0:00:00, bytes 10, flags -
UDP inside ( outside (user2), idle 0:00:00, bytes 10, flags –
UDP inside outside, idle 0:00:00, bytes 10, flags –
ciscoasa# show conn user user1
2 in use
UDP inside ( outside (user1), idle 0:00:00, bytes 10, flags –

See the following output for the show conn long zone command:

ciscoasa# show conn long zone zone-inside zone zone-outside 
TCP outside-zone:outside1(outside2): inside-zone:inside1(inside2):, idle 0:00:02, bytes 10, flags UO

When you use the detail keyword, you can see information about Dead Connection Detection (DCD) probing, which shows how often the connection was probed by the initiator and responder. For example, the connection details for a DCD-enabled connection would look like the following:

TCP dmz: inside:,
    flags UO , idle 1s, uptime 32m10s, timeout 1m0s, bytes 11828, cluster sent/rcvd bytes 0/0, owners (0,255)
  Traffic received at interface dmz
        Locally received: 0 (0 byte/s)
  Traffic received at interface inside
        Locally received: 11828 (6 byte/s)
  Initiator:, Responder:
  DCD probes sent: Initiator 5, Responder 5

The following example shows how to view the status of connection data-rate tracking feature:

ciscoasa# show conn data-rate
Connection data rate tracking is currently enabled.

The following example shows how to filter the connection based on a specified data-rate:

ciscoasa# show conn detail data-rate-filter ?
eq  Enter this keyword to show conns with data-rate equal to specified value
gt   Enter this keyword to show conns with data-rate greater than specified
lt    Enter this keyword to show conns with data-rate less than specified value
ciscoasa# show conn detail data-rate-filter gt ?
<0-4294967295>  Specify the data rate value in bytes per second
ciscoasa# show conn detail data-rate-filter gt 123 | grep max rate
    max rate:     3223223/399628 bytes/sec
    max rate:     3500123/403260 bytes/sec

show console-output

To display the currently captured console output, use the show console-output command in privileged EXEC mode.

show console-output

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The following is sample output from the show console-output command, which displays the following message when there is no console output:

ciscoasa# show console-output
Sorry, there are no messages to display

show context

To show context information including allocated interfaces and the configuration file URL, the number of contexts configured, or from the system execution space, a list of all contexts, use the show context command in privileged EXEC mode.

show context [ name | detail | count ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows the number of contexts configured.


(Optional) Shows additional detail about the context(s) including the running state and information for internal use.


(Optional) Sets the context name. If you do not specify a name, the ASA displays all contexts. Within a context, you can only enter the current context name.

Command Default

In the system execution space, the ASA displays all contexts if you do not specify a name.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Information about assigned IPS virtual sensors was added.

Usage Guidelines

See the “Examples” section for a description of the display output.


The following is sample output from the show context command. The following sample display shows three contexts:

ciscoasa# show context
Context Name      Interfaces                    URL
*admin            GigabitEthernet0/1.100        flash:/admin.cfg
contexta          GigabitEthernet0/1.200        flash:/contexta.cfg
contextb          GigabitEthernet0/1.300        flash:/contextb.cfg
Total active Security Contexts: 3

Table 4-36 shows each field description.

Table 36. show context Fields



Context Name

Lists all context names. The context name with the asterisk (*) is the admin context.


The interfaces assigned to the context.


The URL from which the ASA loads the context configuration.


The following is sample output from the show context detail command in the system execution space:

ciscoasa# show context detail
Context "admin", has been created, but initial ACL rules not complete
  Config URL: flash:/admin.cfg
  Real Interfaces: Management0/0
  Mapped Interfaces: Management0/0
  Real IPS Sensors: ips1, ips2
  Mapped IPS Sensors: highsec, lowsec
  Flags: 0x00000013, ID: 1
Context "ctx", has been created, but initial ACL rules not complete
  Config URL: ctx.cfg
  Real Interfaces: GigabitEthernet0/0.10, GigabitEthernet0/1.20,
  Mapped Interfaces: int1, int2, int3
  Real IPS Sensors: ips1, ips3
  Mapped IPS Sensors: highsec, lowsec
  Flags: 0x00000011, ID: 2
Context "system", is a system resource
  Config URL: startup-config
  Real Interfaces:
  Mapped Interfaces: Control0/0, GigabitEthernet0/0,
     GigabitEthernet0/0.10, GigabitEthernet0/1, GigabitEthernet0/1.10,
     GigabitEthernet0/1.20, GigabitEthernet0/2, GigabitEthernet0/2.30,
     GigabitEthernet0/3, Management0/0, Management0/0.1
  Flags: 0x00000019, ID: 257
Context "null", is a system resource
  Config URL: ... null ...
  Real Interfaces:
  Mapped Interfaces:
  Flags: 0x00000009, ID: 258

Table 4-37 shows each field description.

Table 37. Context States




The context name. The null context information is for internal use only. The system context represents the system execution space.

State Message:

The context state. See the possible messages below.

Has been created, but initial ACL rules not complete

The ASA parsed the configuration but has not yet downloaded the default ACLs to establish the default security policy. The default security policy applies to all contexts initially, and includes disallowing traffic from lower security levels to higher security levels, enabling application inspection, and other parameters. This security policy ensures that no traffic can pass through the ASA after the configuration is parsed but before the configuration ACLs are compiled. You are unlikely to see this state because the configuration ACLs are compiled very quickly.

Has been created, but not initialized

You entered the context name command, but have not yet entered the config-url command.

Has been created, but the config hasn’t been parsed

The default ACLs were downloaded, but the ASA has not parsed the configuration. This state might exist because the configuration download might have failed because of network connectivity issues, or you have not yet entered the config-url command. To reload the configuration, from within the context, enter copy startup-config running-config . From the system, reenter the config-url command. Alternatively, you can start configuring the blank running configuration.

Is a system resource

This state applies only to the system execution space and to the null context. The null context is used by the system, and the information is for internal use only.

Is a zombie

You deleted the context using the no context or clear context command, but the context information persists in memory until the ASA reuses the context ID for a new context, or you restart.

Is active

This context is currently running and can pass traffic according to the context configuration security policy.

Is ADMIN and active

This context is the admin context and is currently running.

Was a former ADMIN, but is now a zombie

You deleted the admin context using the clear configure context command, but the context information persists in memory until the ASA reuses the context ID for a new context, or you restart.

Real Interfaces

The interfaces assigned to the context. If you mapped the interface IDs in the allocate-interface command, this display shows the real name of the interface.

Mapped Interfaces

If you mapped the interface IDs in the allocate-interface command, this display shows the mapped names. If you did not map the interfaces, the display lists the real names again.

Real IPS Sensors

The IPS virtual sensors assigned to the context if you have an AIP SSM installed. If you mapped the sensor names in the allocate-ips command, this display shows the real name of the sensor.

Mapped IPS Sensors

If you mapped the sensor names in the allocate-ips command, this display shows the mapped names. If you did not map the sensor names, the display lists the real names again.


For internal use only.


An internal ID for this context.


The following is sample output from the show context count command:

ciscoasa# show context count
Total active contexts: 2

show controller

To view controller-specific information of all interfaces present, use the show controller command in privileged EXEC mode.

show controller [ slot ][ physical_interface ][ pci [ bridge [ bridge-id [ port-num ]]]][ detail ]

show controller Internal-Data 0/1 qos [ statistics | rules ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays PCI bridge-specific information for the ASA 5585-X.


(Optional) Displays each unique PCI bridge identifier for the ASA 5585-X.


(Optional) Shows additional detail about the controller.

Internal-Data 0/1 qos

(Optional) Shows information about internal quality of service queues for control traffic in the NIC. This feature is available on Secure Firewall 1200 devices. This information is primarily for internal TAC support personel. You cannot configure the MCAM QoS rules, the system creates and manages these rules automatically. Add one of the following keywords:

  • statistics —Display the hit counters for MCAM rules.

  • rules —Display the raw hexdump of the MCAM rules.


(Optional) Displays a summary of PCI devices along with their first 256 bytes of PCI configuration space for the ASA 5585-X.


(Optional) Identifies the interface ID.


(Optional) Displays the unique port number within each PCI bridge for the ASA 5585-X adaptive ASA.


(Optional) Displays PCI-e bus and slot information for the ASA 5580 only.

Command Default

If you do not identify an interface, this command shows information for all interfaces.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


This command now applies to all platforms, and not just the ASA 5505. The detail keyword was added.


The slot keyword was added for the ASA 5580.


The pci , bridge , bridge-id, and port-num options were added for the ASA 5585-X with an IPS SSP installed. In addition, support for sending pause frames to enable flow control on 1 GigabitEthernet interfaces has been added for all ASA models.


Support was added for the detail keyword for the ASA 5512-X through ASA 5555-X Internal-Control0/0 interface, used for control traffic between the ASA and the software module, and for the Internal-Data0/1 interface used for data traffic to the ASA and the software module.


The Internal-Data 0/1 qos keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command helps Cisco TAC gather useful debug information about the controller when investigating internal and customer found defects. The actual output depends on the model and Ethernet controller. The command also displays information about all the PCI bridges of interest in the ASA 5585-X with an IPS SSP installed. For the ASA Services Module, the show controller command output does not show any PCIe slot information.


The following is sample output from the show controller command:

ciscoasa# show controller
   Marvell 88E6095 revision 2, switch port 7
     PHY Register:
         Control:       0x3000  Status:        0x786d
         Identifier1:   0x0141  Identifier2:   0x0c85
         Auto Neg:      0x01e1  LP Ability:    0x40a1
         Auto Neg Ex:   0x0005  PHY Spec Ctrl: 0x0130
         PHY Status:    0x4c00  PHY Intr En:   0x0400
         Int Port Sum:  0x0000  Rcv Err Cnt:   0x0000
         Led select:    0x1a34
         Reg 29:        0x0003  Reg 30:        0x0000
     Port Registers:
         Status:        0x0907  PCS Ctrl:      0x0003
         Identifier:    0x0952  Port Ctrl:     0x0074
         Port Ctrl-1:   0x0000  Vlan Map:      0x077f
         VID and PRI:   0x0001  Port Ctrl-2:   0x0cc8
         Rate Ctrl:     0x0000  Rate Ctrl-2:   0x3000
         Port Asc Vt:   0x0080
         In Discard Lo: 0x0000  In Discard Hi: 0x0000
         In Filtered:   0x0000  Out Filtered:  0x0000
     Global Registers:
         Control:       0x0482
Number of VLANs: 1
Vlan[db]\Port|  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 | 10 |
  <0001[01]> | EUT| EUT| EUT| EUT| EUT| EUT| EUT| EUT| EUM| NM | NM |
   Marvell 88E6095 revision 2, switch port 1
     PHY Register:
         Control:       0x3000  Status:        0x7849
         Identifier1:   0x0141  Identifier2:   0x0c85
         Auto Neg:      0x01e1  LP Ability:    0x0000
         Auto Neg Ex:   0x0004  PHY Spec Ctrl: 0x8130
         PHY Status:    0x0040  PHY Intr En:   0x8400
         Int Port Sum:  0x0000  Rcv Err Cnt:   0x0000
         Led select:    0x1a34
         Reg 29:        0x0003  Reg 30:        0x0000
     Port Registers:
         Status:        0x0007  PCS Ctrl:      0x0003
         Identifier:    0x0952  Port Ctrl:     0x0077
         Port Ctrl-1:   0x0000  Vlan Map:      0x07fd
         VID and PRI:   0x0001  Port Ctrl-2:   0x0cc8
         Rate Ctrl:     0x0000  Rate Ctrl-2:   0x3000
         Port Asc Vt:   0x0002
         In Discard Lo: 0x0000  In Discard Hi: 0x0000
         In Filtered:   0x0000  Out Filtered:  0x0000
   ----Inline power related counters and registers----
   Power on fault: 0  Power off fault: 0
   Detect enable fault: 0  Detect disable fault: 0
   Faults: 0
   Driver counters:
   I2C Read Fail: 0   I2C Write Fail: 0
   Resets: 1  Initialized: 1
   PHY reset error: 0
   LTC4259 registers:
   INTRPT STATUS = 0x88  INTRPT MASK   = 0x00  POWER EVENT   = 0x00
   DETECT EVENT  = 0x03  FAULT EVENT   = 0x00  TSTART EVENT  = 0x00
   SUPPLY EVENT  = 0x02  PORT1 STATUS  = 0x06  PORT2 STATUS  = 0x06
   PORT3 STATUS  = 0x00  PORT4 STATUS  = 0x00  POWER STATUS  = 0x00
   OPERATE MODE  = 0x0f  DISC. ENABLE  = 0x30  DT/CLASS ENBL = 0x33
   TIMING CONFIG = 0x00  MISC. CONFIG  = 0x00
   Y88ACS06 Register settings:
    rap                           0xe0004000 = 0x00000000
    ctrl_status                   0xe0004004 = 0x5501064a
    irq_src                       0xe0004008 = 0x00000000
    irq_msk                       0xe000400c = 0x00000000
    irq_hw_err_src                0xe0004010 = 0x00000000
    irq_hw_err_msk                0xe0004014 = 0x00001000
    bmu_cs_rxq                    0xe0004060 = 0x002aaa80
    bmu_cs_stxq                   0xe0004068 = 0x01155540
    bmu_cs_atxq                   0xe000406c = 0x012aaa80
   Bank 2: MAC address registers:

The following is sample output from the show controller detail command:

ciscoasa# show controller gigabitethernet0/0 detail
   Intel i82546GB revision 03
     Main Registers:
         Device Control:             0xf8260000 = 0x003c0249
         Device Status:              0xf8260008 = 0x00003347
         Extended Control:           0xf8260018 = 0x000000c0
         RX Config:                  0xf8260180 = 0x0c000000
         TX Config:                  0xf8260178 = 0x000001a0
         RX Control:                 0xf8260100 = 0x04408002
         TX Control:                 0xf8260400 = 0x000400fa
         TX Inter Packet Gap:        0xf8260410 = 0x00602008
         RX Filter Cntlr:            0xf8260150 = 0x00000000
         RX Chksum:                  0xf8265000 = 0x00000300
     RX Descriptor Registers:
         RX Descriptor 0 Cntlr:      0xf8262828 = 0x00010000
         RX Descriptor 0 AddrLo:     0xf8262800 = 0x01985000
         RX Desccriptor 0 AddrHi:    0xf8262804 = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 0 Length:     0xf8262808 = 0x00001000
         RX Descriptor 0 Head:       0xf8262810 = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 0 Tail:       0xf8262818 = 0x000000ff
         RX Descriptor 1 Cntlr:      0xf8262828 = 0x00010000
         RX Descriptor 1 AddrLo:     0xf8260138 = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 1 AddrHi:     0xf826013c = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 1 Length:     0xf8260140 = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 1 Head:       0xf8260148 = 0x00000000
         RX Descriptor 1 Tail:       0xf8260150 = 0x00000000
     TX Descriptor Registers:
         TX Descriptor 0 Cntlr:      0xf8263828 = 0x00000000
         TX Descriptor 0 AddrLo:     0xf8263800 = 0x01987000
         TX Descriptor 0 AddrHi:     0xf8263804 = 0x00000000
         TX Descriptor 0 Length:     0xf8263808 = 0x00001000
         TX Descriptor 0 Head:       0xf8263810 = 0x00000000
         TX Descriptor 0 Tail:       0xf8263818 = 0x00000000
     RX Address Array:
         Ethernet Address 0:         0012.d948.ef58
         Ethernet Address 1:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 2:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 3:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 4:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 5:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 6:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 7:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 8:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address 9:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address a:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address b:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address c:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address d:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address e:         Not Valid!
         Ethernet Address f:         Not Valid!
     PHY Registers:
         Phy Control:                0x1140
         Phy Status:                 0x7969
         Phy ID 1:                   0x0141
         Phy ID 2:                   0x0c25
         Phy Autoneg Advertise:      0x01e1
         Phy Link Partner Ability:   0x41e1
         Phy Autoneg Expansion:      0x0007
         Phy Next Page TX:           0x2801
         Phy Link Partnr Next Page:  0x0000
         Phy 1000T Control:          0x0200
         Phy 1000T Status:           0x4000
         Phy Extended Status:        0x3000
     Detailed Output - RX Descriptor Ring:
     rx_bd[000]: baddr      = 0x019823A2, length = 0x0000, status  = 0x00
                 pkt chksum = 0x0000,     errors = 0x00,   special = 0x0000
     rx_bd[001]: baddr      = 0x01981A62, length = 0x0000, status  = 0x00
                 pkt chksum = 0x0000,     errors = 0x00,   special = 0x0000

The following is sample output from the show controller detail command for the Internal interfaces on the ASA 5512-X through ASA 5555-X:

ciscoasa# show controller detail
   ASA IPS/VM Back Plane TunTap Interface , port id 9
     Major Configuration Parameters
         Device Name           : en_vtun
         Linux Tun/Tap Device  : /dev/net/tun/tap1
         Num of Transmit Rings : 1
         Num of Receive Rings  : 1
         Ring Size             : 128
         Max Frame Length      : 1550
         Out of Buffer         : 0
         Reset                 : 0
         Drop                  : 0
     Transmit Ring [0]:
         tx_pkts_in_queue      : 0
         tx_pkts               : 176
         tx_bytes              : 9664
     Receive Ring [0]:
         rx_pkts_in_queue      : 0
         rx_pkts               : 0
         rx_bytes              : 0
         rx_drops              : 0 
   ASA IPS/VM Management Channel TunTap Interface , port id 9
     Major Configuration Parameters
         Device Name           : en_vtun
         Linux Tun/Tap Device  : /dev/net/tun/tap2
         Num of Transmit Rings : 1
         Num of Receive Rings  : 1
         Ring Size             : 128
         Max Frame Length      : 1550
         Out of Buffer         : 0
         Reset                 : 0
         Drop                  : 0
     Transmit Ring [0]:
         tx_pkts_in_queue      : 0
         tx_pkts               : 176
         tx_bytes              : 9664
     Receive Ring [0]:
         rx_pkts_in_queue      : 0
         rx_pkts               : 0
         rx_bytes              : 0
         rx_drops              : 0 

The following is sample output from the show controller slot command:

Slot  Card Description                               PCI-e Bandwidth Cap.
----  ----------------                               ----------------------
3.    ASA 5580 2 port 10GE SR Fiber Interface Card   Bus: x4, Card: x8
4.    ASA 5580 4 port GE Copper Interface Card       Bus: x4, Card: x4
5.    ASA 5580 2 port 10GE SR Fiber Interface Card   Bus: x8, Card: x8
6.    ASA 5580 4 port GE Fiber Interface Card        Bus: x4, Card: x4
7.    empty                                          Bus: x8
8.    empty                                          Bus: x8 

The following is sample output from the show controller pci command:

ciscoasa# show controller
PCI Evaluation Log:
  PCI Bus:Device.Function (hex): 00:00.0 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x3406
    PCI Configuration Space (hex):
    0x00: 86 80 06 34 00 00 10 00 22 00 00 06 10 00 00 00
    0x10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 80 00 00
    0x30: 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 01 00 00
    0x40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x60: 05 90 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0x90: 10 e0 42 00 20 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 3c 3b 00
    0xa0: 00 00 41 30 00 00 00 00 c0 07 00 01 00 00 00 00
    0xb0: 00 00 00 00 3e 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0xc0: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0xd0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0xe0: 01 00 03 c8 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    0xf0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Link Capabilities: x4, Gen1
    Link Status: x4, Gen1

The following example is from ASA virtual. In this case, the rx_dropped_packets indicates that packets are being dropped at the VM level before entering the ASA virtual, possibly due to lack of bandwidth. One possible cause is that there is a blast/burst of traffic destined for the VM beyond what the VM can handle.

ciscoasa# show controller TenGigabitEthernet 0/2

   DPDK Statistics
                  rx_good_packets : 13186640462
                  tx_good_packets : 3225386
                    rx_good_bytes : 12526548356100
                    tx_good_bytes : 383943970
                        rx_errors : 0
                        tx_errors : 0
        rx_mbuf_allocation_errors : 0
                     rx_q0packets : 0
                       rx_q0bytes : 0
                      rx_q0errors : 0
                     tx_q0packets : 0
                       tx_q0bytes : 0
                         rx_bytes : 12526548273860
               rx_unicast_packets : 13186630349
             rx_multicast_packets : 10025
             rx_broadcast_packets : 0
               rx_dropped_packets : 15357499
      rx_unknown_protocol_packets : 0
                         tx_bytes : 383943970
               tx_unicast_packets : 3224181
             tx_multicast_packets : 1205
             tx_broadcast_packets : 0
               tx_dropped_packets : 0
                 tx_error_packets : 0

show coredump filesystem

To show the contents of the coredump filesystem, enter the show coredump filesystem command.

show coredump filesystem

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

By default, coredumps are not enabled.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command shows the contents of the coredump filesystem.


To show the contents of any recent coredumps generated, enter the show coredump filesystem command.

ciscoasa(config)# show coredump filesystem
Coredump Filesystem Size is 100 MB
Filesystem type is FAT for disk0 
Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on 
/dev/loop0 102182 75240 26942 74% /mnt/disk0/coredumpfsys 
Directory of disk0:/coredumpfsys/ 
246 -rwx 20205386 19:14:53 Nov 26 2008 core_lina.2008Nov26_191244.203.11.gz 
247 -rwx 36707919 19:17:27 Nov 26 2008 core_lina.2008Nov26_191456.203.6.gz 

show coredump log

To show the contents of the coredump log, newest first, enter the show coredump log command. To show the contents of the coredump log, oldest first, enter the show coredump log reverse command.

show coredump log

show coredump log [ reverse ]

Syntax Description


Shows the oldest coredump log.

Command Default

By default, coredumps are not enabled.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Global configuration

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the contents of the coredump log. The logs should reflect what is currently on the disk.


The following example shows the output from these commands:

ciscoasa(config)# show coredump log
[ 1 ] Wed Feb 18 22:12:09 2009: Coredump completed for module 'lina', coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_221032.203.6.gz', size 971722752 bytes, compressed size 21293688
[ 2 ] Wed Feb 18 22:11:01 2009: Filesystem full on 'disk0', removing module coredump record 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz'
[ 3 ] Wed Feb 18 22:10:32 2009: Coredump started for module 'lina', generating coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_221032.203.6.gz' on 'disk0'
[ 4 ] Wed Feb 18 21:37:35 2009: Coredump completed for module 'lina', coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz', size 971722752 bytes, compressed size 21286383
[ 5 ] Wed Feb 18 21:35:58 2009: Coredump started for module 'lina', generating coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz' on 'disk0'


The older coredump file is deleted to make room for the new coredump. This is done automatically by the ASA in the event the coredump filesystem fills and room is needed for the current coredump. This is why it is imperative to archive coredumps as soon as possible, to insure they don’t get overwritten in the event of a crash.
ciscoasa(config)# show coredump log reverse

[ 1 ] Wed Feb 18 21:35:58 2009: Coredump started for module 'lina', generating coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz' on 'disk0''
[ 2 ] Wed Feb 18 21:37:35 2009: Coredump completed for module 'lina', coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz', size 971722752 bytes, compressed size 21286383
[ 3 ] Wed Feb 18 22:10:32 2009: Coredump started for module 'lina', generating coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_221032.203.6.gz' on 'disk0'
[ 4 ] Wed Feb 18 22:11:01 2009: Filesystem full on 'disk0', removing module coredump record 'core_lina.2009Feb18_213558.203.11.gz'
[ 5 ] Wed Feb 18 22:12:09 2009: Coredump completed for module 'lina', coredump file 'core_lina.2009Feb18_221032.203.6.gz', size 971722752 bytes, compressed size 21293688

show counters

To display the protocol stack counters, use the show counters command in privileged EXEC mode.

show counters [ all | context context-name | summary | top N ][ detail ][ protocol protocol_name [ : counter_name ]][ threshold N ]

Syntax Description


Displays the filter details.

context context-name

Specifies the context name.


Specifies a counter by name.


Displays additional counters information.

protocol protocol_name

Displays the counters for the specified protocol.


Displays a counter summary.

threshold N

Displays only those counters at or above the specified threshold. The range is 1 through 4294967295.

top N

Displays the counters at or above the specified threshold. The range is 1 through 4294967295.

Command Default

show counters summary detail threshold 1

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


Counters for the event manager were added.


A new counter was added for the Firepower 1000 and 2100 in Appliance mode: HTTPERR: the number of HTTP request message timeouts to FXOS.


Five new counters were added for ACL search levels:

  • OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD (Exceeding threshold 10000 search count)

  • OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL4 (Between 7500 to 10000 searches )

  • OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL3 (Between 5000 to 7500 searches )

  • OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL2 (Between 2500 to 5000 searches )

  • OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL1 (Between 1 to 2500 searches )


Three new counters were added for rate-limited preauthenticated SSL connections:

  • SOCK_PRE_AUTH_COUNT_EXCEEDED: An increment by one indicates that the number of simultaneous preauthenticated SSL connections has exceeded the VPN limit. New connection attempts are blocked until the SOCK_PRE_AUTH_COUNT counter is 0.

  • SOCK_COUNT_RATE_LIMIT: Indicates the connections that the ASA has reset after exceeding therate limit.

  • SOCK_PRE_AUTH_COUNT: Number of concurrent preauthentication connections at any given time.


The following example shows how to display all counters:

show counters all
Protocol     Counter           Value   Context
IOS_IPC      IN_PKTS               2   single_vf
IOS_IPC      OUT_PKTS              2   single_vf
ciscoasa# show counters
Protocol     Counter           Value   Context
NPCP         IN_PKTS            7195   Summary
NPCP         OUT_PKTS           7603   Summary
IOS_IPC      IN_PKTS             869   Summary
IOS_IPC      OUT_PKTS            865   Summary
IP           IN_PKTS             380   Summary
IP           OUT_PKTS            411   Summary
IP           TO_ARP              105   Summary
IP           TO_UDP                9   Summary
UDP          IN_PKTS               9   Summary
UDP          DROP_NO_APP           9   Summary
FIXUP        IN_PKTS             202   Summary
UAUTH        IPV6_UNSUPPORTED     27   Summary
IDFW         HIT_USER_LIMIT        2   Summary

The following example shows how to display a summary of counters:

show counters summary
Protocol     Counter           Value   Context
IOS_IPC      IN_PKTS               2   Summary
IOS_IPC      OUT_PKTS              2   Summary

The following example shows how to display counters for a context:

ciscoasa# show counters context single_vf
Protocol     Counter           Value   Context
IOS_IPC      IN_PKTS               4   single_vf
IOS_IPC      OUT_PKTS              4   single_vf

The following example shows how to display counters for the event manager:

ciscoasa# show counters protocol eem
Protocol     Counter           Value   Context
EEM          SYSLOG            22      Summary
EEM          COMMANDS          6       Summary
EEM          FILES             3       Summary

The following example shows how to display counters for ACL search levels:

ciscoasa# show counters
Protocol     Counter                                                                   Value   Context
ACL          OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD                         1582   Summary
ACL          OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL4                  534   Summary
ACL          OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL3                  524   Summary
ACL          OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL2                  307   Summary
ACL          OBJGRP_SEARCH_THRESHOLD_LEVEL1                  216   Summary

The following example shows how to display counters for rate-limited preauthenticated SSL connections:

ciscoasa# show counters
MIDPATH      SOCK_PRE_AUTH_COUNT_EXCEEDED                      3   Summary
MIDPATH      SOCK_COUNT_RATE_LIMIT                          4260   Summary
MIDPATH      SOCK_PRE_AUTH_COUNT                             335   Summary  

show cpu

To display the CPU utilization information, use the show cpu command in privileged EXEC mode.

[ cluster exec ] show cpu [ usage core-id | profile | dump | detailed ]

From the system configuration in multiple context mode:

[ cluster exec ] show cpu [ usage ][ context { all | context_name }]

Syntax Description


Specifies that the display show all contexts.

cluster exec

(Optional) In a clustering environment, enables you to issue the show cpu command in one unit and run the command in all the other units at the same time.


Specifies that the display show a context.


Specifies the name of the context to display.


Specifies the number of the processor core.


(Optional) Displays the CPU usage internal details.


(Optional) Displays the dump profiling data to the TTY.


(Optional) Displays the CPU profiling data.


(Optional) Displays the CPU usage.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

The following table shows the modes in which you can enter the command:

Command Mode

Firewall Mode

Security Context







Privileged EXEC

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

  • Yes

Command History




This command was added.


The core-id option was added to support the ASA 5512-X, 5515-X, 5525-X, 5545-X, and 5555-X.


The output was updated for the show cpu profile and show cpu profile dump commands.


Virtual platform CPU usage was added to the output for the ASA virtual.

Usage Guidelines

The CPU usage is computed using an approximation of the load every five seconds, and by further feeding this approximation into two, following moving averages.

You can use the show cpu command to find process related loads (that is, activity on behalf of items listed by the output of the show process command in both single mode and from the system configuration in multiple context mode).

Further, you can request, when in multiple context mode, a breakdown of the process related load to CPU consumed by any configured contexts by changing to each context and entering the show cpu command or by entering the show cpu context command.

While process related load is rounded to the nearest whole number, context related loads include one additional decimal digit of precision. For example, entering the show cpu command from the system context produces a different number than from entering the show cpu context system command. The former is an approximate summary of everything that appears in the show cpu context all command, and the latter is only a portion of that summary.

You can use the show cpu profile dump command in conjunction with the cpu profile activate command to collect information for TAC use in troubleshooting CPU issues. The show cpu profile dump command output is in hexadecimal format.

If the CPU profiler is waiting for a starting condition to occur, the show cpu profile command displays the following output:

CPU profiling started: 12:45:57.209 UTC Wed Nov 14 2012 
CPU Profiling waiting on starting condition. 
Core 0: 0 out of 10 samples collected. 
Core 1: 0 out of 10 samples collected. 
Core 2: 0 out of 10 samples collected. 
Core 3: 0 out of 10 samples collected. 
0 out of 10 samples collected. 

For the ASA virtual, note the following licensing guidelines:

  • The number of allowed vCPUs is determined by the vCPU platform license installed.

    • If the number of licensed vCPUs matches the number of provisioned vCPUs, the state is Compliant.

    • If the number of licensed vCPUs is less than the number of provisioned vCPUs, the state is Noncompliant: Over-provisioned.

    • If the number of licensed vCPUs is more than the number of provisioned vCPUs, the state is Compliant: Under-provisioned.

  • The memory limit is determined by the number of vCPUs provisioned.

    • If the provisioned memory is at the allowed limit, the state is Compliant.

    • If the provisioned memory is above the allowed limit, the state is Noncompliant: Over-provisioned.

    • If the provisioned memory is below the allowed limit, the state is Compliant: Under-provisioned.

  • The Frequency Reservation limit is determined by the number of vCPUs provisioned.

    • If the frequency reservation memory is at or above the required minimum (1000 MHz), the state is Compliant.

    • If the frequency reservation memory is below the required minimum (1000 MHz), the state is Compliant: Under-provisioned.

For example, the following output shows that no license has been applied. The number of allowed vCPUs refers to the number licensed, and Noncompliant: Over-provisioned indicates that the product is running with more resources than have been licensed.

Virtual platform CPU resources
Number of vCPUs              :        1 
Number of allowed vCPUs      :        0 
vCPU Status                  :        Noncompliant: Over-provisioned

Copy this information and provide it to the TAC for decoding.


When ASA is running on FXOS chassis, the number of CPU cores displayed in the show cpu command outputs may be less than the number displayed in the show version command output on some platforms, including Firepower 4100 and 9300 (FXOS-based) platforms.

The show cpu command output in Firepower 4100 and 9300 platforms has been modified due to the introduction of dynamic hyper-threading support. If the traffic throughput is low, the output in the show cpu [detailed | core | external] CLI is different, as seen with the standalone ASA output. If the CPU hyper-threading feature is disabled, the later part of the CPU core usage output is low. When the ASA traffic throughput is above the threshold limit, enabling the CPU hyper-threading feature results in the show cpu command displaying the same output as the standalone ASA.


The following example shows how to display the CPU utilization:

ciscoasa# show cpu usage
CPU utilization for 5 seconds = 18%; 1 minute: 18%; 5 minutes: 18%

The following example shows how to display detailed CPU utilization information. Note that the per core information is a sum of the (data path usage + control plane usage), as shown in parentheses.

ciscoasa# show cpu detailed
Break down of per-core data path versus control point cpu usage:
Core         5 sec            1 min            5 min
Core 0       0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  3.3 (0.0 + 3.3)  2.4 (0.0 + 2.4)
Current control point elapsed versus the maximum control point elapsed for:
      5 seconds = 99.0%; 1 minute: 99.8%; 5 minutes: 95.9%
CPU utilization of external processes for:
      5 seconds = 0.2%; 1 minute: 0.0%; 5 minutes: 0.0%
Total CPU utilization for:
      5 seconds = 0.2%; 1 minute: 3.3%; 5 minutes: 2.5%


The “Current control point elapsed versus the maximum control point elapsed for” statement means that the current control point load is compared to the maximum load seen within the defined time period. This is a ratio instead of an absolute number. The figure of 99% for the 5-second interval means that the current control point load is at 99% of the maximum load that is visible over this 5-second interval. If the load continues to increase all the time, then it will always remain at 100%. However, the actual CPU may still have a lot of free capacity because the maximum absolute value has not been defined. Note that this number is not the sum of the "control plane usage" numbers for the cores.

The following example shows how to display the CPU utilization for the system context in multiple mode:

ciscoasa# show cpu context system
CPU utilization for 5 seconds = 9.1%; 1 minute: 9.2%; 5 minutes: 9.1%

The following example shows how to display the CPU utilization for all contexts:

ciscoasa# show cpu usage context all
5 sec  1 min  5 min  Context Name
9.1%   9.2%   9.1%  system
0.0%   0.0%   0.0%  admin
5.0%   5.0%   5.0%  one
4.2%   4.3%   4.2%  two

The following example shows how to display the CPU utilization for a context named “one”:

ciscoasa/one# show cpu usage
CPU utilization for 5 seconds = 5.0%; 1 minute: 5.0%; 5 minutes: 5.0%

The following example activates the profiler and instructs it to store 1000 samples.

ciscoasa# cpu profile activate 
Activated CPU profiling for 1000 samples. 
Use "show cpu profile" to display the progress or "show cpu profile dump" to interrupt profiling and display the incomplete results. 

The following examples show the status of the profiling (in-progress and completed):

ciscoasa# show cpu profile
CPU profiling started: 13:45:10.400 PST Fri Nov 16 2012 
CPU profiling currently in progress: 
Core 0: 209 out of 1000 samples collected. 
Use "show cpu profile dump" to see the results after it is complete or to interrupt profiling and display the incomplete results. 
ciscoasa# show cpu profile dump
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(2)
Hardware:   ASA5555
CPU profiling started: 09:13:32.079 UTC Wed Jan 30 2013
No CPU profiling process specified.
No CPU profiling trigger specified.
cores: 2
Process virtual address map:
End of process map
Samples for core 0 - stopped
{0x00000000007eadb6,0x000000000211ee7e} ...

The following example shows CPU usage for the ASA virtual:

ciscoasa# show cpu
CPU utilization for 5 seconds = 0%; 1 minute: 0%; 5 minutes: 0%
Virtual platform CPU resources
Number of vCPUs              :     2 
Number of allowed vCPUs      :     2 
vCPU Status                  :  Compliant 
Frequency Reservation        :  1000 MHz 
Minimum required             :  1000 MHz 
Frequency Limit              :  4000 MHz 
Maximum allowed              :  56000 MHz 
Frequency Status             :  Compliant 
Average Usage (30 seconds)   :   136 MHz 

The following example shows details of CPU usage for the ASA virtual:

Break down of per-core data path versus control point cpu usage:
Core         5 sec            1 min            5 min
Core 0       0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)
Core 1       0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.2 (0.2 + 0.0)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)
Core 2       0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)
Core 3       0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)  0.1 (0.0 + 0.1)  0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)
Current control point elapsed versus the maximum control point elapsed for:
     5 seconds = 0.0%; 1 minute: 0.0%; 5 minutes: 0.0%
CPU utilization of external processes for:
     5 seconds = 0.0%; 1 minute: 0.0%; 5 minutes: 0.0%
Total CPU utilization for:
     5 seconds = 0.1%; 1 minute: 0.1%; 5 minutes: 0.1%
Virtual platform CPU resources
Number of vCPUs              :     4 
Number of allowed vCPUs      :     4 
vCPU Status                  :  Compliant 
Frequency Reservation        :  1000 MHz 
Minimum required             :  1000 MHz 
Frequency Limit              :  20000 MHz 
Maximum allowed              :  20000 MHz 
Frequency Status             :  Compliant 
Average Usage (30 seconds)   :    99 MHz

From ASA version 9.6.1, two or four cores are choosen for control point (CP) processing to limit the number of cores CP can run on, instead of letting CP float around all the available cores. Even if there is no traffic load, selected cores for CP processing has constant load for CPU pinning, which polls data path (DP) on each core for checking DP thread. This load is included in the show cpu core output, but excluded in the show cpu detail output because show cpu detail checks for CP and DP load.


On Secure Firewall 4200 series devices, core 0 is dedicated for control point, while the other cores are used to execute the data path processes.


The following example shows different CPU utilization values (Core 0 and Core 2) in the output of show cpu core and show cpu detail commands:

ciscoasa(config)# show cpu core
Core 5 sec 1 min 5 min
Core 0 18.0% 18.0% 18.0%
Core 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Core 2 18.6% 18.5% 18.6%
Core 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
ciscoasa(config)# show cpu detail
Break down of per-core data path versus control point cpu usage:
Core 5 sec 1 min 5 min
Core 0 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6) 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6) 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6)
Core 1 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0) 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0) 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)
Core 2 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6) 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6) 1.6 (0.0 + 1.6)
Core 3 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0) 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0) 0.0 (0.0 + 0.0)