Syslog Messages 715001 to 721019

This chapter contains the following sections:

Messages 715001 to 715080

This section includes messages from 715001 to 715080.


Error Message %ASA-7-715001: Descriptive statement

Explanation A description of an event or problem encountered by the Secure Firewall ASA appears.

Recommended Action The action depends on the description.


Error Message %ASA-7-715004: subroutine name () Q Send failure: RetCode (return_code )

Explanation An internal error occurred when attempting to put messages in a queue.

Recommended Action This is often a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715005: subroutine name() Bad message code: Code (message_code )

Explanation An internal subroutine received a bad message code.

Recommended Action This is often a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715006: IKE got SPI from key engine: SPI = SPI_value

Explanation The IKE subsystem received an SPI value from IPsec.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715007: IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI = SPI_value

Explanation IKE has completed tunnel negotiation and has successfully loaded the appropriate encryption and hashing keys for IPsec use.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715008: Could not delete SA SA_address, refCnt = number , caller = calling_subroutine_address

Explanation The calling subroutine cannot delete the IPsec SA. This might indicate a reference count problem.

Recommended Action If the number of stale SAs grows as a result of this event, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715009: IKE Deleting SA: Remote Proxy IP_address , Local Proxy IP_address

Explanation SA is being deleted with the listed proxy addresses.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715013: Tunnel negotiation in progress for destination IP_address , discarding data

Explanation IKE is in the process of establishing a tunnel for this data. All packets to be protected by this tunnel will be dropped until the tunnel is fully established.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715018: IP Range type id was loaded: Direction %s,  From: %a, Through: %a

Explanation This syslog message is generated while updating IPSEC SA details.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715019: Group group Username username IP ip IKEGetUserAttributes: Attribute name = name

Explanation The modecfg attribute name and value pair being processed by the Secure Firewall ASA appear.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715020: construct_cfg_set: Attribute name = name

Explanation The modecfg attribute name and value pair being transmitted by the Secure Firewall ASA appear.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715021: Delay Quick Mode processing, Cert/Trans Exch/RM DSID in progress

Explanation Quick mode processing is being delayed until all Phase 1 processing has been completed (for transaction mode).

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715022: Resume Quick Mode processing, Cert/Trans Exch/RM DSID completed

Explanation Phase 1 processing has completed, and quick mode is being resumed.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715027: IPsec SA Proposal # chosen_proposal , Transform # chosen_transform acceptable Matches global IPsec SA entry # crypto_map_index

Explanation The indicated IPsec SA proposal and transform were selected from the payloads that the responder received. This data can be useful when attempting to debug IKE negotiation issues.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715028: IKE SA Proposal # 1, Transform # chosen_transform acceptable Matches global IKE entry # crypto_map_index

Explanation The indicated IKE SA transform was selected from the payloads that the responder received. This data can be useful when attempting to debug IKE negotiation issues.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715031: Obtained IP addr (%s) prior to initiating Mode Cfg (XAuth %s)

Explanation This syslog is generated when the IP address is assigned by the IP util subsystem.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715032: Sending subnet mask (%s) to remote client

Explanation This syslog is generated when the IP address is assigned by the IP util subsystem.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715033: Processing CONNECTED notify (MsgId message_number )

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA is processing a message containing a notify payload with the notify type CONNECTED (16384). The CONNECTED notify type is used to complete the commit bit processing and should be included in the fourth overall quick mode packet, which is sent from the responder to the initiator.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715034: action IOS keep alive payload: proposal=time 1 /time 2 sec.

Explanation Processing for sending or receiving a keepalive payload message is being performed.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715035: Starting IOS keepalive monitor: seconds sec.

Explanation The keepalive timer will monitor for a variable number of seconds for keepalive messages.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715036: Sending keep-alive of type notify_type (seq number number )

Explanation Processing for sending a keepalive notify message is being performed.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715037: Unknown IOS Vendor ID version: major.minor.variance

Explanation The capabilities of this version of the Cisco IOS are not known.

Recommended Action There may be interoperability issues with features such as IKE keepalives. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715038: action Spoofing_information Vendor ID payload (version: major.minor.variance , capabilities: value )

Explanation Processing for the Cisco IOS vendor ID payload has been performed. The action being performed might be Altiga spoofing the Cisco IOS.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715039: Unexpected cleanup of tunnel table entry during SA delete.

Explanation An entry in the IKE tunnel table was never removed when the SA was freed. This indicates a defect in the state machine.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715040: Deleting active auth handle during SA deletion: handle = internal_authentication_handle

Error Message The authentication handle was still active during SA deletion. This is part of cleanup recovery during the error condition.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715041: Received keep-alive of type keepalive_type , not the negotiated type

Explanation A keepalive of the type indicated in the message was received unexpectedly.

Recommended Action Check the keepalive configuration on both peers.


Error Message %ASA-7-715042: IKE received response of type failure_type to a request from the IP_address utility

Explanation A request for an IP address for a remote access client from the internal utility that provides these addresses cannot be satisfied. Variable text in the message string indicates more specifically what went wrong.

Recommended Action Check the IP address assignment configuration and adjust accordingly.


Error Message %ASA-7-715044: Ignoring Keepalive payload from vendor not support KeepAlive capability

Explanation A Cisco IOS keepalive payload from a vendor was received without keepalive capabilities being set. The payload is ignored.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715045: ERROR: malformed Keepalive payload

Explanation A malformed keepalive payload has been received. The payload is ignored.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715046: Group = groupname , Username = username , IP = IP_address , constructing payload_description payload

Explanation An IP address from a remote client for a specific group and user shows details about the IKE payload being constructed.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715047: processing payload_description payload

Explanation Details of the IKE payload received and being processed appear.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715048: Send VID_type VID

Explanation The type of vendor ID payload being sent appears.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715049: Received VID_type VID

Explanation The type of vendor ID payload received appears.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715050: Claims to be IOS but failed authentication

Explanation The vendor ID received looks like a Cisco IOS VID, but does not match hmac_sha.

Recommended Action Check the vendor ID configuration on both peers. If this issue affects interoperability and the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715051: Received unexpected TLV type TLV_type while processing FWTYPE ModeCfg Reply

Explanation An unknown TLV was received in an Secure Firewall ASA record while an FWTYPE ModeCfg Reply was being processed. The TLV will be discarded. This might occur either because of packet corruption or because the connecting client supports a later version of the Secure Firewall ASA protocol.

Recommended Action Check the personal FW installed on the Cisco VPN client and the personal firewall configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA. This may also indicate a version mismatch between the VPN client and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-715052: Old P1 SA is being deleted but new SA is DEAD, cannot transition centries

Explanation The old P1 SA is being deleted, but has no new SA to transition to because it was marked for deletion as well. This generally indicates that the two IKE peers are out-of-sync with each other and may be using different rekey times. The problem should correct itself, but there may be some small amount of data loss until a fresh P1 SA is reestablished.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715053: MODE_CFG: Received request for attribute_info !

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a mode configuration message requesting the specified attribute.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715054: MODE_CFG: Received attribute_name reply: value

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a mode configuration reply message from the remote peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715055: Send attribute_name

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA sent a mode configuration message to the remote peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715056: Client is configured for TCP_transparency

Explanation Because the remote end (client) is configured for IPsec over TCP, the headend Secure Firewall ASA must not negotiate IPsec over UDP or IPsec over NAT-T with the client.

Recommended Action The NAT transparency configuration may require adjustment of one of the peers if the tunnel does not come up.


Error Message %ASA-7-715057: Auto-detected a NAT device with NAT-Traversal. Ignoring IPsec-over-UDP configuration.

Explanation IPsec-over-UDP mode configuration information will not be exchanged because NAT-Traversal was detected.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715058: NAT-Discovery payloads missing. Aborting NAT-Traversal.

Explanation The remote end did not provide NAT-Discovery payloads required for NAT-Traversal after exchanging NAT-Traversal VIDs. At least two NAT-Discovery payloads must be received.

Recommended Action This may indicate a nonconforming NAT-T implementation. If the offending peer is a Cisco product and the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC. If the offending peer is not a Cisco product, then contact the manufacturer support team.


Error Message %ASA-7-715059: Proposing/Selecting only UDP-Encapsulated-Tunnel and UDP-Encapsulated-Transport modes defined by NAT-Traversal

Explanation You need to use these modes instead of the usual transport and tunnel modes defined in the SA to successfully negotiate NAT-Traversal.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715060: Dropped received IKE fragment. Reason: reason

Explanation The reason for dropping the fragment appears.

Recommended Action The recommended action depends on the drop reason, but might indicate a problem with an intervening NAT device or a nonconforming peer.


Error Message %ASA-7-715061: Rcv'd fragment from a new fragmentation set. Deleting any old fragments.

Explanation A resend of the same packet occurred, but fragmented to a different MTU, or another packet altogether.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715062: Error assembling fragments! Fragment numbers are non-continuous.

Explanation There is a gap in fragment numbers.

Recommended Action This might indicate a network problem. If the condition persists and results in dropped tunnels or prevents certain peers from negotiating with the Secure Firewall ASA, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715063: Successfully assembled an encrypted pkt from rcv'd fragments!

Explanation Assembly for a fragmented packet that was received was successful.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715064 -- IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: true /false Aggressive Mode: true /false

Explanation The peer supports IKE fragmentation based on the information provided in the message.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715065: IKE state_machine subtype FSM error history (struct data_structure_address ) state , event : state /event pairs

Explanation A Phase 1 error occurred and the state, event history pairs will be displayed in reverse chronological order.

Recommended Action Most of these errors are benign. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715066: Can't load an IPsec SA! The corresponding IKE SA contains an invalid logical ID.

Explanation The logical ID in the IKE SA is NULL. The Phase II negotiation will be torn down.

Recommended Action An internal error has occurred. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715067: QM IsRekeyed: existing sa from different peer, rejecting new sa

Explanation The LAN-TO-LAN SA that is being established already exists, that is, an SA with the same remote network, but is sourced from a different peer. This new SA will be deleted, because this is not a legal configuration.

Recommended Action Check the LAN-TO-LAN configuration on all associated peers. Specifically, multiple peers should not be sharing private networks.


Error Message %ASA-7-715068: QM IsRekeyed: duplicate sa found by address , deleting old sa

Explanation The remote access SA that is being established already exists, that is, an SA with the same remote network, but is sourced from a different peer. The old SA will be deleted, because the peer may have changed its IP address.

Recommended Action This may be a benign condition, especially if a client tunnel was terminated abruptly. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715069: Invalid ESP SPI size of SPI_size

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an IPsec SA proposal with an invalid ESP SPI size. This proposal will be skipped.

Recommended Action Generally, this is a benign condition but might indicate that a peer may be nonconforming. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715070: Invalid IPComp SPI size of SPI_size

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an IPsec SA proposal with an invalid IPComp SPI size. This proposal will be skipped.

Recommended Action Generally, this is a benign condition but might indicate that a peer is nonconforming. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715071: AH proposal not supported

Explanation The IPsec AH proposal is not supported. This proposal will be skipped.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715072: Received proposal with unknown protocol ID protocol_ID

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an IPsec SA proposal with an unknown protocol ID. This proposal will be skipped.

Recommended Action Generally, this is a benign condition, but might indicate that a peer is nonconforming. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715074: Could not retrieve authentication attributes for peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA cannot get authorization information for the remote user.

Recommended Action Make sure that authentication and authorization settings have been configured correctly. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-715075: Group = group_name , IP = IP_address Received keep-alive of type message_type (seq number number )

Explanation This message is paired with DPD R-U-THERE message 715036, which logs the DPD sending messages.

  • group_name—The VPN group name of the peer
  • IP_address—IP address of the VPN peer
  • message_type—The message type (DPD R-U-THERE or DPD R-U-THERE-ACK)
  • number—The DPD sequence number

Two possible cases:

  • Received peer sending DPD R-U-THERE message
  • Received peer reply DPD R-U-THERE-ACK message

Be aware of the following:

  • The DPD R-U-THERE message is received and its sequence number matches the outgoing DPD reply messages.

If the Secure Firewall ASA sends a DPD R-U-THERE-ACK message without first receiving a DPD R-U-THERE message from the peer, it is likely experiencing a security breech.

  • The received DPD R-U-THERE-ACK message's sequence number is matched with previously sent DPD messages.

If the Secure Firewall ASA did not receive a DPD R-U-THERE-ACK message within a reasonable amount of time after sending a DPD R-U-THERE message to the peer, the tunnel is most likely down.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715076: Computing hash for ISAKMP

Explanation IKE computed various hash values.

This object will be prepended as follows:

Group = >groupname , Username = >username , IP = >ip_address ...

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715077: Pitcher: msg string , spi spi

Explanation Various messages have been sent to IKE.

msg_string can be one of the following:

  • Received a key acquire message
  • Received SPI for nonexistent SA
  • Received key delete msg
  • Received KEY_UPDATE
  • Received KEY_REKEY_IB
  • Received KEY_REKEY_OB
  • Received KEY_SA_ACTIVE
  • Could not find IKE SA to activate IPSEC (OB)
  • Could not find IKE SA to rekey IPSEC (OB)
  • KEY_SA_ACTIVE no centry found
  • KEY_ADD centry not found
  • KEY_UPDATE centry not found

This object will be prepended as follows:

Group = >groupname , Username = >username , IP = >ip_address ,...

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715078: Received %s LAM attribute

Explanation This syslog is generated during parsing of challenge/response payload.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715079: INTERNAL_ADDRESS: Received request for %s

Explanation This syslog is generated during processing of internal address payload.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-715080: VPN: Starting P2 rekey timer: 28800 seconds.

Error Message An IKE rekey timer has started.

Recommended Action None required.

Messages 716001 to 716603

This section includes messages from 716001 to 716603.


Error Message %ASA-6-716001: Group group User user IP ip WebVPN session started.

Explanation The WebVPN session has started for the user in this group at the specified IP address. When the user logs in via the WebVPN login page, the WebVPN session starts.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716002: Group GroupPolicy User username IP ip WebVPN session terminated: User requested.

Explanation The WebVPN session has been terminated by a user request. Possible reasons include:

  • Lost carrier
  • Lost service
  • Idle timeout
  • Max time exceeded
  • Administrator reset
  • Administrator reboot
  • Administrator shutdown
  • Port error
  • NAS error
  • NAS request
  • NAS reboot
  • Port unneeded
  • Port preempted. This reason indicates that the allowed number of simultaneous (same user) logins has been exceeded. To resolve this problem, increase the number of simultaneous logins or have users only log in once with a given username and password.
  • Port suspended
  • Service unavailable
  • Callback
  • User error
  • Host requested
  • Bandwidth management error
  • ACL parse error
  • VPN simultaneous logins limit specified in the group policy
  • Unknown

Recommended Action Unless the reason indicates a problem, then no action is required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716003: Group group User user IP ip WebVPN access “GRANTED: url

Explanation The WebVPN user in this group at the specified IP address has been granted access to this URL. The user access to various locations can be controlled using WebVPN-specific ACLs.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716004: Group group User user WebVPN access DENIED to specified location: url

Explanation The WebVPN user in this group has been denied access to this URL. The WebVPN user access to various locations can be controlled using WebVPN-specific ACLs. In this case, a particular entry is denying access to this URL.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716005: Group group User user WebVPN ACL Parse Error: reason

Explanation The ACL for the WebVPN user in the specified group failed to parse correctly.

Recommended Action Correct the WebVPN ACL.


Error Message %ASA-6-716006: Group name User user WebVPN session terminated. Idle timeout.

Explanation The WebVPN session was not created for the user in the specified group because the VPN tunnel protocol is not set to WebVPN.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-716007: Group group User user WebVPN Unable to create session.

Explanation The WebVPN session was not created for the user in the specified group because of resource issues. For example, the user may have reached the maximum login limit.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716008: WebVPN ACL: action

Explanation The WebVPN ACL has begun performing an action (for example, begin parsing).

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716009: Group group User user WebVPN session not allowed. WebVPN ACL parse error.

Explanation The WebVPN session for the specified user in this group is not allowed because the associated ACL did not parse. The user will not be allowed to log in via WebVPN until this error has been corrected.

Recommended Action Correct the WebVPN ACL.


Error Message %ASA-7-716010: Group group User user Browse network.

Explanation The WebVPN user in the specified group browsed the network.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716011: Group group User user Browse domain domain .

Explanation The WebVPN specified user in this group browsed the specified domain.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716012: Group group User user Browse directory directory .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user browsed the specified directory.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716013: Group group User user Close file filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user closed the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716014: Group group User user View file filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user viewed the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716015: Group group User user Remove file filename .

Explanation The WebVPN user in the specified group removed the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716016: Group group User user Rename file old_filename to new_filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user renamed the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716017: Group group User user Modify file filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user modified the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716018: Group group User user Create file filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user created the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716019: Group group User user Create directory directory .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user created the specified directory.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716020: Group group User user Remove directory directory .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user removed the specified directory.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716021: File access DENIED, filename .

Explanation The specified WebVPN user was denied access to the specified file.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-716022: Unable to connect to proxy server reason .

Explanation The WebVPN HTTP/HTTPS redirect failed for the specified reason.

Recommended Action Check the HTTP/HTTPS proxy configuration.


Error Message %ASA-4-716023: Group name User user Session could not be established: session limit of maximum_sessions reached.

Explanation The user session cannot be established because the current number of sessions exceeds the maximum session load.

Recommended Action Increase the configured limit, if possible, to create a load-balanced cluster.


Error Message %ASA-7-716024: Group name User user Unable to browse the network.Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to browse the Windows network using the CIFS protocol, as indicated by the description. For example, “Unable to contact necessary server” indicates that the remote server is unavailable or unreachable. This might be a transient condition or may require further troubleshooting.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-716025: Group name User user Unable to browse domain domain . Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to browse the remote domain using the CIFS protocol.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-716026: Group name User user Unable to browse directory directory . Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to browse the remote directory using the CIFS protocol.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-716027: Group name User user Unable to view file filename . Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to view the remote file using the CIFS protocol.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-716028: Group name User user Unable to remove file filename . Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to remove the remote file using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by a lack of file permissions.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716029: Group name User user Unable to rename file filename . Error: description

Explanation The user was unable to rename the remote file using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by lack of file permissions.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716030: Group name User user Unable to modify file filename . Error: description

Explanation A problem occurred when a user attempted to modify an existing file using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by a lack of file permissions.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716031: Group name User user Unable to create file filename . Error: description

Explanation A problem occurred when a user attempted to create a file using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by a file permissions problem.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716032: Group name User user Unable to create folder folder . Error: description

Explanation A problem occurred when a user attempted to create a folder using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by a file permissions problem.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716033: Group name User user Unable to remove folder folder . Error: description

Explanation A problem occurred when a user of the CIFS protocol attempted to remove a folder, which probably occurred because of a permissions problem or a problem communicating with the server on which the file resides.

Recommended Action Check the connectivity between the WebVPN device and the server being accessed by the CIFS protocol. Also check the NetBIOS name server configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-7-716034: Group name User user Unable to write to file filename .

Explanation A problem occurred when a user attempted to write to a file using the CIFS protocol, probably caused by a permissions problem or a problem communicating with the server on which the file resides.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716035: Group name User user Unable to read file filename .

Explanation A problem occurred when a user of the CIFS protocol tried to read a file, probably caused by a file permissions problem.

Recommended Action Check the file permissions.


Error Message %ASA-7-716036: Group name User user File Access: User user logged into the server server.

Explanation A user successfully logged into the server using the CIFS protocol

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-716037: Group name User user File Access: User user failed to login into the server server.

Explanation A user attempted to log in to a server using the CIFS protocol, but was unsuccessful.

Recommended Action Verify that the user entered the correct username and password.


Error Message %ASA-6-716038: Group group User user IP ip Authentication: successful, Session Type: WebVPN.

Explanation Before a WebVPN session can start, the user must be authenticated successfully by a local or remote server (for example, RADIUS or TACACS+).

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716039: Authentication: rejected, group = name user = user , Session Type: %s

Explanation Before a WebVPN session starts, the user must be authenticated successfully by a local or remote server (for example, RADIUS or TACACS+). In this case, the user credentials (username and password) either did not match, or the user does not have permission to start a WebVPN session. The username is hidden when invalid or unknown, but appears when valid or the no logging hide username command has been configured.

  • %s—The session type, which can be either WebVPN or admin

Recommended Action Verify the user credentials on the local or remote server and that WebVPN is configured for the user.


Error Message %ASA-6-716040: Reboot pending, new sessions disabled. Denied user login.

Explanation A user was unable to log in to WebVPN because the Secure Firewall ASA is in the process of rebooting.

  • user—The session user

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716041: access-list acl_ID action url url hit_cnt count

Explanation The WebVPN URL named acl_ID has been hit count times for location url, whose action is permitted or denied.

  • acl_ID—The WebVPN URL ACL
  • count —The number of times the URL was accessed
  • url —The URL that was accessed
  • action —The user action

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716042: access-list acl_ID action tcp source_interface /source_address (source_port ) - dest_interface /dest_address (dest_port ) hit-cnt count

Explanation The WebVPN TCP named acl_ID has been hit count times for packet received on the source interface source_interface/source_address and source port source_port forwarded to dest_interface/dest_address destination dest_port, whose action is permitted or denied.

  • count —The number of times the ACL was accessed
  • source_interface —The source interface
  • source_address —The source IP address
  • source_port —The source port
  • dest_interface —The destination interface
  • dest_address —The destination IP address
  • action —The user action

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716043 Group group-name , User user-name , IP IP_address : WebVPN Port Forwarding Java applet started. Created new hosts file mappings.

Explanation The user has launched a TCP port-forwarding applet from a WebVPN session.

  • group-name—Group name associated with the session
  • user-name—Username associated with the session
  • IP_address—Source IP address associated with the session

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-716044: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address AAA parameter param-name value param-value out of range.

Explanation The given parameter has a bad value.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address
  • param-name—The name of the parameter
  • param-value—The value of the parameter

Recommended Action Modify the configuration to correct the indicated parameter. If the parameter is vlan or nac-settings, verify that it is correctly configured on the AAA server and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-4-716045: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address AAA parameter param-name value invalid.

Explanation The given parameter has a bad value. The value is not shown because it might be very long.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address
  • param-name—The name of the parameter

Recommended Action Modify the configuration to correct the indicated parameter.


Error Message %ASA-4-716046: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address User ACL access-list-name from AAA doesn't exist on the device, terminating connection.

Explanation The specified ACL was not found on the Secure Firewall ASA.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address
  • access-list-name—The name of the ACL

Recommended Action Modify the configuration to add the specified ACL or to correct the ACL name.


Error Message %ASA-4-716047: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address User ACL access-list-name from AAA ignored, AV-PAIR ACL used instead.

Explanation The specified ACL was not used because a Cisco AV-PAIR ACL was used.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address
  • access-list-name—The name of the ACL

Recommended Action Determine the correct ACL to use and correct the configuration.


Error Message %ASA-4-716048: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address No memory to parse ACL.

Explanation There was not enough memory to parse the ACL.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address

Recommended Action Purchase more memory, upgrade the Secure Firewall ASA, or reduce the load on it.


Error Message %ASA-6-716049: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address Empty SVC ACL.

Explanation The ACL to be used by the client was empty.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address

Recommended Action Determine the correct ACL to use and modify the configuration.


Error Message %ASA-6-716050: Error adding to ACL: ace_command_line

Explanation The ACL entry had a syntax error.

  • ace_command_line—The ACL entry that is causing the error

Recommended Action Correct the downloadable ACL configuration.


Error Message %ASA-6-716051: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address Error adding dynamic ACL for user.

Explanation There is not enough memory to perform the action.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address

Recommended Action Purchase more memory, upgrade the Secure Firewall ASA, or reduce the load on it.


Error Message %ASA-4-716052: Group group-name User user-name IP IP_address Pending session terminated.

Explanation A user did not complete login and the pending session was terminated. This may be due to an SVC that was unable to connect.

  • group-name—The name of the group
  • user-name—The name of the user
  • IP_address—The IP address

Recommended Action Check the user PC for SVC compatibility.


Error Message %ASA-5-716053: SAML Server added: name: name Type: SP

Explanation A SAML IDP server entry has been added to the webvpn configuration.

  • name—The entityID of the SAML IDP

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-716054: SAML Server deleted: name: name Type: SP

Explanation A SAML IDP server entry has been removed from the webvpn configuration. .

  • name—The entityID of the SAML IDP

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-716057: Group group User user IP ip Session terminated, no type license available.

Explanation A user has attempted to connect to the Secure Firewall ASA using a client that is not licensed. This message may also occur if a temporary license has expired.

  • group —The group policy that the user logged in with
  • user —The name of the user
  • IP —The IP address of the user
  • type —The type of license requested, which can be one of the following:

- AnyConnect Mobile

- LinkSys Phone

- The type of license requested by the client (if other than the AnyConnect Mobile or LinkSys Phone)

- Unknown

Recommended Action A permanent license with the appropriate feature should be purchased and installed.


Error Message %ASA-6-716058: Group group User user IP ip AnyConnect session lost connection. Waiting to resume.

Explanation The SSL tunnel was dropped and the AnyConnect session enters the inactive state, which can be caused by a hibernating host, a standby host, or a loss of network connectivity.

  • group —The tunnel group name associated with the AnyConnect session
  • user —The name of the user associated with the session
  • ip —The source IP address of the session

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716059: Group group User user IP ip AnyConnect session resumed. Connection from ip2 .

Explanation An AnyConnect session resumed from the inactive state.

  • group —The tunnel group name associated with the AnyConnect session
  • user —The name of the user associated with the session
  • ip —The source IP address of the session
  • ip2 —The source IP address of the host on which the session is resumed

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-716060: Group group User user IP ip Terminated AnyConnect session in inactive state to accept a new connection. License limit reached.

Explanation An AnyConnect session in the inactive state was logged out to allow a new incoming SSL VPN (AnyConnect or clientless) connection.

  • group —The tunnel group name associated with the AnyConnect session
  • user —The name of the user associated with the session
  • ip —The source IP address of the session

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-716061: Group DfltGrpPolicy User user IP ip addr IPv6 User Filter tempipv6 configured for AnyConnect. This setting has been deprecated, terminating connection

Explanation The IPv6 VPN filter has been deprecated and if it is configured instead of a unified filter for IPv6 traffic access control, the connection will be terminated.

Recommended Action Configure a unified filter with IPv6 entries to control IPv6 traffic for the user.


Error Message %ASA-3-716158: Failed to create SAML logout request, initiated by SP. Reason: reason

Explanation The device was unable to inform the SAML IDP of a user logout because it encountered an error while creating the SAML Logout request. The reasons could be profile is empty, could not create logout object, and so on.

Recommended Action None


Error Message %ASA-3-716159: Failed to process SAML logout request, initiated by SP. Reason: reason

Explanation The device encountered an error while processing a SAML logout request initiated by the IDP. The reasons could be NameID is invalid, could not create logout object, and so on.

Recommended Action None


Error Message %ASA-3-716160: Failed to create SAML authentication request. Reason:reason

Explanation The device was unable to authenticate a user with the SAML IDP because it encountered an error while creating the SAML authn request. The reasons could be NameIDPolicy is invalid, could not create new login instance, and so on.

Recommended Action None


Error Message %ASA-3-716162: Failed to consume SAML assertion. Reason: reason

Explanation The device encountered an error while processing an authentication response from a SAML IDP. The reasons could be response or assertion is empty, could not create new login instance, assertion is expired or not valid, assertion is empty, issuer is empty, subject is empty, issuer content is empty, name_id or content is empty, and so on.

Recommended Action None


Error Message %ASA-4-716165: SAML assertion cannot be replay protected because it does not contain time constraints.

Explanation SAML assertions need to contain time constraints in order for the firewall device to be able to guarantee replay detection. SAML assertions that do not contain time constraints are still accepted and cached for 10 minutes (default) or for the time specified by the timeout assertion CLI in the config-webvpn-saml-idp submode. After the assertion is removed from the cache, the assertion will again become valid when it is received again.

Recommended Action None. This needs to be addressed within the IDP product.


Error Message %ASA-2-716500: internal error in: function : Fiber library cannot locate AK47 instance

Explanation The fiber library cannot locate the application kernel layer 4 to 7 instance.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716501: internal error in: function : Fiber library cannot attach AK47 instance

Explanation The fiber library cannot attach the application kernel layer 4 to 7 instance.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716502: internal error in: function : Fiber library cannot allocate default arena

Explanation The fiber library cannot allocate the default arena.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716503: internal error in: function : Fiber library cannot allocate fiber descriptors pool

Explanation The fiber library cannot allocate the fiber descriptors pool.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716504: internal error in: function : Fiber library cannot allocate fiber stacks pool

Explanation The fiber library cannot allocate the fiber stack pool.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716505: internal error in: function : Fiber has joined fiber in unfinished state

Explanation The fiber has joined fiber in an unfinished state.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.



Explanation An internal fiber library was generated.

Recommended Action Contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716507: Fiber scheduler has reached unreachable code. Cannot continue, terminating.

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has experienced an unexpected error and has recovered.

Recommended Action Check for high CPU usage or CPU hogs, and potential memory leaks. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716508: internal error in: function : Fiber scheduler is scheduling rotten fiber. Cannot continuing terminating

Explanation The fiber scheduler is scheduling rotten fiber, so it cannot continue terminating.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716509:internal error in: function : Fiber scheduler is scheduling alien fiber. Cannot continue terminating

Explanation The fiber scheduler is scheduling alien fiber, so it cannot continue terminating.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716510:internal error in: function : Fiber scheduler is scheduling finished fiber. Cannot continue terminating

Explanation The fiber scheduler is scheduling finished fiber, so it cannot continue terminating.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716512:internal error in: function : Fiber has joined fiber waited upon by someone else

Explanation The fiber has joined fiber that is waited upon by someone else.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716513: internal error in: function : Fiber in callback blocked on other channel

Explanation The fiber in the callback was blocked on the other channel.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716515:internal error in: function : OCCAM failed to allocate memory for AK47 instance

Explanation The OCCAM failed to allocate memory for the AK47 instance.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716516: internal error in: function : OCCAM has corrupted ROL array. Cannot continue terminating

Explanation The OCCAM has a corrupted ROL array, so it cannot continue terminating.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716517: internal error in: function : OCCAM cached block has no associated arena

Explanation The OCCAM cached block has no associated arena.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716518: internal error in: function : OCCAM pool has no associated arena

Explanation The OCCAM pool has no associated arena.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716519: internal error in: function : OCCAM has corrupted pool list. Cannot continue terminating

Explanation The OCCAM has a corrupted pool list, so it cannot continue terminating.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716520:internal error in: function : OCCAM pool has no block list

Explanation The OCCAM pool has no block list.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716521: internal error in: function : OCCAM no realloc allowed in named pool

Explanation The OCCAM did not allow reallocation in the named pool.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-2-716522: internal error in: function : OCCAM corrupted standalone block

Explanation The OCCAM has a corrupted standalone block.

Recommended Action To determine the cause of the problem, contact the Cisco TAC.



Explanation An internal SAL error has occurred.

Recommended Action Contact the Cisco TAC.



Explanation A failure in the mounting of the permanent storage server directory occurred.

Recommended Action Contact the Cisco TAC.



Explanation A failure in the mounting of the permanent storage file occurred.

Recommended Action Contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-1-716528: Unexpected fiber scheduler error; possible out-of-memory condition

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has experienced an unexpected error and has recovered.

Recommended Action Check for high CPU usage or CPU hogs, and potential memory leaks. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-3-716600: Rejected size-recv KB Hostscan data from IP src-ip . Hostscan results exceed default | configured limit of size-conf KB.

Explanation When the size of the received Hostscan data exceeds the limit configured on the Secure Firewall ASA, the data is discarded.

  • size-recv —Size of received Hostscan data in kilobytes
  • src-ip —Source IP address
  • default | configured —Keyword specifying whether the value of the Hostscan data limit is the default or configured by the administrator
  • size-conf —Configured upper limit on the size of the Hostscan data that the Secure Firewall ASA accepts from clients

Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC to increase the upper limit on the size of Hostscan data that the Secure Firewall ASA accepts from clients.


Error Message %ASA-3-716601: Rejected size-recv KB Hostscan data from IP src-ip . System-wide limit on the amount of Hostscan data stored on FTD exceeds the limit of data-max KB.

Explanation When the amount of Hostscan data stored on the Secure Firewall ASA exceeds the limit, new Hostscan results are rejected.

  • size-recv —Size of received Hostscan data in kilobytes
  • src-ip —Source IP address
  • data-max —Limit on the amount of Hostscan results to be stored by the Secure Firewall ASA in kilobytes

Recommended Action Contact Cisco TAC to change the limit on stored Hostscan data.


Error Message %ASA-3-716602: Memory allocation error. Rejected size-recv KB Hostscan data from IP src-ip .

Explanation An error occurred while memory was being allocated for Hostscan data.

  • size-recv —Size of received Hostscan data in kilobytes
  • src-ip —Source IP address

Recommended Action Set the Hostscan limit to the default value if it is configured. If the problem persists, contact Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-716603: Received size-recv KB Hostscan data from IP src-ip .

Explanation The Hostscan data of a specified size was successfully received.

  • size-recv —Size of received Hostscan data in kilobytes
  • src-ip —Source IP address

Recommended Action None required.

Messages 717001 to 717064

This section includes messages from 717001 to 717064.


Error Message %ASA-3-717001: Querying keypair failed.

Explanation A required keypair was not found during an enrollment request.

Recommended Action Verify that a valid keypair exists in the trustpoint configuration, then resubmit the enrollment request.


Error Message %ASA-3-717002: Certificate enrollment failed for trustpoint trustpoint_name. Reason: reason_string .

Explanation An enrollment request for this trustpoint has failed.

  • trustpoint name —Trustpoint name that the enrollment request was for
  • reason_string —The reason the enrollment request failed

Recommended Action Check the CA server for the failure reason.


Error Message %ASA-6-717003: Certificate received from Certificate Authority for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation A certificate was successfully received from the CA for this trustpoint.

  • trustpoint_name —Trustpoint name

Recommended Action None required


Error Message %ASA-6-717004: PKCS #12 export failed for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation The trustpoint failed to export, because of one of the following: only a CA certificate exists, and an identity certificate does not exist for the trustpoint, or a required keypair is missing.

  • trustpoint_name —Trustpoint name

Recommended Action Make sure that required certificates and keypairs are present for the given trustpoint.


Error Message %ASA-6-717005: PKCS #12 export succeeded for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation The trustpoint was successfully exported.

  • trustpoint_name —Trustpoint name

Recommended Action None required


Error Message %ASA-6-717006: PKCS #12 import failed for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation Import of the requested trustpoint failed to be processed.

  • trustpoint_name —Trustpoint name

Recommended Action Verify the integrity of the imported data. Then make sure that the entire pkcs12 record is correctly pasted, and reimport the data.


Error Message %ASA-6-717007: PKCS #12 import succeeded for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation Import of the requested trustpoint was successfully completed.

  • trustpoint_name —Trustpoint name

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-2-717008: Insufficient memory to process_requiring_memory.

Explanation An internal error occurred while attempting to allocate memory for the process that reqires memory. Other processes may experience problems allocating memory and prevent further processing.

  • process_requiring_memory—The specified process that requires memoryr

Recommended Action Collect memory statistics and logs for further debugging and reload the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-3-717009: Certificate validation failed. Reason: reason_string .

Explanation A certificate validation failed, which might be caused by a validation attempt of a revoked certificate, invalid certificate attributes, or configuration issues.

  • reason_string —The reason that the certificate validation failed

Recommended Action Make sure the configuration has a valid trustpoint configured for validation if the reason indicates that no suitable trustpoints were found. Check the Secure Firewall ASA time to ensure that it is accurate relative to the certificate authority time. Check the reason for the failure and correct any issues that are indicated. If certificate validation fails due to the CA key size being too small or a weak crypto being used, you can use the crypto ca permit-weak-crypto command to override these restrictions.


Error Message %ASA-3-717010: CRL polling failed for trustpoint trustpoint_name .

Explanation .CRL polling has failed and may cause connections to be denied if CRL checking is required.

  • trustpoint_name—The name of the trustpoint that requested the CRL

Recommended Action Verify that connectivity exists with the configured CRL distribution point and make sure that manual CRL retrieval also functions correctly.


Error Message %ASA-2-717011: Unexpected event event event_ID

Explanation An event that is not expected under normal conditions has occurred.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-3-717012: Failed to refresh CRL cache entry from the server for trustpoint trustpoint_name at time_of_failure

Explanation An attempt to refresh a cached CRL entry has failed for the specified trustpoint at the indicated time of failure. This may result in obsolete CRLs on the Secure Firewall ASA, which may cause connections that require a valid CRL to be denied.

  • trustpoint_name—The name of the trustpoint
  • time_of_failure —The time of failure

Recommended Action Check connectivity issues to the server, such as a downed network or server. Try to retrieve the CRL manually using the crypto ca crl retrieve command.


Error Message %ASA-5-717013: Removing a cached CRL to accommodate an incoming CRL. Issuer: issuer

Explanation When the device is configured to authenticate IPsec tunnels using digital certificates, CRLs may be cached in memory to avoid requiring a CRL download during each connection. If the cache fills to the point where an incoming CRL cannot be accommodated, older CRLs will be removed until the required space is made available. This message is generated for each purged CRL.

  • issuer—The name of the device that removes cached CRLs

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-717014: Unable to cache a CRL received from CDP due to size limitations (CRL size = size , available cache space = space )

Explanation When the device is configured to authenticate IPsec tunnels using digital certificates, CRLs may be cached in memory to avoid requiring a CRL download during each connection. This message is generated if a received CRL is too large to fit in the cache. Large CRLs are still supported even though they are not cached. This means that the CRL will be downloaded with each IPsec connection, which may affect performance during IPsec connection bursts.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717015: CRL received from issuer is too large to process (CRL size = crl_size , maximum CRL size = max_crl_size )

Explanation An IPsec connection caused a CRL that is larger than the maximum permitted CRL size to be downloaded. This error condition causes the connection to fail. This message is rate limited to one message every 10 seconds.

Recommended Action Scalability is perhaps the most significant drawback to the CRL method of revocation checking. To solve this problem, the only options are to investigate a CA-based solution to reduce the CRL size or configure the Secure Firewall ASA not to require CRL validation.


Error Message %ASA-6-717016: Removing expired CRL from the CRL cache. Issuer: issuer

Explanation When the Secure Firewall ASA is configured to authenticate IPsec tunnels using digital certificates, CRLs may be cached in memory to avoid requiring a CRL download during each connection. This message is generated when either the CA specified expiration time or the configured cache time has lapsed and the CRL is removed from the cache.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717017: Failed to query CA certificate for trustpoint trustpoint_name from enrollment_url

Explanation An error occurred when an attempt was made to authenticate a trustpoint by requesting a CA certificate from a certificate authority.

Recommended Action Make sure that an enrollment URL is configured with this trustpoint, ensure connectivity with the CA server, then retry the request.


Error Message %ASA-3-717018: CRL received from issuer has too many entries to process (number of entries = number_of_entries , maximum number allowed = max_allowed )

Explanation An IPsec connection caused a CRL that includes more revocation entries than can be supported to be downloaded. This is an error condition that will cause the connection to fail. This message is rate limited to one message every 10 seconds.

  • issuer—The X.500 name of the CRLs issuer
  • number_of_entries—The number of revocation entries in the received CRL
  • max_allowed—The maximum number of CRL entries that the Secure Firewall ASA supports

Recommended Action Scalability is perhaps the most significant drawback to the CRL method of revocation checking. The only options to solve this problem are to investigate a CA-based solution to reduce the CRL size or configure the Secure Firewall ASA not to require CRL validation.


Error Message %ASA-3-717019: Failed to insert CRL for trustpoint trustpoint_name . Reason: failure_reason .

Explanation A CRL is retrieved, but found to be invalid and cannot be inserted into the cache because of the failure_reason.

  • trustpoint_name—The name of the trustpoint that requested the CRL
  • failure_reason—The reason that the CRL failed to be inserted into cache

Recommended Action Make sure that the current Secure Firewall ASA time is correct relative to the CA time. If the NextUpdate field is missing, configure the trustpoint to ignore the NextUpdate field.


Error Message %ASA-3-717020: Failed to install device certificate for trustpoint label . Reason: reason string .

Explanation A failure occurred while trying to enroll or import an enrolled certificate into a trustpoint.

  • label —Label of the trustpoint that failed to install the enrolled Secure Firewall ASA certificate
  • reason_string —The reason that the certificate cannot be verified

Recommended Action Use the failure reason to remedy the cause of failure and retry the enrollment. Common failures are due to invalid certificates being imported into the Secure Firewall ASA or a mismatch of the public key included in the enrolled certificate with the keypair referenced in the trustpoint.


Error Message %ASA-3-717021: Certificate data could not be verified. Locate Reason: reason_string serial number: serial number , subject name: subject name , key length key length bits.

Explanation An attempt to verify the certificate that is identified by the serial number and subject name was unsuccessful for the specified reason. When verifying certificate data using the signature, several errors can occur that should be logged, including invalid key types and unsupported key size.

  • reason_string —The reason that the certificate cannot be verified
  • serial number —Serial number of the certificate that is being verified
  • subject name —Subject name included in the certificate that is being verified
  • key length —The number of bits in the key used to sign this certificate

Recommended Action Check the specified certificate to ensure that it is valid, that it includes a valid key type, and that it does not exceed the maximum supported key size.


Error Message %ASA-6-717022: Certificate was successfully validated. certificate_identifiers

Explanation The identified certificate was successfully validated.

  • certificate_identifiers —Information to identify the certificate that was validated successfully, which might include a reason, serial number, subject name, and additional information

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717023: SSL failed to set device certificate for trustpoint trustpoint name . Reason: reason_string .

Explanation A failure occurred while trying to set an Secure Firewall ASA certificate for the given trustpoint for authenticating the SSL connection.

  • trustpoint name —Name of the trustpoint for which SSL failed to set an Secure Firewall ASA certificate
  • reason_string —Reason indicating why the Secure Firewall ASA certificate cannot be set

Recommended Action Resolve the issue indicated by the reason reported for the failure by doing the following:

  • Make sure that the specified trustpoint is enrolled and has an Secure Firewall ASA certificate.
  • Make sure the Secure Firewall ASA certificate is valid.
  • Reenroll the trustpoint, if required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717024: Checking CRL from trustpoint: trustpoint name for purpose

Explanation A CRL is being retrieved.

  • trustpoint name —Name of the trustpoint for which the CRL is being retrieved
  • purpose —Reason that the CRL is being retrieved

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717025: Validating certificate chain containing number of certs certificate(s).

Explanation A certificate chain is being validated.

  • >number of certs— Number of certificates in the chain

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-717026: Name lookup failed for hostname hostname during PKI operation.

Explanation The given hostname cannot be resolved while attempting a PKI operation.

  • >hostname —The hostname that failed to resolve

Recommended Action Check the configuration and the DNS server entries for the given hostname to make sure that it can be resolved. Then retry the operation.


Error Message %ASA-3-717027: Certificate chain failed validation. reason_string .

Explanation A certificate chain cannot be validated.

  • reason_string—Reason for the failure to validate the certificate chain. The reasons could be non reacheability of a CA server, trustpoint not being available, the validity period for the certificate identity has elapsed, or when the certificate is revoked.

Recommended Action Resolve the issue noted by the reason and retry the validation attempt by performing any of the following actions:

  • Make sure that connectivity to a CA is available if CRL checking is required.
  • Make sure that a trustpoint is authenticated and available for validation.
  • Make sure that the identity certificate within the chain is valid based on the validity dates.
  • Make sure that the certificate is not revoked.


Error Message %ASA-6-717028: Certificate chain was successfully validated additional info .

Explanation A certificate chain was successfully validated.

  • >additional info —More information for how the certificate chain was validated (for example, “with warning” indicates that a CRL check was not performed)

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717029: Identified client certificate within certificate chain. serial number: serial_number , subject name: subject_name .

Explanation The certificate specified as the client certificate is identified.

  • serial_number—Serial number of the certificate that is identified as the client certificate
  • subject_name—Subject name included in the certificate that is identified as the client certificate

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717030: Found a suitable trustpoint trustpoint name to validate certificate.

Explanation A suitable or usable trustpoint is found that can be used to validate the certificate.

  • trustpoint name —Trustpoint that will be used to validate the certificate

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-717031: Failed to find a suitable trustpoint for the issuer: issuer Reason: reason_string

Explanation A usable trustpoint cannot be found. During certificate validation, a suitable trustpoint must be available in order to validate a certificate.

  • >issuer —Issuer of the certificate that was being validated

  • reason_string —The reason that a suitable trustpoint cannot be found

Recommended Action Resolve the issue indicated in the reason by checking the configuration to make sure that a trustpoint is configured, authenticated, and enrolled. Also make sure that the configuration allows for specific types of certificates, such as identity certificates.


Error Message %ASA-3-717032: OCSP status check failed. Reason: reason_string

Explanation When the OCSP status check fails, this message is generated with the reason for the failure. The following list mentions the failure reasons:

  • HTTP transaction failed for OCSP request.

  • Invalid OCSP Response Status - unauthorized.

  • Failed OCSP response processing.

  • Failed to query an OCSP response from the server

  • Failed to parse HTTP OCSP response from the server

  • Invalid revocation status, server returned status: unknown

  • Invalid OCSP response type

  • Nonce missing in OCSP response

  • NONCE mismatch

  • Failed to verify OCSP response

  • Validity period of OCSP response invalid

  • Certificate is revoked

  • CRL check for OCSP responder cert failed

Recommended Action None.


Error Message %ASA-6-717033: OCSP response status - Successful.

Explanation An OCSP status check response was received successfully.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717034: No-check extension found in certificate. OCSP check bypassed.

Explanation An OCSP responder certificate was received that includes an “id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck” extension, which allows this certificate to be validated without an OCSP status check.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-717035: OCSP status is being checked for certificate. certificate_identifier.

Explanation The certificate for which an OCSP status check occurs is identified.

  • certificate_identifier —Information that identifies the certificate being processed by the certificate map rules

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-717036: Looking for a tunnel group match based on certificate maps for peer certificate with certificate_identifier .

Explanation The peer certificate identified by the certificate identifier is being processed through the configured certificate maps to attempt a possible tunnel group match.

  • certificate_identifier —Information that identifies the certificate being processed by the certificate map rules

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-717037: Tunnel group search using certificate maps failed for peer certificate: certificate_identifier .

Explanation The peer certificate identified by the certificate identifier was processed through the configured certificate maps to attempt a possible tunnel group match, but no match can be found.

  • certificate_identifier —Information that identifies the certificate being processed by the certificate map rules

Recommended Action Make sure that the warning is expected based on the received peer certificate and the configured crypto CA certificate map rules.


Error Message %ASA-7-717038: Tunnel group match found. Tunnel Group: tunnel_group_name , Peer certificate: certificate_identifier .

Explanation The peer certificate identified by the certificate identifier was processed by the configured certificate maps, and a match was found to the tunnel group.

  • certificate_identifier —Information that identifies the certificate being processed by the certificate map rules
  • tunnel_group_name —The name of the tunnel group matched by the certificate map rules

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717039: Local CA Server internal error detected: error.

Explanation An internal processing error has occurred with the local CA server.

  • error —Error string

Recommended Action Based on the error, take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. Currently, the possible errors include:

  • CA key does not exist—Make sure that the CA key is present, or restore the key from a backup, if necessary.
  • Failed to rollover expired CA certificate—Make sure that the clock is correct and that the CA certificate is expired, then restart the CA server to try to reissue the certificate.
  • Failed to generate self-signed certificate for Local CA Server certificate rollover upon expiration—Make sure that the clock is correct and that the CA certificate is about to expire, then restart the CA server to try to reissue the certificate.
  • Failed to configure Local CA Server—Turn on debugging and try to configure the CA server again to determine the cause of the failure.
  • Invalid issuer name configured—Change the issuer name DN to a valid DN string.


Error Message %ASA-2-717040: Local CA Server has failed and is being disabled. Reason: reason.

Explanation The local CA server is being disabled because of an error.

  • reason —Reason string

Currently, the possible errors include:

  • Storage down—Make sure that storage is accessible, and reenable the CA server by using the no shut command.

Recommended Action Based on the reason, take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.


Error Message %ASA-7-717041: Local CA Server event: event info .

Explanation Event details that have occurred on the CA server are reported to allow you to track or debug the CA server health, including when the CA server is created, enabled, or disabled, or when the CA server certificate is rolled over.

  • event info —Details of the event that occurred

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717042: Failed to enable Local CA Server.Reason: reason .

Explanation Errors occurred when an attempt was made to enable the local CA server.

  • reason —Reason that the local CA server failed to enable

Recommended Action Resolve the issue encountered that is reported in the reason string. Currently, the possible reasons include:

  • Failed to create server trustpoint
  • Failed to create server keypair
  • Time has not been set
  • Failed to init storage
  • Storage not accessible
  • Failed to validate self-signed CA certificate
  • Failed to generate self-signed CA certificate
  • CA certificate has expired
  • Failed to generate CRL
  • Failed to archive CA key and certificate
  • Failed to generate empty user or certificate database file
  • Failed to load user or certificate database file


Error Message %ASA-6-717043: Local CA Server certificate enrollment related info for user: user . Info: info .

Explanation Enrollment-related activities for a user are being monitored. The username and specific enrollment information are reported so that enrollments, e-mail invitation generation, and renewal reminder generation can be monitored.

  • user —Username about whom the enrollment information log is being generated
  • info —Enrollment information string

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717044: Local CA server certificate enrollment related error for user: user . Error: error .

Explanation Errors that occur in the processing of certificate enrollment are reported, which may include errors in notifying users via e-mail for renewal reminders, errors during issuance of a certificate to complete enrollment, invalid username or OTP, and expired enrollment attempts.

  • user —Username for whom the enrollment error log is being generated
  • error —Enrollment error

Recommended Action If the error does not provide enough information to diagnose and resolve the issue, turn on debugging and try enrollment again.


Error Message %ASA-7-717045:Local CA Server CRL info: info

Explanation The CRL file is monitored when it is generated and regenerated.

  • info —Informational string of the CRL event

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717046: Local CA Server CRL error: error .

Explanation Errors that are encountered while trying to generate and reissue the local CA server CRL file are reported.

  • error —Error string

Recommended Action Take appropriate action to resolve the reported issue, which may include verifying that storage is accessible, and that the CRL file is valid in storage and signed by the existing local CA server.


Error Message %ASA-6-717047: Revoked certificate issued to user: username, with serial number serial number .

Explanation Any certificates issued by the local CA server that have been revoked are being monitored.

  • username —Username of the owner of the certificate that is being revoked
  • serial number —Serial number of the certificate that has been revoked

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-717048: Unrevoked certificate issued to user: username, with serial number serial number .

Explanation Any certificates that were issued by the local CA server that were previously revoked, and that are now being unrevoked and removed from the CRL are being monitored.

  • username —Username of the owner of the certificate that is being unrevoked
  • serial number —Serial number of the certificate that has been unrevoked

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-1-717049: Local CA Server certificate is due to expire in number days and a replacement certificate is available for export.

Explanation The administrator is alerted to an upcoming CA certificate expiration so that the administrator can take action to export the replacement certificate to all ASAs that will require the new certificate.

  • number —The number of days before the local CA server certificate expires

Recommended Action To avoid certificate validation failures on any ASAs that require the local CA server certificate, action should be taken before the actual expiration of the current local CA server certificate, which is indicated by the number value. Note that the local CA server does not require any action because the CA certificate will be replaced automatically. Use the show crypto ca server certificate command to view the replacement or rollover local CA server certificate and copy it for import into any ASA that will require the new certificate.


Error Message %ASA-5-717050: SCEP Proxy: Processed request type type from IP client ip address , User username , TunnelGroup tunnel_group name , GroupPolicy group-policy name to CA IP ca ip address

Explanation The SCEP proxy received a message and relayed it to the CA. The response from the CA is relayed back to the client.

  • type —The request type string that is received by the SCEP proxy, which can be one of the following SCEP message types: PKIOperation, GetCACaps, GetCACert, GetNextCACert, and GetCACertChain.
  • client ip address —The source IP address of the request received
  • username —The username that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • tunnel-group name —The tunnel group that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • group-policy name —The group policy that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • ca ip address —The IP address of the CA that is configured in the group policy

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717051: SCEP Proxy: Denied processing the request type type received from IP client ip address , User username , TunnelGroup tunnel group name , GroupPolicy group policy name to CA ca ip address . Reason: msg

Explanation The SCEP proxy denied processing of the request, which may be caused by a misconfiguration, an error condition in the proxy, or an invalid request.

  • type —The request type string that is received by the SCEP proxy, which can be one of the following SCEP message types: PKIOperation, GetCACaps, GetCACert, GetNextCACert, and GetCACertChain.
  • client ip address —The source IP address of the request received
  • username —The username that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • tunnel-group name —The tunnel group that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • group-policy name —The group policy that is associated with the VPN session in which the SCEP request is received
  • ca ip address —The IP address of the CA that is configured in the group policy
  • msg—The reason string that explains the reason or error for why the request processing is denied

Recommended Action Identify the cause from the reason printed. If the reason indicates that the request is invalid, check the CA URL configuration. Otherwise, confirm that the tunnel group is enabled for SCEP enrollment and debug further by using the debug crypto ca scep-proxy command.


Error Message %ASA-4-717052: Group group name User user name IP IP Address Session disconnected due to periodic certificate authentication failure. Subject Name id subject name Issuer Name id issuer name Serial Number id serial number

Explanation Periodic certificate authentication failed, and the session was disconnected.

  • group name —The name of the group policy to which the session belongs
  • user name —The username of the session
  • IP —The public IP address of the session
  • id subject name —The subject name in the ID certificate of the session
  • id issuer name —The issuer name in the ID certificate of the session
  • id serial number —The serial number in the ID certificate of the session

Recommended Action None required.


SSP-whole topic

Error Message %ASA-5-717053: Group group name User user name IP IP Address Periodic certificate authentication succeeded. Subject Name id subject name Issuer Name id issuer name Serial Number id serial number

Explanation Periodic certificate authentication succeeded.

  • group name —The name of the group policy to which the session belongs
  • user name —The username of the session
  • id subject name —The subject name in the ID certificate of the session
  • id issuer name —The issuer name in the ID certificate of the session
  • id serial number —The serial number in the ID certificate of the session

Recommended Action None required.


SSP-whole topic

Error Message %ASA-1-717054: The type certificate in the trustpoint tp name is due to expire in number days. Expiration date and time Subject Name subject name Issuer Name issuer name Serial Number serial number

Explanation The specified certificate in the trustpoint is about to expire.

  • type —The type of certificate: CA or ID
  • tp name —The name of the trustpoint to which the certificate belongs
  • number —The number of days until expiration
  • date and time : The expiration date and time
  • subject name —The subject name in the certificate
  • issuer name —The issuer name in the certificate
  • serial number —The serial number in the certificate

Recommended Action Renew the certificate.


Error Message %ASA-1-717055: The type certificate in the trustpoint tp name has expired. Expiration date and time Subject Name subject name Issuer Name issuer name Serial Number serial number

Explanation The specified certificate in the trustpoint has expired.

  • type —The type of certificate: CA or ID
  • tp name —The name of the trustpoint to which the certificate belongs
  • date and time : The expiration date and time
  • subject name —The subject name in the certificate
  • issuer name —The issuer name in the certificate
  • serial number —The serial number in the certificate

Recommended Action Renew the certificate.


Only heading title SSP

Error Message %ASA-6-717056: Attempting type revocation check from Src Interface :Src IP /Src Port to Dst IP /Dst Port using protocol

Explanation The CA was attempting to download a CRL or send an OCSP revocation check request.

  • type —Type of revocation check, which can be OCSP or CRL
  • Src Interface —Name of the interface from which the revocation checking is being done
  • Src IP —IP address from which the revocation checking is being done
  • Src Port —Port number from which the revocation checking is being done
  • Dst IP —IP address of the server to which the revocation checking request is being sent
  • Dst Port —Port number of the server to which the revocation checking request is being sent
  • Protocol —Protocol being used for revocation checking, which can be HTTP, LDAP, or SCEP

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717057: Automatic import of trustpool certificate bundle has failed. < Maximum retry attempts reached. Failed to reach CA server> | <Cisco root bundle signature validation failed> | <Failed to update trustpool bundle in flash> | <Failed to install trustpool bundle in memory>

Explanation This syslog is generated with one of these error messages. This syslog is meant to update the user with results of the auto import operation and steer them towards the right debug messages especially in cases of failure. Details of each error are present in the debug output.

Recommended Action Verify CA accessibility and make space on flash CA root certificate.


Error Message %ASA-6-717058: Automatic import of trustpool certificate bundle is successful: <No change in trustpool bundle> | <Trustpool updated in flash>.

Explanation This syslog is generated with one of these success messages. This syslog is meant to update the user with results of the auto import operation and steer them towards the right debug messages, especially in cases of failure. Details of each error are present in the debug output.

Recommended Action None.


Error Message %ASA-6-717059: Peer certificate with serial number: <serial>, subject: <subject_name>, issuer: <issuer_name> matched the configured certificate map <map_name>

Explanation This log is generated when an ASDM connection is authenticated via certificates and allowed based on the configured certificate map rules.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-717060: Peer certificate with serial number: <serial>, subject: <subject_name>, issuer: <issuer_name> failed to match the configured certificate map <map_name>

Explanation This log is generated when an ASDM connection is authenticated via certificates and not allowed based on the configured certificate map rules.

Recommended Action If the peer certificate referenced in the log is supposed to be allowed, check certificate map configuration for the referenced map_name and correct the map to allow the connection as needed.


SSP-only heading title

Error Message %ASA-5-717061: Starting protocol certificate enrollment for the trustpoint tpname with the CA ca_name. Request Type type Mode mode

Explanation A CMP enrollment request has been triggered.

  • tpname —Name of the trustpoint being enrolled
  • ca —CA hostname or IP address as provided in the CMP configuration
  • type —CMP request type: Initialization Request, Certification Request, and Key Update Request
  • mode —Enrollment trigger: Manual or Automatic
  • protocol —Enrollment protocol: CMP

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-717062: protocol Certificate enrollment succeeded for the trustpoint tpname with the CA ca. Received a new certificate with Subject Name subject Issuer Name issuer Serial Number serial

Explanation CMP enrollment request succeeded. New certificate received.

  • tpname —Name of the trustpoint being enrolled
  • ca —CA hostname or IP address as provided in the CMP configuration
  • subject —Subject Name from the received certificate
  • issuer —Issuer Name from the received certificate
  • serial—Serial Number from the received certificate
  • protocol —Enrollment protocol: CMP

Recommended Action None required.


SSP Only heading title

Error Message %ASA-3-717063: protocol Certificate enrollment failed for the trustpoint tpname with the CA ca

Explanation CMP enrollment request failed.

  • tpname —Name of the trustpoint being enrolled
  • ca —CA hostname or IP address as provided in the CMP configuration
  • protocol —Enrollment protocol: CMP

Recommended Action Use the CMP debug traces to fix the enrollment failure.


SSP - only heading

Error Message %ASA-5-717064: Keypair keyname in the trustpoint tpname is regenerated for mode protocol certificate renewal

Explanation The keypair in the trustpoint is regenerated for certificate enrollment using CMP.

  • tpname —Name of the trustpoint being enrolled
  • keyname —Name of the keypair in the trustpoint
  • mode—Enrollment trigger: Manual or Automatic
  • protocol —Enrollment protocol: CMP

Recommended Action None required.

Messages 718001 to 719026

This section includes messages from 718001 to 719026.


Error Message %ASA-7-718001: Internal interprocess communication queue send failure: code error_code

Explanation An internal software error has occurred while attempting to enqueue a message on the VPN load balancing queue.

Recommended Action This is generally a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718002: Create peer IP_address failure, already at maximum of number_of_peers

Explanation The maximum number of load-balancing peers has been exceeded. The new peer is ignored.

Recommended Action Check your load balancing and network configuration to ensure that the number of load-balancing peers does not exceed the maximum allowed.


Error Message %ASA-6-718003: Got unknown peer message message_number from IP_address , local version version_number , remote version version_number

Explanation An unrecognized load-balancing message was received from one of the load-balancing peers. This may indicate a version mismatch between peers, but is most likely caused by an internal software error.

Recommended Action Verify that all load-balancing peers are compatible. If they are and this condition persists or is linked to undesirable behavior, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-6-718004: Got unknown internal message message_number

Explanation An internal software error occurred.

Recommended Action This is generally a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718005: Fail to send to IP_address , port port

Explanation An internal software error occurred during packet transmission on the load-balancing socket. This mght indicate a network problem.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718006: Invalid load balancing state transition [cur=state_number ][event=event_number ]

Explanation A state machine error has occurred. This might indicate an internal software error.

Recommended Action This is generally a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718007: Socket open failure [failure_code]:failure_text

Explanation An error occurred when the load-balancing socket tried to open. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718008: Socket bind failure [failure_code]:failure_text

Explanation An error occurred when the Secure Firewall ASA tried to bind to the load-balancing socket. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718009: Send HELLO response failure to IP_address

Explanation An error occurred when the Secure Firewall ASA tried to send a hello response message to one of the load-balancing peers. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718010: Sent HELLO response to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted a hello response message to a load-balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718011: Send HELLO request failure to IP_address

Explanation An error occurred when the Secure Firewall ASA tried to send a hello request message to one of the load-balancing peers. This may indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718012: Sent HELLO request to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted a hello request message to a load-balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-718013: Peer IP_address is not answering HELLO

Explanation The load-balancing peer is not answering a hello request message.

Recommended Action Check the status of the load-balancing SSF peer and the network connections.


Error Message %ASA-5-718014: Master peer IP_address is not answering HELLO

Explanation The load balancing director peer is not answering the hello request message.

Recommended Action Check the status of the load balancing SSF director peer and the network connections.


Error Message %ASA-5-718015: Received HELLO request from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a hello request message from the load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718016: Received HELLO response from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a Hello Response packet from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718017: Got timeout for unknown peer IP_address msg type message_type

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA processed a timeout for an unknown peer. The message was ignored because the peer may have already been removed from the active list.

Recommended Action If the message persists or is linked to undesirable behavior, check the load balancing peers and verify that all are configured correctly.


Error Message %ASA-7-718018: Send KEEPALIVE request failure to IP_address

Explanation An error has occurred while attempting to send a Keepalive Request message to one of the load balancing peers. This t indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718019: Sent KEEPALIVE request to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted a Keepalive Request message to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718020: Send KEEPALIVE response failure to IP_address

Explanation An error has occurred while attempting to send a Keepalive Response message to one of the load balancing peers. This may indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718021: Sent KEEPALIVE response to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted a Keepalive Response message to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718022: Received KEEPALIVE request from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a Keepalive Request message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718023: Received KEEPALIVE response from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a Keepalive Response message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718024: Send CFG UPDATE failure to IP_address

Explanation An error has occurred while attempting to send a Configuration Update message to one of the load balancing peers. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718025: Sent CFG UPDATE to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted a Configuration Update message to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718026: Received CFG UPDATE from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a Configuration Update message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-718027: Received unexpected KEEPALIVE request from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an unexpected Keepalive request message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action If the problem persists or is linked with undesirable behavior, verify that all load balancing peers are configured and discovered correctly.


Error Message %ASA-5-718028: Send OOS indicator failure to IP_address

Explanation An error has occurred while attempting to send an OOS indicator message to one of the load balancing peers. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and verify that interfaces are active and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718029: Sent OOS indicator to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA transmitted an OOS indicator message to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-718030: Received planned OOS from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a planned OOS message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718031: Received OOS obituary for IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an OOS obituary message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718032: Received OOS indicator from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received an OOS indicator message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718033: Send TOPOLOGY indicator failure to IP_address

Explanation An error has occurred while attempting to send a Topology indicator message to one of the load balancing peers. This might indicate a network problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the network-based configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA. Verify that interfaces are active, and protocol data is flowing through the Secure Firewall ASA. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718034: Sent TOPOLOGY indicator to IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA sent a Topology indicator message to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718035: Received TOPOLOGY indicator from IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a Topology indicator message from a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718036: Process timeout for req-type type_value , exid exchange_ID , peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA processed a peer timeout.

Recommended Action Verify that the peer should have been timed out. If not, check the load balancing peer configuration and the network connection between the peer and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-6-718037: Master processed number_of_timeouts timeouts

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA in the director role processed the specified number of peer timeouts.

Recommended Action Verify that the timeouts are legitimate. If not, check the peer load balancing configuration and the network connection between the peer and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-6-718038: Slave processed number_of_timeouts timeouts

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA in the member role processed the specified number of peer timeouts.

Recommended Action Verify that the timeouts are legitimate. If not, check the peer load balancing configuration and the network connection between the peer and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-6-718039: Process dead peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has detected a dead peer.

Recommended Action Verify that the dead peer detection is legitimate. If not, check the peer load balancing configuration and the network connection between the peer and the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-6-718040: Timed-out exchange ID exchange_ID not found

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has detected a dead peer, but the exchange ID is not recognized.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718041: Timeout [msgType=type ] processed with no callback

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has detected a dead peer, but a call back was not used in the processing.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718042: Unable to ARP for IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced an ARP failure when attempting to contact a peer.

Recommended Action Verify that the network is operational and that all peers can communicate with each other.


Error Message %ASA-5-718043: Updating/removing duplicate peer entry IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA found and is removing a duplicate peer entry.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718044: Deleted peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA is deleting a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718045: Created peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has detected a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718046: Create group policy policy_name

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has created a group policy to securely communicate with the load balancing peers.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718047: Fail to create group policy policy_name

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to create a group policy for securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action Verify that the load balancing configuration is correct.


Error Message %ASA-5-718048: Create of secure tunnel failure for peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to establish an IPsec tunnel to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action Verify that the load balancing configuration is correct and that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-7-718049: Created secure tunnel to peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA successfully established an IPsec tunnel to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718050: Delete of secure tunnel failure for peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to terminate an IPsec tunnel to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action Verify that the load balancing configuration is correct and that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-6-718051: Deleted secure tunnel to peer IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA successfully terminated an IPsec tunnel to a load balancing peer.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718052: Received GRAT-ARP from duplicate master MAC_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA received a gratuitous ARP from a duplicate director.

Recommended Action Check the load balancing configuration and verify that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-5-718053: Detected duplicate master, mastership stolen MAC_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA detected a duplicate director and a stolen director.

Recommended Action Check the load balancing configuration and verify that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-5-718054: Detected duplicate master MAC_address and going to SLAVE

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA detected a duplicate director and is switching to member mode.

Recommended Action Check the load balancing configuration and verify that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-5-718055: Detected duplicate master MAC_address and staying MASTER

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA detected a duplicate director and is staying in member mode.

Recommended Action Check the load balancing configuration and verify that the network is operational.


Error Message %ASA-7-718056: Deleted Master peer, IP IP_address

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA deleted the load balancing director from its internal tables.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718057: Queue send failure from ISR, msg type failure_code

Explanation An internal software error has occurred while attempting to enqueue a message on the VPN load balancing queue from an Interrupt Service Routing.

Recommended Action This is generally a benign condition. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-7-718058: State machine return code: action_routine , return_code

Explanation The return codes of action routines belonging to the load balancing finite state machine are being traced.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718059: State machine function trace: state=state_name , event=event_name , func=action_routine

Explanation The events and states of the load balancing finite state machine are being traced.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718060: Inbound socket select fail: context=context_ID .

Explanation The socket select call returned an error and the socket cannot be read. This might indicate an internal software error.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718061: Inbound socket read fail: context=context_ID .

Explanation The socket read failed after data was detected through the select call. This might indicate an internal software error.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718062: Inbound thread is awake (context=context_ID ).

Explanation The load balancing process is awakened and begins processing.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718063: Interface interface_name is down.

Explanation The load balancing process found the interface down.

Recommended Action Check the interface configuration to make sure that the interface is operational.


Error Message %ASA-5-718064: Admin. interface interface_name is down.

Explanation The load balancing process found the administrative interface down.

Recommended Action Check the administrative interface configuration to make sure that the interface is operational.


Error Message %ASA-5-718065: Cannot continue to run (public=up /down , private=up /down , enable=LB_state , master=IP_address , session=Enable /Disable ).

Explanation The load balancing process can not run because all prerequisite conditions have not been met. The prerequisite conditions are two active interfaces and load balancing enabled.

Recommended Action Check the interface configuration to make sure at least two interfaces are operational and load balancing is enabled.


Error Message %ASA-5-718066: Cannot add secondary address to interface interface_name , ip IP_address .

Explanation Load balancing requires a secondary address to be added to the outside interface. A failure occurred in adding that secondary address.

Recommended Action Check the address being used as the secondary address and make sure that it is valid and unique. Check the configuration of the outside interface.


Error Message %ASA-5-718067: Cannot delete secondary address to interface interface_name , ip IP_address .

Explanation The deletion of the secondary address failed, which might indicate an addressing problem or an internal software error.

Recommended Action Check the addressing information of the outside interface and make sure that the secondary address is valid and unique. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718068: Start VPN Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The load balancing process has been started and initialized.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718069: Stop VPN Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The load balancing process has been stopped.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718070: Reset VPN Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The LB process has been reset.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718071: Terminate VPN Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The LB process has been terminated.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718072: Becoming master of Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has become the LB director.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718073: Becoming slave of Load Balancing in context context_ID .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA has become the LB member.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718074: Fail to create access list for peer context_ID .

Explanation ACLs are used to create secure tunnels over which the LB peers can communicate. The Secure Firewall ASA was unable to create one of these ACLs. This might indicate an addressing problem or an internal software problem.

Recommended Action Check the addressing information of the inside interface on all peers and ensure that all peers are discovered correctly. If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718075: Peer IP_address access list not set.

Explanation While removing a secure tunnel, the Secure Firewall ASA detected a peer entry that did not have an associated ACL.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718076: Fail to create tunnel group for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when trying to create a tunnel group for securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action Verify that the load balancing configuration is correct.


Error Message %ASA-5-718077: Fail to delete tunnel group for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to delete a tunnel group for securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718078: Fail to create crypto map for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to create a crypto map for securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action Verify that the load balancing configuration is correct.


Error Message %ASA-5-718079: Fail to delete crypto map for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to delete a crypto map for securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718080: Fail to create crypto policy for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to create a transform set to be used in securing the communication between load balancing peers. This might indicate an internal software problem.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718081: Fail to delete crypto policy for peer IP_address .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to delete a transform set used in securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-718082: Fail to create crypto ipsec for peer IP_address .

Explanation When cluster encryption for VPN load balancing is enabled, the VPN load balancing device creates a set of site-to-site tunnels for every other device in the load balancing cluster. For each tunnel, a set of crypto parameters (access list, crypto maps, and transform set) is created dynamically. One or more crypto parameters failed to be created or configured.

  • IP_address—The IP address of the remote peer

Recommended Action Examine the message for other entries specific to the type of crypto parameters that failed to be created.


Error Message %ASA-5-718083: Fail to delete crypto ipsec for peer IP_address .

Explanation When the local VPN load balancing device is removed from the cluster, crypto parameters are removed. One or more crypto parameters failed to be deleted.

  • IP_address—The IP address of the remote peer

Recommended Action Examine the message for other entries specific to the type of crypto parameters that failed to be deleted.


Error Message %ASA-5-718084: Public/cluster IP not on the same subnet: public IP_address , mask netmask , cluster IP_address

Explanation The cluster IP address is not on the same network as the outside interface of the Secure Firewall ASA.

Recommended Action Make sure that both the cluster (or virtual) IP address and the outside interface address are on the same network.


Error Message %ASA-5-718085: Interface interface_name has no IP address defined.

Explanation The interface does not have an IP address configured.

Recommended Action Configure an IP address for the interface.


Error Message %ASA-5-718086: Fail to install LB NP rules: type rule_type , dst interface_name , port port .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to create a SoftNP ACL rule to be used in securing the communication between load balancing peers. This may indicate an internal software problem.

Recommended Action If the problem persists, contact the Cisco TAC.


Error Message %ASA-5-718087: Fail to delete LB NP rules: type rule_type , rule rule_ID .

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA experienced a failure when attempting to delete the SoftNP ACL rule used in securing the communication between load balancing peers.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-718088: Possible VPN LB misconfiguration. Offending device MAC MAC_address .

Explanation The presence of a duplicate director indicates that one of the load balancing peers may be misconfigured.

Recommended Action Check the load balancing configuration on all peers, but pay special attention to the peer identified.


Error Message %ASA-6-719001: Email Proxy session could not be established: session limit of maximum_sessions has been reached.

Explanation The incoming e-mail proxy session cannot be established because the maximum session limit has been reached.

  • maximum_sessions—The maximum session number

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-719002: Email Proxy session pointer from source_address has been terminated due to reason error.

Explanation The session has been terminated because of an error. The possible errors are failure to add a session to the session database, failure to allocate memory, and failure to write data to a channel.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address
  • reason—The error type

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719003: Email Proxy session pointer resources have been freed for source_address .

Explanation The dynamic allocated session structure has been freed and set to NULL after the session terminated.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719004: Email Proxy session pointer has been successfully established for source_address .

Explanation A new incoming e-mail client session has been established.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-719005: FSM NAME has been created using protocol for session pointer from source_address .

Explanation The FSM has been created for an incoming new session.

  • NAME—The FSM instance name for the session
  • protocol—The e-mail protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)
  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-719006: Email Proxy session pointer has timed out for source_address because of network congestion.

Explanation Network congestion is occurring, and data cannot be sent to either an e-mail client or an e-mail server. This condition starts the block timer. After the block timer is timed out, the session expires.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address

Recommended Action Retry the operation after a few minutes.


Error Message %ASA-7-719007: Email Proxy session pointer cannot be found for source_address .

Explanation A matching session cannot be found in the session database. The session pointer is bad.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-3-719008: Email Proxy service is shutting down.

Explanation The e-mail proxy is disabled. All resources are cleaned up, and all threads are terminated.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-719009: Email Proxy service is starting.

Explanation The e-mail proxy is enabled.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719010: protocol Email Proxy feature is disabled on interface interface_name .

Explanation The e-mail proxy feature is disabled on a specific entry point, invoked from the CLI. This is the main off switch for the user. When all protocols are turned off for all interfaces, the main shut-down routine is invoked to clean up global resources and threads.

  • protocol—The e-mail proxy protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)
  • interface_name —The Secure Firewall ASA interface name

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719011: Protocol Email Proxy feature is enabled on interface interface_name .

Explanation The e-mail proxy feature is enabled on a specific entry point, invoked from the CLI. This is the main on switch for the user. When it is first used, the main startup routine is invoked to allocate global resources and threads. Subsequent calls only need to start listening threads for the particular protocol.

  • protocol—The e-mail proxy protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)
  • interface_name —The Secure Firewall ASA interface name

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719012: Email Proxy server listening on port port for mail protocol protocol .

Explanation A listening channel is opened for a specific protocol on a configured port and has added it to a TCP select group.

  • port—The configured port number
  • protocol—The e-mail proxy protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719013: Email Proxy server closing port port for mail protocol protocol .

Explanation A listening channel is closed for a specific protocol on a configured port and has removed it from the TCP select group.

  • port—The configured port number
  • protocol—The e-mail proxy protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-719014: Email Proxy is changing listen port from old_port to new_port for mail protocol protocol .

Explanation A change is signaled in the listening port for the specified protocol. All enabled interfaces for that port have their listening channels closed and have restarted listening on the new port. This action is invoked from the CLI.

  • old_port—The previously configured port number
  • new_port —The newly configured port number
  • protocol—The e-mail proxy protocol type (for example, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP)

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-719015: Parsed emailproxy session pointer from source_address username: mailuser = mail_user , vpnuser = VPN_user , mailserver = server

Explanation The username string is received from the client in the format vpnuser (name delimiter) mailuser (server delimiter) mailserver (for example: The name delimiter is optional. When the delimiter is not there, the VPN username and mail username are the same. The server delimiter is optional. When it is not present, the default configured mail server will be used.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address
  • mail_user—The e-mail account username
  • VPN_user—The WebVPN username
  • server—The e-mail server

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-719016: Parsed emailproxy session pointer from source_address password: mailpass = ******, vpnpass= ******

Explanation The password string is received from the client in the format, vpnpass (name delimiter) mailpass (for example: xxx:yyy). The name delimiter is optional. When it is not present, the VPN password and mail password are the same.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • source_address—The e-mail proxy client IP address

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719017: WebVPN user: vpnuser invalid dynamic ACL.

Explanation The WebVPN session is aborted because the ACL has failed to parse for this user. The ACL determines what the user restrictions are on e-mail account access. The ACL is downloaded from the AAA server. Because of this error, it is unsafe to proceed with login.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action Check the AAA server and fix the dynamic ACL for this user.


Error Message %ASA-6-719018: WebVPN user: vpnuser ACL ID acl_ID not found

Explanation The ACL cannot be found at the local maintained ACL list. The ACL determines what the user restrictions are on e-mail account access. The ACL is configured locally. Because of this error, you cannot be authorized to proceed.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username
  • acl_ID—The local configured ACL identification string

Recommended Action Check the local ACL configuration.


Error Message %ASA-6-719019: WebVPN user: vpnuser authorization failed.

Explanation The ACL determines what the user restrictions are on e-mail account access. The user cannot access the e-mail account because the authorization check fails.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719020: WebVPN user vpnuser authorization completed successfully.

Explanation The ACL determines what the user restrictions are on e-mail account access. The user is authorized to access the e-mail account.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719021: WebVPN user: vpnuser is not checked against ACL.

Explanation The ACL determines what the user restrictions are on e-mail account access. The authorization checking using the ACL is not enabled.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action Enable the ACL checking feature, if necessary.


Error Message %ASA-6-719022: WebVPN user vpnuser has been authenticated.

Explanation The username is authenticated by the AAA server.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719023: WebVPN user vpnuser has not been successfully authenticated. Access denied.

Explanation The username is denied by the AAA server. The session will be aborted. The user is not allowed to access the e-mail account.

  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719024: Email Proxy piggyback auth fail: session = pointer user=vpnuser addr=source_address

Explanation The Piggyback authentication is using an established WebVPN session to verify the username and IP address matching in the WebVPN session database. This is based on the assumption that the WebVPN session and e-mail proxy session are initiated by the same user, and a WebVPN session is already established. Because the authentication has failed, the session will be aborted. The user is not allowed to access the e-mail account.

  • pointer—The session pointer
  • vpnuser—The WebVPN username
  • source_address—The client IP address

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-719025: Email Proxy DNS name resolution failed for hostname .

Explanation The hostname cannot be resolved with the IP address because it is not valid, or no DNS server is available.

  • hostname—The hostname that needs to be resolved

Recommended Action Check DNS server availability and whether or not the configured mail server name is valid.


Error Message %ASA-6-719026: Email Proxy DNS name hostname resolved to IP_address .

Explanation The hostname has successfully been resolved with the IP address.

  • hostname—The hostname that needs to be resolved
  • IP_address—The IP address resolved from the configured mail server name

Recommended Action None required.

Messages 720001 to 721019

This section includes messages from 720001 to 721019.


Error Message %ASA-4-720001: (VPN-unit ) Failed to initialize with Chunk Manager.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem fails to initialize with the memory buffer management subsystem. A system-wide problem has occurred, and the VPN failover subsystem cannot be started.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Examine the messages for any sign of system-level initialization problems.


Error Message %ASA-6-720002: (VPN-unit ) Starting VPN Stateful Failover Subsystem...

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem is starting and booting up.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720003: (VPN-unit ) Initialization of VPN Stateful Failover Component completed successfully

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem initialization is completed at boot time.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720004: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover main thread started.

Explanation The VPN failover main processing thread is started at boot time.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720005: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover timer thread started.

Explanation The VPN failover timer processing thread is started at boot time.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720006: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover sync thread started.

Explanation The VPN failover bulk synchronization processing thread is started at boot time.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720007: (VPN-unit ) Failed to allocate chunk from Chunk Manager.

Explanation The set of preallocated memory buffers is running out. The Secure Firewall ASA has a resource issue. The Secure Firewall ASA may be under heavy load when too many messages are being processed.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action This condition may be improved later when the VPN failover subsystem processes outstanding messages and frees up previously allocated memory.


Error Message %ASA-4-720008: (VPN-unit ) Failed to register to High Availability Framework.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to register to the core failover subsystem. The VPN failover subsystem cannot be started, which may be caused by initialization problems of other subsystems.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Search the message for any sign of system-wide initialization problems.


Error Message %ASA-4-720009: (VPN-unit ) Failed to create version control block.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to create a version control block. This step is required for the VPN failover subsystem to find out the backward compatible firmware versions for the current release. The VPN failover subsystem cannot be started, which may be caused by initialization problems of other subsystems.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Search the message for any sign of system-wide initialization problems.


Error Message %ASA-6-720010: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover client is being disabled

Explanation An operator enabled failover without defining a failover key. In order to use a VPN failover, a failover key must be defined.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Use the failover key command to define a shared secret key between the active and standby units.


Error Message %ASA-4-720011: (VPN-unit ) Failed to allocate memory

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem cannot allocate a memory buffer, which indicates a system-wide resource problem. The Secure Firewall ASA may be under heavy load.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action This condition may be improved later when you reduce the load on the Secure Firewall ASA by reducing incoming traffic. By reducing incoming traffic, memory allocated for processing the existing work load will be available, and the Secure Firewall ASA may return to normal operation.


Error Message %ASA-6-720012: (VPN-unit ) Failed to update IPsec failover runtime data on the standby unit.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem cannot update IPsec-related runtime data because the corresponding IPsec tunnel has been deleted on the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720013: (VPN-unit ) Failed to insert certificate in trustpoint trustpoint_name

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem tried to insert a certificate in the trustpoint.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • trustpoint_name—The name of the trustpoint

Recommended Action Check the certificate content to determine if it is invalid.


Error Message %ASA-6-720014: (VPN-unit ) Phase 2 connection entry (msg_id=message_number , my cookie=mine , his cookie=his ) contains no SA list.

Explanation No security association is linked to the Phase 2 connection entry.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • message_number—The message ID of the Phase 2 connection entry
  • mine—The My Phase 1 cookie
  • his—The peer Phase 1 cookie

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720015: (VPN-unit ) Cannot found Phase 1 SA for Phase 2 connection entry (msg_id=message_number ,my cookie=mine , his cookie=his ).

Explanation The corresponding Phase 1 security association for the given Phase 2 connection entry cannot be found.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • message_number—The message ID of the Phase 2 connection entry
  • mine—The My Phase 1 cookie
  • his—The peer Phase 1 cookie

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-720016: (VPN-unit) Failed to initialize default timer #index .

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to initialize the given timer event. The VPN failover subsystem cannot be started at boot time.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • index—The internal index of the timer event

Recommended Action Search the message for any sign of system-wide initialization problems.


Error Message %ASA-5-720017: (VPN-unit ) Failed to update LB runtime data

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to update the VPN load balancing runtime data.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-720018: (VPN-unit ) Failed to get a buffer from the underlying core high availability subsystem. Error code code.

Explanation The Secure Firewall ASA may be under heavy load. The VPN failover subsystem failed to obtain a failover buffer.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • code—The error code returned by the high-availability subsystem

Recommended Action Decrease the amount of incoming traffic to improve the current load condition. With decreased incoming traffic, the Secure Firewall ASA will free up memory allocated for processing the incoming load.


Error Message %ASA-5-720019: (VPN-unit ) Failed to update cTCP statistics.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to update the IPsec/cTCP-related statistics.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required. Updates are sent periodically, so the standby unit IPsec/cTCP statistics should be updated with the next update message.


Error Message %ASA-5-720020: (VPN-unit ) Failed to send type timer message.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to send a periodic timer message to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • type—The type of timer message

Recommended Action None required. The periodic timer message will be resent during the next timeout.


Error Message %ASA-5-720021: (VPN-unit ) HA non-block send failed for peer msg message_number . HA error code .

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem failed to send a nonblock message. This is a temporary condition caused by the Secure Firewall ASA being under load or out of resources.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • message_number—The ID number of the peer message
  • code—The error return code

Recommended Action The condition will improve as more resources become available to the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-4-720022: (VPN-unit ) Cannot find trustpoint trustpoint

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to look up a trustpoint by name.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • trustpoint—The name of the trustpoint.

Recommended Action The trustpoint may be deleted by an operator.


Error Message %ASA-6-720023: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Peer is not present.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem is notified by the core failover subsystem when the local Secure Firewall ASA detected that a peer is available or becomes unavailable.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • not—Either “not” or left blank

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720024: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Control channel is status .

Explanation The failover control channel is either up or down. The failover control channel is defined by the failover link and show failover commands, which indicate whether the failover link channel is up or down.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • status— Up or Down

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720025: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Data channel is status .

Explanation The failover data channel is up or down.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • status—Up or Down

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720026: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Current progression is being aborted.

Explanation An operator or other external condition has occurred and has caused the current failover progression to abort before the failover peer agrees on the role (either active or standby). For example, when the failover active command is entered on the standby unit during the negotiation, or when the active unit is being rebooted.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720027: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: My state state .

Explanation The state of the local failover device is changed.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • state—Current state of the local failover device

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720028: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Peer state state .

Explanation The current state of the failover peer is reported.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • state—Current state of the failover peer

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720029: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Start VPN bulk sync state.

Explanation The active unit is ready to send all the state information to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720030: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Stop bulk sync state.

Explanation The active unit finished sending all the state information to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-720031: (VPN-unit ) HA status callback: Invalid event received. event=event_ID .

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem received an invalid callback event from the underlying failover subsystem.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • event_ID—The invalid event ID received

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720032: (VPN-unit) HA status callback: id=ID , seq=sequence_# , grp=group , event=event , op=operand , my=my_state , peer=peer_state .

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem indicated that a status update was notified by the underlying failover subsystem.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • ID—Client ID number
  • sequence_#—Sequence number
  • group—Group ID
  • event—Current event
  • operand—Current operand
  • my_state—The system current state
  • peer_state—The current state of the peer

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720033: (VPN-unit ) Failed to queue add to message queue.

Explanation System resources may be running low. An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to queue an internal message. This may be a temporary condition indicating that the Secure Firewall ASA is under heavy load, and the VPN failover subsystem cannot allocate resource to handle incoming traffic.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action This error condition may disappear if the current load of the Secure Firewall ASA is reduced, and additional system resources become available for processing new messages again.


Error Message %ASA-7-720034: (VPN-unit ) Invalid type (type ) for message handler.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to process an invalid message type.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • type—Message type

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-5-720035: (VPN-unit ) Fail to look up CTCP flow handle

Explanation The cTCP flow may be deleted on the standby unit before the VPN failover subsystem tries to do a lookup.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Look for any sign of cTCP flow deletion in the message to determine the reason (for example, idle timeout) why the flow was deleted.


Error Message %ASA-5-720036: (VPN-unit ) Failed to process state update message from the active peer.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to process a state update message received by the standby unit.

  • unit - Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required. This may be a temporary condition because of the current load or low system resources.


Error Message %ASA-6-720037: (VPN-unit ) HA progression callback: id=id ,seq=sequence_number ,grp=group ,event=event ,op=operand , my=my_state ,peer=peer_state .

Explanation The status of the current failover progression is reported.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • id—Client ID
  • sequence_number—Sequence number
  • group—Group ID
  • event—Current event
  • operand—Current operand
  • my_state—Current state of the Secure Firewall ASA
  • peer_state—Current state of the peer

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720038: (VPN-unit ) Corrupted message from active unit.

Explanation The standby unit received a corrupted message from the active unit. Messages from the active unit are corrupted, which may be caused by incompatible firmware running between the active and standby units. The local unit has become the active unit of the failover pair.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720039: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover client is transitioning to active state

Explanation The local unit has become the active unit of the failover pair.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720040: (VPN-unit ) VPN failover client is transitioning to standby state.

Explanation The local unit has become the standby unit of the failover pair.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-720041: (VPN-unit ) Sending type message id to standby unit

Explanation A message has been sent from the active unit to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • type—Message type
  • id—Identifier for the message

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-720042: (VPN-unit ) Receiving type message id from active unit

Explanation A message has been received from the active unit by the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • type—Message type
  • id—Identifier for the message

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720043: (VPN-unit ) Failed to send type message id to standby unit

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to send a message from the active unit to the standby unit. The error may be caused by message 720018, in which the core failover subsystem runs out of failover buffer or the failover LAN link is down.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • type—Message type
  • id—Identifier for the message

Recommended Action Use the show failover command to see if the failover pair is running correctly and the failover LAN link is up.


Error Message %ASA-4-720044: (VPN-unit ) Failed to receive message from active unit

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to receive a message on the standby unit. The error may be caused by a corrupted message or an inadequate amount of memory allocated for storing the incoming message.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Use the show failover command and look for receive errors to determine if this is a VPN failover-specific problem or a general failover issue. Corrupted messages may be caused by incompatible firmware versions running on the active and standby units. Use the show memory command to determine if a low memory condition exists.


Error Message %ASA-6-720045: (VPN-unit ) Start bulk syncing of state information on standby unit.

Explanation The standby unit has been notified to start receiving bulk synchronization information from the active unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720046: (VPN-unit ) End bulk syncing of state information on standby unit

Explanation The standby unit has been notified that bulk synchronization from the active unit is completed.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720047: (VPN-unit ) Failed to sync SDI node secret file for server IP_address on the standby unit.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to synchronize a node secret file for the SDI server on the standby unit. The SDI node secret file is stored in flash. The error may indicate that the flash file system is full or corrupted.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—IP address of the server

Recommended Action Use the dir command to display the flash contents. The node secret file has the filename, ip .sdi.


Error Message %ASA-7-720048: (VPN-unit ) FSM action trace begin: state=state , last event=event , func=function .

Explanation A VPN failover subsystem finite state machine function has started.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • state—Current state
  • event—Last event
  • function—Current executing function

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-720049: (VPN-unit ) FSM action trace end: state=state , last event=event , return=return , func=function .

Explanation A VPN failover subsystem finite state machine function has finished.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • state—Current state
  • event—Last event
  • return—Return code
  • function—Current executing function

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-7-720050: (VPN-unit ) Failed to remove timer. ID = id .

Explanation A timer cannot be removed from the timer processing thread.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • id—Timer ID

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720051: (VPN-unit ) Failed to add new SDI node secret file for server id on the standby unit.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to add a node secret file for the SDI server on the standby unit. The SDI node secret file is stored in flash. The error may indicate that the flash file system is full or corrupted.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • id—IP address of the SDI server

Recommended Action Use the dir command to display the flash contents. The node secret file has the filename, ip.sdi.


Error Message %ASA-4-720052: (VPN-unit ) Failed to delete SDI node secret file for server id on the standby unit.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to delete a node secret file on the active unit. The node secret file being deleted may not exist in the flash file system, or there was problem reading the flash file system.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—IP address of the SDI server

Recommended Action Use the dir command to display the flash contents. The node secret file has the filename, ip.sdi.


Error Message %ASA-4-720053: (VPN-unit ) Failed to add cTCP IKE rule during bulk sync, peer=IP_address , port=port

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to load a cTCP IKE rule on the standby unit during bulk synchronization. The standby unit may be under heavy load, and the new IKE rule request may time out before completion.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—Peer IP address
  • port—Peer port number

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720054: (VPN-unit ) Failed to add new cTCP record, peer=IP_address , port=port .

Explanation A cTCP record is replicated to the standby unit and cannot be updated. The corresponding IPsec over cTCP tunnel may not be functioning after failover. The cTCP database may be full, or a record with the same peer IP address and port number exists already.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—Peer IP address
  • port—Peer port number

Recommended Action This may be a temporary condition and may improve when the existing cTCP tunnel is restored.


Error Message %ASA-4-720055: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover can only be run in single/non-transparent mode.

Explanation The VPN subsystem does not start unless it is running in single (nontransparent) mode.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Configure the Secure Firewall ASA for the appropriate mode to support VPN failover and restart the Secure Firewall ASA.


Error Message %ASA-6-720056: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Message Thread is being disabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main message processing thread is disabled when you have tried to enable failover, but a failover key is not defined. A failover key is required for VPN failover.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720057: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Message Thread is enabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main message processing thread is enabled when failover is enabled and a failover key is defined.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720058: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Timer Thread is disabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main timer processing thread is disabled when the failover key is not defined and failover is enabled.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720059: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Timer Thread is enabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main timer processing thread is enabled when the failover key is defined and failover is enabled.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720060: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Sync Thread is disabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main bulk synchronization processing thread is disabled when failover is enabled, but the failover key is not defined.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary.

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720061: (VPN-unit ) VPN Stateful failover Sync Thread is enabled.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem main bulk synchronization processing thread is enabled when failover is enabled and the failover key is defined.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720062: (VPN-unit ) Active unit started bulk sync of state information to standby unit.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem active unit has started bulk synchronization of state information to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-720063: (VPN-unit ) Active unit completed bulk sync of state information to standby.

Explanation The VPN failover subsystem active unit has completed bulk synchronization of state information to the standby unit.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-720064: (VPN-unit ) Failed to update cTCP database record for peer=IP_address , port=port during bulk sync.

Explanation An error occurred while the VPN failover subsystem attempted to update an existing cTCP record during bulk synchronization. The cTCP record may have been deleted from the cTCP database on the standby unit and cannot be found.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—Peer IP address
  • port—Peer port number

Recommended Action Search in the message.


Error Message %ASA-4-720065: (VPN-unit ) Failed to add new cTCP IKE rule, peer=peer , port=port .

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to add a new IKE rule for the cTCP database entry on the standby unit. The Secure Firewall ASA may be under heavy load, and the request for adding a cTCP IKE rule timed out and was never completed.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary
  • IP_address—Peer IP address
  • port—Peer port number

Recommended Action This may be a temporary condition.


Error Message %ASA-4-720066: (VPN-unit ) Failed to activate IKE database.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to activate the IKE security association database while the standby unit was transitioning to the active state. There may be resource-related issues on the standby unit that prevent the IKE security association database from activating.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Use the show failover command to see if the failover pair is still working correctly and/or look for other IKE-related errors in the message.


Error Message %ASA-4-720067: (VPN-unit ) Failed to deactivate IKE database.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to deactivate the IKE security association database while the active unit was transitioning to the standby state. There may be resource-related issues on the active unit that prevent the IKE security association database from deactivating.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Use the show failover command to see if the failover pair is still working correctly and/or look for IKE-related errors in the message.


Error Message %ASA-4-720068: (VPN-unit ) Failed to parse peer message.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to parse a peer message received on the standby unit. The peer message received on the standby unit cannot be parsed.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Make sure that both active and standby units are running the same version of firmware. Also, use the show failover command to ensure that the failover pair is still working correctly.


Error Message %ASA-4-720069: (VPN-unit ) Failed to activate cTCP database.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to activate the cTCP database while the standby unit was transitioning to the active state. There may be resource-related issues on the standby unit that prevent the cTCP database from activating.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary

Recommended Action Use the show failover command to see if the failover pair is still working correctly and/or look for other cTCP related errors in the message.


Error Message %ASA-4-720070: (VPN-unit ) Failed to deactivate cTCP database.

Explanation An error occurred when the VPN failover subsystem tried to deactivate the cTCP database while the active unit was transitioning to the standby state. There may be resource-related issues on the active unit that prevent the cTCP database from deactivating.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary.

Recommended Action Use the show failover command to see if the failover pair is still working correctly and/or look for cTCP related errors in the message.


Error Message %ASA-5-720071: (VPN-unit ) Failed to update cTCP dynamic data.

Explanation An error occurred while the VPN failover subsystem tried to update cTCP dynamic data.

  • unit—Either Primary or Secondary.

Recommended Action This may be a temporary condition. Because this is a periodic update, wait to see if the same error recurs. Also, look for other failover-related messages in the message.


Error Message %ASA-5-720072: Timeout waiting for Integrity Firewall Server [interface ,ip ] to become available.

Explanation The Zonelab Integrity Server cannot reestablish a connection before timeout. In an active/standby failover setup, the SSL connection between a Zonelab Integrity Server and the Secure Firewall ASA needs to be reestablished after a failover.

  • interface —The interface to which the Zonelab Integrity Server is connected
  • ip —The IP address of the Zonelab Integrity Server

Recommended Action Check that the configuration on the Secure Firewall ASA and the Zonelab Integrity Server match, and verify communication between the Secure Firewall ASA and the Zonelab Integrity Server.


Error Message %ASA-4-720073: VPN Session failed to replicate - ACL acl_name not found

Explanation When replicating VPN sessions to the standby unit, the standby unit failed to find the associated filter ACL.

  • acl_name—The name of the ACL that was not found

Recommended Action Verify that the configuration on the standby unit has not been modified while in standby state. Resynchronize the standby unit by issuing the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721001: (device ) WebVPN Failover SubSystem started successfully.(device ) either WebVPN-primary or WebVPN-secondary.

Explanation The WebVPN failover subsystem in the current failover unit, either primary or secondary, has been started successfully.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary device

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-721002: (device ) HA status change: event event , my state my_state , peer state peer .

Explanation The WebVPN failover subsystem receives status notification from the core HA component periodically. The incoming event, the new state of the local Secure Firewall ASA, and the new state of the failover peer are reported.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • event—New HA event
  • my_state—The new state of the local Secure Firewall ASA
  • peer—The new state of the peer

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-721003: (device ) HA progression change: event event , my state my_state , peer state peer .

Explanation The WebVPN failover subsystem transitions from one state to another state based on the event notified by the core HA component. The incoming event, the new state of the local Secure Firewall ASA, and the new state of the failover peer are being reported.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • event—New HA event
  • my_state—The new state of the local Secure Firewall ASA
  • peer—The new state of the peer

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-721004: (device ) Create access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation A WebVPN-specific access list is replicated from the active unit to the standby unit. A successful installation of the WebVPN access list on the standby unit has occurred.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—The access list name

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-721005: (device ) Fail to create access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation When a WebVPN-specific access list is installed on the active unit, a copy is installed on the standby unit. The access list failed to be installed on the standby unit. The access list may have existed on the standby unit already.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that failed to install on the standby unit

Recommended Action Use the show access-list command on both the active and standby units. Compare the content of the output and determine whether there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721006: (device ) Update access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation The content of the access list has been updated on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was updated

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721007: (device ) Fail to update access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation An error occurred while the standby unit tried to update a WebVPN-specific access list. The access list cannot be located on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN-= secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was not updated

Recommended Action Use a show access-list command on both the active and standby units. Compare the content of the output and determine whether or not there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721008: (device ) Delete access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation When a WebVPN-specific access list is removed from the active unit, a message is sent to the standby unit requesting that the same access list be removed. As a result, a WebVPN-specific access list has been removed from the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was removed

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-6-721009: (device ) Fail to delete access list list_name on standby unit.

Explanation When a WebVPN-specific access list is removed on the active unit, a message is sent to the standby unit requesting the same access list be removed. An error condition occurred when an attempt was made to remove the corresponding access list on the standby unit. The access list did not exist on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was deleted

Recommended Action Use a show access-list command on both the active and standby units. Compare the content of the output and determine whether there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721010: (device ) Add access list rule list_name , line line_no on standby unit.

Explanation When an access list rule is added to the active unit, the same rule is added on the standby unit. A new access list rule was added successfully on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was deleted
  • line_no—Line number of the rule added to the access list

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721011: (device ) Fail to add access list rule list_name , line line_no on standby unit.

Explanation When an access list rule is added to the active unit, an attempt is made to add the same access list rule to the standby unit. An error occurred when an attempt is made to add a new access list rule to the standby unit. The same access list rule may exist on the standby unit.

  • (device) —Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • list_name—Name of the access list that was deleted
  • line_no—Line number of the rule added to the access list

Recommended Action Use a show access-list command on both the active and standby units. Compare the content of the output and determine if there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721012: (device ) Enable APCF XML file file_name on the standby unit.

Explanation When an APCF XML file is installed on the active unit, an attempt is made to install the same file on the standby unit. An APCF XML file was installed successfully on the standby unit. Use the dir command on the standby unit to show that the XML file exists in the flash file system.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • file_name—Name of the XML file on the flash file system

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721013: (device ) Fail to enable APCF XML file file_name on the standby unit.

Explanation When an APCF XML file is installed on the active unit, an attempt is made to install the same file on the standby unit. An APCF XML file failed to install on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • file_name—Name of the XML file on the flash file system

Recommended Action Use a dir command on both the active and standby unit. Compare the directory listing and determine if there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721014: (device ) Disable APCF XML file file_name on the standby unit.

Explanation When an APCF XML file is removed on the active unit, an attempt is made to remove the same file on the standby unit. An APCF XML file was removed from the standby unit successfully.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • file_name—Name of the XML file on the flash file system

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721015: (device ) Fail to disable APCF XML file file_name on the standby unit.

Explanation When an APCF XML file is removed on the active unit, an attempt is made to remove the same file on the standby unit. An error occurred when an attempt was made to remove an APCF XML file from the standby unit. The file may not be installed on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • file_name—Name of the XML file on the flash file system

Recommended Action Use a show running-config webvpn command to make sure the APCF XML file of interest is not enabled. As long as it is not enabled, you may ignore this message. Otherwise, try to disable the file by using the no apcf file_name command in the webvpn configuration submode.


Error Message %ASA-6-721016: (device ) WebVPN session for client user user_name , IP ip_address has been created.

Explanation A remote WebVPN user has logged in successfully and the login information has been installed on the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • user_name—Name of the user
  • ip_address—IP address of the remote user

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721017: (device ) Fail to create WebVPN session for user user_name , IP ip_address .

Explanation When a WebVPN user logs in to the active unit, the login information is replicated to the standby unit. An error occurred while replicating the login information to the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • user_name—Name of the user
  • ip_address—IP address of the remote user

Recommended Action Use the show vpn-sessiondb detail webvpn command for a regular WebVPN user, or the show vpn-sessiondb detail svc command for a WebVPN SVC user on both the active and standby units. Compare the entries and determine whether the same user session record appears on both Secure Firewall ASAs. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.


Error Message %ASA-6-721018: (device ) WebVPN session for client user user_name , IP ip_address has been deleted.

Explanation When a WebVPN user logs out on the active unit, a logout message is sent to the standby unit to remove the user session from the standby unit. A WebVPN user record was removed from the standby unit successfully.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • user_name—Name of the user
  • ip_address—IP address of the remote user

Recommended Action None required.


Error Message %ASA-4-721019: (device ) Fail to delete WebVPN session for client user user_name , IP ip_address .

Explanation When a WebVPN user logs out on the active unit, a logout message is sent to the standby unit to remove the user session from the standby unit. An error occurred when an attempt was made to remove a WebVPN user record from the standby unit.

  • (device)—Either the WebVPN primary or the WebVPN secondary Secure Firewall ASA
  • user_name—Name of the user
  • ip_address—IP address of the remote user

Recommended Action Use the show vpn-sessiondb detail webvpn command for a regular WebVPN user, or the show vpn-sessiondb detail svc command for a WebVPN SVC user on both the active and standby units. Check whether there is any discrepancy. Resynchronize the standby unit, if needed, by using the write standby command on the active unit.