Deploy the Cisco Cyber Vision Center

Access Azure portal


Step 1

Access Azure Marketplace at

Step 2

Search for Cisco Cyber Vision.

Step 3

Click Get it now.

The popup Create this app in Azure appears.

Step 4

Click Continue.

The Azure portal to create a Cisco Cyber Vision machine opens.

Step 5

Click Create.



Step 1

Create or select an existing resource group.

Step 2

Select a region.

Step 3

Type a virtual machine name.


Passwords must not include reserved words or unsupported characters.

Password must comply with three of the following conditions: 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character that is not '\' or '-'.

The value must be 12 to 123 characters long.

Step 4

Type a password and confirm it.

Step 5

You have the option of entering an SSH key.

Step 6

Click Next: Virtual Machine settings.

Virtual Machine settings


Step 1

You can change the VM size clicking change size.

The following screen appears.

The recommended sizes are:

  • For 10,000 components:

    • D8s_v4 - 8 CPU / 32GB RAM minimum

  • For more than 10,000 components:

    • D16s_v4 - 16 CPU / 64GB RAM minimum

A disk is required to store the data of the Center. The recommended size for a Center is 250GB and 1TB minimum for a Global Center. Choose one of the options below:

  1. Select Create a new data disk and set the /data file storage using the data disk capacity slider.

  2. Select Attach an existing data disk if it has been previously created in Azure resources and select it in Select data disk dropdown menu.

Step 2

Create a diagnostic storage account for the console serie to be accessible on the Azure VM.

Step 3

Set the resource for the public IP. If the public IP was already created you can select it here. For automatic creation, leave it has "(new)". You can set the IP address as static clicking Create New.

Step 4

An FQDN is automatically created. You can change it.

Step 5

A VNet is automatically created.

Step 6

A subnet is created by default. You can select another resource.

Step 7

Click Next: Cisco Cyber Vision settings.

Cisco Cyber Vision settings

Configure right now

Configure right now is to configure everything that is available from the setup Center directly from Azure portal like the keyboard layout on the console serie, the Center type (Center and Global Center) and the FQDN.

After creating your VM wait a few moments (usually 10 minutes is enough) for autoprovision and access Cisco Cyber Vision through the domain name.


Step 1

Select Configure right now.

Step 2

Select Center or Global Center.

Step 3

Set a FQDN.

Step 4

Select a Webapp TLS certificate option.

This will allow you to use a trusted certificate accessing the IP address from a browser to reach Cisco Cyber Vision session directly. You can generate an autosigned certificate with the FQDN or use a custom certificate adding a P12 and its password.

Step 5

If needed, set DNS servers.

Step 6

Click Next: Review + Create.

What to do next

Proceed with Review and create custom deployment.

Configure using a JSON config

You can configure the Cisco Cyber Vision Center automatically through a json file. The configuration will be run at the machine boot. The format is the same as the syntax shown in the annex: Annex – Setup Center json file


Step 1

Select Configure using a JSON config.

Step 2

Fill in the Json config blog using the annex syntax.

Step 3

Click Next: Review + Create.

What to do next

Proceed with Review and create custom deployment.

Serial console connection to Azure virtual machine

You can choose not to configure Cisco Cyber Vision for now and use the serial console wizard available in Azure portal instead.


Step 1

Select Don't configure and user serial console wizard.

Step 2

Click Next: Review + create.

Review and create custom deployment

Data entered and configuration is being checked. The mention "Validation Passed" should be displayed.

During this step, you will find the terms and configurations summary of the custom deployment.

  1. Click Create to create the custom deployment.

The deployment follow up is displayed showing the resources creation: virtual network, security group, public ip, storage account for the serial console, VM, etc. This step can take a few moments.

Deployment completed:

If you have used the serial console to configure the Azure virtual machine, proceed with the Basic Center configuration.

Basic Center configuration

Access the Basic Center Configuration

To access the Basic Center Configuration and setup the Cisco Cyber Vision Center or Global Center:


Step 1

In the Azure portal, navigate to Home > Virtual Machines.

Step 2

Click the VM to configure via the serial console.

Step 3

Click Serial console in the left dropdown menu.

The serial console is displayed and the connection to the VM is establishing.

Step 4

The Center wizard is displayed on your screen as you power on the Center. Enter Start to start configuring the Center.

Accept the End User License Agreement

Select the Center type

During this procedure you will choose which type of Center to install. There are three types of Centers:

  • A Center receives metadata from sensors and store them into an internal database (Postrgresql). This Center (could be standalone or with synchronization with Global Center), is similar to a standalone Center from a functionality point of view, except for the link to a Global Center. You must install Centers with sync after the Global Center. This will enable your system to start enrollment and start push events to it.

  • A Global Center introduces a centralized architecture which collects all industrial insights and events from Centers with Global Center and aggregates it on a single global point of view. It will also allow you to manage the knowledge database (KDB) and upgrade the whole platform.

Select the type of Center you want to install.


If installing a Center, select the first option.

Then you will have the opportunity to set the Center id. It can be used in case of Center restoration to reuse the same id previously set in the Global Center. Thus, some data can be retrieved.

If you're installing the Center for the first time, this id will be automatically generated. Select No. You will be directed to the next step.

If you're reinstalling the Center and want to restore it, select Yes.

Use the following command from the Global Center's CLI to get a list of all Center's id:

sbs-db exec "select name, id from center"

Type the id into the basic Center configuration UUID field.

Click OK. You will be direct to the next step.

Global Center

If installing a Global Center, select the second option.

As this step does not apply to a Global Center, select No.

You will be directed to the next step.

Configure the Center's DNS

Type a DNS server address and optional fallbacks.

Synchronize the Center and the sensors to NTP servers

Enter IP addresses of local or remote NTP servers (gateway configuration needed) to synchronize the Center and the sensors with a clock reference. Each address must be separated by a space.

Optionally, add a key ID and an AES A28 CMAC key value separated by a semicolon with the corresponding NTP server.

The synchronization takes a few seconds.

Check that the time is correct, or set the time manually.


The time is set in the UTC standard.

Give the Center a name


This name will be used in the Center certificate.

Enter the Center name provided by your administrator or type 'Default' which is a secure value.


This name must match the DNS name you will use to access the Center through SSH or a browser.

Configure the sensors' password

As this step does not apply when installing a Global Center, the following screens won't be displayed. Instead, you'll be directed to Authorize networks.

Although, if you're installing a Center, proceed as below.

The sensors' root password must be set for security reasons.

This password will be assigned once you will have enrolled the sensors on the Center. You will need this password for troubleshooting, diagnostics, and updates.

Confirm the password.

Authorize networks

This step allows you to restrict IP addresses that can connect to the Administration interface. If no IP is entered, all networks are authorized by default.

Complete the basic Center configuration

Next is the last screen of the basic Center configuration. It reminds you the addresses set to be used to download the CA certificate and access Cisco Cyber Vision. Save these addresses somewhere, you will need them later to access the user interface.

Enter OK to finish the basic Center configuration.


A major change regarding the Center command line (CLI) access through serial console or SSH was made in Cisco Cyber Vision version 4.1.0. The user root is no more usable to establish the connection. A new user called ‘cv-admin’ must be used. This user has limited rights and many CLI commands will require permission elevation:

  • prefix the command with "sudo".

  • or open a root shell using "sudo -i" and enter the command.

Close the Center configuration window before proceeding with the next steps of Cisco Cyber Vision configuration.

To proceed with the Cisco Cyber Vision configuration, open your browser and go to the URL previously indicated to access the user interface.


Each Cisco Cyber Vision Center includes its own PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), with a CA (Certification Authority), that will be used to establish the TLS connection with the sensors and to clients. The CA must be installed on each client browser (see the following chapters).

Azure firewall settings

Communication ports list

Herebelow are the rules that provide access from users or other resources to the Global Center or the Center and the list of the ports that need to be added.

  • For Global Center <--> Center communication:











  • For CS workstation/ntp server <--> Center communication:









  • For Sensor to Center communication:







Configure communication ports

To configure a communication port:


Step 1

In the Home page of the Azure portal, access the VM.

Step 2

Click Networking in the Settings section.

Step 3

Click the Add inbound port rule button.

Step 4

Fill in the settings according to the ports listed in Communication ports list.

In our example, we're adding the AMPQ communication port for Global Center <--> Center communication.

Set Service as Custom if the service is not available in the list.

If the protocol to add is UDP/TCP, set protocol as Any.

Step 5

Click Add.

The added port appears in the Inbound port rules list.

Step 6

Repeat the previous steps to add all the communication ports required.

The final configuration for a Global Center: