Monitor SSL Hardware Acceleration

Use the show counters command in the CLI to evaluate TLS crypto acceleration behavior. This command lists a variety of metrics that inform you about normal activity, alerts, and potential fatal issues.


Use the show counters description command to see explanations for each counter. To view only counters related to TLS crypto acceleration, use show counters description | include TLS_TRK .

Informational Counters

If a system under load is working well, you should see large counts for the following counters. Because there are 2 sides to the tracker process per connection, you can see these counters increase by 2 per connection. The PRIV_KEY_RECV and SECU_PARAM_RECV counters are the most important, and are highlighted. The CONTEXT_CREATED and CONTEXT_DESTROYED counters relate to the allocation of cryptographic chip memory.

> show counters
Protocol     Counter                           Value   Context
SSLENC       CONTEXT_CREATED                  258225   Summary 
SSLENC       CONTEXT_DESTROYED                258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      OPEN_SERVER_SESSION              258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      OPEN_CLIENT_SESSION              258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      UPSTREAM_CLOSE                   516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      DOWNSTREAM_CLOSE                 516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      FREE_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      CACHE_FREE                       516450   Summary
TLS_TRK      PRIV_KEY_RECV                    258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      NO_KEY_ENABLE                    258225   Summary
TLS_TRK      SECU_PARAM_RECV                  516446   Summary
TLS_TRK      DECRYPTED_ALERT                  258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      DECRYPTED_APPLICATION          33568976   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CNT                     258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_WARNING_ALERT           258222   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CLOSE_NOTIFY            258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      OPEN_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      FREE_SESSION                     516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      UPSTREAM_CLOSE                   516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      DOWNSTREAM_CLOSE                 516450   Summary
TCP_PRX      FREE_CONN                        258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      SERVER_CLEAN_UP                  258222   Summary
TCP_PRX      CLIENT_CLEAN_UP                  258222   Summary

Alert Counters

We implemented the following counters according to the TLS 1.2 specification. FATAL or BAD alerts could indicate issues; however, ALERT_RX_CLOSE_NOTIFY is normal.

For details, see RFC 5246 section 7.2.

TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CNT                                    311   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_TX_CNT                                      2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_TX_IN_HANDSHAKE_CNT                         2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_IN_HANDSHAKE_CNT                         2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_WARNING_ALERT                          308   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_FATAL_ALERT                              3   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_TX_FATAL_ALERT                              2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_CLOSE_NOTIFY                           308   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_BAD_RECORD_MAC                           2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_TX_BAD_RECORD_MAC                           2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ALERT_RX_BAD_CERTIFICATE                          1   Summary

Error Counters

These counters indicate system errors. These counts should be low on a healthy system. The BY_PASS counters indicate packets that have been passed directly to or from the inspection engine (Snort) process (which runs in software) without decryption. The following example lists some of the bad counters.

Counters with a value of 0 are not displayed. To view a complete list of counters, use the command show counters description | include TLS_TRK

> show counters
Protocol     Counter                           Value   Context
TCP_PRX      BYPASS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM              2134   Summary
TLS_TRK      CLOSED_WITH_INBOUND_PACKET            2   Summary
TLS_TRK      ENC_FAIL                             82   Summary
TLS_TRK      DEC_FAIL                            211   Summary
TLS_TRK      DEC_CKE_FAIL                      43194   Summary
TLS_TRK      ENC_CB_FAIL                        4335   Summary
TLS_TRK      DEC_CB_FAIL                         909   Summary
TLS_TRK      DEC_CKE_CB_FAIL                     818   Summary
TLS_TRK      RECORD_PARSE_ERR                    123   Summary
TLS_TRK      IN_ERROR                          44948   Summary
TLS_TRK      ERROR_UPSTREAM_RECORD             43194   Summary
TLS_TRK      INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE                123   Summary
TLS_TRK      DOWNSTREAM_REC_CHK_ERROR            123   Summary
TLS_TRK      DECRYPT_FAIL                      43194   Summary
TLS_TRK      UPSTREAM_BY_PASS                    127   Summary
TLS_TRK      DOWNSTREAM_BY_PASS                  127   Summary

Fatal Counters

The fatal counters indicate serious errors. These counters should be at or near 0 on a healthy system. The following example lists the fatal counters.

> show counters
Protocol     Counter                           Value   Context
CRYPTO       RING_FULL                             1   Summary 
CRYPTO       ACCELERATOR_CORE_TIMEOUT              1   Summary 
CRYPTO       ACCELERATOR_RESET                     1   Summary 
CRYPTO       RSA_PRIVATE_DECRYPT_FAILED            1   Summary 

The RING_FULL counter is not a fatal counter, but indicates how often the system overloaded the cryptographic chip. The ACCELERATOR_RESET counter is the number of times the TLS crypto acceleration process failed unexpectedly, which also causes the failure of pending operations, which are the numbers you see in ACCELERATOR_CORE_TIMEOUT and RSA_PRIVATE_DECRYPT_FAILED.

If you have persistent problems, disable TLS crypto acceleration ( or config hwCrypto disable ) and work with Cisco TAC to resolve the issues.


You can do additional troubleshooting using the show snort tls-offload and debug snort tls-offload commands. Use the clear snort tls-offload command to reset the counters displayed in the show snort tls-offload command to zero.