Objects in the REST API

Request Structure

Request Structure:

Requests are sent to the FMC as HTTPS requests with the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the form described below:



  • <management_center_IP_or_name>
    is the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name of the FMC
  • <https_port>
    is the port number used by the FMC for HTTPS connections. This port is always 443.
  • <object_URL>
    is the specific URL for the desired resource. These URLs are unique for each resource and are given below.
  • options
    are the options given with the request. Options can be used to modify the output and filter results.
  • {UUID}
    Many URLs contain one or more UUIDs which must be specified. Most URIs include the domain UUID, which can be found in the Authentication Token. When deleting or modifying an object, or requesting information about a specific object, the URI will end with the object UUID.

Available request methods are:

  • GET
    – Retrieves data from the specified object. GET is a read-only operation.
  • PUT
    – Adds the supplied information to the specified object; returns a 404 Resource Not Found error if the object does not exist.


    Currently PUT may be used to create a new object, but this ability may be removed in later releases. Use POST to create new objects and PUT to modify existing objects.

  • POST
    – Creates the object with the supplied information. POST operations should be followed with a payload consisting of the JSON object to be created, enclosed in braces:


    The maximum number of rules you can use depends on memory of the device. There is no set limit, because complex rules use more memory. For rule performance and optimization guidelines, see the FMC Configuration Guide.

    – Deletes the specified object.
    Not supported.

The API supports query parameters for almost all requests. For GET requests, the following query parameters can be used to control the number of of returned objects and the pagination:

  • expanded
    - This is a True/False value which indicates whether you get a full listing of an item in a list or only a reference. Some fields will only show if this flag is set to true.
  • offset
    - Indicates the position in the list where you want to start.
  • limit
    - Indicates the number of items you want to retrieve in a page.

The API supports filtering on the basis of query parameters passed with a request. Filtering can be done based on specific attributes in a model. The parameters available for filtering vary by object, and are listed with the request below.

Bulk Rule Posting

Multiple access control rules can be added with a POST command using the bulk insert feature. This feature allows as many as 1,000 rules to be addded at once.

This feature is only available for access rules.

The URL for this feature is:


The option:


indicates that that multiple rules will be used in the payload of this request.

All objects in the payload of the bulk POST request must be of the same type. You cannot mix different objects in the same bulk request.

Unlike a normal POST operation, the bulk POST requires a list of JSON objects. This list may have as many as 1,000 objects or as few as one. The individual JSON objects must be enclosed in braces. Each object must be separated by commas, and the entire list is enclosed in brackets:

[{object1},{object2},{object3},{object4},{object5} …]

The following query parameters are supported in bulk POST requests:

  • bulk=true

    This parameter specifies that the bulk POST feature is being used in the query. This parameter is required for bulk rule posting.

  • section=mandatory/default

    This parameter specifies the section into which the rules will be added. If this parameter is not used the section will be the default section. Only mandatory and default are allowed values. If a section is specified it must exist or the request will fail. If a section is specified, a category cannot be specified.

  • category=<Name of the category>

    This parameter specifies the category into which the rules will be added. If a category is specified it must exist or the request will fail. If a category is specified, a section cannot be specified.

  • insertAfter=<Index of rule>

    This parameter specifies that the rules will be inserted after the specified rule index. If no section or category is specified, the rules will be added to the section or category after the insertion point.

  • insertBefore=<Index of rule>

    This parameter specifies that the rules will be inserted before the specified rule index.If no section or category is specified, the rules will be added to the section or category before the insertion point. insertBefore takes precedence over insertAfter - if both are specified, the insertBefore parameter will apply.

When a rule or group of rules are inserted at an index which is part of either a section or a category, the category or section parameter can be used along with index to specify the insertion location of the rule(s). If an index is given along with a section or category, but the index is not in that section or category, you will receive an error.

If no index is specified, rules will be inserted after the end of the access policy. If a category or section is specified but no index is specified, rules will be inserted at the end of the category or section.

In any given POST all of the rules will be inserted at a single point. You cannot specify multiple insertion locations in a POST request.


Rule order affects how orders are parsed by the FMC.

Response Structure


The REST API will serve only 25 results per page. This can be increased up to 1000 using the limit query parameter.

The response structure can be:

  • LOCATION – Newly created resource ID; for POST only—holds the new resource ID (as a URI representation).

  • CONTENT-TYPE – Media type describing the response message body; describes the representation and syntax of the response message body.

  • Each response includes an HTTP status or error code. Available codes fall into these categories:

  • 20x - A two-hundred series code indicates successful operation, including:

  • 200 200
    – "OK". Standard response for successful requests.
  • 201 201
    – "Created". Request completed; new resource created.
  • 202 202
    – "Accepted". Request accepted, but processing not complete.
  • 204 204
    – "No Content". Server successfully processed request; no content is being returned.
  • 4xx - A four-hundred series code indicates a client-side error, including:

  • 400 400
    –"Bad Request". Invalid query parameters, including unrecognized parameters, missing parameters, or invalid values.

    This can indicate that the object was edited or deleted via REST API such that the corresponding policy is invalidated.

  • 404 404
    – "Not Found". The provided URL does not match an existing resource. For example, an HTTP DELETE may fail because the resource is unavailable.
  • 405 405
    – "Method Not Allowed". An HTTP request was presented that is not allowed on the resource; for example, a POST on a read-only resource.
  • 422 422
    – "Unprocessable Entity". The payload is too large. This will occur when you send a payload greater than 2048000 bytes.

    – The payload contains an unprocessable or unreadable entity such as a invalid attribut name or incorrect JSON syntax.

  • 429 429
    – "Too Many Requests". Too many requests were sent to the API. This error will occur if you send more than 120 requests per minute.

    – Too many concurrent requests. The system cannot accept more than 10 parallel requests from all clients.

    – Too many write operations per server. The API will only allow one PUT, POST, or DELETE request per user on a server at a time.

  • 5xx - A five-hundred series code indicates a server-side error.

In the case of an error, in addition to the error code, the return response may include an error object containing more details about the error. The JSON error/warning response schema is as follows:

 "error": {
 "category": "FRAMEWORK",
 "messages": [
 "description": "Action is mandatory to be specified." 
"severity": "ERROR"

where the object properties are:

Table 1. Object Properties





List of Dictionaries

List of error or warning messages



Error/Warning/Info code



Detailed message corresponding to Error/Warning/Info

Rate Limiting

The FMC REST API implements rate limiting to reduce network load.

The API will accept no more than 120 messages per minute from an individual IP address. It will only allow 10 simultaneous connections per IP address. These are not configurable parameters.

If a client exceeds these limits, the API will give an HTTP 429 error.

Payload Limiting

The API cannot accept a message with a payload greater than 2048000 bytes. This applies to both the REST API and to API Explorer. This is not a configurable parameter.

If a message exceeds this limit, the API will give an HTTP 422 error.

Object Overrides

An override defines an alternate value for an object, which the system uses for the device or domain specified. In a single request user can create multiple overrides for multiple objects using bulk operation.

When an object is overriden, the alternate values will be provided for that object when it is requested. This does not overwrite the original values, which will return if the override is removed. The override gives alternate values for all fields in the object except for the Name and Description fields.

The URL for this feature is:

https://:{fmc_ip_or_name}:{https_port}/api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{Domain_uuid} /object/hosts

Request payload to create an override for object “testhost” on domain “"Global \\ RETAIL" with the override value being "":

  "type": "Host",
  "value": "",
  "overrides": {
    "parent": {
      "id": <Parent UUID>
      "type": "Host"
    "target": {
      "name": "Global \\ RETAIL",
      "id": <target domain UUID>,
      "type": "Domain"
  "overridable": true,
  "description": " ",
  "name": "testhost",


indicates the override creation for more than one object.


URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{host_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{host_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}


When overridden, the parent object value will never change.

Audit Services

GET auditrecords

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves audit records.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/audit/auditrecords

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/audit/auditrecords/{objectID}

Permissions: System > Monitoring > Audit

Parameters available for filtering: username, subsystem, source, starttime, endtime


GET authroles

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the list of all existing user roles in the system.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/users/authroles

Permissions: System > User Management

Parameters available for filtering: none

GET SSO Config

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Single Signon Configuration for the device.

URL: ​/api​/fmc_config​/v1​/domain​/{domainUUID}​/users​/ssoconfigs​/{objectId}

Permissions: System > User Management > Single Sign-On

Parameters available for filtering: none

PUT SSO Config

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the Single Signon configuration for the device.

URL: ​/api​/fmc_config​/v1​/domain​/{domainUUID}​/users​/ssoconfigs​/{objectId}

Permissions: System > User Management > Single Sign-On

Deployment Services

GET deployabledevices

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all devices with configuration changes, ready to be deployed.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/deployment/deployabledevices

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

Parameters available for filtering: name

GET deployments

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves deployment details for device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deployment/deployabledevices/{containerUUID}/deployments

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

Parameters available for filtering: startTime, endTime

GET pendingchanges

Request Type: POST

Description: Retrieves all the policy and object changes for the selected device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deployment/deployabledevices/{containerUUID}/pendingchanges

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

POST deploymentrequests

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a request for deploying configuration changes to the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/deployment/deploymentrequests/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

GET jobhistories

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the specified deployment job. If no ID is provided, retrieves all the deployment jobs.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deployment/jobhistories

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deployment/jobhistories/{objectId}

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

Parameters available for filtering: Various filter criteria can be specified using the format deviceUUID:{uuid};startTime:start_time_in_secs;endTime:end_time_in_secs;rollbackApplicable:true_or_false

POST rollbackrequests

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a request for rollback configuration to devices.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deployment/rollbackrequest

Permissions: Deploy Configuration to Devices

Device Group Services

DELETE devicegrouprecords

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a device group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

PUT devicegrouprecords

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a device group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

POST devicegrouprecords

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a device group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET devicegrouprecords

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the device group associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all device groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/devicegrouprecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > View Devices

Device Clusters

GET ftddevicecluster

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves or modifies the FTD Cluster record associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all FTD Clusters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deviceclusters/ftddevicecluster/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/deviceclusters/ftddevicecluster/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > View Devices

Device HA Pair Services

DELETE ftddevicehapair

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a device high availability pair with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicehapairs/ftddevicehapairs/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices


Run the configure high-availability disable command to remove the failover configurations from FTD devices.

PUT ftddevicehapair

Request Type: PUT

Description: Sets any one of the following actions for the FTD high availability device:

  • Sets the failover trigger criteria for the device

  • Switches states within the device

  • Breaks or force-breaks the device

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicehapairs/ftddevicehapairs/{ha_container_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

POST ftddevicehapairs

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a high availability device pair with the specified primary and secondary object IDs. Do not perform the POST operation for more than one high availability pair at a time. Ensure that the current POST operation is completed successfully before proceeding to the next POST operation.


Typically, the first POST operation responds within 60 seconds. Cisco recommends that you perform subsequent POST operations at least 120 seconds after the first POST operation was initiated. The response of the POST operation includes a task object, with a task ID and task status. You can monitor the completion of the task by performing a GET operation on the task object with its task ID. For more information, see GET taskstatuses.


Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET ftddevicehapairs

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the details associated with the specified high availability container ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all high availability container objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicehapairs/ftddevicehapairs

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicehapairs/ftddevicehapairs/{ha_container_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

DELETE failoverinterfacemacaddressconfigs

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the FTD high availability failover policy interface MAC addresses record associated with the specified FTD high availability pair.


Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET failoverinterfacemacaddressconfigs

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FTD high availability failover policy interface MAC addresses record associated with the specified FTD HA pair. If no ID is specified for a GET, it retrieves the list of all FTD high availability failover policy interface MAC addresses records.

URL for GET by ID :

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

POST failoverinterfacemacaddressconfigs

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates the FTD high availability failover policy interface MAC addresses record associated with the specified FTD high availability pair.


Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

PUT failoverinterfacemacaddressconfigs

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the FTD high availability failover policy interface MAC addresses record associated with the specified FTD high availability pair.


Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET monitoredinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FTD high availability Monitored interface policy record associated with the specified FTD HA pair. If no ID is specified for a GET, it retrieves the list of all FTD high availability monitored interface policy records.

URL for GET by ID :

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT monitoredinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the FTD high availability Monitored interface policy record associated with the specified FTD high availability pair.


Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

Health Services

GET Health Alerts

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves health alerts.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/health/alerts

Permissions: System > Health > Health Events

Parameters available for filtering: startTime, endTime, deviceUUIDs, status, moduleIDs

GET Health Metrics

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves health monitor metrics for the device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/health/metrics

Permissions: System > Health > Health Events

Parameters available for filtering: deviceUUIDs, metric, startTime, endTime, step, regexFilter, queryFunction

Device Services

POST copyconfigrequests

Request Type: POST

Description: Copies device configuration to the specified FTD device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/copyconfigrequests

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET bgp routing

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all BGP (ipv4 and ipv6) associated with the specified device for specified vrf. If no device is specified, retrieves list of all BGP.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgp

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgp/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

DELETE devicerecords

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Unregisters the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

PUT devicerecords

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the device record associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

POST devicerecords

Request Type: POST

Description: Registers the specified device to the FMC.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET devicerecords

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves device information. If a device ID is specified, the information for the specificed device is retrieved. If no ID is specified, retrieves information for all devices.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: hostName

PUT fpphysicalinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a physical interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET fpphysicalinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves information on the physical interface associated with the specified NGIPS device ID and interface ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all physical interfaces associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

DELETE fplogicalinterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes logical interfaces on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/ fplogicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

PUT fplogicalinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a logical interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fplogicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST fplogicalinterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates logical interfaces on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fplogicalinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET fplogicalinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the logical interface associated with the specified NGIPS device ID and interface ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all logical interfaces associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fplogicalinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fplogicalinterfaces/{obect_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

DELETE inlinesets

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes inline sets on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/inlinesets/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

PUT inlinesets

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an inline set on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/inlinesets/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST inlinesets

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates inline sets on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/inlinesets

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET inlinesets

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves information on the inline set associated with the specified NGIPS device ID and inline set ID. If no inline set ID is specified, retrieves list of all inline sets associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/inlinesets

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/inlinesets/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

GET Metrics

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves HealthMonitor metrics for the device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/operational/metrics

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: metric

GET staticroutes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the static route associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all static routes associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/staticroute

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/staticroutes/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET virtualrouters

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the the virtual router with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all virtual routers.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT virtual routers

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a virtual router on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST virtual routers

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates virtual routers associated with the specified container.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE virtual routers

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET virtual BGP

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified BGP (ipv4 and ipv6) on the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all BGP on the virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET virtual ipv4staticroutes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified IPv4 static route on the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all IPv4 static routes on the virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv4staticroutes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv4staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT virtual ipv4 static routes

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an IPv4 static route on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv4staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST virtual ipv4 static routes

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates IPv4 static routes associated with the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv4staticroutes


For static routes (IPv4), the methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE virtual ipv4 static routes

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified IPv4 static route.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv4staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET virtual ipv6staticroutes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified IPv6 static route on the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all IPv6 static routes on the virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT virtual ipv6 static routes

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a bridge group interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST virtual ipv6 static routes

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates IPv6 static routes associated with the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE virtual ipv6 static routes

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified IPv6 static route.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ipv6staticroutes/{objectId}


The methods and payload are same as for static route endpoints. If there is a route leak, a warning is returned with response code 400. However, if you make the REST call with query parameter ignoreWarning=true, the warning is ignored. This behavior is applicable with Global VRF static route as well.

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET virtual ospf interface

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified OSPF interface associated with the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all OSPF interfaces associated with the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfinterface

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfinterface/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET virtual ospfv2 routes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified OSPFV2 process associated with the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all OSPF v2 process associated with the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfv2routes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfv2routes/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET virtual static routes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves specified static routes (ipv4 and ipv6) associated with the specified virtual router. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all Static routes (ipv4 and ipv6) associated with the specified virtual router.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/staticroutes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/staticroutes/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

DELETE ipv4staticroutes

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IPv4 Static Route associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv4staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Devices Management > Modify Devices

PUT ipv4staticroutes

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IPv4 Static Route associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv4staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Devices Management > Modify Devices

POST ipv4staticroutes

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates an IPv4 Static Route.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv4staticroutes

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET ipv4staticroutes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv4 Static Route associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all IPv4 Static Routes.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv4staticroutes

URL for GET ID:: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv4staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Devices Management

DELETE ipv6staticroutes

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IPv6 Static Route associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv6staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

PUT ipv6staticroutes

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IPv6 Static Route associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv6staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

POST ipv6staticroutes

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates an IPv6 Static Route.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv6staticroutes

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET ipv6staticroutes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv6 Static Route associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all IPv6 Static Routes.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv6staticroutes

URL for GET ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ipv6staticroutes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET ospf interface

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the OSPF interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all OSPF interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfinterface

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/virtualrouters/{virtualrouterUUID}/ospfinterface/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET ospfv2routes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves OSPF V2 routes associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all OSPF v2 routes.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv2routes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv2routes/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET ospfv3interfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves OSPF v3 interface associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a lit of all OSPF v3 interfaces.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv3interfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv3interfaces/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET ospfv3routes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the OSPfv3 process associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all OSPFv3 processes.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv3routes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/ospfv3routes/{objectID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

DELETE virtualswitches

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a virtual switch on the specified device.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualswitches/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

PUT virtualswitches

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a virtual switch on the specified device.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualswitches/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

POST virtualswitches

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a virtual switch on the specified device.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/virtualswitches

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET virtualswitches

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves virtual switch associated with the specified NGIPS device ID and virtual switch ID. If no virtual switch ID is specified, retrieves list of all virtual switches associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/ virtualswitches

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/ virtualswitches/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

GET Virtual Tunnel Interfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the virtual tunnel interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all virtual tunnel interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualtunnelinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualtunnelinterfaces/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

Parameters available for filtering: none

PUT Virtual Tunnel Interfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: modifies the virtual tunnel interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and/or interface ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualtunnelinterfaces/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

POST Virtual Tunnel Interfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a virtual tunnel interface on the NGFW device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualtunnelinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

DELETE Virtual Tunnel Interfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the virtual tunnel interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/virtualtunnelinterfaces/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

DELETE vlaninterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the vlan interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/vlaninterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

PUT vlaninterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the vlan interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/vlaninterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

POST vlaninterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a vlan interface on the NGFW device.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/vlaninterfaces

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET vlaninterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the vlan interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all vlan interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

This method is only available on a Firepower 1010 device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/vlaninterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/vlaninterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

Parameters available for filtering: name

PUT fpphysicalinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a physical interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET fpphysicalinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves information on the physical interface associated with the specified NGIPS device ID and interface ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all physical interfaces associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fpphysicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

PUT physicalinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies physical interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/ physicalinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET physicalinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the physical interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all physical interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/physicalinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/physicalinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET bridgegroupinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the bridge group interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all bridge group interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/bridgegroupinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/bridgegroupinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

POST bridgegroupinterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates bridge group interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/bridgegroupinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

PUT bridgegroupinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a bridge group interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/bridgegroupinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE bridgegroupinterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a bridge group interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/bridgegroupinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET redundantinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the redundant interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all redundant interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/redundantinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/redundantinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

POST redundantinterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates redundant interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/redundantinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT redundantinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies redundant interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/redundantinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE redundantinterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Removes redundant interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/redundantinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET bgp routing

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all BGP (ipv4 and ipv6) associated with the specified device for specified vrf. If no device is specified, retrieves list of all BGP.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgp

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgp/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET bgp general settings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves BGP general settings associated with the specified device. If no device is specified, retrieves list of all BGP general settings.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgpgeneralsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/routing/bgpgeneralsettings/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET etherchannelinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the ethernet channel interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all ethernet channel interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/etherchannelinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/etherchannelinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering:

POST etherchannelinterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates ethernet channel interfaces on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/ethernetchannelinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

PUT etherchannelinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an ethernet channel interfaces on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/ethernetchannelinterfaces/

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE etherchannelinterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Removes ethernet channel interfaces from a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/ethernetchannelinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET subinterfaces

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the sub-interface associated with the specified NGFW device ID and interface ID. If no interface ID is specified, retrieves list of all sub-interfaces associated with the specified NGFW device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/subinterfaces

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/subinterfaces/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

POST subinterfaces

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates sub interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/subinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

PUT subinterfaces

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a sub interface on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/subinterfaces/

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

DELETE subinterfaces

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes sub interfaces on a specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/subinterfaces

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET fpinterfacestatistics

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of statistics for all interfaces associated with the specified NGIPS device ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/ devicerecords/{container_UUID}/fpinterfacestatistics

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Parameters available for filtering: name

POST interfaceevents

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates netmod events on the specified device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/interfaceevents

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Device

GET interfaceevents

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all netmod events on the device.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devices/devicerecords/{container_UUID}/interfaceevents

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

GET commands

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the list of all command line interface commands available on the device. If a command is specified in the payload, retries the output of that command.

The below table lists the commands which can be used with the commands service. Some commands are only allowed with certain parameters, or specific parameters may not be allowed, as specificed in the Blocked column.

Command Blocked
show version
show failover
show dhcpd show dhcpd binding, show dhcpd statistics
show ip
show aaa-server
show logging show logging asdm, show logging queue
show snmp-server
show running-config {any} show running-config {no parameters}
show ssl
show firewall
show logging
show network
show ntp
show banner

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/devices/devicerecords/{containerUUID}/operational/commands

Permissions: Devices > Device Management

Intelligence Services

POST collections

Request Type: POST

Description: Adds a collections from a TAXII source.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/taxiiconfig/collections

Permissions: Intelligence

POST discoveryinfo

Request Type: POST

Description: Adds information about TAXII collections available from a source.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/taxiiconfig/discoveryinfo

Permissions: Intelligence

GET element

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the intelligence-enabled sensor associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all intelligence-enabled sensors.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/element

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/element/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

DELETE incident

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes an incident.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/taxiiconfig/incident/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

PUT incident

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an intelligence incident with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/incident/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

GET incident

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the intelligence incident associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all intelligence incidents. By default 25 results will be displayed on each page, this can be increased up to 40 using the limit parameter.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/incident

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/incident/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

PUT indicator

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an indicator with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/indicator/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

GET indicator

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the indicator associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all indicators. By default 25 results will be displayed on each page, this can be increased up to 40 using the limit parameter.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/indicator

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/indicator/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

PUT observable

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an observable with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/observable/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

GET observable

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the observable associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all observables. By default 25 results will be displayed on each page, this can be increased up to 40 using the limit parameter.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/observable

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/observable/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

PUT settings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Activates or deactivates an intelligence setting.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/settings/{value}

Permissions: Intelligence

GET settings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the on/off settings for the specified value. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all TID settings.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/settings

URL for GET by value: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/settings/{value}

Permissions: Intelligence

DELETE source

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes an intelligence source from the device.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/taxiiconfig/source/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

PUT source

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an intelligence source with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/source/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence

POST source

Request Type: POST

Description: Adds a source for intelligence information.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/source

Permissions: Intelligence

GET source

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the intelligence source associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all intelligence sources. By default 25 results will be displayed on each page, this can be increased up to 40 using the limit parameter.

URL: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/source

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_tid/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/tid/source/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Intelligence


GET globalsearch

Request Type: GET

Description: Search for objects and policies matching specified text or IP address.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/search/globalsearch

Permissions: Analysis > Search

Parameters available for filtering: Text or IP address used for filtering.

GET objectsearch

Request Type: GET

Description: Search for objects matching specified text or IP address.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/search/object

Permissions: Analysis > Search

Parameters available for filtering: Text or IP address used for filtering.

GET policysearch

Request Type: GET

Description: Search for policies matching specified text or IP address (literal values in policies).

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/search/policy

Permissions: Analysis > Search

Parameters available for filtering: Text or IP address used for filtering.

Integration Services

PUT cloudeventsconfigs

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the cloud event configuration associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/cloudeventsconfigs/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET cloudeventsconfigs

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the cloud event configuration associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves a list of all cloud event configuration objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/cloudeventsconfigs

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/cloudeventsconfigs/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT cloudregions

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the cloud region configuration associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/cloudregions/{object_UUID}

Permissions: System > Integration > Cloud Services

GET cloudregions

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the cloud region configuration associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all cloud regions.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/cloudregions/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/cloudregions/{object_UUID}

Permissions: System > Integration > Cloud Services

DELETE externallookups

DELETE externallookups

Description: Deletes the external lookup objects with the specified UUID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/externallookups/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

PUT externallookups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies externallookups objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/externallookups/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

POST externallookups

POST externallookups

Description: Creates externallookups objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/externallookups

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

GET externallookups

GET externallookups

Retrieves the externallookups object associated with the specified ID. If no ID, retrieves list of all externallookups objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/externallookups

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/externallookups/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering:

DELETE packetanalyzerdevices

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the packet analyzer object with the specified UUID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/packetanalyzerdevices/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

PUT packetanalyzerdevices

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the packet analyzer object with the specified UUID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/packetanalyzerdevices/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

POST packetanalyzerdevices

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates PKI enrollments objectswith the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/packetanalyzerdevices

Permissions: Object Manager

GET packetanlyzerdevices

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the packetanlayzerdevices object associated with the specified ID. If no ID, retrieves list of all packetanalyzerdevices objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/packetanalyzerdevices

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/integration/packetanalyzerdevices/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering:

GET External Storage

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the external event storage configuration associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves a list of all external event storage configurations.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/externalstorage

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/externalstorage/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration

Parameters available for filtering: None

PUT External Storage

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the external event storage configuration associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/externalstorage/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration

GET FMC HA Statuses

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves FMC HA Statuses.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/fmchastatuses

Permissions: System>Integration>High Availability

GET SecureX Configs

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the SecureX configuration associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all SecureX configurations.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/securexconfigs

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/securexconfigs/{objectId}

Permissions: System>SecureX

PUT SecureX Configs

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the SecureX configuration associated with the specified ID

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/integration/securexconfigs/{objectId}

Permissions: System>SecureX

Object Services

GET AnyConnect Custom Attributes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the AnyConnect Custom Attribute associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all AnyConnect Custom Attribute objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectcustomattributes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectcustomattributes/{objectId}

URL to list all overrides:


Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value

GET AnyConnect Packages

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the AnyConnect Package associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all AnyConnect Package objects..

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectpackages

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectpackages/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET AnyConnect Profiles

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the AnyConnect Profile associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all AnyConnect Profile objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectprofiles

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/anyconnectprofiles/{objectId

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filter: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

Parameters available for filter: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

GET anyprotocolportobjects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the any protocol port object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all protocol port objects with the protocol set to All.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/anyprotocolportobjects

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/anyprotocolportobjects/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applicationcategories

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application category object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application category objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationcategories

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationcategories/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applicationfilters

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application filter object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application filter objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationfilters

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationfilters/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT applicationfilters

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the application filter object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/applicationfilters/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST applicationfilters

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the application filter object with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/applicationfilters

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE applicationfilters

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the application filter object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/applicationfilters/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET applicationproductivities

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application productivity object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application productivity objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationproductivities

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationproductivities/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applicationrisks

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application risk object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application risk objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationrisks

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationrisks/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applications

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applications

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applications/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applicationtags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application tag object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationtags

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationtags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET applicationtypes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the application type object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all application type objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationtypes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/applicationtypes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET aspathlists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the autonoous system path list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all autonomous system paths.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/aspathlists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/aspathlists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET certenrollments

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the PKI enrollments object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all PKI enrollment objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/certenrollments

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/devicegroups/certenrollments/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > View Devices

GET communitylists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the community list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all community lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/communitylists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/communitylists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET Certificate Maps

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Certificate Map associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Certificate Map objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/certificatemaps

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/certificatemaps/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > Certificates

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

GET continents

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the continent object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all continent objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/continents

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/continents/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET countries

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the country object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all country objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/countries

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/countries/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE dnsservergroups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a DNS server group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/dnsservergroups/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

PUT dnsservergroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a DNS server group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/dnsservergroups

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

POST dnsservergroups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a DNS server group group with the specified object ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/dnsservergroups

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > Modify Devices

GET dnsservergroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the DNS server group associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all dns server groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/dnsservergroups

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/dnsservergroups/{object_UUID}

Description: Retrieves all(Domain and Device) overrides on a ICMPV4 object.Response will always be in expanded form. If passed, the "expanded" query parameter will be ignored.

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dnsservergroups/{containerUUID}/overrides/{objectId}

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dnsservergroups/{containerUUID}/overrides

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > View Devices

POST dynamicobjectmappings

Request Type: POST

Description: Adds Dynamic Object Mappings for specific Dynamic Objects

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjectmappings

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE dynamicobjectmappings

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Removes Dynamic Object Mappings for specific Dynamic Objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjectmappings

Parameters available for filtering:


Objects with ids: "ids:id1,id2,..."
Unused objects: "unusedOnly:true"
Name starts with: "nameStartsWith:{name-pattern}"
Agent ID: "agentId:{Agent ID}"

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET dynamicobjects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Dynamic Object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Dynamic Objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectIdOrName}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: name (Cannot be used if object ID is specified in path.)

POST dynamicobjects

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the Dynamic Objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE dynamicobjects

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the Dynamic Object associated with the specified ID. If used without an ID, deletes objects selected by filtering.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/

URL for DELETE by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectIdOrName}

Parameters available for filtering:


Objects with ids: "ids:id1,id2,..."
Unused objects: "unusedOnly:true"
Name starts with: "nameStartsWith:{name-pattern}"

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT dynamicobjects

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the Dynamic Object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET mappings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Dynamic Object Mappings associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectIdOrName}/mappings

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT mappings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Adds Dynamic Object Mappings associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectId}/mappings

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE mappings

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Removes the Dynamic Object Mappings associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/dynamicobjects/{objectId}/mappings

Parameters available for filtering:


Objects with ids: "ids:id1,id2,..."
Unused objects: "unusedOnly:true"
Name starts with: "nameStartsWith:{name-pattern}"
Agent ID: "agentId:{Agent ID}"

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET endpointdevicetypes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the endpoint device type object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all endpoint device type objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/endpointdevicetypes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/endpointdevicetypes/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET expanded community lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the expanded community list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all community lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/expandedcommunitylists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/expandedcommunitylists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET extended access lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves extended access list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all extended access lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/extendedaccesslists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/extendedaccesslists/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > Device Management > View Devices

DELETE fqdns

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the FQDN object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT fqdns

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the FQDN object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST fqdns

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the FQDN objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET fqdns

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FQDN object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all FQDN objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{fqdn_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/fqdns/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET geolocation

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the geolocation object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all geolocation objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/geolocations

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/geolocations/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT geolocations

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the geolocation object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/geolocations/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST geolocations

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the Geolocation objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/geolocations

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE geolocations

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the geolocation object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/geolocations/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET global time zones

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the global time zone object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all global time zone objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/globaltimezones

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/globaltimezones/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET grouppolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the VPN group policies associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all VPN group policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/grouppolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/grouppolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

DELETE hosts

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified host object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT hosts

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a host object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST hosts

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the host objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET hosts

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the host object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all host objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{host_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/hosts/{host_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET hostscanpackages

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves HostScan packages. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all HostScan packages.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/hostscanpackages

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/hostscanpackages/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices

DELETE icmpv4objects

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified ICMPv4 port.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT icmpv4objects

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies ICMPv4 port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST icmpv4objects

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the ICMPv4 port objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET icmpv4objects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the ICMPv4 object associated with the specified ID. If no ID, retrieves list of all ICMPv4 objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp4objects?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv4objects/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp4objects/{icmpv4object_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp4objects/{icmp4object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE icmpv6objects

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified ICMPv6 port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT icmpv6objects

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies ICMPv6 port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST icmpv6objects

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the ICMPv6 port objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET icmpv6objects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the ICMPv6 object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all ICMPv6 objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp6objects?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmpv6objects/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp6objects/{icmpv6object_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/icmp6objects/{icmp6object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE ikev1ipsecproposals

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IKEv1 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1ipsecproposals/{ikev1ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT ikev1ipsecproposals

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IKEv1 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1ipsecproposals/ {ikev1ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST ikev1ipsecproposals

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates the IKEv1 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1ipsecproposals

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET ikev1ipsecproposals

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IKEv1 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IKEv1 IPsec Proposal objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ikev1ipsecproposals

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1ipsecproposals/{ ikev1ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE ikev1policies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IKEv1 policy object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1policies/{ikev1policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT ikev1policies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IKEv1 policy object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1policies/{ikev1policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST ikev1policies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates the IKEv1 policy object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1policies

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET ikev1policies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IKEv1 policy object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IKEv1 policy objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ikev1policies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev1policies/{ikev1policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE ikev2ipsecproposals

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IKEv2 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2ipsecproposals/{ikev2ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT ikev2ipsecproposals

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IKEv2 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2ipsecproposals/{ikev2ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST ikev2ipsecproposals

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates the IKEv2 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2ipsecproposals

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET ikev2ipsecproposals

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IKEv2 IPsec Proposal associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IKEv2 IPSec Proposal objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ikev2ipsecproposals

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2ipsecproposals/{ikev2ipsecproposal_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE ikev2policies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the IKEv2 object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2policies/{ikev2policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT ikev2policies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IKEv2 object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2policies/{ikev2policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST ikev2policies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates the IKEv2 object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2policies

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET ikev2policies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IKEv2 object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IKEv2 IPSec Proposal objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ikev2policies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ikev2policies/{ikev2policy_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE interfacegroups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the Interface group objects associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{object_UUID}

URL on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT interfacegroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the Interface group objects associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST interfacegroups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the Interface group objects associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET interfacegroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Interface group objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all interface group objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfacegroups/{interfacegroups_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/interfacegroups/{interfacegroups_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET interfaceobjects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all the interface objects both security zones and interface groups.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfaceobjects

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfaceobjects?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfaceobjects/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object:: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfaceobjects/{interfaceobjects_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/interfaceobjects/{interfaceobjects_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET intrusionrulegroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Snort3 Intrusion rule group. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all Snort3 Intrusion rule groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrulegroups

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy

Parameters vailable for filtering: Value is of format (including quotes): filter=name:Browser OR filter=name:Browser/Firefox OR filter=showonlyparents:true OR filter=showonlyparents:false OR filter=issystemdefined:true OR issystemdefined:false.

PUT intrusionrulegroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the Snort3 Intrusion rule group with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

POST Intrusion Rule Groups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the Snort3 Intrusion rule group with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrulegroups

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

DELETE Intrusion Rule Groups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified Snort3 intrusion rule group.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

GET intrusionrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Snort3 Intrusion rule group. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all Snort3 Intrusion rule groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy

Parameters vailable for filtering: Value is of format (including quotes): filter=gid:123 OR filter=sid:123 OR filter=gid:123;sid:456 OR filter=overrides:true OR filter=overrides:true;ipspolicy:UUID1,UUID2,UUID3 OR filter=fts:123. ipspolicy is comma separated Snort3 Intrusion Policy UUID.

PUT intrusionrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Creates or modifies the Snort3 rule with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules

URL for PUT by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules/{objectID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

POST intrusionrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the Snort3 rules with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

DELETE intrusionrules

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified Snort3 rule.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/intrusionrules/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

GET ipv4addresspools

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv4 Address Pool object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IPv4 Address Pool objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv4addresspools

URL for overrides: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv4addresspools/{containerUUID}/overrides

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv4addresspools/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

GET ipv6addresspools

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv6 Address Pool object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all IPv6 Address Pool objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv6addresspools

URL for overrides: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv6addresspools/{containerUUID}/overrides

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv6addresspools/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

GET ipv4prefixlists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv4 prefix list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all IPv4 prefix lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv4prefixlists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv4prefixlists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET ipv6prefixlists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IPv6 prefix list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all IPv6 prefix lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv6prefixlists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ipv6prefixlists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET isesecuritygrouptags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the ISE security group tag object with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all ISE security group tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/isesecuritygrouptags

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/isesecuritygrouptags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET keychain

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the keychain object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all keychain objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object. If the object ID is not specified, displays all keychain objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychains_UUID}/overrides/{objectId}

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}


The target UUID could be that of a domain or a device.

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE keychain

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the keychain object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}


The target UUID could be that of a domain or a device.

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT keychain

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the keychain object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains/{keychain_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST keychain

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the keychain objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains

URL for Bulk Post:


URL to create an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/keychains


If override was not set when creating the key chain object:

  1. Using PUT, update the override property of the key chain object to "true".

  2. Create the POST override for the key chain object.

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET localrealmusers

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the local realm user object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all local realm user objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/localrealmusers

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/localrealmusers/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms

Parameters vailable for filtering: To filter users by realm, use realm:{realmUUID}. To filter users by name, use name:{name}

PUT localrealmusers

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the local realm user object with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/localrealmusers/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms > Modify Realms

POST localrealmusers

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the local realm user objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/localrealmusers

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms > Modify Realms

POST localrealmusers

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified local realm user object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/localrealmusers/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET networkaddresses

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all network and host objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkaddresses

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkaddresses?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkaddresses?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE networkgroups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified Network Group.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT networkgroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a Network Group.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST networkgroups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the network group with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET networkgroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the network group object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all network group objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{networkgroups_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networkgroups/{networkgroups _UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE networks

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified network objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT networks

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies network objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST networks

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the network objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET networks

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the network objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all network objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{network_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/networks/{network_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET policy lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the policy list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all policy lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/policylists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/policylists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE portobjectgroups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified port object groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT portobjectgroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies port object groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST portobjectgroups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the port object groups with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET portobjectgroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the port object group object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all port object group objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{portobjectgroup_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups/{portobjectgroup_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/portobjectgroups?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET ports

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves list of all port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ports

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ports?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ports?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE protocolportobjects

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified protocol port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT protocolportobjects

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies protocol port objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST protocolportobjects

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the protocol port objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET protocolportobjects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the protocol port object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all protocol port objects.

URL for listing:: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object:: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{protocolportobject_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/protocolportobjects/{protocolportobject_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET radiusservergroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Radius Server Group associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Radius Server Group objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/radiusservergroups

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/radiusservergroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value.

DELETE ranges

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified address range.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT ranges

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an address range.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST ranges

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides an address range with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET ranges

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the address range object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all address range objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{range_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/ranges/{range_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET realms

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the realm object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all realm objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realms

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realms/{object_UUID}

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms

PUT realms

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the realm object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/realms/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms > Modify Realms

POST realms

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the realm objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/realms

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms > Modify Realms

DELETE realms

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified realm object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/realms/{objectId}

Permissions: System > Integration > Realms > Modify Realms

GET realmusergroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the realm user group object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all realm user group objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realmusergroups

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realmusergroups/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: realmUuid


This is a required parameter.

GET realmusers

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the realm user object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all realm user objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realmusers

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/realmusers/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: realmUuid


This is a required parameter.

GET route maps

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the route map associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all rooute maps.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/routemaps

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/routemaps/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET securitygrouptags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the custom security group tag object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all custom security group tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securitygrouptags

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securitygrouptags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: name

DELETE securityzones

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified securityzone objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

PUT securityzones

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a securityzone object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager>Modify Object Manager

POST securityzones

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the securityzone objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET securityzones

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the security zone objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all security zone objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/securityzones/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

Parameters available for filtering: name


Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence DNS feed objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence DNS feed objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sidnsfeeds

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sidnsfeeds/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager


Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence DNS list objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence DNS list objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sidnslists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sidnslists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET sinetworkfeeds

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence Network Feed objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence Network Feed objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinetworkfeeds

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinetworkfeeds/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET SI Network Lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence network list objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence network list objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinetworklists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinetworklists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET Sinkholes

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Sinkhole objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Sinkhole objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinkholes

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/sinkholes/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET siurlfeeds

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence url feed object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence url feed objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/siurlfeeds

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/siurlfeeds/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET siurllists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Security Intelligence url list object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all Security Intelligence url list objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/siurllists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/siurllists/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE slamonitors

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the sla monitor object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT slamonitors

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the sla monitor object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST slamonitors

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides a SLA monitor with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET slamonitors

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the SLA Monitors associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all SLA Monitors.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors

URL by GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/slamonitors/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET SSO Servers

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the SSO Server Policy Object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all SSO Server Policy Objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ssoservers

URL for all overrides: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ssoservers/{containerUUID}/overrides

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/ssoservers/{objectId}

Permissions: System > User Management> Single Sign-On (SSO)

Parameters available for filtering: To be used in conjunction with "unusedOnly:true" to search for unused objects and "nameOrValue:{nameOrValue}" to search for both name and value

GET standard access lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the standard community list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all standard community lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/standardaccesslists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/standardaccesslists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET standard community lists

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the standard community list associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all standard community lists.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/standardcommunitylists

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/standardcommunitylists/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET time ranges

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the time range object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all time range objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timeranges

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timeranges/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT time ranges

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a time range object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timeranges/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

POST time ranges

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides a time range object with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timeranges

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE time ranges

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the time range object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timeranges/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET time zone objects

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the time zone object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all time zone objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects/{objectId}

URL to list all overrides: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects/{containerUUID}/overrides

Permissions: Object Manager

PUT time zone objects

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a time zone object.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager

POST time zone objects

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides a time zone object with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE time zone objects

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the time zone object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/timezoneobjects/{objectId}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE tunneltags

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the tunnel tag object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/tunneltags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT tunneltags

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the tunnel tag object associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/tunneltags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST tunneltags

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides a tunnel tag with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/tunneltags

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET tunneltags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the tunnel tag object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all tunnel tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/tunneltags

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/tunneltags/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET urlcategories

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the url category object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all url category objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlcategories

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlcategories/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE urlgroups

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified urlgroup objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT urlgroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies urlgroup objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST urlgroups

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the urlgroup objects with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET urlgroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the url group objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all url group objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{urlgroup_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urlgroups/{urlgroup_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager


Request Type: GET

Description: Deletes the specified URL.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT urls

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a URL.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

POST urls

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the URLs with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET urls

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the url objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all url objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{url_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls/{url_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/urls?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager

GET Usage

Request Type: GET


Find usage of specified object uuid and type across objects and policies. Supported object types:


Network NetworkAddress, Host, Network, Range, FQDN, NetworkGroup
Port Port, ProtocolPortObject, PortObjectGroup, ICMPV4Object, ICMPV6Object, AnyProtocolPortObject
VLAN tag VlanTag, VlanGroupTag
URL Url, UrlGroup

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/object/operational/usage

Parameters available for filtering: Specify uuid "uuid:object-uuid" and "type:object-type" and type of object.

Permissions: Object Manager

GET variablesets

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the variable set object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all variable set objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/variablesets

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/variablesets/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager

DELETE vlangrouptags

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified vlangrouptag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT vlangrouptags

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies vlangrouptag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST vlangrouptags

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the VLAN group tags with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Managers

GET vlangrouptags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the vlan group tag objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all vlan group tag objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{vlangrouptag_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags/{vlangrouptag_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlangrouptags?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

DELETE vlantags

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the specified VLAN tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{object_UUID}

URL to DELETE overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{object_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

PUT vlantags

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies VLAN tag objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{object_UUID}

URL to edit or update an override on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{parent_object_UUID}

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

POST vlantags

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates or overrides the VLAN tags with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags

URL for Bulk Post : /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags?bulk=true

Permissions: Object Manager > Modify Object Manager

GET vlantags

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the vlantag objects associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all vlantag objects.

URL for listing: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags

URL for all the overrides on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{object_UUID}

URL to list all overrides on a particular object: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{vlantag_UUID}/overrides

URL for override for an object on a particular domain or device: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags/{vlantag_UUID}?overrideTargetId={target_UUID}

URL for listing only unused objects: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags?filter=unusedOnly:true

URL for searching by name or value: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/object/vlantags?filter=nameOrValue:{name_or_value}

Permissions: Object Manager

Policy Services

DELETE accesspolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the access control policy with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

PUT accesspolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an access control policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

POST accesspolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates an access control policy with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies

Permissions: Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

GET accesspolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the access control policy associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all access control policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies

DELETE accessrules

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes an access control rule in the specified access control policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/accessrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

PUT accessrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an access control rule in the specified access control policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/accessrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

POST accessrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates an access control rule in the specified access control policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/accessrules

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

GET accessrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the access control rule associated with the specified policy ID and rule ID. If no rule ID is specified, retrieves list of all access rules associated with the specified policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/accessrules

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/accessrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy

DELETE categories

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a category associated with the specified policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/categories/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

PUT categories

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the category associated with the specified policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/categories/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

POST categories

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a category for access control policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/categories

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

GET categories

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the category associated with the specified policy ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all categories associated with the specified policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/categories

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/categories/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy

PUT defaultactions

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the default action associated with the specified access control policy ID and default action ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/defaultactions/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

GET defaultactions

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the default action associated with the specified access control policy ID and default action ID. If no default action ID is specified, retrieves list of all default actions associated with the specified access control policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/defaultactions

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/defaultactions/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Access Control Policy

GET loggingsettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the logging setting associated with the specified access control policy ID and default action ID. If no default action ID is specified, retrieves list of all default actions associated with the specified access control policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/loggingsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/loggingsettings/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies

PUT loggingsettings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the logging setting associated with the specified access control policy ID and default action ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/loggingsettings/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

GET securityintelligencepolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the security intelligence policy associated with the specified Access Policy. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves all security intelligence policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/securityintelligencepolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/securityintelligencepolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Intelligence

GET dnspolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the DNS Policy. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all DNS policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dnspolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dnspolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > DNS Policy

Parameters available for filtering: name.

GET allowdnsrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves all the allow rules for a given DNS Policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dnspolicies/{containerUUID}/allowdnsrules

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > DNS Policy

Parameters available for filtering: name

GET blockdnsrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves all the block rules for a given DNS Policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dnspolicies/{containerUUID}/blockdnsrules

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > DNS Policy

Parameters available for filtering: name

GET dynamicaccesspolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Dynamic Access Policy. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Dynamic Access Policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dynamicaccesspolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dynamicaccesspolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

PUT dynamicaccesspolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the Dynamic Access Policy associated with the specified rule ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dynamicaccesspolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

POST dynamicaccesspolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a Dynamic Access policy associated.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dynamicaccesspolicies

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

DELETE dynamicaccesspolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the Dynamic Access Policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/dynamicaccesspolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET filepolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the file policy object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all file policy objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/filepolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/filepolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies>Access Control>Malware & File Policy

DELETE ftdnatpolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the FTD NAT policy with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

PUT ftdnatpolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an FTD NAT policy with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

POST ftdnatpolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a FTD device NAT policy with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies

URL for Bulk Post: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies?bulk=true

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

GET ftdnatpolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FTD NAT policy associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all FTD NAT policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List

DELETE ftds2svpns

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the FTD Site to Site VPN topology associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

PUT ftds2svpns

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a FTD Site to Site VPN topology associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

POST ftds2svpns

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a FTD Site to Site VPN topology with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET ftds2svpns

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FTD Site to Site VPN topology associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all FTD Site to Site VPN topologies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

PUT advancedsettings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies advanced settings inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ advancedsettings/{advancedsetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET advancedsettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves an advanced settings inside a VPN Site to Site Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list containing a single AdvancedSettings entry of the topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ advancedsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/domain_UUID/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ advancedsettings/{advancedSetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

DELETE endpoints

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes all endpoints in a topology or a specific endpoint associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/endpoints/{endpoint_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

PUT endpoints

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies all endpoints in a topology or a specific endpoint associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/endpoints/{endpoint_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

POST endpoints

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates all endpoints in a topology or a specific endpoint associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/endpoints

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET endpoints

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves all endpoints in a topology or a specific endpoint associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Endpoints of a topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/endpoints

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/endpoints/{endpoint_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

PUT ikesettings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the IKE Settings associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ ikesettings/{ikesetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET ikesettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the IKE Settings associated with the specified ID inside a VPN Site to Site Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves IKE Settings of a topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ikesettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ikesettings/{ikesetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

PUT ipsecsettings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an IPsec Proposal settings inside a VPN Site to Site Topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ipsecsettings/{ipsecsetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN > Modify VPN

GET ipsecsettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves an IPsec Proposal Settings inside a VPN Site To Site Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list containing a single IPsec Settings entry of the topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID}/ipsecsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/DomainUUID/policy/ftds2svpns/{topology_UUID }/ipsecsettings/{ipsecsetting_UUID}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

DELETE autonatrules

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a NAT rule with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/autonatrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

PUT autonatrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a NAT rule with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/autonatrules/{autonatrule_UUID)

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

POST autonatrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a NAT policy with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/autonatrules

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

GET autonatrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the NAT rule associated with the specific ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all NAT rules.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/autonatrules

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies{container_UUID}/autonatrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List

DELETE manualnatrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Deletes a manual NAT rule in the specified NAT policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/manualnatrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

PUT manualnatrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modify a manual NAT rule in the specified NAT policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/manualnatrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

POST manualnatrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates manual NAT rules with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/manualnatrules

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List >Modify NAT policy

GET manualnatrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the manual NAT rule associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all manual NAT rules.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/manualnatrules

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/manualnatrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List

GET natrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the list of all NAT rules (manual and auto) associated with the specified NAT policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/ftdnatpolicies/{container_UUID}/natrules

Permissions: Devices>NAT>NAT List

PUT inheritancesettings

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the inheritance settings associated with specified Access Policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/inheritancesettings/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

GET inheritancesettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the inheritance settings associated with specified Access Policy. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all inheritance settings.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/inheritancesettings/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{container_UUID}/inheritancesettings/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control Policy

GET identitypolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Identity Policy associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves all Identity Policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/identitypolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/identitypolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Identity Policy

GET intrusionpolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the intrusion policy associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all intrusion policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy

PUT intrusionpolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the intrusion policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

POST intrusionpolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates an intrusion policy with the specified parameters.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

DELETE intrusionpolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the intrusion policy associated with the specified ID.

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

GET intrusionrulegroups

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the per-policy behaviour of the specified intrusion rule ID for the target intrusion policy ID. If no rule ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Snort 3 intrusion rulegroups associated with the policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrulegroups/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy

PUT intrusionrulegroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the per-policy behaviour of the specified intrusion rule ID for the target intrusion policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

POST intrusionrulegroups

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the per-policy behaviour of the specified intrusion rule ID for the target intrusion policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrulegroups/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

GET intrusionrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the per-policy behaviour of the specified intrusion rule ID for the target intrusion policy ID. If no rule ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all Snort 3 intrusion rules associated with the policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrules

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrules/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy

PUT intrusionrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the per-policy behaviour of the specified intrusion rule ID for the target intrusion policy ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/intrusionpolicies/{containerUUID}/intrusionrules/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Intrusion Policy > Modify Intrusion Policy

GET networkanalysispolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the network analysis policy with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all network analysis policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy

PUT networkanalysispolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the network analysis policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

POST networkanalysispolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a network analysis policy.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

DELETE networkanalysispolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the network analysis policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{objectId}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

GET Inspector Configurations

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Snort3 custom NAP.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{containerUUID}/inspectorconfigs

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy

GET inspectoroverrideconfigs

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the Snort3 custom NAP override.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{containerUUID}/inspectoroverrideconfigs

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy

PUT inspectoroverrideconfigs

Request Type: GET

Description: Modifies the Snort3 custom NAP override.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/networkanalysispolicies/{containerUUID}/inspectorconfigs

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

DELETE prefilterpolicies

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a prefilter policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

PUT prefilterpolicies

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies a prefilter policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

POST prefilterpolicies

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a prefilter policy associated with the specified ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

GET prefilterpolicies

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the prefilter policy associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all prefilter policies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy

GET remoteaccessvpns

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the FTD RA VPN topology associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list of all FTD RA VPN topologies.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

GET addressassignmentsettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves Address Assignment Setting inside a VPN RA Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list containing a single Address Assignment Setting entry of the topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/addressassignmentsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/addressassignmentsettings/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

GET certificatemapsettings

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves Certificate Map Setting inside a VPN RA Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list containing a single Certificate Map Setting entry of the topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/certificatemapsettings

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/certificatemapsettings/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

GET connectionprofiles

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves Connection Profile data inside a VPN RA Topology. If no ID is specified for a GET, retrieves list containing a single Connection Profile entry of the topology.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/connectionprofiles

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/ravpns/{containerUUID}/connectionprofiles/{objectId}

Permissions: Devices > VPN

DELETE hitcounts

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the hit count information and resets the hit count to zero for an assigned policy or rule in a device, from the FMC.

Note that the DELETE operation returns a 200 (OK) message upon successful completion of the operation.


  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"

  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"


  • Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

  • Policies>Prefilter Policy>Modify Prefilter Policy

PUT hitcounts

Request Type: PUT

Description: Retrieves the latest hit count information for a device against an assigned policy, and stores it in the FMC.


  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"

  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"


  • Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

  • Policies>Prefilter Policy>Modify Prefilter Policy

GET hitcounts

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the last collected hit count information for a device against an assigned policy or its rules, from the FMC.

Note that during the GET operation, hit counts will be automatically pre-fetched from the device if it is the first retrieval being done against a specific device.


  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/accesspolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"

  • /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domainUUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{containerUUID}/operational/hitcounts?filter="{filterString}"


  • Policies>Access Control Policy>Modify Access Control Policy

  • Policies>Prefilter Policy>Modify Prefilter Policy

DELETE prefilterrules

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes the prefilter rule associated with the specified rule ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{container_UUID}/prefilterrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

PUT prefilterrules

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies the prefilter rule associated with the specified rule ID.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{container_UUID}/prefilterrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

POST prefilterrules

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a prefilter rule.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{container_UUID}/prefilterrules

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy > Modify Prefilter Policy

GET prefilterrules

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the prefilter rule associated with the specified rule ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves list of all prefilter rules.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{container_UUID}/prefilterrules/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/prefilterpolicies/{container_UUID}/prefilterrules/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Prefilter Policy

GET snmpalerts

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the SNMP alert object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all SNMP alert objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/snmpalerts

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/snmpalerts/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Actions > Alerts > View Alerts

GET syslogalerts

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the syslog alert object associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all syslog alert objects.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/syslogalerts

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/policy/syslogalerts/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Actions > Alerts

Policy Assignment Services

PUT policyassignments

Request Type: PUT

Description: Modifies an assigned access policy to add a new device or a new device group.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/assignment/policyassignments/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

POST policyassignments

Request Type: POST

Description: Assigns an unassigned access policy to devices or device groups.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/assignment/policyassignments

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy > Modify Access Control Policy

GET policyassignments

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves the policy assignment associated with the specified ID. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all policy assignments to target devices.

URL: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/assignment/policyassignments

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/assignment/policyassignments/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Policies > Access Control > Access Control Policy

Parameters available for filtering: name

Status Services

GET taskstatuses

Description: Retrieves information about a previously submitted pending job/task with the specified ID. This is currently supported for device registration and deployment jobs.

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_config/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/job/taskstatuses/{object_UUID}

Permissions: Modify Devices/Deployment

System Information

GET domain

Request Type: GET

Description: Requests version information for the domain. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all domains.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/info/domain/{domain_UUID}/

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_platform/v1/info/domain/{domain_UUID}/{object_UUID}

Permissions: System > Domains

GET serverversion

Request Type: GET

Description: Requests version information for the server. If no ID is specified, retrieves a list of all servers.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/info/serverversion

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_platform/v1/info/serverversion/{objectID}


Update Packages

POST Cancel Upgrades

Request Type: POST

Description: This POST operation cancels software upgrade packages to applicable devices running FTD.


Permissions: System > Updates

POST Retry Ugrades

Request Type: POST

Description: This POST operation retries software upgrade packages to applicable devices running FTD.


Permissions: System > Updates

DELETE upgradepackages

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Deletes a specific FTD upgrade package from the managing FMC.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/updates/upgradepackages/{package_UUID}

GET upgradepackages

Request Type: GET

Description: Retrieves a list of locally available FTD upgrade packages, including major upgrades, maintenances release upgrades, and hotfixes.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/updates/upgradepackages

URL for GET by ID: /api/fmc_platform/v1/updates/upgradepackages/{package_UUID}

GET listapplicabledevices

Request Type: GET

Description: Lists registered device containers that support the specific upgrade package.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/updates/upgradepackages/{container_UUID}/applicabledevices

POST upgradepackage

Request Type: POST

Description: Dependent on the parameters, this POST operation either pushes available software upgrade packages to applicable devices running FTD or initiates the upgrade process for applicable devices running FTD. This process is applicable for standalone, clustered, or high availability pairs with the following limitations:

  • For all configurations, ensure that the current POST operation is completed successfully before proceeding to the next POST operation.

  • Perform the POST operation on the primary node of a high availability pair. Do not perform the POST operation for more than one high availability pair at a time.

  • Perform the POST operation on the


Typically, the first POST operation responds within 60 seconds. Cisco recommends that you perform subsequent POST operations at least 120 seconds after the first POST operation was initiated. The response of the POST operation includes a task object, with a task ID and task status. You can monitor the completion of the task by performing a GET operation on the task object with its task ID. For more information, see GET taskstatuses.


GET upgradepackages: Monitor

Request Type: GET

Description: Monitors the upgrade process once you have executed the POST upgrade task.

URL: /api/fmc_platform/v1/domain/{domain_UUID}/job/taskstatuses/{task_ID}