Image Management

About Image Management

The Firepower 4100/9300 chassis uses two basic types of images:


All images are digitally signed and validated through Secure Boot. Do not modify the image in any way or you will receive a validation error.

  • Platform Bundle—The Firepower platform bundle is a collection of multiple independent images that operate on the Firepower Supervisor and Firepower security module/engine. The platform bundle is a Firepower eXtensible Operating System software package.

  • Application—Application images are the software images you want to deploy on the security module/engine of the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. Application images are delivered as Cisco Secure Package files (CSP) and are stored on the supervisor until deployed to a security module/engine as part of logical device creation or in preparation for later logical device creation. You can have multiple different versions of the same application image type stored on the Firepower Supervisor.


If you are upgrading both the Platform Bundle image and one or more Application images, you must upgrade the Platform Bundle first.

Downloading Images from

Download FXOS and application images from so you can upload them to the Firepower chassis.

Before you begin

You must have a account.


Step 1

Using a web browser, navigate to or

The software download page for the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis is opened in the browser.
Step 2

Find and then download the appropriate software image to your local computer.

Downloading a Firepower eXtensible Operating System Software Image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis

You can use FTP, SCP, SFTP, or TFTP to copy the FXOS software image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

Before you begin

Collect the following information that you will need to import a configuration file:

  • IP address and authentication credentials for the server from which you are copying the image

  • Fully qualified name of the FXOS image file


Step 1

Enter firmware mode:

Firepower-chassis # scope firmware

Step 2

Download the FXOS software image:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # download image URL

Specify the URL for the file being imported using one of the following syntax:

  • ftp://username@hostname/ path/ image_name

  • scp://username@hostname/ path/ image_name

  • sftp://username@hostname/ path/ image_name

  • tftp://hostname: port-num/ path/ image_name

Step 3

To monitor the download process:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # show package image_name detail


The following example copies an image using the SCP protocol:

Firepower-chassis # scope firmware
Firepower-chassis /firmware # download image scp://user@
Firepower-chassis /firmware # show package fxos-k9. detail
Download task:
    File Name: fxos-k9.
    Protocol: scp
    Downloaded Image Size (KB): 5120
    State: Downloading
    Current Task: downloading image fxos-k9. from

Verifying the Integrity of an Image

The integrity of the image is automatically verified when a new image is added to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis. If needed, you can use the following procedure to manually verify the integrity of an image.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter firmware mode:

Firepower-chassis# scope firmware

Step 3

List images:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # show package

Step 4

Verify the image:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # verify platform-pack version version_number

version_number is the version number of the FXOS platform bundle you are verifying--for example, 1.1(2.51).

Step 5

The system will warn you that verification could take several minutes.

Enter yes to confirm that you want to proceed with verification.

Step 6

To check the status of the image verification:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # show validate-task

Upgrading the Firepower eXtensible Operating System Platform Bundle

Before you begin

Download the platform bundle software image from (see Downloading Images from and then download that image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis (see Downloading a Logical Device Software Image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis).


The upgrade process typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes.

If you are upgrading a Firepower 9300 or Firepower 4100 Series security appliance that is running a standalone logical device or if you are upgrading a Firepower 9300 security appliance that is running an intra-chassis cluster, traffic will not traverse through the device while it is upgrading.

If you are upgrading Firepower 9300 or a Firepower 4100 Series security appliance that is part of an inter-chassis cluster, traffic will not traverse through the device being upgraded while it is upgrading. However, the other devices in the cluster will continue to pass traffic.


Step 1

Connect to the FXOS CLI (see Accessing the FXOS CLI).

Step 2

Enter firmware mode:

Firepower-chassis# scope firmware

Step 3

Enter auto-install mode:

Firepower-chassis /firmware # scope auto-install

Step 4

Install the FXOS platform bundle:

Firepower-chassis /firmware/auto-install # install platform platform-vers version_number

version_number is the version number of the FXOS platform bundle you are installing--for example, 1.1(2.51).

Step 5

The system will first verify the software package that you want to install. It will inform you of any incompatibility between currently installed applications and the specified FXOS platform software package. It will also warn you that any existing sessions will be terminated and that the system will need to be rebooted as part of the upgrade.

Enter yes to confirm that you want to proceed with verification.

Step 6

Enter yes to confirm that you want to proceed with installation, or enter no to cancel the installation.

The Firepower eXtensible Operating System unpacks the bundle and upgrades/reloads the components.

Step 7

To monitor the upgrade process:

  1. Enter scope firmware .

  2. Enter scope auto-install .

  3. Enter show fsm status expand .

Downloading a Logical Device Software Image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis

You can use FTP, SCP, SFTP, or TFTP to copy the logical device software image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis.

Before you begin

Collect the following information that you will need to import a configuration file:

  • IP address and authentication credentials for the server from which you are copying the image

  • Fully qualified name of the software image file


Step 1

Enter Security Services mode:

Firepower-chassis # scope ssa

Step 2

Enter Application Software mode:

Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope app-software

Step 3

Download the logical device software image:

Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # download image URL

Specify the URL for the file being imported using one of the following syntax:

  • ftp://username@hostname/path

  • scp://username@hostname/path

  • sftp://username@hostname/path

  • tftp://hostname:port-num/path

Step 4

To monitor the download process:

Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # show download-task

Step 5

To view the downloaded applications:

Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # up

Firepower-chassis /ssa # show app

Step 6

To view details for a specific application:

Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope app application_type image_version

Firepower-chassis /ssa/app # show expand


The following example copies an image using the SCP protocol:

Firepower-chassis # scope ssa
Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope app-software
Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # download image scp://user@
Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # show download-task

Downloads for Application Software:
    File Name                      Protocol   Server               Userid          State
    ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- --------------- -----
    cisco-asa.         Scp          user            Downloaded

Firepower-chassis /ssa/app-software # up

Firepower-chassis /ssa # show app

    Name       Version    Description Author     Deploy Type CSP Type    Is Default App
    ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------------
    asa   N/A                    Native      Application No
    asa   N/A                    Native      Application Yes

Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope app asa
Firepower-chassis /ssa/app # show expand

    Name: asa
    Description: N/A
    Deploy Type: Native
    CSP Type: Application
    Is Default App: Yes

    App Attribute Key for the Application:
        App Attribute Key Description
        ----------------- -----------
        cluster-role      This is the role of the blade in the cluster
        mgmt-ip           This is the IP for the management interface
        mgmt-url          This is the management URL for this application

    Net Mgmt Bootstrap Key for the Application:
        Bootstrap Key Key Data Type Is the Key Secret Description
        ------------- ------------- ----------------- -----------
        PASSWORD      String        Yes               The admin user password.

    Port Requirement for the Application:
        Port Type: Data
        Max Ports: 120
        Min Ports: 1

        Port Type: Mgmt
        Max Ports: 1
        Min Ports: 1

        Mgmt Port Sub Type for the Application:
            Management Sub Type

        Port Type: Cluster
        Max Ports: 1
        Min Ports: 0
Firepower-chassis /ssa/app #

Updating the Image Version for a Logical Device

Use this procedure to upgrade the ASA application image to a new version, or set the Firepower Threat Defense application image to a new startup version that will be used in a disaster recovery scenario.

After initial creation of a FTD logical device, you do not upgrade the FTD logical device using Firepower Chassis Manager or the FXOS CLI. To upgrade a FTD logical device, you must use Firepower Management Center. See the Firepower System Release Notes for more information:

Also, note that any updates to the FTD logical device will not be reflected on the Logical Devices > Edit and System > Updates pages in Firepower Chassis Manager. On these pages, the version shown indicates the software version (CSP image) that was used to create the FTD logical device.

When you change the startup version on an ASA logical device, the ASA upgrades to that version and all configuration is restored. Use the following workflows to change the ASA startup version, depending on your configuration:

ASA High Availability -

  1. Change the logical device image version(s) on the standby unit.

  2. Make the standby unit active.

  3. Change the application version(s) on the other unit.

ASA Inter-Chassis Cluster -

  1. Change the startup version on the data unit.

  2. Make the data unit the control unit.

  3. Change the startup version on the original control unit (now data).

Before you begin

Download the application image you want to use for the logical device from (see Downloading Images from and then download that image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis (see Downloading a Logical Device Software Image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis).

If you are upgrading both the Platform Bundle image and one or more Application images, you must upgrade the Platform Bundle first.


Step 1

Enter Security Services mode:

Firepower-chassis # scope ssa

Step 2

Set the scope to the security module you are updating:

Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope slot slot_number

Step 3

Set the scope to the application you are updating:

Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot # scope app-instance app_template

Step 4

Set the Startup version:

Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance # set startup-version version_number

Step 5

Commit the configuration:


Commits the transaction to the system configuration. The application image is updated and the application restarts.


The following example updates the software image for an ASA running on security module 1. Notice that you can use the show command to view the update status.

Firepower-chassis# scope ssa
Firepower-chassis /ssa # scope slot 1
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot # scope app-instance asa
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance # set startup-version
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance* # show configuration pending
 enter app-instance asa
+    set startup-version
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance* # commit-buffer
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance # show

Application Instance:
    Application Name Admin State Operational State Running Version Startup Version
    ---------------- ----------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
    asa              Enabled     Updating
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance # 
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance # show

Application Instance:
    Application Name Admin State Operational State Running Version Startup Version
    ---------------- ----------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
    asa              Enabled     Online  
Firepower-chassis /ssa/slot/app-instance #

Manually Downgrading to Version 2.0.1 or Lower

Follow these CLI steps to manually downgrade the CIMC image on a security module.


This procedure is used specifically to downgrade to version 2.0.1 or lower, from version 2.1.1 or higher.

Before you begin

Ensure the application image you want to downgrade to has been downloaded to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis (see Downloading Images from and Downloading a Logical Device Software Image to the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis).


Step 1

Disable image version comparison before downgrading the CIMC image.

Follow the steps in this example to clear the default platform image version:


firepower# scope org
firepower /org # scope fw-platform-pack default
firepower /org/fw-platform-pack # set platform-bundle-version ""
Warning: Set platform version to empty will result software/firmware incompatibility issue.
firepower /org/fw-platform-pack* # commit-buffer
firepower /org/fw-platform-pack # 

Step 2

Downgrade the module image.

Follow the steps in this example to change the CIMC image:


firepower# scope server 1/1
firepower /chassis/server # scope cimc
firepower /chassis/server/cimc # update firmware <version_num>
firepower /chassis/server/cimc* # activate firmware <version_num>
firepower /chassis/server/cimc* # commit-buffer
firepower /chassis/server/cimc # 

Repeat this step as necessary to update other modules.

Step 3

Install the new firmware bundle.

Follow the steps in this example to install the downgrade image:


firepower# scope firmware
firepower /firmware # scope auto-install
firepower /firmware/auto-install # install platform platform-vers <version_num>
The currently installed FXOS platform software package is <version_num>

WARNING: If you proceed with the upgrade, the system will reboot.

This operation upgrades firmware and software on Security Platform Components
Here is the checklist of things that are recommended before starting Auto-Install
(1) Review current critical/major faults
(2) Initiate a configuration backup
Do you want to proceed? (yes/no):

What to do next

You can use the show fsm status expand command in firmware/auto-install mode to monitor the installation process.